Beautiful wedding night. Bridal Bedroom: Design Tips How to Decorate a Bridal Bedroom

The most intimate, personal place in the house is always the bedroom. We need this place for privacy, relaxation and sleep, so we need to think through its layout especially carefully. More more attention You need to pay attention to creating a bedroom for loving spouses in order to maintain a reliable romantic relationship at the proper level. The marital bedroom is a special place for its owners, where a sensual atmosphere should be maintained. A lot depends on how the marital bedroom is organized: the state of people in the mornings and evenings, their mood, as well as the relationship between spouses.

Naturally, the atmosphere in the home and family depends not only on the design of this room, but it also plays an important role in this matter. We’ll talk below about how best to think through the design of a married bedroom, what tips for organizing space you can use, and what a married bedroom looks like according to Feng Shui.

Organization of space

The best option is considered to be one in which the matrimonial bedroom is only a place to sleep, and the work area, soft area and children's room are located separately. If separate space no, you can use partitions, fabrics or screens, although in this case the spouses will still feel some discomfort.

For any room, it is desirable to have a window, and the bedroom is no exception. To feel as comfortable as possible in the morning, the marital bedroom should be naturally lit. But not everyone has this opportunity. In case of deficiency or absence of natural sunlight It is important to think about artificial lighting.

The matrimonial bedroom can be made in any style: classic or vintage with decorative carvings or forged elements, minimalist with functional furniture and a minimum of decor, ethnic or rustic using natural materials, oriental or African with canopies and large beams, in loft or high-tech style with chrome elements, glass and raw surfaces. Select according to the chosen style Decoration Materials, pieces of furniture, color palette and accessories.

IN perfect bedroom for a couple there should be no clutter of furniture. The only piece of furniture here must be a bed. Wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside tables or console tables, dressing table are placed in the room only if space allows. Moreover, a built-in wardrobe is more suitable for a bedroom than a mobile wardrobe (built-in furniture will not seem very massive). It is better to place the bed in the center of the room, leaning its head against one of the walls. It is important that each spouse has access to the bed from their side, i.e. You shouldn’t lean it sideways against one of the walls.

If possible, you can create a relaxation area in the bedroom, where you can soft sofa, couch or in a chair by a floor lamp before going to bed, read a book or leaf through a magazine. But it is better to leave the TV, computer or laptop in the living room or office. It is believed that their presence leads to the appearance different interests in a couple and a break in the relationship. Business papers, documents and other work items generally have no place in the bedroom.

Thinking through the design of the matrimonial bedroom, great importance When arranging furniture and accessories, care must be taken to ensure that a person is not reflected in mirror surfaces while sleeping. This negatively affects the condition and health of a person. Therefore, wardrobe doors should not be mirrored, and the dressing table should be turned away from the bed or fenced off with a screen. Mirrors can only be installed at the head of the bed, but it is better to move them to the bathroom and dressing room.

Color scheme and accessories

The design of a married bedroom involves creating an atmosphere of relaxation and peace, so you should choose non-aggressive colors. In small rooms it is better to give preference light colors– with them the room will seem more spacious. You can think about light blue, light green, light beige shades. Yellow or sandy tones will add coziness and warmth to a cool room, and lavender, beige and blue shades will add coolness on a hot day. Brown and black colors are often used in bedroom interiors, but do not overload the room with them. This requires skillful selection of textiles and decorative elements.

If the matrimonial bedroom is located in a large room, and you don’t want to clutter the space with furniture, one of the walls can be decorated with wallpaper or panels with small patterns. This way the room will not seem empty.

Some decorate their bedrooms in bright, flashy shades, but here it is worth thinking about the future. If a bedroom for newlyweds can be made using bright red, bright blue or orange shades, then it will be quite difficult for a mature couple to relax in such a space.

Textile materials should be given special attention. It is advisable to use natural fabrics, since the health of family members depends on them. And the color must be chosen depending on the overall color scheme of the room. Combinations of black, white and red or burgundy look interesting, where decorative elements will be bright: candlesticks, vases, bed linen.

It is important to consider the lighting in the bedroom. If there is not enough natural light in the space even during the day, you should think about bright overhead lighting and several local light sources: floor lamps near the bed, desk lamp on bedside tables or sconce. Moreover, for local light sources it is better to choose matte shades or lampshades. For creating romantic setting You can buy candles, but do not forget about fire safety.

A lot of accessories in the bedroom will be superfluous. Pair of paintings, large decorative vase, decorative pillows, several figurines depending on the style of the room will complement general design bedrooms. If you want to further decorate your bedroom and give it originality, you can use decorative stickers on the walls, wallpaper with graphic design or photo wallpaper on one of the walls, wicker baskets or interesting chest for storing things. When decorating a room, it is important that the interior and decor items are in harmony with each other, otherwise the space will feel cluttered.

Feng Shui decoration

Now there is great amount people who, when decorating their home, use the advice of the teachings of Feng Shui to attract prosperity, health, vigor and fertility into life. In the bedroom interior, these rules are of particular importance, since most We spend time at home in the bedroom. We will look at some of the tips on how a marital bedroom should look like according to Feng Shui below.

One of the important rules is the following: the bedroom for newlyweds and for mature spouses should not be irregular shape(triangle or polygon shape). It is advisable in any room that it tends to be in the shape of a square or rectangle. If the space has several projections or niches, it is advisable to correct them by arranging furniture or screens.

It is better not to hang shelves in the bedroom, especially above the bed. The ceiling above the bed should also be without additional beams. It is better to hide them using low ceiling. In general, it is not recommended to place massive furniture next to the bed - it has a depressing effect on a person. The bed must have legs, even for those who like to sleep low, almost on the floor. Energy should circulate throughout the entire space of the room, and under the bed too, so there should be at least a minimal rise from the floor.

Feng Shui prohibits placing paintings or images related to water in the bedroom. Water element also should not be present in the form of aquariums, fountains, or vases of flowers. Image of flowers and decorative flowers It’s also better not to use it when decorating a bedroom. By the way, decorative elements (figurines, candlesticks, floor lamps or vases) in the spouses’ bedroom should be paired.

Particular attention in this teaching is given to the bed and its position. It should not be round, and when lying on it, a person should see the entrance to the room, i.e. the bed should be diagonal from the door. It is not recommended to place the matrimonial bed so that the person’s feet are directed towards the door. This weakens the energy and, accordingly, has a bad effect on a person’s well-being. It is also better not to point the foot of the bed towards a corner of the room or towards a window.

A young couple can place one of the talismans that promote fertility and love in the room opposite the bed or at its head. The headboard or headboard, by the way, is very important because it protects personal relationships from the intrusion of others. Another rule for both young and mature couples is to use one large mattress on the bed. The separation of spouses, even visually imperceptible, can lead to discord in the relationship.

It is also important to regularly ventilate the room. In addition to being healthy, it also brings freshness and novelty to the couple's relationship.

Whether you take the advice of Feng Shui or not is entirely up to you. The main thing when decorating your own matrimonial bedroom is the convenience and comfort of the inhabitants. If you both feel comfortable round bed, sleep on it. If it is more convenient without a backrest, purchase a bed without a headboard. Choose colors so that you like them, so that you can relax in this room in the evening and wake up in the morning in a great mood. Spending the night in a trendy bedroom without really getting any rest is a completely unnecessary sacrifice. Live, sleep, love, relax and unwind in a way that makes you feel pleasant and comfortable!

What do you need to know about the principles of decoration, lighting and layout so that this room gives pleasure and enriches family life with positive emotions, rather than disputes and disagreements? Which generally accepted rules are worth obeying, and which are it wiser to abandon?

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1. Finish colors: bright or calm? It is believed that the colors in the bedroom should be muted and soft to create an atmosphere of peace. But the bedroom for newlyweds is not contraindicated bright colors and catchy decor. Here it is important not to overdo it; it is better to place design accents not opposite the bed, but at the head or on the side, or transfer the accents to textiles (bed linen, bedspread, easily moved part of the curtains). Another option is to do bright decor temporarily invisible (equip the window with thick curtains that create deep darkness, for example, a roller blind made of opaque fabric, blinds).

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Bright accents are welcome in the bedroom of young people. Thick curtains will help ensure complete relaxation during the day, and dim lighting in the evening.

2. Ceiling: white or colored? The first thing a waking person’s gaze falls on is the ceiling, then the walls. Painted or stretch ceiling the colors of grass and sky, crimson and gold. For traditionalists, a white ceiling decorated with stucco and/or a fresco with an amorous scene will suit, and for romantically minded spouses, perhaps, an image starry sky on a photo-printed tension system with LEDs.

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Few people will not see the ceiling when going to bed or waking up in the morning, which means it needs to be decorated in such a way that the design evokes positive emotions among the owners of the bedroom.

3. Walls: colorful or plain? Modern fashion is multivariate and eclectic, so everything depends on the taste of the spouses. A single-color finish with different gradations of tone in cool colors will inspire peace and tranquility, while in warm colors it will give coziness and cause an emotional upsurge. Wallpaper with polychrome pattern - good remedy both from excessive anxiety and from routine, only the remaining details of decoration and furnishings are best made neutral (white, black, to match one of the soft colors on the wallpaper) - it will turn out not boring and stylish.

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A pattern on the bedroom walls will help distract those who are used to “getting hung up” on problems. However, the choice of bedroom design option depends on the personal preferences and lifestyle of the spouses.

4. Lighting: dim or bright? During daylight hours, doctors recommend opening curtains as much as possible - Sun rays kill germs. For the same reason, it is preferable for the bedroom windows to face sunny side. For light darkening, complement thick curtains with translucent tulle or colored organza. Artificial lighting should also be multivariate: a bright chandelier, complement bedside lamps with softer lighting with hidden lights; place switches at the entrance to the room and next to the headboard to easily change the illumination.

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The intensity of natural insolation is regulated by curtains, but the scenario of artificial lighting should also be carefully considered - in particular, it is good to complement bedside lamps with hidden lighting.

5. Textures: pronounced or smooth? It is believed that a variety of tactile sensations brings emotionality to a relationship, and this is exactly what many married couples lack. That's why flooring brushed solid board or from velvety cork, wallpaper with silk threads and straw, velvet curtains and silk linen, etc. - will create a favorable background in the marital bedroom.

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Bed linen made from fabrics with different tactile qualities, such as a combination of silk and cashmere, helps to diversify tactile sensations, creating a favorable emotional background in the bedroom.

6. Place to sleep: near the wall or in the center? A rectangular bed with a regular headboard can be placed in the center of the room or with the headboard facing the wall. At the same time, a high bed is suitable for older spouses (it is more comfortable to lie down and get up from it). But the now popular round low bed, as a rule, is located away from the walls. This option is aimed at young and energetic people, while the rectangular and high bed universal, an ordinary bedroom in a house “with traditions” cannot do without it. Another rule is important for her: since the bedroom is intended for two, the bed should be conveniently approached from both sides.

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A round low bed is for the young and energetic, those who are tired of stereotypes and those who simply do not want to sleep against the wall.

7. Bed: with or without headboard? The best option for a matrimonial room is a high headboard, upholstered in leather or textiles with a soft backing, which is pleasant and safe to lean against and touch. The stationary headboard, if the bed is pushed up against the wall, can be replaced with a removable quilted rug-headboard, which is attached to a bar or decorative nails driven into the wall; another option is to hang a carpet with dense soft pile at the headboard.

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The headboard can be soft, upholstered in leather or textiles, multifunctional (with integrated tables and hidden lighting), but if the bed is perpendicular to the window opening, it should be high enough to protect from drafts.

8. Bedside tables and wardrobe: paired or separate? Mirror symmetry of the main pieces of furniture is considered preferable, but not mandatory, because each person is individual. Therefore, within a single style, variations are possible: one console table can be round, and the other square or with a storage section. The same applies to the wardrobe: the “male” and “female” sections do not have to be symmetrical and located next to each other. If the bedroom is spacious enough, a couple of wardrobes are appropriate, which differ slightly in decor, dimensions and are located in different ends rooms.

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Bedside tables in a bedroom for two, of course, can be a little different, but not in style. And according to by and large, mirror symmetry is welcome.

9. Dressing table or desk? Often the newlyweds’ bedroom is complemented by a work corner where you can sit with a laptop, or a boudoir corner with a dressing table. The dilemma of what is more important is resolved by a compromise: if there is not enough space compact table for work, it is located next to the wall mirror, which is complemented by another, rotating one, as well as a pair of sconces; for books and disks use a pair wall shelves and a roll-out (stationary) cabinet. If space allows, the table along one wall can be extended so that both can sit at it.

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Modern transforming dressing tables are good because you can sit at them with a laptop and add beauty.

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Did you know that the color of the walls in the family bedroom and the overall palette of the family room have a strong impact on our lives? Do you feel like you slept well? Do you feel a surge of strength and energy? How harmonious is your relationship with your spouse when you cross the threshold of the bedroom? - all these questions can be adjusted if you take into account the influence of the color scheme surrounding you in this room and your individual situation.

Authors of the site " Cozy home And beautiful garden with your own hands" - - shared advice from psychologists on this topic. They are based on real research and successful changes that have occurred in the lives of married couples. And although any such ideas cannot be called absolutely universal, in our opinion, they are worth listening to. Especially if your family life lasts more than 5 years.

To begin with - a few real facts, which you may have already heard of.

English psychologists noticed that family bedrooms decorated in warm colors were much more likely to motivate spouses to contact each other.

Golden and dark beige shades smoothed out differences and promoted harmonious dialogue:

And the brightest flames of passion were experienced by couples whose bedrooms featured deep red and purple tones:

Pink and blue shades contributed have a good rest, but much less - the active desire for rapprochement:

The cold shades of the walls evoked a clear desire to distance oneself.

But the worst thing was personal life for couples relaxing in bedrooms of dark tones, close to achromatic - gray, black and dark brown.

So, how do different bedroom colors affect the relationship between spouses?

Red and burgundy.

It is known to stimulate activity and passion. If one of the spouses does not have enough strength for a good foreplay, small ruby ​​or burgundy details (lamp, rug, pillows) will help cope with this problem.

However, oversaturation of the bedroom with bright red elements in large volume can lead to fatigue and interfere with quality rest. This is why you should be careful about the amount of red surfaces in the family bedroom.

If a couple tends to constantly find sources for disputes, the color red in the bedroom is contraindicated for them.

Orange and terracotta.

In muted tones it promotes friendly warmth in communication; partners are ready to give in to each other. Bright shades can be irritating, so they are not recommended for couples over 27-30 years old.


Promotes ideal relaxation for people engaged in physical labor and professional sports, helping them to tune into contact with their spouse.

The shade of the walls or large details in rich emerald shades help relieve psychological pressures and fear of expressing feelings, as well as awaken your imagination. In soft light green ones, they soften the discrepancy between the opposite temperaments of the partners and their different needs for regularity of contacts.

White wallpaper with a floral pattern in any shade of green is suitable for the bedroom of couples of any age, with the exception of those where there are fundamental problems with mutual understanding.

Blue and blue.

In combination with white, it is recommended for high-quality relaxation of spouses engaged in mental work, including working with numbers, as well as for creative people. Helps to distract from work thoughts, tune in to your partner and concentrate on sensations.

If the couple lacks passion or wants to have children, it is recommended to add 1-2 bright red accents to this color palette, preferably round in shape (night light, rug, pouf).

Violet and Beaujolais.

An interesting solution for couples who feel that their relationship lacks variety. It not only brings a certain amount of mystery into the relationship, but is also able to awaken hidden fantasies and a mutual desire to realize them.

And one more interesting advice regarding the number of colors.

Young couples feel much more confident when surrounded by a wide variety of colors, including bright ones. But if your marital experience is more than 10 years, try to limit the color palette of the bedroom to 2-3 tones, and there should not be more than one bright color.

Here are some interesting tips based on research into the lives of married couples. Think about what you would like to improve in your marital relationship and try to change the situation with the help of these recommendations!

The decor of the bedroom plays very important role in the life of its owners. After all, it is from this room that the couple’s day begins, and in this room it ends. It should be cozy, stylish, beautiful, and, of course, romantic.
In addition, it should be practical and compact. And it’s not at all difficult to make it so, you just need a little patience, imagination and skillful hands.

There are several most common styles:





High tech.

If your bedroom has small sizes, then baroque or classic style hardly suitable. It will be very overloaded with small details, and visually will decrease in volume even more.

For small rooms, a minimalist style is recommended. There is nothing superfluous or lush about it. Visually it enlarges the space very nicely. It must be remembered that minimalism involves the use of two or maximum three contrasting colors.

Therefore, first fully think over the look of your bedroom, and then go buy furniture and accessories.

Pick up desired color For a room like a bedroom this is not an easy task. Therefore, before you paint the walls, study the properties different colors. You can also see photos of bedrooms in different colors or consult with experts.

As for materials for bedroom furniture, of course, it is better to use only natural ones.

The best option is considered to be one in which the matrimonial bedroom is only a place to sleep, and the work area, soft area and children's room are located separately. If there is no separate space, you can use partitions, fabrics or screens.

For any room, it is desirable to have a window, and the bedroom is no exception. To feel as comfortable as possible in the morning, the marital bedroom should be naturally lit. If there is little or no natural sunlight, it is important to consider artificial lighting.

The design of a married bedroom involves creating an atmosphere of relaxation and peace, so you should choose non-aggressive colors. In small rooms it is better to give preference to light colors - they will make the room seem more spacious. You can think about light blue, light green, light beige shades. Yellow or sandy tones will add coziness and warmth to a cool room, and lavender, beige and blue shades will add coolness on a hot day. Brown and black colors are often used in bedroom interiors, but do not overload the room with them. This requires skillful selection of textiles and decorative elements.

The most suitable materials can be used in wall decoration different materials, but most often wallpaper is used for the bedroom, since the choice today is simply huge. You can easily pick up the same as ordinary paper wallpaper, and unusual textile or vinyl. Wallpaper that is fashionable today will look very interesting with an unusual texture that imitates, for example, crinkled paper or leather. To make the bedroom design even more impressive, wallpaper can be combined, highlighting, for example, only the area at the head of the bed or any other.

You can also decorate the ceiling in different ways. Most common today tensile structures with glossy or matte surface. The color of the ceiling can also be anything, but it is better not to use dark shades if your bedroom is of modest size.

Perfect for finishing floors parquet board or laminate. If you wish, you can lay a carpet near the bed, which will be pleasant to step on in the morning.

Common Mistakes

1. “Empty” windows

Windows without curtains or curtains are a distinctive detail of the Scandinavian and loft style. However, failure to decorate windows in other interior directions will be a blunder that will deprive your bedroom of comfort and the interior of completeness.

2. Cluttering with furniture

You shouldn’t overload your bedroom with furniture when you can limit yourself to only the most necessary furnishings.

3. Mirror ceiling

Despite all its originality, this idea often causes discomfort to the inhabitants of the room.

4. Bulky chandeliers

In the bedroom it is better to organize uniform, not very bright lighting.

5. Original pieces of furniture and accessories

Fashion designers urge us not to be afraid to express our own “I” with the help of original decorative elements And non-standard solutions. However, the mistake of interior designers is that they do not specify important rule- every detail of the interior should fit harmoniously into the overall style.

6. Emphasis on rigor

Strict interiors, which are dominated by clear lines, minimalism and laconicism in decoration, often resemble office rooms. You may like this style, but if you use it in a bedroom design, it turns out to be too uncomfortable.

7. Custom finish walls

The desire for excessive originality can be seen not only in the methods of creating interiors, but also in the materials used to decorate the surface of the walls. For example, wooden lining designed to complement ethnic style, often turns city ​​apartment in likeness country house. Textured plaster is associated with a hospital or other industrial premises, and bright photo wallpapers introduce unnecessary dissonance into the interior.

8. Props in the interior

Artificial flowers, pompous false columns, paintings in gilded frames - all this looks luxurious on the theater stage, but not in the bedroom interiors. Unnecessary decorative elements, especially if they are not combined with the overall interior design, often look too inharmonious and unnatural.

To avoid the above-mentioned mistakes in the interior, when making repairs, do not try to categorically follow fashion. Remember that our main allies harmonious interior are moderation and a sense of style.

A wedding is one of the most exciting and significant events in the life of any person. The efforts to prepare for this fateful moment are not limited to organizing the celebration and welcoming guests, because after this day there is an equally important romantic event - the wedding night. Of course, in order for two loving hearts to remember it forever, they will need a cozy, warm nest, which needs to be taken care of in advance.

Photo of the newlyweds' bedroom.

It is not without reason that, since time immemorial, there has been a tradition of preparing the bedroom for this important life moment, because there is a popular belief: the future married life of the young couple will depend on how the first wedding night goes. Even all hotels in the world today offer special rooms for newlyweds, the rental price of which, by the way, is very, very expensive.

In this regard, in order not to spend huge sums of money on renting such apartments, many decide to create a romantic nest in the house where the young family plans to continue living.

This is perhaps the most correct solution because:

  • firstly, the romantic period does not end on the wedding night;
  • and secondly, renting an apartment for a few days is sometimes more expensive than, for example, renovating a room and buying furniture.

In other words, a stylish bedroom for young people, created with their own hands in their own home, is a more cost-effective and win-win option. Therefore, let’s look further in detail at how a bedroom is competently created for newlyweds and what nuances there are regarding this topic.

The subtleties of creating a room for newlyweds

A white bedroom for newlyweds, in which the walls are draped with light fabric.

Before you start arranging the bridal bedroom, you should first choose a suitable room for this. Such a room should be located away from front door, since no extraneous noise should disturb the peace of the newlyweds, who at the beginning of their marriage life path everyone is trying free time spend time alone together.

Some remote corner in the house for these purposes will be the most the best option. Next, you should carefully consider the interior of the bedroom for a young couple, so that in the future the whole atmosphere of this room will contribute to a romantic mood and help the lovers get to know each other better, uniting their hearts for many years.

Choosing a color scheme for decorating a room

To decorate the bridal bedroom, it is advisable to use neutral tones, as shown in the photo.

When decorating a bedroom for newlyweds, you should choose colors that will:

  • promote a good romantic mood;
  • relaxed atmosphere;
  • will help create maximum comfort.

In this situation, calm, soft tones that are not boring are optimal. These include beige, pale green, soft blue, soft pink.

Note! When creating a room for newlyweds, blue, bright yellow, bright green and so on should be avoided in the decoration of walls, ceiling and floor. Such saturated colors will irritate the young couple, which is why they will not be able to concentrate on each other.

Also, such a bedroom can be decorated in pure white. But in this case, it will need to be diluted with either pastel colors, or black, burgundy or bright red, which is the color of love and passion. In the latest variations, it will be necessary to observe the measure, otherwise the room will turn out to be vulgar, which is unacceptable in this situation.

Matching Styles

Bridal room in Japanese style.

A bedroom for a young couple can be decorated in almost any style.

The most frequently used images in this situation include the following options:

  • Oriental. Newlyweds with extravagant morals may like it East style, which contains bright colors, soft carpets, silk linen, decorative pillows and a hookah with a canopy.
  • Classic. The option will do a couple who prefers a peaceful and measured lifestyle.
  • New Zealand. In such a room, the newlyweds will feel complete contact with nature, so this option The design is suitable for energetic, romantic natures.
  • Provence or shabby chic. This image was specially created for romantic, sophisticated natures who love airy curtains, roses, figurines, light canopies and light shades.
  • Minimalism. This style is suitable for energetic people with modern looks.
  • Furniture selection

    A classic bridal room divided into functional areas, one of which has a comfortable double bed.

    Double bed is the most important element interior in the bedroom for the newlyweds. Its modification should be selected in accordance with the selected room design.

    For example, for the minimalist style, both round and rectangular objects in the form of an ottoman or tatami are suitable, and for the classics - beds made of natural wood with carved legs and a richly decorated headboard. If you decide to decorate the bedroom in a tropical style, then it will be light and beautiful rattan furniture will help create the desired romantic atmosphere.

    Note! The bed for newlyweds should be spacious and comfortable. Instead, using some kind of prefabricated/collapsible structures in this case is highly not recommended.

    Also, in order for a bedroom for a young family to be as functional as possible, it will need to be installed wardrobe or create a dressing room in a specially designated area. A small sofa with a nearby table, installed near the window, will contribute to closer spiritual communication between young people on quiet evenings over a glass of champagne.

    In addition, such a room will need to be equipped with a plasma TV mounted on the wall. It will allow young people to spend their leisure time watching their favorite shows or movies without getting out of bed.

    Bedroom decoration for newlyweds

    Bridal room in Provence style, where the bed is decorated with rose petals.

    After the renovation in the bedroom has been done, the furniture has been selected, then you need to decorate this room in accordance with the solemnity and intimacy of the moment.

    Decorating the newlyweds’ bedroom is carried out using such basic elements as:

  • Textile. Without it, it is unlikely that it will be possible to decorate a bedroom for newlyweds, since curtains, bedspreads, and bed linen are integral elements interior design that help transform the room, creating a certain image and atmosphere of comfort. It is very convenient for such a special day to use sets of bedspreads with curtains made of various airy fabrics.
  • They can be complemented with night slippers, pajamas, towels and bathrobes. You can hang a canopy over the bed, which will not only decorate the bedroom, but also add even more romance. As for underwear, special attention should be paid to it, as it symbolizes the purity and sincerity of the relationship.

    For their wedding night, sophisticated people can choose pastel accessories:

    • white,
    • soft pink,
    • pale blue,
    • cream color with ruffles, lace and embroidery.

    A more dynamic, relaxed and emotional couple will suit silk lingerie in red, burgundy or black. Various sizes pillows designed to match the color and style of the bedspread or other interior elements, which help you sit more comfortably on the bed, will additionally decorate the bedroom, enlivening it.

    This photo shows how textiles can set the tone for the entire interior.

  • Balls. These decorative attributes will be appropriate in a room decorated in any style. They create an atmosphere of ease, celebration and romance.
  • Flowers. These wedding attributes, which also create an atmosphere of solemnity and romanticism, can be used to decorate the bedroom in bouquets, as well as in petals scattered on the bed or laid out in the shape of a heart, as well as in any artistic compositions.
  • Bouquets and compositions can be placed on the floor, bedside tables, windowsill, the main thing is that they are in stable flowerpots.

    When choosing a particular variety of flowers, you should take into account that they should not emit a suffocating aroma, therefore the best option are:

    • roses,
    • gerberas,
    • tulips,
    • calla lilies and other similar, mildly scented species.

    The photo shows a composition of flowers in the shape of hearts.

  • Candles. The design of a bedroom for newlyweds is often carried out using these decorative elements, as they create a special intimate atmosphere of love in the interior, in which the newlyweds feel more confident and comfortable.
  • The color of candles or candlesticks should match the main accents in the room. This could be curtains, decorative pillows or furniture. The actual configuration of the candles is also no less important, since their geometry must be combined with the overall style of the room.

    For example, if the bedroom for a young couple is decorated in a classic way, then tall thin candles in gilding with spiral embossing would not be out of place. Heart-shaped candles will fit perfectly into the shabby chic or Provence style.

    A set of candles with a stand to decorate the newlyweds' bedroom.

    Note! Some people are allergic to a certain type of flower, so the choice of one or another option should be made jointly by the young couple. Otherwise, the newlyweds may spend their first wedding night not in bed, but in the hospital, if one of them has an intolerance to any flower.


    Finally, it should be emphasized that wedding photos are very important thing in the life of a young couple together, so when arranging a bedroom, you must remember to choose a space for them. For example, on the wall these reminders of joyful event Can be hung in beautiful frames.

    If you still don't have any ideas, then the video in this article will serve as a guide for you. visual instructions, and, most likely, will help you decide in which room you will begin your happy family life.