Disadvantages of polypropylene pipes in home heating. Polypropylene pipes for heating technical characteristics: do-it-yourself installation What size polypropylene pipe to choose for heating

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Which polypropylene pipes are better: 6 little things that can determine the fate of the future pipeline

Everyone has probably already heard about the victorious march of polypropylene in the plumbing industry. But which polypropylene pipes are best used in a given situation? For example, when I first came to a specialized store specifically for this product, I was puzzled by the fairly extensive number of offers. So I propose to deal with the most significant criteria, which due to inexperience can be considered insignificant details.

Some general characteristics

Why is it even worth switching from the same metal to polypropylene? Why are plastic pipes better than cast iron or metal? Before delving into their varieties, you need to have an idea about their advantages:

  • Complete absence of corrosion processes. Subject to constant contact with water, quite significant quality;
  • Absolutely smooth walls, thanks to which the pressure maintains its intensity for as long as possible. In addition, there is no effect of the formation of growths, which renders metal analogues unusable;

  • Almost complete no noise emitting transported liquid;
  • Relatively low price. This is one of the most important advantages due to which most owners choose plastic pipes;
  • Simple instructions performing installation work. Using a pipe soldering iron, you can easily and quickly create reliable connections, since the melting point of the material in question is only 260 degrees Celsius above zero;

  • There is no danger of ruptures as a result of freezing of the transported liquid, which is very important for external highways in winter;
  • A huge number of all kinds of connecting fittings, allowing you to lay pipelines of any complexity;
  • Durability. The service life of polypropylene exceeds 50 years.

Positive sides of this material obvious, but they can vary dramatically depending on the brand and type of pipe, so it’s worth having an idea about these nuances.

What to pay attention to

If you just come and order plastic pipes for yourself, you may end up encountering many problems during their operation or simply overpay where this is not required. Understanding the meaning of some “little things” that you can detect even with visual inspection product:

Little thing #1: number of layers

In this context we are talking about single-layer and multi-layer products. And here everything is simple:

  • Single layer polypropylene pipes are cheaper and are used to create most types of pipeline systems, but are not suitable for operation at high temperatures, since they begin to deform when heated to 70-90 degrees Celsius;
  • Multilayer Due to reinforcement, samples are able to withstand much higher temperatures, although they are correspondingly more expensive.

For the purpose of installing an apartment heating system, I recommend purchasing reinforced products. The fact is that in winter the temperature built up in boiler rooms can significantly exceed the threshold permissible for single-layer pipes.

Little detail No. 2: markings on single-layer pipes, which determine their more accurate composition

On all plastic pipes that have one layer, you can find certain symbols by which you can judge their more detailed composition and recommended areas of application:

Marking Name Peculiarities Areas of use
RRN Homopolymer
  • High hardness;
  • Lack of resistance to low temperatures
  • Ventilation systems;
  • Industrial pipelines
RRV Block copolymer
  • Flexibility;
  • Frost resistance
  • Cold water supply systems;
  • Warm floor systems;
  • Manufacturing of impact-resistant fittings and pipes
PPR Statistical copolymer
  • High strength;
  • Ability to withstand short-term temperature surges up to +110 degrees Celsius;
  • Restoring shape after defrosting;
  • High resistance to acids and alkalis;
  • Excellent sound insulation
  • Cold and hot water supply systems;
  • Warm floor systems;
  • Heating systems in private houses;
  • Compressed air systems

Recommend for home use purchase single-layer pipes marked PPR, as they have the best performance characteristics, and their cost is not much higher than their less practical counterparts.

Little thing #3: reinforcement method

If you plan to use polypropylene products during installation heating system in an apartment, then, as I noted above, you will need multilayer reinforced samples.

They have greater rigidity and good resistance to high temperatures, for which, however, you have to come to terms with an increase in their cost, and in some cases also with additional difficulties during installation work associated precisely with the need to eliminate reinforcement at the soldering site.

But even in this case, I was faced with a choice of two most common options:

  1. Pipe with foil-coated intermediate layer. If the foil is located close to outside product, then it is removed using a shaver, but if closer to inside product, then the cut edge is trimmed to avoid contact of the metal with the transported liquid. In any case, additional work during welding is provided. In turn, such pipes are divided into the following types depending on the structure of the reinforcing layer:
    • Perforated layer. This means that the foil has holes, and during the process of filling the workpiece with polypropylene, it leaks through them, creating reliable connection without using glue;

    • Solid layer. In this case, there are three separate layers glued together;

  1. Glass fiber reinforced pipe. In this case, reinforcement is performed by adding fiberglass filler to polypropylene. This approach provides clear advantages:
    • There is no need to strip the edge of the pipe before it;
    • Increasing the rigidity coefficient of the product;
    • Reduced thermal expansion rate by 75%;
    • Monolithic structure. In this case there is no division into layers.

Little detail No. 4: markings that determine the pressure and temperature the pipe can withstand

Before choosing polypropylene pipes for laying a specific pipeline, you need to carefully read the designations beginning with the letters PN. This “trifle” will tell you what conditions a particular product can withstand.

The classification of polypropylene pipes according to this criterion looks like this:

  • PN 10. Suitable for transport cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed +20 degrees Celsius. Allowable pressure– up to 1 MPa;

  • PN 16. Here it is already possible to use products in both cold and hot water supply, so they are able to withstand heat up to +60 degrees Celsius and pressure up to 1.6 MPa;

  • PN 20. There are no problems with transportation of hot liquid, the temperature of which even reaches +95 degrees Celsius. The working pressure is 2 MPa;

  • PN 25. These are already reinforced samples used in heating systems. Withstands temperature surges exceeding +95 degrees Celsius, and operating pressure up to 2 MPa.

As the numbers after the letters increase, PN not only increases operational properties, but also the cost of the products, so in order not to overpay, choose those pipes that exactly match your plans. That is, for example, for cold water supply there is absolutely no need to buy relatively expensive reinforced samples.

Little thing #5: color

Here the opinions of experts differ. Some of them believe that the color of the pipes does not affect their specifications. But others reasonably note that such markings put into products by manufacturers should be taken into account. I am a reinsurer, so I take the side of the latter in this matter.

And this is what the color can tell you according to the manufacturer:

  1. White:
    • Ability to withstand pressure of 25 bar;
    • Cheapness;
    • Complete absence of corrosion processes;

  1. Grey:
    • Heat resistance;
    • Long operational period;
    • Environmental cleanliness;
    • Excellent tightness;

  1. Black:
    • UV resistance;
    • High resistance to aggressive acids and alkalis;
    • Resistance to drying effect;
    • Increased strength parameters;

  1. Green. Cheap samples with a low operating pressure threshold, used, as a rule, to implement a garden watering system.

As you can see, colored products can also tell some information, which, however, has a rather general appearance.

Little thing #6: manufacturer

You can answer, they say, this is not a car or even Appliances, to also follow the brand here. But only if you deal with the products of a well-known company, you can be sure that all the designations described above will correspond to reality.

With some goods of dubious origin, you may not pay attention to the marking at all, since it is most likely applied only to increase the cost.

A country Company name

The repair of heating pipelines must be approached responsibly. The durability and correct functioning of the system depends on the quality of materials and the strength of their installation. The market leaders in this area today are polypropylene materials, which are not inferior in strength to metal ones.

Polypropylene pipes began to be used for heating systems relatively recently. Before this, their place was taken by solid steel pipes. Such structures were connected by welding, were durable, but difficult to install and expensive to manufacture.

Polypropylene pipes have gone through a number of important metamorphoses over their short history. Polypropylene itself does not have the heat resistance that the companies developing it expected. That is why the first heat-conducting systems with such pipes quickly fell into disrepair, and they began to be skeptical about the material itself.

On this moment polypropylene pipes have been significantly improved. There are various models that are used to serve cold and hot water, heat supply and sewage disposal. When carrying out repairs, it is important to choose pipes that are designed for specific purposes, otherwise the structure will not be suitable for use.

It is important! At the moment, there are many companies producing and selling pipes for heating systems. It is advisable to buy pipes along with all components from official suppliers in specialized stores, since there are many low-quality fakes.

Types of PPR pipes

Polypropylene pipes are used in various areas, but not all are suitable for heating. In pursuit of cheap material, you may buy the wrong type of pipe that could withstand hot water under pressure. It is important to be able to distinguish one type of pipe from another.

The classification of polypropylene pipes is as follows:

  • RR-N. This is the first generation of polypropylene pipes. This model has all the properties of the base material. PP-N are hermetically sealed and resistant to high pressure; in addition, they do not enter into chemical reactions. However, melting of such a pipe can begin already at a temperature of 50 ͒ C. Such pipes are used in cold water supply systems, ventilation and for industrial purposes;
  • RR-V. During the production of this type, the formula of the material was slightly changed. The pipes turned out to be stronger and more durable, but they still could not withstand temperature fluctuations. Such pipes have the advantages of previous generation and, in addition, better withstand the effects of hot temperatures. However, they are unsuitable for heating systems and even hot water supply. Such pipes are often used in sewer construction;
  • PP-R. In the production of these pipes, in addition to polypropylene, ethylene is used. This allows them to withstand high temperature loads. In addition, such pipes, as a rule, are reinforced, which allows them to withstand temperatures of more than 100 ͒ C. Reinforced pipes PP-R is the most suitable option for the heating system.

For each of us, heating systems in a house or apartment, in most cases, are metal lines that entangle all heated rooms. Only quite recently, in new buildings, in private houses and cottages, new consumables began to be used - polypropylene pipes for heating. It is mainly made from metal pipes, less often metal-plastic, while in private small house construction polypropylene is increasingly being used for these purposes.

Heating pipes made of polypropylene, which appeared quite recently, have already proven in practice their high efficiency and reliability. Thanks to the use synthetic materials, it was possible to radically simplify the solution to the problem of arranging heating circuits in home heating systems. The technical characteristics of pipelines made from consumables of this type are fully consistent with the technological parameters of modern heating equipment. Price and long-term uninterrupted operation have brought polypropylene pipes to the first positions in the segment of thermal technology and equipment.

What is the reason for such popularity of new consumables for heating circuits? What is the secret of the high manufacturability of polypropylene pipelines?

Why polypropylene? What are the features of this material?

With the advent of polymers, the thermal industry received a number of undeniable advantages. Technologies used in production today have made it possible to produce new consumables in large quantities. Due to high technology it was possible to achieve low cost finished products. The polymer obtained as a result of physicochemical thermoplastic reactions has unique physical properties, is cheap and durable. became one of the latest “know-how”, which has successfully found its application in the field of heating technology.

High-quality polypropylene pipes from European manufacturers mean ease of installation, strength and heat resistance. You can buy polypropylene pipes for heating on the website https://agpipe.ru.

Apply today similar material becomes fashionable. The technical characteristics and manufacturability of polypropylene are captivating. With the help of polypropylene products, consumables and components, you can equip almost any water system heating, both in terms of configuration complexity and length. WITH metal pipes You definitely won’t be able to afford this anymore.

On a note: if we compare the cost of materials and installation of a metal heating system pipeline in a private house with similar work that uses synthetic products, the latter wins in price.

The main advantages lie in the material itself. Polypropylene, or as it is commonly called, thermoplastic, is a substance that changes its plasticity as a result of temperature changes environment. At high temperatures, up to 140 0 C, polypropylene becomes soft and plastic; at a temperature already at 175 0 C, the thermoplastic begins to melt, losing its structure. Accordingly, at temperatures up to 120 0 C, the material is able to retain its basic physical characteristics and properties.

Knowing about such physical properties of polypropylene, a question involuntarily arises. Can the substance be used to make heating system pipelines? For water heating, where boiler water can reach a maximum of 95 0 C, the use of such material is an ideal option.

The only point you should pay attention to is the coefficient of thermal expansion. With prolonged contact with hot water circulating through the mains, polypropylene can change its usual shape. Therefore, when choosing components for a heating system, always look at the markings of the pipes. Each product is marked accordingly, i.e. The pipe contains data on the scope of application of the product.

On a note: for ordinary polypropylene pipes, the thermal elongation is 10 cm per 1 m. For reinforced, reinforced polypropylene pipes, this figure is much less, only 1 cm per 1 m.

Heating can only be equipped using special polypropylene products based on a reinforcing layer.

Polypropylene pipes for heating have the following advantages:

  • multilayer structure ensures successful interaction with high temperatures;
  • simple and easy installation, waste-free production;
  • light weight;
  • there is no need to paint the finished pipeline;
  • environmental and technological safety;
  • the presence of low hydraulic resistance;
  • absence of blockages and salt deposits in the pipelines;
  • dielectric properties of the material;
  • long service life.

Do not forget that, unlike collet and coupling connections on metal structures, polypropylene lines are joined together by diffuse welding. The connections are thus strong, stable and airtight. Polypropylene pipes can be used in any room for cold and hot water supply, for the installation of warm water floors and radiator heating lines.

On a note: use of these materials for systems central heating Not recommended in regions with low temperatures. The combination of low temperatures, the coolant reaching its boiling point and high pressure can cause rupture heating circuit made from polypropylene. When working with autonomous boilers, which provide for adjusting the heating temperature of the coolant, it is possible to use polypropylene pipes.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes - ideal for heating systems

Among the variety of polypropylene consumables, only some products can be used for heating systems. To the question of which polypropylene pipes are better for heating, the answer is clear. Optimal choice– these are reinforced polypropylene consumables.

Conventional polypropylene pipes are not able to withstand high temperatures normally. Such a line will sag due to thermal elongation and lose its attractiveness. Such products, at the very least, are suitable for the installation of low-temperature heating systems. Warm water floors with such consumables will serve for a long time and reliably. Due to the fact that in these heating systems the heating temperature of the coolant is not high, thermal elongation does not play such a critical role. In addition, the water circuit is most often walled up in concrete screed and is less susceptible to deformation.

The rest of the products produced and offered for sale have various areas applications, while reinforced products are designed mainly for DHW systems and heating. Heating circuit for single-circuit or double-circuit circuit heating will have better performance in all respects if it is made from reinforced polypropylene. Its marking is PPR-AL-PPR or PPR-FB-PPR, where R means random copolymer, and AL and FB are reinforcing components, aluminum or fiberglass. Therefore, when purchasing, you should pay attention to all the inscriptions, symbols and numbers that are printed on polypropylene pipes for heating.

Random copolymer has a high degree of crystallization, therefore, due to the inclusion of this compound in the polymer composition, polypropylene is formed high strength and sustainability. It is this synthetic compound that is the basis for the manufacture of water heating pipes. Additional reinforcement only improves the performance characteristics of consumables. It is easy to work with such pipes directly on site, and installation of a pipeline from PPR pipes does not require the use of special tools.

In practical terms, we can say that polypropylene pipes are used almost everywhere where there is a need to provide water or other liquids. However, multilayer products are intended for the heating circuit.

On a note: single-layer, homogeneous pipes with a nominal pressure of PN10 are used for low-temperature heating systems. Heated floors work great if the water circuits are laid using loops made of ordinary polypropylene. Allowed for heated floors Maximum temperature heating the coolant 50 0 C, which is quite consistent with the technical parameters of conventional thermoplastic.

In all other cases, when a coolant with a high heating temperature is used, polybutene or. The layers in synthetic channels can be solid or perforated, i.e. in the form of a sieve, with round holes. All this is done with only one purpose, to reduce the impact on polypropylene high temperature, reduce thermal expansion.

For example, by comparing the coefficients of thermal expansion of a conventional, homogeneous material and a pipe with an aluminum layer or fiberglass.

In the first case, the thermal expansion values ​​will be 0.15%, while for reinforced products these figures are only 0.03%. There is a small difference between pipes reinforced with aluminum foil and fiberglass, only 5-6%. So, both consumables are good.

The only difference is that when installing a pipeline, aluminum-reinforced products must be cleaned. A shaver is used for these purposes. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve a strong connection between individual pipe fragments. The aluminum layer in places of future soldering is removed to a depth of 1-2 mm.

What to look for when choosing consumables

Having an idea of ​​what polypropylene pipes for heating systems are and how to choose the right consumables, begin preparing for installation. Heating in the house, the system is open or closed, so in addition to the properties and quality of the material, pay attention to the permissible nominal pressure that the pipelines can withstand. The pressure is designated PN, and numbers, for example, PN10, PN16, PN20 and PN25, indicate how many atmospheres the line can withstand.

The next aspect that you should always pay attention to is the thickness of the pipe walls and the diameter of the passage channel.

Important! Most products offered for sale indicate the outer diameter of the pipe. It should not be confused with the size of the internal section of the product.

Let's look at it in detail. What aspects should you pay attention to when purchasing consumables for your heating system?

The first aspect is working pressure. The marking indicates the maximum operating value at a temperature of 20 0 C. For water heating circuits, products marked with values ​​​​corresponding to 20 and 25 atmospheres are usually used. It is appropriate to remember here that polypropylene can withstand peak loads, however, as the temperature increases, the resistance of the material decreases.

The second aspect is temperature working environment. The pipe must indicate the maximum permissible value hot water temperature. Usually, specific numbers “75 0 C” or “90 0 C” are placed on products. In addition to everything, polypropylene pipes have color indicators and stripes. Red stripe - the material is intended for transporting hot water, blue stripe - supplying cold water.

The third aspect is reinforcement. The abbreviation includes Latin letters indicating the composition of the reinforcing layer. It’s up to you to choose which pipe is better reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass. If you have doubts about the strength and reliability of the product, opt for composite.

The fourth aspect is the pipe diameter. Here we should rely on the data of thermal and hydrodynamic calculations. The fact is that for individual sections of the pipeline the diameter of the pipes can be different (heating systems “warm water floors” use a pipe diameter of 16 mm). The calculations take into account the parameters of operating pressure, coolant temperature, boiler power and the number of connection points. Usually for home system heating from a centralized main, consumables with a diameter of 25 mm are used. With autonomous heating, the diameter of the pipeline can vary depending on the technological need.

For reference: note! Internal section In no case can the liner be larger than the diameter of the pipe in the riser. Pipe fragments with diameters of 20 and 26 mm are used.

Features of installation of polypropylene pipelines

In order to do correct installation heating main, you need to have a ready-made working diagram on hand. It must take into account pipeline fragments where polypropylene pipes are connected to metal-plastic products or come into contact with metal fragments. With the same outer diameter, cross-section polypropylene pipe will be less than metal product or metal-plastic. The wall thickness of all three materials is different, hence the technical nuances that arise during joining.

It is important to ensure that in the end all used pipeline fragments have the same internal diameter.

Stages of assembling a polypropylene heating system pipeline

Having decided on the choice of pipe for our own heating system, and this is probably a PPR brand product with a reinforcing layer, we proceed to installation. The assembly of the heating circuit can be divided into several stages. The joining of cut pieces and fragments of pipes is carried out using diffuse soldering.

To work you will need:

  • scissors or pipe cutter;
  • shaver – a device for stripping;
  • soldering iron

To prevent defects during soldering, practice connecting individual fragments. Otherwise, you can assemble a pipeline in which the connections will not meet the operating requirements. Fittings and couplings must be placed on the pipe with some effort.

The assembly steps are as follows:

  • cutting workpieces to specified sizes;
  • chamfering and calibration of reinforced products;
  • heating and joining of fragments (soldering).

Each stage has its own difficulties and features. Scissors should make a smooth and even cut with a gap of 1 mm on the inside.

Important! A gap of more than 1 mm may cause blockage of the passage in the pipe. The melted plastic will narrow the passage hole.

Following cutting comes calibration, the process of chamfering the cut fragments and pieces. As a result of a simple manipulation, the joint is made smooth, and with the help of a shaver, the aluminum layer is removed to the entire depth of the future joint. The soldering process itself determines the quality of the installation. If overheated, the joint can be deformed and the passage opening can be significantly narrowed. Optimal temperature heating of the soldering iron, according to experts, is 260 0 C.

In order to work in an apartment, you can use an 800 W soldering iron. The heating time of a polypropylene pipe depends on its diameter:

Eg, consumables with a diameter of 16 mm, heat up for no more than 5 s. Products with a diameter of 25 mm are heated for 7 seconds.

The plastic cools quickly, so you need to connect and center the fragments immediately after heating. Complete hardening occurs within the next 5 minutes. A correctly connected pipeline must undergo pressure testing, as a result of which any miscalculations and design flaws are revealed.


Polypropylene pipes used in home heating systems are a real step forward. Thanks to the low cost of the manufacturing process, it was possible to obtain a high-tech, qualitatively new material. Excellent technical characteristics and physical properties allow the use of polypropylene in almost all water communications. For heating systems, today, the best and most suitable this option.

Heating systems, like any other, do not last forever. Sooner or later the time comes to repair the structure or even simply replace it with a new one. Considering that old systems have been in operation for decades, a lot of time has passed since their installation and the owner who is planning to buy new parts may simply not be aware of the variety of modern piping options. Materials that have appeared relatively recently can significantly simplify installation and reduce the cost of the system as a whole. One such option is polypropylene pipes for heating.

Why is polypropylene better than other options?

Polypropylene is a thermoplastic. This means that it changes physical properties when the ambient temperature fluctuates. At 140°C it begins to soften, while at 175°C it already melts. Thus, the operating temperature of any polypropylene products should not exceed 120°C. Typically, pipes indicate a lower temperature, about 95°C, as the maximum permissible.

When purchasing polypropylene pipes, you must take into account that they are made from thermoplastic, that is, a material that slightly changes its properties when exposed to high temperatures.

The advantages of polypropylene pipes are obvious:

  • The multilayer structure of the elements allows them to withstand fairly high temperatures.
  • Simple installation procedure.
  • Light weight, which simplifies transportation and installation of parts.
  • Pipes do not need to be painted.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Environmental Safety. When exposed to high temperatures, the material does not emit toxic substances.
  • Low hydraulic resistance and complete absence of vibrations during the movement of coolant through the pipes.
  • No mineral deposits form inside the parts.
  • Resistance to mechanical and chemical influences.
  • The pipe does not conduct stray currents.
  • Low cost.
  • Service life exceeds 50 years.
  • Welding connections are stronger compared to others, which extends the service life of the system.
  • High coefficient of thermal conductivity, therefore, heat loss in the system is minimal.

The coefficient of thermal expansion of polypropylene is quite high. According to calculations, a standard three-meter pipe with a temperature range from 20 to 90°C lengthens by three centimeters. This must be taken into account when designing the system. In addition, you need to know that at extremely low temperatures in the northern regions, the coolant in the heating system can heat up above the boiling point, which, in combination with high pressure leads to pipe rupture.

Welding is the most reliable and popular method of connecting polypropylene pipes, but for this you need to choose a high-quality one welding machine. The nuances that need to be taken into account when purchasing it are discussed in the following article:

Thus, for regions where extreme low temperatures, for use in systems central heating It is not recommended to use polypropylene. It is better to install parts made of stainless or galvanized steel. If, however, and the maximum temperature of the coolant is determined by the user, polypropylene can be installed, since there cannot be overheating of water in such systems.

If the operating rules for polypropylene pipes are not followed, for example, if the coolant temperature is too high or the operating pressure in the system is too high, the parts may become deformed and destroyed. With proper use, they will last more than 50 years.

Classification of polypropylene pipes

The range of polypropylene pipes is represented by a large number of products. There are single-layer and multi-layer elements. Single-layer parts are classified:

  • RRN. Least durable models. Recommended for use in cold water supply systems, industrial pipelines and ventilation systems.
  • RRV. Made from blocksomer polymer. Used for the manufacture of high-strength impact connecting elements, as well as heating floor systems and cold water pipelines.
  • PPR. Made from random copolymer polypropylene. Recommended for creating hot and cold water supply pipelines, as well as water heating systems, including floor-mounted varieties.
  • P.P.S.. Made from highly flammable, highly durable polypropylene. It differs from other types of single-layer pipes in its higher maximum permissible temperature – 95°C.

Polypropylene pipes can be reinforced with aluminum, either solid or perforated sheet metal. Such products are characterized by greater tensile strength and a lower coefficient of thermal expansion.

Multilayer pipes are also called reinforced pipes. In addition to polypropylene, their composition also includes layers of various materials. Such products are divided into:

  • Reinforced with perforated aluminum. Produced on the outer surface of the parts. Before welding, the aluminum must be cut off by 1 mm.
  • Reinforced with a solid sheet of aluminum. The metal is also applied to the outer surface of the element. When connecting parts, the aluminum layer is removed at a distance of 1 mm.
  • Reinforced with aluminum sheet. It is performed in the center of the product or closer to its inner part. Preliminary cleaning before welding of such pipes is not carried out.
  • Fiberglass reinforced. The outer and inner parts of the part are made of polypropylene; in the middle of the product there is a layer of fiberglass.
  • Composite reinforced. The composite used is a mixture of fiberglass and polypropylene. The composition is placed in the middle of the element between layers of polypropylene.

A clear advantage of reinforced products is a lower coefficient of thermal expansion, which allows them to elongate less when heated. Despite this, the parts during installation should not rest against walls or interior ceilings. If installation is planned in screed or plaster, be sure to leave free space for possible extension. You need to understand that reinforcement reduces the level of thermal expansion, but does not completely eliminate it. Therefore, in some cases it may be necessary to use special compensators.

Unlike pipes reinforced with aluminum, parts reinforced with glass fiber are devoid of layers of adhesive. Fiberglass is fused onto polypropylene, so these products do not delaminate during operation.

In general, the technical characteristics and cost of such parts differ slightly. Pipes reinforced with aluminum require special pre-installation preparation, which consists of stripping the metal layer. Whereas parts with fiberglass and composite can be welded immediately. The latter have another advantage: they do not delaminate during operation. This is due to the fact that such pipes do not have adhesive layers, and the reinforcing material is fused into polypropylene.

Selection criteria - what to look for?

When selecting polypropylene pipes for a heating system, you need to take into account several important parameters.

Criterion #1 - operating pressure

Shows the maximum long-term operating pressure at a temperature of 20°C for which the pipe is designed. It must be indicated on the product labeling after the letters PN. For example, if the letters are followed by the number 20, this means that the product can operate at a pressure of 20 atmospheres. For heating systems, it is advisable to choose parts designed for 25 atmospheres, although 20 is also acceptable.

Of course, in some cases the product will be able to withstand peak pressure values ​​exceeding the maximum declared, but this is a short-term phenomenon. In addition, you need to remember that as the temperature of the coolant increases, the tensile strength of the pipe decreases. This must be taken into account when selecting parts for the system.

Criterion #2 - temperature

The product must indicate the maximum operating temperature of the coolant. This can be done in the form of markings with a clearly stated value, for example, “90C”. Or there must be an indication that the part is intended for transporting hot liquid.

Polypropylene pipes for heating are supplied with markings, which necessarily indicate the maximum permissible operating pressure, coolant temperature, plastic composition, presence and type of reinforcing material, and other important information

Criterion #3 - reinforcement

It is very desirable because it reduces the coefficient of thermal expansion of parts and increases their tensile strength. How to determine which is better, fiberglass or aluminum reinforcement? Experts say that in general the parameters of the pipes are the same. It is worth paying attention to the manufacturer. If it is a well-known company, you can choose any option. If the product is from a manufacturer unknown to the buyer, then it is better to prefer fiberglass or composite. Such parts are more difficult to spoil; in any case, they will last a long time.

Criterion #4 - diameter

The diameter of the pipes for the heating system is selected in accordance with the values ​​​​obtained as a result of hydrodynamic calculations. Their goal is to select parts with the smallest possible diameter for different sections of the heating system. In this case, it is necessary to take into account general scheme heating, operating pressure and coolant temperature. Central heating systems typically use 25mm diameter pipes, while autonomous systems this value may vary.

Fittings for polypropylene parts

Without properly selected fittings it is impossible to create a polypropylene pipeline. They are responsible for the formation of turns, branches and turns of highways, and also connect various parts of the pipeline. Taken together, a single system of the required configuration is formed with extremely precise joining of all elements. It is important to consider that for polypropylene pipes, both conventional fittings can be used, which are mounted using diffusion welding, and elements with a special brass threaded insert, intended for connecting not only plastic parts, but also metal structures.

The range of polypropylene fittings is very wide. Moreover, they differ not only in size. There are two types of such elements:

  • Parts without thread.
  • Fittings with threaded connections. They can be collapsible or solid.

A specific type of fitting is selected in accordance with its operating conditions. For example, it is more convenient to attach hoses using one-piece fittings, and a meter or tank using threaded ones.

To install a heating system made of polypropylene pipes, fittings are required. They can be with or without threaded connections, intended for fastening by welding

Polypropylene pipes are an excellent replacement for traditional steel parts. They are not subject to corrosion, are easier to install, are durable, and do not accumulate scale. However, it is not recommended to use such elements in conditions where overheating of the coolant is possible. In addition, one should not forget about enough high coefficient thermal expansion, which may require the use of special expansion joints for pipes. With the right choice of polypropylene parts, they will last a very long time without any problems, delighting their owner with warmth and comfort in the home.

Building a house or renovating an apartment involves installing a heating system and choosing materials suitable for this task. Which polypropylene is better for heating is one of the questions that arises during the search process among the wide variety of products on the market. To find the correct answer, you have to review large volumes of information materials, which sometimes contain conflicting data on available polypropylene products. Our article will greatly facilitate the selection process and help you set up a reliable and durable heating system.

A little theory to understand which polypropylene is better and why

In practice, it is better to use polypropylene pipes for heating systems. The advantage of this choice is due, first of all, to the lightness and reliability of the material, ease of installation, long service life and the wide range available on the market. Also, arguments in favor of using polypropylene include safety during operation when supplying hot water.

Pipes made from this material are an excellent alternative to cast iron heating products, which were previously used in plumbing and heating systems. They especially clearly showed their advantage in technical parameters, namely:

    Multilayer polypropylene pipe structure, which increases the wear resistance of the products several times, allowing them to be used in cold and hot water supply systems;

    Simple and fast execution heating installation;

    Convenient delivery of pipes to their destination due to the lightness of polypropylene;

    Easy to maintain;

    Polypropylene is better protected from fire;

    No painting required;

    High tightness of polypropylene;

    The material prevents the spread and reproduction of harmful microorganisms and the deposition of salts;

    Holds up better high level water pressure in heating systems;

    Protection against stray currents;

    Polypropylene is hygienic and harmless to health, since it does not emit toxic compounds when heated and does not affect the water structure;

    The best indicator of hydraulic resistance and absence of fluctuations during transportation of liquid through heating pipes;

    Resistance to aggressive chemicals and mechanical damage;

    Polypropylene better resists deformation even at high temperatures up to 120 degrees.

And this is not the entire list of advantages of this polymer over other materials for heating installation. He has more profitable price, higher quality guarantee and service life (up to 50 years) and other equally important indicators.

Polypropylene pipes are used in different areas construction:

    Installations in the boiler room;

    Cold/hot water supply system;

    Installation of heated floors;

    Central heating system;

    Installation of risers;

    IN agriculture for the purpose of drainage of waste and soil waters, arrangement of drainage and irrigation systems;

    On industrial enterprises polypropylene is used in systems for delivering compressed oxygen and chemical liquids;

    The best selection of polymer pipes from a wide range of manufacturers - Russia, Czech Republic, China, Italy, Turkey and other countries.

Which polypropylene is better for heating, based on its type

Before purchasing polypropylene heating pipes, it is better to familiarize yourself with them technical parameters, scope of application and price/quality ratio. After all the pros and cons are taken into account, you can choose the most best option products. Pipe products made of polypropylene according to their design characteristics are divided into:

    Single layer;


Products of the first type are classified by type:

PPH. The simplest type of polypropylene pipes for installing industrial systems, ventilation and water supply systems (cold water supply).

PPV. They are produced on the basis of a blocksomer polymer compound used to install a system of heated floors and cold water supply. This material is better suited for the manufacture of mechanically resistant joints.

PPR. Manufactured from random copolymer/polypropylene, widely used in cold water and various kinds heating systems.

PPs. Separate view plastic products that better withstand heating of the environment up to 95 degrees.

Multilayer heating pipes include reinforced polypropylene products consisting of a durable interlayer frame.

Their main advantage is the ability to reduce temperature load changes in the pipe.

In practice, for heating devices it is better to use polypropylene pipe products reinforced with foil. There are 2 types of such products:


The main disadvantage of reinforced heating pipelines made of polypropylene is the need to strip the foil insert before soldering, since the presence of the insert reduces the reliability of the seam in the structure. At the same time, there are types of pipes with deep insert placement, in which it is better not to strip them.

But still, taking into account all the advantages of polypropylene products for heating, there are a number of significant shortcomings regarding the process of connecting elements. When installing the structure, it is better to install pipes, which can only be done efficiently by a qualified craftsman. It should also be remembered that during the welding process, layers of pipe half the wall thickness are joined.

When choosing polypropylene products and components for them for a heating system, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​application, temperature limits working environment and installation conditions.

There are several features that are best taken into account when choosing pipes:

    When installing polypropylene heating pipelines, you should use a special soldering iron;

    The market offers a wide variety of components made from this material (fittings, couplings, adapters, tees, 45, 90 degree angles) that are required elements;

    Connecting fittings made of white and gray polypropylene work best for installing water supply systems and heating systems.

When choosing plastic pipe products, you should familiarize yourself with the features of their characteristics and the possibility of application. Only after this will it be possible to determine which pipe is best suited for heating installation. For each type of polypropylene product, the manufacturer includes detailed instructions and description of the intended purpose.

It is better to trust the installation of heating from polymer-based pipes only to highly qualified craftsmen with experience.

Which polypropylene pipes are better for heating and easier to install?

Various plastic pipe products are used for heating devices.

The outer layer of the pipe is polypropylene, and the inner layer is made of reinforcing material consisting of foil or fiberglass. They are fastened together with a special glue, and up to five such layers can be present in the pipe.

Five-layer heating pipes (polypropylene) better withstand temperatures up to 90 degrees and pressure up to 25 atmospheres. But at the same time, linear deformation for samples with a fiberglass layer is less pronounced than for products with a foil insert. It is better to use both types of polypropylene pipes in the heating system. Even in places of bends, the fiberglass section is not visible, appearance designs are spoiled only by slight curvatures. In terms of technical characteristics, such a pipe is better in terms of reliability and strength.

During installation outer layer polypropylene is cleaned, and after that the pipe is welded to the fittings. It is recommended to use this option in a heating device, since this design withstands linear expansion much better. However, due to additional stripping, installation requires more time.

1. Use a pipe made of suitable material.

If it is decided to use polypropylene elements for heating installation work, then in this case it is necessary to determine which pipe option to choose and which connection methods to use. For a heating system, it is better to purchase reinforced plastic products with a maximum pressure level of 25 atmospheres and a temperature of up to 90 degrees.

We also recommend using polypropylene pipes with reinforcement from aluminum foil, since the expansion coefficient in this case is less than in samples with glass fiber. Although in practice the latter are also often used, especially in places hidden from view.

Using fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating will protect the system from ruptures and damage, which makes them the most profitable option, even despite some external disadvantages.

2. Correct connection.

Special attention should be paid to connecting pipes using a tee. Its main advantage is the absence of metal, which completely eliminates the deposition of salts, and the structure becomes durable and monolithic.

In the process of connecting polypropylene heating pipes using a tee, it is necessary to ensure that when soldering, a kind of edge is formed along the entire circumference.

3. Elimination of traces.

Typically, to prevent traces of linear expansion from being visible, polypropylene expansion joints are used, which are installed in places hidden from view. When working with polymer products It is better to take into account all the nuances in advance in order to avoid unforeseen situations. Therefore, first a heating diagram is drawn up from polypropylene pipes, including the boiler and all subsequent branches.

4. Forethought.

If a long section is planned in the heating scheme, then for the compensator it is better to leave a gap of 5 to 10 millimeters between the wall and the rotation of the polypropylene product for linear expansion.

Before connecting two pipes, their edges should be heated for a few seconds to ensure a stronger seal. On the soldering iron, the temperature regulator is set to the optimal value for polypropylene - 270 degrees.

5. Monitor conditions.

If the work will be carried out outdoors, then it is imperative to take into account that at a low temperature the soldering iron will cool faster, so you need to increase the soldering time or increase the temperature with the regulator.

When connecting polypropylene pipes to a heating system with large diameter it is also necessary to increase the adhesion period. After joining both parts of polymer products, they need to be kept in this state for some time for a more durable bond.

6. Maintain fixation time.

For a quality connection, the fixation duration should be about 30 seconds. But the larger the diameter of the polypropylene heating pipe, the longer it will take.

The soldering iron comes with two attachments, with the help of which the heat is applied simultaneously to both the outer and outer diameters. During the soldering process, both polypropylene parts heat up, which must be squeezed, pressing them towards each other, but it is better not to twist them, as the adhesive layer may be damaged. The heated polymer coupling smoothly moves towards the side, and a small influx around the circumference also forms on the pipe at the welding site.

7. Dock correctly.

After both heating pipes are heated, they need to be removed from the nozzles and joined. The connected polypropylene parts must cool slightly, after which it is necessary to check the uniformity and tightness of the side.

8. Avoid overheating.

It is necessary to ensure compliance with the operating temperature and soldering time of the workpieces in order to prevent overheating, which is indicated by darkening of the plastic. Such polypropylene melts quickly, which is why it can block and clog inner part pipes.

9. Use the correct parts for connection.

For each individual case, certain conditions for joining elements made of polypropylene are provided. In order to understand the sequence of actions, it is better to try to first assemble the entire heating system.

1 – polypropylene coupling for straight sections of the pipeline;

2 – cross;

3 – adapters that provide the ability to solder pipes with different diameters;

4 – coupling adapter for pipes of various diameters ( threaded connection);

5 – fittings with a union nut;

6 – adapter, one part of which has internal thread, and the opposite one is intended for connection by soldering;

8 – coupling, similar to the adapter from item 6, but with external thread;

7, 9 – connecting corners, one part of which has an internal/external threaded connection, and the other is intended for soldering;

10 – fastening fittings for wall mounting;

11 – combined tee connection;

12 – tee combined with fasteners;

13, 14, 15 – detachable coupling fittings;

16 – tap ball type made of polypropylene;

17 – polypropylene valve;

18 – tee for connecting plumbing equipment;

19 – polypropylene plug;

20 – polypropylene coupling;

21 – support for pipe fasteners (under different meanings diameters);

22 – fastening of bathroom faucets;

23 – compensator;

24 – bypass pipe.

Which polypropylene is better not to use for heating

Now we will determine polypropylene pipes, which are best not to be used for arranging certain heating systems.

Polymer products are classified according to the pressure and temperature of the working environment. The cheapest type of heating pipes is designed for a pressure level of 10 atmospheres and is designated PN-10.

The thickness of the polypropylene wall is from 2.5 to 2.8 millimeters, so it is better not to use such pipes in a heating system, but to use them only for supplying cold water.

The next type of plastic product with a thickness of 3 to 3.2 millimeters is designated PN-16 and is designed for a pressure level of up to 16 atmospheres and a working environment temperature of up to 80 degrees.

Next in the classification are polypropylene pipes with a wall thickness of up to 4 millimeters. They are designated PN-20 and can be used at atmospheric pressure up to 20 atmospheres and temperature working fluid from 80 to 85 degrees.

These pipes are best used for the water supply system: thin-walled for supplying cold water, and thick-walled for hot water. But the listed samples are not used for heating. The main reason is the large linear expansion, in which some sections of the pipeline will bend under the influence of high temperature.

Which polypropylene is better, based on pipe diameter

When drawing up a polypropylene pipeline diagram, it is better to focus on the size of the pipe diameter. When installing a heating system, the results of hydrodynamic calculations should be taken into account.

The main goal when carrying out calculations is to select a pipe with a minimum size in diameter, taking into account the pressure of the working medium and common project heating systems.

The main parameter when installing a pipe in a particular place is its diameter.

For example:

    Heating pipes with a large diameter, ranging in size from 200 millimeters, are used in the construction of residential buildings, hotels, saunas, hospitals, shopping centers and other buildings designed for occupancy large quantity of people.

    Products made of polypropylene with a diameter of 20 to 32 millimeters are relevant in private construction due to their high throughput and the ability to give any bending shape.

    In the construction of a central heating system, it is better to use polypropylene samples with a diameter of 25 mm, for autonomous heating this figure may fluctuate.

Reinforced polypropylene for heating and its characteristics (which manufacturers are better)

Working pressure level

Indicated in the marking of the heating pipe after the letters PN. If the marking indicates PN20, this means that the polypropylene pipe is designed for an atmospheric pressure level of 20 atmospheres, and, accordingly, PN25 - for 25 atmospheres. These samples can withstand maximum pressure and long operating conditions, but even at peak pressure they will not collapse. Of course, for extreme loads it is better to use polypropylene products marked PN25, since with increasing temperature the strength of the heating pipe coolant decreases significantly. So, at a temperature of 90 degrees, the pressure for a sample marked PN20 will no longer be 20 atmospheres, but approximately 6.5 kgf/cm². But in a heating system, this category of pipes remains capable of performing its assigned functions.

Permissible temperature

With the marking of polypropylene pipes, everything should be simple: the maximum operating temperature must be indicated in the form of degrees or other designation (hot&cold). Exceptions are established only for regions with harsh climates, where it is better not to use plastic products in the heating system. The fact is that in practice the temperature regime is not always maintained. So, for example, at a temperature of -50 degrees outside, living spaces become colder established norm. In such a situation, apartment residents may demand that the housing and communal services service recalculate heating costs, which is extremely unprofitable for utility companies. In resolving the issue between apartment owners and a thermal power plant interested in saving heat, utility specialists use a simple method: the suction in the elevator unit is turned off and the nozzle is removed, as a result of which water is supplied to the heating system not from the pipeline, but from a coolant with a temperature of more than 100 degrees . Therefore on Far East and in Yakutia, it is better not to replace pipes with polypropylene products, since this may have unpleasant consequences. It is better to use galvanized steel products for heating in regions with harsh climates.

The best manufacturers

Which manufacturers of polypropylene heating pipes have proven themselves better? Present on the modern market a large assortment plastic products from a variety of brands. It's quite difficult to choose from the entire list. the best manufacturer. One of the most popular brands is AQUAPIPE, as well as others, no less well-known companies, producing not only polypropylene pipes, but also components for them. When installing a plumbing or heating system, it is best to use products and components from one manufacturer, as this will ensure maximum reliability and durability of the entire structure.

Selecting polypropylene pipes is a very difficult task and requires detailed research and study of the entire range of products presented. The experience of qualified specialists specializing in the sale of these products will help resolve this issue.

The catalog of the SantekhStandart company presents almost the entire range of products and individual components, ideally suitable friend to friend.