Wire and cable marking. Types of electrical cables, wires and cords Name of electrical wires

The modern industry producing electrical products is ready to offer the consumer a huge assortment of cable products. Each type of electrical cable or type of wire is used to solve a specific professional problem of electrifying an object. Anyone who decides to perform the installation of electrical wiring in a personal summer cottage, in his own city apartment or private house, will soon understand that copper conductors are most often used for such work and much less often aluminum ones. There are simply no other options, although there are many metals with low current resistance.

Why copper and aluminum? Everything is very simple! These are the cheapest non-ferrous metals, optimally suited for the production of wires in terms of their technical and design characteristics. Of course, it is quite possible to make a cable from gold, but the price of this product will be prohibitive!

Cable products and wires for the installation of electrical wiring in residential and other facilities are divided into several types and types: powerful power cables, special self-supporting cables, electrical wires for hidden and exposed wiring, installation conductors, and so on.

The spectrum of the main characteristics of such electrical products is diverse. All cable electrical products are divided into categories not only by their purpose, but also by the type of insulating layer, the structure of current-carrying conductors and the metal from which they are made, design features and other parameters. This article will consider the main types and types, technical parameters and other characteristics of electrical wires and cables that are used when performing work on the installation of electrical wiring and connecting private houses, apartments, summer cottages and other real estate to power grids.

Attention! The correct choice of electrical cable or wire is a very responsible matter, on which the safety of your property and your own health depend. Therefore, for those who do not want to face such catastrophic events as short circuit, fire or electric shock, we recommend carefully choosing electrical products that meet the requirements of PES (electrical installation rules).

Power cables

A powerful cable for power lines is a single-core or multi-core electrical product designed to supply electrical energy to stationary consumers, such as a private house, apartment, summer cottage or mobile equipment. The power cable connects the main switchboard or power line to the end user. Regardless of the area of ​​use and technical characteristics, its design consists of the following mandatory elements that are its basis:

  • one or more metal conductors intended for the transmission of current;
  • an insulating layer that protects conductive elements;
  • outer sheath, which serves to protect the entire structure of the cable as a whole.

In addition to these main structural parts of power cable products, they can include a variety of additional elements, such as belt outer insulation, shielding layer, armor with a pillow under it. The design of a power cable depends on its purpose, scope of use and operating conditions. All these factors are reflected in the color coding and product names.

Important! When choosing a power cable, many factors must be taken into account: operating conditions, type and type of installation, as well as compliance with PES standards. This is due to the fact that various brands of cable products have both advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when purchasing.

Power cable - marking features

The properties and design features of power cables, as well as the scope of application, are determined by the labeling of cable products. Today there are two types of marking of such products: color or letters. In the Russian Federation, an alphabetic one is used, where each symbol and its location has a specific meaning. The first sign denotes the material of the core and if it is "A", then it is made of aluminum, and if the letter is absent, then it is made of copper. The table below shows the order of marking signs, their letter designation and decoding.

Mark number in marking
power cable
Symbol assignment Decoding the symbol
1 Material of current-carrying conductors A - aluminum
No sign - copper
2 Insulation layer material B - polyvinyl chloride
C - impregnated paper
НР - non-flammable rubber
P - thermoplastic polyethylene
3 Outer sheath type C - lead alloy
A - aluminum alloy
О - separate sheath for each core
P - polyethylene or polymer
B - polyvinyl chloride
4 Armor protection B - two strips of coated steel
Bn - the same with a non-combustible coating
BBG - profiled steel tape
K - round galvanized wire
P - the same with flat wire
5 Shielding E - copper on an insulated conductor
Eo - common copper for three cores
d - a tape swelling in water
ha - polymer-aluminum tape
6 additional characteristics ng - does not burn
ng LS - does not burn, low smoke emission
Г - flexible cable

If any of the elements is missing in the marking, then it simply is not on the power cable. Let's say you do not see the designation of the armor, then it is missing. The presented letter marking is relevant not only for power cables, but also for other types of wires, with minor changes and additions. Below we will consider the main and most popular brands of power cables that are produced by the electrical industry.

VVG cable

The main purpose of the VVG power cable is the electrification of facilities with a network voltage of up to 1,000 volts. This brand is especially popular for indoor wiring. If we refer to the marking table presented above, then VVG is a copper cable with PVC core insulation, and external insulation in the form of a cambric made of the same material, and the letter "G" indicates that it is flexible. The number of cores of the product can be from two to five. The service life of these products can reach over 30 years.

The VVG power cable is produced in different versions: AVVG - with current-carrying conductors made of pure aluminum, VVGng - in a protective casing made of refractory material, VVGp - a flat product and others. The color of the outer insulation for most products is black, and each core has its own color scheme, corresponding to the marking according to the standard: yellow with a green stripe for PE conductors, for N cores blue or white with a blue stripe, and for phase cores it is absolutely white. The VVG power cable almost completely corresponds to its imported analogue, produced according to the foreign DIN standard, the technical parameters of which are presented in the following section.

NYM cable

NYM power cable is used for installation work when laying lighting networks and power supply networks in both residential and industrial premises. The maximum voltage value at which this product can be used should not exceed 660 volts. The cable can be operated in an open space, but it should be borne in mind that its insulation is subject to destruction under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, NYM cable must be protected with a special corrugation or other protective sheathing. The main feature of this product is that it is equipped with a special filler inside the outer shell, which ensures complete sealing of the cores.

Unlike the power cable of domestic design VVG, NYM wire is produced only in a round version with monolithic copper conductors. This fact gives it an advantage in conventional wiring, but it is very inconvenient to lay it in the grooves of hidden wiring. In all other respects, NYM cable is a complete analogue of VVG. The outer and inner insulation of the product is made of heat-resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Its color for the outer sheath is mainly black, and the insulation of current-carrying conductors has the following coloring: black, yellow with a green stripe, brown, as well as gray and blue. In Russian, the product does not have a letter designation.

SIP cable

Power is a self-supporting electrical wire with reliable core insulation, the very name of which speaks of its specific properties. Its main feature is that it can withstand heavy mechanical loads. In addition, the insulating layer of the product is made of stitched polyethylene, which can withstand exposure to sunlight and high humidity. Based on these properties, the self-supporting insulated wire is excellent for the installation of power lines in open space and branches from them for the electrification of various objects, both residential, as well as small industrial and commercial. This type of cable products is gradually replacing from the market aluminum wires without insulation of grades "A" and "AC", which were widely used for laying overhead power lines in the recent past.

Available only with pure aluminum conductors, which do not have an additional common insulating layer. The cross-sectional area of ​​the conductors of the product can be from 16 to 150 sq. mm. The marking of this cable is not directly tied to the number of current-carrying conductors. For example, SIP-1 is a three-core cable, the zero current-carrying conductor of which is at the same time carrying. All product information is encrypted in the designated product number. SIP power cable is a rather specific cable product. When installing it, it is necessary to use special fittings: specialized anchor brackets, special clamps for connection, and so on. Installation work cannot be performed without these additional elements.

VBBShv cable

This product refers to power cables with armor and copper conductors, which are produced in both monolithic and multi-wire versions. The design of the cable can have from 1 to 6 current-carrying conductors, each of which is enclosed in its own PVC insulation, and from above they are covered with a common sheath made of the same material. The cross-sectional area of ​​the conductors ranges from 1.5 to 240 sq. mm. The main feature of VBBShv is the presence of an armor layer made of two steel tapes between the outer protective shell and the current-carrying conductors.

This cable is designed to operate over a wide temperature range from –50 to +50 ° C with ambient humidity up to 98%. The insulation of the product is resistant to moisture and corrosive environments. Armored cable VBBShv is designed for the installation of electrical networks both in the underground version and in the open air in protective sheaths to exclude the negative effects of sunlight. VBBShv can be operated in networks with a maximum AC voltage of up to 6 thousand volts.

Attention! At the top of the article, we reviewed the most common types of power cables that are on the market today. In addition to these products, for the complete installation of electrical networks, it is necessary to use another type of electrical products, which can be called electrical wires, although this is a purely conditional division. Below we will consider non-power cables, wires and cords intended for electrical wiring and other purposes.

Types of electrical wires and cords

For many consumers, the terms cable and wire are synonymous, but this is not entirely true. A cable is a complex electrical product, usually with several layers of insulation and a separate sheath for live conductors. Electrical wires and cords are much simpler in design. Most often they have one layer of insulation, rarely two, and sometimes they are produced without an insulating layer at all. The purpose of these two types of products is also different. The cable is designed to transmit high power currents. Wires are used in networks and devices with a voltage of no more than 380 V, although they can withstand higher values.

Among the variety of such products, the following brands have won the greatest popularity with the consumer: PBPP, PBPPg, APUNP, PPV, APV, PVS and SHVVP. These electrical wires are used for various purposes: installation of internal electrical networks, connection of devices and equipment, grounding and in many other cases. Below we will consider the design features and areas of application of these most popular brands of electrical products today.

PBPP wire

It is a flat electrical wire with two or three monolithic copper conductors. The outer protective layer and conductor insulation are made of PVC. Cross-sectional area of ​​conductors from 1.5 to 6 sq. mm. The operating temperature of the product is from –15 to +50 ° C with a mains voltage of up to 250 V. The PBPP electrical wire (PUNP) is used for the installation of lighting systems and power outlets. There are modifications of this product: PBPPg and APUNP. The letter "g" in the marking means that this wire is flexible and its current-carrying conductors are stranded. The modification with the first letter "A" is a wire with aluminum conductors.

PBPP wire is very widespread, since it is excellent for connecting lighting, installing electrical outlets and switches, as well as for solving other electrical problems. This product is a truly universal conductor of electric current, which is highly popular due to its excellent quality. PBPP wire is recommended for use when carrying out electrical work in a private house, apartment or in the country.

Important! Basically, wires of the PBPP brand of all modifications are used in home and household networks. They are great for internal wiring, but should not be used as a substitute for power cables. When purchasing these products, be careful, as incorrect marking of wires of these brands is quite common!

PPV and APV wire

PPV wire is a flat electrical product with monolithic copper conductors in PVC insulation with jumpers between the conductors. The number of current-carrying conductors is two or three with a cross-sectional area of ​​0.75 to 6.0 sq. mm. The operating temperature range of the product is from –50 to +70 ° C with mains voltage up to 450 V and air humidity up to 100%. The wire can be used in lighting networks, as well as in power lines. A modification of this electrical product is an electric wire APPV with aluminum conductors.

APV is the most demanded aluminum wire with one conductor in PVC insulation of a round shape with a cross-sectional area from 2.5 to 16 sq. mm for a solid core and from 25 to 95 sq. mm for stranded. Moisture resistant, has increased strength and is resistant to any mechanical stress.

PVS wire

The PVA cord-wire is the most demanded electrical product intended for connection to electrical networks of lighting equipment, household appliances and other devices that consume electricity. The construction of the wire is multicore, containing from 2 to 5 conductive copper conductors. The cores of the product are multi-stranded, which gives it excellent flexibility. They are covered with an insulating layer of PVC and enclosed in a molded sheath made of the same material that hermetically fills the internal volume between the conductors.

Round PVA wire with dense texture. Cross-sectional area of ​​conductors from 0.75 to 16 sq. mm. The voltage in the network is up to 380 V, and the operating temperature is from –20 to +40 ° C. The shell of the product, as a rule, is white, and the insulating layer of the current-carrying conductors is colored. Due to its exceptional flexibility, PVA cord is highly resistant to mechanical bending stress. The modification of the product with the PVA U marking is designed for operation at low temperatures down to –40 ° C.

Recommendation! PES standards do not prohibit the use of a PVA cord for laying hidden electrical wiring, organizing grounding and connecting electrical outlets. But if you decide to use this wire precisely for such purposes, then you should know that it cannot be used in open space and, of course, laid in the ground.

ShVVP wire

ShVVP cord-wire is designed to connect household appliances and appliances to the electrical network. Its main function is a cord for connecting low-power equipment through an outlet to the network. The shell of the product is made of ordinary vinyl, the insulating layer of each current-carrying conductor is made of the same material. Stranded current conductors, copper with a cross-sectional area of ​​0.5 to 0.75 sq. mm., their number is two or three. The insulation of the cord does not have high strength, therefore it is better not to use it at high loads. ShVVP by design is flat, the shell is absolutely white or black, the insulation of current-carrying conductors is colored. Operating temperature from –25 to +70 ° C.

In addition to connecting low-power household appliances and making simple extension cords, ShVVP cord is often used in control and automation systems to power low-current circuits. Product flexibility is a very important parameter that allows the wire to be used in a variety of areas. In addition, ball screws are resistant to aggressive environments and can withstand air humidity up to 98%, which makes it moisture resistant.

Important! The cross-sectional area of ​​wires for wiring and connecting household appliances depends on the current flowing through them at maximum load. This value must be calculated and the conductor with the nearest larger cross-sectional area must be selected.


In this article, we examined the main types of cables and wires for the transmission of electrical energy both at home and at other real estate objects. Of course, this is only a small part of the entire range of cable and wire electrical products, but the most popular on the market. It is simply impossible to list all types and types of wires and cable products in the limited scope of the article, but you now know the most popular brands, their markings and technical characteristics, which will surely help you when choosing such products!

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An electrical wire, cable or cord is a copper or aluminum conductor that carries current and insulation that protects the line from a short circuit, and a person from exposure to dangerous voltage. All types of wires differ only in the thickness of the metal cores and the insulation material, which determines its resistance to heat, environmental influences and the likelihood of ignition.

The main types of wires

First of all, the division is made according to the intended purpose. The very first types of electrical wires and cables were power cables, designed to deliver electricity to the consumer. Then it turned out that it is more profitable to use alternating current for the transmission of electricity and the higher the voltage, the less losses, so the search for its optimal values ​​began. As a result, power wires are divided between those that transmit electricity from power plants to cities (with a voltage of 20-150 thousand volts) and those that directly bring it to consumers' homes (110-380 volts).

With the invention and development of telephone communication, corresponding wires appeared - since telephones do not need a lot of voltage to work, it is too expensive to use power wiring for their lines. In addition, to connect a large number of subscribers, cables with an appropriate number of cores and protection against moisture were needed.

When it became necessary to connect computers into a single network, new types of cables and wires were needed - specifically for these purposes. Initially, telephone lines were used for these purposes, but the data transfer rate remained at a very low level. A breakthrough in this area came with the invention of optical fiber, which was used to transmit signals over long distances. Twisted pair cables were used to connect local local networks.

In addition to the main types of wires, non-standard ones are used - for example, for heating, lighting, or simply decorative.

Power wires

Designed for the transmission of electricity from power plants to distribution transformers and further to the end consumer. In the first case, wires are used that are designed for operation in the open air and withstand voltages up to 150 kV - the optimal value for transmitting electricity over long distances.

Household power wiring is designed for alternating current with a frequency of 50-60 Hertz and voltage up to 1000 Volts. Classification is often used according to the material of current-carrying conductors, which can be made of aluminum, its alloys or copper. Aluminum is cheaper to manufacture, while copper has less resistance to electric current, so they have a smaller cross section. It is preferable to use copper wiring - it is more durable and more reliable, but due to the price, aluminum is still used quite often, and in power lines and in general - almost everywhere.

VVG is the market leader

Double PVC insulation cable for power grids - multi-colored on each core and common cambric. Current-carrying conductors, single or multi-wire, with a cross section of 1.5-240 mm². Has the following varieties:

  • AVVG. The letter "A" before the name says that the conductors of the cable are made of aluminum.
  • VVGng. Wire insulation is non-flammable over a wide temperature range.
  • VVGp. It differs only in externally - flat shape.
  • VVGz. High-security cable - inside it, all empty spaces are filled with a rubber compound.

NYM cable

It is made according to European standards and although it is similar in conductive properties to VVG wires, it surpasses domestic counterparts in insulation class, since during manufacture, the voids between the veins are filled with coated rubber. It is manufactured with the number of current-carrying conductors from 2 to 5, with a cross-section of 1.5-16 mm². Outdoor installation is permitted, but with additional protection from sunlight, as the insulation is not UV resistant. Unlike domestic counterparts, it can be laid with a bend radius of 4 of its diameters.

KG - flexible cable

Without losing its properties, the cable can be operated at temperatures from -60 to +50 C °. It is most often used to connect electrical appliances to the network, and its cores are designed for a current frequency of up to 400 Hz, which makes it a good choice for use in welding machines. Current-carrying conductors are only copper multi-wire with rubber insulation. The number can be from 1 to 6, hidden under a common outer shell.

VBBShv - armored

Increased protection against mechanical damage is provided by tapes with which the wires are wrapped before applying the main insulation layer. Live conductors made of copper, separately insulated PVC, quantity - 1-5 pieces, consisting of one or several wires. Single cores are used for direct current transmission.

There is one limitation for using the cable - installation without UV protection is not recommended. The following types are used:

  • AVBBShv - with aluminum conductors;
  • VBBShvng - with excessive heating, the insulation does not burn, but smolders;
  • VBBShvng-LS - minimum of smoke and gases during smoldering.

Telephone cables

There are two types of wires and electrical cables - to connect the switchboard to the line and to connect individual subscribers to it.

Antenna cables

Despite their simplicity, these cables have many characteristics to choose from:

For more information on choosing an antenna cable, see this video:

Computer cables

By analogy with telephones, two main types of wires are used here - for connecting end users with a switchgear and connecting the latter with the World Wide Web.

Optical fiber used to transmit data over long distances is not an electrical cable, since it is not an electric current that flows through it, but light pulses that still need to be converted into electrical ones. To connect such wires, you need special equipment and highly qualified personnel, so they are practically not used in everyday life.

Twisted pair. A wire that is well known to Internet users - it is such a cable that comes to a computer and connects to its network card. Structurally, it consists of eight current-carrying conductors, twisted in pairs. Each core has a separate PVC or propylene insulation and, depending on the classification of the wire, all together they can be covered with additional protective and shielding layers:

  • UTP - all wires are twisted in pairs, and from above are covered only with an outer sheath;
  • FTP - under the outer shell there is a screen made of a foil layer;
  • STP is a double shielded cable. There is a separate shield on each twisted pair and is all surrounded by a braid of copper wire;
  • S / FTP is also double shielding, only here a foil shield is used.

Special purpose wires

The same types of electrical wires are used if they need special properties that ordinary cables do not have and for connecting electrical equipment in those places where the use of standard conductors for some reason is difficult or even impossible. For example, ordinary wires cannot be used when connecting electric ovens that heat up to high temperatures. The same applies to saunas or cellars, where, in addition to temperature, the humidity factor must be taken into account.

In addition to the effects of temperature and moisture, the likelihood of mechanical damage must be taken into account, especially for wires that are laid underground.

Non-standard power wires

RCGM. Flexible single-core wire for installation of power wiring in places with high temperatures - does not change its characteristics in the range from -60 to +180 C °. The insulation material can withstand voltages up to 660 Volts, is resistant to vibration, 100% air humidity, does not deteriorate from mold and contact with aggressive liquids - varnishes or solvents.

PNSV. Single-core steel wire in PVC insulation with a conductor cross-section from 1.2 to 3 mm². The material and cross-section are selected in such a way that the wire heats up when an electric current is passed through it. Most often, it is used as a heating element in warm floors or on construction sites when pouring concrete in the cold season - this allows the use of concrete solutions at sub-zero temperatures.

Runway. Stranded single-core wire, cross-section from 1.2 to 25 mm² with double insulation. Designed to work in artesian wells, where it is used to connect power to the motors of electric pumps - i.e. not afraid of water and high pressure.

Custom decorative wiring

LED cable. In addition to the main conductors, it has an additional circuit to which LEDs are connected. They are located under the transparent outer sheath at a distance of about 2 cm from each other and begin to glow when the wire is plugged into the network. The connection diagram of the LEDs is serial-parallel, which allows you to cut the wire anywhere, and also, in case of damage, shows the place where the cable is broken. If you choose wires with different colors of LEDs, you can create whole pictures, which determines the most popular niche for using such a cable - stage effects and the connection of the equipment necessary for them.

Electroluminescent wires - work due to the phenomenon of pre-breakdown electroluminescence of solids. The main core of the wire is covered with a phosphor and a dielectric layer. From above, it is wrapped with two thin wires and a dielectric is applied to everything - transparent or colored. In fact, the main core and additional wires are a capacitor, which requires an alternating current with a frequency of 500 to 5.5 thousand Hertz and a voltage of about 100-150 Volts. When charging and discharging a capacitor, under the influence of an electric field, the phosphor begins to glow along its entire length. In all respects, such a wire is better than neon tubes - it has less energy consumption, it is cheaper to manufacture, is not limited in length and can freely change its shape.

Decorative wiring can also be attributed to the one that is used for the "retro" style. These are ordinary power cables, but it is assumed that they will not be hidden in the wall, but laid along its surface, with appropriate requirements for reliability and appearance of the insulation. Most often these are two or three-core wires with cores twisted together.

These are the main cables for the transmission of electric current, radio signals and digital data. Of course, there are still quite a few varieties and analogs, only the listing of which will take a lot of time, therefore, for example, those of them were chosen whose characteristics most fully correspond to the class of wires that they represent.

In the arsenal of the modern cable industry there is a huge assortment of all kinds of wires. Each of them solves a specific problem. Any electrical installation is done with aluminum, and more often copper wires and cables. The cores of these cables can be solid or split when they are filled with many wires. The flexibility of the cable depends on the structure, but not the value of the conductivity. But the features of the cables do not end there. After all, their range is amazing. PVA, SHVVP, VVG - what are the advantages? The answer is simple: in the properties of the insulation.

The article will tell you about the basic types of wiring and how to use them.

With the help of this conductor, residential buildings are electrified. Its markings show: the flexibility of the conductors, the outside insulation is polyvinyl chloride, the insulation of the rods is the same. The wiring is not very flexible.

The insulation of the cable has resistance to the aggression of the environment, and it itself does not burn. The cores consist of one or more wires, taking into account the modification of the cable.

This cable must supply and distribute electrical impulses at a ratio of 1000 volts if the AC power frequency is 50 Hz. To equip house networks, a VVG liner with a cut of 6 square millimeters is suitable; for supplying light to households, this rate increases to 16 sq. Mm. A break along the shortest radius is possible with a 10-fold cord in breadth. The cable is supplied in coils of 1 hundred meters.

VVG cable has a gradation: AVVG - aluminum conductor, VVGng - refractory sheath, VVGp - flat cut, VVGz - presence of PVC or rubber insulation between the conductors.

VVG - copper cable - for indoor installation. It is laid openly, laid in the grooves. Serves 30 years. The number of cores meets the requirements of the network phases: from 2 to 5.
The predominant tone of the surface insulation material of these leads is black, sometimes white.
Modifications of the VVG cable with "NG" and "LS" show, respectively, non-propagation of combustion and small smoke emission during fire. Known modification of VVG, which is able to withstand open fire for several minutes.

The foreign analogue of the VVG cable is produced according to the DIN standard. This is a NYM product. Its special inner filler dies out on its own.

Copper solid-wire conductors with current, with PVC insulation and a protective sheath, does not burn, is not afraid of an aggressive environment. The first 5 cores are produced with a cut: 1.5 - 35 square units. - in the body of a white protective sphere. Conductors are adjacent to dense coated rubber: there are no halogens, the cord is strong and heat-resistant. Its functionality is from -40 ° C to + 70 ° C, moisture resistant. Colored insulation: light green, bluish, brown.

NYM cable serves lighting systems in technical and civil engineering - voltage limit - 660 units. The product is laid indoors and outdoors, hiding it from the sun in a corrugation.
Installation allows bending radius - not less than 4 diameters. It goes in bays, starting from 50 meters.
When compared with VVG, this liner has only copper and cores of solid wire. It is convenient to lay it.

3. SIP cable

The code is interpreted as "self-supporting insulated wire". He is not afraid of collisions with mechanics. Its insulation is cross-linked polyethylene, it is more often used as a street cable for power lines and individual branches. Replaces bare A and AC cords.

Sip cable price starts from 25 rubles / m.

This is an alum cable with no overall insulation. The cross section of the veins is 16 units, the largest is 150 units. The marking does not give out the number of veins - there is a nomenclature number.

SIP-1 is a lead line of 2 cores, one is a zero carrier. Option 2 to 4 - single zero carrier conductors. Sample-4 consists of 4 current-carrying rods.

Installation of self-supporting insulated wire involves specific tools: brackets - anchors with connection and branch clamps.

4. Cable - cord PVS

PVA is made of copper with a vinyl insulating base. It fits into the void between the rods, so the wire is strong. Lived 2 or 5, incision - from 0.75 to 16 square millimeters.
Temperature norm -25 ° C - + 40 ° C, it is not afraid of moisture and chemical attacks. The wire is bent multiple times. The shell is white. Veins of all shades.

PVS wire - power cord for household appliances and extension cords. Flexibility is an important product advantage.

Insulation - polyvinyl chloride. Internal insulation of conductors - with standard marking. The conductors of PVA are multiwire. They are finished or tinned.
The cable is ideal for powering portable power loads.

PVA copes with mechanical stress. The cross-section of the veins varies from 0.75 to 16 sq. mm .. It is used in the production of extension cords and carriers when operating in warmth. The shell does not stand up to frost.

5. Cable ШВВП

ШВВП - flat cord in vinyl, the same insulation. Analogue of VVG, but differs in flexibility of dense copper rods. Usually stitched into extension cords. The insulation of the ball screw is not very strong, and with overloaded lines, the cable is not used.

The sections are modest: 0.5 or 0.75 sq. mm. with 2 or 3 veins. ShVVP is habitually involved in automation, for powering systems with low current.

KG is a flexible rubber cable made of copper with stranded conductors, their cross-section is 0.5 to 240 sq. mm. Quantity - 1-5. Natural rubber - for rubber insulation of conductors.

The cable is functional from -60 ° C to + 50 ° C, moisture - 98%. The cable is laid outdoors. Veins color: black, blue, brown, gray.
The scope of KG is industrial plants.
The KG cable powers portable mobile devices from alternating current or from generators.
During installation, bending along a radius of at least 8 outer diameters is possible. Modification KGng is provided - non-combustible insulation.
The rubber insulation of this cable retains its properties and flexibility in frost conditions. Extension cords based on it are used in any conditions.

Power cable with copper current-carrying conductors: single-wire and multi-wire, protected by armor. The first 6 veins have a cross section of 1.5 - 240 square millimeters. There is a PVC cover and an insulating base. The cable is distinguished by the presence of a double-tape steel armor layer between the sheath and the rods. The cable is designed for operation from -50 ° C to + 50 ° C, moisture up to 98%. PVC insulation guarantees resistance to aggressive environments. Black shell. Insulation is either black and white or solid color.

VBBShv armor is laid for power supply networks of autonomous structures and buildings, in pipes under the ground and above. The maximum AC voltage is 6000 volts. DC requires single core cable modifications.

The radius bends are the same. Usually delivered from 100 meters in bays. Modifications: AVBBShv - aluminum conductors, VBBShvng - non-combustible version, VBBShvng-LS - non-combustible mode with low gas emission at high temperatures.

The VBbShv cable the price from the manufacturer "Electrokomplekt" will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, the company is represented in 8 cities of Kazakhstan.

8. Wire PBPP - PUNP

Copper flat wire: single-wire cores, 2 or 3 pieces, PVC insulation and sheath. It works normally if the atmosphere is -15 ° C to + 50 ° C, the humidity limit is 98%. Aggressive environment tolerates well. Black or white, veins blue or greenish.

It is good for them to mount lighting systems and wiring sockets in buildings, with a maximum alternating current with an industrial frequency of 250 volts. The radius bends at a level not inferior to ten times its width. Delivery mode - bays of 100 and 200 meters.
The modification of PBPPg (PUGNP) is of such a multi-wire type of core, the magnitude of the bending radius is not less than 10 times the width. APUNP has solid wire, only aluminum conductors.

9. PPV product

A flat cable with copper rods and with a single rod of PVC insulation with inserts - separators between the conductors. Their number: 2 or 3. The wire is approved for work in conditions: -50 ° C to + 70 ° C.

Not afraid of vibration, does not burn and loves moisture 100%. Snow white shade.

PPV material is shown for stationary lighting and internal networks for household use. Voltage 450 volts with alternating current up to 400 Hz. The radius must not be bent less than 10th width. Deliveries - 100 meters across the bays. APPV variation - aluminum conductors.

10. APV wire

Aluminum, single conductor, round PVC insulated. A core with wires has a cross section from 25 to 95 sq. Mm, one - from 2.5 to 16 sq. Mm. Acceptable temperature -50 ° C to + 70 ° C. One hundred percent moisture is acceptable.

Application: machine tools, panels, electrical equipment.
Needs sun protection.

11. Wire PV1

Round section, PVC insulation, copper, 1 core.
The temperature is the same as for other cables - from -50 ° C to + 70 ° C, withstands vibration and chemical irritation, humidity - up to 100%. The insulation is offered in different ranges.

Scope: transformers, panels, electrical equipment. The wire is designed for voltages up to 750 volts at alternating current with a frequency of up to 400 Hz, and up to 1000 volts at direct current.
It is laid underground and outside in cable ducts. The material is defenseless against sunlight.
The bending value is at least 10 times the wire diameter. Coves from 100 meters. The APV wire is a PV1 modification, but the conductor is made of aluminum.

12. Wire PV3

Copper single-core wire with oval cross-section in PVC insulation. The stranded conductor of the wire can have a cross section of 0.5 to 400 sq. Mm. The working properties are repeated.

They are used for the purpose of electrification: when installing distribution boards, lighting in workshops, where frequent bending is appropriate. The wire is powered from 750 volts at 400 Hz alternating current, and up to 1000 volts at constant mode.

The application is the same: you can add auto-tuning and home risers. Sun protection shown.

13. ShVVP wire

Wire with conductive cores with PVC insulation and coating. The relief is flat. The veins are provided for a pair or three, the cut diameter is within the range: 0.5 - 0.75 square millimeters. Operation in the mode: -25 ° C to + 70 ° C, and calmly refers to the wet composition of 98% and the effects of chemistry. The shell is light or black. The veins are absolutely motley.

Power cables are designed to transfer alternating current from power and utility companies to the consumer. Mostly designed for voltages up to 10-35 kV, but there are brands that can withstand voltages up to 220 and 330 kV. Stationary objects and mobile units can be connected to the power cable.

Power cable structure
The device of a power cable depends on its scope, but there are four main elements that no brand can do without. Modern power cables consist of the following parts:
  • Conductive conductors.
  • Insulation of each core.
  • Shells.
  • Outer protective cover.

General insulation is called waist insulation. The number of conductive cores varies from one to five. They can be round, triangular and sectorial, consisting of a single wire or several intertwined wires. They are laid in parallel in the cable or twisted.

Often there is a neutral conductor, which acts as a neutral conductor, and a ground wire to protect against current leakage. A shield is also used, which attenuates the influence of electromagnetic fields, and makes the field that occurs around the conductor symmetrical. In addition, the shield increases the strength of the insulation and protects against external influences of the environment.

Where there is an increased risk of mechanical damage, armored cables are used.

They are covered with steel bands or braids to resist rodent teeth, accidental hand tools, rock pinching, and more. To prevent the tapes from damaging the inner shell, a special pillow is made under the armor.

The conductors of the power cable are either aluminum or copper. Aluminum conductors with cross-sectional area up to 35 mm sq. inclusively made of single wire. If the cross-sectional area is 300-800 mm2, then several aluminum wires are used. In the intermediate value of the area (up to 300 mm sq.), Both one and several wires are used.

With copper, the situation is slightly different. Single-wire conductors are made up to an area of ​​16 mm square, and multi-wire ones - 120-800 mm square. If the cross-sectional area is 25-95 mm square, then both several and one wire are used.

The zero core has a reduced cross-sectional area. It is placed between other conductors, marked in blue at three-phase current.

Why is copper cable better

The main advantage of an aluminum cable or wire is its low cost. Aluminum is an inexpensive and affordable conductor used for long power lines.

But it is still recommended to make home wiring from copper wires, and there are several reasons for this:
  • Copper is more ductile, so it does not break with frequent bends.
  • Aluminum contacts often weaken and melt due to increased contact resistance, copper contacts are much more reliable in this regard.
  • The resistivity of copper is less, which means that the electrical conductivity is greater, and a copper wire can withstand higher loads than aluminum with the same cross section.

All this is the reason for replacing aluminum wires with copper ones with a cross section of up to 16 mm square. Wires with a large cross-section can also be changed, but the cost of such a replacement will be high due to the high cost of copper.

Main characteristics
Depending on the purpose and production characteristics, power cables differ in a number of parameters:
  • The number of lived (1-5).
  • Core material (copper, aluminum).
  • Cross-sectional area.
  • Insulation type.

In accordance with these characteristics, the operating voltage for which the cable is designed, the temperature range of its use and the service life will vary.

Thus, XLPE insulated cables can be used at temperatures ranging from -50 ... + 50 ° C. Its service life reaches 30 years. Designed to operate under voltages up to 330 kV.

Power cables with paper insulation are used for power grids with a rated voltage of up to 35 kV, with rubber insulation - for DC networks with a voltage of up to 10 kV, with a PVC sheath - for AC networks with a rated voltage of up to 6 kV.

Insulation varieties

Insulation is applied to each core to prevent electrical breakdown. In addition, there is a belt insulation applied over all the conductors used together in the cable.

An outdated method of insulation is impregnated paper. Modern power cables are provided mainly with polymer insulation and rubber.

Impregnation of paper cable is made from synthetic insulating resins or a viscous composition of rosin and oil with the addition of other components. Such cables have restrictions on their use in sections of the route with a large height difference, since when heated, the resin flows down. For laying in vertical sections, cables with paper insulation and impregnation of high viscosity can be used.

Power cables with vulcanized rubber insulation can be used for laying AC networks with voltage up to 1 kV and DC voltage up to 10 kV. Rubber is applied as a continuous sheet or in the form of ribbons.

Polymer insulation is a layer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). For fire safety purposes, a special coating that does not support combustion is used.

The use of polyethylene makes the cable lighter and more flexible. It is resistant to the influence of ultraviolet radiation, low temperatures, withstands heating up to +90 ° C. PE-insulated power cables can be laid on difficult routes. Thanks to simple installation, the cost of installation work is reduced.


To make it convenient to determine the purpose of each core of the cable, the insulation is color-coded. Seeing a wire of a certain color, the electrician immediately understands where it can be connected.

In different countries, the labeling may differ slightly, but there are International standards, and global manufacturers are trying to adhere to them.

In single-phase networks, the zero-phase core and the grounding core are also indicated in blue and yellow-green. The phase conductor is usually made brown or black, but there are other options (red, white, gray, etc.).

In accordance with GOST, letter marking is provided:
  • At the very beginning of the marking there are 4 or 3 letters. If the first letter is A, then an aluminum core is used. If there is no letter A, then copper lived.
  • The next letter indicates the insulation material for the entire cable. B - vinyl (polyvinyl chloride), P - rubber.
  • Then comes a letter indicating the insulation of each core. The decoding is the same as for cable insulation.
  • The third (or fourth) letter indicates the features of the outer shell. A - asphalt sheath, B - armored properties, D - bare, unprotected cable.
  • Capital letters may be followed by small letters "ng". They mean that the cable is non-flammable. Shv indicates that the outer cover is PVC hose, Shp is a polyethylene hose.

Knowing all the designations, you can easily decipher the mysterious marking VVG-ng, AVB or something like that.

The numbers indicate the following:
  • Number of lived.
  • Sectional area in mm sq.
  • Voltage in volts.

Foreign-made products have their own lettering. According to the German standard, the letter N stands for power cable, Y for PVC insulation, HX for XLPE insulation, C for copper shield, RG for armor.

Famous brands

The core structure of most cables is the same. They can be composed of several thin, interlaced wires or one solid wire of larger diameter. In the case of weaving, the structure is more flexible, with an equal cross-sectional diameter and material, the conductive properties do not differ.

Insulation plays an important role, since it depends on its properties, in what conditions the cables can be used.

The most famous power cables are AVVG and VVG. The first has aluminum conductors, insulation and PVC outer sheath. It can be used for networks with a rated voltage of 0.6-1 kW, a frequency of 50 Hz, and can be laid indoors and in the ground, in collectors, trenches. The second one is equipped with copper conductors, the field of application is the same. The VVGng brand is distinguished by its resistance to combustion. VVGp is ​​a flat modification, convenient for installation.

NYM is an improved analogue of the VVG power cable with a coated rubber filling that resists combustion. However, cables must be protected from direct exposure to sunlight, since PVC is unstable to ultraviolet radiation.

The brand of flexible round cable KG is widely known. It is made with copper conductors, rubber insulation for each conductor and a common one. The first layer of insulation can be PET (polyethylene). They are used to connect portable electrical installations, welding machines, garden and snow removal equipment and other mobile electrical devices.

The VBbShv brand belongs to the armored type of cables. The conductors can be either copper or aluminum (in this case, the letter A is added). The cross-section range of the conductors is 1.5 ... 240 mm sq. It is used for laying underground to buildings and structures, it is mounted indoors, laying in places of increased explosion hazard is allowed.

Electric wires must carry out the transfer of electrical energy from the source to the consumer. These products must perform their tasks for a long time, be reliable, and prevent malfunctions. These products include cables and wires. They are used in almost every branch of industry and human life. Electric wires are necessary to form a closed circuit of electric current, preventing its loss in this circuit. People who do not understand electrical engineering, do not distinguish between different types of electrical wires, attribute all types to one category.

But this is absolutely not the case. Power wires are used in various working conditions, on different highways, have many differences in application, their structure is differently arranged, and have design features. The lines of electrical networks can consist, along their length, of both overhead wires and underground cables.

Branching of the cable on the overhead line is carried out for special purposes required by local conditions.

Electric wires
The wire has the simplest design, which can be divided into two parts:
  1. A metal core designed to conduct electric current.
  2. An insulating layer that protects the core from contact with foreign conductors to prevent unauthorized leakage of current.

The air around the metal core instead of the sheath made of dielectric materials can also act as insulation. In this case, the wire is made bare, and the places of fastening the wire along its path on the supporting structures (pillars) are made in the form of insulators (glass, ceramic).

The conductors that conduct electric current are made of copper alloys and copper, as well as aluminum. The most innovative material of the conductive core at the present time is the composite aluminum-copper. It is designed to better exploit the properties of copper and aluminum.

To perform special tasks, veins are used from steel alloys, as well as nichrome, silver. In some cases, gold is used in the veins for special equipment.

Features of the structure of the conductive core
A vein can be in the form:
  • One-piece wire (single-core) with a certain length.
  • Twisted from the finest wires (multicore), acting in parallel.

Single wire wires are much easier to make. They have a rigid shape, are used to supply electric current when rigidly attached to supports, have low resistance when transmitting currents of low frequency, direct current.

The cores, consisting of many wires, have a very flexible shape, they carry high frequency current well.

Types of wires

Often a wire is called a product in which one core is made of wire. But electrical wires can have several conductors, twisted or doubled, with three or more conductors.

Electrical cable

The cable has a more complex structure, it is designed for reliable operation under aggressive action of negative environmental factors.

The number of conductors conducting current is selected according to the operating conditions. They are isolated from each other.

The cable can have auxiliary elements:
  • Protective braid made of steel, wire armor or plastic.
  • Filler.
  • Core.
  • Outer screen.

Each element performs its own assignment function for certain conditions.

Electricians should know the main groups that include cables and electrical wires:
  • Power, acting in installations for any voltage.
  • Control, transmit data of parameters of different systems.
  • Controls are used to send signals and commands by automation, or manually.
  • Communication, for exchanging signals at different frequencies.
A separate group includes special purpose cables:
  • Emitting, used to transmit high frequency radio signals.
  • Heating, converting electricity into heat.
Conductive conductors

The conductors of cables are made according to the same rules as the conductors of wires, from different materials, with one conductor, or stranded, protected by a layer of insulation. According to the flexibility of the structure, the cables are divided into 7 groups. Group # 1 includes cables that are difficult to bend and have a mono-core. The most flexible group is # 7. The cables of this group are the most expensive.

Before installation, electric wires with stranded flexible conductors are equipped with special tips in the form of tubes (end fittings). In the case of a mono-core wire, the tubes are not installed, since this does not make sense.


It performs the function of protecting the core and isolating it from environmental damage, creates tightness from moisture and other factors, and contains several layers of shielding and reinforcing elements.

The shell can consist of:
  • Plastic.
  • Fabrics.
  • Metal.
  • Reinforced rubber.
Plastic-based materials are used for:
  • Insulation of cores and wires with increased dielectric characteristics.
  • Formation of a hose with a high tightness, which protects against damage and short circuits, with the structure of the elements placed in it.

Cable paper impregnated with a special compound is used in high voltage cables up to 35 kilovolts. XLPE is used to form the insulating properties of a cable that functions in electrical devices up to 500 kilovolts with increased reliability and long service life.

For high voltage circuits up to 500 kilovolts, cables filled with oil were previously produced. They consisted of shielded conductors installed inside a sealed cavity filled with oil. After the introduction of cross-linked polyethylene, the design of oil cables became irrelevant.

Safety conditions
Cable products are subject to a special assessment, which includes:
  • Behavior of the cable when closed in the channel.
  • Can the cable hold long overloads?
  • Behavior of the cable under open fire, the possibility of fire spreading in case of fire.
  • The presence of toxic substances during combustion.
Closures occur

During the short circuits of the cores, a high temperature is formed, which is transmitted to other cables located nearby, heats them, and can provoke combustion. As a result of this, gases are formed, which create an increased pressure, and the tightness of the cable channel is broken. Further, oxygen enriched air enters the channel, a fire develops.

Long-term overload

A large electric current heats up the metal cores and the dielectric insulation layer together with the sheath. Chemical reactions begin, destroying the insulating layer, gases are formed, which mix with air, and a fire is formed.

Fire spread

Sheaths made of plastic and some types of polyethylene can provoke combustion. This makes it possible for a fire to occur. The greatest danger arises when the cables are arranged vertically.

According to the spread of combustion, electrical wires are divided into:
  • Normal.
  • Flame retardant in a single gasket: horizontally and vertically.
  • Flame-retardant, made of several spacers: horizontally and vertically.
  • Fire resistant.
Release of harmful substances

The response of the cable to an external fire is recorded. Insulation can release harmful substances simply when heated, without burning. These cables should not be used in public places.

Cable requirements
To increase reliability and safe operation, cables are rated according to:
  • Fire resistance.
  • Heat resistance of insulation.
  • Method of cutting ends.
  • Protect from moisture.
Electric cord

The construction of the cord is the middle between the cable and the insulated wire. The cord is made using a special technology for flexibility and long-lasting performance.

The cord is used to create a connection between the supply network and a mobile electrical device. Household appliances equipped with cords include kettles, irons, lamps, etc.

To differentiate, electrical wires are marked under the following circumstances:
  • At the factory during manufacture.
  • When installing.
The marking includes:
  • Insulation color-coded.
  • Inscriptions on the shell.
  • Labels and tags.
Marking makes it possible to:
  • Find out the purpose and design of the cable.
  • Do property analysis.
  • Make an assessment of the application.

Marking during operation adds information to the available information and is made with inscriptions and tags, which indicate the diagrams and paths for laying the cable, cores between the elements. Marking can be supplemented with electronic markers. This makes it possible to identify a cable in a large cluster of cables.

European mark

Wire color identification

Wire insulation is painted over its entire length in one color, or colored marks are applied. The standard defines the order in which markup is applied to specific colors.

For green and yellow colors, only their combination on the marking of one casing is allowed. It is prohibited to mark them separately with these colors. This color marking is used to identify protected conductors.

A light blue color is used to highlight the middle conductors. The electric wires of the phases are marked in black, gray and brown.

Identification of wire insulation using letters and numbers

Such marking methods define the constituent parts of wire and cable structures. But they do not contain a complete list of information about the wires. Such information should be sought in special literature.