Is it possible to plaster an OSB board? How to plaster, putty and paint pox boards

Frame structures have proven themselves quite well in modern construction– today, buildings on a lightweight basis can be found almost everywhere. As outer skin For frame-type buildings, OSB sheets are most often used, which are distinguished by their lightness, affordable price and high level of thermal insulation.

Various materials can be used for cladding - the abundance of modern technologies makes it possible to bring almost any idea to life. However, with traditional finishing the situation is somewhat different - the combination with wood will not benefit everyone finishing materials. In this regard, lovers of monolithic finishing quite reasonably ask the question: is it possible to plaster an OSB board?

Initially it was applied exclusively to solid, immovably mounted structures - brick walls, concrete, blocks, etc. Plastering surfaces on a moving surface wooden base until recently, it was not practiced, since without preparatory work this action would lead to disastrous results.

This article will provide you with step-by-step instruction, through which you will learn how to plaster an OSB board with your own hands. In it you will find a description of the most important points, which will help you avoid serious mistakes in the process of forming plaster.

Strengthening the structure

It is advisable to think about the choice of coating even at the stage of forming the skin, in order to be able to prepare the surface as much as possible for future work. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the assembly of the supporting frame and/or sheathing, which will serve as the basis for installation OSB sheets.

The frequency of arrangement of load-bearing elements must comply with construction regulations - reducing their number and increasing the distance between them is extremely undesirable.

The installation of the sheets themselves must also be carried out as reliably as possible in order to prevent strong mobility of the elements. The main enemy of a plastered surface is vibration and the moving structure of the base - when forming the cladding, it is necessary to smooth out these negative factors as much as possible.

Note! In this case, it means strengthening the structure within the limits of building codes and prescribed technologies. Sacrifice expansion joints or others necessary elements for the sake of strength it is impossible.

Surface preparation

OSB is a wood-based product that is formed from shavings and chips. As such, wood is not used as a base for plaster because it absorbs water and then rejects the plaster mortar.

Without preliminary preparation The plastered surface will almost immediately become covered with cracks. Before plastering the OSB board, it is necessary to create an insulating layer between the plaster and the sheathing.

There are two ways to prepare the surface - installing insulation or upholstery with kraft paper/bituminized cardboard. Let's look at both technologies in more detail.

Installation of insulation

OSB sheets are used as a material for external insulation polystyrene foam boards, which have sufficient strength and are completely waterproof. The lightness of polystyrene foam insulation allows it to be installed on an adhesive basis, which in this case is the only available option.

In general terms, the installation process looks like this:

  • The sheets should be cleaned of dust, they should not be wet or greasy - if necessary, the sheathing should be treated with white alcohol to degrease the surface. Oil stains, a large number of dust or dirt can significantly reduce the degree of adhesion of insulation to OSB sheets;
  • Apply to insulation adhesive composition using a sizing spatula so that the glue covers the entire surface of the sheet. Then the sheet is pressed against the sheathing - in order for the glue to fill the voids, you need to lightly press on the insulation. After the entire structure has been covered with insulation, you must wait until the glue has completely dried and only then proceed to the next stage;
  • Reinforcement is installed on the insulation in the form of a plastic or fiberglass mesh with 6x6 mm cells - they have a self-adhesive base and you will not have any problems with installation.


First of all, the joints between the sheets are coated with an elastic sealant, after which the surface is covered with kraft paper or bitumen cardboard, which is fixed with a stapler. Reinforcement in the form of fiberglass or plastic mesh, then

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OSB putty: a proven method, plus answers to frequently asked questions

Greetings. In this article I will talk about how and with what to putty OSB board. Today’s topic will be of interest to both developers building frame houses, as well as owners of houses lining their premises with particle boards. You will also learn the characteristics of the slab material and why it needs finishing.

A few words about oriented strand boards

Oriented- particle boards(abbreviated OSB or OSB in foreign terminology) is a building material made from compressed large-sized shavings.

During production, it is arranged in several layers crosswise relative to each other. The outer layers occupy the longitudinal direction in the slab, and the inner layers occupy the transverse direction, and it is this feature that ensures their mechanical strength.

The chips in the slab are glued together with a mixture of resins, boric acid, synthetic wax and a number of other additives. Thanks to the additives used in the binder component, the board acquires additional strength, resistance to excess moisture and resistance to biological factors.

On the other hand, the use of resins as a binder in combination with a number of additives results in some disadvantages, including:

  • High formaldehyde emissions - the release of volatile substances that are potentially harmful to health and everyday well-being;
  • Semi-gloss surface of the slab and, as a result, difficulties in subsequent decorative finishing;
  • Microrelief due to the heterogeneity of the surface, and therefore the impossibility of wallpapering, as unevenness will appear.

In order to compensate for these shortcomings, the surface of particle boards must be puttied.

A layer of applied putty will even out the microrelief and serve as barriers to the release of formaldehyde. In addition, the degree of adhesion will increase, since the putty layer will cover the gloss of the surface.

Features of applying putty

As previously mentioned, OSB board has a semi-gloss surface and this is the reason that no paints and varnishes they don't stick to her. The situation is similar with most putties, which will fall off when applied to a particle board.

This problem is especially aggravated if the slab is finished with your own hands not on the walls, but on the ceiling.

Are there ways to level the surface so that the layer of applied mixture does not fall off? Yes, there is such a method and you can familiarize yourself with it in the instructions below.

Preparatory work is half the success

Before starting to putty walls and ceilings lined with OSB boards, preparatory work, which consists of the following steps.

Surface primer

In order to improve the adhesion of the surface, we treat it with Ceresit CT 17 primer. What is the advantage of using this particular primer? Oriented strand board is an embossed and porous material, and this primer is highly penetrating and can penetrate most pores.

Sealing cracks and technological gaps

After the applied primer has completely dried, we fill the gaps of up to 1 cm between the plates with putty - in the corners between the walls, at the junction of the walls and the ceiling, etc. As a putty mixture for OSB, I recommend Knauf Rotband paste mixed with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Installation of plaster mesh

After the joints between the slabs are filled with the mixture, a fiberglass mesh is lined and attached to the surface. The mesh on one side is needed so that the layer of leveling mixture adheres to the surface and does not move away from it. On the other hand, installing a mesh will prevent cracks from appearing in the corners.

When installing the mesh, consider the following:

  • We lay the mesh on the surface in overlapping strips(strip to strip) 10 cm wide and fastened to the slabs with a construction stapler;
  • We lay the mesh so that the bend of the strip goes along the corner;
  • The fold along the entire length of the corner should be smooth without waves., because if there is a wave, the mesh will have to be cut, which means its reinforcing properties will be impaired;

  • We aim the fixing staples with a stapler at a distance of no more than 10-15 cm from each other.

Why do we fill the seam before installing the mesh, and not afterwards? If you fix the mesh and only then apply the mixture, it is unlikely that you will be able to properly fill the gaps. If you putty the gaps in a timely manner, there will be practically no gaps left.

Installation of plaster corner

After the fiberglass mesh is fixed over the entire surface, we attach the plaster corners - special metal profiles. The installation of corners can be external, for example, along the outer perimeter window slopes and internal, for example, at the internal junction of walls.

Correctly set angles allow you to carefully and evenly apply a layer of putty. In addition, the established angle will press the plaster mesh, which will enhance the surface finish.

The instructions for installing the corners are as follows:

  • We measure the length of the corner that is supposed to be reinforced with a metal profile;

  • We measure this length to metal profile and cut it with metal scissors;
  • At the ends of the prepared profile, we cut each of the two shelves (sides) at 45° so that when combining several profiles, their ends do not overlap each other;

  • We apply the prepared corner to the surface and shoot it on both sides with staples from a stapler, so that the staple passes through the perforation.

Putty on the prepared surface

Now that the building surface is ready, you can begin applying putty. The instructions include the following steps:

  • Preparation of the leveling mixture is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • Application of the mixture and leveling;
  • Applying a finishing layer over the starting layer, if necessary;
  • Sanding the leveled surface.

How to putty an OSB board for painting and how to prepare this product correctly? I recommend a proven option - Knauf mixture Rotband, to which we add PVA glue at the preparation stage. That is, by 3 kg ready mixture add 50 grams of glue and mix the mixture until smooth.

Adding glue allows you to make the mixture more plastic, but at the same time the applied layer will take twice as long to dry. Thus, if we add glue to the putty, we wait for it to dry before applying the second layer, not for a day as usual, but for two days.

Application of the mixture is carried out traditionally using two spatulas - wide and narrow. Using a narrow spatula, take the mixture from the container and apply it evenly to the edge of a wide spatula. Next, we press a wide spatula with putty to the surface of the slab and move it towards us at an angle of 45-30°.

By the way, the greater the angle between the spatula and the surface being treated, the thinner the layer of putty on the wall and vice versa, the closer you tilt the spatula to the slab, the thicker the applied layer will be. Try to ensure that the thickness of one layer does not exceed 2 mm.

Knauf Rotband is a universal putty that can be applied as a starting and finishing layer. The feasibility of applying a second layer is determined by a powerful spotlight, which is placed close to the surface and, under strong light, determines how intense the relief is.

If leveling the surface is carried out for subsequent wallpapering, you can get by with one layer; if the wall or ceiling is puttied before painting, then apply it on top of the starting layer finishing layer, which will bring the surface to zero.

Sanding walls - The final stage, after which you can begin painting work

For the initial leveling, prepare the putty with the consistency of thick sour cream, while for the finishing layer, dilute the mixture to the state of liquid sour cream. Liquid putty is good because it fills the smallest irregularities and does not create a new relief.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  1. Is it possible to putty an OSB board with gypsum putty on the outside? ?

I advise using gypsum mixtures only for interior finishing work. For the outside, I recommend polymer or cement based putties.

By the way, you can make such a mixture yourself and its price will be lower than the cost of store-bought analogues. Mix dry cement into the PVA glue until you get a plastic mass with the required degree of viscosity. This product has a low tendency to crack and is characterized by excellent adhesion to various surfaces.

  1. How to putty OSB board under wallpaper in rooms with high humidity?

Let me start with the fact that it is generally not recommended to glue wallpaper in rooms with high humidity. However, if you decide to glue, I recommend Vetonit VH dry mixture, specially designed for wet rooms and for surfaces that require higher adhesion of finishing materials.

  1. How can you putty particle boards for painting with water-based paints? ?

In this case, any construction putties are suitable without restrictions. But there is one condition - after leveling is completed, the surface will need to be primed with a composition that will correspond to the type of putty used and the type of paint selected.

  1. Is it possible to paint something on an OSB board without prior puttying? ?

Without putty, oil, alkyd enamels and similar compositions are applied to particle boards.

But there is a problem - after such painting, nothing will fall on the surface except similar paintwork materials. Again, when painting without prior leveling, the relief will be visible through the paint layer, however, some designers specifically achieve this effect.


Now you know how and with what puttying is done OSB boards. If you have any questions on the topic, ask them in the comments, I will definitely answer all of them. And, of course, I recommend watching the video in this article, I’m sure it will interest you.

December 12, 2016

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How to apply decorative plaster on OSB board

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Decorative plaster can update your interior, giving it originality, embossing and freshness. Often have to be applied decorative plaster on OSB plate. It is necessary to cover the OSB board with polystyrene foam, on which decorative plaster is applied, since the OSB board is wooden and can release moisture, so the plaster will not be able to stay on it for a long time.

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Finishing the house with OSB from the outside: methods of finishing OSB sheets: painting, plaster, artificial stone, siding.

OSB boards or otherwise OSB sheets are widely used for the construction of walls in houses, in particular in frame construction. Therefore, the issue of their external decoration is very relevant today. Moreover, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also in terms of protecting the material from negative impact external factors (high humidity, sudden temperature changes, solar radiation and others).

In this article we will look at the following question: OSB finishing on the outside Houses.

OSB finishing on the outside

Finishing walls from OSB boards outside the house: how to finish OSB walls

There are many different ways to decorate walls made of OSB sheets outside the house. All of them take into account the features of OSB boards, which are subject to the same deformations as wood.

Among the main methods used for external finishing of walls made of OSB sheets are the following:

Painting a house made of OSB

Painting is the simplest and most common option, which does not require a lot of time and money. Water-based or oil paints woodworking for external works. In order for the coating to adhere well, it is important to properly prepare the surface for painting. First of all, it is recommended to seal interpanel seams acrylic sealant, and then thoroughly clean and prime the entire surface of the slabs. The paint is applied in several layers. Each of them must be given time to dry thoroughly before applying the next layer.

Painting OSB boards

To paint OSB boards, you can use a brush or roller.

Applying plaster to pox boards

Plaster allows you to extend the life of the slab and additionally protects it from fire. OSB boards can change their geometric dimensions over wide ranges due to changes in humidity and temperature environment. If you apply plaster directly to the OSB board, it will soon become covered with cracks and peel off from the base. Therefore, two main technologies are used: the use of an intermediate layer and layer-by-layer application of plaster.

Plaster OSB boards

Expanded polystyrene or glassine can be used as an intermediate layer. Expanded polystyrene has good moisture insulation and further improves thermal insulation properties walls. Glassine or bitumen cardboard has a low price.

To prepare the base, sealant is applied to the joints between the sheets. The sheets themselves are primed. After this, an intermediate layer in the form of polystyrene foam or glassine is glued. A reinforcing mesh is attached on top of this layer and a layer of plaster is applied.

When applying plaster directly to OSB sheets, the process is divided into several stages. After preparing the base, as in the previous version, proceed to the first stage. During which the first layer of plaster is applied, a reinforcing mesh is embedded in it. After drying, apply another layer. After this, a leveling layer is applied.

The option without an intermediate layer is less reliable and after 2-3 years the plaster may begin to peel off, so it is usually recommended to use an intermediate layer.

Installation of decorative stone on osb boards

Artificial stone is one of the most complex and expensive finishing methods. However, excellent appearance The finished façade and the durability of such a coating will certainly pay for themselves over time. Stages of work:

  1. Before starting work, the seams of OSB boards are filled with frost-resistant sealant, and the boards are primed.
  2. Polystyrene foam is glued on top.
  3. Then it must be filled with frost-resistant putty.
  4. Then apply two layers of glue. Place the reinforcing mesh into the first one.
  5. Place decorative stone on the second layer.

Finishing OSB boards with decorative stone

Sometimes decorative stone is glued without an intermediate layer in the form of polystyrene foam. This option is less reliable and after 2-3 years the coating begins to peel off.

Fastening siding to OSB boards

Siding – universal method finishing that can be used for any facade. The material has an affordable price and excellent appearance. Provided that the OSB board has a flat surface, fastening the sheathing is optional. At the same time, so that during operation the material does not swell from the condensation formed, it is important not to forget to install a windproof, waterproof membrane between the slabs and the siding.

Decorative façade panels

Decorative facade panels have a wide range of modifications and are manufactured using various materials: wood, metal, plastic, glass. The technology for installing such panels depends on the panels themselves. Most often used for fastening are: dowel fasteners, brackets and metal profiles.

Installation decorative panels on the walls of a house made of OSB

Each of the listed methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. It doesn't matter which one you choose. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists and the correct technology.

Finishing OSB on the outside: methods and technologies for finishing OSB on the outside
Finishing OSB outside: methods and technologies for finishing OSB outside | Finishing houses osb outside: methods of finishing OSB sheets: painting, plastering, fake diamond, siding | How to finish walls made of OSB boards outside the house.

Frame houses are fast and affordable way get your own home. But such buildings require a more careful selection of materials to perform insulation and decorating work.

Those who choose plastering are wondering whether to lay plaster on an OSB board on the facade or not, and what compositions are best to choose?

Features of using plaster

Oriented strand boards (OSB) must be protected from external negative influences. Because decorative finishing should have the following advantages:

  1. Resistant to high humidity.
  2. Tolerance of sudden and frequent temperature changes.
  3. Mechanical reliability.
  4. Heat and sound insulation properties.
  5. Affordable price.
  6. Duration of operation.
  7. Light weight.

Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to plaster an OSB board, the answer is definitely possible and necessary, since this type of finishing has all the listed characteristics. The main thing to remember is that wood absorbs moisture quickly and a lot, even if it is coated with a moisture-repellent composition.

Before plastering the base, it must be protected with a special layer that will not allow moisture to pass through from the solution. Such a layer can be bitumen cardboard, roofing felt on paper based, kraft paper or elastic polymer coating.

Traditional way

This option involves extensive preparation. Without this, OSB boards will constantly be exposed to moisture, which the plastered layer absorbs and transfers to the base.

IN preparatory stage includes:

  • Fastening on a base of moisture-proof material. As mentioned above, this can be asphalt cardboard, roofing felt, kraft paper or polymer coating.
  • Installation of reinforcing mesh. It can be fiberglass or galvanized steel mesh. It is filled with special glue so that the composition completely covers the reinforcing layer.
  • After the glue has completely dried, the surface must be treated with primer. deep penetration to increase adhesion.

After waiting for the applied primer to dry completely, you can plaster the OSB boards using silicate or mineral mixtures. They have good long service life, decorative and protective properties.

The solution is applied thin layer from 1.5 to 5 mm. Therefore, this process is reminiscent of applying putty. This type of plastering of OSB boards requires time and Money. But, once everything has been done efficiently, the owner can, for a long time forget about repair work.

Insulation and plastering

If you don’t want to bother with a lot of layers, you still need to decorate the facade and you can use another finishing method. To do this, you will need to purchase polyurethane foam in sheets. Fix it securely to the base. It will perform the functions of thermal insulation.

To attach the insulation, you can use a special glue for external work. When choosing an adhesive composition, pay attention to whether it can be used for polyurethane foam.

A thin layer of plaster solution is applied to the insulation, and reinforcing fiberglass is laid on top of the wet layer and pressed in, leveling the applied solution. After this layer has dried, apply a little more solution in order to hide the places where the mesh may be visible.

After drying, you need to rub and paint the surface. For painting it is better to choose acrylic paint.

Polymer compositions for plastering

The most in a fast way Applying plaster to the surface of OSB boards will use polymer compounds based on acrylic or latex synthetic resin. They are available in the form of ready-made solutions. After opening the container, everything must be used very quickly. Because the plaster sets quickly and it is impossible to dilute or restore the original consistency.

Now let’s figure out how to plaster an OSB board in this way.

  • Grinding. To do this, choose coarse-grain sandpaper. At the same time, all elements that protrude beyond the surface of the slab and do not connect well with it are removed.
  • Primer. After grinding, the slab is cleaned of dust and covered with deep penetration primer intended for wooden surfaces. This will not only protect the wood from moisture, but will also increase adhesion, which means the plaster solution will be easier to apply.
  • If there are any unevenness on the OSB board or there are gaps at the joints, then after the soil has dried they are treated with acrylic sealant. The composition is sent into the uneven area and carefully leveled with a spatula. This process will allow you to use less polymer plaster.
  • Plastering. After the sealing layer has dried, begin application. ready-made composition. The solution is applied to the wall and leveled to obtain a layer 5 mm thick. You need to work quickly.

The polymer layer of plaster does not require painting, but if desired, the owner can change the color of the finish at any time. This method of decorating OSB boards is expensive, but its service life of over 25 years makes it possible to eliminate this disadvantage.

The compositions that are used for plastering slabs harden very quickly, so if the owner does not have experience in this area, then it is better to use the work of a professional team.

Rules for applying plaster on OSB boards for facade finishing
Owners frame houses they ask the question of how to properly apply plaster on an OSB board for finishing the facade. After all, this good way extend the life of the building and make it attractive.

Very popular today frame house construction using OSB boards and SIP panels. These materials, like any other natural origin, need a protective finish.
The outside of such houses is most often faced with curtain walls. facade systems, and putty on OSB boards is used inside for subsequent decorative finishing - wallpapering or painting. In this article we will talk about the technology of this process and the materials that can be used.

OSB boards are a multilayer material made from wood shavings, glued under the action high pressure and temperature of synthetic resin. Each layer has a different orientation, which makes the slab very resistant to deformation.

Despite the high content of artificial substances, 80-90% of the slabs are made of wood, therefore they have many properties natural material. One of them is the ability to absorb moisture.
It is this that raises doubts about whether it is possible to putty on an OSB board, glue wallpaper on it (see Finishing walls with wallpaper in the correct design) or coat it with introduction-dispersion paints. After all, paint, wallpaper glue, and putty can lead to swelling of the material, increasing its size and deformation.

Note. Oriented strand boards are available in varying degrees of moisture resistance. The most reliable ones are sold with the OSP-3 marking. They are used for external cladding and in rooms with high humidity.

Many developers are quite satisfied with the natural appearance of the material, especially when it comes to country house or utility room, so they are content with simply varnishing the surface.
But what if decorative finishing is required? Is it possible to putty OSB (see Finishing walls with OSB boards and roofing work), what mixtures to use and how to do it correctly?
The answer to the first question is clear: you can. It is simply advisable to use the mixtures not on water based to avoid deformation of the sheets.

Features of OSB finishing

Let's look at the technology of puttying slabs and outline the range of materials that can be used for this.

Selection of putty and other materials

Before you putty the OSB board, the surface must be prepared: sanded to eliminate defects and primed.

Advice. It is easier to use slabs that have already been sanded in production. Their price is not much higher, and it takes much less time and effort to finish.

The question immediately arises about the primer - which one to choose. Of course, the one that is intended for wooden surfaces (see Priming wood - process features) and does not contain water. For example, drying oil or primer based on glyphthalic varnish.

Advice. The ends of the slabs have the greatest moisture absorption capacity. It is advisable to treat them with a protective primer before installing the sheets, since this will be impossible to do later.

Let's move on to choosing the main material. You need to choose from those compositions that are intended for finishing wooden bases and have an oil, adhesive, synthetic base. Mixes for brick or concrete most likely will not last long on your surface.
The most suitable are the following formulations, sold in ready-to-use form:

  • A special acrylic putty for OSB boards, also intended for leveling any wooden and particle board substrates.

  • Nitro putty ASh-24, ASh-32, MBSh. They are made from resins and cellulose ethers with various fillers and plasticizing additives. To achieve the desired consistency, they can be diluted with solvents.
  • Oil-adhesive putties are compositions based on drying oil, varnishes and glue with the addition of chalk, thickeners, and modifying additives. Diluted with drying oil.

Also, special paints with fillers are used for finishing OSB.
Regardless of the composition, putty for OSB boards must have the following properties:

  • Good adhesion to smooth, resin-coated substrate surfaces;
  • Low degree of shrinkage when drying with a low probability of cracking;
  • High strength of the created coating and its suitability for subsequent decorative finishing;
  • No solid fillers in the mixture, homogeneous consistency.

To avoid the appearance of cracks when finishing oriented strand boards, experts recommend reinforcing them with elastic materials. The best option– painting (repair) non-woven fabric.

To stick it, you will need glue for the corresponding wall coverings.

Putty technology

All necessary materials have been selected and purchased, you can start working.
There is no difference in how to putty OSB for wallpaper or for painting, the procedure is the same:

  • The first step is to apply a primer with sealing properties, which creates a film on the surface. It will protect subsequent coatings from emerging resin stains, essential oils and tannins contained in wood.

  • Further, the instructions require a technological break in work to dry the surface. Its duration depends on the type of primer and can range from 4 to 12 hours.
  • The second step is the direct application of putty. Work is performed only at positive air temperatures and humidity not exceeding 60%.
    How this is done can be studied in detail by watching the video in this article or reading other articles on the site dedicated to puttying walls and ceilings.

  • The second technological break is arranged to dry the putty layer.
  • The third step is to grind the surface to eliminate minor defects and making it smooth.
  • The fourth step is reinforcement. The interlining is glued overlapping, but in order to ensure that there are no thickenings at the joints, a double cut is made along the ruler in this place, excess material is removed, and adjacent sheets are fixed end-to-end.

Judging by the description, the process is simple and you can do it yourself. However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough to finish such capricious material, so in the absence of experience similar works It is better to use the services of a professional.


We tried to most fully and comprehensively answer the question of how to putty OSB and what materials to use for this. This is not necessary if you do not plan to hide the structure of the material, but such a finish is needed under paint or wallpaper - it will protect the base from moisture and allow you to create a high-quality decorative coating.

Today, OSB boards are widely used in construction and interior decoration. The OSB board itself is a panel with dimensions of 2.5 × 1.2 m, which is made from compressed wood chips and has good properties, such as strength, ease of processing, and resistance to mechanical damage.

OSB also has high sound and heat insulation. However, when the time comes finishing premises, many novice builders are wondering: How to properly putty OSB. After all, every OSB board covered with wax that preserves quality characteristics material, and the putty simply won’t work on such a coating. How can one be, the material is so praised, but as a result, some ridiculous problems appear in the simplest finishing.

In this article, we will look in detail at how to properly putty OSB boards with your own hands, using quite simple diagram. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what needs to be puttied, the wall or the ceiling.
So, below is a wall covered with OSB, on the left before finishing, on the right - puttied, which is ready for painting or wallpapering.

Some builders, before starting to putty OSB, prefer to first sand the entire surface, thereby removing the wax layer and making the surface rough. True, this method will take a lot of time, and there will be a lot of dust, especially if you use a power tool. Others choose a simpler and no less reliable way– processing OSB surfaces a special primer and the use of mesh during the puttying process. Moreover, both methods incur approximately the same costs for tools and materials, but differ greatly in the time spent on work.

Selecting the necessary material and tools

In order for the putty to adhere well to smooth OSB, its surface must be prepared. To do this, we purchase a primer called “Concrete-Contact” and a small brush or roller from any hardware store. After applying the primer, a rough layer forms on the smooth OSB surface. This surface, as a result, allows the putty to adhere well to the base.

Now you can start next stage OSB surface preparation. In order for the putty to stay on the wall not only firmly, but also for a long time, it is advisable to reinforce it. Therefore, when buying soil, be sure to take a plaster mesh with you. Almost all plaster meshes, as a rule, are made of either metal or polymer materials and have different sizes cells. Of course, to reinforce a thick layer of putty or plaster, it is advisable to use a metal mesh, but for finishing interior walls rooms made of OSB, it is enough to use fiberglass (or glass-fabric) mesh with a cell size of 5x5 mm. The main advantages of using such a grid:

- relatively low cost;
- simple material to use;
— improves the strength of the coating;
— prevents the appearance of cracks during shrinkage of the putty.

How to putty OSB

- creates a fairly durable and elastic coating;
— does not crumble or crack when drying;
— the finished surface can practically not be sanded;
- quick-drying material.

However, such putty is much more expensive than regular putty, but you can live with this, since the cost of purchasing it is easily offset by the quality and speed of work. To apply the putty, you will need two metal spatulas, one wide 20-30 cm, the second narrower 10-15 cm. We will apply the first spatula layer by layer, and the second we will work in the corners and hard to reach places, and also scoop the putty from the bucket.

Preparing the surface
If desired, for greater confidence, you can lightly sand the OSB panels with coarse sandpaper on critical areas of the walls, for example in corners or at doors and window openings. The primer is applied to the wall with a regular brush or roller in 2-3 layers with an interval of 20-30 minutes. After applying the last layer, it is necessary to allow the primer to completely absorb and dry, for which 3-4 hours is enough. Then we take the plaster mesh and cut it into strips of length equal height ceiling. The mesh is applied in one layer over the entire wall area. It is recommended to place each adjacent grid with a slight overlap of 2-10 cm - just as wallpaper was glued before. Attach the mesh to the wall with a stapler, screws or glue. It is not at all necessary to glue it over the entire area, just “smear” it with putty and it will easily stick to the rough surface of the OSB. It is better to start laying the mesh from the corner of the room.

Having glued the plaster mesh to the wall behind it top part, we begin to putty. We work only within the mesh strip, leaving small margins from the edges to overlap the edge of the next mesh. The first layer of putty should only attach and smooth out the mesh, so you shouldn't sculpt a lot at once. Consistency and accuracy are important here. We perform puttying according to standard puttying rules. We scoop up the putty with a small spatula and put it on a large one, with which we spread it on the wall. The direction of applying the putty itself does not matter, the main thing is that the surface is as smooth as possible. To avoid sagging and unevenness, try to hold the spatula correctly while working. Start spreading the putty on the wall, holding the spatula at an angle of 45-60 degrees to the surface, and finish the putty by gradually reducing the angle to 15-30 degrees.

It will be easier to putty an OSB wall with a mesh if you gradually move from the ceiling to the floor. This way we will gradually smooth out and evenly cover the entire plaster mesh. In total, the putty is applied to OSB panel in 2-3 layers 1-2 mm thick. After applying each layer, you need to let the coating dry for 30-60 minutes. The first layer can be made 1 mm thick - just to attach and smooth the mesh. The second layer should cover the plaster mesh. The last layer We level the almost finished surface.

Finishing the putty
We finish the puttying, leveling out all the unevenness, using only large spatula. The plaster mesh may be slightly translucent, but in no case should it protrude or be flush. If, after the putty has dried, the mesh still appears, you need to add another layer of putty. Ideally plaster mesh should be 2-3 mm from the surface of the finishing layer of putty. Trying to apply the putty carefully and evenly, layer by layer. If you don't rush, you may end up not having to sand the finished surface.

We count the consumption of materials
Before you buy primer, putty, brushes and a whole set of spatulas in the store, you need to decide how much and what to buy. After all, although the remaining extra can of putty will be useful on the farm, you will still spend a certain amount of money on it, which could be used to buy the missing can of soil. Therefore, it is better to calculate, at least approximately, how many materials will be needed. Here is the approximate consumption building materials for puttying OSB panels.