Losun K.V. Value orientations of modern youth

Moscow Institute of Humanities and Economics

Tver branch

Faculty of Law

Discipline: "Sociology"

Values ​​and value orientations of youth

Completed by: Kuptsova Ksenia

Student of group Yu-462





The problem of value orientations of young people in a reformed society, their structure and dynamics remains invariably relevant throughout the existence of sociology in general, and the sociology of youth in particular. This problem becomes particularly significance in terms of socio-economic and spiritual-cultural transformation of super-ethnic societies of Russia caused by the situation transitional transition, accompanied by a radical reassessment political and economic values.

Nowadays, there is an urgent question about the value orientations of modern Russian society and in particular young people. Youth is a new generation that should become a replacement for their parents and a support for society and the state. In the modern transitional situation, significant attention should be paid to youth as a natural environment for the formation of the future and elite of the state. Modern youth are making their historical choice.

The future state of society largely depends on what value potential is formed. Value is social in nature and develops only at the level of social community... Individual value values ​​formed in the process of activity are social, collective phenomena.

Studying the value orientations of young people makes it possible to identify both the direction of further development and the degree of adaptation of students to new social conditions and their innovative potential.

Analysis of youth values ​​is of fundamental importance for the study of evolution spiritual world of this socio-demographic group and social relations, into which she is integrated in the process of socialization. The value orientations of young people express not only the personal interests and needs of young people, but also their attitude towards society and its problems. Studying value orientations makes it possible to adjust values ​​in the right direction. The value orientations of boys and girls serve as a kind of indicator of the development of society. Therefore, it is important that at this stage of socialization young people develop “normal” values ​​that do not contradict the interests of society, which will remain quite stable in the future.

Taking into account the dynamics of value orientations of modern youth is a necessary prerequisite for effective youth policy; without their knowledge, without knowledge of what worries young people today, whether they believe in anything, one cannot count on success.

1. The concept of value and value orientation

Values ​​are generally accepted ideas of people regarding goals and ways to achieve them, which prescribe for them certain socially accepted ways of behavior. They form the basis of moral principles. Each social system establishes its own system of social values. Awareness and assimilation of values ​​is carried out in the process of primary socialization of the individual. After this, they remain fairly stable, undergoing significant changes only during crisis periods in a person’s life and his social environment. Value orientations form the attitude of the subject of activity, which largely determines the direction of the individual’s social behavior in his daily activities. They perform an integrative role in society, forming the most stable skeleton of the social system. Individual and social values ​​are distinguished. The former regulate an individual’s behavior in everyday life, the latter regulate his value priorities regarding the development of society.

Values ​​act as symbols of the integration of people into the human community. So the value of “being Russian” integrates people into Russian society, the value of “being Chinese” into Chinese society, the value of “being Christian” into Christian society. Values ​​are divided into integrating ones - those that mainly consolidate the behavior of subjects, and differentiating ones - those that separate subjects, revealing their specificity and peculiarity in behavior.

IN modern concepts In sociology, value is usually understood as any rational goal of consciousness, the pursuit of which fills this goal with meaning. A special place in this sense is occupied by the concept of “personal meaning”... The fact is that changes in socio-economic conditions lead to changes in human life. At the same time, human activity does not historically change its general structure, but the relationship between goals and motives of activity changes. The function of motives is that they, as it were, “evaluate” the vital significance of objective circumstances for the subject, give them a personal meaning, which performs a regulatory function and is determined by the connection between the object or phenomenon and the motives and values ​​of the subject. In a personal sense, not only the significance itself, its emotional sign and quantitative measure are reflected, but also the meaningful connection of an object and phenomenon with specific motives, needs and values. In other words, value only becomes such when it is filled with meaning.

In sociology, values ​​represent a kind of prism through which one can understand the essence of the processes occurring in one or another social system, to identify their latent content and direction of functioning,” since the system of value orientations can be used to judge the nature of the development of social relations and the prospects for the development of society. Sociology is interested in value orientations, first of all, as a determining factor in the regulation of social interactions. In this understanding, values ​​are considered as the main element of culture, the basis of the value-normative mechanism of social regulation of the behavior of groups and communities.

A change in social values ​​from the outside turns into a revaluation of values ​​from the inside; a change in the personal meaning of objects and phenomena is possible either by rethinking their place and role in the life of the subject, including them in a broader context of semantic connections with more diverse motives, needs and values, or as a result of a restructuring of the motives themselves and values.

2. Characteristic modern youth as a social stratum of society

Every historical era had its own ideals and values. For example, in Orthodox Rus' there was faith, in the Russian Empire the ideal of man was the tsar, in Soviet time there were such values ​​as work, camaraderie, respect for elders, and mutual assistance.

Currently, modern society is in a very difficult situation. After the shift political regime The country has not yet come to its senses. All foundations were shaken, value orientations were lost, spiritual and moral ideals disappeared. In search of new ideals, we lose our traditions and foundations and begin to destroy ourselves. We do not see the meaning in our existence, so we do not notice how we are gradually disappearing.

Modern youth are developing in very difficult conditions, breaking many old values ​​and forming new social relations. Hence confusion, pessimism, disbelief in the present and future.

Some live in the past, listening to the stories of their elders about a wonderful time when all problems were supposedly successfully solved. Others, on the contrary, behave aggressively towards all innovations and criticize everything and everyone. Still others, in despair, go nowhere, drink, use drugs, become homeless, and take the path of crime. The fourth ones start looking way to God , join “false-religious” sects of various kinds, and become interested in mysticism and witchcraft. Fifth, realizing that only with the help of one’s own activity can one achieve success in life, they are looking for ways to solve emerging problems. Therefore, young people are left to their own devices in all respects. Nowadays, public opinion on certain actions on the part of the younger generation does not have the power and influence as, for example, 40 years ago. Therefore, young people have no inhibitions. They learn from their own mistakes.

A striking example can be given as a pioneer organization during the USSR. Every teenager should have been a pioneer. Those who were not members and did not wear a red tie were considered hooligans and were not approved by society. This organization disciplined and educated the younger generation. The children were busy with social work.

Now our younger generation is left to its own devices. Parents are at work, and teenagers, if they are not involved in any clubs, then they have a lot of free time, which they spend on the computer or on something else that is not very useful. As a result of this, not knowing what to do, what to do, informal movements are formed, both of which have a bad influence on young minds.

If we analyze literature and the media in the 90s of the last century and the beginning of the 2000s, there was a time of crisis in the country. Addictions such as drug addiction, alcoholism, and smoking began to increase sharply. Among young people this was considered prestigious.

Now the trend is going the other way. Many young people are involved in sports, especially new types (skateboarding, snowboarding, cycling). A person who plays sports deserves respect. But basically, a residue of that “troubled” time remains. Now, despite these gaps, if you walk down the street you can see a lot of drinking groups hanging around the streets doing nothing.

value material moral youth

3. Main groups of value orientations of modern youth

The system of value orientations has a dynamic, mobile nature. In the modern theory of value orientations, the entire system is divided into three large groups. They, in accordance with the triad of “eternal values” - Truth, Goodness, Beauty - are divided into rational; spiritual and humanitarian; material and economic.

1)Material and economic value orientations.

This type of value today is distributed along the “planned economy - market economy” axis. The choice on it is determined by the economic status of a person, his belonging to one or another social group, economically active or economically passive. If a particular social group is an economically dependent part of society and needs the support of the state, it is extremely interested in state management of the economy and in the development of the public sector of the economy and supports the idea of ​​a socially oriented economy. Economically active subjects and communities are confident in the need to develop market relations and economic independence.

Since young people are an economically dependent part of society and need full support from the state, they are extremely interested in state management of the economy and in the development of the public sector of the economy. Being the object of tutelage by the state, she advocates for a socially oriented economy. However, paternalistic and, to some extent, infantilistic sentiments are being replaced by an awareness of the need, first of all, for personal efforts. However, on the other hand, young people, being a revolutionary and reformist part of society, are confident in the need to develop market relations, whose principles are inseparable from the principles of economic independence. Since economic independence is the basis of political independence and a guarantee of political freedoms, students most actively advocate for economic liberalization.

Modern Russian youth show great interest in knowledge and education in the hope of possible adequacy of material rewards for the knowledge and skills realized in the professional field. The most important life orientation of young people is material security. On the other hand, there is a phenomenon of an exaggerated desire to have material goods, which is not supported by an equivalent desire to create these goods.

There is a bifurcation in the distribution of value orientations in the economic sphere, and there is a clear contradiction in the life attitudes of students. The proximity of the two positions (life comfort, success are possible, first of all, thanks to one’s own efforts, enterprise; but at the same time the importance of familiarity with the right people, the help of influential persons) is a reflection in the minds of young people of the specifics of the Russian economy, which eclectically combines the principles of two different economic models. The spirit of enterprise that characterizes market economy, strangely coexists with the bureaucratic “connections market”, which determines the ways and means of obtaining and acquiring material, status, professional benefits and values.

Young people believe that market relations have expanded the individual’s capabilities in terms of cultural identification, destroying ideological dictates, undermining the power of traditions and giving scope to the formation of a wide range of ideas and value orientations. However, the implementation of the opportunities provided by the market directly depends on the available material resources. Most young people intend to try their hand at business, or at least get a job in the private sector of the economy. At the same time, there is a nihilistic attitude towards the state, officials, political, financial and other elites everywhere. Many students claim that after graduating from college they will not work in their specialty and consider income level as the only criterion for future activity.

Of particular importance is that the new generation learns to “make” money in the conditions of a “wild” market, along with the market lifestyle in its worst version, and absorbs all its inherent features: aggressiveness, moral nihilism, disrespect for the law, contempt for the creative labor.

) Spiritual and humanitarian value orientations are traditionally divided into individually oriented or ethical and collectively oriented or political value orientations.

Ethical value orientations among young people are distributed along the vertical axis “utilitarianism - spirituality” and the horizontal axis “collectivism - individualism”.

IN Currently, the public consciousness of Russia professes a philosophy according to which a person must follow the natural (and even worse understood - spontaneous) laws of nature and society (in particular and, above all, in the economy) as the highest manifestation of wisdom and the absence of a social ideal. Left to the mercy of fate, young people are looking for an ideal on their own.

The collectivist orientation of young people is weak and is associated with the general democracy of the student community, and their individualization is determined by the elitism of higher education and its specialty, peculiarity and uniqueness.

Among the new phenomena in the sphere of ethical value orientations, the return to religiosity, which was withdrawn from the public sphere in the USSR, stands out. However, there are some nuances here - turning to religion often has the character of a fashion, and so far we are talking about a kind of psychological religiosity as a certain state of the soul (faith in God) and virtually no ritual traditional religiosity.

Modern Russian young people are apolitical people. During perestroika and the first post-perestroika periods, there was an opinion among democrats that democratization processes would lead to a sharp increase in the political activity of young people. However, a largely opposite process occurred: the interest of the youth masses, including students, in politics fell sharply. A common phenomenon in this environment is the lack of mature political assessments and judgments and established value guidelines.

) Rational-value orientations are based on the subject’s limitation of the meanings of value objects and are divided into subjective-rational and objective-rational orientations.

Subjective-rational orientations, as a rule, are based on idealistic views in which a person is autonomous, independent of external factors, and on the values ​​of freedom. The extreme poles of the subjectivist theory of values ​​are value-based individualism, economic independence and political independence.

Objective-rational orientations are based on a realistic and collective understanding of human nature, on the fact that a person is an integral part of the social collective, a set of social relations.

The most pressing problems of young people are related to the spiritual and moral sphere of life: the lack of ideological foundations for meaning orientation and socio-cultural identification of young people; destruction of the mechanism of continuity of generations due to the general disintegration of culture, erosion of its value foundations and traditional forms of public morality; decreased interest among young people in national culture, its history, traditions, and bearers of national identity; the decline in the prestige of education as a method of social adaptation, cultural continuity and a form of personal self-realization; low activity of young people in solving national, regional and local problems.

The end of the twentieth century in Russia became a time not only of transformation of basic social institutions and new social differentiation, but also of a noticeable evolution of the Russian mentality. The desire of young people for economic self-sufficiency, autonomy, independence is increasing, but the importance of the parental family is growing, and dependence on it is increasing. V.T. Lisovsky argues that the crisis in Russian society has given rise to a special, non-traditional generational conflict. In Russia, he dealt with the philosophical, worldview, and spiritual foundations of the development of society and man, basic views on the economy and man, and the material life of society. The generation of “fathers” found themselves in a situation where there was practically no transfer of material and spiritual heritage to their successors. At the same time, when analyzing the dynamics of value orientations of student youth, it is necessary to take into account the action of two mechanisms - continuity and variability. Changing social conditions and changing social guidelines lead to the fact that the mechanism for the reproduction of value orientations ceases to be leading, giving way to adaptation mechanisms.


Our life today is taking place under the sign of global changes in society, public consciousness, and our future depends on our current choice of development paths.

Having analyzed the concepts of “values” and “value orientations,” it should be noted that if the first of them (values) belongs to the categorical apparatus of sociology, then the second (value orientations) belongs to sociology and social psychology. That is, value orientations are to a greater extent a sociological concept itself, therefore it is its phenomena that, first of all, are subject to study in sociology. Youth, as a special socio-demographic group, is constantly in the focus of research by sociologists, since it is they who are a sensitive indicator of the changes that are taking place and determine the overall development potential of society. From the extent to which the world of values ​​of modern youth has been studied, their attitudes, life plans, the effectiveness of measures that are developed in the field of education, work and employment largely depends. Without understanding the society in which young people live, one cannot understand the youth themselves and their specific problems.

It should be noted that young people need to be given independence, because without it they will not be able to develop as individuals. The contradiction between the emerging self-awareness of an individual and the degree of readiness of society to accept him and promote his further self-development is one of the most fundamental contradictions of social life, associated with the desire to maintain stability and at the same time, constant self-renewal. The ability for such renewal depends on the extent to which a particular public organization takes into account the real needs and interests of young people. Their future and the future of society as a whole depends on what the values ​​of today’s youth are, so it is important to instill socially useful values ​​that are eternal and that existed in previous times. And distrust of youth and its values ​​is distrust of one’s future.

So, we can agree with domestic researchers that such a widespread opinion today about the commercialism of modern youth, their pragmatism, is due to the fact that the young people who articulate these values ​​represent a not very numerous, but very active, purposeful and daring part of the new generation, capable of thinking and acting not like my parents' generation. It should be noted that this behavior of young people is a response to the challenges of the time. Therefore, it is necessary to see modern youth as the most important social resource.


1.Bakirov V., Rushchenko I. Youth: needs and opportunities / V. Bakirov, I. Rushchenko // Sovrem. about. - 2011. - No. 2. - pp. 94-104.

2.Borinshtein E.R. System of value orientations of the individual in the conditions of socio-cultural transformation / E.R. Borinshtein // Grani. - 2012. - No. 3. - pp. 95-100.

.Golovaty N.F. Sociology of youth: Course of lectures. - K.: MAUP, 2010. - 224 p.

.Donskikh O.A. Transformation of value orientations / O.A. Donskikh // Philosophy of Education. - 2013. - No. 2. - pp. 121-127.

.Kovaleva A.I., Lukov V.A. Sociology of youth: Theoretical issues. - M.: Sotsium, 2011. - 351 p.

.Lisovsky V.T. Sociology of youth: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 2012. - 460 p.

.Naumova N.F. Sociological and psychological aspects of goal-directed behavior. - M., 2011. - 320 p.

.Petrov A.V. Value preferences of young people: diagnostics and trends of change / A.V. Petrov // Sociol. research - 2013. - No. 2. - pp. 83-90.

Tags: Values ​​and value orientations of youth Abstract Sociology

Human values ​​and value orientations have always been one of the most important objects of research in such branches of knowledge as philosophy, sociology, ethics, and psychology. Philosophers have been trying to find the answer to the question of what goodness, virtue and beauty are already in antiquity. For the first time, the concept of “value” (“axia” - dignity) was used by the Stoics (Diogenes), in whose understanding values ​​are instrumental in nature, being the means to achieve the good, which is the final, ideal goal. In psychology, the problem of personal values ​​has been occupied from the very beginning. important place, becoming the subject of the “highest” (W. Wundt) of its field.

Value orientations that determine a person’s life goals express what is most important to him and has personal meaning. B.S. Bratus defines personal values ​​as “conscious and accepted by man general meanings of his life." He separates personal values ​​as conscious meanings of life and declared, “named” values ​​external to a person. “Personal values ​​become those meanings in relation to which the subject has decided,” thus, the meanings should be conscious and accepted... Internal acceptance of the meanings realized by the individual is a necessary condition for the formation of personal values.

Adolescence and adolescence is a time of intensive formation of a worldview, a system of value judgments, a person’s moral sphere, his beliefs and ideals. The emergence of beliefs in adolescence indicates a significant qualitative change in the nature of the formation of a system of moral values. According to many researchers, it is the system of value orientations that largely determines the formation of a person’s personality. The ability to know oneself and others, which increases as a teenager gains social experience, is the factor that determines the changes occurring in the value system.

Focus on the future becomes the main focus of the personality; a person anticipates his future, establishing a bridge between “himself as a possibility” and the adult he will become. Along with the discovery of one’s inner world, there arises the need to make decisions related to the future election system. The question of self-expression is acute, being fundamental not only for the manifestation of one’s “I”, but also as “one of important conditions adequate and harmonious development of personality."

A clearly structured system of personal values ​​acquires particular importance in youth. According to E.I. Golovakha, “when planning the future, outlining specific events - plans and goals, a person proceeds, first of all, from a certain hierarchy of values ​​​​represented in his consciousness.” The lack of formation of a person’s ideas about the future is the result of inconsistency of value orientations, when a person cannot make a choice of the most significant areas of life. When values ​​of equal importance compete in a person’s mind, a situation of uncertainty in life choice arises, and it is difficult for a person to determine priority areas of activity. E.I. Golovakha indicates the proximity of life goals and plans, orientations and prospects, that is, the totality of a person’s ideas about the main lines of his life path.

Thus, the most important prerequisite for a person’s successful self-realization in the future is a coordinated, consistent system of value orientations, which underlies the formation of meaningfully and chronologically consistent life goals and plans.

Ideas about the relatively distant future in professional, family and other spheres of life are formed in a person by the age of 14-15. Boys and girls are realistic in their life aspirations related to future professional activities and family. However, in the spheres of education, social advancement and material consumption, their claims are less realistic. A higher level of aspirations in these areas is not always supported by corresponding professional aspirations.

Professional self-determination is “an event that radically changes the further course of life and affects not only its professional component. It significantly affects marriage and family prospects, material well-being, psychological harmony, self-esteem and relationships with oneself, and on place of residence, travel and relocation, and much more - it is difficult to name at least one aspect of lifestyle that would not be influenced, and in the most significant way, by the choice of profession made after leaving school." To do optimal choice in a situation of professional self-determination, it is necessary to have the skills to construct an imaginary picture of the relationship between life events and extrapolate this picture into the future. Available data allow us to doubt that the cognitive sphere of all school graduates is ready for such complex actions. “A high school student often does not know what he wants, who he would like to be. Knowledge about a huge variety of professions does not automatically make them alternatives for professional self-determination; they become real alternatives only when they acquire a certain meaning for the graduate, i.e. they fit in them into the context of his life world."

Students are defined as a special social group, characterized by specially organized, spatially and temporally structured existence, working conditions, everyday life and leisure, social behavior and psychology, and a system of value orientations. According to E. Erikson, staying at a university is a “legislative delay” in a person’s acceptance of the role of an adult, which he, in the context of formation value system calls it a "psychosocial moratorium". However, according to most authors, it is the period of training that is considered the most important for a person in terms of the professional and personal self-determination that occurs at this time, his formation as an individual.

Perhaps it is the university environment that creates the necessary conditions for personal growth and the formation of a higher, autonomous level of the value system. The content of values ​​depends to a large extent on the cultural context and historical period in which the younger generation lives.

Society is making ever new demands on young professionals, calling for the revival and development of national culture, national education, the purpose of which is to form a worthy representative of the culture of their country. Raising a professional is not only equipping him with a system of specialized knowledge and technologies, but also introducing him to the values ​​and ideals of national culture. A significant role in building a value system is played by the teacher, who must be the bearer and transmitter of truly humanistic, constructive values ​​and an example of a value-based, self-determined personality. The main content of the ideal model of value orientations of modern university students should include:

preserving life and health as the highest values ​​in life;

the primacy of spiritual and moral pillars, such as happiness, love, a good family, the future of children, friendship, which is especially important in conditions of instability and living environment;

education, good job and good financial situation;

competitiveness, the desire for professional self-realization, built on self-confidence, enterprise, independence, perseverance, responsibility, self-improvement (in the face of new opportunities, tougher competition and requirements for professionalism);

creativity, development of one's abilities and individuality, preservation of spiritual independence and self-respect (since the ability to accept non-standard solutions, create original projects, think critically, defend your position, etc.);

active social contacts and social competence, that is, the establishment favorable relations in various areas of social interaction, expanding interpersonal connections, realizing one’s social role (the ability to work in a team and see possible career prospects is currently in demand).

Consequently, resolving the socio-economic and educational problems of society involves improving the axiological training of future specialists, on which the spiritual health of the nation, the level of axiological awareness of young citizens, the success of their adaptation to new socio-economic conditions and competitiveness in the labor market will depend.

IN last years The number of publications devoted to the value orientations of student youth is steadily growing. It is value orientations that determine the spiritual core of a person, express his attitude to the world and to himself, influence the direction and content of social activity, fill life with meaning, represent the main channel for a person to assimilate the spiritual culture of society, transform cultural values The incentives and motives of practical behavior are a system-forming element of the worldview. Based on the dominant values ​​in society, one can determine the level cultural development society, the degree of its civilization, the interests prevailing in society.

The education system plays a huge role in the formation and development of the motivational sphere of the individual. Many researchers note the close connection between the motivational sphere of an individual and his value orientations (F.E. Vasilyuk, B.F. Porshnev, V.A. Yadov). A person’s choice of certain reasons for committing an action or behavior presupposes the preference of one motive over all others. Such a basis is values, which is why the problem of studying the value system of modern youth does not lose its relevance.

The study of the motivation for professional choice and the system of value orientations of student youth serves as a tool for identifying changes taking place in society in relation to the prospects for obtaining higher education and professional training. The economic and social situation in our country leaves a significant imprint on the system of life values ​​of young people, the hierarchy of motives for choosing a profession, attitudes towards family and marriage, and a person’s personality.

Since the demand for humanism, humaneness, humanitarianism, morality, humanity is increasing in our time, scientists predict a “revival of humanism,” “the priority of spiritual values,” and the transformation of the humanities into a scientific leader. The study of changes taking place in the consciousness of modern youth is of particular relevance. Social-psychological and psychological-pedagogical research studies the structure and dynamics of value orientations of the individual (E.P. Belinskaya, P.M. Yakobson), the role of value orientations in the mechanism of social regulation of behavior, the relationship of value orientations with individual-typical and characterological characteristics of the individual (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, E.P. Belinskaya), with a professional orientation (O.S. Vasilyeva, D.A. Leontyev).

Let us consider the data from recent studies that studied the ideas of students of “popular” specialties about the main spheres of life, their value orientations, motives for choosing a profession, ideas about the field family relations, as well as the content of students’ ideas about the future. The image of the future that young people develop is an indicator social development society, since it is in ideas about the future that one can see the potential of an adult personality and its value guidelines.

It is important to note that, regardless of specialty, students demonstrate synchronicity when choosing leading values. Leading terminal values: in first place - " health", on the second - " Love", on the third - " happy family life"It can be argued that the priority for students of various specialties is the sphere of family relations.

Representatives of all specialties are interested in active social contacts and in establishing favorable relationships in various areas of social interaction, as well as in realizing their social role.

"Job"as value for students is less significant compared to " friends", "love" And " family", however, professional self-realization is very important. Modern young people are aware of the importance in modern society of education, good work and material well-being; perhaps the importance of these values ​​has increased in the context of rising prices, the commercialization of important social spheres, rising unemployment and competition.

It was revealed that the majority of students of all specialties hope for an easy, active and orderly future. Students are not guided by the values ​​of social success (productive life, knowledge, interesting work, financially secure life, public recognition), not by the values ​​of social interaction (development, knowledge, self-confidence, interesting work, friends) and individual self-realization (development, knowledge , freedom, creativity, productive life), namely on the value of personal happiness. Research data show that students of all specialties are focused on universal human values ​​of personal happiness, the most significant of which are: love, health, happy family life, financially secure life, life wisdom. A happy family life, love, health are more important for students than freedom, creativity, public recognition, self-confidence and friends.

Family remains a traditionally attractive value for all students surveyed; when describing a bright future, almost every respondent points to the presence of a husband, a loved one, a family, and children. An interesting fact is that when describing a dark future, students consider the death of loved ones to be the most terrible event, while describing a bright future, respondents do not mention parents, that is, parents are not represented in pictures of a bright future.

An interesting fact is that being students, that is, the most educated, potential layer of society, young people do not give instructions for self-realization, personal growth, knowledge, and development. They also do not indicate more specific goals, tasks that would be steps on the way to achieving goals. Instead of forward planning, they reflect fantasies that are not supported by the desire to realize them. Students do not give any indication of their aesthetic orientations or their literary and musical preferences.

Material luck among students of all specialties is not the dominant principle that determines respondents’ ideas about luck in life. For them highest value has the opportunity to do something you like, the opportunity to start a family, have children, be loved, have opportunities for self-development and self-realization. It is also important to note that the descriptions are sparse, formal and formulaic.

Summarizing this information, we can display an axiological portrait of a modern student: self-confident, striving for an interesting and well-paid job, responsible, successful, considering education and high moral qualities as the means to achieve success in life, knowing and developing their cultural potential. Valuing health, family, autonomy and independence, aware of the need for strong will, communication skills, the ability to establish relationships and rejecting authoritarianism.

Achieving material well-being. Students who consider themselves to be in the middle class of society see the achievement of material well-being not in a piece of bread and butter, but in such a mythologized way of life upper class when you can “deny yourself nothing.” The essays “Bright Future” paint rosy prospects. In addition to a huge apartment or your own mansion, several cars are expected; a comfortable vacation for the whole family is provided 2-3 times a year. Many people want to own real estate abroad (France, Switzerland, Italy). It can be assumed that students are already morally prepared for the conditions of a market economy, but when describing their fantasies, students often do not indicate ways to achieve this well-being.

Spiritual orientations. Terminal spiritual values ​​differ significantly from material values. As the students' essays show, many see themselves in the future as the owner of a "private company." Work is not attractive to all students. An interesting fact is that being students, that is, the most educated, potential layer of society, young people do not give instructions for self-realization, personal growth, knowledge, and development. They also do not indicate more specific goals, tasks that would be steps on the way to achieving goals.

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10. Kjell, L., Ziegler, D. Theories of personality / L. Kjell, D. Ziegler. - St. Petersburg: Peter-Press, 1997. - 608 p.

11. Budinaite, G.L. Personal values ​​and personal prerequisites of the subject / G.L. Budinaite, T.V. Kornilova // Questions of psychology. - 1993. - T.14. - No. 5. - p.99-105.

12. Kirilova, N.A. Value orientations in the structure of the integral individuality of senior schoolchildren / N.A. Kirilova // Questions of psychology. - 2000. - No. 4. - pp. 46-62.

13. Leontiev, D.A. Professional self-determination as the construction of images of a possible future / D.A. Leontyev, E.V. Shelobanova // Questions of psychology. - 2001. - No. 1. - p.58-65.

14. Titarenko, L.G. The value world of modern Belarusian society: gender aspect / L.G. Titarenko. - Mn.: BSU, 2004. - 205 p.

15. Yakovets, Yu.V. Cycles. Crises. Forecasts / Yu.V. Yakovets. - M., 1999.206 p.

Lecture >> Sociology

Options presented system machine language, and unformalized parameters are concepts, scripts, value orientation person... . The ideas of M. Weber permeate the entire building modern sociology, constituting its foundation. Huge...

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    Groups. (8, M, L) marginal M G marketing 9 System enterprise management. System enterprise management. (9, M, G) marketing M S Marx... as the objective embodiment of knowledge, attitudes, value orientations needs and interests recorded in real...

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    Family changes. Moreover, the collapse value systems, who supported the extended family, ... Yankova (urban family) and others. 8. Soremennaya family in Kazakhstan and its problems Today... is also revealed during analysis value orientations young people for mutual...

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    ... system closely interconnected cognitive and emotional-volitional processes that perform the function orientation..., religious, a priori value. Social functions of morality... the origins of faith. On modern stage is dominated by desecularization...

  • A significant contribution to the study of the value orientations of young people was made by the works of such famous Russian sociologists as V. A. Yadov, V. G. Lisovsky, M. Kh. Titma, S. I. Grigoriev, V. G. Nemirovsky and many others. Experts point out that current situation in society puts young people in very difficult conditions. This is especially true in the economic sphere and employment. Thus, if previously the distribution system for graduates of educational institutions guaranteed them employment in their specialty, now there is practically no distribution after graduation. This puts young professionals in a system of fierce competition with people with work experience. In addition, recently employers’ requirements not only for the level of knowledge and skills, but also for the personal characteristics of the graduate have come to the fore. This state of affairs causes increased interest among sociologists in the problem of value orientations of modern youth.

    When writing this work, S. S. Frolov’s textbook “Sociology”, the collection “Value Orientations of Modern Youth” (compiled by V. P. Vdovichenko), articles by V. E. Semenov from the journal “Sociological Research”, were used as sources of theoretical information. Internet source – free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”.

    Practical significance. this work may be of interest to both students and teachers. Students can use research data in preparation for classes in social studies, culture, etc. For teachers, research data can help them understand the aspirations and interests of young people, those students who come to their lessons, and then adjust their pedagogical efforts aimed at shaping the student’s personality .

    1. 1. Definition of the concept of “value orientations”

    What are value orientations? “Value orientations are the most important elements of the internal structure of a person, fixed by the life experience of the individual, the totality of his experiences and delimiting what is significant, essential for a given person, from the insignificant, unimportant. Value orientations, this main axis of consciousness, ensure the stability of the individual, the continuity of a certain type of behavior and activity and are expressed in the direction of needs and interests.” “Developed value orientations are a sign of a person’s maturity, an indicator of the degree of his sociality. A stable and consistent set of value orientations determines such personality qualities as integrity, reliability, loyalty to certain principles and ideals, the ability to make volitional efforts in the name of these ideals and values, and active life position; inconsistency of value orientations gives rise to inconsistency in behavior; underdevelopment of value orientations is a sign of infantilism, the dominance of external stimuli in the internal structure of the personality.”

    In social psychology, the concept of “Value orientations” is used in two meanings:

    ← “ideological, political, moral, aesthetic and other bases for the subject’s assessment of reality and orientation in it;

    ← a way to differentiate objects according to their significance. ”

    Value orientations “are formed during the assimilation of social experience and are found in goals, ideals, beliefs, interests and other manifestations of personality”

    In a newer interpretation:

    “Value orientations are, first of all, preferences or rejections of certain meanings as life-organizing principles and (un)readiness to behave in accordance with them. Value orientations, therefore, set the general direction of the interests and aspirations of the individual; hierarchy of individual preferences and patterns; target and motivational programs; level of aspirations and prestigious preferences; ideas about what should be and mechanisms of selection according to criteria of significance; a measure of readiness and determination (through volitional components) through the implementation of one’s own “project” of life.”

    The interpretation of the concept “value orientation” is multi-sense; it is a capacious and important concept for life. It is no coincidence that the compiler offers its definition from several sources: perhaps someone in the collection has others, look through encyclopedias, reference books and dictionaries, maybe it will be important for you to compare and see what is new in the definition, what has changed in it time.

    Thus, based on various interpretations Let’s take the concept of “Value orientations” as the main definition from the Internet dictionary “Social Psychology”:

    Value orientations are a reflection in a person’s consciousness of values ​​that he recognizes as strategic life goals and general ideological guidelines (18(.

    1. 2. Questioning as a method of sociological research

    To identify the most significant value orientations of modern youth, most researchers use the survey method.

    If the survey is carried out correctly, the data obtained makes it possible to identify the individual psychological characteristics of a person: inclinations, interests, tastes, attitudes towards life facts and phenomena, other people, oneself. The essence of this method is that the researcher asks the subject prepared and carefully thought out questions, to which he answers.

    A questionnaire is a list of questions that are given to the persons being studied for a written response. The advantage of this method is that it makes it possible to obtain bulk material relatively easily and quickly. The disadvantage of this method in comparison with a conversation is the lack of personal contact with the subject, which does not make it possible to vary the nature of the questions depending on the answers. Questions should be clear, clear, understandable, and should not suggest one answer or another. The material of interviews and questionnaires is valuable when it is supported and controlled by other methods, in particular, observation.

    Questioning is directly documentary data collection. It can be both full-time and correspondence, both frontal and individual. This is a written type of survey.

    Questionnaires are widely used in sociological research, but is also used in psychological. It is convenient due to the simplicity and unambiguity of the procedure for obtaining written opinions from a wide range of respondents. However, it does not provide deep and detailed information.

    In the most common survey options, the following parts of the questionnaire are distinguished:

    ← Introductory part: title of the questionnaire - who, why (for what purpose), when, with whom and where is conducting the research; an explanation of the purpose of the questionnaire (why the respondent should be interested in filling it out) and the technique for completing it.

    ← The main part is substantive questions proposed for answer.

    1. 3. Values ​​of modern youth

    Today there is a lot of research into value orientations among young people. However, a purposeful study of the value orientations of NGO students, according to the data we found, was carried out in 2002. The data was published in the journal Education and Science.

    Students of NGO institutions in the Chelyabinsk region, as well as in Russia as a whole, named a friendly, strong family as an absolute priority among life values ​​- 24.4% and 53.4%, respectively. It is interesting that this value is especially important for urban youth (34.9%) and less important for rural youth.

    According to the data presented, the block of relationships between parents and children in the family seems to be very important in terms of determining the life values ​​of students in NGO institutions, since it is from the family that children come to the NGO system with a whole range of advantages and disadvantages. More than half of NGO students (55.7%) are in the Chelyabinsk region and almost half (48.6%).

    It is obvious, write the authors of the article “Social Portrait of a Modern Educational Educational Institution Student in the Chelyabinsk Region,” that in the families of students of primary vocational education institutions, alienation between the older and younger generations prevails. And this, as A. T. Glazunov notes, “cannot but affect the desire to seek authority outside the family or the formation of a stereotype of family relationships, which in the future may manifest itself in the young man’s own independent family.” From this follows, in our opinion, the value of friendship. Friends become an “outlet” for teenagers where they are valued, understood, etc. A teenager spends time not only in the family and educational environment. The formation of his personality is greatly influenced by the circle of informal communication. Thus, one of the most popular forms of spending free time among students of NGO establishments turned out to be meetings with friends and acquaintances.

    In addition, students attend clubs, interest groups, etc. Teenagers have their own range of hobbies, many of them try to express themselves in creativity: they write poetry, do choreography, become participants in the scientific society of students, etc. all this helps young people self-realization.

    Among the important life values, students also named: “become a rich, financially independent person” (24.4%), “become a highly qualified specialist” (23.6%), “have good health, play sports” (17.1%). The least popular were “serving people” and “realizing one’s abilities.”

    Analysis of the leading life values ​​of students in NPO institutions of the Chelyabinsk region, conclude A. G. Bazaev, E. A. Kulagina, allows us to identify two trends. Firstly, young people are more focused on obtaining high qualifications and productive work, which should provide them with a comfortable existence. Secondly, the priorities of students’ life values ​​have a pronounced tilt towards individualization

    We find approximately the same list of life values ​​of young people in a 2007 study by V. E. Semenov. In particular, he provides data on the following indicators: family, friends, health, interesting work, money, justice, faith.

    Thus, the main “value orientations of modern youth and NGO students, in particular, are:

    ← Family. By this value we understand the unconditional importance of consanguinity, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility of members of this small group. This understanding of the family is based on the definition from the textbook “Social Studies” for grade 10 by A. I. Kravchenko: “A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, connected by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.”

    ← Money. This value orientation can be defined as material well-being, the opportunity to earn good money, and have a well-paid job. This understanding of this value emerges from student surveys as well as their research data

    ← Friends. Friendship is a type of personal relationship. Unlike functional, business relationships, where one person uses the other as a means to achieve some goal, friendship is valuable in itself, it is a good in itself; friends help each other selflessly, “not for service, but for friendship.” Unlike consanguinity, family closeness and from partnership, the members of which are bound by common belonging and bonds of group solidarity, friendship is individually selective, free and based on mutual sympathy. Unlike superficial friendship, friendship is a deep and intimate relationship, implying not only fidelity and mutual assistance, but also inner closeness, frankness, trust, and love. It’s not for nothing that we call a friend our alter ego (“another self”). This pinmania of friendship is described in the eternal Internet dictionary “Krugosvet”. We also believe that for young people, friends are one of the ways to get away from loneliness and to assert themselves in the company of peers.

    ← Education. The spiritual appearance of a person, which develops under the influence of moral and spiritual values ​​that constitute the heritage of his cultural circle, as well as the process of education, self-education, influence, polishing, that is, the process of shaping the appearance of a person. At the same time, the main thing is not the amount of knowledge, but the combination of the latter with personal qualities, the ability to independently manage one’s knowledge.

    ← Self-realization is the highest desire of a person to realize his talents and abilities. A person striving for self-realization lives to a greater extent in real world than in the world of abstract ideas or stereotypes.

    ← Health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO Constitution, 1946).

    2. Research methodology and organization

    2. 1. Calculation of the sample population

    In this study, the general population is all students of PU No. 121.

    The sample population is 80 people, 20 people from each course. Of these: 53 girls, 27 boys

    2. 3. Analysis and synthesis of research results

    To analyze the dynamics of students’ value orientations, we ranked all values ​​according to their importance for students in each course. Rank places (from 1st to 6th value orientation, where 1st is the most significant value, etc.) are presented in the table.

    Table 2. Ranking places of importance of individual value orientations for students of PU No. 121

    TU values

    Family 1-3 1-5 1-3 1-6

    Money 2-6 1-6 3-6 2-6

    Education 2-6 1-6 1-6 2-6

    Friends 2-6 2-6 3-6 2-6

    Self-realization 3-6 1-6 3-6 1-6

    Health 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-5

    Based on the data in the table, some conclusions can be drawn.

    Interest in family life, is predominant and tends to grow from the 2nd to the 3rd year, which, in our opinion, is completely natural and is associated with the desire to form one’s own family ((((.

    Also, the most important thing in the life of students is health, which tends to increase, moving from 6th to 5th place to first. For TU students, health is the most important value than for 1st - 3rd year students ((((.

    The area of ​​study is most significant for 2nd and 3rd year students; for 1st year and TU students, education is inferior to family ((((.

    In 4th place in importance for students of 1-3 years and TU is self-realization and rises from 3rd – 6th place to 1st. Self-realization for 2nd year students and TU is a more important value than for 1st and 3rd year students ((((.

    The desire for a high financial position among all students tends to increase, moving from 6th place to 1st place by the end of their studies ((((. First, third years, TU is much more tolerant of financial dependence on parents ((((. Student the second year student has higher needs, they strive to be independent from their parents, they try to earn money themselves ((((.

    Interest in friends is not a predominant value, but tends to grow((((.

    Table 3. Ranking coefficient of value orientations of students at PU No. 121 based on survey results

    course gender family money education friends self-realization health

    1st year girls 5.1 2.4 3.4 2.6 2 4.6

    boys 5.5 1.8 4 4.3 1.6 3

    2nd year girls 4.7 2 4.1 2.5 3.4 4.2

    boys 6 2.8 3.3 3 2.2 4.2

    3rd year girls 5.7 2.2 2.7 3 1.7 4.8

    boys 5.1 2.1 3.8 2.6 2.3 4.6

    TU girls 4 2 3.6 3 2.6 6

    boys 5 1.3 4 3.4 3 4.2

    Based on the data obtained (((((we can conclude that our hypothesis is confirmed. The majority of students at PU No. 121 consider family to be the most significant value (((((. Moreover, the dynamics are as follows: the growth of family values ​​from the 1st year to the 3rd year - Mu is only strengthening among both girls and boys.

    For the majority of subjects, value orientations have different meaning. But most students, regardless of age (course of study), put family and health first.

    As students indicated in their questionnaires:

    ← “family is the best thing in a person’s life. This is the house in which you grew up, the parents who raised you, clothed you, fed you, taught you everything good”;

    ← “family is the most important thing in life, because no one can appreciate you better than anyone from your family. This is the most valuable thing in the life of any person”;

    ← “family is the most important thing in a person’s life. They gave life, thanks to which everything said above can be realized”;

    ← “health is the most important thing, if there is no health, then there will be nothing. If you are healthy, everything will work out.”

    Education and friends are the next most important values ​​for students of PU No. 121. We believe that this can be explained by the immediate field of activity of the respondents. These two concepts (education and friends) are interconnected in the minds of the majority of respondents, since they are limited to one space (that is, school) and time (the majority of respondents study together with their friends at PU No. 121).

    Self-realization occupies the penultimate place in the list of value orientations of PU No. 121. Firstly, this can be explained by the fact that most of respondents have already decided on a profession; all plans for the future are connected with it; respondents see their self-realization in it. However, many of the students have other hobbies.

    It is also noteworthy that material values ​​were in last place. This, in our opinion, is a consequence of the fact that the general standard of living of the population is increasing, and today students, who still mostly live at the expense of their parents, do not directly face financial difficulties, since their parents do not encounter them either.


    The value orientations of modern youth are a rather capacious and multidimensional concept. For the formation of value orientations as a stable personality trait, adolescence and youth are the most important. It is at this time that the foundations of a person’s future life position are laid, therefore the main role in the formation of value guidelines is assigned to the education system. This is where interest in this problem arises today.

    Value orientations are a reflection in a person’s consciousness of values ​​recognized by him as strategic life goals and general ideological guidelines

    Young people are very different in their value orientations, however, the survey showed that for the majority of respondents the most important were:

    Family values (25%);

    ← Health (22%),

    ← Education (17%)

    ← Friends (15%)

    ← Self-realization (11%),

    ← Money (10%).

    The study identified six types of the most significant value orientations, characterized by the stability of components that characterize the different directions of students’ social activity.

    Thus, we can conclude that by conducting this study, we have proven the hypothesis that the value orientations of young people are different, but for the majority the most important are family and health.

    Changing value orientations is, undoubtedly, a rather painful process, and the study of its patterns can help identify ways of influencing a young person, relevant social institutions, in order to reduce the intensity of her emotional stress and prevent possible social tension.

    In particular, knowledge of the degree of formation of the value orientations of young people, their hierarchy, can be the key to the implementation of personality education. It is known that value orientations influence the determination of an individual’s place in society, as well as his choice of his reference group.

    This fact should be taken into account when repacking student groups: uniting students from diametrically opposed systems of value orientations into one academic group will complicate the process of forming a student body as a single stable organism, and, consequently, the overall process of socialization.

    In the wake of interest in the problem of forming a system of value orientations of students and its transformations, many sociological surveys were conducted and psychological research, based on the results of which it is possible to trace a clear relationship between value orientations and the social conditions in which the young person functions.

    Thus, in the 50s and early 60s of the 20th century, young people, answering the question about the components of happiness, put their favorite job, the desire to love and be loved, and respect for the environment in the first places. In the 80s, among the main value orientations in the system, “ political culture as an important value in the formation of a new type of personality”, “socio-political activity as one of the most important values ​​of the Soviet person”, “art as a means of value orientation of the individual”, “work as highest value socialist way of life."

    Among the most important life values, from the point of view of “Soviet youth,” were: the desire to be useful to society, have an interesting creative job, earn the respect of people, love and be loved, and only after that - material well-being; What was valued least of all was a quiet life, fame subordinated to one’s own interests. Consequently, the center of the entire value system, the way of self-affirmation and improvement of each person was socially useful work.

    A special system of value orientations for young people modern stage socialization undergoes significant transformation, and there is a direct connection between the changes occurring in society and in the value system. The three main stages of the crisis (destabilization of the socialist system, acute conflict, recovery from the crisis) correspond to certain changes in the system of value orientations.

    Thus, at the first stage there was not a destruction of values, but a qualitative renewal of their structure - a transition from a total-ideologized to a plural-human structure of values ​​- mass desocialization and resocialization of a young man.

    The individual simultaneously approves (or denies) opposing values, or it is difficult for him to make a choice and he prefers an intermediate position. At the second stage, value orientations become clearer, less controversial, and the orientation toward the self-worth of each individual intensifies. At the third stage of crisis development of society, the formation of a system of value orientations depends on the result of resolving the crisis.

    The process of transformation of values ​​occurs through the conscious acceptance of value orientations dictated by the realities of life, and an attempt to be guided by them in life and activity. The persistence of old stereotypes at the subconscious level causes certain intrapersonal conflicts and predetermines the likelihood of a variable forecast regarding the future.

    As a rule, having formed his value picture of the world, a person maintains it unchanged throughout almost his entire life. This picture is formed mainly at the stage of socialization of individuals that immediately precedes periods of maturity.

    And then a person’s value system usually changes only during periods of crisis; moreover, these changes relate mainly to the structure of values ​​and reflect changes in priorities, as a result of which some values ​​become more significant, while others fade into the background in the development and formation of personality.

    And in societies that are transforming, this traditional system does not work, because in the conditions of significant shifts in the social value system, for most people the need to perceive new guidelines and one way or another rebuild the personal value system becomes urgent.

    At the same time, in the mass consciousness there is a replacement of a monolithic value system with a pluralistic one, when various categories people build their value hierarchy on various basic positions. The above directly applies to the category of students, part of which is based on the need, first of all, to achieve mutual understanding in relationships.

    Such students are guided by the principles of tolerance, most of them share the statement “patience is the best salvation.” At the same time, another part of the youth, who belong to the opposite orientation, completely agree with the proverb “To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.”

    In general, in modern society, the process of socialization of young people is complicated by difficulties that arise as a result of the revaluation of traditions, norms and values. If previously young people relied heavily on the experience of previous generations, now young people master and create new social experiences, relying mainly on themselves, which largely determines the presence of contradictory tendencies in the consciousness and behavior of modern youth.

    As a result, there are many different models of self-realization in the student environment: for many students, the main values ​​are “find yourself in this life,” “remain human,” “material security,” etc.

    So, modern students think about both material well-being and spiritual values, in contrast to their predecessors, who felt less material difficulties, but also thought less about the meaning of life, which was largely determined.

    At the same time, the value of personal freedom has increased, which provides a person with free choice, which, however, is not always a systemic educational component of positive, socially accepted models of life orientation. In conditions when it becomes freedom from any restrictions for a person, this can lead to the formation of asocial models of socialization.


    Today, a person in a developed society proceeds from the recognition that there are no rights without responsibilities, just as there are no responsibilities without rights. Modern constitutions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights invariably formulate the human right to be obligated to society, to other people, to one’s neighbor. Determined by the system of human relations and developing through the appropriation of the material and spiritual culture of society, the individual becomes the bearer of moral values ​​that exist in culture at a certain stage of social development. As a necessary component of spiritual culture, value orientations determine each person’s attitude towards himself and other people as bearers of these values.

    Psychological reality in the world around us and in ourselves is presented in two main forms: the psyche of each person and the psychology of groups of people, communities of different scales. They are complex, interconnected, but at the same time each of them is unique. It is incorrect to believe that there is an individual psyche that is absolutely independent from the psyche of other people, from groups, communities of people of which a given person is a member.

    Research and historical facts, as well as modern Russian reality, confirm that the development of society in all directions is more successful if the changes include the corresponding development of each individual personality of a given society.

    The world around a person is not only the earth, sky, stars, air, water, etc., but also everything that is connected with other people, the life of society, the achievements of mankind, their movement from the past to the future. The surrounding social world invades the inner world of a person, exerting a certain influence on the consciousness of the individual, his actions and activities.

    A person treats objects and phenomena of the environment as objects for satisfying his interests and needs. In the process of satisfying his spiritual and material needs, a person enters into psychological relationships with the social environment and its elements (people, norms of behavior, etc.).

    To consume social products, a person is forced to show social activity, perform actions and become involved in a system of abundant social relationships. Every individual simply cannot ignore this. He is forced to consciously coordinate his relationships, decisions and actions with the realities of the surrounding social environment, and his life and activities acquire signs of sociality: political, moral, legal, cultural, ethical and others. At the same time, a person does not passively adapt to the environment, since he himself can participate in the transformation of the surrounding world.

    Modern crises and acute global problems show that many previous orientations of society have turned out to be untenable. Therefore, modern society faces a huge problem - a change in worldview, in which, in our opinion, the leading form will be the orientation of man and society towards universally significant values: Good, Beauty, Duty, Justice, Life, etc.

    Thus, the problem of studying the value orientations of an individual and their development in various age categories, professional and property groups, political parties, etc., is becoming increasingly complex. Moreover, being the subject of study of various social disciplines, value orientations represent an important and necessary area of ​​research, which is reflected in many human sciences: philosophy, pedagogy, psychology and sociology.

    Theoretical analysis of the study of value orientations of the individual indicates the depth of understanding of this concept in the works of the greatest philosophers: Aristotle, F. Aquinas, I. Kant, G. Rickert, W. Windelband, which continues to this day in the works of N. S. Rozov, B. Schleder and others.

    The problem of the formation of value orientations of an individual is devoted to the works of classics of foreign and domestic science, who in their theories rely on the concept of personality, since value orientations are inextricably linked with it, as well as with the study of human behavior and motives.

    Modern psychologists, philosophers and sociologists - N.S. Rozov, B. Shleder, N.A. Kirilova, A.V. Sery, M.S. Yanitsky and others also address the problem of the formation and development of a person’s value orientations, considering them as a component of the personality structure, characterizing the direction and content of an individual’s activity, determining general approach a person to the world, to himself, giving meaning and direction to personal positions, behavior, and actions.

    The review and analysis of research on the problem of the development of value orientations of the individual leads us to the conclusion that value orientations are a socio-psychological phenomenon that is the most important component of the personality structure; they penetrate into all areas human activity and perform one of the most important functions - the function of regulating human behavior, organizing his life and activities.

    Despite sufficient theoretical coverage of this problem in domestic and foreign scientific publications, the influence of motivational and socio-psychological factors that lead to a person changing his or her value orientations has not been sufficiently studied.

    Resolving the contradiction between the need of modern society for stable, universal value orientations and the need to identify psychological factors of their development determines the research problem.

    Purpose of the study: to identify and scientifically substantiate the main psychological factors in the development of individual value orientations; experimentally prove the influence of psychological factors on the development of value orientations of an individual.

    Object of study: value orientations of the individual.

    Subject of research: psychological factors in the development of individual value orientations.

    The research hypothesis has the following assumptions:

    The development of a person’s value orientations occurs under the influence of a system of various psychological factors;

    One of them is motive, considered as a basic factor under the influence of which the dynamics of a person’s value orientations are carried out;

    Other factors influencing the development of a person’s value orientations are socio-psychological factors, namely activity, communication and evaluative factors.

    Based on the purpose of the study and the assumptions of the hypothesis, the following research objectives were outlined:

    1. Analyze the state of theory and practice on the problem of the development of individual value orientations as a result of the influence of psychological factors on them.

    2. Determine the influence of motivational factors on the development of a person’s value orientations.

    3. Identify socio-psychological factors in the development of an individual’s value orientations.

    4. To study the influence of psychological factors on the dynamics of a person’s value orientations during an experimental study.

    The structure of the dissertation work: is determined by the logic of the research and includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications. The total volume of the dissertation is 163 pages. The work contains 18 tables, 9 graphs and diagrams, 6 appendices. Bibliography includes 130



    The theoretical analysis of the state of the problem of value orientations of the individual and their development in modern science shows that:

    1. The study of value orientations of an individual was observed in the works of ancient philosophers (Aristotle, Socrates), whose thoughts were picked up and continued by philosophers of subsequent historical eras (Weber M., Windelband, Scheler M.). Modern research (A.N. Leontyev, N.S. Rozov, N. Kirilova, M.I. Bobneva, B. Shloeder, V.G. Alekseeva, M.S. Yanitsky, S.S. Bubnova and others) as both foreign and domestic science have shown that this problem is becoming increasingly complex in the study of value orientations in various age categories, professional and property groups.

    2. Value orientations are the most important socio-psychological formation of the individual, manifested in all spheres of human activity. Moreover, the definition of K. Kluckhohn (1954) is relevant for the present time: “Value orientations are implicit or explicit concepts of what is desired, characterizing an individual or group and determining the choice of types, means and goals of behavior.”

    3. All previously existing and currently existing theories of value orientations can be classified into the following types of models:

    1) theological - a centuries-old paradigm of hierarchy, in which all values ​​and norms did not have any basis other than Divine revelation; the works of Aristotle, F. Aquinas, V. Windelband, G. Rickert, M. Scheler; a model of complete relativism, proclaiming that values ​​are a matter of taste for each person. This model is followed by A. Maslow, E. Shostrom, D. Horney, V. Franki; social - recognition that values ​​are inherent in society, i.e. The identity of the individual and society is determined by value orientations. Proponents of this model are I. Kant, B. Schleder, E. Sprangen, K. Kluckhohn, M. Rokeach, V.P. Tugarinov and others; activity - the transformation of cultural values ​​into incentives and motives for practical behavior of people - A.N. Leontyev, M.I. Bobneva, S.L. Rubinstein, V.G. Alekseeva and others, at present it is possible to distinguish many classification models in which the value orientations of an individual are structured according to the subject or content of the objects to which they are directed: socio-political, economic, moral, environmental; by subject of relationship: society, class, social group, collective, individual. We tried to present the variety of studied and generalized classification models in paragraph 1.2. our work.

    5. Summarizing the conducted theoretical research, it is necessary to note the difficulties that lie in the fact that a significant step in solving the problem of classifying value orientations can be made if we correlate the results of the study of the value orientations of an individual with a unified scheme of value orientations, which will determine the framework conditions for comparing different eras and cultures. Such a scheme should consist of many scales characterizing general directions in the development of value orientations. At the same time, the scheme must be specific and reflect the specifics of the changes that occur. In our opinion, one of such schemes is the classification of value orientations by Oldemeyer (1978), since it describes options for changes within which the characteristics of modern society, sometimes very

    4. In complex trends of decreasing or increasing the importance of human values.

    6. Changing the value orientations of an individual is a dynamic process that has certain functions: incentive and regulatory. In our opinion, the incentive function of an individual’s value orientations is manifested in the totality of motives that influence a person’s life activity, in the individual’s orientation not only to his own motives, but also to social values. The main function of value orientations is a regulatory function, namely, the regulation of individual behavior in certain social conditions of the society in which it exists.

    7. The development of a person’s value orientations occurs under the influence of a system of psychological factors, in particular motivational and socio-psychological: communicative, activity and evaluative factors. The term "factor" here is understood as the cause or driving force any process that determines its nature. In our opinion, these factors are in such a close relationship and interdependence that it is necessary to consider their influence on the development of a person’s value orientations in the system.

    8. Value orientations are a largely sociological concept that acquires psychological meaning in connection with the analysis of the motives and actions of an individual. The effect of the motive is that the individual was inert until some stimulus brought him out of balance. But all living beings are active, so a person stubbornly continues to move towards his goal, each towards his own. The socio-psychological factors that we identified as additional ones act as a system of relationships between a person and a group. More precisely, the social determination of the human personality is carried out in the behavior of the individual, which takes place within a specific social group and is subject to its conditions, group norms and value orientations. Schematically, the process of influence of socio-psychological factors on the development of a person’s value orientations can be represented in the form of a logical chain: structure of society - ♦ structure of the group - structure of the individual. 9. Our experimental study of the influence of motivational and socio-psychological factors on the development of a person’s value orientations confirms the assumptions put forward in the research hypothesis, namely:

    There is a correlation between value orientations and types of personality orientation (motivational formations), value orientations - the group’s perception of the individual and the individual of the group (communicative, activity and evaluative factors), value orientations - tendencies of human behavior in a real group. Although it should be noted that the mere fact of correlation of two variables does not mean that there is a causal relationship between them. One can only state the degree of connection between the designated variables;

    Motivating students for their future profession with the help of selected areas of work of the formative experiment led to the development of values ​​of professional success;

    There was an increase in the pragmatic activity of students in the experimental group compared to the control group (De.g.=8.3%, Dk.k.=3.4%), aimed at realizing group goals.

    The obtained theoretical and practical data can be used in constructing conceptual provisions of educational systems of universities, in preparing students of pedagogical universities for future professional activities; when organizing the work of teaching classes; in the system of pre-vocational education and professional career planning for high school students.