Methods of teaching computer science as a new section of pedagogical science and as an educational subject for training computer science teachers. Theory and methodology of teaching computer science

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teaching computer science pedagogical

In our time of widespread distribution of electronic computers (computers), human knowledge about the nature of information acquires general cultural value. This explains the interest of researchers and practitioners around the world in the relatively young and rapidly developing scientific discipline - computer science.

Today, computer science has emerged as a fundamental science about information-logical models, and it cannot be reduced to other sciences, even to mathematics, which is very similar in the issues being studied. The object of study of computer science is the structure of information and methods of its processing. Differences have emerged between computer science as a science with its own subject area and information technology.

Computer science is one of those subjects in which differentiation of learning is implemented in the most natural way. This is facilitated by the very nature of computer science as a science and the combination of many information technologies, the history of its appearance in school in those years when external conditions contributed to diversity in school education. Note that even a basic computer science course is in some sense differentiated, since it is presented differently in different textbooks. However, the true differentiation of a computer science course is not associated with methodological differences in the presentation of the same material, as in the basic course, but with real differences in the content of differentiated courses. This is only possible at the senior level of school, after studying a basic computer science course.

In the last 3-4 years in the development of computer science as academic discipline There is a crisis caused by:

the task of the 1st stage of introducing the school subject of computer science has been largely completed;

All schoolchildren are introduced to the basic computer concepts and programming elements. While this problem was being solved, the cutting edge of scientific and practical computer science went far ahead, and it became unclear in which direction to move next;

The capabilities of computer science teachers have been exhausted, as a rule, either they are not professional teachers, or they are not professional computer scientists and have undergone only short-term training at a teacher training institute;

There are no balanced, realistic textbooks;

Due to the differences in the conditions for teaching computer science in different schools (the variety of types of computer technology) and the relative freedom that schools have in choosing class profiles, curricula and educational programs, a significant dispersion in the content of computer science education has appeared. In higher educational institutions, training in computer science, as a rule, has not undergone significant changes and is focused on computer computing applications, and does not take into account the training of schoolchildren in computer science that has been ongoing for 10 years.

The purpose of the course work is to reveal the methodology of teaching computer science in grades 5-7. In order to reveal the purpose of the work, we set ourselves the following tasks:

Learn planning school course computer science in grades 5-7: program, content of the course “Fundamentals of computer science”, consider the problems of teaching computer science at school;

Explore the teaching of computer science in grades 5-7: theoretical lesson, practical and integrated computer science lesson.

1. Methodology for teaching computer science

1.1 Subject of computer science teaching methods

In the second half of the last century, a number of events occurred that mark the emergence of the science of computer science: the creation of the first digital computer, the publication of fundamental works by N. Wiener, K. Shannon, and von Neumann. The term “cybernetics” came into scientific use, and soon after it the English-language term “Computer Science” (computer science), which is quite widespread in the United States of America, Canada and other countries to name the scientific and educational discipline that studies processing processes, storage and transmission of information using computers and telecommunication systems.

In the late 60s - early 70s. In the 20th century, French scientists introduced the term “informatique” (informatics), apparently derived from two French words - “informatione” (information) and “avtomatique” (automation). The new term became widespread in the USSR (later in Russia and the CIS countries) and Western European countries. As noted in Russian, the use of the term “informatics” (approximately from the mid-1960s) was associated with scientific and technical information, library science and documentary studies. Yes, in the Bolshoi Soviet Encyclopedia computer science was considered as "the discipline that studies the structure and general properties scientific information (emphasized by us - M.V.V.), as well as the patterns of its creation, transformation, transmission and use in various fields human activity»

The classification of computer science as a fundamental science reflects the general scientific nature of the concept of information and the processes of its processing. Computer science as an independent science comes into its own when a so-called information model is built for the fragment of the world being studied. And although the general methodological principles for constructing information models can be the subject of computer science, the very construction and justification of the information model is a task of private science. The concepts of information and mathematical models very close to each other, since both are sign systems. The information model is the connection through which computer science enters into a relationship with the particular sciences, without merging with them, and at the same time without absorbing them.”

Meanwhile, among domestic scientists, from the very beginning of the formation of computer science as an independent branch of science, there was no complete unanimity in answering the question of what computer science is.

In the same collection “The Formation of Informatics” the definition is given: “Informatics is a comprehensive scientific and engineering discipline, studying all aspects of the development, design, creation, evaluation, functioning of mechanized (computer-based) (emphasis added - M.V.V.) information processing systems, their application and impact on various areas of social practice." The definition not only clearly emphasizes the connection between the very emergence of computer science and the development of computer technology, but also the fact that computer science is a consequence of the development of computers. According to M.P. Lapchik, the subject of computer science, like cybernetics, is formed on the basis of broad areas of its applications, and the object is based on general patterns inherent in any information processes in nature and society.

Computer science studies what is common to all numerous varieties of specific information processes (technologies). These information processes and technologies are the object of computer science.

The subject of computer science is determined by the variety of its applications. Various information technologies operating in different types human activities (production process management, design systems, financial transactions, education, etc.), while having common features, at the same time differ significantly from each other. Thus, various “subject” computer sciences are formed, based on different sets of operations and procedures, different types of cybernetic equipment (in many cases, along with a computer, specialized instruments and devices are used), different information media, etc. The area of ​​interest of computer science is the structure and general properties of information, as well as issues related to the processes of searching, collecting, storing, transforming, transmitting and using information in a wide variety of areas of human activity. Processing huge volumes and flows of information is unthinkable without automation and communication systems, therefore electronic computers and modern information and communication technologies are both the fundamental core and the material base of computer science.

1.2 Methods of teaching computer science as a pedagogical science

Together with the introduction of the general education subject “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering” into the school, the formation of new area pedagogical science- methods of teaching computer science, the object of which is teaching computer science. A course on methods of teaching computer science appeared in universities across the country in 1985. In 1986, the publication of the methodological journal “Informatics and Education” began. According to the classification of scientific specialties, this section of pedagogy, which studies patterns computer science training at the present stage of its development, in accordance with the goals set by society, it received a new name - “Theory and methodology of teaching and education (informatics; by level of education).”

The theory and methodology of teaching computer science is currently being intensively developed; The school subject of computer science is already almost two decades old, but many problems in the new pedagogical science arose quite recently and have not yet had time to receive either a deep theoretical justification or long-term experimental testing. In accordance with the general learning objectives, the methodology for teaching computer science puts

We have the following main tasks: to determine specific goals studying computer science, as well as the content of the corresponding general education subject and its place in the secondary school curriculum; develop and offer to the school and the practicing teacher the most rational methods and organizational forms of teaching aimed at achieving the goals; consider the entire set of computer science teaching tools (textbooks, software, hardware, etc.) and develop recommendations for their use in teacher practice.

A number of publications have rightly noted that for a very long period, the content of the methodological training of a future computer science teacher has been the weakest part (and the most poorly supported part) of his professional training.

The content of the MPI academic subject determines its two main sections: general methodology, which examines general theoretical basis methods of teaching computer science, a set of basic software and hardware, and private (specific) methodology - methods for studying specific topics in a school computer science course at the propaedeutic, basic and specialized stages of education.

The methodology of teaching computer science is a young science, but it is not formed out of nowhere. Being an independent scientific discipline, in the process of formation it absorbed the knowledge of other sciences, and in its development it is based on the results obtained by them. These sciences are philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, computer science, as well as generalized practical experience of methods of other general education subjects in secondary school. As noted by N.V. Sofronova, “teaching computer science at the modern level is based on information from various fields scientific knowledge: biology (biological self-governing systems, such as humans, other living organisms), history and social science (public social systems), Russian language (grammar, syntax, semantics, etc.), logic (thinking, formal operations, truth, lies), mathematics (numbers, variables, functions, sets, signs, actions), psychology (perception, thinking, communications).”

In the context of global informatization of all branches of human activity and the penetration of computer science into all other sciences, we can safely say that the methods of teaching computer science are connected with almost any science. This connection has especially strengthened in connection with the transition of the Russian general secondary education system to specialized education: without a doubt, elective courses in computer science will be in demand in all profiles and school disciplines. At the same time, the object of study in the course on methods of teaching computer science will be not only the concepts and methods of computer science, the content, structure and specificity of which are taken into account “by definition,” but also those sciences (branches of sciences) that will be, to one degree or another, integrated with computer science in elective courses. courses.

A computer science teacher needs to navigate the problems of philosophy (a worldview approach to the study of a systemic information picture of the world), philology and linguistics (programming systems, text editors, text recognition systems, computer translation tools, artificial intelligence), mathematics, physics and economics (computer modeling), painting and graphics (graphics editors, design, multimedia systems), etc. A computer science teacher must be a widely erudite person who constantly improves his qualifications and level of knowledge.

1.3 Methodologyteaching a school computer science course

Together with the introduction of the general education subject “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science” into the school, the formation of a new field of pedagogical science began - methods of teaching computer science. The object of this science is Computer Science Education.

According to the classification of scientific specialties, this section of pedagogy, which studies the patterns of teaching computer science at the present stage of its development in accordance with the goals set by society, received a new name - “Theory and methodology of teaching and education (computer science; by level of education.”

An important role in the development of methods of teaching computer science was played by didactic research into the goals and content of general cybernetic education, and the practical experience accumulated by domestic schools even before the introduction of the subject of computer science in teaching students the elements of cybernetics, algorithmization and programming, elements of logic, computational and discrete mathematics.

But the theory and methodology of teaching computer science are still intensively developing; The school subject of computer science is already more than two decades old, but many problems in the new pedagogical science arose quite recently and have not yet had time to receive either a deep theoretical justification or long-term experimental testing.

The methodology for teaching computer science sets the following goals: to determine the specific goals of studying computer science, as well as the content of the corresponding general education subject and its place in the secondary school curriculum; develop and offer to the school and the practicing teacher the most rational methods and organizational forms of teaching aimed at achieving the goals; consider the entire set of computer science teaching tools (textbooks, software, hardware, etc.) and develop recommendations for their use in teacher practice.

The main feature of the MPI course is its connection with other, primarily the methodological cycle, subjects.

As noted by N.V. Sofronova, “teaching computer science at the modern level is based on information from various fields of scientific knowledge: biology (biological self-governing systems, such as humans, other living organisms), history and social science (public social systems), the Russian language (grammar, syntax, semantics and etc.), logic (thinking, formal operations, truth, false), mathematics (numbers, variables, functions, sets, signs, actions), psychology (perception, thinking, communication)"

Another feature of MPI is dynamic, changing nature of computer science itself both as a science and as an educational subject, its instability, constant development and improvement of both technical and especially software tools. Under these conditions, forced and a fruitful decision is maximum reliance on the results of general didactics, on specific methods of related disciplines - mathematics and physics. Another feature of MPI is the connection of the subject with using a computer, which has incomparably greater “independence” than any other device.

1.4 Methodological system of teaching computer science

The works note that the methodological system of teaching computer science, like

any other subject, is a set of five hierarchically interconnected components: goals, content, methods, means and organizational forms of training (Fig. 2).

Interrelation of components of the training system

2. Specifics of planning a computer science course in grades 5-7

2 .1 School course " Fundamentals of Computer Science » . Goals and content

IN last years The school course “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science” has entered a qualitatively new stage of its development. The range of school computer equipment has been more or less unified. The most important thing is that the view of what is meant by computer literacy has changed. Ten years ago, at the beginning of the introduction of computer science into schools, computer literacy was understood as the ability to program. Now almost everyone has realized that school computer science should not be a programming course. Most users of modern personal computers (PCs) do not program and do not need to. Today, extensive computer information technology (CIT) software has been created that allows a non-programming user to work with a computer. Therefore, the minimum level of computer literacy is mastery of computer information technologies.

However, it would be a mistake to focus the course on the basics of computer science and computer science only on the practical mastery of working with text editors, spreadsheets, databases, etc. Then computer science would quickly lose its importance as an independent academic discipline.

Studying the basics of computer science and computer technology at school should pursue two goals: general educational and pragmatic. The general educational goal is for students to master the fundamental concepts of modern computer science. Pragmatic - in obtaining practical skills with the hardware and software of modern computers. The school computer science course should be structured in a meaningful and methodological way so that both tasks - general educational and pragmatic - are solved in parallel.

2 .2 Computer Science Course Program for V - VI I classes

One of the most relevant areas of informatization of education is the development of the content and methodology of teaching computer science, information and communication technologies (ICT) in the system of continuous education in the conditions of informatization and mass communication modern society. In accordance with the structure of school education in general (primary, basic and specialized schools), today a multi-level structure of the subject “Informatics and IT” is being built (mainly and at the expense of regional and school components), which is considered as a systematic course that continuously develops students’ knowledge in the field of computer science and information and communication technologies. At the same time, the goals of teaching computer science and information technology in grades V-VII can be defined as follows:

- formation in students of readiness for information and educational activities, expressed in their desire to use the means of information and communication technologies in any subject to achieve educational goals and self-development;

- propaedeutics of the concepts of the basic course of school computer science;

- development of creative and cognitive abilities of students.

Currently, computer science as an academic subject is going through its infancy; there are still discussions about its content in general and at various stages of study in particular. But there are a number of issues the need for inclusion in the curriculum is undeniable,

Already at the earliest stages of education, schoolchildren should gain an understanding of the essence of deformation processes, consider examples of the transfer, storage and processing of information in human activity, living nature and technology, learn to classify information, highlight the general and special, establish connections, compare, draw analogies, etc. .d. This helps the child to see the world around him meaningfully, navigate it more successfully, and forms the foundations of a scientific worldview. The ability to build a model of the problem being solved, establish relationships and express them in subject, graphic or letter form is the key to the formation of not specific, but general educational skills. As part of this direction, our course builds logical, tabular, and graphical models and solves non-standard problems.

Task modern school- ensure that students enter the information society, teach every student to use new cash register ICT (text editor, graphics editor, spreadsheets, Email and etc.). The formation of user skills for computer introduction and educational activities should be supported by independent creative work that is personally significant for the student. This is achieved through an information-subject workshop, the essence of which is to fill computer science tasks with relevant subject content. Only in this case, the individuality and intellectual potential of the student are fully revealed, and the knowledge acquired in the classroom is demonstrated, and the skills of independent work are consolidated.

2.3 Problems of teaching computer science in secondary classes

A common mistake when justifying the goals of teaching computer science is separating the academic subject from social practice and emphasizing its uniqueness.

The computer is not just technical device, it assumes the appropriate software. The solution to this problem is associated with overcoming difficulties due to the fact that one part of the task - the design and production of a computer - is performed by an engineer, and the other by a teacher who must find a reasonable didactic justification for the logic of the operation of a computer and the logic of the deployment of living human activity of teaching. At present, the latter is being sacrificed for the time being to machine logic; After all, in order to successfully work with a computer, you need, as supporters of universal computerization note, to have algorithmic thinking.

Another difficulty is that the remedy is only one of the equal components didactic system along with its other links: goals, content, forms, methods, teacher activities and student activities. All these links are interconnected, and a change in one of them causes changes in all others. Just as new content requires new forms of its organization, so a new means requires a reorientation of all other components of the didactic system. Therefore, the installation of a computer or display in a school class or university auditorium is not the end of computerization, but its beginning - the beginning of a systemic restructuring of the entire educational technology.

There are three main forms in which a computer can be used when performing educational functions: a) car as a simulator; b) the machine is like a tutor, performing certain functions for the teacher, and the machine can perform them better than a person; V) machine as a device modeling certain subject situations (simulation modeling). The capabilities of the computer are widely used in such non-learning-related functions as carrying out cumbersome calculations or in calculator mode.

Training systems are most appropriate to use for developing and consolidating skills and abilities. Here, control-training type programs are used: step by step, the student receives dosed information that leads to the correct answer when the task is subsequently presented. Such programs can be attributed to the type inherent in traditional programmed training. The student’s task is to perceive and respond to commands, repeat and memorize what has been prepared for the purposes of such training. ready material. When using a computer in this mode, students are noted to be intellectually passive.

It must be taken into account that the broad practice of teaching in our country in general education continues to be largely based on the theoretical concepts of the explanatory-illustrative approach, in which the teaching scheme is reduced to three main links: presentation of material, consolidation and control. With the information-cybernetic approach, on which computer technology is based, the essence of the matter does not fundamentally change. Education acts as an extremely individualized process of schoolchildren and students working with familiar information presented on the display screen. It is obvious that with the help of these theoretical schemes it is impossible to describe the pedagogical reality of today, such as, for example, a problem lecture, problem lesson, seminar-discussion, business game or research work.

In most cases, schools try to follow the path least resistance: translate the contents of textbooks and various types of problems into a programming language and put them into the machine. But if the material was incomprehensible in a subject language, for example, in a chemical language, it will not become clearer in a computer language, rather the opposite.

3. Teaching computer science in secondary classes

3 .1 Theoretical lessons computer science at 5 - 7 classes

Material textbook forV The class is structured into four chapters containing the theoretical foundations of computer science (chapter “Information around us”), information on working on a computer (chapter “Computer for Beginners”), material for additional study (chapter “Material for the curious”) and a computer workshop.

IN Chapter “Information around us” at the everyday level, the concept of information is introduced, numerous examples of information processes, various forms of information presentation are considered,

In the chapter "Computer forbeginners x" provides basic theoretical information about the structure of a computer, its software and the basics of the user interface, and discusses in detail the safety rules and organization of a computer workplace.

Tutorial forVIclass contains five chapters - “Computer and Information”, “Man and Information”, “Algorithms and Performers”, “Material for the Curious” and “Computer Workshop”.

The computer line continues in this tutorial in chapter « Computer and information", where it is emphasized that the computer is a universal machine for working with information. Much attention is paid to files and the file system as the basis for creating a personal information space. At a level accessible to sixth grade students, issues related to the binary representation of numerical, textual and graphical information are addressed. Such information, first of all, makes the transition to units of measurement of information more meaningful, allows us to estimate the volumes of various files - both those created by schoolchildren and those already available on their computers,

Chapter “Man and Information” continues to develop the line “Information and information processes”, focusing on human information activities. It shows how a person experiences the world. In this case, the main emphasis is not on sensory knowledge, but on thinking, an idea of ​​logic is given. In this aspect, such forms of thinking as concept, judgment and inference are revealed; attention is paid to basic information methods - analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction and generalization; types of judgment are considered; Some diagrams of inferences are given. Note that the foundations of formal logic are discussed in this textbook for the first time within the framework of a computer science course.

Chapter “Algorithms and Executors” has quite traditional content. It examines the concept of an algorithm and basic algorithmic constructions using numerous examples, introduces the concept of an executor,

The textbooks deliberately include some redundancy of material. This is due to the “uneven” composition of students starting to study the course in grade V, as well as the fact that in a number of schools, computer science in grades V-VII is allocated one hour, two hours, or a week. Variability is ensured due to the fact that at the end of each paragraph the most important material is highlighted (for a minimum level), and also due to chapters “Material for the curious”- If desired, students can familiarize themselves with this material on their own; in a 70-hour course, this material is easily integrated into the main course.

Accompany the theoretical information contained in each textbook with a sufficient number of questions, tasks and assignments to reinforce the material being studied.

Work with terminological dictionary, available at the end of each textbook contributes to the formation of a student’s culture of information activity. In general, regarding the conceptual apparatus used in the course, it should be noted that quite strict definitions, although adapted taking into account age characteristics, are used here. At the same time, we do not require students to memorize and reproduce them; Schoolchildren should have “competent” formulations that are “heard of” and will be developed and reinforced in the basic computer science course.

Two lines are clearly visible in the course; theoretical and technological. On the one side, age characteristics students are not allowed to study the material sequentially; schoolchildren want to get on the computer as soon as possible. On the other hand, existing sanitary and hygienic standards require V grade students to study on the computer for no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, from our point of view, it is quite appropriate to “run in parallel” a number of theoretical and technological issues. If the textbook is organized accordingly, its integrity will be violated and it will be difficult for schoolchildren to isolate the essence of the theoretical material being studied. That is why a nonlinear arrangement of material in textbooks has been proposed. In order for students in grades V-VII to quickly find the material they need, a special textbook navigation system has been proposed.

Workbooks (one for each year of study) expand the boundaries of the textbook due to a large number of different tasks, exercises and tasks aimed at developing systematic thinking and developing the creative abilities of schoolchildren in grades V-VII, encouraging them to study independently, with passion and excitement.

3 .2 Practical lesson

Let's look at the specifics of constructing a practical lesson in computer science using the example of a lesson in 5th grade on the topic “Graphical editor Paint, reflection, rotation and movement of drawing elements”

Lesson topic: Graphic editor. Reflect, rotate and move drawing elements.

Lesson objectives:educational- repeating the material covered, testing students’ abilities to use modern computer technologies; developing- development of logical thinking and memory of students; educational- development of cognitive interest” of students’ creative activity, hard work, and accuracy.

Lesson type: damage to consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills. Lesson equipment:

* computers (one for two people) with the Paint graphic editor;

* paper, scissors, glue;

? drawings of students and their photocopies;

? an album with a description of the work for this lesson (for each student): the topic and goals of the lesson are written on the first page; on the second - algorithms for selecting and moving a picture; on the third there is a riddle; on the fourth - a task for working on a computer and instructions for completing it.

Board design.

The board describes the statement: “Play is the way for children to understand the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change. A.M. Bitter".

Lesson Plan.

1. Organizational moment,

2. Updating knowledge,

3. Practical work - making a mosaic from paper.

4. Physical education minute.

5. Practical work on a computer - constructing a drawing from fragments in a graphic editor.

6. Summing up the lesson

7. Homework

During the classes

I. Organizing time

The teacher welcomes the students and announces the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Updating knowledge

Teacher. When you were very young children, you, of course, played mosaics more than once, made drawings from cubes, buttons, and pieces of cardboard. So today I invite you to play mosaic First we will make a figure from pieces of paper, and then we will play computer mosaic. When assembling a mosaic on a computer, you will need to select and move a fragment of the picture, display and turn it. Therefore, first of all, let's repeat the algorithms for selecting, moving, displaying and rotating a fragment of a picture.

A frontal survey of students is conducted, the answers are discussed by all students and compared with the algorithms recorded on blackboard

Algorithm for reflecting a fragment of a picture.

1. Select a fragment of the picture,

2. Left-click on the Picture menu item.

3. From the drop-down menu, select Flip / Rotate by left-clicking on it,

4. In the dialog box, set the option to the required action (for example, flip from left to right).

5. Click the OK button.

Algorithm for rotating a fragment of a drawing.

1. Select a fragment of the picture.

2. Left-click on the Picture menu item.

3. From the menu that opens, select Flip / Rotate by left-clicking on it.

4. In the dialog box, set the option to the required action: Rotate by angle.

5. Select the required rotation angle, for example 90º .

6. Click the mouse and the OK button.

III. Practical work-making a paper mosaic

1- Making mosaic parts.

Each child uses scissors to cut a photocopy of what they brought and the drawing into fragments.

2. Compiling a drawing from fragments.

Students exchange their fragments - the details of the mosaic - and assemble the mosaic according to the model - the original drawing.

IV. Physical education minute

V. Practical workon the computer-construction of a drawingfrom fragments in a graphic editor

I. Warm-up

Teacher: Now guess the riddle:

He draws,” he believes. Millions of calculations

Designs factories, Can do it in a minute.

It even flies in space. Guess what, yes geniuses,

And gives a weather forecast. Well. of course…


2. Doing a practical task on a computer

On all student computers in The task files have been loaded into the Paint graphic editor. The file contains fragments of the drawing and a sample drawing. The fourth page of the album presents:

? the wording of the task is to construct a drawing from fragments according to the model;

* an image containing fragments of a drawing and a sample - the drawing that should be obtained after connecting the fragments;

* instructions for completing the task.

Sample, instructions for completing the task.

2. Carefully, without touching neighboring fragments, select one fragment using the tool Selection.

3. Using the Picture menu item, flip or rotate the fragment so that it coincides with the position of the sample.

4. Work similarly with the following fragments,

5. After reflecting and rotating all the fragments, connect them by selecting and moving the fragments with the mouse.

6. Compare the resulting image with the sample.

Students complete the task in groups of two.

The team that is the first to complete the job and do everything correctly receives a prize - an apple (or some other).

10 minutes after starting to work at the computer, you should do an eye exercise with students,

VI. Summing up the lesson

Teacher. So, today we learned how to make drawings from fragments. Let's remember how you did it.

A frontal survey of students is conducted. Grades are given for lesson,


1. Repeat how to mirror and rotate a picture,

2. Think about where else you can apply the skills acquired when making a mosaic.

3. An additional task for students who have a home computer: leave their own mosaic on the computer.

3 .3 Integrated lesson: Mathematics and computer science in the 7th grade

Lesson topic: Quadrilaterals and their properties.

Lesson objectives:mathematics: repetition of definitions and properties of various types of quadrilaterals; applying the properties of quadrilaterals to problem solving;

in computer science: strengthening students' ability to use graphics operators in Q Basic;

general education: development of logical thinking, memory, ability to subordinate to mania in completing tasks.

Lesson type: lesson on improving knowledge, skills and abilities

Equipment: overhead projector, screen, computers, testing program, distribution material (cards with tasks), QBasic translator.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Repetition of learned material. Work in groups

Students are divided into two groups: a mathematics teacher works with one, and a computer science teacher works with the other.

A group working under the guidance of a computer science teacher, receiving tasks (on cards) to construct quadrilaterals on the computer various types. Constructions are made in the QBasic translator using the graphics operators of this language. In addition to a practical task on constructing on a computer, each card contains theoretical questions, as well as a task on the topic of the lesson (properties of quadrilaterals).


One of the most relevant areas of informatization of education is the development of the content and methodology of teaching computer science, information and communication technologies (ICT) in the system of continuing education in the conditions of informatization and mass communication of modern society.

In accordance with the structure of school education in general (primary, basic and specialized schools) today, a multi-level structure of the subject “Informatics and IT” is being built (mainly and at the expense of regional and school components), which is considered as a systematic course that continuously develops students’ knowledge in the field of computer science and information and communication technologies.

The most important priority of school education in the context of the emergence of a global information society is the formation in schoolchildren of ideas about human information activity and information ethics as the foundations of a modern information society.

The main task of computer science is to determine the general patterns in accordance with which scientific information is created, transformed, transmitted and used in various fields of human activity. Applied tasks are to develop more effective methods and means of implementing information processes, to determine ways of optimal scientific communication with the widespread use of technical means.

In parallel with the study of theoretical material, it is expected to master technological techniques for creating various information objects (text list, table, diagram, drawing, program, etc.). Relevant tasks: selected in 35 works computer workshop. Most of the practical work consists of tasks of several levels of complexity.

Computer science as an educational discipline is developing rapidly. Computer literacy is determined not only by the ability to program, but mainly by the ability to use ready-made software products designed for the user level. This trend has emerged due to the widespread consideration of “soft” products aimed at non-technical users. The development of such software and information tools is a very expensive matter due to its high knowledge intensity and the need for joint work of highly qualified specialists: psychologists, computer designers, programmers. However, it pays for itself due to the fact that today almost everyone can get access to a computer, even without special training.


1. Agapova R. About three generations of computer technologies for teaching at school. Computer Science and Education. -1994. - No. 2.

2. Apatova N.V. Information technologies in school education. M., 1994.

3. Bochkin A.I. Methods of teaching computer science: Proc. Benefit. - M.: Higher School, 1998.

4. Vasiliev V.N. Information technologies in education. Computer tools. No. 1, 2002

5. Gein A.G., Senokosov A.I. Informatics: Textbook for grades 7-9 of secondary school. M.: Education, 1996.

6. Grebenev I.V. Methodological problems of computerization of schooling. Pedagogy - 1994. - No. 5.

7. Computer Science and Education, No. 2, 10, 2004

8. Kaimin V.A., Piterkin V.M., Urtmintsev A.G. Computer Science: Textbook. M.: BRIDGE, 1994.

9. Tests on the methodology of teaching computer science: Guidelines for students correspondence department. Compiled by: Zhuravleva I.A., Samantchuk L.F. - Stavropol: SSU Publishing House, 1998.

10. Lapchik M.P. Methods of teaching computer science: textbook. A manual for students. Ped. Universities. /M.P. Lapchik, I.R. Semakin, E.K. Henner; under general edition M.P. Lapchika. - M.: Publishing Center Academy, 2001.

11. Lyakhovich V.F. Fundamentals of computer science: Textbook for secondary specialized educational institutions. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996.

12. Uvarov A. Computer science at school: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Computer Science and Education, 1990, No. 4, p. 3.

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Chapter 1. Methods of teaching computer science

1.1 Methods of teaching computer science as a pedagogical science

Along with the introduction of the general education subject “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science” into schools, the formation of a new field of pedagogical science began - methods of teaching computer science, the object of which is computer science training. A course on methods of teaching computer science appeared in the country's universities in 1985, and in 1986 the publication of the methodological journal “Informatics and Education” began.

An important role in the development of methods of teaching computer science was played by didactic research into the goals and content of general cybernetic education, the practical experience accumulated by domestic schools even before the introduction of the subject of computer science in teaching students the elements of cybernetics, algorithmization and programming, elements of logic, computational and discrete mathematics, etc.

The theory and methodology of teaching computer science should include the study of the process of teaching computer science wherever it takes place and at all levels: preschool period, school period, all types of secondary educational institutions, higher school, self-study computer science, distance learning, etc. Each of these areas currently poses its own specific problems for modern pedagogical science.

The theory and methodology of teaching computer science is currently being intensively developed; The school subject of computer science is already almost twenty years old, but many problems in the new pedagogical science arose quite recently and have not yet had time to receive either a deep theoretical justification or long-term experimental testing.

In accordance with the general goals of education, the methodology for teaching computer science sets the following main tasks: to determine the specific goals of studying computer science, as well as the content of the relevant general education subject and its place in the secondary school curriculum; develop and offer to the school and the practicing teacher the most rational methods and organizational forms of teaching aimed at achieving the goals; consider the entire set of computer science teaching tools (textbooks, software, hardware, etc.) and develop recommendations for their use in teacher practice.

The content of the educational subject of computer science teaching methods determines its two main sections: general methodology, which discusses the general theoretical foundations of the methodology for teaching computer science, the set of basic software and hardware tools, and private (specific) technique– methods for studying specific topics in a school computer science course.

The methodology of teaching computer science is a young science, but it did not develop on its own. Being an independent scientific discipline, in the process of formation it absorbed the knowledge of other sciences, and in its development it is based on the results obtained by them. These sciences are philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, computer science, as well as generalized practical experience of methods of other general education subjects in secondary school.

1.3 Subject of theory and methods of teaching computer science.

A modern computer science teacher is not only a subject teacher, he is a conductor of modern ideas and technologies for teaching using a computer at school. It is at school that the attitude towards information technology tools is formed: either fear and alienation, or interest and the ability to use it to solve practical problems. The course “Theory and Methods of Teaching Computer Science” should cover both the current state of schools in the field of computerization and tomorrow, when distance communication and teaching of schoolchildren will become commonplace.

The proposed course reflects the features of teaching computer science by age, distinguishing three levels: students of junior, middle and senior classes. In an effort to reflect the features of the content of education, the following areas are distinguished:

    general educational level,

    in-depth training,

    specialized training, i.e., features of teaching computer science in classes with a technical, mathematical, humanitarian and aesthetic bias.

One of the problems of a computer science course is the software. The wide variety of types of school PCs, as well as the current trend of rapid progress in software development, does not allow us to do any full review pedagogical software.

The subject is intended to provide theoretical and practical training for teachers in the field of computer science teaching methods.

Purpose of the course - to prepare a methodologically competent computer science teacher capable of:

    conduct lessons at a high scientific and methodological level; - organize extracurricular activities in computer science at school;

    provide assistance to subject teachers who want to use computers in teaching.

Course Objectives :

    prepare the future computer science teacher for methodological competent organization and conducting computer science classes;

    report the techniques and methods of teaching computer science that have been developed to date;

    teach various forms of extracurricular work in computer science;

    to develop the creative potential of future computer science teachers, necessary for competent teaching of the course, since the course undergoes great changes every year.

Requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline content

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:

    understand the role of computer science in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;

    know the basic concepts of teaching computer science, as well as programs and textbooks developed on their basis;

    be able to use software support for the course and evaluate its methodological feasibility;

    be able to organize computer science classes for students of different age groups.


      goals and objectives of teaching computer science at school

      basic computer science course

      differentiated instruction in computer science at the senior level of school

      organization of computer science training at school

The connection between the methodology of teaching computer science and the science of computer science, psychology, pedagogy and other subjects

The discipline “Theory and Methods of Teaching Computer Science”, being an independent scientific discipline, has absorbed the knowledge of other sciences: computer science, psychology, pedagogy. Since the object of study in the computer science teaching methodology course is the concepts of computer science, the course takes into account their specifics, any presentation of the material is carried out in accordance with the basic concepts of computer science: information, model, algorithm.

When selecting methods and organizational forms of work in the classroom, it is necessary to take into account the subjective psychological characteristics of students; knowledge about this is provided by the science of psychology.

Methodology is part of didactics, which in turn is part of pedagogy. Therefore, it uses pedagogical research methods and follows the laws and principles of didactics. When teaching computer science, all known methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities are used, namely, general didactic teaching methods: information-receptive, methods of problem presentation, heuristic, research, etc.

Forms of organizing classes - frontal, individual and group, or in another classification: lecture, conversation, survey, excursion, laboratory work, workshop, seminar, etc.

It is possible to establish connections between the methods of teaching computer science and almost any science.

Teaching computer science at the modern level is based on information from various fields of scientific knowledge: biology (biological self-governing systems, such as humans, other living organisms), history and social science (public social systems), the Russian language (grammar, syntax, semantics, etc.) , logic (thinking, formal operations, truth, lie), mathematics (numbers, variables, functions, sets, signs, actions), psychology (perception, thinking, communication).

When teaching computer science, it is necessary to navigate the problems of philosophy (a worldview approach to the study of the systemic information picture of the world), philology (the study text editors, artificial intelligence systems), mathematics and physics (computer modeling), painting and graphics (study of graphic editors, multimedia systems), etc. Thus, a computer science teacher must be a widely erudite person, and constantly replenish his knowledge

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1. Theoryteaching computer science as a pedagogical science

Along with the introduction of the general education subject “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science” into the school, the formation of a new field of pedagogical science began - methods of teaching informatics, the object of which is teaching informatics. A course on methods of teaching computer science appeared in the country's universities in 1985, and in 1986 the publication of the methodological journal “Informatics and Education” began.

An important role in the development of methods of teaching computer science was played by didactic research into the goals and content of general cybernetic education, the practical experience accumulated by domestic schools even before the introduction of the subject of computer science in teaching students the elements of cybernetics, algorithmization and programming, elements of logic, computational and discrete mathematics, etc.

The theory and methodology of teaching computer science should include the study of the process of teaching computer science wherever it takes place and at all levels: preschool period, school period, all types of secondary educational institutions, higher school, independent study of computer science, distance learning, etc. . Each of these areas currently poses its own specific problems for modern pedagogical science.

The theory and methodology of teaching computer science is currently being intensively developed; The school subject of computer science is already almost twenty years old, but many problems in the new pedagogical science arose quite recently and have not yet had time to receive either a deep theoretical justification or long-term experimental testing.

In accordance with the general goals of education, the Theory of Teaching Computer Science sets itself the following main tasks: to determine the specific goals of studying computer science, as well as the content of the corresponding general education subject and its place in the secondary school curriculum; develop and offer to the school and the practicing teacher the most rational methods and organizational forms of teaching aimed at achieving the goals; consider the entire set of computer science teaching tools (textbooks, software, hardware, etc.) and develop recommendations for their use in teacher practice.

The theory of teaching computer science is a young science, but it did not develop on its own. Being an independent scientific discipline, in the process of formation it absorbed the knowledge of other sciences, and in its development it is based on the results obtained by them. These sciences are philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, computer science, as well as generalized practical experience of methods of other general education subjects in secondary school.

2. Subject of theoryand methods of teaching computer science

A modern computer science teacher is not only a subject teacher, he is a guide modern ideas and computer-assisted learning technologies in school. It is at school that the attitude towards information technology tools is formed: either fear and alienation, or interest and the ability to use it to solve practical problems. The course “Theory and Methods of Teaching Computer Science” should cover both the current state of schools in the field of computerization and tomorrow, when distance communication and teaching of schoolchildren will become commonplace.

The proposed course reflects the features of teaching computer science by age, distinguishing three levels: students of junior, middle and senior classes. In an effort to reflect the features of the content of education, the following areas are distinguished:

1. general educational level,

2. in-depth training,

3. specialized training, i.e., the features of teaching computer science in classes with a technical, mathematical, humanitarian and aesthetic bias.

One of the problems of a computer science course is software. The wide variety of types of school PCs, as well as the current trend of rapid progress in the development of software, does not allow us to make any complete review of pedagogical software.

The subject is intended to provide theoretical and practical training for teachers in the field of computer science teaching methods.

Purpose of the course-- to prepare a methodologically competent computer science teacher capable of:

1. conduct lessons at a high scientific and methodological level; - organize extracurricular activities in computer science at school;

2. provide assistance to subject teachers who want to use computers in teaching.

Course Objectives:

1. prepare the future computer science teacher for methodologically competent organization and conduct of computer science classes;

2. report the techniques and methods of teaching computer science that have been developed to date;

3. teach various forms of extracurricular work in computer science;

4. develop the creative potential of future computer science teachers, necessary for competent teaching of the course, since the course undergoes great changes every year.

Requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline content

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:

1. understand the role of computer science in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;

2. know the basic concepts of teaching computer science, as well as programs and textbooks developed on their basis;

4. be able to use software support for the course and evaluate its methodological feasibility;

6. be able to organize computer science classes for students of different age groups.

1. Introduction

2. goals and objectives of teaching computer science at school

4. basic computer science course

5. differentiated instruction in computer science at the senior level of school

6. organization of computer science training at school

3. The connection between the methodology of teaching computer science and the science of computer science, psychology, pedagogy and other subjects

The discipline “Theory and Methods of Teaching Computer Science”, being an independent scientific discipline, has absorbed the knowledge of other sciences: computer science, psychology, pedagogy. Since the object of study in the computer science teaching methodology course is the concepts of computer science, the course takes into account their specifics, any presentation of the material is carried out in accordance with the basic concepts of computer science: information, model, algorithm.

When selecting methods and organizational forms of work in the classroom, it is necessary to take into account the subjective psychological characteristics of students; knowledge about this is provided by the science of psychology.

Methodology is part of didactics, which in turn is part of pedagogy. Therefore, it uses pedagogical research methods and follows the laws and principles of didactics. When teaching computer science, all known methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities are used, namely, general didactic teaching methods: information-receptive, methods of problem presentation, heuristic, research, etc.

Forms of organizing classes - frontal, individual and group, or in another classification: lecture, conversation, survey, excursion, laboratory work, workshop, seminar, etc.

It is possible to establish connections between the methods of teaching computer science and almost any science.

Teaching computer science at the modern level is based on information from various fields of scientific knowledge: biology (biological self-governing systems, such as humans, other living organisms), history and social science (public social systems), the Russian language (grammar, syntax, semantics, etc.) , logic (thinking, formal operations, truth, lie), mathematics (numbers, variables, functions, sets, signs, actions), psychology (perception, thinking, communication).

When teaching computer science, it is necessary to navigate the problems of philosophy (a worldview approach to the study of a systemic information picture of the world), philology (the study of text editors, artificial intelligence systems), mathematics and physics (computer modeling), painting and graphics (the study of graphic editors, multimedia systems) etc. Thus, a computer science teacher must be a widely erudite person, and constantly replenish his knowledge

4. Individual method of training

theory methods training computer science

Individual training- a form, a model of organizing the educational process, in which: 1) the teacher interacts with only one student; 2) one student interacts only with learning tools. The main advantage of individual training is that it allows you to completely adapt the content, methods and pace educational activities the child to his characteristics, monitor his every action and operation when solving specific problems; monitor his progress from ignorance to knowledge, make timely necessary corrections to the activities of both the student and the teacher, adapt them to the constantly changing, but controlled situation on the part of the teacher and the student. All this allows the student to work economically, constantly control the expenditure of his energy, and work at the optimal time for himself, which, naturally, allows him to achieve high learning results. Individual training in this “pure” form is used in a mass school to a very limited extent.

Individual approach- This:

1) the principle of pedagogy, according to which, in the process of educational work with a group, the teacher interacts with individual students according to an individual model, taking into account their personal characteristics;

2) focus on the individual characteristics of the child in communication with him;

3) taking into account the individual characteristics of the child in the learning process;

4) creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions not only for the development of all students, but also for the development of each child individually.

Individualization of training- This:

1) organization of the educational process, in which the choice of methods, techniques, and pace of learning is determined by the individual characteristics of students;

2) various educational and methodological, psychological, pedagogical and organizational and managerial activities that provide an individual approach.

Individualized learning technology is an organization of the educational process in which an individual approach and an individual form of training are a priority.

An individual approach as a principle is implemented to one degree or another in all existing technologies, so individualization of learning can also be considered a “penetrating technology.” However, technologies that prioritize individualization, making it the main means of achieving learning goals, can be considered separately as independent system, which has all the qualities and features of a holistic pedagogical technology.

Considering individual method learning, it is necessary to pay attention to the project method. Project method- this is a comprehensive teaching method that allows you to individualize the educational process, gives the child the opportunity to show independence in planning, organizing and controlling his activities.

In modern domestic pedagogical practice and theory, the most striking examples technologies within the classroom individualization of learning are the following:

Technology of individualized learning Inge Unt;

Adaptive learning system A.S. Granitskaya;

Training based on the individually oriented curriculum by V.D. Shadrikova.

Technologies for individualization of learning represent dynamic systems that cover all parts of the educational process: goals, content, methods and means.

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In the real learning process, the principles act in conjunction with each other. One cannot either overestimate or underestimate this or that principle, because this leads to a decrease in learning efficiency. Only in combination do they provide a successful choice of content, methods, means, and forms of teaching computer science.

Private methodological principles of using software in the educational process

They are divided into

1) principles related to the educational process when using software as an object of study and

2) principles related to the educational process when using software in the teaching of general education disciplines (including computer science).

First group of principles.

PRINCIPLE OF UNDERSTANDING APPLIED PROBLEMS involves knowledge of why, when and where the systems being studied are used.

PRINCIPLE OF GENERALITY requires bringing to the attention of students the functionality that software of this type provides.

THE PRINCIPLE OF UNDERSTANDING THE LOGIC OF ACTIONS IN THIS SOFTWARE is not taken into account in the practical methodology of teaching computer science, and yet without understanding the principles of organization of this tool, competent work is impossible

Second group of principles.

PRINCIPLE OF OPTIMAL USE OF PS. When using software in teaching, the teacher's time is significantly saved. Thus, organizing a survey of students using software saves time because there is no need to check notebooks; the program usually provides diagnostics of the survey results immediately.

THE PRINCIPLE OF USING PS TO DEVELOP STUDENTS' CREATIVE ACTIVITY. Meanwhile, appropriately formulated tasks contribute to the development of students’ thinking and form research skills. For example, when studying graphic editors, you can offer students tasks that contribute to the development logical thinking, spatial imagination, etc.

PRINCIPLE OF INTEGRATED USE OF SOFTWARE TOOLS. There is no universal teaching tool that can solve everything learning objectives Therefore, only the optimal combination of various teaching aids in a complex contributes to the effective implementation of the educational process.

Educational, developmental and educational goals of teaching computer science.

1. Educational goals:

1. formation of ideas about information as one of the three fundamental concepts of science - matter, energy, information, on the basis of which the modern scientific picture of the world is built;

2. formation of ideas about modern methods scientific knowledge– formalization, modeling, computer experiment;

3. the formation of general educational and general cultural skills in working with information (the ability to competently use information sources, the ability to correctly organize the information process, assess information security);

4. preparing schoolchildren for subsequent professional activity(mastering the means of informatization and information technologies).

2.Developmental goals of teaching computer science.

Development of a logical-algorithmic style of thinking.

3. Educational goals of teaching computer science. Speaking about the educational goals of teaching computer science, we mean the development of the following traits and qualities of the student’s personality:

  1. an objective attitude towards computer data, i.e. criticality and self-criticism of thinking;
  2. careful attitude towards both technology and information, ethical and moral rejection of computer vandalism and virus creation;
  3. personal responsibility for the results of your work on the computer, for possible errors;
  4. personal responsibility for decisions made on the basis of computer data;
  5. need and ability to work in a team when solving complex tasks team method;
  6. caring for the user of the products of one’s labor.

Educational and methodological support for school computer science courses. Software for educational purposes (directions of use, structure of technology for using software in the educational process, criteria for the effectiveness of this technology).

Computer software as teaching tools can be classified as follows:

educational computer programs;

educationally oriented packages of applied computer programs;

computer software and methodological systems.

Electronic educational resources (EER) or digital educational resources (DER) are specially formed blocks of various information resources intended for use in the educational process, presented in electronic (digital) form and operating on the basis of information and communication technologies.

EOR classification:

by purpose of creation:

pedagogical information resources developed specifically for the purposes of the educational process;

cultural information resources that exist independently of the educational process;

by type of basic information:

text, containing predominantly textual information presented in a form that allows character-by-character processing;

pictorial, containing predominantly electronic samples of objects, considered as integral graphic entities, presented in a form that allows viewing and printed reproduction, but does not allow character-by-character processing;

software products as independent, alienable works, which are programs in a programming language or in the form of executable code;

multimedia, in which information of various natures is present equally and interconnected to solve certain educational educational tasks;

by distribution technology:

local, intended for local use, issued in the form of a certain number of identical copies (circulation) on portable machine-readable media;

network, accessible to a potentially unlimited number of users via telecommunication networks;

combined distribution, which can be used both as local and network;

by availability of printed equivalent:

representing an electronic analogue of a printed resource;

independent resources, reproduction of which on printed media leads to loss of their properties;

by function in the educational process:

presenting educational information, including demonstrations of objects, phenomena and processes;

information and reference;

modeling objects, phenomena and processes;

expanding the sector of independent educational work through the use of active forms of learning;

carrying out training of skills and abilities of various nature, solving problems;

monitoring and assessing students' knowledge.

Multimedia ESM presupposes synthesis various types information - text, graphic, animation, sound and video, in which various ways of structuring, integrating and presenting information are possible.

ESM interactivity may imply:

manipulating on-screen objects using computer input devices;

linear navigation;

hierarchical navigation;

Help that is called up or pops up automatically;


constructive interaction;

reflective interaction;

simulation modeling;

surface context;

in-depth context.

EOR can provide:

obtaining information, skills and abilities, certification and monitoring of educational achievements;

expansion of the self-employment sector;

the changing role of the student teacher;

the student’s transition from passive perception of information to active participation in educational process;

the ability to manage the educational process (including on the part of the student) and responsibility for the result obtained;

implementation of new forms and methods of training, including independent individual training.

Lesson analysis.

· specifics of the lesson

Is the structure chosen rationally?

What material was emphasized in the lesson?

· degree of student activity in the lesson

· means and methods of teaching in the classroom

· characteristics of students

· were the requirements for organizing classes in the computer science class met?

· have the goals been achieved (if not, then list the reasons and what changes need to be made when preparing and conducting the lesson)

Typology of lessons.

V. A. Onischuk offers a typology of lessons depending on the didactic goal. This typology is by far the most common:

a) a lesson on introducing new material;

b) a lesson to consolidate what has been learned;

c) a lesson in the application of knowledge and skills;

d) a lesson in generalizing and systematizing knowledge;

e) a lesson in testing and correcting knowledge and skills;

e) combined lesson.

It should be noted that the above typologies arose at different times, perhaps for this reason they are largely equivalent in content.

Organization of preliminary preparation of the teacher for the lesson.

The main forms of additional study of computer science and its applications in secondary school. Contents of extracurricular work in computer science.

Extracurricular activities increase students' interest in the subject and encourage them to independent work in the classroom and constantly looking for something new. By participating in extracurricular activities, children learn about the surrounding reality, fantasize, they have the opportunity to open up and express themselves creatively.

The following can be distinguished tasks that are solved in extracurricular activities in computer science:

1. Revealing the creative potential and abilities of any child, regardless of his grades in the subject.

2. Promotion interest of schoolchildren in the subject “Informatics”, students’ passion for the subject, instilling in them a love for computer science through joint activities.

3. Stimulation search and cognitive activity.

4. Popularization computer science knowledge among students. Popularization of achievements in the field of information technology.

5. Establishment new communication contacts (when studying telecommunication networks).

6. Deepening students' knowledge in computer science (on electives). Expanding students' horizons.

7. Propaedeutics computer science lessons (in clubs for junior grades).

8. Implementation interdisciplinary connections.

9. Career guidance students.

Extracurricular activities in computer science have a positive impact on classes conducted within the framework of the main schedule, since students involved in extracurricular activities in the subject study more carefully and in depth educational material, read additional literature, master working with a computer. Extracurricular work on the subject stimulates independent study of computer science and information technology.

VR forms in computer science

To date, vast experience has been accumulated in extracurricular work at school in various subjects, and the forms of this work are very diverse.

VR can be classified according to various criteria: systematicity, coverage of students, timing, didactic purposes, etc.

By systematicity Two types of extracurricular activities (EC) can be distinguished:

1) episodic VM:

– preparation and holding of school Olympiads in computer science; participation in regional and city Olympiads;

– summer computer camps;

– publication of a wall newspaper;

– holding quizzes, evenings, KVN in computer science;

– holding thematic conferences and seminars on computer science;

2) persistent VMs:

– clubs and elective classes in computer science;

– school scientific societies;

– various forms of correspondence and distance learning for students.

By enrollment Individual and mass work can be distinguished.

Individual work exists in all types of EOI, it can be expressed in the preparation of an abstract, material for a wall newspaper, evening, conference, etc.

Mass work expressed in holding evenings, competitions, and olympiads.

Computer science clubs have their own specifics. They are intended to attract primary school students to develop propaedeutic computer skills. It is recommended to give students tasks to work in graphic editors, and perhaps familiarize themselves with one of the programming languages. Studies have shown that the most tiring activities for children aged 7-13 years are playing computer games; in such classes, over 88% of the time is spent working with a display; in other classes, this value does not exceed 66%.

Mixed classes (programming and games) turned out to be the least tiring for schoolchildren in grades 1-7.

Studying the influence of computer classes different types made it possible to establish their optimal and permissible duration for children of different ages. So for children 7-10 years old, the optimal duration of computer games is 30 minutes, acceptable for mixed-type games and activities is 60 minutes. For schoolchildren aged 11-14 years, the optimal duration of computer games is 30 minutes, and the acceptable duration is 60 minutes; for mixed classes, 60 and 90 minutes, respectively.

Club work with high school students is possible when organizing groups to work in telecommunications networks.

Electives in computer science are designed to provide a more in-depth study of the subject compared to general education. Some teachers practice solving problems from entrance exams in computer science during elective classes; prepare students for final exams. At electives, you can also teach certain sections of computer science in more depth. For example:

1. Program in-depth study computer science in classes with a mathematical bias, it involves studying the basics of computer technology and programming (Pascal), elements of logical programming (Prolog), computer modeling, as well as familiarity with application software (ET, editors, DBMS);

2. Special course program “Database management systems” includes studying Access systems at the query language level, mastering a programming language (for example, Visual Basic), and using a DBMS to solve practical problems.

3. Special course program “Computer Modeling” includes the following sections:

Models. Classification of models. Computer models.

Computer modeling technology.

Simulation of chaotic movements.

Modeling of random processes.

Deterministic models.

Discrete models.

Game simulation.

Chess and card games.

One of the central issues in organizing VR in computer science is determining its content. In accordance with the principle of connecting VR with computer science lessons, it should relate to computer science program material. Along with this, VM can consider issues that are not directly related to the computer science program, but are of interest to students and help expand their horizons, i.e. additional material.


  1. generosity, forbearance. Manifests itself in overestimation of grades;
  2. transferring sympathy or antipathy from a student to a grade (grade);
  3. mood assessment;
  4. lack of firm criteria (the teacher can give high marks for weak answers or vice versa);
  5. central tendency (the desire not to give extreme marks, for example, not to give twos and fives);
  6. the proximity of the rating to the one that was given earlier (after a two it is difficult to immediately give a five);
  7. halo errors (manifested in the tendency of the teacher to evaluate only positively or negatively those students to whom he treats positively or negatively, respectively);
  8. transferring the assessment for behavior to the assessment in the academic subject, etc.

Distinctive features“Theories and methods of teaching computer science.” Goals and objectives of the course “Theory and methods of teaching computer science.”

Purpose of the course– to prepare a methodologically competent computer science teacher capable of:

Conduct lessons at a high scientific and methodological level;

Organize extracurricular activities in computer science at school;

Provide assistance to subject teachers who want to use computers in teaching.

Course objectives:

Determine the specific goals of studying computer science, as well as the content of the relevant general education subject and its role in the school curriculum;

To prepare the future computer science teacher for methodologically competent organization and conduct of computer science classes;

Report the techniques and methods of teaching computer science that have been developed to date;

To teach various forms of extracurricular work in computer science;

To develop the creative potential of future computer science teachers, necessary for competent teaching of the course, since the course undergoes great changes every year.

Distinctive features of “Theories and Methods of Teaching Computer Science”

The discipline “Theory and Methods of Teaching Computer Science” has a number of distinctive features:

1. Young scientific discipline(it entered the plans of pedagogical universities relatively recently. This happened in the mid-80s of the last century, almost simultaneously with the introduction of the subject into school - the fundamentals of computer science and computer technology), hence:

Lack of development of methodological approaches to teaching computer science;

Unrefined, insufficient methodological literature;

Lack of an established system of training and retraining of personnel.

2. Novelty of the scientific discipline“Informatics” and the school subject “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science”, from here:

Constant changes in training content.

3. Close connection between school computer science and other subjects, which allows you to use techniques from other disciplines, as well as rely on the knowledge of students from other fields of knowledge.

2. The relationship between the main components of the computer science teaching process. The connection between the methodology of teaching computer science and the science of computer science, psychology, pedagogy and other subjects.

On the same topic: “Introducing a computer” or “Studying a graphic editor,” lessons will be taught completely differently in elementary, middle and high schools. Not only the assignments will be different, but also the forms of conducting classes and the teacher’s behavior in the classroom.

As a part of didactics, TMOI uses pedagogical research methods and is subject to its laws and principles. Thus, when teaching computer science, all known methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities are used, namely, general didactic teaching methods: reproductive, problem presentation, heuristic, etc. Forms of organizing classes – frontal, individual and group.

Teaching computer science at the modern level is based on information from various fields of scientific knowledge: biology (biological self-governing systems, such as humans, other living organisms), history and social science (public social systems), the Russian language (grammar, syntax, semantics, etc.) , logic (thinking, formal operations, truth, lie), mathematics (numbers, variables, functions, sets, signs, actions), psychology (perception, thinking, communication).

The connection with other sciences is especially strengthened in connection with the transition of the Russian general secondary education system to specialized training.

When teaching computer science, it is necessary to navigate the problems of philosophy (a worldview approach to the study of a systemic information picture of the world), philology (the study of text editors, artificial intelligence systems), mathematics and physics (computer modeling), painting and graphics (the study of graphic editors, multimedia systems) etc.

Thus, a computer science teacher must be a widely erudite person, and constantly expand his knowledge.

Computer science as a science and academic subject in secondary school.

Computer science is currently one of the fundamental branches of scientific knowledge, forming a system-information approach to the analysis of the surrounding world, studying information processes, methods and means of obtaining, transforming, transmitting, storing and using information; a rapidly developing and constantly expanding area of ​​practical human activity associated with the use of information technology. The goals and objectives of studying computer science, like any other academic subject, are associated with the formation of the foundations of the scientific worldview of schoolchildren, the development of thinking, abilities, preparation for life, work, and continued education. The contribution of computer science to the scientific worldview of schoolchildren is determined by the formation, during its study, of the idea of ​​information as one of the three fundamental concepts of science: matter, energy and information, on the basis of which the modern picture of the world is built. Computer science as an academic subject opens up for schoolchildren systematic study one of the most important areas of reality - the area of ​​information processes in living nature, society, and technology. By developing a unified approach to their study, substantiating the commonality of the processes of perception, transmission, and transformation of information in systems of various natures, computer science makes a significant contribution to the formation of a modern scientific understanding of the world and its unity. A significant expansion of the environment of scientific knowledge by computer science, the formation of a new (information) approach to the study of the surrounding reality has enormous ideological significance, which must be fully used in school education. The study of computer science is important for the development of schoolchildren's thinking. Informatics introduces new types of educational activities into the educational process; many of the skills and abilities developed during its study are of a general educational, general intellectual nature in modern conditions.

Methods of teaching computer science as a new section of pedagogical science and as an educational subject for training computer science teachers.

The definition of computer science methodology as the science of teaching computer science does not in itself mean the existence of this scientific field in a ready-made form. The theory and methodology of teaching computer science is currently being intensively developed; The school subject of computer science is already more than a decade and a half old, but many problems in the new pedagogical science arose quite recently and have not yet had time to receive either a deep theoretical justification or long-term experimental testing.

In accordance with the general goals of education, the methodology for teaching computer science sets the following main tasks: to determine the specific goals of studying computer science, as well as the content of the relevant general education subject and its place in the secondary school curriculum; develop and offer to the school and the practicing teacher the most rational methods and organizational forms of teaching aimed at achieving the goals; consider the entire set of computer science teaching tools (textbooks, software, hardware, etc.) and develop recommendations for their use in teacher practice.

In other words, the methodology of teaching computer science, as well as any subject school methodology, is faced with a traditional triad of basic questions:

For what teach computer science?

What should I study?

How Should I teach computer science?

The methodology of teaching computer science is a young science, but it is not formed out of nowhere. Advanced fundamental didactic research into the goals and content of general cybernetic education, the practical experience accumulated by domestic schools even before the introduction of the subject of computer science in teaching students the elements of cybernetics, algorithmization and programming, elements of logic, computational and discrete mathematics, and the study of important issues of the general educational approach to teaching computer science have a total of almost half a century of history. Being a fundamental section of pedagogical science, the methodology of computer science is based in its development on philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, computer science (including school computer science), as well as the generalized practical experience of high school.

Target- prepare a methodologically competent computer science teacher, capable of: - conducting lessons at a high scientific and methodological level; - organize extracurricular activities in computer science at school; - provide assistance to subject teachers who want to use computers in teaching.

Tasks: - prepare the future computer science teacher for methodologically competent organization and conduct of computer science classes; - report the techniques and methods of teaching computer science that have been developed to date; - teach various forms of extracurricular work in computer science; - develop the creative potential of future computer science teachers, necessary for competent teaching of the course, since the course undergoes great changes every year.

Standardization of education in the field of computer science. State educational standard in computer science and IT of the first generation: purpose, structure, characteristics of the main components.

State standard general education – these are the norms and requirements that determine the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs of general education, the maximum volume of students’ workload, and the level of training of graduates educational institutions, as well as basic requirements and support for the educational process.

The state standard of general education includes three components: the federal component, the regional (national-regional) component and the educational institution component.

Federal component structured by levels of general education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education); within levels - by academic subjects.

The educational standard in computer science and ICT includes: the goals of studying the academic subject, the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, and the requirements for the level of training of graduates.

The main provisions of the standard can be formulated as follows:

1. The structure of the computer science course in the school curriculum: primary school, basic school, high school - basic or profile level. At the same time, the teaching of computer science and ICT is provided with hours of the basic curriculum at all levels of education.

2. The goals of studying computer science and information technology at all stages of education are formulated.

3. The mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs is formulated not only for the basic computer science course, but also for all other levels.

4. Requirements for the level of training are formulated for all levels of education in the form: “Know/understand”, “Be able to”, “Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.”

5. Requirements for technology and means of checking and assessing students’ achievement of the requirements of the educational standard are not presented. However, based on the implementation of the Unified State Exam, it can be assumed that test control should occupy a significant place.

Current state regulatory framework and the structure of computer science teaching. general characteristics Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation. The structure and content of computer science training in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Before moving on to the analysis of documents regulating the teaching of computer science, let us consider the state of the regulatory framework for teaching computer science, which is very complex and contradictory.

1. Documents defining the content and structure of teaching computer science continue to be in force on the territory of the Russian Federation:
Mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education in computer science;
Basic curriculum 1998 (BUP-98).

In accordance with these documents, the following structure of teaching computer science in secondary schools has developed:

propaedeutic stage(grades I–VI) provides for familiarization of schoolchildren with computers and information technologies in a manner appropriate for the given educational institution form of education;

basic course(VII–IX grades) ensures the development of basic theoretical provisions computer science, mastery of scientific foundations, methods and means of information technology;
compulsory (grades X–XI) differentiated in terms of volume and content, computer science training depends on the interests and focus of pre-professional training of schoolchildren.

Recommendations for the implementation of PUP are set out in the information letter of the Department of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On teaching a computer science course in a secondary school in 2000/2001”: “In accordance with the Basic curriculum, a computer science course is included in the invariant part of the senior level secondary schools, that is, it should be studied as an independent course in grades 10-11. It is advisable to include the study of computer science in the curriculum of the second stage of education (grades 7-9) through the hours of the variable part. A propaedeutic course in computer science (primary school and grades 5-6) can be included in the curriculum through the school component and if appropriate conditions are available (equipped computer class, teaching aids, qualified teachers, etc.).

The decision on the distribution of teaching hours for the variable part of the basic curriculum is made by the leadership of the general education institution.

The minimum mandatory amount of study hours allocated to the study of computer science is 68 study hours over two years. If appropriate conditions are available, the volume of training hours can be increased to 136 or more.”

Thus, in fact, computer science was studied through the federal component of the educational program only in grades 10-11. In other classes, computer science was studied (and is being studied) depending on the capabilities and desires of the educational institution; The number of hours per year and the duration of study are different in all schools.

In 2002, in an article by the chief specialist of the Department of Educational Programs and Standards of General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation M.S. Tsvetkova notes that at the present stage of development of computer science, it is necessary to develop a new three-level content of the subject; development of a three-level set of teaching aids; creation of workshops in computer science that implement interdisciplinary connections. Three-level computer science education can be represented as:
elementary level (II–IV grades);

main stage – introductory and basic courses (V–VI and VII–IX grades);

specialized course(X–XI grades).

This teaching structure is more consistent with the psychological and physiological characteristics of students of the corresponding age; the real structure of the school computer science course; features of the methodology of teaching computer science in different age groups.

the initial stage teaching computer science is a stage in the formation of children's algorithmic thinking, the development of their communicative abilities as a new way of educational activity. In this regard, in primary school approaches to teaching computer science are possible both with computer support and in the form of non-computer training with interdisciplinary support based on computer science tasks that have relevant subject content.

Introductory course should form in students readiness for information and educational activities, expressed in the ability and desire of students to use the means of information and communication technologies in any subject to achieve educational goals and self-development.

primary goal basic course– formation in students of knowledge that corresponds to the minimum content in the subject.

In the profile course In high school, in-depth knowledge is formed in accordance with the profile of study: humanities, physics and mathematics, technology, natural sciences, socio-economics.

Thus, the course will realize the main goal of school education: personal self-determination and achievement of success in realizing educational and professional interests throughout life.

2. Since 2001, in a number of regions of Russia, an experiment has been carried out to teach primary school and senior school students a 12-year education program, including computer science.

As noted by Academician A.A. Kuznetsov in an interview with the magazine “Informatics and Education”, “the subject of the experiment will be the conditions, mechanisms for the most effective implementation... of school modernization. The experiment is supposed to be built around three versions of the Basic Curriculum.”

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has published the corresponding regulations. They propose a new mandatory minimum of training content and new requirements for the level of training of graduates.

“The course in computer science and information technology in the humanities, philology and chemistry and biology has an “A” level, designed for 1 hour per week.
The computer science course at the physical, mathematical, technical, technological and socio-economic level has a level “B”, in which 2 hours per week are allocated for study.
Finally, using the interdisciplinary, integrative nature of the computer science discipline, it is possible to organize training in all of these profiles at an in-depth “C” level, focusing on 3 or more hours per week.

For computer science and information technology courses at levels “A” and “B”, mandatory minimums and requirements for the level of preparation of a secondary school graduate have been developed.”

First of all, it should be noted that the experimental mandatory minimum has four content lines: “Theoretical computer science”, “Hardware and software for information technology”, “Information and communication technologies” and “Social informatics”. If the first three content lines include material largely known from the “Mandatory Minimum...”, then social informatics is a new section of the school course that requires methodological development.

Accordingly, new basic curricula have been developed. However, they still contain the old problems of the computer science course:

“So, in the basic curriculum (BUP) for primary and basic educational institutions (EI), published in No. 59/2001 of the newspaper “First of September”, the following options can be found as an appendix.

Educational areas to which the subject may relate:

– mathematics, computer science(BUP initial OS, option 1);

– man and the world around him(BUP of initial op-amps, option 2);

- Informatics(BUP main OS, options 1,2);

- technology(BUP main OS, option 3).

Educational components, i.e. actually the names of the academic discipline:

- Informatics(BUP main OS, option 2);

– computer science and information technology(BUP initial op-amps, option 1, BUP

main op-amps, options 1, 2);

- information Technology(BUP of initial OS, options 2 and 3, BUP of main OS, option 3).

True, in the sample curricula proposed in the same document, the authors came to uniformity, reducing the subject to information technology.”

It remains only to note that the 1st and 2nd versions of the PBU were built according to the traditional principle. The third option contains not only the invariant part, but also special courses, modules, projects, etc., for which only a number of hours are allocated without defining the content. Thus, the experiment does not fully solve the problems of the computer science course mentioned above.

In accordance with the regulatory documents for the experiment, the study of computer science begins in the 2nd grade:

“Computer science has been introduced in primary schools since 2002/2003 school year as a separate subject that has its own study methodology, has its own structure and content, inextricably linked with the minimum content of the subject “Computer Science and Information Technologies” of the basic school. It is recommended that primary school teachers teach computer science in grades II–IV.

Goals of teaching computer science in primary school: formation of initial ideas about the properties of information, ways of working with it, in particular using a computer.

Objectives of teaching computer science in primary school:

To acquaint schoolchildren with the basic properties of information, teach them techniques for organizing information and planning activities, in particular educational ones, when solving assigned problems;

To give schoolchildren an initial understanding of computers and modern information and communication technologies;

To give schoolchildren an idea of ​​the modern information society, information security individuals and states. The content lines of teaching computer science in primary school correspond to the content lines of studying the subject in primary school, but are implemented at the propaedeutic level.”

In fact, in the documents on the experiment, on the one hand, due to the lack of a standard, a mandatory minimum of 1999 is being developed; on the other hand, new ideas were laid down, which were subsequently embodied in the 2004 standard.

3. In many regions of Russia in the late 1990s - early 2000s. Regional standards in computer science have been adopted.

At the same time, in different regions the standard was developed on the basis of the mandatory minimum of 1995-99, on the basis of draft federal standards of 1997 and 2002, and independent standards were developed in a number of regions.

The presence of so many different content, methodological and conceptual approaches to teaching computer science has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the methodological system for teaching computer science and has influenced the formation of the regulatory framework for teaching computer science.

In 2002, a draft of a new standard was published, extensive discussion of which lasted almost two years. 4. In March 2004, the Russian Ministry of Education approved new standards in computer science, and their phased introduction in educational institutions of the Russian Federation is planned:

As educational institutions are ready and by decision of the founder - with

For pre-professional education in grades IX - from 2005/2006,

In grades I, V and X - since 2006/2007.

Since 2004, the federal component has become the basis for the system of retraining and advanced training of teaching staff, the activities of the Federal expert council, groups for the preparation of the Unified State Exam, authors of work curricula and textbooks.

The phased introduction of the standard will be completed in 2010.

Thus, currently in the Russian Federation there are various regulatory documents at the regional and federal levels - standards, PBUs and curricula, which, in the context of the existence of a federal standard, may be massively revised. It is possible that the provisions of the standard itself and the new BUP will also be further developed, in particular, due to the fact that the BUP is designed for 11 years, not 12 years of schooling.