Maria Pogrebnyak was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown. How to get a nervous breakdown: bad advice Do you go to hospital with a nervous breakdown?

The best answer given by the author Verchik is A nervous breakdown is a protective reaction of the body, such as tears. It occurs as a result of psychological stress, prolonged and intense psychological stress.

Signs and symptoms

There are several main symptoms of an emotional breakdown: mood disorders, sudden mood swings, some may experience stupor, some may experience hysteria. There are also autonomic disorders and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Signs of a breakdown vary. Here are the main ones:

2. There is no interest in various activities, no desire to have fun and enjoy life.

3. Someone's requests can lead to aggressive behavior.

5 Weight gain or loss.

6. State of depression, fatigue.

7. Hypochondriacal thoughts, anxiety, suspiciousness

8. Touchiness and irritability

9. Hostile attitude towards others

11. Pessimism, apathy and depression

12. Inattention and absent-mindedness

13. Headaches

14. Obsession with a person or situation, difficulty in switching.

15. Digestive problems.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

When they say she was admitted to the hospital, they most likely mean that she had heart problems.

How much sick leave is given for a nervous breakdown?

How much sick leave is given for neurosis?

A nervous breakdown does not happen out of nowhere. It is usually the result of long-hidden neurasthenia.

In case of neurasthenia of moderate severity, sick leave is issued for a period of one day, and in case of severe form - up to 40 days.

It should be taken into account that you will have to go to a psychiatrist, rather than a neurologist, to obtain a sick leave certificate, because such diseases are within his competence. Accordingly, the doctor will be obliged to register the applied patient with all the ensuing consequences (then there will be problems with obtaining a driver’s license, getting a certain job, and other problems may unexpectedly arise if there is a card in the PND). So you need to take care of your nerves, not let yourself go, play sports and be stress-resistant.

Sick leave

Symptoms: you can’t concentrate on anything at work, there are tears in your eyes all the time, nervous tremors and some kind of numbness. Tension, and the source of all this is at work. I want peace and quiet at home.

then work like a human being. Otherwise, the employer will fire you. Why does such an employee who has conflicts and because of this cannot properly perform his job duties + wants to screw the employer with paid sick leave?

That's all there is to say.

be careful! This is how you can get a real diagnosis.

this is a real diagnosis and the person is not conflicted

then there shouldn't be any problems.

and what's wrong with real diagnosis?

explain in human terms - overload at work, I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, I shudder, etc.

But they should still take tests from you: well, at least your blood pressure should be elevated

In general, IMHO, it’s safer to buy a hospital

because with nervous breakdowns, according to the rules, some kind of psychiatrist should give a sick leave

Thank you, good advice about the diagnosis. You can’t buy sick leave - they check it, and the person’s position is high.

2) If a person is over 25, see a therapist, have your blood pressure measured and have a hyper/hypo/tonic crisis. Well, or whatever is correct)

Go see a paid psychotherapist.

We went, but they don’t issue sick leave. Yesterday, the boss announced that one colleague was fired because he took sick leave for 30 days in a non-state clinic.

You have an excellent situation: a person doesn’t want to work, because he has a conflict and a nervous breakdown, and he doesn’t want to quit either, because he doesn’t want to.

If they brought me such a sick leave, I would try to get rid of such an employee as quickly as possible.

this is a matter of human health

about health? There is only one answer - quit. no sane doctor will give you any other recommendation. no normal employer will employ a person who, for health reasons, is unable to perform job duties

Nowadays they don’t write a diagnosis on sick notes. Everyone gets sick. Someday they might get rid of you the same way.

If I can’t work in my position, I will quit myself.

Go to a neurologist. Tell the truth. If he doesn’t give you sick leave, take a vacation and go to a resort.

1. Why do you think they won’t give you sick leave due to a nervous breakdown? This is a diagnosis and there is nothing terrible, this happens. Even “depression” is an official psychological diagnosis.

I think it depends on several factors.

1) What is the goal? Get the opportunity to not go to work for a while or really improve your health? If the former, then it’s better to just go to a therapist.

2) Compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance? If compulsory medical insurance, then agree with the district therapist. They are usually happy if at least they are not called to the house and do not complain to them for hours. If you have voluntary medical insurance, go to a therapist and list all the symptoms (fatigue, sleep disturbances, etc.), but do not name the cause, but attribute it to the flu you had on your feet. Usually, even a therapeutic examination shows something (increased blood pressure, etc.), which makes it possible to give a sick leave.

If the conflict is not with the boss, then go to the boss to explain that such and such is in conflict because of this I feel bad and this greatly interferes with my ability to perform my duties. It is possible to ask your boss to resolve the conflict or take a week off at your own expense. If the management is stupid or this is impossible for some other reason, then go to the therapist and complain about feeling unwell, it is better not to go into details about the conflict (not everyone will understand) but to put pressure on the fact that you feel very bad, listing all possible symptoms (even better embellish something), and indicate severe stress at work as a possible reason, if you are over 40, tell the doctor that your heart is aching, they will refer you for diagnostics and it will be easier to get sick leave in this situation.

What does it mean when they say she had a nervous breakdown and was hospitalized? What does it mean?

What is a nervous breakdown? After which they are admitted to the hospital? And which one?

1. Internal tension that occurs constantly.

15. Digestive problems.

There can be many consequences. This is a deterioration in physical health. Problems with blood pressure, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, ulcers and other diseases may appear. Depression, phobias, anxiety disorders or other mental disorders may develop. Some people have worsening relationships with society, conflicts, and addictions - drugs, nicotine and alcohol. A person may take rash actions, be more angry and touchy. In the worst case scenario, suicide attempts are possible.

This is when the nerves can't stand it.

The fact is that a nervous breakdown can have not only psychological consequences, and all of them can manifest themselves after some time. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in such a way as to close all possibilities of its long-term negative impact on the mental and physical health of the patient.

Nervous breakdown: symptoms and consequences

A nervous breakdown, the symptoms of which are referred to as neuroses, occurs when a person is under excessive or sudden stress. The patient feels an acute attack of anxiety, after which there is a disruption in the way of life familiar to him. As a result of a nervous breakdown or burnout syndrome, as it is also called in medicine, there is a feeling of being unable to control one’s actions and feelings. A person completely surrenders to the worry and anxiety that dominates him.

What is a nervous breakdown?

A nervous breakdown is a mental disorder associated with psychological trauma. This condition can be caused by dismissal from work, unfulfilled desires or increased overwork. In many cases, a nervous breakdown, the treatment of which is determined individually, is a positive reaction of the body (protective). As a result of mental stress, acquired immunity occurs. When a person reaches a critical state for the psyche, the long-accumulated nervous tension is released.


Mental disorders do not arise out of the blue. Causes of a nervous breakdown:

  • financial difficulties;
  • bad habits;
  • regular stress;
  • fatigue;
  • menopause;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • conflicts with the boss;
  • noisy neighbors upstairs;
  • husband is a domestic tyrant;
  • mother-in-law brings it;
  • the field of activity is associated with stress;
  • At school, the child is also brought up by other events.

In women during pregnancy

All girls experience many changes while carrying a baby, but not all of them are pleasant. The main cause of mental disorders during pregnancy or after childbirth is a change in a woman’s hormonal levels and toxicosis with vomiting. Hormones actively produced by the female body are necessary for the normal development of the child.

At the same time, they also affect the pregnant woman. She becomes nervous and has mood swings. In the later stages, the expectant mother experiences nervous stress due to the need to work, because during this period it is difficult for her to do anything at all. A woman on maternity leave often gains excess weight, which does not have the best effect on her appearance, which is why negative conditions arise. Nervous stress in a pregnant woman is dangerous because it also affects the child.

In children

Children at a young age are still mentally immature, so it is most difficult for them to restrain their emotions. The child is in the process of formation, the mechanisms of his brain are imperfect, so he easily develops a neurotic disorder. Children can be driven to breakdown by improper upbringing, but this is not necessarily the result of the parents’ malicious intent. In some cases, they do not take into account the age characteristics of their child and do not try to understand the reasons for certain actions in order to strengthen the baby’s nervous system.

In teenagers

Adolescents in adolescence are prone to mental disorders. Sometimes it becomes an impossible task for them to simply calm down, and it is generally impossible to cope with a strong shock. The occurrence of mental disorders at this age often leads to the development of schizophrenia and suicidal tendencies in adult life. The first symptoms of neurosis in a teenager are non-specific and can be taken as a consequence of hormonal changes.

Signs of a nervous breakdown

Different people have completely different signs of a nervous breakdown. The woman experiences uncontrollable nervous breakdowns, hysterics, breaking dishes, and fainting. In men, the symptoms are more hidden, because the stronger sex rarely shows emotions, which has the most negative consequences on the psyche and physical health. In women with a small child, depression is visible to the naked eye: tears, verbal aggression. While a man’s anger often turns into physical aggression, which is directed at an object or a person.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown

How does a nervous breakdown manifest? Symptoms of nervous tension depend on the type of symptomatology. Depression, negative emotions and somatic disorders are expressed in emotional, physical or behavioral states. If the cause of a nervous breakdown was external irritants, physical fatigue or excessive stress, then it manifests itself in the form of insomnia or drowsiness, memory loss, headaches and dizziness.

  1. Mental symptoms: the most common form. Factors in the development of the disease include various phobias, stress disorders, generalized fear, panic or obsessive states. Schizophrenia also manifests itself as a mental symptom. Patients are constantly depressed, finding comfort in alcohol or drug addiction.
  2. Physical symptoms: manifest themselves in a weakening of volitional activity or its complete absence. Individual instincts are suppressed: sexual (decreased libido), food (decreased appetite, anorexia), defensive (lack of defensive actions in response to external threats). Body temperature and blood pressure can rise to critical levels, leg fatigue, general weakness, back pain, and increased heart rate (tachycardia, angina) occur. Against the background of nervous stress, constipation, diarrhea, migraines, and nausea appear.
  3. Behavioral symptoms: a person is unable to perform any activity, cannot contain his anger when communicating, screams, uses insults. An individual can leave without explaining his behavior to others, and is characterized by aggressiveness and cynicism when communicating with loved ones.

Stages of development

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in a person do not appear immediately and that’s it. The development of the disease occurs in three stages:

  1. First comes an overestimation of capabilities, a person feels a surge of strength, a false rise in vital energy. During this period of takeoff, the patient does not think about his limited strength.
  2. The second stage occurs when a person comes to understand that he is not omnipotent. The body malfunctions, chronic diseases worsen, and a crisis occurs in relationships with loved ones. Moral and physical exhaustion occurs, a person becomes depressed, especially if faced with provoking factors.
  3. The peak of nervous system disorder occurs in the third stage. When the disease becomes more complicated, a person loses faith in himself, shows aggression, first thoughts appear, and then attempts at suicide. The situation is aggravated by constant headaches, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and conflict situations with the environment.

Possible consequences of a nervous breakdown

If treatment for a nervous disorder is not started in time, various diseases may subsequently develop. Disorders with symptoms of neurosis do not go away without negative consequences for human health. Long-term depression or nervous tension leads to:

  • to severe forms of gastritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • physical attacks on strangers or loved ones;
  • suicide.

Why is the disease dangerous?

If a nervous breakdown is not treated, then a dangerous consequence of this condition occurs - emotional exhaustion. At this point, a person needs medical help so that he does not go to extreme measures. Nervous exhaustion is dangerous due to loss of control over one’s actions, even suicide. A nervous person may jump out of a window, swallow pills, or start taking drugs.

How to prevent the condition

If a person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, it is advisable for him to learn to independently cope with emotional overstrain and exhaustion of the body. You need to change your environment, buy new things, allow yourself to sleep and have fun. Our ancestors treated a nervous breakdown with tinctures of valerian, motherwort, and peony.

In the old days, people tried to calm frayed nerves with a bucket of spring water, which was poured onto the head of a person suffering from a nervous breakdown. Modern doctors also recommend dousing with cold water in an intense stressful situation. If you cannot maintain your mental health on your own or with the help of loved ones, then seek help from a psychologist.

What to do if you have a nervous breakdown

When a person has a nervous breakdown at home or at work, first aid should be provided. How quickly the patient will restore his emotional background depends on the behavior of the people around him. If a nervous breakdown occurs, the interlocutor needs:

  1. Remain calm, do not become hysterical, do not raise your voice.
  2. Speak in an even, calm tone, and do not make sudden movements.
  3. Create a feeling of warmth by sitting next to or hugging.
  4. When talking, you need to take a position so that you are on the same level with the patient, without rising up.
  5. You should not give advice, prove something or reason logically.
  6. Try to switch your attention to something else.
  7. Try to take the person out into the fresh air.
  8. In case of psychosis, which is accompanied by a complete loss of self-control, you should call an ambulance for hospitalization.

Treatment at home

Treatment for a nervous breakdown at home is carried out without medications. If mental experiences are caused by prolonged psychological stress, then you can get rid of them yourself by adjusting your diet. Eat more foods that contain a lot of lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins: vegetable oil, eggs, legumes, honey, seafood, sea fish, liver.

Sleep disturbances and constant fatigue can be treated if you build your daily routine correctly. To restore strength, you need healthy sleep, at least 8 hours a day. Morning jogging, walking, and being in nature will help relieve anxiety. If such methods do not help, then other treatment methods are used. A person may end up in a hospital, where he will be sent to a rehabilitation unit.

Under the supervision of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, he is prescribed and injected (or given intravenous drips) with sedative medications, and relief therapy is carried out aimed at eliminating acute panic attacks and phobias. They are treated in hospital from several days to several months, depending on the severity and type of the disease. It is possible to leave the hospital after a person has the opportunity to independently control his emotions.

Medications - sedative injections, tablets

Most people take sedatives during psychological stress, and if they have long-term insomnia, they take sedatives. Medicines do not always achieve the desired effect, since they either suppress excitation in the cerebral cortex or enhance inhibition processes. For mild forms of anxiety neurosis, doctors prescribe sedatives along with vitamins, complexes and minerals, for example, Corvalol and Magne B6. Popular drugs used to treat mental disorders:

  1. Neuroleptics, antidepressants and tranquilizers are potent drugs. Medicines in this group relieve anger, anxiety, panic, and depression. As for antidepressants, on the contrary, they elevate mood, help reduce negative and enhance positive emotions. These include: Sertraline, Citalopram, Fevarin. Tranquilizers are divided into three subgroups: benzodiazepine receptor agonists (Tofisopam, Mezapam, Clozepid), serotonin receptor antagonists (Dolazetron, Tropispirone, Buspirone) and a mixed subgroup Mebicar, Amizil, Atarax.
  2. Herbal sedatives. For mild mood swings, irritability or emotional instability, doctors prescribe herbal medications. Their mechanism of action is to suppress excitation processes so that the brain does not suffer during nervous stress or hysteria. Popular products: Novo-passit, Sedavit, Relaxil.
  3. Vitamins and amino acids. In case of severe agitation or excessive fussiness, vitamin complexes help neutralize these symptoms. The nervous system needs a sufficient amount of vitamin B, E, biotin, choline, thiamine. For proper brain function, amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine and glutamic acid are needed.
  4. Nootropics. The use of nootropic drugs stimulates mental activity and activates memory processes. Nootropics facilitate the interaction of the left and right hemispheres, prolong life, and rejuvenate the body. The best nootropic drugs: Piracetam, Vinpocetine, Phenibut.
  5. Anxiolytics. Used to quickly relieve psychosomatic symptoms. They reduce the excitability of the limbic system, thymus and hypothalamus, reduce tension and fear, and even out the emotional background. The best anxiolytics: Afobazole, Stresam.
  6. Mood stabilizers. They are called normotimics. This is a group of psychotropic medications whose main effect is to stabilize the mood in patients with depression, schizophrenia, cyclothymia and dysthymia. Medicines can prevent or shorten relapses, slow down the progression of the disease, and soften temperament and impulsivity. Names of common mood stabilizers: Gabapentin, Risperidone, Verapamil and others.
  7. Homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements. The effectiveness of this group is a controversial issue among doctors. However, many people on the forums indicate in their reviews that homeopathy and dietary supplements help with nervous disorders. Homeopathic medicines such as Ignacia, Platinum, and Chamomilla have a pronounced effect. Dietary supplements: folic acid, Inotizol, Omega-3.

Treatment with folk remedies

The most popular in the treatment of neuroses is valerian. To overcome a nervous breakdown, take it in the form of a herbal decoction, alcohol tincture, or simply by adding the dry root to tea. It is very useful for insomnia to inhale a mixture of valerian tincture with lavender essential oil before bed.

Another effective folk remedy for depression is lemon balm tincture, which is brewed with 50 g of herb and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then leave for 20 minutes and drink this dose throughout the day. Peppermint and honey, which are added to the lemon balm decoction, will help speed up the calming effect at the first preconditions of a nervous breakdown.

Traditional methods suggest treating a nervous breakdown with garlic and milk. During times of severe mental stress, grate 1 clove of garlic and mix with a glass of warm milk. Take a soothing drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.

Which doctor should I contact?

Not many people know which doctor treats nervous system disorders. If the above symptoms appear, contact a neurologist, neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. When visiting a doctor, you should not be shy. Tell us in detail about your condition and complaints. The specialist will ask many clarifying questions that will help make the correct diagnosis. Then the doctor will prescribe certain procedures to determine the presence of other diseases (for example, chronic heart disease). Therapy is carried out only after receiving test results and thorough diagnosis.

Prevention of nervous disorders

It is not easy for a lay person to recognize the preconditions for a nervous breakdown. To avoid the manifestation of symptoms of mental disorders and prevent a nervous breakdown, you should refrain from consuming foods that excite the nervous system: alcohol, drugs, coffee, spicy, fried foods and seek medical help in a timely manner.

In order to recognize and protect yourself from a nervous breakdown in time, you need to reduce and, if possible, eliminate stressful situations and unnecessary anxiety. Regular visits to the gym, hobby groups, a relaxing massage of the solar plexus area, daily walks, and shopping will help increase the happiness hormone in the blood. To effectively combat a nervous breakdown, it is important to alternate work and rest.

Soon there will be a nervous breakdown.


I did this: they yell, and I look at the yeller (no matter who, even Putin himself), ignoring EVERYTHING that they say, we are all “cut from the same cloth”, I compare my meager salary, what I am paid and my efforts, responsibilities , what I do, mentally send the screaming person to the fic and imagine how after some time I will proudly raise my butt and quit/go on maternity leave from there, and how (and most importantly - who) will wave in my place.)))) ))) filter EVERYTHING they tell you, don’t pay attention to fools)))))))) Health is more valuable. They still won't be able to fire you.

They annoyed me, I hinted that they wouldn’t see me again without sick leave, but they didn’t understand, I had to take sick leave. I went out on Tuesday and again with complaints, wrote a leave application after NG and moved my maternity leave by a week. They immediately became like silk, so that it will work properly before the new year.

go to hell, take sick leave, your child is more expensive. It’s not clear what will happen when you return from maternity leave, don’t bother.

It was even worse for me, they fired me altogether, I went to the labor inspectorate, they reinstated me, then they transferred me to another place and brought me to tears and spread rot, in short, then I just took sick leave all the time, once I went to the therapist and ate ice cream and red I came with my throat, then I go out for a week, the next week I go to the gynecologist, either I have tone (which was true from such nerves), or I say it like it is, give me sick leave, I feel bad there (and a gift to the gynecologist) and that’s all, and then just before maternity leave I left on vacation and immediately on maternity leave.

This is exactly how I’m thinking of holding out. Sick leave, then I have a session for 2 weeks, I’ll take a piece of vacation, then I’ll go out a little, then sick leave again, then the rest of the vacation and maternity leave

Is sick leave given for a nervous breakdown or neurosis?

No, they are not transmitted. Character traits can be transmitted, such as impressionability, anxiety, suspiciousness, and so on, which, under unfavorable circumstances, facilitate the onset of neurosis. It is unlikely that it will be possible to cure neurosis with the help of physical education, but physical activity is very useful as an auxiliary component. Stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol) are consumed and muscles relax, this will contribute to overall calm. You will seem to be letting off steam.

Depression? Take sick leave! | Will things get worse because of the crisis?

A nervous breakdown is a peculiar reaction of the body to prolonged emotional stress. At moments when a person is on the verge of mental or moral exhaustion, mechanisms in the nervous system are triggered that promote relaxation and stress relief. A nervous breakdown cannot be called a mental pathology, but this condition is not normal either.

Nervous Breakdown - Symptoms and Signs, Treatment Options

There are moments when everything around you infuriates you, nothing brings you joy or satisfaction. People who are in your immediate environment begin to suffer from your sudden mental breakdowns. All this can be accompanied by long-term depression and hopeless disorders of the nervous system. What a nervous breakdown is is familiar to every person to one degree or another, because everyone deals with stress. However, few people understand what this means and how to deal with it.

Depression? Take sick leave!

How dear you all are to me! - I look at the puffy faces of my colleagues. The boss demands notes from the doorway. This means you have to get going: there’s no time to get going. And I can't work. No mood! “More than half of Russians suffer from post-New Year’s depression,” I read on one of the sites. - It is caused by many factors: fear of the coming year, a sharp transition from idleness to vigorous activity, etc. Therefore, in Europe only half of the employees go to work after the New Year. The rest take sick leave, citing depression.”

Nervous exhaustion... - post by user Narish (id)...

Any mechanism has its own strength limit, and the nervous system is no exception. Even the strongest in spirit sometimes cannot withstand the constant pressure of stress. When the stress becomes unbearable, the body defends itself: this condition is called a nervous breakdown. A nervous breakdown is an extremely dangerous condition that can often lead to unpleasant consequences both for the person himself and for his loved ones. How can you reduce the risk of exacerbation of stressful conditions?

Breakdown? Who to go to. - Personality psychology | Forum

Neuroses are functional disorders of higher nervous activity of psychogenic origin. The clinical picture of neuroses is very diverse and may include somatic neurotic disorders, autonomic disorders, various phobias, dysthymia, obsessions, compulsions, and emotional and mental problems.

OFF: Can people get sick leave for depression? | Forum

Have you encountered such a thing as nervous exhaustion? The disease has synonyms: asthenic neurosis, neurasthenia, nervous fatigue, nervous weakness, chronic fatigue. This is one of the forms of neurosis that is very common in our modern world.

Neurosology and psychotherapy. Tutorial

The issue of rehabilitation of patients with neuroses and their labor examination, as well as the issue of the prevention of neuroses, remains complex and highly controversial. MM. Kabanov (1978) under rehabilitation (from English - ability - ability, ability) combines a set of measures aimed at restoring the social connections of an individual disrupted by the disease (resocialization), and adapting (readaptation) the patient to work and life at a new level, changed due to the disease .

Nervous breakdown - symptoms, causes, treatment and diagnosis

A nervous breakdown is a serious psychological disorder that is associated with psychological stress, long-term stress or trauma. Such a situation can take away quite a lot of physical and moral strength, as well as vital energy, from a person.

Treatment of neurosis: how to treat, defeat and get rid of it yourself

Treatment of neurosis is a fairly important issue, which many scientists have been and continue to study for many years. You should not think that such a problem can be solved on its own: the lack of timely and appropriate therapy only aggravates the situation.

Sick leave for depression - Affective disorders

Friends, please tell me where to go to get a sick leave due to depression. I am seeing a psychotherapist under VHI, she says that she does not issue sick leave. I don’t have permanent registration in St. Petersburg, but I live here, so I don’t know where there are regular hospitals with a psychotherapist/psychiatrist, providing assistance on the basis of compulsory medical insurance. Thank you

Neurosis... Is there a way out?

The concept of “neurosis” was introduced into medicine in 1776 by Scottish physician William Cullen. The content of the term has been revised several times; the term still does not have an unambiguous generally accepted definition. Neurosis is a collective name for a group of functional psychogenic REVERSIBLE disorders that tend to be protracted.

Why courageously face adversity, fight depression and maintain peace in your soul? Harmony with the inner and surrounding world is not our method. Just let yourself go and give free rein to your emotions! By following the simple tips given below, you can easily earn a reputation as an unbalanced neurotic psychotic, and those who are particularly successful in this matter will not be on the verge, but are guaranteed to earn a permanent nervous breakdown. So let's begin!

1. The most important rule: work hard and hard. At the same time, less rest, or better yet, no rest at all. The longer the working day, the better. No sick leave, holidays or vacations. Shift work especially disrupts the biological clock and leads to illness more quickly. Try to find a place where frequent night watches are provided. This way, you will quickly be able to completely break out of your routine and feel all the consequences of sleep disturbances - lethargy, apathy, restlessness and anxiety.

2. Conflict and do it with pleasure! There is no need to restrain yourself - there are no situations when you can meet a person halfway, putting yourself in his place. Express your anger everywhere and always as actively and very loudly as possible. In public places, it is better to be the first to be rude, then others will also be disgraced. Also, don’t give anyone permission to drive. Also, don't forget to put maintenance personnel in their place. It’s their job to please you. Never back down, and it doesn’t matter with whom you start a quarrel: with members of your household or random people on the street.

3. Do not have pets under any circumstances. Everything that you have “earned” with such difficulty in life’s battles, for example, headaches, general fatigue, blood pressure, can be relieved in a few minutes of communication with your furry pets. That's not why we tried! Communication with animals, as well as contact with living nature in general, must be completely excluded. Spend more time in stuffy, cramped rooms, and no fresh breeze or frosty air! Don't, it can only ruin the process. Yes, and completely forget about physical education and sports.

4. Be afraid of everything in the world. Fears are great at increasing tension and maintaining stressful conditions. You can be afraid of anything: divorce and dismissal, loneliness and illness, death and old age, the end of the world and a change of power. The main thing is to do this while completely immersing yourself in the imagined situation. Don’t look for a way out, especially don’t turn to psychologists. These guys always ruin everything!

5. Another sure way to fall into deep depression: constantly compare yourself with others (of course, more beautiful and successful ones). Don't pay attention to stupid talk about your worth and uniqueness. This will not lead to anything good! Actively use the Internet, hang out on social networks longer. There is always a reason for frustration and feeling like a complete insignificance! And hurry to report the imperfection of your appearance and total bad luck to everyone around you, especially your significant other. Don't lose that feeling of failure even for a minute. Try to replay in your mind all your mistakes during the day more often.

6. Never look into the future, especially with optimism. Live only in the past, constantly returning to where you will never be. Thoughts about something lost, missed, or not captured are also very useful on the path to a nervous breakdown. Don’t let yourself feel something in the area of ​​“living to the fullest”, “being here and now”. What is this all for?

7. Remember that humor and satire are the main enemies on your thorny path to stress. Don't let yourself get carried away by good books or funny stories, television shows and good comedies. You and I know that in real life there is no place for jokes and laughter. Staying in this crazy world can only be dark and difficult.

8. And lastly. For the purity of the experiment, try not to look for your other half and not make friends. Live alone, not allowing any fresh emotions into your life. Don't communicate with easy-going and carefree people at all. Enjoy this exciting process of self-destruction to the fullest!

Nervous breakdown: symptoms and treatment

Nervous breakdown - main symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Mood swings
  • Nausea
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Chest pain
  • Irritability
  • Emotional instability
  • Constipation
  • Rapid pulse
  • Low self-esteem
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Migraine
  • Aggressiveness
  • Discomfort behind the sternum
  • Behavior change
  • Loss of self-control

A nervous breakdown involves an acute attack of anxiety, which results in a serious disruption of a person’s usual way of life. A nervous breakdown, the symptoms of which define this condition as belonging to the family of mental disorders (neuroses), occurs in situations in which the patient is in a state of sudden or excessive stress, as well as long-term stress.

general description

As a result of a nervous breakdown, there is a feeling of lack of control over one’s own feelings and actions, in which, accordingly, the person completely succumbs to the states of stress, worry or anxiety that dominate him during this period.

A nervous breakdown, despite the general picture of its manifestation in many cases, is, however, a positive reaction on the part of the body, and in particular a protective reaction. Other similar reactions include, for example, tears, as well as acquired immunity, which occurs against the background of mental stress in combination with intense and prolonged mental stress.

When a person reaches a critical state for the psyche, a nervous breakdown acts as a kind of lever, due to the activation of which the accumulated nervous tension is released. Any event can be identified as the cause of a nervous breakdown, be it large-scale and intense in its impact or, conversely, insignificant, but “long-term undermining.”

It is extremely important to know the symptoms of a nervous breakdown in order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner, because we are actually talking about an extremely serious disorder in which the development of events can occur in a variety of ways, from subsequent admission to the cardiology department and ending with a neuropsychiatric dispensary.

Factors that provoke a nervous breakdown

  • depression;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • movement disorders;
  • diseases associated with thyroid function;
  • history of schizophrenia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • consumption of alcohol, drugs.

Nervous breakdown: symptoms

A nervous breakdown can be characterized by various manifestations, which in particular depend on the specific type of symptomatology. Thus, the symptoms of a nervous breakdown can be physical, behavioral and emotional in their type of manifestation.

  • sleep disorders, which can consist of both a long period of insomnia and a long period of sleep;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • symptoms that determine the difficulty of breathing in one or another manifestation;
  • migraines, frequent headaches;
  • memory loss;
  • decreased libido;
  • disorders associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • constant fatigue, extreme exhaustion of the body;
  • state of anxiety, persistent panic attacks;
  • pronounced changes in appetite.
  • behavior that is strange to others;
  • pronounced mood swings;
  • sudden manifestations of anger, desire to commit violence.

Emotional symptoms (these symptoms are peculiar harbingers of a future nervous breakdown):

  • depression, which acts not only as a symptom that determines the possibility of a nervous breakdown, but also is the cause of its possible occurrence;
  • anxiety;
  • indecision;
  • feeling of restlessness;
  • guilt;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • thoughts of paranoid content;
  • tearfulness;
  • loss of interest in work and social life;
  • increased dependence on drugs and alcohol;
  • the emergence of thoughts about one’s own invincibility and greatness;
  • the appearance of thoughts about death.

Now let's look in more detail at the manifestations of some symptoms associated directly with a nervous breakdown.

Sleep and appetite disturbances, depressed emotional state, weakening of social contacts in one area or another of life, irritability and aggressiveness - all these are the main symptoms characteristic of a nervous breakdown. A person has a feeling of being cornered, in which he, accordingly, finds himself in a state of depression.

Attempts to provide help from loved ones in such a situation, as a rule, lead to aggression and rudeness towards them, which also implies a logical refusal of any help in such a state. A nervous breakdown also borders on symptoms indicating overwork, which consist of apathy and lack of strength, in addition to this, a loss of interest in everything that is happening and the environment.

As noted above regarding the main points, a nervous breakdown consists not only of changes associated with a person’s psycho-emotional state, but is also directly related to his physical state. In particular, disorders associated with the activity of the autonomic nervous system become relevant; they include excessive sweating, panic attacks, dry mouth, etc. Further, after damage to the nervous system, damage occurs to the cardiovascular system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

In the first case, the most common changes manifest themselves in the form of hypertension and tachycardia (increased heart rate), pain in the heart also appears, which is defined, respectively, as angina pectoris. These symptoms require medical attention, otherwise the condition in question can simply lead to a stroke or heart attack.

As for the damage to the digestive system during a nervous breakdown, it consists of a change in appetite (it either decreases or disappears altogether), and attacks of nausea. The patient's stool is also subject to certain disorders in the form of constipation or diarrhea. These conditions also determine the need for a certain correction, and not a medicinal correction aimed at treating the gastrointestinal tract, but a correction aimed at eliminating the nervous breakdown directly, which is the primary condition affecting the listed manifestations.

Thus, with an adequate and effective determination of therapy for a nervous breakdown, the result will provide relief from concomitant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract and other systems.

Treatment for a nervous breakdown

Treatment of a nervous breakdown is determined based on the specific causes that provoked it, as well as the overall severity of the current manifestations. For reactive psychoses, treatment is required in specialized clinics and hospitals. It consists of prescribing drug therapy with the use of antipsychotics, as well as the use of tranquilizers.

Overwork, which also plays an important role in the occurrence of nervous breakdowns, requires sanitary-resort treatment, and it is better if the sanatorium is local, because climate change often acts as an additional stress factor.

In any variant of the condition, the main method of correction is psychotherapy, which also applies to the prevention of a nervous breakdown. In this case, the doctor will identify all the factors that provoked a nervous breakdown, after which, as part of the appropriate psychological correction, he will formulate and implement an appropriate scheme focused on the patient’s resistance to this type of phenomenon.

If these symptoms appear, it is important to immediately seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist, or a neurologist (neurologist). You should not treat a nervous breakdown negligently, because the edges of the psyche are quite fragile and you never know for sure how serious the consequences of such a condition can be for the patient and his future life in general.

If you think that you have a nervous breakdown and symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: a psychotherapist, a neurologist.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which selects probable diseases based on the entered symptoms.

9 tips from a psychologist on how to help yourself during a nervous breakdown.

According to the general interpretation, a nervous breakdown is the body's defense against an adverse attack on the nervous system. This could be a conflict with a spouse, constant tension, disobedience of children. As a result, we get mental stress due to prolonged and intense mental stress.

Symptoms and causes of a nervous breakdown.

Very often, among the symptoms that portend a nervous breakdown, you may observe that:

  • You experience chronic fatigue and weakness.
  • Requests from others make you irritated and reluctant to do anything.
  • You begin to engage in self-flagellation and often think badly about yourself. Most often, you blame yourself for having to put up with circumstances.
  • Words and actions that previously did not evoke any emotion in you hurt you. It seems to you that they want to hurt you, insult you, and your relationships with loved ones are deteriorating.
  • Your sleep and appetite are disturbed, you lose weight and cope poorly with work and school.
  • You cry a lot and feel helpless.

These symptoms do not appear just like that, all of the above are just signals and a temporary reaction to the internal contradiction of your desires and what you have and encounter every day. It is very important to learn to notice them in a timely manner!

In other words, internal tension grows without receiving any outlet, for example, when we endure conditions that do not suit us for a long time.

A nervous breakdown can occur when we spend more energy than we receive for weeks, months, or even years. This state of affairs can very often be found in relationships where the wife tries to achieve the love and attention of her husband through achievements (For example: a wife can keep the house clean, take care of her husband, pay a lot of attention to him, but does not receive feedback).

In the above example, the woman will be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and breaking through it can be her way of releasing accumulated negative energy. Very often such breakdowns end in a break in relationships, divorce or hospitalization in a neuropsychiatric dispensary. In fact, this does not prevent nervous breakdowns in the future. After all, breaking up a relationship or medicinal treatment are methods that temporarily prevent the accumulation of tension. And once you find yourself in such conditions (relationships) or any other stress, the likelihood of another breakdown will increase. It is best to seek advice from a psychologist and understand your behavior and your own motives. Close people are sometimes not to blame for the fact that you don’t know how to “ask” for attention and care in a different way.

It is very important that the breakdown does not drag on and does not lead to negative consequences for the general condition of the body. Of course, if you threw out your aggression, cried and calmed down, then in this case, your psyche simply gets a release. But if you cannot return to a normal state, then you may need the help of a psychologist.

You need to change your behavior strategy, this is done at a psychological consultation, where the psychologist, together with the client, builds a model of behavior and relationships that for the client suggests the best way out of any stressful situation.

Very often our attitudes and beliefs (often unconscious) prevent us from coping normally with the circumstances that oppress us. As a rule, these are attitudes aimed at relationships.

We all want to be accepted, loved, tolerated, communicated with and friendly, but in many families substitutes for this very love are “promoted.” For example: in order to be praised we had to clean the room, give a good grade, or be polite to a parent. And then attitudes are born in us that if we do something or say what they want to hear from us, then they will love us. All this is good, but it all worked in childhood, and now there is a different reality that requires us to have our own interests and needs. As a rule, we do not satisfy these needs. We are either too polite and patient, or we are trying to earn more money into the house. This does not increase love, but we spend a lot both physically and emotionally. And so on for years. Thus, we get either a nervous breakdown or psychosmatics.

And at the same time, with great difficulty, we are ready to accept, love, and tolerate another.

You should not think that if a person simply has frequent mood swings, then he is on the verge of a breakdown. But in this case, if these symptoms of a nervous breakdown in combination begin to appear with enviable regularity and the person is constantly overwhelmed by sudden changes in mood, then in this case it is worth considering seeking help from a psychologist.

Frequent harbingers of a nervous breakdown are: weakness, chronic fatigue, increased irritability, and the appearance of insomnia. Therefore, the appearance of all of these disturbances in general health and behavior may be a signal that there are serious problems.

This condition cannot be allowed to take its course, since a nervous breakdown can cause disturbances not only in the mental state, but can also cause serious problems with other organs and systems of the body. Therefore, the prevention of a nervous breakdown is the key to normalizing the condition.

You need to rest, but if your vacation is not soon, give yourself 4 hours of daily rest, regardless of your business. In this case, rest can also be a change in activity. You need to change your daily routine. At this time, you should do more of what you like, receiving pleasure and satisfaction from it. Take time for your body, this could be baths with oils, massage or walks around the city (even though it’s winter).

Start getting your diet in order. Don't feel like eating? Start eating a little walnuts with honey (raises hemoglobin), drink kefir, your intestines should work. Eat a little bit at a time, don’t force it into yourself. At the same time, you should not abuse food, since eating a lot is just as harmful as eating almost nothing.

You definitely need to find time for fun. Let there be more than one job in life. Let it be some kind of hobby that would relieve monotony and bring satisfaction.

Exercise relieves tension caused by stress, so make it a habit to set aside time for intense exercise, especially if you don't work physically at work. The body needs our attention and physical exercise will be our special care.

It is important for you to speak out and share your experiences with someone; if friends are no longer a resource for you, you should seek advice from a psychologist.

The human nervous system is designed in such a way that it is capable of protecting a person from stress and negativity for a long time, forming certain reactions. However, the resource of the nervous system is still not infinite, and under the influence of pronounced factors and a favorable combination of circumstances and reasons, this resource can be depleted.

When the nervous system becomes unable to fully protect a person from stress, a nervous breakdown occurs - a set of acute emotional reactions to a certain stimulus - a severe stressful situation or chronic stress.

How does a nervous breakdown occur? The cause of this disorder can be one pronounced factor or a combination: worry about upcoming events, as well as negative things that have already happened, problems at work and in the personal sphere, loss of a loved one, the birth of a child and related changes and experiences, upcoming changes, increased responsibility, exhausting work and duty, for example, caring for a sick relative, lack of finances and other reasons. When the nervous system is no longer able to extinguish negative emotions, it produces a defensive reaction, which can manifest itself in various symptoms.

Signs of a nervous breakdown may vary between men and women, but a rough list of symptoms is as follows:

  • sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, lethargy, apathy;
  • increased excitability, up to hysteria;
  • irritability, mood swings, restlessness, anxiety, fear;
  • the predominance of negative thoughts over positive ones, uncertainty about the future;
  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • tearfulness, so-called “choking” tears or, on the contrary, hysterical laughter;
  • panic attacks;
  • outbursts of anger, aggression, rage;
  • changes in behavior, actions and reactions that are unusual for a person;
  • manic behavior, obsession and fixation on unimportant details;
  • violations of basic thought processes: memory, attention;

The severity of symptoms during an emotional breakdown may vary from person to person, depending on the psychotype of the individual, the degree of exhaustion of the nervous system and other factors. These mental manifestations are also accompanied by vegetative ones - changes in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, headaches and pain in other parts of the body, nausea, heart pain, etc.

What do nervous breakdowns lead to and why do they need to be treated?

A nervous breakdown is primarily dangerous because any mental disorder leads to a deterioration in the functioning of organs and systems - the heart, digestive organs, blood vessels, etc. This can lead to an exacerbation of existing diseases or the emergence of new ones. In addition, if a nervous breakdown is not treated, the person will begin to seek release in alcohol, drugs, promiscuity and other excesses. Outbursts of anger and aggression can become dangerous, and a nervous breakdown can develop into another serious disorder - a panic attack or depression. Patients also lose social skills, which can negatively affect both professional activities and family relationships.

Treatment for a nervous breakdown should be carried out under the guidance of experienced and qualified doctors. The private psychiatric clinic ROSA in Moscow offers you treatment services for all types of emotional and mental disorders on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

By providing medical services, we offer our patients a wide range of benefits:

  • Staff of qualified specialists, candidates of science, psychiatrists with extensive experience, who guarantee a comprehensive, but at the same time individual approach to the treatment of each individual patient, taking into account his characteristics.
  • We work with different forms and degrees of manifestation of nervous breakdowns. You can contact us with problems of varying complexity and we will find an effective solution for each.
  • We have a medical station in our clinic(not every private psychiatric clinic can offer this), where diseases of varying degrees of complexity are treated in a comfortable environment.
  • The cost of services is at an affordable level, we carefully approach the solution of financial issues, we meet our clients halfway, because we know that in such cases, a financial issue can become a reason for refusing the possibility of professional treatment.

If you find yourself in the hospital due to a nervous breakdown, how to recover? What treatment is usually carried out in such cases, how quickly can one recover from a severe nervous breakdown?

How to determine if you have a nervous breakdown?

Functional disorders of the central system can manifest themselves in extremely diverse ways. Manifestations of such ailments can be both neurological and somatic in nature.

Most often, a nervous breakdown is expressed in the appearance of periodic headaches that occur in the afternoon. In second place in terms of frequency of occurrence are various sleep disorders.

In addition, the following neurological symptoms may be observed: anxiety, memory impairment, dizziness, severe fatigue, decreased physical capabilities, attacks of anger or depression, thoughts of suicide.

Special mention should be made of changes in the emotional background. Patients suffering from a nervous breakdown are extremely susceptible to mood swings, may exhibit excessive sentimentality, feelings of guilt, paranoid tendencies arise, the need for alcohol increases, and sexual desire suffers.

Among the most common somatic manifestations of a nervous breakdown are disorders of the digestive system: nausea, periodic vomiting, rumbling in the stomach and increased gas formation, diarrhea and constipation, heartburn, belching, and so on.

Other somatic manifestations: menstrual irregularities, appetite suppression, increased body temperature, muscle weakness, fluctuations in blood pressure, changes in pulse rate.

Treatment for a nervous breakdown in the hospital

In severe cases, professional treatment cannot be avoided. The reason for hospitalization is usually suicidal tendencies, prolonged depression or severe somatic manifestations.

The mainstay of treatment for patients with a nervous breakdown is drug therapy. In the vast majority of cases, patients are prescribed antidepressants. These medications are intended to normalize the emotional background, get rid of hypochondria and depression, and suppress thoughts of suicide.

For severe anxiety, specialists prescribe anxiolytic drugs. Taking them can suppress nervousness, excessive emotional stress, guilt, and so on.

Pronounced bursts of psycho-emotional activity need to be suppressed. In addition, in especially severe cases, patients must be physically restrained so as not to cause harm to themselves and others.

The prescription of antipsychotic drugs begins with the selection of an effective and safe dosage. At this time, the patient may be a little slow, which is quite normal. After achieving the desired therapeutic effect, the dosage of the drug is reduced.

In all cases, specific treatment is carried out against the background of general restorative therapy. Patients are advised to rest and eat well. Multivitamin and (or) multimineral complexes are prescribed. When the immune status is reduced (frequent colds), immunostimulants are used.

Correction of somatic disorders

As mentioned above, nervous breakdowns are often accompanied by somatic manifestations, the development of which in most cases is secondary. To quickly relieve negative symptoms, appropriate therapy is usually prescribed: correction of digestive system disorders, normalization of blood pressure and cardiac activity.

Psychotherapy and hypnosis sessions

Psychotherapeutic measures for nervous breakdowns are considered highly effective. Working with a patient, a specialist can help him understand problems that previously seemed insoluble.

Group psychotherapy helps to increase motivation and increase self-confidence. At such sessions, patients share their own experiences, which allows “newcomers” to quickly adapt and learn to cope with stressful situations on their own.

Traditional methods of treating a nervous breakdown

You can use non-traditional treatment methods only after consultation with a specialist. Moreover, in severe cases there is no need to waste time on such events. For example, in the presence of acute psychosis, herbal infusions are unlikely to be effective.

Valerian root tincture

Perhaps the most famous natural sedative, “adopted” even by official medicine, is valerian. The roots of this plant contain chemical compounds that can eliminate fears and anxiety, improve sleep, improve mood, and so on.

To obtain a tincture, you can use a ready-made preparation or make it yourself (50 grams of valerian root are infused in 100 ml of vodka for 2 weeks). You need to take a teaspoon 1-2 times a day for a month.

In mild cases, a nervous breakdown can be dealt with using traditional treatment methods and distracting activities (visiting a bathhouse, swimming, playing sports, tourist trips). A couple of weeks is enough to recover.

In severe cases, treatment is carried out in a psychiatric hospital, possibly with constant monitoring. Such patients are prescribed a whole range of medications, the choice of which is under the control of the attending physician. Treatment usually lasts several weeks.

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Selena Gomez was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown

And it's not about the news about Justin Bieber's wedding

Selena Gomez is hospitalized. Western media reported this. The singer was hospitalized due to an emotional breakdown. In addition, it is reported that the 26-year-old celebrity has been hospitalized for the second time in the past two weeks.

As a source told the publication, the first signs of a nervous breakdown, due to which Selena Gomez had to end up in the clinic, appeared at the end of September. Then the results of her medical tests showed a dangerously low level of white blood cells in the blood. This may indicate complications from the kidney transplant she underwent about a year ago.

The star left the hospital a few days later, but returned there last week. The same low white blood cells brought her to the clinic - the singer’s condition has not improved in any way since September. Gomez's reaction was unexpectedly sharp - she asked permission to leave the clinic, and when the doctors told her that this was impossible, she panicked. According to a TMZ source, the singer had a real nervous breakdown.

“The actress was extremely emotional about the poor performance and felt so depressed that her loved ones took her to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles,” the source says.

Selena Gomez is currently undergoing intensive therapy, which is used to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from borderline personality disorder.

The news of Selena Gomez's nervous breakdown did not come as a complete surprise to her fans. The fact is that on September 23, she wrote on Instagram that she was temporarily leaving social networks. “I am grateful that social media gives each of us a voice. I'm just as grateful to be able to move on from this and live this life in every moment I'm given," she wrote, adding, "Just remember: negative comments can hurt anyone."

Before posting this post, Selena Gomez went live on the same Instagram, in which she admitted that she had been suffering from depression for the last five years. “Depression and anxiety were always at the forefront of my life, no matter what I did,” she said

However, some fans are still confident that the reason for this condition lies not only in complications of the star’s operation, but also because of the wedding of her former lover, 24-year-old Justin Bieber, who recently tied the knot with 21-year-old model Hailey Baldwin.

In which department of the hospital are people with nervous breakdowns treated?

My mother had a very difficult year. In February she buried her mother, in September her brother died, and in November she finds out by chance (we hid it from her) that her son and my brother ended up in Afghanistan. She had a nervous breakdown. She took time off and cried for days. Dad worked on a rotational basis, and didn’t notice right away. Then he understood and called me by telegram. My son and I arrived, and she had fog in her eyes, that’s how much she cried. When we sat down to eat, she said that she hadn’t eaten for a long time, she was afraid. I told her, let’s eat as much broth as you can. Then I went to see a psychologist, and he said, “You bring your mother,” but she doesn’t come with me. She decided to go alone, and she was admitted straight from there to the neurosis department. A completely open building. But opposite there was a psychiatric hospital, the windows were chained, and the crazy people were hanging on the glass, lashing out, hooliganizing to the fullest. Well, she lay there for 2 months. Department of neuroses.

And she went to work, they tortured her there, “Were you in the madhouse?”, freaks, and she told everyone, “Yes, in the madhouse,” although they visited her a lot from work and saw that this was a department of neuroses.

Why do nervous disorders occur and how to prevent them?

Nervous disorders manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the degree of development of the disease. Often, specialist help is needed to correct them.

Excessive anxiety negatively affects a person’s quality of life, causing fatigue and bad mood.

A sudden feeling of panic is one of the common symptoms of nervous disorders.

Restoring mental balance is a necessary measure for everyone who wants to live a full life.

Special exercises, such as yoga, can strengthen the nervous system.

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Even the most reliable mechanism breaks down from excessive loads: such a thin, complex and fragile apparatus as the human psyche is no exception. Alas, nervous disorders are by no means uncommon today, and there is nothing strange about this. Modern life puts forward a lot of demands, and in trying to meet them, we often overexert ourselves and experience stress. And from constant stress to nervous breakdown is only half a step.

Nervous disorder: what is it?

This is a whole group of psychoneurological diseases, which primarily include neuroses, depression, and various psychosomatic disorders. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a phenomenon as a nervous breakdown - an acute phase of a nervous disorder, for example, neurosis.

Nervous disorders are more common than the common cold. Approximately 90% of city residents have encountered them at least once. However, it is difficult to keep statistics, since many people prefer to endure life’s shocks without turning to doctors or resorting to psychotherapy.

The danger of developing a nervous disorder in the modern world is simply enormous. Almost every person is included in one or another risk group. The following are more susceptible to nervous disorders:

  • Those with an anxious personality type often worry about what has not yet happened and constantly reproach themselves for past mistakes.
  • Workaholics who work excessively hard and are constantly overworked.
  • Those who have problems in relationships with friends, family members, colleagues.
  • People who abuse alcohol, smoke, those who take drugs.
  • People with low self-esteem.
  • Overly responsible people with an “excellent student complex.”
  • Those whose parents suffered from certain nervous disorders.
  • People suffering from severe pathologies, especially diseases of the liver, thyroid gland, and cancer.
  • Those who are preparing for major life changes or have recently gone through them. It is not so important whether these changes were positive or not. Those at risk include those who have recently divorced or suffered a loss, as well as newlyweds, young parents and careerists who have received a long-awaited promotion.

Symptoms of a nervous system disorder

The specific symptoms depend on the type of disorder, but there are common signs that appear in almost everyone who suffers from a nervous system disorder:

  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety, gloomy thoughts, fear of the future;
  • constant fatigue, decreased performance, drowsiness;
  • inability to concentrate, decreased attention;
  • memory impairment;
  • obsessive thoughts.

Nervous disorders affect not only mood and behavior, but also the entire body as a whole. Sometimes the physical signs of a nervous disorder appear before the cognitive ones, and these are the ones that make people wonder if everything is okay. After all, many of us are accustomed to not paying attention to our state of mind, but deteriorating health is another matter. Most often, nervous disorders are accompanied by:

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, feeling of a “lump in the throat”;
  • indigestion, loss of appetite;
  • pressure changes.

Causes of the condition

As a rule, these states are reactive, in other words, they arise due to the fault of certain external circumstances and experiences. However, sometimes they are caused not by some events and feelings associated with them, but by endogenous, or internal, causes, as a result of which the metabolism and structure of nerve cells are disrupted. These reasons are very diverse: from dietary errors and impaired absorption of certain vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, to serious diseases of the endocrine system and cancer.

Types of disorders

Nervous disorders vary, but most often people experience one of the following:


This is the name given to long-term depression of the nervous system, usually caused by prolonged stress. Expressed by irritability, low mood and decreased performance. With neurasthenia, people often complain of headaches, weakness, insomnia, and inability to concentrate. The excited state is combined with lethargy and fatigue.

Anxiety disorder

With this type of nervous disorder, a person is constantly focused on some disturbing thoughts and ideas. This state differs from delirium in that these ideas are, in essence, quite real. In other words, a person suffering from delusional ideas is afraid that he will be abducted by aliens, and with an anxiety disorder he cannot get rid of the fear of losing his job, betrayal or illness. This type of nervous disorder also includes a variety of phobias. It should be noted that a person may understand that his fears are most likely groundless, but cannot stop thinking about them.

Panic disorder

This type of disorder is characterized by sudden and causeless panic attacks - attacks of uncontrollable fear. During a panic attack, a person experiences inexplicable horror, he begins to choke, sweating, dizziness, fear of death, and tremors occur. Attacks last from a few minutes to half an hour, and in severe cases occur daily. With mild panic disorder, attacks may occur only a few times a year, but the person is constantly waiting for a new attack and experiences nervousness.

Depressive disorder

Although most people consider deep sadness to be the main symptom of depression, this disorder often manifests itself differently. Depressive disorder is not so much sadness as it is apathy, a loss of interest in everything that previously seemed important and interesting. To a person in this state, everything seems meaningless, he sees the future exclusively in black colors, and is prone to self-deprecation. Depression is often accompanied by drowsiness or severe insomnia, loss of appetite, and sudden weight gain or loss.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

While not a nervous disorder in the truest sense of the word, VSD is nevertheless associated with similar disorders. The autonomic nervous system controls the functioning of the entire body. It regulates blood pressure and heart rate, prepares muscles for tension, etc. If there are disturbances in its work, these mechanisms work inappropriately to the situation - for example, there is no danger, but the body reacts as if there is one.

Which doctor should I contact if I have a nervous disorder?

The best option would be a neuropsychiatrist, who to some extent combines the functions of a neurologist and a psychiatrist. If it is not possible to make an appointment with this particular specialist, contact a psychiatrist or neurologist. The first deals with things related to mood and self-awareness, the second deals with the physical manifestations of nervous disorders, such as insomnia, headaches, and concentration problems.

A psychologist and psychotherapist will help only when mental illnesses are excluded, a diagnosis is made and the main goal is to return the person to normal life.

Features of the treatment of nervous disorders

Nervous disorders do not appear out of nowhere - they are always the result of either long-term stress or some kind of disease. Obviously, for a complete cure, you need to fight the cause, that is, change your life (reconsider your work schedule, end unpromising relationships, learn to communicate with people) or cure the underlying disease. However, this is a long process. That is why various means have been developed for the treatment of nervous disorders themselves - all these methods allow you to alleviate the condition while the root of all evil is being fought. The manifestations of nervous disorders are varied, and treatment must be comprehensive, only then will it give the desired and lasting effect.

Drug approach

Drug treatment

Expert opinion

Nosova Marina Vladimirovna, manager at OTCPharm

“Afobazole” is a modern remedy that helps cope with all the main symptoms of nervous disorders at the same time. "Afobazole" is indicated for sleep disorders, increased fatigue, excitability, anxiety, low mood, irritability. The effectiveness of Afobazol has been confirmed by more than 80 studies, which involved about 4,500 patients.

How to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress

To consolidate the effect of therapy, it is necessary to reconsider your entire lifestyle. In particular, pay attention to nutrition, adding fiber-rich fruits and vegetables and complex carbohydrates to your diet. Once every six months you can take a course of vitamins. Reduce your consumption of tea and coffee, replacing them with juices and herbal teas, give up alcohol and cigarettes.

Train yourself to exercise - even if at first it's just walking. If possible, choose a sanatorium for your vacation - preferably one of those where nervous disorders are treated. Two weeks of daily relaxing procedures, a properly selected diet and water containing all the necessary minerals are an excellent prevention of nervous disorders.

How to prevent the development of nervous disorders

The most important thing is to notice a nervous disorder in time. Alas, people usually ignore its obvious signs, believing that irritability, insomnia, bad mood and constant fatigue are inevitable phenomena that are characteristic of literally everyone. However, it is not. Stress is not a norm of life, but a nervous disorder. Do not hesitate to go to the doctor with such “trifles” as chronic fatigue, forgetfulness, tearfulness, headaches, anxiety, sleep disorders. These problems can be solved. And if you don’t pay attention to them and wait for them to go away on their own, you can expect not improvement, but deep clinical depression or disorders so serious that very difficult drugs will be required to treat them.

Nervous disorders are not mental illnesses, and there is no need to be afraid that your doctor will declare you “abnormal.” As a rule, even if your condition seems very difficult, hopeless and unique to you, believe me - it is quite typical, and millions of people around the world face the same problems. Effective therapeutic regimens have long been developed for the treatment of all nervous disorders; the main thing is to take the necessary measures in time.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,

If you find yourself in the hospital due to a nervous breakdown, how to recover? What treatment is usually carried out in such cases, how quickly can one recover from a severe nervous breakdown?

How to determine if you have a nervous breakdown?

Functional disorders of the central system can manifest themselves in extremely diverse ways. Manifestations of such ailments can be both neurological and somatic in nature.

Neurological symptoms

Most often, a nervous breakdown is expressed in the appearance of periodic headaches that occur in the afternoon. In second place in terms of frequency of occurrence are various sleep disorders.

In addition, the following neurological symptoms may be observed: anxiety, memory impairment, dizziness, severe fatigue, decreased physical capabilities, attacks of anger or depression, thoughts of suicide.

Special mention should be made of changes in the emotional background. Patients suffering from a nervous breakdown are extremely susceptible to mood swings, may exhibit excessive sentimentality, feelings of guilt, paranoid tendencies arise, the need for alcohol increases, and sexual desire suffers.

Somatic manifestations

Among the most common somatic manifestations of a nervous breakdown are disorders of the digestive system: nausea, periodic vomiting, rumbling in the stomach and increased gas formation, diarrhea and constipation, heartburn, belching, and so on.

Other somatic manifestations: menstrual irregularities, appetite suppression, increased body temperature, muscle weakness, fluctuations in blood pressure, changes in pulse rate.

Treatment for a nervous breakdown in the hospital

In severe cases, professional treatment cannot be avoided. The reason for hospitalization is usually suicidal tendencies, prolonged depression or severe somatic manifestations.


The mainstay of treatment for patients with a nervous breakdown is drug therapy. In the vast majority of cases, patients are prescribed antidepressants. These medications are intended to normalize the emotional background, get rid of hypochondria and depression, and suppress thoughts of suicide.


For severe anxiety, specialists prescribe anxiolytic drugs. Taking them can suppress nervousness, excessive emotional stress, guilt, and so on.

Antipsychotic drugs

Pronounced bursts of psycho-emotional activity need to be suppressed. In addition, in especially severe cases, patients must be physically restrained so as not to cause harm to themselves and others.

The prescription of antipsychotic drugs begins with the selection of an effective and safe dosage. At this time, the patient may be a little slow, which is quite normal. After achieving the desired therapeutic effect, the dosage of the drug is reduced.

General restorative therapy

In all cases, specific treatment is carried out against the background of general restorative therapy. Patients are advised to rest and eat well. Multivitamin and (or) multimineral complexes are prescribed. When the immune status is reduced (frequent colds), immunostimulants are used.

Correction of somatic disorders

As mentioned above, nervous breakdowns are often accompanied by somatic manifestations, the development of which in most cases is secondary. To quickly relieve negative symptoms, appropriate therapy is usually prescribed: correction of digestive system disorders, normalization of blood pressure and cardiac activity.

Psychotherapy and hypnosis sessions

Psychotherapeutic measures for nervous breakdowns are considered highly effective. Working with a patient, a specialist can help him understand problems that previously seemed insoluble.

Group psychotherapy helps to increase motivation and increase self-confidence. At such sessions, patients share their own experiences, which allows “newcomers” to quickly adapt and learn to cope with stressful situations on their own.

Traditional methods of treating a nervous breakdown

You can use non-traditional treatment methods only after consultation with a specialist. Moreover, in severe cases there is no need to waste time on such events. For example, in the presence of acute psychosis, herbal infusions are unlikely to be effective.

Valerian root tincture

Perhaps the most famous natural sedative, “adopted” even by official medicine, is valerian. The roots of this plant contain chemical compounds that can eliminate fears and anxiety, improve sleep, improve mood, and so on.

To obtain a tincture, you can use a ready-made preparation or make it yourself (50 grams of valerian root are infused in 100 ml of vodka for 2 weeks). You need to take a teaspoon 1-2 times a day for a month.


In mild cases, a nervous breakdown can be dealt with using traditional treatment methods and distracting activities (visiting a bathhouse, swimming, playing sports, tourist trips). A couple of weeks is enough to recover.

In severe cases, treatment is carried out in a psychiatric hospital, possibly with constant monitoring. Such patients are prescribed a whole range of medications, the choice of which is under the control of the attending physician. Treatment usually lasts several weeks.