Paint for a steam room in a bathhouse. How to cover linden lining in a steam room of a bath

Both points of view have a right to exist.

For those who have the opportunity to change the finish of the steam room every 2-3 years, it hardly makes sense to treat wooden surfaces with anything. The same applies to extremely careful fans of dry steam, and to those who rarely relax in this way.

But for the hunters to take a steam bath big company, yes, with birch brooms and aromatic oil, experts still recommend taking care of prolonging life natural material.

Moreover, specialized protective compounds are present in the range of many paint manufacturers, for example Akzo Nobel ( trademark Dulux), Belinka, Tikkurila, Teknos, Rogneda, Senezh, Empils.

Please note that all compositions for baths and saunas offered on the domestic market can be divided into two groups:

  1. for processing wood paneling bathhouse ceilings
  2. for treating walls (more numerous) and for impregnating shelves (shelves), benches and other bath elements that are in direct contact with the naked body.

Treatment of walls and ceilings of a bathhouse - with what and how?

To do right choice Among the protective compounds for treating baths and saunas, it is advisable to understand their properties. This is not difficult if you carefully read the manufacturer's instructions.

For example, the water-borne antiseptic “Sauna” (“Senezh”) on an acrylate base forms a transparent, breathable, dirt- and water-repellent heat-resistant polymer coating on wooden surfaces.

It not only protects wood from biological damage, but also has an antimicrobial effect - it destroys household pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious diseases in people.

Natura (Teknos). The initially colorless composition does not change the tone of the wood, but it can be easily tinted to any shade you like using the Teknomix system. The translucent coating will leave the natural pattern of wood fibers visible and at the same time enliven the interior.

By the way, the use of a tinted composition will help non-professionals distinguish treated surfaces from untreated ones.

An unusual, spectacular shine, along with water and dirt-repellent properties, will be given to wooden walls and ceilings by applying the pearlescent acrylate protective composition Supi Arctic (Tikkurila). If desired, it can also be tinted according to the Arctic color catalog.

How and how to treat shelves and benches in a bathhouse

Readers may have a reasonable question: “Why can’t all surfaces of baths and saunas be treated with one composition, and why do you need to buy different ones?”

The fact is that for shelves (shelves) and benches, in order to avoid burns when human skin comes into contact with them, materials have been developed that are well absorbed into wood and do not form a surface film, such as varnish. Dry wood has very low thermal conductivity, and even at a sauna temperature of over 100 ° C, its surface does not seem scalding hot. If there is a varnish film on the shelf, this will most likely lead to a burn.

So, to protect clean, untreated wooden shelves of a sauna and bathhouse, the oil compositions Sauna Natura (Teknos), Supi Laudesuoja (Tikkurila), Eurotex “Sauna” (Rogneda) are intended. It is worth remembering some nuances when using these products: they are applied to clean and dry wooden surfaces with a cloth, sponge or brush, in areas with high absorbency the treatment is repeated, then left for a while to complete the process (from 1 to 24 hours), after which heat the room. Excess oil that appears on the surface is removed with a clean cloth.

The search for the necessary funds can be facilitated by the universal protective composition Supi Saunavaha (Tikkurila) with natural wax. It is used on almost all wooden surfaces of the bath: shelves, walls, ceilings, doors, window frames.

Formulations created specifically for wooden floors in baths and saunas, it is practically impossible to find on the domestic market. This may be why the boards on the floors of steam rooms are often left unprotected.

Meanwhile, experts recommend using heat-treated wood for these purposes. It has a noticeably reduced sensitivity to the effects of adverse factors, swelling and shrinkage with changes in humidity are reduced by 20-50%, and is resistant to damage by fungi, bacteria and insects. Ordinary wood acquires similar properties only after treatment with various impregnations or varnishes.

Sometimes builders and finishers apply several layers of varnish to the floor, thinking that the thickness of the coating will make the board impervious to moisture and temperature changes. But the coating becomes slippery when water or oil gets on it, and the floor becomes unsafe. Moreover, after several bath procedures The varnish may crack and peel. If a paint manufacturer or retailer recommends a product for steam room flooring, remember that it should absorb well into the wood and not cause any discomfort.

Bath treatment - pros and cons: opinions of specialist representatives of manufacturers of treatment compositions

1. On the ceilings, walls and floors of baths and saunas from splashing aromatic oils, exposure to water, sweat, unsightly stains will certainly appear, since wood, especially when heated, quickly absorbs any liquids. This means that the owners of a steam room or sauna periodically face the problem of removing various stains and contaminants.

The most persistent of them, which cannot be removed with water and a brush, have to be cleaned with a scraper on dense, crack-free wood.

At the same time, naturally, he suffers appearance sheathing. If you cover the walls, ceilings and shelves with special protective compounds, they will remain beautiful longer, and it will be much easier to clean them.

By the way, in a sauna with aspen or linden lining, a fragment of the wall near the stove can be made from heat-treated Canadian cedar (this is a coniferous species, but thanks to heat treatment, almost all the resin is removed from the wood). Then, as the temperature rises, the room will be filled with the natural aroma of pine nuts.

2. Painting the interior of saunas with compounds not intended for this purpose is one of the typical mistakes.

Such coatings do not withstand exposure to high temperatures and steam, their durability decreases, their decorative appearance suffers, and most importantly, instead of health procedures, people inhale harmful substances that are released when the protective film is destroyed.

It forms a strong, smooth and transparent film, having high elasticity and wear resistance, resistant to moisture and temperatures (up to 120 V). The product does not contain fungicides, algaecides, insecticides and is safe for indoor use.

3. The most problem area baths and saunas are floors. Ideally, they should be made from heat-treated wood.

Due to lack special materials regular boards often coated with Unica-Super varnish, diluted 40-50% with white spirit 1050. Moreover, the varnish is used as an impregnation, preventing the formation of a varnish film on the surface (as practice shows, it quickly cracks and peels off). But it is better to use a new product - Supi Lattiadljy (Tikkurila) floor oil. It penetrates deeply into the pores of the wood, reliably protects it from moisture, dirt, and also reduces cracking. The oil emulsion is made on the basis vegetable oil. It can be applied to any wood, including heat-treated and hardwood.

When it comes to painting, It’s worth distinguishing between what can be used to paint a bathhouse inside and outside. In order to give the most complete picture of the available options, we have divided the narrative into two parts, and the one that is now in front of you is entirely devoted to how to paint the inside of the bathhouse. And here is a link to, where exterior painting is discussed in equally detail. You can also read everything about painting or just paints suitable for baths.

Listen to the article

For those who prefer to experience rather than read, we publish an audio version of the article with pictures in the video below.

Types of coatings

Let's look at all the possible coatings, regardless of what material they are intended for, because this will be discussed below.


Mold, Unfortunately, it does not make much difference between the materials on which it settles, and its harm to human health is a known thing. That's why Surfaces seem to need to be treated everywhere, but with some nuances.

IMPORTANT! Antiseptics are poisonous not only to mold, but also to humans!

Finnish bath paint Supi Lattiaolju

And we have said more than once or twice that elevated temperature - great way make all sorts of chemical hazards volatile, after which they end up in your Airways and make your life miserable.

On the other hand, we have to conclude that the Finns do not like themselves, because in the compositions intended specifically for the steam room, you will find mandatory antiseptic. Or they found a product that does not evaporate at high temperatures. Or it evaporates, but does no harm. We have no more hypotheses.

In general, the conclusion from all that has been said so far is this: Antiseptics are needed everywhere, including in the steam room. But we would still recommend using any types of separately sold antiseptics throughout the bathhouse, except for the steam room, and in the steam room - only those paints that intended only for her. Because we believe in GOSTs and other standards.

Fire retardant

This impregnation, of course, only applies to flammable materials, because it prevents them from igniting or does not allow them to maintain combustion. In general, the main application is protection of wooden structures.

Fire retardant for interior and exterior treatment

There are only two classes flame retardants– one holds back the fire for a short time, and if the temperature is exceeded, it gives up position and allows the tree to catch fire, the second is not afraid of heat, it actively protects the tree, releasing gases that cool the surface, creating a layer that prevents oxygen from accessing the wood.

Second class– this is not so much a composition as a method of impregnation. It should be deep, done under pressure, in general, work for a pro. But in practice, a composition is often used that can be applied manually, which ensures shallow impregnation. But even so, it’s good, because bathhouses burn most often.

INTERESTING! Fire retardants most often contain either boron or urea compounds.

Oil and wax impregnation

Again we are talking about wood. This material has the ability to absorb water, which causes not only swelling, but also warping, and can cause rot. Therefore, it becomes important to make a tree hydrophobic.

This task can be accomplished either oils, or wax. Typically used to impregnate wood linseed oil, it is also drying oil, but it is not recommended to use drying oil in the steam room. Instead, you can use some store-bought mixture.

Moreover, ready-made compositions can be based either on natural oils, on either oil distillation products– paraffin oil, for example.

It is also worth paying attention to oil emulsions- These are particles of fat suspended in water, which are convenient to apply to a wooden surface. In general, the consistency of oil impregnations can be different, including it can be a solid substance if it is added wax(then it is called “oil wax”).

It is assumed that impregnations of this kind are a good answer to the question “how to paint a bathhouse inside a steam room”, where they can be used to cover shelves, and if desired - and walls, ceilings, frames, doors and even floors! After absorption and drying, the impregnation guarantees not only protection from water and wood cracking, but also dirt-repellent properties and color preservation.

If the impregnation is based on the water, it will have to be updated more often. You will notice by a change in the properties of the wood that it is time to re-coat.


All types of paint and varnish products that can be found on the market are applicable in the bath. There are some reasonable restrictions, but not prohibitions.

In total, we have several classes of paints at our disposal:

  • enamels;
  • oil;
  • water soluble.

Enamels are called coatings that are so smooth and even that they look like old enamels. In fact, these are varnishes with covering pigments, which gives the layer opacity and glassiness. Varnishes used as a base for enamels, alkyd with various variations: simply alkyd (pentaphthalic and glyphthalic), alkyd-oil, alkyd-phenolic, alkyd-melamine.

In all cases, we are talking about flammable and toxic compounds, the use of which when painting the inside of a bathhouse is recommended only with the possibility of ventilation and the use of respiratory protection during the application process. When using enamel, limit its use to areas other than the steam room.

In fact, oil paints appeared first and a very long time ago - this is a mixture of pigments and drying oils, which ultimately form a hard, water-insoluble film. Usually the base of oil paint was natural drying oil– for example, linseed oil that has undergone long-term heat treatment. However, over time, artificial drying oils based on alkyd resins appeared.

Today, oil paints can still be purchased, and they are very inexpensive, but they are also flammable, and the solvents used to dilute them have no health benefits.

The restrictions are the same as for enamels.

Water-soluble paints have different basis. These can be acrylic and silicone resins, as well as various composites when, for example, latex or polyurethane is added to acrylic.

Water-soluble paints are based on resins, which are well soluble in water before polymerization, and after which they are no longer soluble at all. (In this case, dissolution should be understood as the formation of a suspension of resin particles in water - similar to milk, for example.)

As mentioned above, paints appeared gradually - oil paints were known (in painting at least) centuries ago, enamels appeared during times of intensive growth chemical industry, and the current water-based ones are a tribute to technical progress in ecology. In general, quality and safety are increasing as we get closer to today, but unfortunately, the price is also increasing along with them.

ADVICE! However, we would still risk recommending water-dispersion paints for painting the inside of a bathhouse.


Lucky are commonly used to coat wood because they provide (unlike paints) a transparent finish (in a variety of shades as desired) that does not hide the natural grain of the wood.

By its nature, varnish is resin or artificial polymer. Before application to the surface, it is maintained in liquid form by solvents, but they erode during application and the resin film hardens.

Solvents for varnishes were invented in a variety of ways, including different toxicity. Today the most safe are water-soluble varnishes. This is still the same suspension of acrylates in water. However, it forms a transparent film.

Varnishes are used to cover any wooden surfaces, but when it comes to floors, then you should take into account abrasion(the more people walk indoors, the larger it is), and buy varnishes with high wear resistance.

In addition, there are varnishes that are suitable for wet rooms. They can be used in the washing room, and some even in the steam room.

Types of premises

Fortunately, there are not many rooms in the bathhouse (in a standard one). Therefore, we will quickly go through the options of what paint to paint the inside of the bathhouse.

Steam room

This is the most problematic room. Many people think that there no need to paint anything at all, but the price for such a decision is a quick darkening wood (and traditionally almost everyone has a steam room made of wood or lined with wood), cracking wood (this happens more often from bad drying), exposure rotting and defeat mold(linden and aspen are very unstable species).

So the absence of any protective coatings on the one hand it should be recognized environmentally friendly, and on the other - expensive in terms of future renovations.

We believe that a compromise is possible: yes absolutely safe impregnations, which protect the wood, preventing moisture and dirt from being absorbed. If you have doubts about whether you should use drying oils, take paraffin oil or other finished product, designed specifically for the steam room.

You can paint the inside of the sauna steam room with paints and varnishes, but let them be water-soluble paints. And it would be nice if the label mentioning GOST standards stated that this composition is applicable in the steam room.


Suitable here too silicone, And acrylic paints. In general, everything that patiently endures the effects of moisture.

Other paints will crack and peel off in pieces under constant exposure to water.

ADVICE! Water dispersions do not tolerate frost well: if the water in the paint freezes, then after defrosting it will lose its quality. Therefore, buy them in the warm season, produced recently.

Impregnations and varnishes are also suitable for painting a sink. Again we draw your attention to scuba gear.

What paint to paint the rest room and dressing room

These rooms are the least demanding on the composition of paints, so it is best to proceed from budgetary considerations. If it doesn’t run out, you can give yourself a gift and use water-soluble paints again, otherwise, choose a paint that is suitable in color, dullness and durability of the coating from cheaper ones.

Of course, in the second case, it is better to paint when it is possible to ensure the best ventilation and the absence of people. Don't forget to use respiratory protection.

IMPORTANT! Remember that enamels and alkyd paints are fire hazards, but water-soluble paints are not.

Types of surfaces and material


Specialized paints for ceilings only does not exist. Usually ceilings are painted with the same paint that is suitable for walls.

If you have wooden ceilings, you may decide to coat them with varnish or acrylate, like Tikkurilov's Supi Saunasuoya.

ATTENTION! Ceiling varnish is suitable without additives that increase its wear resistance, which reduces its price.

If you don’t want to preserve the look and texture of wood, you can use any wall paint. Just remember that in wet areas paints with special markings should be used. It can be silicone or acrylic bathroom paints, for example.

Where it is dry, you can paint the ceiling in a bathhouse as usual. water-based paint, as for a living space.


There are only flooring options that can be found in a bathhouse - these are tree or concrete. The latter is found in damp rooms and is not always covered tiles, but as an alternative, tiles are coated with special paints, for example, paint for concrete pools, which guarantees resistance to water and good adhesion (sticking) to this particular material.

Paint for concrete pools Hydrostone

Concerning wooden floor, then here you still have the same choice - either use an opaque composition, or a transparent one - that is, paint or varnish. If the bathhouse is used frequently, then it makes sense to look for a coating with special additives that reduce its abrasion (polyurethane, urethane). Otherwise, you can save money on this.

Basically, the floor the coldest part even in the steam room, therefore, your choice is not limited in any way (except by humidity, which should be taken into account). You can use alkyd varnishes and paints, even oil, if you want to. Yachting varnishes are designed for direct action water.

The floor in the steam room can be covered Finnish paints - there are impregnations, varnishes, and acrylate protection on sale.

For those who would like to read more detailed material, dedicated paint and varnish materials for the floor - read this one.


The material of the walls themselves can be very different: wood, brick, blocks. However, they do not remain unfinished, so you will either paint timber/log house, or clapboard, or, less likely, plaster. The bathhouse is traditionally decorated with wood, but we will still tell you about all existing options, maybe it will be useful to someone.


As already mentioned, a tree can be either directly construction material, from which the walls are built, and finishingthin layer lining mounted on the sheathing. By the way, for reasons of thermal insulation, even log houses are sometimes covered with clapboard inside.

How to paint the lining inside a bathhouse

If you want to enjoy wooden decor in all its glory, it is better to paint the lining inside the bathhouse varnish, For example, scuba diving We're talking about walls, so any other wall you can afford will do.

However before finishing coat Do not forget to protect the wood from fungi and bacteria, as well as from fire.

ATTENTION! When choosing paint, look to see if it contains a fungicide (kills fungi, including mold) and other protective additives. If it contains additives, pre-treatment is no longer needed.

The lining in the steam room can be covered either impregnation from oil/oil wax/wax, or protective acrylate composition, which we talked about above. They are tinted, so there will be no problems with choosing a color. You can read about impregnations in general. But here, which talks exclusively about painting bath walls.

In general, there is such a practice when lining in first time coated with varnish, paint or protective composition from all sides even before installation, and during second time only from the front side - after.

How to paint a timber bathhouse inside

If the owner of the bathhouse built it from timber or log house, and decided that it was sufficiently insulated without additional tricks, then he would have to make a number of efforts to ensure that the timber or log did not crack or be damaged by insects and fungi.

For this required antiseptic treatment of all rooms except the steam room. Fire retardant – optional. But it is worth remembering that the depth of penetration of the composition is also important for impregnations, so the antiseptic in the paint in this case may not be enough.

Before painting the inside of a timber bathhouse, you should first take off upper layer - this will clean the wood, reveal its texture, after which you may want to preserve it and use either oil impregnations or varnishes.

We repeat: in dry indoors, you can use any paint you like, in wet– only those intended for bathrooms or yacht varnishes. In the steam room, it is advisable to use colors that were developed only for it - focus on the Finns, their sauna is hotter than a Russian bath.

Yes, it’s also worth saying that the answers to the questions “how to paint a bathhouse made of logs inside”, “how to treat it” are exactly the same as regarding the timber.

Brick walls

It is very difficult to imagine a brick wall inside a bathhouse without finishing, except cutting wall, which is erected in the steam room, wanting to bring the firebox into the next room so that it creates the illusion of a fireplace there.

Cutting wall may well cost without finishing, especially if we are talking about the side that goes into the steam room. But if desired, and for the sake of design, it can be painted, for example, heat-resistant silicone enamel, but, of course, designed for temperatures much lower than enamel, which will be discussed below in the chapter on painting stoves.

From the side of, say, a rest room, brick can be treated not with paint, but with the so-called “ clinker oil“- it enhances the natural color, gives it depth, and protects the wall from dirt. Includes drying oil, turpentine and resins.

Stone walls

And here stone wall in the bathhouse - this is definitely an element decor. This could be stone tiles, which, by the way, do not need any painting, or picturesquely laid on the wall pebbles

In the latter case, it is appropriate to resort to some tricks with painting, because unpolished stone looks dull and colorless. In particular, to enhance color you can use acrylic or silicone varnish.


Not only the bathhouse, but also what is commonly called its “heart” - the stove - needs painting. And not only iron, by the way.


Of course, the factory ones come painted, but many homemade stoves, made from improvised material, prone to corrosion steels with different carbon content.

In order to protect your stove from thermal and water corrosion, it would be nice coat with heat-resistant paint. On the market you will find it under the name “organosilicon enamel”. It is designed for different temperatures– from maximum temperatures regular radiator up to 1000 some degrees solid fuel boiler heating, which runs on coal.

For a sauna stove it is worth taking enamel with extreme temperatures 650-1000 degrees. It is possible to cover only for protection and in one layer, but the appearance depends on the hiding power -

if the look is good, then one layer is enough, but if it turns out unevenly, do it second.

You can find enamels on sale different colors, and not just black ones. By the way, it is clear that black objects absorb different radiation better (say, visible light and infrared), but where does the idea come from that they also emit it better?

In addition to painting, you can use the old method to protect against corrosion bluing. Read more about painting stoves on our website.


WITH brick kilns There are only two options: either whitewashing with lime/chalk, or painting still the same silicone enamel. Only in the case of the latter, again, there is no need to spend money on a high-temperature surface brick stove doesn't get too hot ( exact numbers, unfortunately, we cannot indicate).

By the way, all this applies not only to stoves, but also to screens made of bricks that cover metal stoves.

Tools and technologies

Main tools when painting with almost any composition the following were and will be:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • spray gun.

In addition, you can buy some types of paints in aerosol cans, but their cost is significantly higher than that of the analogue in the bank.

Brushes come in different varieties: from natural bristles, from artificial and from mixed. All of them are used for applying paints to one or another prepared surface. It is better to apply water-soluble paints using artificial bristle brushes; they do not retain water.

The brush is wetted on third in paint, on both sides. Then short(!) paint is applied in strokes to the cleaned surface. The direction of strokes should always be along wood fibers.

Rollers There are also different ones:

  • foam;
  • velor;
  • fur;
  • polyamide.

With the exception of foam rubber all can be used for applying paints on any base, while foam rubber ones are suitable for water-soluble paints and nothing more.

Spray gun convenient, but not as accessible as brushes and rollers. You will find varieties for water-soluble and alkyd paints, with an upper or lower location of the tank for the sprayed composition.

The paint is supplied under air pressure from compressor, so you need to adjust it first viscosity(using a solvent), and then - air supply. This is often done experimentally. First, the maximum spraying is set, the flow of paint is checked - if it falls in the smallest drops, everything is fine, otherwise a solvent is added in an amount of 5% of the volume. Check again.

The air supply is calibrated by the type of drips under the stained spot: if they are at the edges, then the air flow should be reduced, if under the middle of the spot, then increase it.

The paint should be applied evenly, perpendicular to the surface, from a distance from 15 to 25 cm. Overlap the layers, but make sure that the width of the overlap is not more than half the area already painted.

Useful video

This video shows how to apply different compositions for wood:

Below is a video with useful information about the scope of application of each type finishing material for the bath:

Ask questions in the comments, share your experience and links to our materials :)

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Most owners of private houses and summer cottages build steam rooms and baths. The construction of such facilities has become popular for many reasons. According to tradition, people in the bathhouse cleansed their bodies and were healed of many diseases. In order for a bathhouse or steam room to become truly healthy, it is necessary to properly treat the wood. We will learn from the article how it is recommended to treat the inside of a bathhouse or steam room.

Why is impregnation of wooden walls necessary?

The arrangement of such an object as a bathhouse or steam room should be given Special attention. The room must be resistant to high humidity, temperature changes. Traditionally, deciduous trees are used to build bathhouses because they have a number of advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • nice atmosphere.

To improve your health and gain peace of mind, you need a pleasant atmosphere, close to natural conditions. Natural wood has everything necessary and gives a person its energy, natural warmth, and health. Wood in its own way technical specifications surpasses many modern materials. The only drawback of natural material is that it cannot long time preserve its natural qualities without special processing.

In the old days people used simple remedies for processing - oil or wax. Of the inexpensive oils, we used sunflower oil without a specific odor. More expensive oils were also used - anise, lavender, rose. Some expensive oils were added to refined oil and a richer and more pleasant smell was obtained.

Wood is highly hygroscopic, so it quickly absorbs moisture. Loose wood tissue becomes a favorable environment for the penetration of microorganisms. A number of insects can immediately settle in such an environment. They spread quickly and destroy the structure of the tree. At normal moisture levels in wood, tannins and resins will serve reliable protection from various insects and fungal infections. Even under such conditions, the wood must be impregnated by special means. At high humidity The wooden structure will be constantly subjected to:

What should you consider when choosing?

Modern manufacturers offer many of the most different means for wood processing. Before choosing an impregnation, you should identify the purpose of its use:

Impregnation for wood must have many qualities, the main thing is to provide the material with reliable protection and not reduce its ability to pass air. The decoration of the interior is very environmental friendliness of the product is important. This quality is especially important if indoors high humidity. Such conditions will provoke the release of harmful impregnation components.

Wood impregnations are subject to special requirements. After coating the surface, there should be no film left on it. When the temperature in the bath increases, the coating should not release components harmful to health.

Types of wood impregnations

All impregnations intended for coating wooden surfaces are divided into types, depending on the composition of the components and the method of their application:

  • gels;
  • solutions;
  • aerosols.

All impregnations are produced chemical or organic based. Any of the varieties has a water-repellent effect. Most often they are universal means for covering wooden surfaces:

  • protection from moisture and high temperature;
  • resistance to damage by fungal life forms and harmful insects.

In terms of their composition, they can be water-soluble or oil-soluble. There are also combined impregnations in the form of paints and varnishes that have protective effects against moisture and harmful microorganisms. Many of them also have additional qualities- fire resistance and dirt-repellent properties.

Antiseptic impregnations contain toxic substances and are therefore considered aggressive chemicals. When using them, you must follow the instructions for use.

Water-soluble and oily products: their features

All water-soluble antiseptics are made on an acrylate base. This composition has a complex effect on wood in the form of protection from harmful influences:

  • moisture;
  • biological damage;
  • pollution.

The disadvantage of such compositions is the rapid leaching from the structure wooden covering. For this reason, it is necessary to coat the surface more often than with other products. To preserve the properties of the impregnation, it is advisable to cover the surface with additional protection in the form of a thin layer of waterproofing. It should not contain film-forming substances.

The advantages of water-soluble compositions are the inability of the products to affect the color of the surface, its texture and the absence of an unpleasant odor. You can buy this product for sale in the form of a dry mixture or solution.

Impregnations on oil based penetrates deeply into the surface of the wood. Wood-protective oil retains the properties of wood for a long time, despite frequent wetting of the surface. This oil contains an unpleasant and pungent odor. This is the only negative.

Due to the high toxicity of the preparations, many of them are not recommended for impregnation of wooden surfaces indoors. However, subject to safety precautions individual species oils can be used to treat baths. Impregnations based on wax and oils tend to compact the material. This allows the wood to retain its natural qualities for a long time and give the structure wear resistance and strength.

Alkyd-oil based impregnations give a good effect. With their help, the hygroscopicity of the material is preserved, deformation and cracking of wood is prevented. After oil treatment wooden surface acquires good decorative qualities. Many of these products are easily absorbed and are colorless primers.

Oil-wax suitable for processing various surfaces inside and out, although the quality is inferior to synthetic products.

To keep the wood in good condition, it is recommended to treat it protective equipment at least once every 2 years. The best time Autumn is considered for processing. In the spring season, the movement of tree sap begins. They provoke the formation of rot, so it is very important to process the wood in a timely manner in order to maintain the integrity of the structure and protect it from rot.

It is recommended to apply antiseptics only to new wood before using the bathhouse or steam room. Old surface It is necessary to clean the coating (paint, varnish), as well as dirt and dust. After this, apply the composition using a soft wide brush or roller. When everything is completely dry, you can use the bathhouse.

If you approach the issue of coating a wood surface correctly and apply impregnation correctly, you can long years preserve it and take a steam bath with health benefits.

A bathhouse is a place where people come not only to steam and have a good time, but also to improve their health. Therefore, it is advisable to select the materials that are used for its construction and decoration based on their safety for health. This is especially important when you need to decide what to cover linden lining in the steam room of the bathhouse.

Features of the material

Before processing the lining, you need to thoroughly sand all surfaces.

Linden lining, like any wood, is environmentally friendly clean materials. This is its obvious advantage. However, it is known that any wood absorbs and retains moisture well. In this regard, linden lining has the following advantages:

  • resistance to the formation of rot, mold and mildew;
  • low heat capacity - practically does not heat up, so it can be used even in steam rooms;
  • relatively low cost.

Why is processing necessary?

Processing of lining for a bath is carried out with a brush

The lining is processed:

  • for decorative purposes - in order to give it the desired color and shade;
  • to protect against moisture penetration and the development of fungus and mold.

Linden wood contains phytoncides, which themselves have antibacterial properties. If such lining is additionally properly processed, it can last about 100 years.

What products are best to use?

After applying the composition to the wood, it is necessary to rub the product evenly with a clean, lint-free cloth to avoid drips.

Currently there are many on the market various means, intended for bath treatment. But you need to be careful when choosing them, especially when it comes to compositions for use in the steam room. After all, it is in this room that the wood is heated to high temperatures. The heating process contributes to the release into the air of substances with which the lining was processed.

Therefore, when choosing a product to cover wood in a steam room, you need to focus on its chemical composition, it must be safe for human health. Otherwise, after visiting such a bathhouse, you may end up seeing a doctor.

The lining in the bathhouse is covered with the following means:

  • ship varnish;
  • drying oil;
  • linseed oil;
  • wax compounds.

Many people believe that it is better not to treat the lining in the steam room with anything at all. How true this theory is is up to you to decide; the main thing is to follow the safety rules outlined above. To treat lining in a steam room, you must choose natural water- or oil-based products intended for use in this particular room, for example, Supi Saunasuoja or Supi Laudesuoja.

A wooden bathhouse made of logs or timber is a great place for country house. Wood is distinguished by high thermal insulation properties, environmental friendliness and naturalness, safety. It does not heat up and does not burn the skin even at the highest temperatures.

At the same time, the tree looks aesthetically pleasing and harmonious, and fits into the surrounding environment. That is why wooden materials chosen for the construction of a bathhouse or sauna. However, natural raw materials are subject to negative influence humidity and insects. In addition, wood burns very quickly.

To protect wooden materials and extend the service life of the building, the bathhouse is treated. Today there are a lot of options and means that prevent the spread of fire over the surface in the event of a fire, rotting and destruction of wood, mold, fading and loss physical properties. Let's look at how and with what to treat the inside of a bathhouse.

How to choose the right product

Natural wax, hemp and linseed oil - traditional materials for processing, which are still relevant today. It's safe and effective means. Today manufacturers offer a lot modern means, which cover walls in bathhouses and houses made of logs or timber. Experts advise choosing Finnish and Russian brands.

Select products in such a way as to preserve the environmental friendliness of the structure and emphasize the aesthetic interior of a log or timber bath. For a bathhouse, especially a steam room, you cannot use standard wood varnish or paint, as they do not tolerate high temperatures. When heated, such agents will release bad smell and harmful toxic substances. In addition, with this treatment, the wood will not “breathe”, but will only absorb moisture and deteriorate.

Water-based and wax-based varnishes, as well as acrylic varnishes, are considered safe bath treatments. These can be colorless or colored products, with a matte or glossy sheen. For a steam room, it is better to choose a colorless varnish, and for a shower or rest room, you can take a product with a shine or tint.

The vapor permeability of the varnish must be at least 50%. This indicator reflects the ability of water vapor to pass through the surface of the varnish film. Along with the steam, the smell of wood also goes away. At the same time, the coating protects against moisture, which is not absorbed into the wood, but rolls down the wall onto the floor. As a result, the atmosphere of the bathhouse does not suffer, and the wood does not collect dirt and does not darken.

For the steam room, choose specialized, odorless products. They consist of durable components that are not destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. Classic antiseptics and varnishes are not retained in wood fibers; they soften and become sticky at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius. In addition, this process is accompanied by the release of harmful compounds and unpleasant odors into the air. Compositions for steam rooms are developed taking into account these factors; they are safe and environmentally friendly.

How to cover walls and floors in a bathhouse

Wooden walls in the steam room and washing area cover acrylic varnish or oil. The steam room is painted in one layer, the washing or shower room is covered with two or three layers. By suitable means in this case, impregnations such as “Supi Saunasuoja” (Tikkurila) and “Pinotex Lacker Sauna” (Akzo Nobel) are used.

It is recommended to varnish the walls in dry rooms, for example, in a rest room, or treat them with interior impregnation. These waterborne coatings have no foreign odors. In the “MariSrub” catalog you will find a wide selection of bathhouse designs, including those with rest rooms, with a second or attic floor, as well as compact one-story buildings.

The floor inside the bathhouse is exposed to the least amount of high temperatures, as hot air rises. However, the tree is most affected by water as it flows down. The emphasis in this case is on protection from rotting in a humid environment.

Floor joists are impregnated with a primer containing a powerful antiseptic, or coated with varnish that completely prevents the penetration of water into the wood. A mold repellent, antiseptic “Pinotex Impra” (Akzo Nobel) is suitable for this. It gives the effect of preserving wood. Green color This impregnation will not be visible under the finished floor, but the coating will provide long-term protection. To preserve their natural appearance, floor boards should be treated with shelf oil without using a primer.

In the rest room, locker room and other dry rooms, the floor is covered with parquet varnish. In the steam room and sink, the varnish is diluted in a 1:1 ratio with a suitable diluent and impregnated with the floor boards. Apply two layers. After this, the bath is heated to a high temperature and rapid polymerization of the coating is achieved. After ventilation and reheating, the bathhouse is ready for its intended use.

How to cover other elements

It is very important to treat benches, shelves and other pieces of furniture in the bathhouse. This will increase the service life of the products and prevent burns on the human body as a result of contact with hot surfaces. Water should not be absorbed into the wood, and at the same time, there is no need for a varnish film on the surface of objects, which, when heated, leads to burning of the skin. This coating is provided by special oils for sauna shelves, including “Supi Laudesuoja” (Tikkurila) or “Sauna Oil” (Eskaro).

Varnish, oil or other product is applied in several layers using a roller. Difficult areas in the corners and between the crowns are treated with a brush. Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried! When using oil, remove excess product before drying. Such processing should be carried out every 4-10 years, depending on the type of materials and the quality of work. To get long-term and reliable results, turn to professionals!

“MariSrub” craftsmen will select high-quality and reliable impregnations and quickly and reliably process the bathhouse. We provide full list services. It includes the design and construction of a bathhouse or house with a foundation and roof, production of lumber for the project, installation and connection utility networks, complex finishing. We offer insulation and waterproofing of baths, protective treatment materials in several stages! We guarantee high quality work and strict adherence to deadlines.