Beautiful statuses to the core. Statuses with meaning

If in a friendship there is not a single quarrel, not a single insult, and no suffering, then this is not friendship. (m)

Anyone can offend, but only a few can apologize, and in such a way that the cause of the offense is forgotten.

Only ignorance gives us the strength to live. And the name of this ignorance is hope.

Sometimes nostalgia began to invite me to return home.

The bear walks around the room in boots, but only finds empty walls. On the heart there is a patch from the ear. The fool is stuffed with soft cotton wool.

Leaving go. Cross out the address, burn the bridges, leave yourself no opportunity to return. Otherwise, stay.

One who throws dirt cannot have clean hands.

Why do you do this with your friends? You were friends with her, shared secrets! And she just used you! And she didn’t care about your problems!

So when you have nothing to do on the bus, look to see if you got a lucky ticket? =)

Despite everything for loved one you can always find time.

O shadows of the past, how powerful you are over us! © Valery Bryusov

Your own joy and happiness.

Why is everything complicated, engaged, actively searching, has a friend, married, single, but why isn’t anyone needed?!).

The worst part is that after the awesome kiss you apologized.

As one said clever man, I don’t remember his name, and I’ve already forgotten what he said, but it was a good idea.)

Don't thank me, just start sculpting my statue.

It’s interesting that the Ranetki group will grow old. What will they be called later? - kampot from ranetki. XD

There's too much of you. In the spring. In the air. In thoughts. In heart. But you're not around

Man is strange - he loves, even if it hurts. Forgives even when he hates. He begins to appreciate and understand only when he loses.

Never rush anywhere. What is yours in life will wait for you, will not go anywhere, and what is not yours will not catch up with you.

I lived fourteen years without love. ©

Sometimes people say - it’s not what you thought, - damn, how do you know what I thought? Are you reading minds?

Why rush between two fires when you can choose one and know for sure that it will warm you with its warmth and love?

Loyalty is the most terrible revenge of a woman on a man.

If you fall into a puddle, don’t be sad, start splashing around, as if it was meant to be. Passers-by gasp!)

Dear graduates, it’s already been a week and last call. Farewell waltz. Girls in uniforms, boys in suits, parents and students are crying. Eh.

And even when buying a ticket to the other end, you think about her and what happened!

Next to you, I only need a moment to understand that only with you I want to spend eternity.

We ourselves open our soul, but it closes automatically.

Tears are words that the heart cannot say.

In time, what needs to happen will happen. The only thing you need to do is stop doubting.

Fake tears can hurt others, but a fake smile only hurts yourself.

Nah. Black cat Not only did she cross the road, she also made two circles around it. I’m sitting here and thinking - what’s the point of this?

Walk proudly, smile cheerfully and let them all wonder why you are rejoicing.

If you are able to answer an insult with a smile, then you are growing up.

The character must be strong to say and do the same thing.

I recently realized that because of my pride, I missed a lot in life.

There is something good in every person, it depends on you whether you can see it or not.

Life is a game. And while you're playing it. You can still win!

I have a sharply negative attitude towards events a la “The Golden Toilet”. the artists there are like cattle on their hind legs, trampling, clapping, dressed up to their own soundtrack. © Sergey Mazaev

If it's fate, we'll see each other again.

The train, of course, can return, but there will be completely different people at the stop.

Most The best way The answer to meaningless questions is silence.

What happens to you happens only to you. No one will ever be able to look at the world through your eyes, to see what you see. And understand it the way you understand it.

We have exactly as many virtues in our souls as we see in other people.

You don't need to have wings to fly. You need to have people in life who will support you and won’t let you fall.

Every person is complex. Look for one whose complexity you will enjoy.

You know, she hasn't changed. A girl with gray eyes and a bright past. Who loves to daydream and orange juice in the morning. Yours*

[just because you have wings does not mean that you are an angel. Succubus also have wings]

It happens that at some point everything changes. The attitude towards certain things, towards conversations, towards people changes. We move away from those we thought were indispensable.

Good taste speaks not so much of intelligence as of clarity of judgment.

Fortune sometimes gives too much, but never enough!

Learn to find joy in life, this is the best way to attract happiness.

You are the only reason for my past happiness and present pain.

It is unlikely that any of the proctologists dreamed in childhood of becoming what they became. Life just happened that way.

A lover does not always confess his love, and a man who confesses his love does not always love.

Tears are a defensive liquid.

Strong is not the one who did not fall, but the one who fell and got up!

A beautiful girl is almost never alone, but, alas, she is often lonely.

Beautiful does not mean a toy. Bitch does not mean heartless. Lonely does not mean loner. Being in love doesn't mean happy.

When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness and sadness increases.

If you are inactive now, then either you have uncertainty ahead, or you regret something.

If you find yourself in different sides barricades built by someone - tear down these barricades!

If you do nothing, you will get the same thing.

Life is a game we play without knowing the rules, levels, and we lose more often than we win.

A woman justifies her infidelity if she feels unhappy in her marriage.

If you want, you will find time; if you don’t want, you will find a reason.

Let it be known to you: everyone feels sorry for the weak, but envy must be earned!

Everyone puts into the concept of happiness what they lack most.

Every woman loves being given flowers until she finds out that others are given diamonds.

Anyone looking for an ideal friend will be left without friends.

Sometimes you just want to turn around and tell everyone: Fuck you!

Sometimes we cry from laughing, but Lately, we laugh more and more often in order not to cry. We are consumed by sadness.

Sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you. But it just seems. In fact, no one cares about you.

Cherish what you have. Fight for what you can lose. And appreciate everything that is dear to you!

The road called “later” leads to a country called “nowhere.”

In order to understand that this is shit, you don’t have to taste it.

What makes a good day is not the date or the weather, but the people.

Drive away your friends who betrayed you once, who betrayed you once will betray you twice!

It is at that moment when you realize that you know a person 1OO%, he will prove to you that you know nothing about him.

You know, it’s so offensive when your own mother behaves as if you are the last piece of shit in the world.

Tomorrow will be a new day, again sadness, melancholy.

Stupid guys often confuse naturalness with bad manners and rudeness.

A woman always leaves a chance. It doesn't matter, to yourself or to him. Just a chance.

There are many ways to kill time - and not one to resurrect it.

If you want to get to know a person, don't listen to what others say about him. Listen to what he says about others.

Any person on our way meets for a reason. One will bring joy, and the other will teach you how to live and strengthen your character.

Love is not a disease. Illness is the absence of love.

"Baurzhan Toyshibekov"

Don't be afraid of losing someone. People destined by fate are not lost. The ones that get lost are for experience.

Our most big problems arise when avoiding small ones.

Our life has meaning only as much as we sincerely want to live.

Don't expect a miracle - miracles are the consequences of our actions.

The opinions of others must be respected and taken into account, like the weather. But nothing more.

Leave it muddy water at rest, and it will become clean and transparent.

You can fool anyone, but never a fool.

Lousy. Burn all your bridges and realize that you are on the wrong side.

It’s not difficult to put a point. It is more difficult to see how the person for whom you least wanted pain, all the time adds two more to this point.

She can sit like this for hours: listening to the same song, wiping her tears with her palm and convincing herself that she doesn’t care.

Words can squeeze out the soul, and it flows out through the eyes. That's why people cry.

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love.

Excessive touchiness is a sign of lack of intelligence or some kind of complex.

Out of thousands of those who speak beautifully, I will choose the one who silently does things.

When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him. And it will remain in your hands.

Rely only on yourself - great way stop being disappointed in people and live in a great mood.

We often chase after what we essentially don’t need.

I don’t listen to those who say that I’m wasting my life, because at least I’m living, and someone is talking.

I don't talk about life, I live.

You can never forget what you want to forget most!

Everything human is sad. The hidden source of humor is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.

If the world were good place, we wouldn't cry at birth.

Day and night she cries to the same music. Tears are rolling down, and she is still trying to convince herself of indifference.

As I often notice and admit this unwillingly, my friends of yesterday hurt me today.

How hard it is when friends move to another city.

Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!

If you want to continue, don't tell anyone about the beginning.

Life loves to create darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side.

Life is a textbook that closes only with your last breath.

Roses are more expensive and last longer when your soul is invested in the bouquet and gift.

If you have never betrayed your soul, then you don’t have one!

Statuses about pain in the soul

In difficult times, only music can calm the soul.

Again I mistook the hangover for the longing of my soul for you...

My soul hurts with terrible force, no matter how much you tie it with ribbons: she gave me happiness on credit, and then took it away with interest.

For you, I play positive, for myself, I suppress the pain in my soul.

Nothing hurts forever: neither a tooth, nor a soul.

Tears are the words that the soul wanted, but could not say.

They spat on my soul so many times that it seems to me that it choked and died...

The soul is not an organ of our body... but its pain is incommensurable with anything...

Not one status can express the pain that you caused my soul!

An inexplicable thing is the soul. Nobody knows where he is, but everyone knows how much it hurts.

There is no stronger heartache that hearts in love cause each other.

Sad about the soul

The soul experiences an attack of acute pain from deceitful faces, empty emotions, weak will...

The soul burns from the fire, and the hands shake the wrists. He does not choose me, but I wish him happiness.

Thanks to life experience, the intuition for a rotten soul is well developed.

I really want to cry, but my pride doesn’t allow me.

And I know how to laugh, even when my heart is very bad!

An open soul has one drawback - people often spit on it...

The most cheerful people have the saddest souls.

Sometimes a wide smile hides a wounded soul.

About the soul with meaning

And dozens of those who wanted your body are not worth the little finger of the one who loved your soul...

Don’t open your soul to the first person you meet, he might inadvertently shake you out of it.

If you are trying to warm someone's cold heart, conquer the soul first.

Love is when your soul sees its reflection in another soul... - statuses about the soul

If our mental wounds turned into physical wounds, we would be like cheese...

The beauty of a girl lies in her soul. Anyone who can see it is truly a happy person.

When leaving my heart, close the door with your soul, not with your heart!

You are so insanely good, And so tender, and so innocent. And my soul is waiting to meet with you alone, my goddess!

There are so many heartfelt statuses about our beloved mothers, but our fathers are also the best, right?)

It’s a pity that there is no person in my life whom I can simply approach, hug tenderly and whisper in my ear “I love you.”

I asked my little sister: “What are snowflakes?” And she answered: “Flies in pajamas.” This is so cute. ;)

The soul is the greatest miracle of the world.

I so want to cuddle up to you, swim in love with you all night, remember the caresses of your hands and the taste of beautiful, sweet lips!

I want Orbit with the taste of “happiness”...

An open soul is the most accessible target.

You know, you can call me whatever you want, just add “my” at the end from the bottom of your heart.

A best friend is not the person whose passwords from contacts and asi I know by heart, but the one whose passwords are my personal data.

Everyone is interested in how you are doing... But it would be better not to do this! You pour out your soul, and the only answer is “I see.”

Dad left... At night I came, lay down next to my mother... I listened... I heard her heavy breathing, heartbeat and cried... Mommy, I love you...

People don’t notice how she cries at night when she goes through life laughing!

When the soul asks for a holiday... ...the wallet asks for mercy!)

No one can kiss as tenderly as he kisses...

Every time the phone rings and mom says it's me... I still hope it's you calling!

Crazy, I still love him, my soul trembles at his name, sadness still squeezes my chest, I pray to the Creator for him!

I love my dad very much! He has not been with me for more than a year... I will always remember him. Take care of your loved ones! Love them! It hurts to lose loved ones. Hope you're in heaven!

I'm afraid to break your heart... Of my toys, you become the most beloved...

Only one person asked me: “Did you have lunch today? Do you have warm boots for the winter?” So I married him.

I dream that you will call... I pray to God about it. And you will say “my dear baby, I love you, I love you”! I dream that you will find me and, with a beckoning voice, say tenderly “you are in my heart”...

And who said that I love him? No! I just can't live without him!

Time has long stopped healing. And I stopped dreaming a long time ago. I'm tired of screaming. I'm tired of being silent. But you don't want to understand me.

The most beautiful woman- this is a pregnant woman. :)

I found a letter from my younger sister (7 years old): “Santa Claus, help my sister pass her exams. She’s good.” Love her! :)

Instead of a dry “Hello”, I want to hear “Yes, my little one!”

I love rain, long sleep, tea with lemon and you!

He just has warm palms and a sweet smile. It’s just that his eyes are the most dear and beloved. He's just mine. I just love him...

If I bring joy to at least one person, then I haven’t lived in vain!)

It’s so nice when you come up to your dad and ask: “Dad, am I good with you?” And he replies: “You are my best!”

Anyway, each of us kissed in the entrance. ;)

How sometimes I wish that some were alive.

We are all pebbles or stones on the ocean shore. Black, gray, speckled, white, sometimes transparent. And everyone’s soul is different. Some are black, some are speckled, some are white. Well, perhaps it’s transparent only in newborns. Not dirty.....

Mom is the first word, the main thing in every destiny!

Even the most strong people need friends.


For some reason I want it so much
The soul has blossomed, if you want, pick it
Her light will never end

What to do with it?
Yes you know she
Helps in the world
Oh, if only so much wine would flow
May everyone have something that warms and shines

You can drink this sweet nectar
And write them poems and paintings
You see, people noticed in the old days,
Whoever is happy with his soul for some reason

You can just carry it in your breast pocket
Near the heart... Warm your soul...
When it's sad to be sad for a couple...
Sadness for a couple will not be great

You see, the heart has a soul -
This. Something like this
That a nasty life is good too
If life is good, everything else is good...

Well, if you love her...
Although, whatever... there’s no need...
Being loved is not a thing for her
And the lamp of love in her does not go out...

For some reason I really want love in my life
For some reason I want it so much
The soul has blossomed... if you want, pick it...
Her light will never end...

Statuses of the soul, of my soul

Mental statuses- this is not just a set of words in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or others in social networks. The lines that a person writes on his page can tell friends and relatives about what is going on in his soul. Perhaps he is asking for help.

You simply need to pay attention to mental statuses, especially if you are not indifferent to the fate of this person. More beautiful offers and phrases can lift the mood of those around you. In our article you can read interesting spiritual statuses for all occasions.

Statuses about love

Many people experience depression. After all, love visited them. Mental statuses will help you understand the feelings and thoughts of people who have gone through this:

1. Once alone a wise man said: “Only mutual love brings happiness and joy in the soul. One-sided love is a serious illness that urgently needs to be cured.”

2. Love can be compared to chocolate. It starts with “Bounty” (heavenly delight), continues with “Twix” (two sticks), and the conclusion is “Kinder Surprise - a whim of the night.”

3. Appreciate someone who is nearby, supports, understands, loves and forgives. There is no need to chase after someone who gets along just fine without you; understand, everything is fine with him anyway.

4. A person in love does not look with his eyes, but with his soul and heart.

4. It will never be simpler, easier and better. After all, this is life, and nothing can be done. So try to become happy right now. After all, then it will be too late.

5. If you are not happy with the current situation, do not worry or be upset. Just be happy, it could have been even worse.

6. Everyone says they don’t cry. However, it is not. They can cry bitterly, and then put on makeup again, fix their hair, go out into the street and smile at everyone. No one will even guess that just an hour ago this woman was very ill.

7. A man can leave unexpectedly, abruptly and quickly, but most often he returns. He begins to understand that there is no other such beloved and there never will be. A woman leaves extremely rarely, but never returns. Take care and appreciate your soulmate, because you won’t find another like him.

Statuses about family

1. When the first child was born, a real friendly family appeared.

2. In a family, you need to take into account the interests, requests and opinions of the people you love.

3. In the family, the main causes of depression and disagreement are when there is a lot of money or no money at all.

4. Peace in the family is maintained through patience, friendship, love, and of course, if there is a TV in every room.

5. An ideal family is when the husband does not reproach his wife for spending money on various trinkets, the main thing is that the refrigerator is not empty.

6. Family is not only a lot of work without rest and vacations, but also great happiness.

7. B ideal family Mom should be beautiful, and dad should work.

8. To create a family, it is enough to simply love, but to preserve it, you need to learn to forgive a lot, endure, be faithful, understand and protect everyone.

Statuses about mom

1. Mom gave us a start in life. This is the only thing I can thank her for.

2. Love your mother while she is alive. After all, only this person will not gloat. Mom can only advise and be happy for you.

3. Mom always takes care of her children. Even when in the spring she tries to put a hat on you, agree with her. Remember that you have no one more valuable than your mother and cannot be.

4. The only person who is unable to change is mom.

5. You become an adult not when you stop obeying your mother, but when you realize that your mother is right.

6. The most faithful and worthy friend is your mother. Only she will not betray you, will not abandon you in difficult times and will accept her child for who he is.

7. Mom can easily replace dad, grandma, grandpa, and friend. But no one will ever replace her, so dear.

Statuses about friendship

1. A friend is not always found in trouble. If he does not envy you in moments of happiness, then there is true friendship between you.

2. A friend should be appreciated for what he is. Even if his views on life are different, his character may not be what you want, but if he is faithful and devoted, take care of him.

3. If you lend money to your friend, consider that the friendship is over... Depending on how much he owes.

4. A friend is always with you. Even when there is no benefit for him to be near you.

5. If you meet a new person, remember that he came into your life for a reason, but for a reason. Perhaps, thanks to a new friend, your life will turn into better side. Therefore, do not reject it, but take a closer look.


Statuses about mental pain were written by those people who went through difficult life path. Therefore, they learned to express their thoughts. When you see statuses about mental pain on social networks from your loved ones or friends, write to them, call them, show attention and care. Chances are they need you.