Write real letters and give real postcards. Find an old photo with your friends, gather them again in the same place and take the same photo, but only where you are already adults

Every day we do different things, perform different actions, sometimes mechanically, not noticing how life quickly rushes by. Some of our actions are imposed on us from the outside (TV, news, Internet, newspapers), some are adopted from friends and colleagues, some are simply fashionable. Sometimes we completely forget about creativity and creativity, which cannot be bought, but can only be created.

So, let your imagination run wild! We invite you to make 30 bright things that will brighten your everyday life and be remembered for a long time!

1. Draw your picture

It doesn't matter that you're not an artist and it won't be Da Vinci's work. Buy a canvas, frame, easel, and paint your picture of life. Anyone can write a book, but with a painting it’s more difficult. When finished, hang it on the wall.

2. Save someone's life

Donate blood, donate money for surgery. Learn to provide first aid, emergency aid. Maybe one day you will have the opportunity to save someone from death.

3. Donate your items to the poor or needy

We often throw into the trash a lot of unnecessary things, in our opinion, that others may need. It will be much more pleasant to make them happy with such a gift.

4. Plant a tree or garden

If you don’t have a summer house or a place near your house, this can be done in a park or forest. And it doesn’t matter that no one will see it, appreciate it or give you a medal. Do it for the planet, for the future we will definitely have.

5. Visit a holy place

Do this, regardless of religion and your views on faith. This will give you the opportunity to reflect on your life. Maybe after this you will change something in your life, put things in order in your head, and think about the meaning of people’s existence.

Our life is not endless, and you are not God, and someday the moment of your death will come. So maybe it’s time to start living and do something worthwhile instead of buying a new smartphone, watching stupid TV shows, being a consumer, and denying everything.

6. Hitchhike

Take the risk, it's worth it! New impressions, acquaintances and a forgotten feeling of the unknown.

7. Learn a foreign language and make friends from that country

Each new language is another personality in you. New language– this is a whole layer of culture, customs, relationships and impressions. Don't deprive yourself of such pleasure! How more languages you will learn - so a fuller world will open for you.

8. Travel with couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is a network of open and helpful people. You will be provided with free overnight accommodation and other assistance during your trip. And it doesn’t matter which country you go to - there will always be a couple there suitable options. Plus, with its help you can implement the previous point.

9. Get a job as a volunteer

There is nothing better than helping others. Clean up the park, help the homeless, feed the hungry, get grandmothers across the street. In general, show your human qualities.

10. Live alone for 7 days outside of civilization

Without the Internet, TV, telephone and computer, far from people and means of communication. Sounds like a feat, right? The way it is! Just a week, and you will return as a completely different person. The brain and soul will be cleansed of unnecessary files, clarity and the desire to move forward will come.

11. Keep a personal diary, write down all your thoughts and ideas there

And then pass it on as an inheritance to your children or grandchildren, so that they get to know you and yours better. inner world. Everyone wouldn't mind receiving one from their father or grandfather. Make it a family tradition.

12. Find a person (or several) who has the same dream as you

And try to achieve it together. You can start with something small. And who knows, maybe in the process you will meet not only a friend to achieve your goals, but also a life partner? After all, you will have so much in common and interesting things!

13. Buy a bouquet of flowers and give it to passers-by

One flower seems like a small thing, but it will be nice for everyone. You will feel it when you see smiles and grateful eyes.

14. Take your children's things or toys to the orphanage

You can also make a monetary contribution or simply go and visit the children. There are so many kids in the world, deprived of fate, in need of attention, love and warmth. Don't be indifferent to them. You will get a hundred times more.

15. Organize or participate in a flash mob

It can be anything! You can feel like an actor or dancer in Indian TV series. This will bring a lot of laughter, joy and positivity.

16. Find an old photo with your friends, gather them again in the same place and take the same photo, but only where you are already adults

Surely you haven’t seen some of the friends and acquaintances in the old photo for ten years - it will be a great reason to see each other again. What if old friendships revive and you find a loved one again?

17. Make a family tree

At least up to the 10th generation, or better yet more. You must know who your ancestors are and honor their memory. Who knows - maybe the glory of your family will begin with you or noble blood flows in you? Do this while your old relatives are still alive.

18. Don’t lie or be a hypocrite all day long

Say everything you think and feel. Tough call. But try to go beyond, don't be afraid of the consequences. In 10 years, you are unlikely to remember the problems that arose because of your sincerity. And this day can change your life forever! So that you will never again lie to others or to yourself. Interesting? Go for it!

19. Create your inspiration board

Not to be confused with a vision board, these are completely different things. We all sometimes get angry, feel bad and experience anger and aggression. Everyone sometimes gives up and doesn’t have the strength to continue to fight and achieve their goals. Create a board or poster with photographs, drawings, things that can 100% always cheer you up, inspire you, motivate you and inspire confidence in yourself.

20. Make a gift with your own hands

And give it to your loved one or to a loved one. Put all your imagination, all your abilities and desire to do something nice. But give just like that, without expectations! Remember, the main thing is attention.

21. Throw a surprise party for the people you care about.

And it doesn't matter how much money you have. Just decorate the house with balloons, bake a cake, learn a song. After all, it is not the cost of the holiday that is important, but the strength of the feelings that you put into it, and the surprise and happiness that you give.

22. Live without electricity for 24 hours

At all. Even without a refrigerator =). Another step that goes beyond all limits, but is very useful. Break the pattern, break the system, at least for a day. Be in unity with yourself and nature. If you slip up even once, this day no longer counts.

23. Be a vegetarian for a month

Believe me, you won't cause any harm to your health, but you will save a few innocent lives, and you might enjoy it.

24. Save a small amount EVERY day.

And after 5 years, with the money raised, together with friends, we can do what we always wanted to do, but didn’t have enough money. Make your dream come true, even after 5 years. This will instill in you perseverance and determination. Prove to yourself that you are worthy!

25. Sew your own clothes

And perhaps dress in it. We all wear clothes, but someone creates them. Become the creator of your own clothing line for yourself. Creative ideas for you! Quality materials and more color!

26. Learn some applied skill

For example, beekeeping, or gardening, wood carving or bricklaying. In an era when everything can be done right hand, holding it on your mouse, it will be a mouthful for you clean air. It’s so nice to be able to do something material, even if it’s fixing a water pipe.

27. Plant 7 oak trees, grow them and cut them down after 20-30 years

For what? To make boards and lay them in your son's house oak parquet! And when he walks on this floor with his children, and the floor creaks quietly, he will remember that you made this floor for him. Both your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know about this.

28. Write real letters and give real postcards

They wrote somewhere that after the era of humanity there will be no information left, since everything is stored in in electronic format. So it may be worth giving real postcards to your loved ones, writing real letters on paper, and not in SMS and e-mail, printing photos in albums, and not posting them on the wall on social media. networks?

29. Make your own personal time capsule

And put in it your message to future contemporaries. Send a piece of yourself on a journey through time. What if this will help descendants unravel some mystery of the past?

30. Add your own item to this list and complete it

This could be your deepest dream, or something that you are very afraid to do. The list would not be complete without this item =)

Good luck and bright impressions!

Share your successes with your friends and inspire them to do crazy things.

What do people most often complain about now? Lack of time, huge amount of information that is very difficult to keep in your head, limited opportunities organisms that do not allow them to keep up with everything in such a rapidly developing digital world. And people don’t want to grow old, lose sight, hearing, memory, and mobility with age.

There are enthusiasts who believe that existing technologies are quite capable of solving any problem. You just need to direct this very decision in the right direction. This is how biohacking came about.

These are a kind of experiments at home, usually on yourself. Their goal is to unlock their own potential by influencing one or another organ, perhaps even at the cellular level.

What biohacking can do was demonstrated by University of Reading professor Kevin Warwick. At his university, he created a computer that interacts with the biosystems of a living organism. As part of the experiment, Warwick implanted himself with a chip that sent a signal that was monitored by a computer. The smart machine responded to a signal when the professor appeared. For example, she opened doors for him and turned on other computers in the room.

Warwick later implanted two chips into himself and his wife, which he said allowed him to sense his wife's actions. Having started the experiment in the late nineties, the professor in 2011, with the help of robots, transmitted information through sensors to brain cells grown in a special culture. Experiments are being conducted on rat brain cells. Later, the professor plans to use human brain cells.

Biohacking is developing in several directions. The first is the ability to synthesize human and artificial intelligence, allowing a person to greatly enhance his own brain activity, gain the ability to control some processes at a distance, and in the future, invent something like telepathic communication. What Professor Warwick is working on.

The second direction is directly related to the word hacking, that is, “hacking.” Hack your own body at the cellular level, ensuring control over all body systems, making it work the way and for as long as you need. There is a whole international non-profit organization called Humanity+, which promotes the idea of ​​improving humanity with the help of new technologies to the masses. Its members believe that in the future a person will be able to control not only his physical abilities, but also his emotions and mental condition, By at will“switching” yourself to love and joy. And this is just the beginning. The ultimate goal members of Humanity+ call the creation of a post-human, one who, with the help of developed technologies, will replace today's humanity. This new creation will have a significantly increased lifespan and will have amazing abilities. In the future, according to these biohackers, a person after death will be able to exist as information within the Network.

The third direction in the development of biohacking is the implantation of implants into the human body to enhance a certain function of the body. In fact, it has already received some development. By sewing a pacemaker into a person, doctors force his unhealthy heart to do its job, ensuring the vital functions of the body.

34-year-old young man Rich Lee, when he learned that he would soon go completely blind, decided that he would still see. And if his eyes are not allowed to perform their function, let his ears do it. Rich implanted magnets into them that transmit sound. While he is just learning to use the implants, he is getting used to perceiving sound with them. But when an ultrasonic rangefinder is added to the magnets, the implants will help Rich see. This method helps you navigate the world around you. bats, which, as is known, have no organs of vision.

The fourth direction is cell modification at the genetic level. There is a project called JuicyPrint, which hacked bacteria so that they became sensitive to light. Cellulose was produced with the help of these bacteria. The project involves changing the genetic code of bacteria so that they perform their work depending on the availability of light. In the future, it is planned to lay out bacteria in layers on the material for a 3D printer, and the final product will take the shape that the manufacturer wants. Subsequently, when durable biologically compatible substances are created, this technology can be used to restore certain organs of living beings and create analogues blood vessels. The biological basis of new organs will help them freely take their place in the human body.

The fifth direction is associated with the available “improvised” means that make it possible to force the body to work at its best right now. Thus, biohacker Asprey created low-toxic coffee, which was nicknamed bulletproof. This drink stimulates brain activity, helps Asprey fight excess weight and monitor his own health. This biohacker is also called an extreme person. To improve his body and enhance brain activity, he connects electric current to his muscles and brain.

The popularity of today's nootropics is also associated with the desire to expand the capabilities of one's memory and make knowledge limitless. With the help of these means, experimenters hope to fulfill the dream of many: to use the brain 100 percent, and not 10 percent, like the average person, as scientists say.

The well-known doping is also biohacking aimed at expanding a person’s physical abilities.

Many people have heard about fasting as a branch of biohacking. This therapeutic fasting, which alternates with meals according to a certain pattern. It allows you to cleanse the body of toxins, thereby launching the function of self-healing and partial rejuvenation. It is also used to lose excess weight.

Biohackers have their own experts in certain areas of biohacking: Kelly Starrett - in mobility, Jim Kwik - in memory, Daniel Amen - in the brain. There are about 40 of them in total. Experts regularly gather at conferences where they discuss their work and achievements.

The experts themselves claim that their goal is to allow a person to minimally depend on the world around them, control their emotions, respond adequately to any life circumstances, and most importantly, “squeeze” the maximum capabilities out of their body, without causing any harm to it. This is a look at healthy image life, from the point of view of biohacking.

Sharing all the details of your life with everyone is highly undesirable, since sometimes attentive ears quickly turn into a chatty mouth. It is better to keep personal information to yourself and not disclose it to others unnecessarily. This way you can avoid problems that ultimately lead to disastrous results.

There are five situations when you should keep your mouth shut.

1. Your deepest thoughts.

Your opinion on a particular issue should concern only you and you should not try to impose it on others. For example, if you decide to discuss issues related to life or death in a company, then your views on them will most likely cause completely unpredictable reactions from your interlocutors. You must understand that your thoughts are subjective, do not reflect reality, and may seem unreasonable and unconvincing to other people.

2. Your charitable activities.

Lending a helping hand or any other manifestation of philanthropy has a huge impact on the further development of the individual and society as a whole. But they carry much greater value if you do not seek to hear words of gratitude in response to your philanthropy. Trying to tell the world how much you have helped someone is seen as bragging because most people would interpret such behavior as a desire to gain popularity. Being virtuous means helping people while remaining anonymous.

3. Your goals.

Your plans must be carefully hidden from others until you have the opportunity to implement them. Once you make them public, you give other people the opportunity to steal your ideas and try to implement them, filling in all the gaps that you might not have noticed. If this happens, you will give up, and you will very much regret that you could not keep your mouth shut.

4. Your lifestyle.

Certain details like your intimate life, religiosity, overcoming bad habits, etc. It's best to keep it a secret from others, unless it's people you know very well. You should not share your experiences with just anyone, because sometimes your lifestyle can become a cause of discord if your interlocutor does not approve of it.

5. Your family problems.

It is very stupid and disrespectful to air your dirty laundry in public. In this way, you will only make your family an object of ridicule from “well-wishers,” but family conflicts and quarrels will pass sooner or later. Problems at home need to be solved at home - only there can you find the support of those you love.

Here are 5 important things you need to keep secret.

1. Your innermost thoughts

What you think on certain topics should be your belief, not something you try to force into the heads of others. For example, your thoughts about life or death will cause various reactions when you decide to make a discussion for discussion. Learn to understand that your thoughts are your interpretation and not objective truth, or you'll likely encounter some bad arguments.

2. Your philanthropy

Providing assistance to a person or any other form of charitable work does a lot for the development of people and our society, but it is more valuable if you do not seek recognition for such benevolence. When you try to publicize how helpful you have been, it usually comes across as bragging, since many will think that your original intention for such support was to seek popularity. There are many benefits to adding value to people and remaining anonymous.

3. Your goals

Your plans should be guarded with full diligence until you are able to achieve them. Yelling about them can allow other people to steal your ideas and work on them, dealing with loopholes you may not have noticed in your plans. If this happens, it will demoralize you and make you regret ever making your plans known to everyone.

4. Your life

Certain details about your personality such as; your sex life, religious life, coping bad habit etc. are best kept secret unless you know the person you are talking to. You shouldn't put your emotional conditions on everyone because sometimes it can just lead to a fight if they don't agree with your lifestyle.

5. Family's "dirty laundry"

It is very disrespectful and unwise to tell stories of family conflicts.to others. This devalues ​​your personality and brings more ridicule to your family as such stories are usually passed on until at some point the story changes completely. Problems in the home are best resolved at home as you share the issues within your space and your loved ones.

The path to wealth is hard, and for this you need to work on yourself every day, eradicating old habits.

Anatoly Pachka

eradicates bad habits

The Rich Club analyzed the most bad habits that prevent you from getting rich. The next time you think about where the money is flowing, remember this article.

Don't track your spending

Familiar dialogue?

  • I want to be rich!
  • How much?
  • Don't know.
  • How rich are you now?
  • I'm poor!
  • Well how much?
  • I don't know, I didn't count.

How can you control something if you don't think it is? Keep track of your expenses.

Wasting time

Most valuable resource in life - not money or even health, but time. This is the only thing we cannot return. Therefore, financially literate people always keep track of where their time is spent. Their main question like, “Is this valuable enough to warrant my time?” They know the value of their time, refuse unnecessary meetings, are not present anywhere “for show” and leave boring films.

Help others first and then yourself

A characteristic Russian trait is “all the best to others.” Anguished mothers invest everything in their children's education, living a hungry and unhappy life. A young family gives their bedroom to their mother-in-law who came to stay. Giving a loan to your nephew when you don’t have enough money to finish the house yourself - does that sound familiar? There is a problem with this approach: caring for others in this way does not produce the expected return. Instead of investing in others, invest in yourself first.

We all need to learn to take care of ourselves: first create a comfortable life for ourselves, and only then engage in charity. We are always waiting for someone else to take care of us - but this is a path full of disappointment. It is much safer to rely on yourself. And for this you need to take care of yourself.

Afraid of negotiations

Negotiations are not just a conversation between two corporations about who is buying whose shares. This is any conversation where you want something: even a conversation with your spouse about who will take out the trash. The better you negotiate in such everyday things, the easier it is for you to negotiate on a big scale.

As usual, salary negotiations are conducted: “Petr Petrovich, I work well, I am a valuable employee, I demand a salary increase!”

So how should it be:

  • Petr Petrovich, now I receive 25,000 RUR, but I want to receive 35,000 RUR. What can I do about this?
  • Well, my friend, I don’t know... We don’t have that much money. Only if you receive a commission
  • What is needed for this?

Try to save without increasing your earnings

For some reason, people who begin to engage in finance believe that they need to save as much as possible right away. This is more of a misconception. In fact, you first need to invest all your efforts in order to earn as much as possible. And only then - save up.

The child decided that he did not want to wait so long - he needed to somehow speed up the process. He takes on a part-time job: for example, he starts taking out the trash and cleaning the yard. Increases income. Now he not only has more money, but also a new source of income. This is literacy!