Where to complain about poor heating hotline. Where can I complain about the lack of heating in my apartment? Mass media

If there is no heating, you can file a complaint against the management company and demand a recalculation for utilities.

According to the Provision Rules utilities, during heating season The battery temperature must be at least 18 degrees.

Table 1. Documents regulating the procedure for filing complaints and appeals from citizens

Rule of law Content
Rules for the provision of public services (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of May 23, 2007) Installs temperature standards
Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights” Establishes the rights of consumers when defects or non-performance of work are discovered
Law No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals Russian Federation» Establishes the procedure and terms for consideration of complaints and appeals
Law No. 210-FZ “On the organization of provision of state and municipal services» Establishes rules for the provision of services to citizens
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004 N 322 “On approval of the Regulations on Federal service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being" Establishes the operating procedure and organization of inspections by Rospotrebnadzor
Law No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” Establishes the procedure for considering complaints and appeals about violations of the law

Reason for complaint about poor heating The following situations may occur in the apartment:

  • the heating season has begun, but the radiators are still cold;
  • heating is turned off for an unknown reason long time;
  • there is heating, but it is very weak to warm the apartment to the required temperature;
  • Unstable operation of the heating system in the house.

Common reasons for lack of proper heating are:

  • clogged pipes debris that has formed a blockage in the circulation of hot water;
  • redevelopment of the heating system (installation of additional batteries, replacement of old ones, etc.), as a result of which the flow of water into the pipes is blocked or limited;
  • didn't launch heating system(delays the start of the heating season);
  • accident in the boiler room or lack of heat supply on the heating main.

To eliminate the cause of the lack of heating, you must contact the appropriate authorities.

The first step is to clarify the reason for the lack of heating. An emergency dispatch service specialist will help you find out the exact information.

As a rule, a specialist accepts a request to call a plumber, who, during a personal visit, will determine the exact reason for the lack of heating in the apartment.

According to the law, the specialist who came for the inspection is obliged to record the cause of the cold batteries in the inspection report, which is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the hands of the apartment owner. After some time, the problem should be resolved.

However, if contacting the emergency dispatch service does not bring any results, you will need to complain about the cold radiators in the apartment to higher authorities.

Table 2. Institutions for complaining about lack of heating

Important! An appeal to the prosecutor's office and the courts can only be submitted after an attempt to resolve the problem in the utility service, housing inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.

Management Company

If there is no heating immediately apartment building, then it would be better to write collective complaint. Such appeals attract more attention than complaints from one resident.

You can write a complaint to the management company in free form, but it is important to indicate the following details:

  • full name management company or HOA, surname and initials of the manager;
  • Full name of the owner making the complaint, his address and contact phone number.
  • correct the situation and compensate for the losses caused (indicate how long it will take to fix the problems);
  • in accordance with Article 29 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, recalculate payments for utility services.

It is important to mention that the owner regularly pays utilities. In case of application additional documents, write down their list in the appendix (inspection report, copy of monthly payment receipt, etc.).

Important! The appeal is written in two copies, the second of which remains with a mark from the owners. If sent by mail, a postal receipt will be considered confirmation of sending the application.

The management company is obliged to respond to the received appeal from the owners. However, the answer is not always positive.

Housing inspection

If the management company has not responded to the request or has not corrected the problems, you should contact the Housing Inspectorate.

The complaint is drawn up according to the same principle as to the management company. Usually this stage brings results, because the culprits understand the possible risk.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • a second copy of the claim sent to the management company;
  • received written response from the management company;
  • inspection reports and temperature measurements carried out at the first stage;
  • copies of the receipt (for full payment for heating).

You can submit a complaint in person, by mail or at in electronic format. To submit an electronic complaint, you must fill out the application form on the official website of the housing inspectorate of the corresponding region.

Important! The period for consideration of complaints by the housing inspectorate is 30 days.


In case of inaction at the first stages, the owner can file a complaint against the management company with Rospotrebnadzor.

There is no specific sample of a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor regarding the lack of heating; it is allowed to draw up a complaint in free form.

The complaint is made to the head of the Rospotrebnadzor department for a specific region.

In the main part of the appeal, it is necessary to state in detail the essence of the problem, and inspection reports will be evidence of receipt of poor-quality service temperature regime, previously sent claims to the management company and housing inspection, as well as responses to them.

It would not be amiss to write in the appeal that the lack of heating led to the following consequences:

  • As a result of the lack of heating during the cold season, residents fell ill with colds when freezing. If you have a certificate from the clinic, you can also attach it.
  • Some things have become unusable, etc.

If the appeal is collective, then you need to attach an extract from the minutes of the residents’ meeting.

Important! The review period at Rospotrebnadzor is 5 working days, and in some cases the review can last up to 10 working days.

You can submit a complaint in person, by post or via the Internet in the “Reception of Citizens’ Appeals” section on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor.

It is worth remembering that Rospotrebnadzor employees will not consider anonymous complaints, therefore, in order to send an electronic appeal, you must be identified in the ESIA system.

Prosecutor's office

If there is no result at previous instances, the next step will be to contact the prosecutor's office.

Drawing up a complaint is similar to the appeals at the previous stages, however, the purpose of contacting the prosecutor's office will be the inaction of public utilities, their failure to fulfill their official duties, which may result in harm to the health and life of residents.

Important! The period for consideration of a complaint by the prosecutor's office is 30 days, in rare cases the consideration is delayed up to 60 days.


A complaint is filed with the court in order to compensate for damage and to recalculate the amount of utility bills for heating.

To go to court you will need the following documents:

  • statement of claim;
  • evidence of misconduct or omission officials;
  • written answers and acts received at previous instances.

It is necessary to apply to the court at the place of residence of the owner. The address can be found on the Justice website. To do this, you will need to enter the address of your region in the search field.

Higher education. Orenburgsky State University(specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
June 19, 2018.

The benefits of civilization have firmly entered our lives and become familiar. If earlier people collected water from wells, then all we have to do is open the tap. Moreover, both cold and hot water- you can calmly take a shower, wash the dishes, without fear of freezing your hands. And it’s even more unpleasant when the hot water is turned off for some reason.

So, if there is no hot water in the tap, where should the residents of the house complain? In this article we will answer this question, and also consider the reasons for this situation and ways to recalculate the fee for the period when the service was not provided to you.

Consumer rights

Every tenant apartment building must know his rights and defend them in the prescribed manner. The legislation states that:

Of course, sometimes these rights are violated. Most often, residents encounter the following problems:

  • Despite the planned shutdown of hot water, the bill for it is issued in full.
  • Water supply has been unavailable for longer than expected.
  • Residents are not warned about the upcoming shutdown, or the notice is posted in violation of the deadlines provided for by law.

Let's talk about how to act correctly in such cases.

No hot water: who to call?

Disabling hot water supply can be of two types: planned or emergency. Planned repairs and maintenance work are carried out in the summer, when the heating season is over. A warning about this, indicating specific shutdown dates, is usually posted at the entrances in advance.

The lack of hot water can also be associated with an emergency situation that occurs when there is damage at a thermal power plant or in the distribution system.

In the first case, you should wait until the repair is completed. If its terms are clearly delayed, residents can contact the Management Company involved in maintaining the house, as well as Rospotrebnadzor or the Prosecutor's Office.

In the event that there were no announcements about shutting off the hot water supply, you need to call:

  1. To the Management Company or Housing Office. You can find the necessary telephone numbers at the entrance to your home or on your utility bill. Request that your request be registered. Make a note of the application number and time so that you can request a recalculation of your hot water payment in the future.
  2. To the Emergency Dispatch Service. If the housing office doesn’t know anything, feel free to call here. State your details and exact address clearly. The dispatcher should tell you about the causes of the accident and the expected time frame for its elimination. When the lack of water is unknown to the emergency service, a specialist is sent to the site. He must check the information received and identify the breakdown within two hours.

Telephone numbers for Moscow residents to contact

Moscow is the most Big City in Russia. When hot water is turned off, residents of the capital should call to the MOEK hotline by phone 8 (495)662−50−50. Complaints are accepted 24 hours a day. They also accept complaints about heating interruptions.

Must respond promptly to requests and in Moszhilinspektsi And. You can reach the hotline at the following numbers: 8 (495) 681−20−54, 681−77−80, 681−21−45.

Where to complain when repairs are delayed?

It happens that the Management Company ignores citizens' complaints. In this case, you need to be persistent and act exactly according to plan:

If you have the Internet, you can leave complaints on the websites of the organizations listed above. If the problem is particularly acute, and the solution is being delayed by various authorities, it makes sense to contact the media. Through the press and television you will quickly attract the attention of the authorities, which is what is required in this case.

Recalculation of water supply payments

When hot water is turned off for a long period of time, the amount of payment for the service is reduced taking into account the lost volume. This applies to those consumers whose apartments do not have water meters installed. You can achieve a recalculation if the required limits were exceeded when turning off the hot water:

  • 4 hours at a time for scheduled repairs;
  • 8 hours in total in standard situations;
  • 24 hours for emergency repair of breakdowns on a dead-end highway.

For each extra hour spent without water supply, payment is reduced by 0.15 percent of the standard amount. A recalculation for sewerage must also be made, which many housing offices forget about.

Where to go if the required recount has not been made? First of all, you need to remind about the fact that hot water has been turned off in the housing office or U.K. If you refuse to make changes to the receipt you should seek help from Rospotrebnadzor or local authorities authorities. Under any administration there are special committees designed to monitor the activities of housing and communal services.

When hot water is not hot

Sometimes formally hot water runs from the tap, but its temperature does not correspond to the required 50−70 degrees Celsius. In this case, payment will be charged in full. Where to go to restore justice?

The same housing office will come to the rescue. It will be necessary to draw up an act of violation of the standards established by the state. Based on this, a commission will be formed that will take accurate measurements of the water temperature directly from the tap. If information about a low temperature is confirmed, a report will be drawn up in two copies. One of them will be handed over to the owners of the apartment, and upon presentation, the payment for water supply will be recalculated.

To identify the causes of poor quality service, a technician is hired to inspect the communications. Specialists are given one week to eliminate problems.

Remember: all municipal utilities of the city are obliged to provide the population with quality services. Residents pay for them out of their own pockets in full and have the right to demand compliance with the standards provided for by Russian legislation.

Moscow. "Hot lines" for heating issues. Where to call?

    For questions about the onset of the heating season, as well as for all other problems with heating, utilities, complaints about poor-quality heating supply to the house, you can call here:

    These same organizations also accept all kinds of comments on issues of electricity supply.

    If they cannot resolve your issue or communicate with you incorrectly, then you can also call here:

    Of course, if residents and citizens have questions about the new heating season, they can call the hotlines. For example, these are the phone numbers.

    Hot numbers for heating, electricity and hot water supply:

    Hotlines of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for heating problems in the districts:

  • In Moscow, on September 29, heating was turned on in all areas of the city. Muscovites are lucky, but we are freezing and counting the average daily temperature. Phone numbers have been published that it is recommended to call in case of any problems, cold batteries, etc. True, complaints have already appeared online that some phones cannot be reached. This, unfortunately, is natural at the beginning of the heating season.

    Returning home to winter time, I want to feel warmth and comfort, protection from the street cold. But there are times when the temperature in the living room is not just insufficient, but frankly, low. Turning on the heater is not the best best option because it's extra expenses for electricity. And according to accepted laws and regulations, there are certain criteria for establishing normal temperature. Therefore, you need to know where to complain about cold radiators in the apartment and how to loyally resolve the problem.

    Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical solutions legal issues, but each case is unique.

    If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call the numbers below. It's fast and free!

    Established temperature standards for apartments

    There is a special adopted standard of the Russian Federation for housing and communal services.

    According to this GOST R 51617-2000, in a residential area the temperature should vary from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. At the same time, there are also separate data for stairwells, basements and attics, the temperature in which also affects the temperature of nearby apartments.

    In particular, according to SanPiN, the temperature in the rooms should be 20-22 degrees. It is acceptable for it to be within 18-24 degrees. For bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, temperatures from 18 to 26 degrees are possible. IN optimal conditions The numbers indicated are 19-21 for the kitchen and toilet, as well as for the combined bathroom and bathroom, ranging from 24 to 26 degrees.

    If the indicator is significantly lower than the acceptable standard, then the situation is not normal and requires an immediate solution. Contacting the appropriate service will help with this.

    Who is responsible for the cold radiators of the apartment and who should solve the problem?

    Where to complain if it’s cold in the apartment? There are several types of management organizations that are responsible for maintaining specified standards and norms of housing conditions. It could be management company, housing and communal services or homeowners association. You need to contact these companies.

    The most common problem with cold batteries is either poor design or connections that are too old and no longer usable. Less often it concerns the house itself, which has very low thermal stability.

    If the problem lies precisely in the above reasons (one or several at once), then it is the management company that must solve it. And they bear all the costs of the work performed.

    The solution period is limited to a week, the only exception being the occurrence of a certain number of problems during repairs (discovery of the complete unsuitability of not only a secondary, but also one of the central branches of communications).

    If the problem with cold batteries lies in the batteries themselves, then they will need to be replaced by the owner of the apartment. Work can only be carried out after obtaining the appropriate permission from the management service. But in winter period this will only be possible in exceptional cases ( Small child, paralyzed family member). After all, turning off the riser in the house will become a problem for other residents, which is why it is prohibited by the state.

    The procedure for contacting housing and communal services to solve the problem

    First of all, it is necessary to carry out independent measurements and determine how low the temperature in the room is relative to established standards. Then do the following:

    1. Write a written statement addressed to the management company, which is responsible for providing utilities. It must indicate exact data and the reason for the request. In this situation, it will consist in inadequate heating quality.
    2. Make a copy of the application and save it. The application must necessarily include the date the paper was drawn up and a signature. The original should be taken to the service and submitted for review.
    3. Any statements or online requests to the management company must be kept even after the problem is resolved. All papers relating to the problem of cold batteries and its solution must certainly be “on hand”. If the difficulty is not resolved, these papers can become a practical aid for appealing to higher organizations or the court.

    4. After reviewing the application, the management company will send an engineer or caretaker technician to the apartment. The specialist will take temperature measurements and check the condition of the water supply. And if the problem is confirmed, a report will be drawn up, which will indicate the details of the inspection and research. A copy of the act will be provided to residents, it is worth remembering. This paper should be kept as confirmation of the problem and a kind of guarantee on the part of the management company to begin solving it.
    5. It is recommended to call in the morning or lunchtime. There is a tendency for housing and communal services to reduce the temperature to heat buildings during the day. This is due to the fact that most homeowners are at work. The temperature rises in the evening. Therefore, to establish accurate data, you need to choose the ideal period.

    6. If the problem has not been resolved within 7-10 days, you need to find out the number to call if the cold batteries remain cold. You can also pay a visit to the housing and communal services department and get clarification directly. A positive response to the ongoing resolution process must be supported by specific dates by which all required work will be completed. If they abdicate responsibility for the decision, they will have to turn to higher institutions for help.

    What to do if the problem of cold batteries has not been resolved?

    There are quite common cases when a written application to the management company and a study by an engineer did not cause an increase in the temperature in the apartment.

    If, after 2 weeks after drawing up the report, the problem has not been solved, and there is no answer from the housing and communal services or there are only excuses, then more serious measures must be taken. Contacting special organizations will help to influence the irresponsibility of public utilities and finally achieve the provision of quality services.

    The first thing you should do is contact someone who is higher in rank - State Housing Inspectorate. The organization will repeat the research and draw up another act or use an existing document. Then proceedings will be carried out with housing and communal services and, in best case scenario, the problem will be fixed. Is it true, this method may not work. In this case, you must visit the following authorities:


    The institution protects the rights of consumers and provides them with all possible assistance in solving numerous problems. In particular, residents who did not receive quality utility services can be considered affected consumers. Based on the next application, the attached act and other requested documents, influence on the housing and communal services will be carried out. In most cases, this appeal is quite enough to bring the incompetent service to justice.

    Regional/district/city authorities

    The person responsible for the city or region/district can assist in taking appropriate measures to punish housing and communal services and, through legal authorities, bring him to administrative responsibility in accordance with Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. But the problem at this stage is the constant employment of the mayor or governor. Often such “minor” violations are ignored. Although a truly responsible head of regional or municipal authorities will be able to solve the problem quickly.

    If the appeal is collective, then it is very likely that it will not take much time to consider the application and resolve the problem. In most cases, a mass complaint from residents has a greater impact.

    Prosecutor's office

    At its core, this organization is also designed to help consumers. Therefore, a complaint to the authority will allow us to launch a mechanism for investigation and finding out the reason why the housing and communal services did not solve the problem. You will need to submit an application and demonstrate a document indicating the research certified by an engineer.

    Federal Antimonopoly Service

    The organization often has influence over utility providers. Therefore, there is a possibility that a complaint to the service will allow them to influence the speed of consideration of the application and resolution of the problem in accordance with the drawn up act. The service itself is responsible for monitoring the provision of services.

    Mass media

    It is quite important to contact not just one media representative, but a number of such organizations. It is recommended to communicate not only with city newspapers or television, but also with higher-ranking regional commissioners. This will allow us to attract as much attention as possible to the problem and thereby highlight it to a mass of consumers, services and officials. Most likely this one the stage will pass successful, because “denigration” in the media reduces the reputation of authorities and can result in legal liability for them.

    The appeal to the media should be presented in such a way as to really “interest” the service. Otherwise, assistance may be refused.

    Judicial authorities

    The final measure will be a trial that will put an end to the problem of low temperatures in the home. You need to be prepared to provide all the required documents and, in addition, to pay the amount for the examination. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified attorney in advance. He will help you draft a statement/complaint correctly and describe the problem in the right form. Next, you just need to be patient and wait for meetings, trials and a decision on the issue.

    Will there be a recalculation of heating fees?

    Solving the problem is a clear plus in the relationship between consumers and housing and communal services. But there is another difficulty: paying for heating. Receiving heat insufficiently and paying the full cost brings the apartment owner into a dead end. But there is still a way out of this situation.

    Based on the drawn up report on low temperature in the living room, a study is carried out and a conclusion is made. If the temperature was 10 degrees below normal, the heat bill will be recalculated. In most cases, reducing even 5 degrees will not bring results.

    Proceedings with the assistance of other authorities (for example, the court) are unlikely to have a positive effect. But in any case, it is necessary to consult with a lawyer and clarify this issue. If a family with a child lives in the apartment or the housing and communal services took too long to resolve the problem, it is possible to obtain a decision on recalculation. Each situation has its own nuances and exceptions.

    It’s worth trying to prove that you’re right in any case. After all, the problems of the management company should not fall on the shoulders of consumers, much less bring them inconvenience or losses.