Lily muscadet. Growing lilies - flowers of the Garden of Eden

I really want to tell you about growing lilies- some of the most beautiful flowers. In a nutshell, and, perhaps, in the format of one article, it is simply impossible to tell about lilies.

And so I plan to write several articles about it divine flower Garden of Eden.

I confess to you, I really love all flowers and try my best to summer cottage plant as many different types of them as possible. But, of course, I also have “favorites” that I simply adore. And here is one of them - lily.

And how can you not love a lily? Its unique, delightful aroma spreads throughout the garden, and the beauty and grace of its amazing flowers of various colors has won the hearts of many flower lovers.

A little history

Information about lilies as flowers symbolizing purity and chastity comes to us from time immemorial. These flowers were highly valued for their unusual and gentle beauty at all times.

Their beauty and unique forms were used to decorate palaces, temples, and sacred rites.

And how many legends and myths exist about lilies. For example, the ancient Greeks believed that snow-white lilies appeared from the drops of milk of Hera, the wife of Zeus.

The Jewish legend says that of all the flowers in the Garden of Eden, only the lily, the only one of all, retained its immaculate whiteness after Eve committed her fall.

And also White Lily is a symbol of the Most Pure Virgin Mary in Christian culture.

In addition, on the coats of arms of the noblest families different countries there is a lily flower.

Groups of lilies

Lily belongs to the genus of perennial bulbous herbs of the Liliaceae family. It got its name from the ancient Gaulish word"li-li", meaning "white-white".

Lily is widespread in temperate and warm regions of Europe, Asia and America, where more than 100 wild species grow there. From them came all the new varieties, which are often named after their place of origin.

All varieties of lilies, and there are now more than 2 thousand of them, are divided into the following several groups: Asian hybrids, martagon hybrids, candidum hybrids, American hybrids, long-flowered hybrids, tubular hybrids, royal lily, oriental hybrids.

Hybrid lilies are so beautiful that it seems impossible to imagine anything better.

But Dutch breeders did the almost impossible, turning stamens into petals, they created double lilies that make an unforgettable impression.

A little about varieties

I’ll tell you a little about the varieties of lilies I liked.

From Asian hybrids The following varieties are good:

"Rosellas Dream"- this is a lily with creamy pink flowers, which in the center are decorated with frequent brown specks, and the ends of the petals are bright pink; "Blanka"- snow-white lily with a very beautiful flowers and with orange stamens;

"Mapira"- this lily will become a real highlight of your garden with its elegant huge flowers of luxurious dark burgundy, almost black color and there are few flowers in the garden that can compete with this beauty;

"Arsenal"- this is a lily with bright pink flowers with a yellow center and rare dark specks, it will decorate any flower garden and flower bed;

"Tiny Sensation"- this compact lily with lush flowering(up to 13 buds on one stem) and the sensational coloring of flowers reminiscent of iridescent flames will add sunlight to your garden.

Truly amazing flowering of unpretentious, perennial turban lilies. Their petals with tips strongly curved back and very protruding stamens with brightly colored anthers give these flowers a special decorative appearance. Varieties of turban-shaped lilies:

"Pumilum"- this lily is one of the first to bloom and its flowering lasts 25-30 days, the flowers are bright red, shiny, like varnish, with bright red anthers;

"Cloudy Shride"- this is a very rare Martagon hybrid with satiny dark red flowers and orange stamens;

"Mantitoba Fox"- this is a multi-flowered lily, having up to 50 flowers in an inflorescence, with pale-dark pink petals with black and yellow specks; "Arabian Knight"- lily with burgundy petals with a yellow center with red specks and orange stamens;

"Guinea Gold"- this lily has yellowish-pink flowers with an orange-yellow throat, along the edges with a lighter yellow tint and with numerous small spots on inside petals.

Trumpet lilies are represented by the following varieties:

"African Queen"- this is a very attractive lily of the most delicate creamy apricot color with dark stamens;

"Regale Giganteum"- lily with giant flowers white, their outer side is wine-red in color, and with bright tangerine stamens;

"Pink Perfection"- lavender-pink lily with a white tint, yellow throat and stamens, which has a very persistent musky aroma;

"Golden Splendor"- a lily with very large, spectacular inflorescences, the color of which resembles sparkling gold framed by red-brown tones.

Beauties double lilies can be called otherwise - rose-lilies, such varieties as:

"Fifty Fifty"- this is a lily with huge fragrant double flowers lemon color resistant to disease and frost;

"Distant Dram"- lilies are very double, textured, with a light aroma and with dark pink flowers, which do not have anthers that get dirty so often (isn’t this the variety that many generations of gardeners have dreamed of);

"Belonika"- this is a double lily with pink flowers with a contrasting crimson stripe along the petal and a white border along the contour, with a delicate aroma and anthers are also absent;

"Polar Star"- this lily with very double flowers, the petals of which are boiling white in color with a light creamy tint in the center, is very reminiscent of a rose.

Here are a few varieties oriental hybrids:

"Muscadet"- a charming lily with a sweet aroma, with large cup-shaped flowers with wide petals and a white color pink stripe and pink specks;

"Stargazer"- classic lily with star-shaped flowers with dark pink petals and a white frame with thick crimson specks;

"Red Empire"- this is a lily with a rich “French” aroma, magnificent bright red flowers with small speckles and a white corrugated edging;

"Cassandra"- a white lily with yellow rays in the center of the petals and red freckles scattered across them.

Growing and care

About general rules you can read about planting and caring for bulbous plants. And in this article we will focus on the features growing exactly lilies. When choosing a site where we will plant lilies, we take into account the fact that they love sunny places and, preferably, protected from strong winds. Although these flowers are not very picky and can grow well in partial shade and among shrubs.

But they are more demanding when it comes to soil and prefer to grow on fertile, loose soil with good water permeability.

Most varieties of lilies thrive in neutral soils, but there are varieties, such as American hybrids, that prefer acidic soil, and tubular hybrids prefer alkaline soil.

Lilies, unlike many other bulbous plants, can be planted not only in autumn, but also in spring. So, for example, planting terry lilies better in spring at a soil temperature of no more than 11 o C.

Although spring planting There are also some disadvantages: root system does not have time to form, the bulbs are weakened and susceptible to frost. And therefore we should try to plant them starting in the second half of April, as soon as the soil thaws sufficiently. And from spring frosts Lily sprouts can be protected with a layer of straw or hay.

In the autumn best time August - early September is the time for planting and replanting lilies.

It is best to prepare the site for planting lilies in advance, approximately 15-20 days before planting the bulbs. We add humus, peat, ash and a little mineral fertilizer for digging. We dig, level the area, lightly compact it, water it and leave it until planting.

Bulbs of varieties with large flowers are planted 20 cm from each other and between rows, with small ones - at a distance of 10-15 cm.

If you are bothered by mice and moles in your summer cottage, then to protect lily bulbs from them, you can plant them in containers without a bottom, which can be easily made from large plastic bottles.

You can also use special baskets for planting bulbs for this purpose, but this is a more expensive option.

Further care for lilies is simple - weeding, watering, loosening and fertilizing.

Weeding is important stage when growing lilies, since the “beauty” does not like weeds around itself, so it must be weeded regularly.

Lilies love moist soil and therefore need watering, especially in hot, dry weather. It is better to water them at the roots in the morning or afternoon, trying not to get them on the leaves, otherwise this can lead to the development of fungal diseases.

But you need to loosen it carefully and not deeply, as you can damage the supra-bulb roots, which are located near the surface of the soil.

In order to retain moisture in the soil and reduce the growth of weeds, it is better to mulch the soil around the lilies with peat or humus with a layer of 5-6 cm. It is necessary to feed the lilies throughout the entire period of their growth. We do the first feeding in early spring immediately after the snow melts with mineral and organic nitrogen fertilizers.

Fresh mullein should never be used, so we use it fermented or rotted.

Lilies respond very well to potash fertilizers, and the best of them is wood ash. It can be applied several times a season, it won’t hurt. We do the second feeding at the budding stage, using ammonium nitrate.

And we carry out the third feeding in July with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. To save the energy of lilies for flowering in next year, in the first year of planting it is recommended to partially remove the buds that appear.

Lilies can grow in one place without replanting for 4-5 years, and then they grow too much, the soil around them is depleted and the flowers become much smaller. If you are not going to replant flowers for the winter, then with the onset of frost you should cut off the flower stalks, this will protect the plant from various diseases.

Then you need to cover them with a layer of dry leaves or humus, on top of which cover with spruce branches.

In spring, the shelter should be removed before the sprouts appear, but it is important that the young shoots are not “caught” by frost.

Diseases and pests

The main pests that damage lilies are aphids, lily ratchets and onion ratchets.

Also, lily bulbs suffer from root bulb mites, bulb flies, mole crickets, and wireworms.

Of the diseases that affect lilies, the most dangerous is considered gray mold. It can spread very quickly when high humidity cool spring. Starting from the bottom of the stem, it gradually rises along it to the buds, and the entire plant rots.

The first signs of this disease are the appearance of watery spots on the leaves, which then turn brown and white.

To combat this disease, it is necessary to spray the plant with Bordeaux mixture.

Another disease that can affect a lily is root rot. This disease causes leaf shredding and loss of buds. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to spill the soil with a 0.4% solution of colloidal sulfur before planting the bulbs.

In the next article about lilies, I'm going to talk aboutthese wonderful flowers.

See you soon, dear friends!

If you are a true lover of lilies, and you are delighted by the new play of color, each new arrangement of specks on the petals, you distinguish the length of the legs of the anthers and the shades of aromas different varieties- you are our buyer! After all, the Becker online store has a huge selection of lilies, among which the Muscadet variety is certainly worthy of your garden.

The wavy, snow-white petals have a diffuse pink streak around which burgundy specks dance. The neck of the flower is light green, the peduncle is 80 cm high, the leaves are large, dark green. Lily, exuding a sweet oriental aroma, is beautiful both in the garden and in a vase.

Features of planting and care

Plant it in a sunny place, protect from wind and stagnant water. Prepare the site in the fall - dig up the ground to a depth of 30-40 cm, add sand and compost to lighten the soil structure, apply complex mineral fertilizers. Planting depth is 10-15 cm depending on the size of the bulbs, the distance between plants is 30-40 cm. Planting dates are September or April. If your winters are harsh, mulch the planting area with compost or coniferous spruce branches at least 10 cm thick.

Advantages of purchasing oriental lily (oriental) Muscadet in the Becker online store

  • Fragrant flowers.
  • A low plant, suitable for the front of flower beds.
  • Convenient delivery to any corner of Russia.
  • 100% survival rate of bulbs.

Buy this gorgeous white and pink lily with a sweet scent - it's beautiful in the garden and in a vase.

Lily Muscadet (Muscadet). Large, up to 24 cm in diameter, white flowers with crimson specks and a pink smear. One of the most beautiful varieties this group, the aroma is pleasant and strong. Wavy edges.

Lilies. Suitable for anyone floral decoration plots. Low growing varieties and species are used for planting on borders, tall lilies are used for background decoration and in solitary plantings. They are good in groups, planted in clumps on the lawn. They look beautiful against the background of trees and shrubs and in combination with many annuals and perennials. Some low-growing lilies can be used to decorate rocky areas. Using lilies when decorating flower beds different periods flowering, you can admire them from June to mid-September.

Oriental hybrids. Lilies of amazing beauty, they are called aristocrats in the world of lilies for exotic beauty unusually attractive fragrant flowers. The flowers are very large, simply huge, of exotic colors: white-pink, white, crimson, pink with or without specks and stripes in the center of the wavy petals. They bloom in July-September. A sunny place, well protected from the wind, is necessary, since the plants are tall and very large flowers. They can also grow in light shade from trees. The main rule is deep planting, at least 15 cm, to protect the bulbs in winter.


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