The beginning of critical days - fortune telling. Prediction by time

A great variety of fortune telling has been invented in the world. Some are based on proactive conversation with the subconscious (cards, coffee), others have a more natural, natural platform. For example, (2 options). Whether it is true or not, we will find out today. This is a method of foresight developed by many generations of wise, thoughtful, attentive and observant women. He helps girls navigate their circumstances using clues from nature itself. Interesting?

History of fortune telling by menstruation

2 options for fortune telling appeared a long time ago. IN ancient world events were perceived more naturally than now. What happened to the body was sacred. No one was interested in questions of scientific physiology. “Everything is from the gods,” people thought. Therefore, we observed, compared and drew conclusions. Which, by the way, is what we lack today. Science takes thoughts into another realm. But that's not what we're talking about. Fortune telling by menstruation, 2 options of which we will offer you today, is the fruit of the long labors of generations of Eve’s daughters. They noticed what happened if menstruation began at a certain time or day. The conclusions of individual women were collected by witches, accumulated, compared and developed general rules that have survived to this day. Almost scientific work.

It turned out that the clues to the menstrual cycle are multifaceted. Pay attention to the day of the week, calendar date and start time. Then get the most full information about what we will face in the near future. It is interesting that fortune telling by menstruation for a woman, 2 options of which will help you find out your destiny, did not originate with just one nation. It is known on all continents. This is an indicator of the high accuracy of this method of prediction. Check it out for yourself though!

How to do fortune telling

Everything is very simple here. There is no need to perform any rituals using blood or anything else that scares girls. Just note the date and time your period starts. This is the process of fortune telling by menstruation, 2 options of which are presented in the article. Using the observed data, you should look at the answer. It happens that blood appears drop by drop. And only a few days later regular periods begin. In this case, the date should be considered the first drop. This is the time that your body tells you. All processes in physical body pass under the guidance of subtle fields. And they, as you know, are connected with the Universe. It turns out that the aura has the ability to hint to consciousness that certain events are coming. This happens when a person sleeps, is sick, gets better or loses weight. The dialogue is ongoing. Unfortunately, we don't listen or respond, and it turns into a monologue. Fortune telling by menstruation allows you to correct the situation.

Decoding by days of the week

Let's see what the subconscious tells us when it stimulates the beginning of a cycle on a given day. It should be noted that fortune telling by menstruation, 2 versions of which have come down to us since ancient times, concerns general situations. That is, you should not think that you will get an answer to a specific question regarding relationships or level of well-being. It is not events that are valuable for the higher “I”, but it is this that guides the signs. It is important for him that the individual concentrates on a state of happiness and comfort, calmly overcoming obstacles and learning lessons. Value by day of week:

  • Monday - expect a pleasant surprise leading to troubles and bustle;
  • Tuesday - there will be a meeting with an interesting person, probably someone who has not been seen for a long time;
  • environment - minor troubles that require close attention;
  • Thursday - a visit that raises doubts will be successful;
  • Friday - news: both good and bad;
  • Saturday - love excitement, confessions, revelations;
  • Sunday - upcoming events will charge you with optimism for a long time.

Decoding by time of day

When unraveling clues from the subtle world, it is necessary to take into account the hours when menstruation begins. It is important whether the bleeding started in the first or second half of the day. Fortune telling by menstruation (2 options) by time should be deciphered as follows:

  • Morning (before noon) - get ready for pleasant events in personal life. Relationships will delight you with harmony, and your dear person with understanding and care.
  • Day - soon there will be minor troubles caused by the intrigues of an envious woman or simply an offended woman. They will most likely affect personal relationships.
  • Evening - the gates of luck are wide open for a woman. This time of the onset of menstruation guarantees financial profit and success in any endeavor.
  • Night - a month of love, intrigue, flights into the clouds, and so on is ahead. A pleasant and desirable sign for any girl!

On the importance of reflection and observation

You know, as a rule, girls mark the date of the beginning and end of menstruation. Therefore, you can see for yourself that fortune telling by menstruation, 2 variants of which are known today, is truthful. You just have to take your notes and remember the main events of the past months. Compare for fun. Most likely you will get into the top ten. Save it for yourself sample list transcripts, in order to navigate the future, then you won’t have to search the Internet for fortune telling by menstruation online.

Option 2 - keep your own diary, describing the prediction and the degree of its implementation. You can make a list of personal tips. It will remain relevant until old age. It's a lot of work, but rewarding. Moreover, every woman should learn to communicate with subtle fields. It is full of information that helps you improve your own life, help your spouse, and take care of your children. You just need to learn how to extract it. And here everyone has such an incredible opportunity, so to speak, inside, in the body.

Decoding by calendar numbers (1st decade)

Of course, women are most interested in the sphere of relationships. This is the lot of the daughters of Eve. They protect the hearth, take care of cozy atmosphere, generate and give happiness to household members and friends. That’s why fortune telling by menstruation (2 options) for love is especially popular. Deciphering it by numbers is aimed mainly at this area of ​​life. The first decade and its meanings:

  • 1 - a pleasant signal, indicating great happiness and joy;
  • 2 - you will experience contempt for some person;
  • 3 - there will be a quarrel with loved ones;
  • 4 - you will receive a very pleasant surprise;
  • 5 - a random gift from an unnamed person;
  • 6 - worries about rumors and gossip about your life;
  • 7 - do not doubt your loved one, the feelings are mutual;
  • 8 - you will encounter the jealousy of some woman;
  • 9 - troubles caused by gossip behind your back. Do not worry;
  • 10 - great love.

The second decade and its tips

You know, when menstruation comes, sometimes pain appears. This is a sure sign that a woman perceives something incorrectly and is mistaken. You should take this into account when discussing clues from the subtle world. For example, you are told about the fidelity of your loved one. This is wonderful! Don’t you yourself suffer from unreasonable jealousy or stupid touchiness? These negative emotions cause pain in the body. Think about it. In the meantime, transcripts of the second decade:

  • 11 - a loved one is faithful and devoted;
  • 12 - you will be charmed by your new acquaintances;
  • 13 - increase attention to business. Trouble;
  • 14 - receive good news from afar;
  • 15 - friends are in trouble;
  • 16 - rash actions or words can damage your reputation;
  • 17 - your loved one will leave for a short time, there will be separation;
  • 18 - affair, falling in love with a stranger;
  • 19 - stormy, all-consuming passion;
  • 20 - suffering from unrequited feelings. A bad sign.

The third decade and its smart signs

It is necessary to prompt the reader that the transcripts should not be taken literally. They should be thought about. After all, every beauty lives in her own rhythm. For some, intrigue is a pleasant adventure, for married ladies it is a nuisance. Or gossip. Who are they not talking about? Should you worry about the fact that your life turned out to be more exciting than that of idle idle talkers? Maybe you should be proud? Judge for yourself, they are bored, so they look for something that does not exist in nature. Let them gossip, and we turn to the signs of the third decade:

  • 21 - wait for the deception to be revealed. Don’t lie yourself, you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation;
  • 22 - large cash receipts are coming;
  • 23 - a very successful situation in business or service;
  • 24 - guests will unexpectedly knock on the door. You should keep treats ready;
  • 25 - travel, probably meeting an interesting person;
  • 26 - the month will be dreary. Sadness;
  • 27 - the dream will come true;
  • 28 - conquests are coming on the love front. Boldly go into battle;
  • 29 - tears and sorrows are coming;
  • 30 - playful mood, flirting without consequences;
  • 31 - interesting, exciting events, pleasant meetings.

For what period are transcripts calculated?

Having become familiar with general list predictions, the woman asks the question: when will all this come true? You should know that this is designed for the period until the start of the next menstruation. That is, everything predicted will happen within a month. Then you need to look for new signs and decodings.

Fortune telling is interpreted on different planes. We have already indicated two: time and day. But the time of the onset of menstruation plays an advisory role. That is, it corrects the main predictions. The first option for fortune telling is to notice at what time the blood began to flow. He gives his own advice and recommendations, or rather, they are suggested by menstruation. Fortune telling according to the female cycle (option 2) takes into account the day of the week, as well as the date. It turns out to be a kind of multidimensionality. In order for the forecast to be correct, the interpretations should be written out and try to match each other. Let's say menstruation began on the 2nd, on Monday, early in the morning. What does this give us? Monday - excitement and bustle, 2 - contempt for some person, morning - loyalty to a loved one. Most likely, you will be presented with gossip about your beloved as truth. You will worry and figure it out. It turns out that your loved one didn’t even intend to think about others, he only keeps you in his head and heart. The gossiper will receive contempt, and you will receive real happiness!


The process of fortune telling is a fascinating and interesting business. Foresight is not only useful in life, it helps to look at events from a different angle, cultivate wisdom and understanding of the processes and intentions of others. But you shouldn't rely only on it. Think when you say or do something, be honest, then troubles will not appear at all. And if they loom on the horizon, they will quickly run away under the pressure of the openness of your soul. Good luck!

Among various types Predictions can also be found in fortune telling based on menstruation. Many girls are afraid and avoid serious predictions (for example, on Tarot cards), but are interested in learning about their destiny through other methods. Prediction by critical days was once very common due to its simplicity and accessibility. A woman does not need any devices or special skills: just look at what day of the month or what day of the week her menstruation began.

These are the two main ways to tell fortunes by menstruation, and universal rules apply to them. In addition, you can tell fortunes by the time of day.


  • They always guess on the first day of menstruation.
  • Fortune telling by menstruation is not designed to find out about distant events or changes in life. More precisely, you can only tell fortunes for the current month, until the next menstruation. All predicted events will happen during this period.
  • To be sure of the result, it is better to connect different ways fortune telling with each other: look at the date, the day of the week, and the time of day at which menstruation occurred.
  • If the prediction for menstruation is favorable, you should not spread about this forecast, otherwise it may not come true. You should also not surrender to chance and expect that a happy prophecy will come true by itself. You need to take it as motivation and a guide to action and make every effort to achieve results.

By following these rules, you can increase the accuracy of fortune telling. Many women note that the predictions they received as a result of fulfilling such conditions have repeatedly come true.

By day of the month

By the date on which menstruation began, you can find out a lot. That's what the calendar says and exact date about the fate of a woman:

Day of the monthPrediction
1 Something very pleasant will happen in a woman’s life, capable of upending her current way of life and instilling joy and euphoria in her. This day is considered one of the most promising in fortune telling.
2 There may be disappointment in the actions of loved ones, and as a result, in themselves.
3 A major quarrel is possible, the outcome of which, however, is unknown: it could just as easily develop into hostility, or it could be forgotten very quickly. It all depends on your desire.
4 A woman can expect a long-time dream to come true soon.
5 Expect a pleasant surprise, most likely from your loved one.
6 Threatens with slander and activation of enemies.
7 A person may come into life who truly loves you.
8 Pangs of jealousy are possible, not without reason: your loved one will give cause for concern. Nevertheless, you should not give vent to your grievances: first, your guesses need to be confirmed.
9 There may be ill-wishers who want to destroy your happiness and peace.
10 Menstruation on this day speaks of a possible new love or the return of an old boyfriend.
11 Again the pangs of jealousy, but this time, unlike the number 8, unfounded. Be careful not to destroy your own happiness by believing false rumors.
12 On this day you should be wary of magic and divination from other people. However, there is also the possibility of meeting new love.
13 On this day, menstruation portends significant difficulties.
14 The woman expects good news.
15 Critical days portend troubles from outside loved one(lovers or girlfriends).
16 On this day, menstruation is advised to keep your mouth shut and not indulge in chatter.
17 Separation from a loved one is possible.
18 For unmarried girls this date means an early marriage, and for married people - new stage in a relationship with your spouse.
19 The possibility of new relationships, which nevertheless do not promise to be joyful and mutual.
20 You should beware of insincerity on the part of loved ones.
21 Menstruation on this day warns against serious deception, which can have very serious consequences, including the breakdown of relationships and the destruction of a family.
22 A woman can expect good cash income. In general, this is a date of financial security and prosperity.
23 Pleasant events with far-reaching consequences.
24 A woman should expect guests. Menstruation on this day foreshadows an imminent feast. That's why, even if you don't plan to invite anyone over, make sure you have some supplies in your refrigerator in case of unexpected guests. Remain a hospitable hostess.
25 A new acquaintance in a woman’s life. Whether it will become fateful or remain insignificant depends on the personal initiative of the fortuneteller.
26 A man will come into a woman’s life who will become her good and devoted friend.
27 You should expect the fulfillment of long-standing desires.
28 You should not count on quick changes in your personal life, but the financial and career aspects are very dynamic and favorable.
29 Events can happen in life that can lead to serious and unpleasant consequences.
30 The appearance of a new acquaintance, the relationship with whom will be long and trusting.
31 A woman is in for a journey, and not necessarily a pleasant one.

By day of the week

You can find out your fate by looking at what day of the week your period came. If you combine the result of this fortune telling with the result of the previous one, the picture will be more accurate and truthful.

Day of the weekPrediction
MondayStarting your period on Monday can often lead to hassle and worry. What kind of troubles these will be depends on the woman: they can be either pleasant or not very pleasant. In addition, it is possible to receive a valuable gift. Again, whether it is worth taking it, fortune telling does not answer, and you need to decide this yourself.
TuesdayPromises a meeting with an old friend or with a person who has long disappeared from the woman’s sight. Also, this day of the week may foretell a quick acquaintance with a person who will have a significant impact on the future fate of the fortuneteller.
WednesdayIt is considered an unfavorable day for the start of menstruation. It portends imminent troubles that can complicate life indefinitely. It should be noted, however, that these troubles can be eradicated, and a woman should put all her perseverance and energy into emerging victorious from her battle with circumstances. This is why there is no need to be afraid of the environment: it does not so much guarantee a series of failures as it warns about the need to look both ways and control the situation.
ThursdayIn turn, it is not so clear. The arrival of menstruation on this day may indicate an approaching holiday in a noisy and cheerful company. What this holiday will entail - joy or problems - is unknown. However, keeping this in mind, every effort should be made to prevent the development of a negative scenario.
FridayIt is considered the most favorable day for the start of menstruation. The news that comes on this day can change a woman’s life. Although, of course, it is worth making your own efforts to achieve results.
SaturdayA wonderful day that promises the arrival of all good things in your life. It could be anything: gifts, a promotion, an unexpected pleasant trip, the fulfillment of a long-standing desire, or an ardent declaration of love. Problems will easily resolve themselves or be calmly resolved. Conflicts and misunderstandings will disappear.
SundayMenstruation on Sunday portends joy and carefreeness, but at the same time it can indicate short-term quarrels with a loved one.

By time of day

Fortune telling by the days of the week, combined with fortune telling by the days of the month, makes the result more accurate. However, another criterion that you can look at is the time of day at which your period arrived.

Times of DayPrediction
MorningMorning starts bring love. Exactly this good time because it promises a woman real feelings and highest degree harmony. If menstruation began in the morning, this also means that the woman must restore broken relationships and establish forgotten contacts. Of course, if she wants it. In general, the significance of the morning arrival of critical days comes down to positive changes.
DayThe onset of menstruation during the daytime (from 11 am to 1 pm) is also favorable: a woman should expect good luck and ease in getting things done. The second half of the day (14-17 hours), on the contrary, threatens with troubles. Therefore, a woman should be careful, circumspect and distrustful in order to avoid them.
EveningThe time from 6 to 9 pm also speaks of troubles, but of a slightly different kind. They will not entail domestic, financial or other “tangible” problems, but will cause melancholy or an increased sense of loneliness.
NightNight is considered the most unfortunate time for the arrival of critical days. Fortune telling promises separation from a partner. Her reason will lie in the dishonesty of her lover. The arrival of menstruation at night may portend other troubles of various kinds.

Putting the results together different approaches, get a more complete picture. Believing it or not is everyone's personal choice. However, as they say, if you don’t believe, then you shouldn’t guess, and if you believe, then believe with all your soul. Then it will definitely come true.

Many argue that fortune telling by menstruation can very accurately predict the near future. At this time, a woman is most sensitive to change and receptive. Her intuition and ability to listen to internal signals is unusually high.

Whatever approach to fortune telling you choose, remember that there is always a third way. You can take note of the predictions and act independently, taking into account magical recommendations. In other words, follow the rule of the golden mean.

No one knows when, how and why it came to mind to guess by menstruation. The only thing that can be said with confidence is that only women with their ingenuity and imagination can come up with fortune telling by the date and time of the start of menstruation.

It so happens that women feel the world more subtly and their intuition is more developed. Part of the craving for the unknown and otherworldly can be explained by the influence of the Moon. It is this satellite of our planet that controls the female menstrual cycle. Think about it: the average cycle length is 28 days, just like the number of days in a lunar month. Do you still doubt the seriousness of this fortune telling?

Types of fortune telling on critical days

Fortune telling by menstruation is quite interesting. Its process cannot be influenced, and the results are easy to decipher.

If you are interested in getting an answer, you need to present a situation or ask an exciting question at the beginning of the cycle. You should not ask about the distant future and serious life-changing situations: fortune telling by menstruation is unlikely to give women helpful advice in these cases.

All you can count on when guessing by menstruation is advice or a prediction for the coming week or during your critical days.

There are several types of female fortune telling on critical days:

  • fortune telling by the time of day when menstruation began;
  • fortune telling by the day of the week when menstruation begins;
  • fortune telling by menstruation and their start date.

Tables of values ​​for fortune telling by menstruation

Fortune telling by the start time of menstruation

If critical days have begun:

In the morning. Love and mutual understanding await you. A kind of example of universal love on the scale of one cycle. Perhaps you will experience a surge of tenderness towards someone you know;

During the day. The menstrual cycle that begins during the day promises a sea of ​​positive emotions and good mood until the end of menstruation.

In the evening. Menstruation predicts sad events for ladies. Most likely, you will have to break up with your loved one. The evening onset of menstruation is considered not very favorable and indicates an upcoming period of loneliness. Throughout the coming month it will not be easy for you to cope with depressive moods.

Fortune telling by menstruation - days of the week

It is important to remember the day when menstruation began and refer to the results table:

Monday: Critical days that began on Monday warn of troubling times. What kind of anxiety there will be, fortune telling does not answer. Perhaps it will be excitement in anticipation of victory and a long-awaited meeting.

Tuesday: It is likely that you will meet a person who will play important role in your life soon.

Wednesday: Critical days that begin on Wednesday will bring you troubles and disappointments. Don't be upset unfavorable period will only last a week.

Thursday: People you don’t know well will invite you to visit, and quite unexpectedly.

Friday: Surprises and surprises await you in the near future and, probably, not very joyful ones.

Saturday: Fortune telling promises a romantic date and a declaration of love before the end of menstruation.

Sunday: Friends will come to visit you, despite the fact that they did not warn you about it. Fun and adventure are guaranteed. You should beware of pranks and control the amount you drink so that you don’t feel ashamed of your behavior later.

Fortune telling by the dates of the month when the menstrual cycle began

1st number: - for joyful events and pleasant shopping.

2 numbers: - you will be disappointed in something or someone.

3 numbers: – soon you will encounter negativity.

4 numbers: - good luck, rejoice, happiness is just around the corner.

5th: – an amazing surprise gift awaits you.

6th: - Beware of gossips, they can ruin your mood.

7th: - they love you, don’t even doubt it.

8th: – you will be provoked into jealousy and rash actions until the end of your period.

9th: – you will become a victim of rumors and speculation.

10th: - predicts new acquaintances, flirting until the end of critical days.

11th: – learn to trust others.

12th: – secret admirers, intrigue and mystical coincidences.

13th: - alas, failures and disappointment await you.

14th: joyful events, good news before the end of your period.

15th: – troubles are inevitable, be persistent, it will pass.

16th: – you should talk less about yourself, especially during menstruation and to unfamiliar people.

17th: - alas, but your love is not mutual.

18th: - you are as charming as ever.

19th: - a deep and real feeling is approaching.

20th: new novel doomed.

21st: - you are too gullible and are being taken advantage of, be careful.

22nd: – your financial situation will improve significantly before the end of your period.

23rd: - you will be happy.

24th: – meet guests, perhaps distant relatives.

25th: – your circle of acquaintances will expand significantly.

26th: – they will definitely help you, don’t lose heart.

27th: - what you so desired will finally come true.

28th: - luck and success accompany you.

29th: – in the near future someone will make you cry.

30th: – there is a person next to you who cares about you.

31st: - unexpected good news, new feelings and new perspectives.

To believe or not to menstruation?

Whether you take period fortune telling seriously is up to you. Despite the ambiguous attitude towards such a prediction, he has many supporters who claim that fortune telling by menstruation, the date and time of the start of critical days is the most accurate.

Therefore, I would like to say one thing - guess by your periods, as much as you want. You shouldn’t look for patterns and logic where they shouldn’t exist.

Among the people, there are many superstitions associated with sleeping, sneezing, scratching, and even yawning. Did you know that there are many superstitions regarding the onset of menstruation?

It would seem that this is a completely natural thing for a woman that happens every month, but it also carries its own unusual meaning and definitely means something.

The signs for menstruation are simple - you need to know the day of the week, the time of day and the specific date when your menstruation began.

Let's try to interpret the signs of menstruation, depending on what time of day they began:

  • Morning means love. It can be anyone, a husband, a child, parents, just close people... Strong relationships with your family you are guaranteed for the whole month.
  • The day brings joy. Thanks to the start of your period during the day, you won't have to be sad all month.
  • The evening will bring sadness and boredom. And the later your period comes, the sadder your month will be.
  • Night means separation. Be prepared that in the near future you will have to be left alone for some period.

Signs by day of the week

Now let’s look at what day of the week your period began, and what they brought with them for the next month:

  • Monday- It’s a hard day, and it will bring you a lot of worries. But worries are not always sad, they can turn out to be just pleasant troubles.
  • Tuesday will lead to changes in life. The coming month is a great time for serious decisions and choices.
  • Start of period on Wednesday- expect trouble. Be wary of people you don't know, don't be too trusting.
  • Thursday- wait for guests. Or you yourself may be lucky enough to get a visit. But what these gatherings will be like, pleasant communication or a negative meeting, depends only on you.
  • Friday- wait for news. Whether it will be good or bad news is unknown. Be patient and wait.
  • Saturday– a great day to start your period. Your cherished dreams and desires will definitely come true, you just need to believe.
  • Sunday will bring you a lot of joy and fun. You will spend the coming month in in a great mood, and nothing can spoil it.

And even the date of your period plays a big role in your destiny for the whole month:

  1. The very first day of the month portends happiness throughout menstrual cycle.
  2. Such a cold feeling as contempt will visit you this month and linger inside you for a long time. You are guaranteed to have a disdainful attitude towards someone.
  3. This number entails a quarrel and conflict situations. Try to avoid them or reduce their duration as much as possible.
  4. Expect happiness and fun, they will definitely visit you this month.
  5. Get ready to meet the giver and receive a pleasant gift from him, perhaps it will be a big and unexpected surprise for you.
  6. Rumors and gossip will surround you, try not to take everything to heart and don’t get upset, people need to talk about something.
  7. This lucky number will bring you sincere and pure love. Try to keep this feeling in the future, perhaps this is your future, and not a short prediction for one month.
  8. Are you a jealous person? Then try not to give free rein to your feelings, and control yourself.
  9. The calmer you behave, the less violent your menstrual cycle will be. The thing is that you are destined to encounter troubles in the near future, which you will undoubtedly be able to overcome.
  10. Falling in love will visit you very soon. Or maybe your feelings for your own spouse are becoming more intense with renewed vigor? Anything is possible.
  11. You can be sure of your lover, he will lend his shoulder to you at any moment. His devotion is limitless, you will soon understand this.
  12. You will simply be fascinated by one person. It is unknown whether this person will be familiar to you, but be prepared for the fact that this is just a temporary attraction.
  13. You will not escape suffering for several weeks. Don't be discouraged, the time of failure will pass quickly.
  14. Great news will lift your spirits, as it is always nice to receive good news.
  15. It’s a pity that your period did not begin a day earlier, since this date is the opposite of the previous date. Expect bad news.
  16. There comes a time when you need to gossip less. Keep your comments to yourself, this month your tongue is your enemy.
  17. You will be separated from someone very dear to you. Don't panic, it won't last long.
  18. Falling in love will visit you again. You need to understand whether this feeling turns out to be true love.
  19. And there can be no doubt about this figure, real love will overwhelm you, and you will find yourself in seventh heaven.
  20. Love comes and goes... Unrequited love will make you sad for a while. It's difficult to deal with emotions, but you have to cope.
  21. Vigilance will not hurt you during this period. Perhaps you will remain deceived; beware of cunning people.
  22. Your financial well-being is guaranteed. Perhaps they will give you a big bonus, or maybe it will be a lucky find, or a big win in the lottery.
  23. Happiness is your companion this month.
  24. Are you happy to have unexpected guests? Just be always prepared for their arrival, they will visit you soon.
  25. Meeting new people is always nice. One of these days you will expand your social circle.
  26. You will need help and you will get it. Someone will take pity on you and give you the opportunity to cry into your vest if there is such a need.
  27. Your dreams will come true! This number promises you fulfillment of desires.
  28. You will have everything that will favorably characterize your life in the eyes of the people around you.
  29. Alas, something will sadden you to tears.
  30. Mutual passion will delight you throughout the month.
  31. Something unexpected awaits you. Perhaps you will go on a trip or a long trip.

Only you decide whether to believe in folk signs or not to take them seriously. In any case, you are the creators of your destiny, believe in the good, and luck will accompany you.

Before you start fortune telling, choose the day of the week and time of day when your period began.

It is believed that morning start brings mutual love. This can be not only love for your husband or fiance, but also love for your loved ones. Such a beginning promises favorable contact with your environment until the end of the cycle.

Day start just as the morning is colored by the upcoming joy.

Afternoon slightly less successful, and the evening start promises boredom, which will become the main mood over the coming weeks.

Night threatens a quarrel with your loved one. But, as they say: forewarned is forearmed. Try to restrain your own negative emotions and then your relationship will always bring you joy.

Day of the week

Monday portends all kinds of worries and troubles. They can be both pleasant and not very pleasant. However, in our lifetime, what day is complete without hassle? There is also a high probability of receiving a gift.

Tuesday will give you a meeting with a friend, and perhaps a new acquaintance. There is a tangible change ahead in life with a “plus” sign.

Wednesday promises trouble. But there is no need to be upset about this, because the cycle is not so long, the troubles will go away with it, and the new cycle will certainly be more successful. In any case, the predicted troubles will not be like thunder from a clear sky for you. You have the opportunity to “send yourself some straws.”

Thursday prepares surprises of a different kind. You will have to go visit. It will be awkward to refuse. There is a high probability of being festive table. How enjoyable it will be for you will depend on you and your company.

Friday will bring a kind of program: the essence of which boils down to pleasant news, which may be followed by less pleasant news. Be patient, because you may need it.

Saturday promises pleasant things in every sense: declaration of love, fulfillment of desires, gifts. The desire can be not only of an amorous nature, but also of a business nature.

Sunday gives fun. This is exactly what the coming period will bring. You will also have a memorable conversation with a friend.