Is it possible to eat boiled eggs on a diet: nutrition for weight loss. The benefits of egg yolk - breaking another myth about its dangers Why you can’t eat yolk when losing weight

Eggs contain a lot of energy, essential substances, vitamins and minerals that our body requires. Eggs are eaten in any form: fried, baked, boiled or raw. They can be eaten both as a separate dish and as part of other dishes. These are salads, pastries, cocktails.

Until now, not everyone knows why you can’t eat a lot of eggs and why it is harmful. After all, they contain a lot of useful substances that are found in the yolk, white, and shell.

The egg is a rather controversial product. Eggs contain all the nutrients the body needs to function. The protein itself contains a sufficient amount of amino acids that the body requires for good functioning. Egg fats contain Almost all known vitamins can be found in this product. But excessive consumption of eggs, especially raw eggs, can cause damage to the body due to dangerous compounds that disrupt metabolic processes. This is one of the reasons why you should not eat many eggs a day.

White, yolk and shell

Eggshells are made up of magnesium, phosphates and other chemicals. The structure of the shell consists of a supra-shell shell, which protects the egg from drying out, a supra-albuginous and sub-shell shell. At its blunt end there is a gas chamber. It is with the help of it that the process of respiration of the embryo occurs. The color of the shell depends on the bird's diet, the season when the egg was laid, and many other features.

If the purpose of the shell is to protect the embryo from the external environment, then the yolk and white, in turn, are additional food for the embryo. The most valuable and nutritious part of an egg is the yolk. It acts as the main type of food. The yolk takes up almost a third of the entire egg. It consists of an embryo, a yolk sphere (dark and light yolk) and a yolk membrane. Almost half of this part of the egg consists of water, the remaining components are fats, cholesterol and proteins. The energy value of the yolk is approximately 60-80 kcal. This is three times the value of protein.

Water makes up 85-90% The remaining components are various proteins, carbohydrates, fats, glucose, B vitamins, etc.

What kind of eggs is it common to eat?

This information applies to chicken eggs. The chemical composition is subject to change and is dependent on other factors.

The most commonly used meats are chicken, duck, goose, and quail. There are also ostriches and wild birds on sale. Aesthetes even eat reptile eggs, such as turtles. However, the question of why you can’t eat a lot of eggs is relevant for all types.

What are the dangers of eggs?

Although eggs contain a rich composition of nutrients, their consumption as food should be limited. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming more than three pieces in one week. This is due to the high cholesterol content in eggs.

If the metabolic process in the body functions normally, then cholesterol itself is produced in small quantities. If the amount of cholesterol is increased, this can cause diseases that are associated with its excessive levels in the blood. For example, atherosclerosis, heart disease and other heart diseases. Scientists have established a very high cholesterol content in the product in question, which is the reason why you should not eat a lot of eggs. Even fast food is less harmful according to these characteristics. For example, cardiologists strongly discourage consuming more than 200 mg of cholesterol per day. The content of this substance in one egg can reach up to 275 mg.

The opinion of nutritionists is that eating eggs is unacceptable under any diet. Speaking about why men should not eat a lot of eggs, it is worth noting that it is the stronger sex who are more prone to cardiovascular diseases due to excess cholesterol.

Eggs are an allergenic product, especially for young children. For this reason, limiting their amount in the diet is required.

What diseases can be caused?

Based on recent research, frequent consumption of eggs is directly linked to the development of type 2 diabetes. Excessive consumption of eggs can increase the level of This can cause disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas. This circumstance is also the reason why you should not eat a lot of boiled eggs.

When using eggs in your diet, you should not forget that they can cause salmonellosis. To eliminate the possibility of infection with this dangerous disease, certain rules must be observed during the storage, preparation and consumption of this product.

Precautionary measures

You need to wash your eggs very carefully before eating. To do this, use vinegar or soap. Cooking should be no less than 10 minutes. But we should not forget that long heat treatment will reduce the content of nutrients in the egg.

Eggs should not be eaten raw. But even if there is such a need, you should use the freshest possible product. Eggs with damaged shells should not be used.

Now it has become clear to everyone why you shouldn’t eat a lot of eggs. But such a warning is not a reason to abandon them completely. Do not forget that eggs contain a high content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, E, D and group B), calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, amino acids, cholesterol and antioxidants necessary for the functioning of the body. Daily consumption of this product is only permissible for healthy people, but it is also very undesirable. On the advice of nutritionists, it is permissible to eat eggs only twice a week, and if possible, avoid the yolk.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


The answer to the question of whether eggs are really effective in losing weight is positive, but it is important to know how and in what form to consume them - raw, boiled, or the white and yolk separately. Each option has specific recommendations, following which you can achieve a beautiful slim figure. The reason for introducing such a product into the diet is its low calorie content and a large amount of protein in the composition. In addition, it contains vitamins, nutrients and beneficial microelements. If you are also interested in whether you can lose weight on eggs, read the information below.

Is it possible to eat eggs while losing weight?

Disputes about bad cholesterol in eggs and its harm to health still continue, but even so, this product is recommended for those losing weight and even for obesity. All because of the low calorie content - only about 70 kcal in one piece. The protein in their composition has no analogues in nature, which is why it is so necessary for the body. For this reason, you even need to eat eggs when losing weight, but in the right quantities. Due to the yolk containing about 4 g of fat, it is allowed to be consumed no more than once a week. You can eat protein more often, because it is the basis of muscles.


The ideal option for losing weight on eggs is to eat them boiled. In this case, there is no risk of contracting salmonellosis. Even just by eating one egg or an omelet instead of sausage sandwiches in the morning, you will already bring more benefits to your body. By using this breakfast regularly, you will begin to lose weight. Is it possible to eat boiled eggs on a diet? They are allowed to be consumed even in the evening, but only one piece and not daily. The best option is to eat boiled eggs for weight loss not whole, but leave only the white for dinner, adding greens to it. A couple more tips for your last meal:

  1. Boiled eggs at night for weight loss can be eaten no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. If you expect to go to bed in another 4-5 hours, you will have to make a second dinner of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of kefir or 1-3 boiled proteins.


Athletes often consume raw eggs. They prepare protein shakes that they drink on an empty stomach. This is where the fashion came from using raw eggs for weight loss, although this is not at all necessary. The body spends the same amount of energy processing raw and cooked food. They also do not differ in calorie content. In addition, boiled protein is completely absorbed, while raw protein is only 70% digestible. If you still decide to use the latter option, then buy quail or chicken eggs, but not duck eggs.


Boiled eggs can quickly get boring, and almost everyone likes them much better fried. In this case, it is important to prepare the dish correctly so that it does not turn out to be too high in calories. For scrambled eggs, use a non-stick frying pan. This way you can cook without oil, just a drop of olive won’t hurt. For taste, you can add garlic, shrimp, sea salt, mushrooms or cheese. Scrambled eggs in butter are permissible no more than once every 7-10 days.

How to lose weight on eggs

There are many options for protein diets, the main permitted product of which is eggs. Such nutrition systems limit the consumption of carbohydrates. It turns out that the diet contains a lot of proteins, which is why the body begins to convert its own fat reserves into energy. In addition, you can eat not only chicken. Quails have earned good reviews due to their hypoallergenicity. Duck eggs on a diet, on the contrary, are poorly absorbed by the body.

Egg diet

Options for egg diets can be listed for a long time, but the kefir mono-diet is considered one of the most effective. It is very simple, easy to carry and gives good results. In a week you can lose up to 5-7 extra pounds. The main condition is to eat 2 eggs for breakfast every day, and drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir per day. It is necessary to add other products to them depending on the day of the diet:

  • first - 4 boiled potatoes;
  • second – 150-200 g chicken breast;
  • third - up to 150-200 g of lean beef;
  • fourth – 150-200 g of lean fish;
  • fifth – up to 1 kg of apples or vegetable salads;
  • sixth and seventh - only kefir, water and 2 eggs.

Another effective diet option is based on the effective combination of eggs and citrus fruits. According to some reviews, you can lose up to 9 kg in one week in the process. Diet for each day of the diet in the table:

Day of the week


2 boiled eggs +


Boiled chicken (150 g)

200 g chicken, a glass of low-fat kefir

A glass of freshly squeezed juice

150 g chicken

orange, glass of milk

Green tea

Boiled meat portion, grapefruit

Boiled chicken

About 200 g chicken with vegetable salad

Orange (2 pcs.)

Boiled carrot salad

Glass of citrus juice

200 g stewed fish

Orange, 150 g cottage cheese

Orange (2 pcs.)

Still mineral water



200 g meat, grapefruit

Losing weight with yolk

Although protein is used more often when losing weight, the yolk is considered no less effective in this area. For this reason, the yolk diet is very popular today. It helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to cleanse the body. The unique chemical composition of the yolk with a complete absence of carbohydrates ensures normalization of digestion and prevents the deposition of fats. But the yolk diet also has a number of contraindications:

  • due to the content of bad cholesterol, it is not suitable for atherosclerosis;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • cardiovascular pathologies and urolithiasis.

Eggs are an essential ingredient in an athlete’s diet. But not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of the product. It is accepted that you can eat no more than 1 egg per day, but few people know what provoked this rule. Let's figure out together how yolk affects the body and how dangerous it is.

Many people think that you can’t eat yolk when losing weight. This part of the eggs is prepared in different ways. Ovary and omelette are the simplest methods. Dietetics and doctors were against yolk in the diet. However, 21st century research has helped uncover new nuances and health benefits.

Yolk is a saturated fat. Previously, doctors claimed that this element contributes to the development of problems with the heart and blood vessels. Modern research has shown that saturated fat comes in several forms.

Eggs contain a lot of cholesterol. This component is a must for athletes who work out in the gym.

It precedes, from which muscles grow and the metabolic process occurs faster.

Egg structure

Eggs consist of two components - white and yolk. But these elements also contain many nutrients that are necessary for an athletic body. The first component is water, protein, selenium and potassium in small proportions.

To understand how useful these components are, you need to understand that the yolk is not only fat and a lot of calories. It also contains:

  • Choline. Responsible for the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and participates in lipid metabolism.
  • Vitamin D. Supports muscle tone.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins. The composition includes components of groups A, E, K. They improve the consumption of other substances.

To increase muscle mass, it is the yolks that are recommended. Whole eggs are loaded with leucine, amino acids and bulking calories. If we talk about, then there is no definite answer. Since the body cannot function normally without fat, a person needs the daily norm of components. You can eat eggs without fear, since during physical activity all unnecessary elements are burned.

Advantages and disadvantages of eggs

It is impossible to force a person to eat certain foods, even if they have a good effect on the body. Athletes determine their own diet. To make it as useful and effective as possible, you need to evaluate the benefits and harms of the yolk.

Eggs for humans have the following advantages:

  • Pure protein.
  • Contains 2/3 of the daily fat requirement.
  • Contains phospholipids. They are included in nerve fibers. Improves liver condition, normalizes sugar levels and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Availability of vitamins.
  • Daily cholesterol value.
  • Dietary product.

Some of the listed advantages can also become disadvantages if you do not adhere to proper nutrition and standards. People are often scared by the high cholesterol content in the yolk. Eggs contain several times more of this component than chicken meat, cheeses, and sausages. They will be dangerous only if you eat more than 1-2 eggs, as nutritionists require.

In order to lose excess weight, you need to strictly monitor your diet and the form in which your meals are served. Eggs are small ingredients, but they fill you up well. Therefore, experts give athletes some advice:

  • Eat eggs for breakfast or in the morning.
  • There is no need to fry them, as cooking in oil only increases the calorie content. It is better to use a non-stick frying pan and not use fat.
  • At night you should eat only the white; the yolk is not recommended.
  • You can add poached eggs to your diet.
  • Use no more than 2 pieces per day.
  • Duck eggs are harder to digest.

Meal options

Egg yolks can be eaten raw. Based on them, protein shakes are prepared or drunk on an empty stomach. The calorie content of raw and boiled products is the same. However, the body spends more energy on its processing, which is why you can lose weight.

People eat eggs:

  • from chicken;
  • quail;
  • ducks

Nutritionists claim that the benefits of quail yolk and white are colossal. Their eggs are hypoallergenic, rich in amino acids, vitamins and proteins. You can eat 3-4 pieces a day. The body is most accustomed to chicken and is absorbed in the general order.

Yolk diet

There are special yolk diets that have a positive effect on the entire body. They contribute to:

  • Improved brain functioning.
  • Accelerated metabolism.
  • Divergence of fat deposits.
  • Increasing immune strength.
  • Stabilization of well-being.
  • Proper dissolution of fats.

If a person has jaundice, then such a diet is prohibited. Can people with heart and vascular problems eat yolk? Definitely not. This diet is based on a high content of eggs, which means that cholesterol will increase, which is contraindicated for heart patients. Also prohibited are people with atherosclerosis and urolithiasis.

As part of this diet, you can cook an omelette in a steam bath. If you decide to cook, then the process should not be less than 5-7 minutes. During this time, all infections are removed.

The diet is not based on eggs alone. Along with them, you can consume fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, poultry and fish, coffee and tea with a minimum of sugar. At the same time, it is forbidden to eat sweets, flour, pasta, bread, canned food, sausages, semi-finished products, salt and sauces.

Since the yolk is fat, do not forget about physical activity. In combination with a diet, you will be able to lose extra pounds and get an ideal figure. It is recommended to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. This could be aerobics, dancing, running, swimming or cycling. Not only will the weight go away, but the muscles will also become more prominent.

  • Periodically replace chicken eggs with quail eggs.
  • You need to stick to this diet for no more than a week. You can take a break and start again. Don't exhaust your body.
  • You need to “go out” slowly so as not to gain weight again.
  • Regular meals are important. If you miss it, it will be stressful for the body and metabolism will be disrupted.

If you want to feel the benefits of egg yolk, you can first do fasting days. It is recommended to combine eggs with kefir, cottage cheese and cheese. At the same time, drink at least 2 liters of water.

A frequent question that nutritionists are asked is whether it is possible to eat boiled eggs on a diet, has a clear answer - yes, and to achieve good results and safe weight loss, it is important to use the correct amount of boiled eggs, combine it with grapefruits, cottage cheese or vegetables. There are many diets based on chicken yolks and whites that give real results and help you get rid of extra pounds.

The benefits of eggs for weight loss

To answer the question of whether it is possible to eat boiled eggs on a diet, you should understand the composition of this product. Protein, which is easily digestible and dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time, brings undoubted benefits to the body during weight loss. Egg white is a source of proteins, without which it is impossible to form a beautiful body. With a balanced diet, weight begins to decrease and fat folds disappear. If the body has enough building material (proteins), then muscle tissue will begin to grow in place of fat.

Vitamins and microelements

The unique vitamin and mineral composition is another reason to use an amazing product of animal origin in the diet. Proteins and yolks contain 12 vitamins, 95 minerals and amino acids that ensure normal functioning of the body. Boiled eggs during a diet will provide cells with niacin to nourish the brain, choline to improve memory, monosaturated fats for proper heart function and other beneficial substances.

Calorie content

Caloric content of a product varies depending on its size and type. Calculated per 100 grams, the calorie content will be 159 kilocalories. The numbers differ for white and yolk. The white part contains no more than 50 kcal per 100 g, and the yellow part – up to 360. The nutritional value is high. For one soft-boiled egg, this figure is 70 kcal, and for one hard-boiled egg - 50 kcal.

Is it possible to eat boiled eggs while on a diet?

This product is suitable for dietary nutrition; it relieves hunger for a long time, activates metabolic processes, and supplies the body with all necessary nutrients. To achieve good results, use the following recommendations:

  • eat vegetables raw or boil them, do not add oil;
  • For drinks, use herbal infusions, green tea;
  • eliminate sausage, mayonnaise, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, and other unhealthy foods from the menu;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • for constipation, add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet;
  • use lean meats and fish;
  • Avoid the egg diet if you have kidney, heart or vascular diseases.

Which is better white or yolk?

Most (up to 90%) of the nutrients are concentrated in the yolk, and only 10% of vitamins, minerals and acids remain for the protein. The amount of calories in the whites is much less than in the yolk, so the white part is used for dietary nutrition. The lack of vitamins and minerals is the reason why it is better to eat the yellow part of the product. Experts recommend eating whites along with yolks in order to be full, get nutrients from food and lose weight.

How many eggs can you eat on a diet?

Until recently, there was an opinion that the product contained substances that could significantly increase cholesterol levels in human blood. Because of this, the restriction on their use was strict - up to 3 pieces per week. Recent research has shown that this opinion is wrong. To raise your cholesterol levels, you need to eat more fatty foods or experience constant stress.

Modern doctors and nutritionists claim that daily consumption of proteins and yolks will not harm the body. The permissible norm is 3 pieces per day for a healthy person. As for dietary nutrition, this figure can be much higher. These weight loss options are only suitable for short-term use. You should not abuse weight loss methods that use more than 3 pieces of the main component per day.

Egg Diet Options

There are several options for the egg diet. A significant part of them relate to protein nutrition systems that contain foods high in protein. People with high cholesterol, as well as diabetics, should not stick to a diet with a large amount of proteins and yolks in the menu.

On boiled eggs

It will take just three days to get rid of 3 kilograms of excess weight using boiled eggs for weight loss. For normal body function, drink at least 2 liters of water per day and take complex vitamins. You need to eat the following for 3 days:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with water, 3 boiled eggs, green tea;
  • lunch: eggs – 5 pieces, green tea;
  • dinner: 5 eggs, green tea.

To lose weight, you can arrange 1 fasting day based on this amazing product of animal origin. There are several options for carrying it out. For example, you can use a diet in which breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of the same set of products: 1 boiled main component, 1 green apple. This menu should be supplemented with a large amount of clean water.

On eggs and cottage cheese

If you are not yet sure whether you can eat eggs while on a diet, check out the reviews on cottage cheese and egg nutrition for weight loss. Reducing calories in your diet and reducing food portions allows you to lose several kilograms in less than a week. In addition to eggs and cottage cheese, which are the main ingredients, you can eat vegetables and honey. The menu for the entire period is as follows:

On egg whites and grapefruit

You can achieve amazing results in losing weight with the help of a protein-grapefruit diet. Fresh fruits and egg whites make it possible to get rid of several kilograms in the week for which the diet is designed. To lose weight you will need 35 eggs and 35 bright orange grapefruits. These foods are all you need to fuel you for the week. Before each meal you need to drink a glass of warm water, then eat protein, and an hour later - grapefruit. You need to alternate citruses and proteins all day.

The protein-grapefruit diet option is difficult to maintain; you will need enormous willpower not to eat something extra in 7 days, so there is a simplified weight loss method - the egg-grapefruit one. You will not feel hungry, and restrictions on food choices are not so strict. The indicative menu looks like this:

  • breakfast: half a grapefruit (required), 2 eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese or cheese of your choice;
  • lunch: chicken, fish or beef, vegetable salad or stew;
  • dinner: baked omelet of 2 eggs, cottage cheese-grapefruit or egg-vegetable casserole.


With yolk or just white? Perhaps, in importance this question is second only to “The Main Question of Life, the Universe and Everything,” but, unlike the second, the fundamental egg problem did not have a single solution until the last moment.

Any person, be it an athlete or at least a little familiar with the topic of nutrition, will say one of the following when asked:

  • I eat whole eggs.
  • I always separate the yolks and throw them away.
  • I leave one or two yolks and throw away the rest.

The third tactic may seem like a golden mean, but only if the yolks are really harmful. Otherwise, it turns out that we are deliberately depriving ourselves of a significant part of the delicious product. So who is right? Let science answer, we trust it.

Liz Wolf, nutrition expert and author of Eat The Yolks, says egg yolks do not increase your risk of heart disease. Moreover, in her opinion, giving up yolks can also harm your health.

History of misconceptions

It all started with one study by Nikolai Anichkov. He fed the rabbits plenty of cholesterol and noticed that plaque began to form in their arteries. Naturally, any food (including egg yolk) rich in saturated fat and containing cholesterol fell out of favor with scientists and then with the public. However, questions began to arise, and Wolf gives an example of such thoughts.

A rabbit and a human have completely different bodies. Cholesterol is not a part of a rabbit's natural diet at all.

Photo Credit: Six El Sid via Compfight

The fire was added by researcher Angel Keys, who established a connection between nutrition and human disease in seven different countries. It turned out that the more animal fats in a country’s diet, the more cases of heart disease there are in that country. However, the reliability of the data turned out to be low.

The researcher compared diets and disease statistics, but did not prove that there was a cause-and-effect relationship between these parameters.

For example, mortality in these same countries from any other causes was significantly lower, and overall life expectancy was higher.

A light in the end of a tunnel

Fortunately, over time, science has received more accurate and reliable data. In 2010, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published data compiled from 21 studies.

Saturated fats are not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, or coronary vascular disease.

After some time, Time magazine abandoned its 1984 denigration of eggs and other fatty foods. They even encouraged readers to eat butter instead of margarine.

Egg truth

By throwing away the yolks, we, in fact, deprive ourselves of a significant part of an extremely useful product, which.

Photo Credit: jypsygen via Compfight

Egg yolk is an excellent source of vitamin A, essential for healthy skin, as well as B vitamins. The choline contained in the yolk supports proper brain and muscle function. Choline deficiency leads to problems during pregnancy.

Saturated fats also play an important role in the proper functioning of our body, and their deficiency can result in men.