People born on March 8th characteristics of a woman. Totem animals by year of the eastern calendar

Who celebrates their birthday on March 8th? Celebrities, famous people, stars who were born on March 8th.

Alexey Nikolaevich Mishin. Born on March 8, 1941 in Sevastopol. Soviet figure skater, performed in pairs skating with Tamara Moskvina, silver medalist of the World and European Championships, champion of the USSR. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1969). Honored Coach of the USSR. Honored Trainer of Russia. Honored Trainer of the Ukrainian SSR. Honored Worker physical culture Russian Federation (2002).

Elena Nikolaevna Baturina. Born on March 8, 1963 in Moscow. Russian entrepreneur, philanthropist, philanthropist. President of Inteco Management. One of the richest women in Russia. Wife of Yuri Luzhkov.

Sergei Yakovlevich Nikitin. Born on March 8, 1944 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian bard, songwriter, composer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1995). Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Natalia Alexandrovna Kuchinskaya. Born on March 8, 1949 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Soviet artistic gymnast. Two-time Olympic champion (1968). Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1966).

Alena Alekseevna Bikkulova. Born on March 8, 1982 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian theater and film actress, pop singer, composer, songwriter, screenwriter, director, presenter.

Boris Pavlovich Vladimirov (born Syromyatnikov). Born on March 8, 1932 in Moscow - died on April 8, 1988 in Moscow. Soviet theater and film actor, pop actor, half of the pop duo Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna (Avdotya Nikitichna).

Viktor Mikhailovich Arbekov (March 8, 1942, Podolsk, Moscow region - February 18, 2017, Moscow). Soviet motorcycle racer, world champion in motocross in the class of cars up to 250 cm³, bronze medalist of the World Championship, multiple champion of the USSR. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1965), Honored Trainer of the RSFSR.

Nikolai Dmitrievich Chindyaikin. Born on March 8, 1947 in the village. Chernoye, Urensk district, Gorky region. Russian theater and film actor, director, teacher. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1985), People's Artist of Russia (2013).

Evgeniy Semyonovich Matveev. Born on March 8, 1922 in the village of Novoukrainka (Kherson region) - died on June 1, 2003 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1974). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1978).

Jacob Böhme (German: Jakob Böhme; March 8, 1575, Alt-Seidenberg, Saxony - November 18, 1624, Görlitz, Saxony) - German Christian mystic, seer, theosophist, founder of Western sophiology - the doctrine of the “Wisdom of God”.

Vladimir Yakovlev(1959) - founder of the Kommersant Publishing House;
Lidia Skoblikova(1939) - Soviet speed skater, Olympic champion;
Freddie Prinze Jr(1976, Los Angeles) - American actor who played Leo Winget in the TV series "Witches of East End";
James van der Beek(1977, Connecticut) - American actor who played Reese Dixon in the TV series One Tree Hill;
Nick Zano(1978, New Jersey - American actor who played Hunt in the film "Final Destination 4", Tim Kline in the series "Beautiful to Death" and Josh in the series "Cougar Town";
Nora-Jane Noon(1984) - Irish actress who played Atalanta in the TV series Atlantis, Holly in the film The Descent and Bernadette in the film The Magdalene Sisters;
Max Barskikh(1990) - pop singer;
Lynn Redgrave(03/08/43 - 05/02/10) - British actress;
Ava Sonnet(1985) - Polish fashion model and popular singer;
Alexander Rowe(1906-1973) - Soviet film director, author of 16 feature films (including 14 fairy tale films) and 3 documentaries. People's Artist of the RSFSR;
Petr Ganushkin(03/08/1875-02/23/1933) - Russian psychiatrist;
Ephraim Sevela(Efim Evelevich Drabkin) (03/08/28-08/18/10) - writer, journalist, director;
Yuri Rytkheu(03/08/1930-05/14/2008) - Soviet, Russian and Chukchi writer.

The element of water carries with it many features. March 8, its brightest representatives. The zodiac sign is completely opposite to the animal Pisces. If the latter are silent, timid sea creatures, then the zodiac sign on March 8 is not so simple.

8 March, what zodiac sign is Pisces

Personality of Pisces born on March 8th

Typical critics, inquisitive, assertive. They prefer to be aware of all events. March 8th is often bitter for relatives. After all, being in the same room with such a sometimes obnoxious person is worthy of a reward. On a subconscious level, without realizing it, March 8« Curious Barbarians» and their nose is sometimes longer than yours« Pinocchio».

Clever, quick, humorous.

But if it makes them feel calmer, and it gives them self-confidence, then why not.

Birthday people follow the example of famous stars who were also born on March 8th. These are: Ukrainian singer Max Barskikh (Nikolai Bortnik); TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, Antonio Gerardi, actor Viktor Dobronravov.

They also say that on March 8, you should give up something that has already become a habit, but has a detrimental effect on your health. Try to change something that is outdated and will bring absolutely no benefit.

Focus on the following.


  • Speaking out by shouting at family members is stupid, but even with the help of a book, wet cleaning, household chores.
  • Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to do.
  • Don't waste a lot of time on social media. Communication is the main thing, but it is not recommended to focus on it. Constantly hanging on the phone or chatting endlessly with classmates, with a random guest, is at least irrational.
  • Astrologers unanimously say that your favorite precious jewelry can be replaced with more modest ones. This way, you will save both your wallet and your nerves from unnecessary stress.
  • Use sandy trinkets in your everyday life. Sea salts, shells. Your health will improve much.
  • March 8, replace anger with mercy, and severity with adequate assessment.

March is the beginning of spring, the most wonderful time of the year on our planet, which symbolizes joy, laughter, youth and life itself. One of the significant days of this month for the fair half of the Earth is March 8th. Therefore, those girls and women who have a birthday on this date celebrate a double holiday every year. Like any day of the year, March 8 also has its own zodiac sign, Pisces.

Pisces completes the old zodiac cycle and heralds the emergence of a new cycle. Those born under this sign are very receptive, sensitive, emotional, expressive, with a wide open mind, but also foggy, hesitant, chaotic, indecisive, flighty, mystical and floating constantly in their dreams.

Astrology says that the main patron planets for representatives of this sign are Jupiter and Neptune. If Neptune dominates the birth chart, then such a person will have soft and pale skin, a pale face, light, thin and smooth hair, light eyes, and a full figure. If Jupiter dominates, then the person will be slender, tall, with a rounded face and body. The look of Pisces is always melancholic and dreamy.

A famous representative of Pisces was the British-American film and theater actress Elizabeth Taylor, whose incomparable look captivated the whole world in the 50s of the 20th century. Other Pisces convey manifestations of their sensitive nature through artistry, as was the case with Frederic Chopin, whose brilliant works demonstrate the refined qualities of a representative of this sign.

Character and characteristics of Pisces

This zodiac sign is depicted as two Pisces, floating in different directions, one - towards individualism, the second - towards universality.

Sensitivity and spirituality leads Pisces to pursue artistic professions. To develop their rich inner life, this sign needs a certain privacy; it is very difficult for them to work in large teams. Many people misunderstand them for their lack of interest in making money. When Pisces is married, she tries to shift the stressful task of making money to her significant other.

Such people’s feelings may sometimes not correspond to reality, they begin to absorb other people’s problems, and may start taking drugs and alcohol. Pisces have a low ability to accept reality as it is; as a result, they look for a substitute for reality - a chimera. Often their feelings are mixed into an incomprehensible lump, and they begin to blame the people around them for their own mistakes.

Their unshakable faith makes them wait for salvation, their tactics are the absence of resistance external influences, and if they want to drive such a person into a corner, he will always deftly elude the inquisitive gaze.

Pisces were born to express their fantasies to the outside world, so they are indifferent to the events of the surrounding reality, and this is not because they lack feelings, but because they have an excess. For self-expression, representatives of this sign prefer the sea to the mountains; they are attracted to beautiful and serene places that allow them to immerse themselves in their experiences and emotions. Fishing and everything related to water is a favorite pastime of such people. They like silence and meditation, so they feel out of place in large crowds and always seek solitude, even in own home they always live as if they are hiding.

The life of Pisces is a real mystery. They never know where and where they are going, how to earn and how to spend money. This sign is compared to a cosmic sponge, capable of seeing through any deception thanks to its refined intuition. If all judges and lawyers were Pisces, they would always know whether the defendant is guilty or not.

The advantages of the Pisces personality are the following:

TO negative traits Representatives of the mark include:

Pisces live as if in a fog, often putting the interests of others above their own, which leads to their constant disappointment. Their practicality tends to zero; reality for Pisces is so distant that it does not deserve attention. They are dependent - both financially and emotionally. Most of the time, their feelings are based on the needs of other people, rather than on something deep and sincere. Their constant flight from reality leads to indifference, so Pisces needs to learn to resist life problems face to face and do not delay their decision.

Pisces is the sign that protects the legs and ankles, the protein responsible for blood clotting, and lymph. Frequent illnesses, which representatives of this sign may suffer are:

Pisces are creatures who worry about everything and everyone, which leads to frequent depression and bad mood. IN zodiac circle this sign is opposite to Virgo, so they can also suffer from illnesses digestive system and have emotional problems.

Representatives of this sign are too sensitive, they are vulnerable, absent-minded and live in a time that differs from reality. Therefore, most often children born under this sign are victims in dysfunctional families, in addition, they themselves are often the cause of family problems.

Behavior in society

People of this sign are strongly attracted to spiritual food associated with Eastern philosophy. In a social circle, it is very easy to distinguish Pisces from other signs: she will always help the mistress of the house and will be the last to sit down at the table. She'll take it for herself small portion or will be completely left without food, so that there is enough for everyone else.

The fish senses quickly various reactions and changes in the mood of each of the guests and will always support these changes through sympathy and empathy. A representative of this sign is essentially a mirror of the party atmosphere, if you want to know if the party was a success, watch Pisces, it is an excellent indicator of the social atmosphere.

Horoscope for those born on March 8

People whose date of birth fell on March 8, are unyielding and uncompromising. In some cases, they hide their disagreement with a pleasant facial expression. Anyone who knows them well knows that deep down they are independent individuals capable of free thinking.

These people do not like being told what to do, so from early childhood they show their fighting nature and do not listen to their parents. Sometimes they show an innate quality of distrust towards people, and in some cases, a complete lack of respect for elders. Representatives of this zodiac sign believe that everyone in the world has the right to think independently; such a perception of life by them can harm others.

The manifestation of their insubordination in a number of cases corresponds to the ability of Pisces to almost instantly identify shortcomings and weak spots this or that situation, which have not been criticized so far, and propose best solutions. This ability distinguishes such people from the rest, so they are potential reformers and good advisors, endearing the people around him in this regard.

Since March 8 is a holiday, individuals born on this day show great enthusiasm in life, they like variety. They often feel the need to break free and run away, breaking not only with their past, but also with their present situation. Moreover, they may be faithful to a cause for many years, but sooner or later their independence will make itself felt and require progress and change. Their tendency towards intransigence will be active during their turbulent youth, but when they reach 42 years of age, they will feel the need for emotional and economic stability.

  • Geva Camargo (1929), Brazilian actress;
  • Michael Hart (1947), American writer who converts paper books into electronic versions;
  • Johnny Ruffo (1988), Australian singer;
  • Ignacy Łukasiewicz (1922), Polish pharmacist;
  • Petra Kvitova (1990), professional Czech tennis player;
  • Otto Hahn (1879), German chemist, laureate Nobel Prize 1944 for his discovery in nuclear physics.

On the one hand, due to their intransigence, Pisces can alienate people from themselves, but on the other hand, they attract them due to their charm and active position in life. Therefore, those born on March 8 must understand their attractiveness and consciously use it in their lives.

Attention, TODAY only!

March 8 appeared Zodiac sign Fish. A person feels an irresistible urge to find his own path. It is important for him to find his personal path, even if it seems strange or beyond what is allowed. Therefore, he is able to ignore going to school, entering college and looking for a regular job if his heart beats at a different frequency. Choosing an unconventional appearance, career and behavior model, he has absolutely no intention of fighting the world or breaking the usual foundations. It just feels so comfortable.

Character traits

Although his family instills a love of tradition and roots, he will have to break this connection if he is truly going to be happy. Is different high level criticism, therefore he evaluates each of his actions 100 times and is killed because of mistakes. Even in his youth, he realizes that although life will be interesting and filled with events, he will most likely have to go through it alone.

March 8 – Zodiac Sign

Pisces Man – Born on March 8

Guys who appeared on March 8 can boast of spirituality, creative inclinations, musicality and sensuality. Such a man always acts as a dreamy idealist with whom it is comfortable to communicate. He behaves tactfully and politely, so he will not show aggressive behavior openly. He quickly falls in love, but has difficulty making a serious connection. The problem is the desire to meet the ideal.

Pisces woman – bornMarch 8

The girl who appeared on March 8 is famous for her romance, femininity and high level of intelligence. This is a mysterious and sophisticated young lady who attracts the opposite sex with her vulnerability. It is weakness that creates an atmosphere of mystery around a person. It is difficult to win her heart, because she is guided rather by reason. It's amazing that strength comes with the ability to use your weakness correctly.

Birthday March 8

On March 8, a man appears whose everyday life promises to be full of various amazing events. However, Pisces will have to fight against established stereotypes and concepts in order to achieve happiness. Don’t be afraid of battle, because there are always loyal comrades nearby, ready to protect you from ill-wishers. The sign knows how to withstand blows. At the same time, he manages to maintain a positive attitude and does not withdraw into himself. Often his respect for traditions and customs interferes with rapid advancement. You should break the shackles of the past and look only forward.

The zodiac does not always get along with others, since he is almost the only representative of Pisces who likes to swim against the tide. Of course, in this situation he has few rivals, but this is a path of protest that does not evoke support and sympathy among people. It is extremely difficult to meet a true friend, so most often the sign remains lonely. He perceives the lack of self-interest as banal sentimentality, and treats friendship in a mercantile manner.

The representative of March 8 always critically evaluates his own actions and prefers to double-check each action several times. Can spend a lot of effort and time on self-development. Sometimes a sign goes underground and spends several years implementing an idea, after which it suddenly makes itself known. Such perseverance always brings enviable results.

Pisces have no problem attracting attention due to their developed intuition, as well as fast and deep thinking. They can try themselves in the theater field. It is also important to note that the zodiac itself falls under the influence of others, but only if we are talking about a strong and attractive person. Happiness comes with inner balance.

Love and compatibility

The appearance presents us with a serious person, but by nature, Pisces are born romantics. In love, he behaves passionately, caringly and remains devoted to the end.

To the beautiful family relationships Pisces can count if Scorpio, Cancer or Taurus are nearby. The greatest compatibility is observed with these signs, based on the same attitude towards family life. Marriage is also possible with representatives of Virgo, Capricorn and Libra. But here you will have to immediately take care of a clear distribution of responsibilities and agree on concessions. Nothing will work with Aries, Leo and Gemini, since these people simply will not understand each other.

Work and career

In most cases, the person from March 8 prefers to behave contradictory and follow an individual path, stubbornly rowing against the tide. These are admirers of traditions, but fate forces them to resist this trend and move closer to innovation. This is the only way to escape prejudice and move towards development. Pisces are not always sure of the correctness of their actions, so they double-check many times. Unfortunately, many of them remain lonely.

Society is in no hurry to greet the zodiac kindly and he has to constantly build up his shield to withstand new attacks and criticism. Some Pisces are irresponsible and frivolous, which is why they cannot inspire trust in themselves and attract people. All this leads to the fact that the sign begins to see in friendship exclusively pragmatic and cynical goals built on mutually beneficial exchange.

He is a born player and actor. Loves to behave extravagantly and shockingly. After many years of quiet and humble behavior, he is able to perform an incredible act. Usually spends long years to work on an important project that is not covered. Then he sharply declares himself and wins recognition.

Health and illness

Pisces should more attention pay attention to health, especially if you like to travel and play sports. Unfortunately, they do not listen to advice and recommendations, which is why they create many problems. It is important to follow a healthy diet and forget about negative habits. This is a slave to dependencies, so it’s better not to risk it at all. It is hardy and strong man, whose nervous system may be seriously harmed without proper rest and rest.

Fate and luck

On March 8, the world welcomes those who are forced to work off karmic debts. Life is filled with positive and negative sides. If Pisces do not consciously set foot on the path of loneliness, they will be able to get out of any troubles and maintain their dignity. The main thing is not to lose hope and always believe in a better future.

This is a charismatic person who attracts with his strength, imagination and knowledge. Youth is doomed to rash actions provoked by strong emotions. But over the years, Pisces learn to subordinate their feelings to rational thinking. He is a noble man trying not to abuse his hypnotic powers. Only an even stronger personality can subdue him.

Articles dedicated to Pisces

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who are Pisces most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

Because of their dissimilarity they are not always found mutual language with others and feel their rejection. That's why we're always tense. Some suffer due to serenity and lack of responsibility, which scares off both friends and employers. Sometimes in friendship they behave too mercantilely.

These are born actors. They can work in silence for many years, playing the role of a shy person with a lot of complexes (of course, if they need it). And then one day they will create something that will make the whole world kneel before talent. Charm and intuition allow you to find an approach to people and not shock them at the first meeting with your extravagance. But this comes with age, since young Pisces do not always cope with emotions.

Famous personalities

Victor Dobronravov, Louise Gabriela Brovina, Olga Ponizova (actors), Sultan Ibragimov (boxer) and Eva Sonnet (model) were born today.

What fate brings

Such people are forced to suffer because of human envy, expressed in slander and malice. They already have to fight with themselves in order to balance all spheres of life, and the world seems to turn away. They have a lot of ambitions, but poverty or certain responsibilities to the family will prevent them from realizing it. Fate will generously reward the representative with sorrows and difficulties. But all this helps to build up armor, to develop a strong core within oneself, which will help one get out of this trap. Early marriage will not be happy. The other half will get sick or there will be constant quarrels on domestic grounds.

  • Lucky numbers: 3, 8, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31.
  • The ideal marriage partner appeared on one of these dates: 3, 4, 8, 13, 17, 21, 22, 26 and 31.
  • They have an affinity for dark shades. It is best to complement them with purple, pink-lilac or purple.
  • According to the color, a lucky stone is hidden in black pearl and diamond, as well as in amethyst or sapphire.

To a certain extent, it will not be easy for those who were born on March 8th. Throughout their lives they will have to defend their right to happiness and well-being. And also to cleanse karma from the consequences of mistakes made in past lives. At the same time, those born on March 8 will live a bright, eventful life, where along with sorrow there will be time and joy, the support of true friends will save them from the machinations of ill-wishers, and ups will invariably follow the downs. They must not lose faith in a better future, because it depends entirely on themselves. It is important for them to steadfastly endure all the blows dealt by fate, not to withdraw into themselves and not accumulate anger towards the whole world, and then completely different horizons will open up for them.

It is especially important to understand your purpose for everyone who was born on March 8, your zodiac sign is Pisces, and it will help ensure that your path will be truly unique, you are the Pisces who are used to swimming against the tide. On the one hand, this may cause misunderstanding by the majority, and on the other, it will ensure that you have no competitors. Despite their dissimilarity, the zodiac sign of people born on March 8 obliges them to treat the unshakable foundations and traditions of life with respect and even trepidation. Although this often prevents them from moving on. It is important for them to learn to live in the present, not to regret the mistakes of the past and to look decisively into the future.

Due to its originality and numerous distinctive features, Pisces who were born on March 8 often build rather tense relationships with others, they are in eternal opposition, which prevents them from feeling at ease and preventing them from finding peace of mind. They are quite difficult to communicate with; sentiment is alien to such persons; in their opinion, they should only do what is beneficial, and be friends only with those with whom it is beneficial.

They know how to attract people, and often openly manipulate them, thanks to their own charisma, intelligence and wit. At the same time, if they feel favored by others, they are ready to respond with gratitude and reciprocal sympathy. In general, individuals with a double bottom are born on March 8: their zodiac sign makes them outwardly serene and passive, but in fact they persistently improve themselves, accumulate knowledge and skills, so that at one wonderful moment they appear before everyone in the most favorable light, stunning everyone with their transformation.

Zodiac sign March 8 - Pisces

Those born on March 8 must certainly find their own path in life, even if it differs significantly from a fairly standard social scheme: school - college - work - family - children - a dignified old age and complete peace. Regardless of established views, expression of thoughts or appearance, they are not conformists, who often come into conflict with the once and for all defined status quo.

Although those born on this day are accustomed to sacredly honoring traditions, they still need to break with the past in order to become truly respectable individuals. Because of their critical attitude towards themselves, these people, being emotionally complex people, are able to endlessly double-check the correctness of the steps they are taking. Many of them begin to understand in their youth that their lives are likely to be tumultuous and the path to be lonely.

There is definitely some zest in the fate of those born on March 8th. The ideas of these people rarely evoke sympathy from others, therefore, feeling rejection from society, those born on March 8 are constantly in tension. Some of them have an overly loud-sounding note of serenity or, if you like, irresponsibility in their character, which prevents them from finding new friends and earning trust. In general, we can say that those born on March 8 approach issues of friendship too materially, since unselfishness sometimes seems to them an unnecessary manifestation of sentimentality.

Those born on March 8 are great actors. Having chosen an occupation to their liking, they are able to work without sticking out or making themselves known for many years; those around them will think that their interests are limited to narrow professional issues. Behind the scenes, however, these people will work hard on themselves in order to one day do something that will eventually make the whole world talk about them, however, in any case, they usually find a way to express their extravagance.

Those born on March 8th have the greatest magnetic attraction. They are able to have an almost hypnotic effect on people largely due to their charm, intuition, and mental abilities. When they are young, they often follow the lead of their emotions, but in adulthood, those born on this day know how to control themselves. Although they rarely use their ability to influence others, nevertheless this ability greatly helps them in life. If those born on March 8 encounter favor, strength and beauty along their path, they are able to experience humility or even worship before those who possess these qualities.

Love and Compatibility

you attach great importance stability and family life, but must find ways to express yourself and not allow your life to become boring and monotonous. You also need to find a balance between responsibilities and relaxation. Despite your need for stability and smooth relationships, feeling dissatisfied or overly dependent on your partner can make you sullen and short-tempered.

Fortunately, with your friendly charm, you can make those around you truly happy. Natural diplomacy will help you bring peace and harmony to your relationships.

Work and Career

Friendly and collaborative, you are built for partnerships and teamwork. With your natural business sense, you are capable of succeeding in commerce, banking or financial activities, but ideally you need to combine work with communication and creative expression. Your excellent organizational skills will find application in any administrative activity.

The diplomacy inherent in those born on March 8 will help you succeed in matters such as negotiations and public relations. Your intuition can provide you with a “sixth sense” about favorable career opportunities. An interest in art and visual concepts such as photography and design may spark your creativity, or you may be drawn to literature, music, theater or dance. Sensitive and creatively gifted, you have the potential to bring your ideas to life.

Health and Diseases

Danger for men born on March 8 is not uncommon. Therefore, they should prevent possible Negative consequences dangers, do not neglect precautions when traveling or playing sports, especially power types. Having sensitivity and using only own experience, and not by other people’s tips, those born on this day can create problems physical and psychological plan both for yourself and for those around you.

A balanced diet and moderation in pleasures will help them. There can be dire consequences when they use drugs and alcohol. Most of them can cope with dignity huge trials. And for peace of mind they need relaxing holiday. Meeting with energy vampire will create big problems for those born on March 8, up to the loss of self-control, so you should avoid such people.

Maintain your inner balance. Handle other people's lives carefully without hurting them. The role of a victim does not suit you, you do not need to feel sorry for yourself, it will not bring you any harm. Sometimes leave the seriousness, a smile is recommended. Find your place in society and reveal yourself in it.