Master Class. DIY chalk board

Apartment decor with help chalk boards has long been popular.

It is very convenient to keep a chalkboard in the kitchen where you can write down purchases that need to be made, plans for the day, recipes of the day. In a children's room, such a board is well suited for school schedules, tutors, and section schedules.

However, just a board is boring. Can with paint turn any flat surface into chalk board. It is enough to buy special paint for this. You can paint the entire refrigerator with this paint and write whatever you want on it.

Known as children younger age love draw on the walls, you can turn an entire wall into a drawing board like this, and you won’t have to shed tears because the children ruined the newly wallpapered wallpaper. The child’s creativity drawn on the board can be easily erased with a damp sponge and you can draw again the same minute.

Decoration with the help of such surfaces it is becoming more and more popular. They can be arranged in any room. Along the kitchen cutting table: Convenient for recording recipes.

Near the phone: it’s convenient to write down all the necessary information received during a phone conversation. We probably remember the film “Pokrovsky Gate”, where the main character’s aunt wrote down the phone numbers of her nephew’s friends on the wall. She kept finding the string from the pencil, but not the pencil itself, so she could write down the next phone number.

With a chalk board will always be in place, because they can only draw on this board. In the children's room, there is a whole surface for drawing with chalk - this is a paradise for small child, he will be able to show his creativity and creative abilities with ease and without damage to the repair, and he will be able to do this every day on a clean surface.

For an older child, a whole wall on which to write notes will serve good place for fixing the multiplication table, spelling rules, native and foreign alphabet.

Such a surface can be made in in the most unexpected places: in the pantry where you store food; above the bed, where you can write a message to your loved one every morning; label on the chest of drawers: underwear, socks, scarves; make the surface of the table suitable for writing with chalk and you can make inscriptions of any kind: who will sit in what place at the table, and besides this is another comfortable spot for a child's creativity.

However dye, which is sold in stores to create such surfaces, usually black, dark gray, sometimes dark green. In most cases, this color scheme does not fit into the interior of the rooms. In this article we will talk about how to make paint for creating surfaces for drawing with chalk of any color.

To make a chalk board we will need:

  • Matte latex paint of any color.
  • Grout for joints (for laying tiles). The composition should not contain sand.
  • Container for mixing paint.
  • Mixer to make the paint homogeneous (you can do without it, but then you have to do it manually)
  • Roller or foam brush (can be replaced with a sponge)
  • Sandpaper (150 grit, i.e. use thin paper)
  • Sponge

Instructions for making a slate board

The first stage - preparing the paint

Mix paint with grout. For small surfaces (eg door panel) we need 1 cup (300 ml) of paint and 2 teaspoons of grout. Pour the paint into a mixing container, add grout and mix everything thoroughly with a mixer. The solution should become homogeneous, i.e. no lumps.

The second stage - we apply it to the surface of the future board.

Apply the solution using a roller or foam brush to the painted or primed surface. It is advisable to wash and dry the surface first. Coloring in small areas, we go over the surface with a roller several times to make sure that the entire surface is painted in an even layer. Let the surface stand and dry.

The third stage - we clean the surface

Clean the surface thoroughly using a fine sandpaper. After this, clean the surface from dust and dirt.

The fourth stage - checking the readiness of the surface

We check the quality of our surface: take a piece of chalk and paint it them the entire treated surface. We remove the remains with a barely damp sponge.

Now you can make such a surface in any place convenient for you. However, do not forget about such a little thing as a small stand at the bottom of the surface to collect falling chalk. Otherwise chalk while writing it will fall straight to the floor.

Slate paint – great option to create a stylish, modern interior. Elements with such a coating will be appropriate almost everywhere – from a children’s room to a solid office. IN Lately they have become a real design trend!

But the use of unusual paint in the interior is justified not only from a design point of view. Slate surfaces are also very practical. They are a great help in raising children, communicating with family, at work, and just in everyday life.

These paints are popularly called chalk paints. They create a durable matte, slightly rough coating on the surface on which you can write with chalk. The effect is like the familiar school board, only much better.

Modern slate paints have high performance characteristics:

  • create a very hard, abrasion-resistant coating;
  • have high adhesion;
  • They don’t give any shine at all (drawing on such a surface is a pleasure);
  • after drying - fireproof and non-toxic, suitable for use in children's rooms;
  • easy to clean with soapy water (removing annoying chalk patterns is not a problem at all);
  • Easy to apply and dries quickly.

On a note! Chalkboard paints are sold in cans (for application with a brush or roller) and in cans (for easy painting of geometrically complex surfaces).

Manufacturers offer ready-made emulsions of the most different colors. Thus, Siberia paint is available in gray, burgundy, brown, black and dark green. Tikkurila offers those who wish to tint the colorless base into one of the three hundred shades of the branded palette. And Rust-Oleum has a completely transparent slate coating. It can be applied to any colored surface in the house.

What to paint under the slate

Chalkboard paints can be used throughout the home:

  1. In the nursery. If you install a large board here or paint over an entire wall with chalkboard, children will have a place to create and learn. And the rest of the walls in the house will be completely safe.
  2. In the kitchen. The individual slates look very nice here, kitchen aprons, painted kitchen cabinet doors. You can write down recipes, menus, reminders, shopping lists, and just declarations of love for each other on them.

    Important! Some paints become discolored by hot grease, so they should not be applied near a stove.

  3. In the hall. U front door It’s convenient to leave messages at home about what needs to be done or taken when leaving home. And next to the landline telephone, a slate panel will replace a notebook.
  4. For decorating individual items. Slate kitchen trays look great, cutting boards, large dishes, tags on cans of cereals and flowerpots with seedlings, etc.

A variety of materials can be painted to look like lead:

  • wood, chipboard, MDF, fiberboard;
  • metal;
  • plaster;
  • drywall;
  • brick;
  • glass;
  • ceramics.

All slate paints are intended for interior work. They do not tolerate low temperatures.

Dyeing technology

Chalkboard paint is very easy to use. Anyone can paint a wall or make a cute note board with their own hands.

The painting procedure is as follows:

  1. The surface to be painted should be cleaned of old coatings. If necessary, it is leveled with putty or sanded, and then washed to remove dust and dried.
  2. To ensure that the paint lies evenly, the surface underneath is primed and dried. Ideally, you should use a special primer for slate paints.
  3. To create a neat slate rectangle on the wall or refrigerator door, cover the surface around the perimeter with masking tape.
  4. The emulsion is mixed well and applied in several layers. Each layer must be completely dry before the next one is applied. Painting should be done in a ventilated area with an air temperature of +10°C and humidity up to 85%.

    Advice! Slate paints harden quickly, so you need to work with them quickly.

  5. 24 hours after applying the last layer, calcium carbonate chalk is rubbed into the dried surface. The excess is wiped off with a soft cloth.
  6. It remains to wait another 48 hours until the emulsion is completely cured, and the board or wall can be used for its intended purpose.

Wash the slate surface with soap or other household chemicals possible only a month after dyeing.

Factory emulsion is sold in cans and jars of 0.5 and 1 liter. But many simply do not need such an amount of material. In this case, paint with a chalkboard effect can be made with your own hands. It's much cheaper.

First way

All you need is:

  • Any acrylic paint – 1 cup.
  • Cement (regular “clean” or any cement mixture) - 2 tablespoons.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and inexpensive chalkboard paint is ready.

On a note! Dolomite or marble chips. A homemade cement mixture will not do this. durable coating. It will get scratched faster.

The most difficult and interesting thing in this matter is choosing the color of the emulsion. Many people don't like traditional dark shades. In this case, you can use other colors on which the chalk pattern will be visible. Light, faded, pastel colors are immediately excluded. But it will be almost as convenient to draw on a bright background as on a dark one. Excellent options are bright red, rich purple, grass green, deep blue.

The slate wall does not have to be black; any color of rich tones can be used for painting

It will be very interesting if you use several slate panels of different colors in the interior at once.

Second way

Before you make slate paint using this recipe, you should make sure that you already have everything you need on hand. If you have to buy each ingredient, then it may be cheaper to immediately purchase a ready-made factory emulsion.

To prepare about 50 ml of slate paint you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. acrylic paint of the desired color;
  • 1 tbsp. l matte acrylic varnish;
  • 1 tbsp. l. (without a slide) cement, cement putty or grout for ceramic tiles;
  • 1 tbsp. l water.

First, grout powder or cement is placed in the container - it will provide a rough surface. Then paint is added, which will give ready mixture desired color, and varnish (it will make the emulsion more plastic). Now all that remains is to add water and mix everything very thoroughly.

Important! The mixture should be well mixed. If there are lumps in the mixture, they will ruin the painted surface.

Do-it-yourself slate paint is applied in the same way as store-bought paint. It is given time to dry and harden before applying the chalk designs.

Don’t forget about careful use of finished surfaces. Despite their high wear resistance, slate panels are easily scratched by hard, sharp objects. Therefore, it is not recommended to draw on them with cheap “school” chalk mixed with sand and pebbles. And if you use soft crayons and wash the drawings with a soft, wet cloth, the slate coverings will decorate the interior for a long time and serve as a convenient field for creativity.

Good afternoon - today we will talk about slate boards. But not about school, but about kitchen chalk boards. Those on which we write reminders to ourselves with chalk... notes for our loved ones... sketches of recipes... and just funny phrases for a good mood.

I won't just show you kitchen slate designs. I'll tell you where to buy slate paint and how much it costs. I'll tell you how Make your own slate paint from regular store-bought paint. And I’ll also tell you how to make such slate boards at home - and what they can be like.

So let's start with the photos... and work our way up to the chalk paint tutorial.

Slate apron - above the kitchen sink.

These are the kind of aprons you can make in the kitchen if you cover the wall with special slate paint.

Or buy a slate coating in the form of a film and cover the apron area in the kitchen with it.

In stores you can find slate paint. It is also popularly called by another name chalk paint. This paint creates rough surface coloring, on which the chalk easily leaves marks, and does not slip, as with simple paints. Below I will tell you how to make slate paint with your own hands from simple construction paint (for walls or floors) and reveal a simple secret to obtaining a slate effect.

And for those who like ready-made store solutions to their problems, here is the answer.

For example, paint from TIKKURILA. One liter is enough for 9-12 square meters. m of surface (consumption depends on the porosity of the wall). It can be applied with a brush or by spraying from a spray can.

The same company has Magnetic paint– it creates magnetic surfaces. We paint the wall with this paint, and we no longer need to glue children’s drawings to the wall with tape: everything can be attached with magnets.

And many other companiesalso produce SLIDE and MAGNETIC paints of all colors– including in aerosol cans. These cans are convenient if you want to paint complex, streamlined surfaces with slate paint, such as a refrigerator.

What if chalk paint is applied over 2 layers of magnetic paint?– you will receive a slate surface that will hold magnets. This is cool.

Chalk walls in the kitchen - how to work with chalk paint.


  1. Preparing the wall. Removing wallpaper or leftovers old paint. We clean the wall with a rough brush... we fill in any uneven areas with putty. Sand with sanding paper (sandpaper) No. 100 - 150, and remove sanding dust with a brush.
  2. We cover the wall with a preparatory layer of primer for painting.
  3. Open a can of chalkboard paint. Mix it thoroughly (since the paint contains finely dispersed powder and it could have settled to the bottom during storage).
  4. We apply a layer of paint... stirring it constantly and during application... let the layer dry and apply another.

You can make a chalk wall in any part of the kitchen. Not necessarily over the sink. You can choose a place over the kitchen sofa.

Children will be happy to crawl on the sofa and draw cute pictures... tigers that look like cats... police cars... shaggy hedgehogs... pears with worms... sweet mommy... and the apple pie that she bakes.

On such chalk walls you can place.

Do-it-yourself slate boards

(2 ways to follow simply and quickly)

Chalk note boards are very beautiful decoration for the kitchen, and useful. They can be used for reminders and for recording recipes.

You can buy it immediately chalk board for a cafe - ready-made, factory-made. Type “chalk board for restaurant” into a search engine, and the Internet will immediately give you online stores that sell such boards and even deliver them to your home.

But we will make such boards ourselves - with our own hands. And we’ll even make slate paint from regular paint (a little lower in the same article).

Chalkboard paint can be green, brown, blue, burgundy - any shade that will harmoniously fit into and color interior your kitchen.

Can be made from chalk kitchen boards real panel. The photo below shows design of a coffee shop, in which the information wall was designed in such a slate design.
You can implement this idea for decorating a slate wall of a restaurant in an ordinary home. kitchen interior. Make boards different sizes, hang them on the wall in a chaotic order.

If apply under slate layers of paint 2 layers of magnetic paint, then such a board will also be magnetic, and then a photographer, pages with recipes, small objects and other kitchen items can be attached to it.

How to make your own SLATE PAINT.

(quick and easy - do it yourself)

SIMPLE METHOD. Place 2 tablespoons of regular cement in a glass with black paint. (Or any mortar which contains cement, such as putty. Or grout powder for filling cracks in tiles.

The fact is that Any paint turns into slate paint when we add to it SOMETHING THAT WILL CATCH THE CHALK. Agree, chalk just glides over regular paint without leaving a mark. But as soon as we add fine powder (cement) to ordinary paint, we already get a colorful surface with a delicate roughness - just to the degree that the chalk leaves a clear mark.

Wonderful chalk boards for the kitchen can be made from a variety of materials.

For example headboard from the bed. We stuff a plywood panel onto it and paint it with chalk paint.

Or a regular frame for inserting a photo. U Such frames have a plywood bottom, so we paint this bottom with slate paint (and throw the glass out of the frame) - and we get a wall chalk board.

Or will it fit ordinary tray. Or you can made from durable plywood sheet cut out any shape using a jigsaw (for example, the shape of a house).

Slate FILMS – for furniture.

(ideal if you don’t want to mess with paint).

You can make slate surfaces NO chalk paint. Just sticking it on them slate film. Such chalk films are sold in construction and design stores - the cost starts from 850 rubles per tube. The tube size is usually 2 meters by 45 cm.

These slate chalk films can be glued to furniture elements on the cabinet door. On the back of the chair so you can sign it, where is whose chair. For a buffet and even for a beautiful earthenware dish.

Can be covered with slate film (or painted with chalk paint) walls between kitchen shelving or hanging shelves.

Any homemade shelf can be stylish decoration interior, if you apply the slate effect in its design. By the way, such boards look great not only in the kitchen, but also in the hallway(you can leave notes) , A in the children's room, they will delight your kids with the opportunity to scribble to their heart's content.

You can cover the refrigerator with slate film (or paint it with slate paint from a can). And then you can write entire messages or a lunch menu on it for household members who returned home before their mother-nurse and need instructions on the topic “What to eat.”

You can show your imagination and make beautiful coasters for small items. They can be made from cut panels from wall switches.

You can use visual arts to beautifully decorate shelves with spices on a slate wall.

Here are some ideas for creativity... If you want, make your own paint. If you want, just buy self-adhesive chalk film. You can limit yourself to just creating a small board, you can make a slate wall, or you can make an entire wall.

You will find more ideas for decorating the kitchen in the article

Good luck with your creativity.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the “Family Kuchka” website.

Photo sources:

Chalk boards are becoming increasingly popular in modern interior. Firstly, it is very convenient - by hanging such a board in the kitchen, you can write short reminders to yourself about what you will buy and what you should not forget to do.

For a family with children, this is also an irreplaceable entertainment and your wallpaper will remain intact. Chalk boards are used to decorate parties and birthdays, and adults also love to draw on it and leave wishes.

You can buy such a board ready-made and it costs from 10 to 100 dollars, but why? If it’s very simple, you can make a chalk board at home from any base and acrylic paint.

There are special paints - they are called “for chalkboards”, but you need to spend money on them.

  • The peculiarity of such paints is that they are the same acrylic, BUT they contain small solid particles that allow the chalk to linger on the surface of the board.
  • If you add any abrasive material to the paint, for example, gypsum, grout, cement - it is precisely its elements that will make ordinary acrylic paint suitable for painting on it.
  • We offer the simplest master class for making such paint using alabaster and black acrylic.

Choosing a board base

You can choose absolutely any base, it could be:

  • Any plywood
  • Any piece of board, table top or piece of old facade
  • Mirror glass or
  • Cardboard - take apart the old cardboard box and the base is ready

Master class: how to make a chalk board

The fastest and easiest way to make a board is to use any cardboard as a base; it does not need to be processed before painting. In addition, after practicing on it, you can move on to larger surfaces.

Ingredients and Tools

  • 2 tablespoons alabaster
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 3 tablespoons black acrylic paint
  • cardboard
  • tassel
  • dry rag and chalk

Manufacturing process

  1. We take alabaster and water in a ratio of 1 to 2, mix and rub the lumps well until a uniform thick mixture is obtained.
  2. Pour paint into the container. There should be 3 times more paint than alabaster. Add the prepared mixture of alabaster and water to the paint and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
  3. If you don’t mind and have a technical attachment, you can do this using a mixer. It's faster and more reliable. But if you stir with a spoon, it won’t take long either - lumps will disperse in 2-3 minutes.

If the mixture is too thick, add a little more water as acrylic paints different manufacturers have different densities.

For durability, apply 3 coats of paint to the chalkboard. Let the paint dry completely between coats. After the third layer has dried, It is recommended to rub chalk over the entire surface in order to harden it, and then wipe the chalk with a dry towel.

TIP: The cardboard may sag slightly after applying the paint, but it will straighten out once it dries.

Insert the cardboard into any photo or painting frame and your board is ready!

Chalkboard Ideas

This master class can also be used to paint all or part of a wall. Such black wall drawing boards are becoming a whole trend in the kitchen or in work area. But before painting, the wall must be treated, read in detail at this link.

Make a wall like this ordinary apartment very easy. Now there is a special slate paint on sale that creates a matte surface for drawing with chalk.

Perhaps the most common is from the famous brand “Tikkurila”. Available in black and dark green, 1 liter capacity. The cost is about 900-1000 rubles per jar.

Similar paints are also produced by the brands “Rust Oleum”, “Krylon”, “Benjamin Moore”. I'm sure you can easily find one of these options at your nearest large building materials store. Such paints are called “chalkboard paint” or “chalkboard paint”

The paint is applied in 2 layers to a thoroughly cleaned surface, after which you need to wait for it to dry completely (follow the instructions on the package). As a result, you get a beautiful matte finish, which looks great on its own, and if you show your imagination, you can create a real work of art covering the entire wall, which will become the main accent of your interior.

The surface covered with slate paint is not scratched when drawing with crayons; it can be wiped with a soft damp cloth.

These are the options for using slate paint that I especially liked:

Kitchen chalk wall

Write down a shopping list or a recipe you like, leave a message to your loved ones and wish them have a good day– the slate wall is very relevant in the kitchen.

If desired, you can apply slate paint even to the surface of the refrigerator or kitchen cabinets:

If you don't want to use a whole wall for chalk drawing, you can paint only part of the wall, a column, or use a mobile board, which is also easy to do yourself:

Slate wall behind the desk

This coating is very relevant for. It will be appreciated by students and schoolchildren, creative people and simply anyone who wants to be able to have important information before their eyes.

Another one great idea– use slate paint to create diaries and panels for notes.

Why not? This is perhaps the easiest way to regularly make changes to your interior. Change the patterns and colors and you'll sleep in a different bedroom every week.

Wall for drawing with crayons in the nursery

And, of course, the most grateful users of the slate wall will be children! It may not be very practical, but having such a wall in the house will constantly develop your little one's creativity and make his life much more exciting. It is advisable that the remaining colors remain light so that the room does not turn out to be too gloomy.

For creating original gallery you can combine drawings and lettering with blank frames, photographs and posters. I also wrote about how to beautifully and evenly hang paintings and photos on the wall.

I hope you have some new ideas for creating a creative slate wall in your home.