Mosaic made of wood. Wooden mosaic in the interior: types, installation features Making wooden mosaics with your own hands

Wood mosaic is a unique finishing material with which you can make the interior much more comfortable and beautiful. Wooden mosaic is used to decorate the most different surfaces. Despite its apparent simplicity, this material looks very impressive, as our selection of photographs will help you to see.

A wall covered with wooden mosaics adds volume to the design and serves as the main accent detail.

Often this material is used when decorating individual wall fragments, which allows you to place the right accents.

In the bedroom, a covering made of natural material will be very appropriate. The headboard of the bed, highlighted with mosaics, becomes an interior decoration.

Despite the hygroscopic nature of wood, mosaics made from it can be used in decoration kitchen apron, of course, only with high-quality varnish coating.

Another good example use wooden mosaic in the bedroom, but already decorated in light colors.

Using a wooden mosaic, you can highlight the fireplace in the living room. In this case, the wood must be impregnated with fire-resistant compounds.

Mosaic on the floor always looks very impressive. tree and high humidity They don't match well in the bathroom, but the problem can easily be fixed with varnish.

Upon registration wooden stairs mosaic from the same natural material will be a harmonious addition.

When decorating a ceiling, wood mosaics are rarely used, but the result of a professional’s work looks interesting.

With the help of wooden mosaics you can create incredibly impressive decorations. stair steps, turning them into a work of art.

In this spacious bathroom, a harmonious picture is created with the help of mosaics that are repeated on the floor and walls.

Even small mosaic inserts will make the design much more interesting and original.

Floors covered with wooden mosaics look great in interiors of many styles, including modern ones.

When arranging a bedroom, wooden mosaic tiles can be used not only to highlight the head of the bed.

A kitchen counter lined with wooden mosaic looks very stylish.

A bathroom countertop covered with mosaics will add a special warmth to the light-colored interior.


Welcome to our new website. We apologize in advance for the rather light style and all sorts of errors. We do not claim to be the ultimate truth. We just want to give you advice on choosing a solid board and not “overwhelm” you with information like “We invite you to cooperate...”, “We have the widest selection...”, “We have the lowest prices...”, “ Our oak is the most oak of all oaks, there are no oaks..." Let's just write about the TREE, his majesty the TREE. It depends? choose How? care. Choosing a solid board is not very difficult, but it has some subtleties. Read and don't repeat the mistakes of others.

When? is it better to contact us to purchase a solid board? There are already competent people who apply six months before they need it for installation. And they are right! There is only one piece of advice here: the minimum is a month, 2-3 is better, and ideally 3-6 months. Why so long? It’s just that in this case you can get what you like, and not what is available or expected in the near future. You may, of course, think: “Well, guys, you’ve lost your mind. There are so many sellers. If you don’t have a specific manufacturer of the required type of wood, I’ll buy from others.” Most of the time you are wrong. There are many sellers, but there are not so many actual warehouses of representative offices of one manufacturer or another, and if the product is in the representative office or is expected in the near future, everyone has it in Moscow or is expected, and if not, it will be useless to look for it. An additional problem is that the raw materials for making parquet are LIMITED. There are wood species that come to Russia more or less regularly and can be quickly found from more than one manufacturer, but there are species that arrive once every six months or were even imported once, and when the next delivery will be is absolutely unknown.

How? choose a solid board? Most complex issue, because the taste and color, as well as the “thickness” of the wallet of the comrades (gentlemen), are not there. But we can give some recommendations. MAIN! If you want a floor covering that is uniform in color, then natural wood is NOT YOUR CHOICE. Remember that there are wood species that are more uniform in color, and there are also completely “variegated” ones, but in any case, your floor will be “living” and it is impossible to demand uniformity in color from the wood. Moreover, the color heterogeneity of wood in a solid board is even more noticeable than in block parquet, since its standard size is larger and two boards from the same package can differ radically. You may ask: “What about others?” And for others it’s the same. If you don’t believe me, then go to the Hermitage, look at the wooden floors or look at the floors in the Moscow Kremlin (you won’t be allowed anywhere, but you can see it in official reports). There is no trace of homogeneity there. And the best of the best was supplied there.
How? “fight” this? Sorting by color on site. There are several options here. The first (the most “costly”): buy a massive board with an additional supply, and simply throw away those boards that don’t suit you in color at all. Second: select boards that are more or less similar in color and put them in different rooms. Third: put boards that don’t suit you at all in color where no one will see them. Floors - last work When renovating, people, as a rule, already “imagine” the arrangement of furniture. What difference does it make what color the floor will be under the closet or under the bed? Even tinted solid boards do not have uniform color. It should also be remembered that most exotic tree species darken over time and the initial “variegation” of the floor will disappear over time after installation. We would just like to note that everything written above about the uniformity of wood color does NOT apply to all types of wood, but to the majority.
When choosing a solid board, many people pay attention to the “hardness” of the wood (according to Brinell, Janka, etc.), but, in our opinion, this does not matter for you, the consumer important role. There is only one explanation: if, under the same point load, let’s say the oak is pressed down by 2 mm, and the merbau roughly by 1 mm, then this will not make you cold or hot, since both are noticeable. Therefore, it is better to simply avoid these point loads. No matter how “hard” the wood is, you will scratch the varnish in any case. Read below for recommendations for using wooden floors.
The general trend, at least for us, is to buy solid boards already coated with oil or varnish at the factory. The thing is quite understandable. At the factory, the varnish is applied with mandatory UV curing; this cannot be repeated at home; moreover, “dirty” work and smell are eliminated, and installation time is significantly reduced. The same applies to oil coating. But here it is necessary to remember that varnished or oiled solid boards most often come with a chamfer and if you don’t like these “bricks”, then it is better to buy a solid board without coating, sand it, “remove” the chamfer and apply varnish or oil at home . It should be remembered that there are rare species of trees that are always supplied without coating. So why refuse them now if you like them? Of course not! Nowadays there are a lot of high-quality oils and varnishes, and applying them at home is not a big problem.
Lacquered solid boards can be divided into tinted and untinted. What's better? Decide for yourself: the “plus” of a tinted solid board is greater uniformity in color, which is precisely what is achieved by tinting, but remember that if you choose a tinted solid board, you must realize that this coating will last for 10-15 years. Why? After 10-20 years, the varnish will wear off, which means that the solid board will need to be sanded and a new application of varnish will be necessary. So, if you sand a tinted solid board, then the color that you had will no longer be there, since it is not tinted to the full depth of the wood.
A solid board without tinting, with periodic sanding and application of varnish or oil, will serve you for 50 years, or maybe even 100 in the same color scheme. Here it is really necessary to remember that many types of wood darken over time and after sanding the floor will be lighter, but then it will gradually “gain” the color that is familiar to you.
What else should I add? Absolutely avoid solid beech boards and be very careful with the kempas. Don’t ask sellers questions like “I want a solid board a little darker (redder, burgundy, etc.) than you offered me.” They won't help you. All people are different, thank God, and everyone has their own color vision (color vision or color perception - we think you understand). Trust our experience - this is really true.

Yes, do not forget that when laying solid boards, two-component glue is used, and it is quite expensive and you need to realize this in advance. We won't talk about installation technology. This does not apply to selection and operation. A good “parquet floorer” already knows this. But you need to choose a good “parquet floorer” who has experience and in no case save on the cost of installation. You will laugh, but it is not uncommon for installers to “forget” to add a second component to a two-component varnish or glue, cover everything with one component, and apparently consider the second as a bonus “sample”, like in perfume. And who will pay for the damaged floor?

What makes you happy? Finally, the “people with coins” are gone. Sellers who started back in the 90s remember them well. This is a cohort of people who walked around retail outlets and scratched varnished parquet floors, parquet board and even laminate! metal coin. Honestly, this is still a mystery to us, but what did they ultimately want to find out for themselves? There is a deep suspicion that this was some kind of sect that either dissolved itself or went deep underground. If anyone else comes across them, write, we will definitely put them in the Red Book.

What is NOT happy? There are also GORE-designers and GORE-architects. This does not apply to the majority of people in these wonderful professions, but there are such... Such a designer-architect will run through retail outlets, look at samples and tell his customers that we will accept merbau under varnish, take only such and such a manufacturer’s company, because only This is the manufacturer's merbau color that he has already “drawn” in his head and it suits you best. And he “didn’t think about” the fact that at another outlet and in the box there would be a different color.

Who should you be wary of? Sellers who DO NOT tell you about wood color variations. They either don’t know this (sometimes, maybe they just started working), or they don’t say it consciously, which is much worse. You should be warned in advance about the possible color variation of a particular type of wood and be prepared for this. And don’t ooh and ahh when the floor has already been laid for you, and, to put it mildly, it’s not the same at all. You should also be wary of sellers who DO NOT warn you that the solid board you have chosen is tinted. There have been cases when the floor was seriously damaged (careless removal of furniture and a thousand and one other reasons). People decide to re-sand the floor, reapply the varnish, re-sand... But the floor turns out to be a completely different color. You might think that arguing and suing the seller or simply “running into” is the way out of this situation, but this is not so. You will waste time, and most importantly, nerves. And do you need this headache?

Want to? so that the massive board lasts longer and you don’t have headaches with it for the next 20 years? It's just very simple. Avoid abrasives (sand, etc., it even wears away granite in the subway), walk on parquet in slippers or barefoot (from natural wood there is amazing energy, it’s not dead, it’s alive). Avoid heavy point loads: it is recommended to “forget” about women’s heels, on furniture, chairs, etc. make heels (rubber, felt, it doesn’t matter). Remember that natural wood is afraid of excess moisture, you cannot fill it with water, for most species, but most importantly, natural wood is afraid of lack of moisture, so winter period We definitely recommend purchasing a steam humidifier. The recommended air humidity for wood and ideal for humans is 40%-60%. In winter, there is usually no such humidity in the room: the windows are closed, the radiators are running - the air is dry. If you follow all these simple rules, over the next 10-20 years your massive board you won't have to do anything. Terrace board If it comes uncoated, be sure to coat it with protective oil. Rot, it will not rot (made from resistant to natural environment species of wood), but may lose its “sales appearance”.

We seem to have answered the main questions, but you can’t cover everything at once, so write, call - we will try to help you. Treat yourself to a beautiful wooden floor today, don’t put it off until later.

And according to tradition: GOOD LUCK IN CHOOSING YOUR FLOORING!

But remember that the choice flooring this is not the main thing in life, but the main thing is simple human happiness, which includes a lot of positive thingsAnd interesting and good that all this often does not depend on the amount of money...

Wood is one of the first materials that man began to use for building and decorating a house. Thousands of years have passed since then, but the love for the warmth of the cut and natural shades of wood has not disappeared anywhere. Moreover, in last years designers are actively looking for new options for using their favorite material. And the design of wooden mosaic tiles is one of such bright and bold experiments.

3 reasons to buy wood mosaic

Wood-like mosaics have long since surprised anyone! But the point is to buy mosaic tiles for a bathroom made of natural wood, any sane person will doubt. And not in vain! Even when using the most modern water-repellent impregnation, wood will never be comparable in its ability to resist moisture and fungi with glass and ceramics.

This material has completely different advantages:

  • environmental friendliness. While the safety of stone and ceramic raw materials depends directly on where they are mined, wood never carries a hidden threat;
  • non-slip surface, which is especially important for floor slabs;
  • original appearance. Thus, wooden mosaic, the price of which in our online store pleasantly surprises with its affordability, is almost irreplaceable in loft and country style interiors.

With the right approach, wooden mosaic tiles can even be used in the bathroom: this is the option that is often offered to buyers in photos in catalogues. But it’s better to install it in spacious bathrooms with thoughtful ventilation system, and on those walls where water hardly gets in. The wood holds temperature excellently, does not deform, and when minimal care serves for many years.

Where to use wood mosaic

A practical option for using wooden mosaic tiles on the floor is zoning the space, for example, creating a relaxation area in the room: in front of the fireplace or simply in the center of the room. Warm wood Those who like to walk barefoot will also like it - we can recommend posting it natural material area in front of the sofa or under dining table in the living room.

Stylish wooden tiles for the bathroom, natural mosaic tiles for kitchens and living rooms can be selected from a photo from the catalog, focusing on the advice of designers and your own taste. Optimal ratio prices and quality are offered by the Chinese factories Opera Decor and Natural. Well, for those who are ready to spare no expense when creating the design of a living room, kitchen or bathroom, we can recommend the luxurious mosaic tiles of the Spanish brand L "Antic Colonial.

Wooden mosaic is a unique interior decoration that has been used for a very long time. In past centuries, the palaces of royal families and wealthy nobility were decorated with it. It looked respectable and gave special status to the owner of the home. And today mosaics can decorate any interior, the main thing is to approach it wisely.

What is mosaic and where is it used?

Wooden mosaic tiles are a luxurious decoration for walls or floors. It consists of plates of any size, cut from quality wood(most often valuable varieties are used).

The plates are attached to a durable mesh base, which is made of plastic. Most often, mosaic elements have square shape, but there are also rectangular and curved parts. This material is used for finishing residential premises, as well as in offices, restaurants, saunas and others. in public places. Decorating a room with mosaics will give it visual warmth and a sophisticated appearance. With its help, you can highlight any object in the interior or a separate zone.

The benefits of fine finishing

Wooden material for interior decoration has a number of undeniable advantages. Which ones?

  1. Wood is an environmentally friendly and harmless material.
  2. Ease of use in rooms with uneven walls.
  3. Service life at correct use the material is very large. It resists changes in humidity and mechanical stress well.
  4. The versatility of the material - it can be combined with many interior styles and modern materials. Mosaics look great with glass, ceramics, and metal.
  5. Uniqueness - since high-quality mosaics are made by hand, its design will be unique.
  6. Excellent sound and heat insulation qualities.
  7. Possibility of repair - if cracks or scratches appear on the floor or walls during use, they can be easily hidden.

Types of wooden mosaics

There are two main styles of wood mosaics: marquetry and intarsia. Their difference lies in production technology.

Intarsia is the most labor-intensive and difficult finishing material to manufacture. Slabs of wood of different shades are cut into wooden surface. This creates a unique figure image. Researchers believe that intarsia began to be used back in Ancient Egypt, however, it reached its peak in Italy. The Renaissance is famous for its utensils and church accessories decorated using the intarsia technique.

Marquetry is considered a simplified version of intarsia. In this case, the mosaic composition is made from pieces of veneer. The pieces are assembled along the edges like a puzzle and glued to the base.

What types of wood are most often used to make wooden mosaics? Pine and linden, beloved by many people, are not applicable to manufacturing techniques of this material. Here, harder types of wood are required, namely oak, ash, cedar. Sometimes alder is used, but much less frequently.

There is also a more affordable option - a finishing material made from shavings. It is mixed with cement, then the mass is given required thickness and density.

Technology for the production of unique material

Products using the complex intarsia technique are created with more labor and time than marquetry. To begin, select the desired pattern and create a sketch. The sketch is divided into separate parts. Afterwards, these elements are cut from various types of wood, differing in texture and shade. The base is solid wood, in which recesses are cut out for the details of the design. Reverse side These parts are left rough for better adhesion to the base, but the front part is polished for a long time and thoroughly, giving an aristocratic shine. If pieces of the design protrude above the base, then you have relief intarsia. When the edges of the design and the base coincide, we are talking about pictorial intarsia.

The technology for making marquetry is much simpler.

The desired pattern is drawn on thick paper, then parts are cut out from the veneer and treated with a special solution. Afterwards, a veneer design is pasted onto the paper, turned over and pasted onto the item to be decorated (or onto the base mesh).

Laying wooden mosaics

Most often, the material in the store can be found in the form of sections of 30 x 30 cm. This type of mosaic greatly simplifies its installation.

The means used when installing the material are very important. Do not use ordinary glue! Installation and finishing compounds. Before starting work, clean and degrease the work surface.

If you are gluing the material onto plywood, make sure that the seams are joined diagonally. In this case, even with thermal deformation, there will be no divergence of the seams.

Wooden mosaic tiles for walls also require special grouting. Do not use regular grout as they contain water and have low elasticity. Over time, such material will begin to crack. Buy special epoxy grout.

Wood mosaic floor tiles are most often made from teak and placed on a cork backing. The seams in such a floor should be filled with silicone glue and sanded several times.

Wood mosaic in 3D technology

A modern apartment often presents interesting design projects. How to create an emphasis on individual areas of the room? An expressive material can help - wooden mosaic for walls in 3D technology. A three-dimensional surface can be created using different techniques: processing parts with different coloring compounds, firing individual parts or painting them with dull paints. Inserts from other materials will also help.

Currently, artificially aged volumetric mosaics are gaining popularity. It may have traces of woodworms, nails, scratches, marks old paint and so on. These tiles are actively used to create atmospheric interiors that imitate old wooden walls.

Wooden mosaic in the interior is a harmonious combination of style and taste, history and modernity. Wood is one of the most popular materials in the decoration of houses and apartments to this day. Its only drawback is the high price, but it pays off for a long time mosaic services.

But our craftsmen, after looking at the samples, decided that it was quite possible to do this on their own.

It is based on ordinary wood: you can take solid wood, you can use shavings. Shape - whatever you like. Usually these are squares or hexagons, octahedrons.

The output product is wooden mosaic.

Color– from light to dark brown.

Effect– stunning, despite the simplicity of the idea.

What is wall wood mosaic tile?

If you are tired of wallpaper, panels and all kinds of tiles, then this type of decoration will definitely interest you.

Firstly, because wooden mosaics for walls are just beginning to gain their space in the market and look unusual and impressive.

Secondly, because it is an environmentally friendly product, with which it is safe and comfortable to live in close proximity.

Wood mosaic elements are made in the form of plates various sizes: from 10X10 mm to 86X86 mm.

The photo shows how beautiful wooden mosaic can be.

The material for mosaics is solid wood of various species (from exotic trees including), and production waste - shavings, which are mixed with water and cement and given the desired shape, thickness and density.

As for color, it depends on the type of wood. Light wooden mosaic elements can be obtained from ash, darker will be oak, and even darker will be ash that has undergone heat treatment (thermal ash).

And here is a video on how to lay wooden mosaic tiles for walls with your own hands.

Chips are cheaper

The logic of every person who knows how to correctly calculate the cost of building materials suggests that a mosaic made from shavings is much cheaper than one cut from a board.

And this is the case when a cheap finishing material is not inferior to an expensive one in terms of safety, beauty and originality.

The color scheme of cement-bonded mosaic elements is gray-yellow-orange. It folds perfectly into the pattern and is attached to the surface simply - with glue. It looks unusual. It has naturalness both in form and content.

Besides the low cost has a whole list of invaluable qualities:

  • durable;
  • moisture resistant;
  • difficult to ignite;
  • soundproof;
  • not picky about care.

Do-it-yourself mosaic. Marquetry technique

Everything that is environmentally friendly and extraordinarily beautiful was created long before us. Remember the palace parquet floors, which are forbidden to even step on in museums: floral and geometric patterns, warm brown tones from light to dark, sophistication of design. They are years old and have no memory, and they have not yet undergone restoration. Almost.

These parquet floors are the prototype of what we now call wooden mosaic for walls.

Technique for creating a complete image from small ones wooden elements called marquetry. It is very ancient, born in Egypt, during the era of the reign of the pharaohs and the construction of the pyramids. In Europe it was used to decorate furniture and musical instruments.

Gluing wooden plates was a very painstaking task, so only very noble and rich people could afford household items decorated with wooden mosaics.

Nowadays, thanks to modern technologies, objects decorated with “wooden pictures” became more accessible, entered the interior more widely, became more practical, but did not lose their uniqueness.

In order to join this art, and at the same time decorate the walls of your home at an affordable price, you need to learn how to cut even geometric figures from veneer.

Rectilinear patterns (square, diamond, rectangle) are cut out without markings, pressing the veneer with a metal ruler and holding the knife in your hand like a pencil. It is necessary to ensure that the corners do not break off and to master the quick, clear and clean skill of cutting out shapes.

Curvilinear complex patterns (curls, vignettes) must be cut out according to a drawing or using a template.

Attach the elements to the surface using glue, preferably waterproof.

"Wood mosaic"

Tree- such a popular material that tiles are made from stone, fiberboard and even plastic.

But no matter how hard the manufacturer tries to give stone or plastic the structure and color of real wood, it is always, frankly speaking, not very successful. Such a product only from a distance seems like wood and cannot possibly have the qualities of a real material: lightness and warmth. A priori, it cannot give the room the necessary comfort.

You can, of course, use any of finishing materials, but the same true wooden mosaic for the walls will add true beauty and originality to the interior of your home.

Wood in the interior has long positioned itself as a modern, stylish and safe material.