Nina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls. Nina: what does this name mean, and how does it affect a person’s character and destiny

Nina is a strong, stable, down-to-earth name. It assumes that its bearer will not build castles in the air. The goals of such a girl are quite realistic and dictated by reason, and not by emotions and illusions. She only relies on own strength. On the one hand, this helps Nina persistently achieve what she wants, and on the other hand, it makes her proud and proud.

  • Latin - royal;
  • Greek and the language of the ancient Sumerians - mistress;
  • Arabic - useful;
  • Georgian - affectionate;
  • Hebrew - great-granddaughter;
  • Spanish - girl;
  • Quechua Indian language - smoldering coals.

Each translation suggests a separate version of the origin of the name. Researchers do not have a consensus on this issue. Most of them are inclined to options where the name Nina is associated with royalty and dominion. Some consider this word to be a shortened form of the ancient Greek name Ioannina.

The niece of the Jerusalem Patriarch Juvenal, who spread Christianity in Georgia, bore the name Nina. The founder of Assyria was named Ninos-Nin. The capital of the state was named after him. Representatives of the indigenous population of the Andes called themselves Nins.

Forms of the name Nina

Short and diminutive forms:

  • Ninka;
  • Ninok;
  • Nika;
  • Ninochka;
  • Ninulya;
  • Ninushka;
  • Ninusya;
  • Ninunya;
  • Ninura;
  • Ninusha.

When writing poems about a girl named Nina, you can use the following rhymes: picture, basket, abyss, viburnum, ballerina.

Photo gallery: name forms

Nina - full form name
Ninochka - affectionate form of the name Nina
Ninka - an appeal to Nina, which can be used by close and dear girls

Church uniform - Nina. At baptism, you can give the girl the name given to her at birth.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is NINA.

Table: name options in different languages

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Nina:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Alekseevna;
  • Vasilevna;
  • Dmitrievna;
  • Petrovna.

Table: dependence of Nina’s character on her middle name

Middle namesCharacter traits
AlekseevnaA controversial person who often gets into arguments with others. Stubborn and willful, she hates admitting her mistakes. Arrogant, but erudite. An independent, independent person. He loves to read. She is very neat and loves a comfortable and cozy environment, when all items have their own place. Hates when established rules are violated.
AlexandrovnaAn unbalanced personality, but very cheerful and with a great sense of humor. Optimistic in any situation, sometimes flies in the clouds. Needs communication, she has many friends and acquaintances. In the workplace, it is important for her to gain authority, because such a girl simply needs universal recognition. Realizing her usefulness, she will try several times harder and do everything to the maximum.
BogdanovnaRestrained and serious personality. She does not trust everyone; she is very careful in choosing people for her social circle. It is quite difficult to unbalance such a girl, but the one who does this will no longer want to do this. When angry, she becomes uncontrollable, and then gets angry with everyone, including herself, for intemperance.
AntonovnaA proud, independent and proud person who early gains independence from her family. Knows how to successfully build a career. Her character contains dexterity and cunning. Has a great sense of humor. She has a cheerful character, but sometimes she is overly stubborn. An intelligent, sociable woman who easily adapts to any conditions and situations. He is not afraid of difficulties and can often start everything from scratch.
AnatolievnaSilent, sharp, a little withdrawn, sometimes hot-tempered. She has complex nature. Such a girl is surrounded by many smart and interesting people, she can’t stand empty talkers. Defeats are extremely painful.

Nickname options for social networks

  • nino_4ka;
  • ninulya;
  • ninka;
  • miss_nini;
  • ninell.

Patron saints of Nina, name day dates

The following saints patronize Nin:

  • martyr Nina Kuznetsova;
  • nun Nina Shuvalova;
  • Equal to the Apostles Enlightenment Nina.

Holy Equal to the Apostles Nina born in Cappadocia. She grew up in a pious, believing family. One day the girl learned from her mentor that Georgia did not yet know faith in Christ. Then Nina began to pray to the Mother of God to help her convert the Georgians to Christianity. In a dream, Saint Mary blessed her, and in reality the preacher received a blessing from the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

After going a long way, almost dying from the executioners of the Armenian king, Nina reached Georgia. There she began to enlighten the people and heal from various diseases with the power of prayer. She healed and converted many people to Christianity, including the rulers of the state, Queen Nana and King Mirian.

Equal to the Apostles Nina is the patron saint of girls with this name

Ninotchki celebrates her name day:

  • January 27;
  • May 14;
  • November 19.

On the day of veneration of the holy enlightener Nina, January 27, it is customary to thank livestock for their service to people. People say: “Respect the cattle for Nina.” Cows are especially special: they carefully clean the barn, give the horned favorite delicious food, clean and pet it.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Nina's positive qualities:

  • energy;
  • realistic view of the world;
  • amazing ability to work;
  • business acumen.

Nina does not fly in the clouds, does not dream of the empty and unattainable. She understands exactly what she has the strength and potential for, and what to expect from life in general.

Negative traits:

  • selfishness;
  • pride;
  • envy;
  • painful attitude towards the success of others.

With such complex qualities, Nina may well lose friends and acquire many ill-wishers and rivals. The desire for material well-being can take precedence over a girl’s spirituality and moral principles. If she does not realize herself in life, she will become very nervous and angry, and envy of the success of others will simply choke Nina.

Ninotchka in childhood

Ninochka is an active, emotional, stubborn and proud child. The girl does not accept the advice of others; on the contrary, she herself constantly points out something to friends and adults. She has leadership qualities, but selfishness and uncompromisingness often prevent her from applying them in life.

At the same time, the baby is distinguished by justice and honesty. She knows how to defend her opinion even with her fists, but she will not be the first to rush into a fight. Little Nina is very emotional, which often creates problems for her family, in the yard, and at school.

Already as a child, Nina is inclined to defend justice and demand honesty

Nina is a persistent and diligent student who puts a lot of effort into studying well. She is just one of those children who achieve more through their work than through natural talent. The teachers are pleased with her progress, but the little girl’s behavior leaves much to be desired. But Ninochka has one excuse for all questions about this - she stood up for the weak, and this is a good cause.

Teen Nina

Growing up, Nina begins to understand that excess emotionality and temper begin to interfere with her path to achieving her goals. More balance and calm appear in her character. The girl does not fly in the clouds, but lives with earthly problems and affairs, looks at things realistically, and sensibly assesses her abilities and capabilities. She comes to the conclusion that only hard work will help achieve maximum high position.

Young Nina is a balanced and calm realist

Young Nina loves to be praised. Then the girl feels that she is appreciated. But hypocrisy and sycophancy disgust the owner of such a name. A simple but sincere “thank you” is always appreciated. She doesn't need fame or universal adoration. Although Ninotchka is quite proud, she does not strive for popularity. This young lady likes to be a mentor and give practical advice.

The femininity, charm and ostentatious complaisance of young Nina hide her prudence, determination and strong character. One can only envy the girl’s inner strength; it is almost impossible to break her will. The friends of the bearer of this name are very lucky, because in difficult situations they can safely count on her. She herself very rarely asks for help, because she believes that she can cope with her difficulties herself.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Pierre Rouget, Nina is indecisive, withdrawn and slightly fearful. Tries to avoid any conflicts with others. She is so good at restraining her feelings and emotions that she is ready to appear indifferent and absolutely impassive, just so as not to show that what is happening worries or frightens her. This woman has self-esteem and always keeps her promises. She gets out of difficult situations on her own and solves problems in her life.

Boris Khigir believes that with age, Nina becomes very scrupulous in matters relating to her own honor. It is important for a girl how her friends treat her, what people around her think about her actions, and even what the grandmothers in the yard think about her. She is responsible, punctual, and sometimes too principled. However, she knows how to be feminine, charming and soft.

According to Higir, reputation is extremely important for Nina; she even cares about what the grandmothers on the bench say about her

According to Mendeleev, a girl with this name devotes most of her time to her family. There will be no special ups in her life, but there will be no significant troubles either. An unexpected turn of events can confuse Nina because she lacks forethought. Taking care of health (both your own and the well-being of loved ones) takes a lot of energy and time from the owner of such a name. This woman constantly needs support in life. Ideally, it will be provided by the head of the family - a responsible and reliable person who will take on the responsibility of making decisions.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima are sure that Nina is an active and diligent woman. Self-confidence and independence often help her fulfill the role of a leader, although she has no special inclinations to lead people. As for jokes (especially about her personal qualities), she may simply not understand them. But intimate conversations for such a girl are like balm for the soul. Sometimes Ninochka happily opens up to a person who empathizes with her and has at least a drop of sympathy. After all, with her heroic character, a feeling of terrible fatigue can often arise.

Talents and hobbies

Nina carefully monitors her health and figure. Sport is one of her main hobbies. The girl also loves traveling. Preference is given to intellectual relaxation rather than active pastime. Instead of extreme skiing and diving, she will choose to visit exhibitions and museums, and take part in educational excursions.

Career and business

When choosing a profession, Nina chooses a specialty that will bring her a good income. Her independence, to which the girl is accustomed, directly depends on this. The owner of this name performs well in specialties that require responsibility and in-depth analysis. She will be able to successfully work in the following areas:

  • economics and accounting;
  • banking activities;
  • medicine;
  • the science.

Coming up with brilliant ideas is not her strong point, so this woman should not choose a career in creative fields.

When choosing a profession, Nina primarily focuses on financial rewards

Thanks to her hard work, diligence and discipline, Nina can take the place of a leader. She is a fair and successful boss. But the girl needs to moderate her stubbornness in order to avoid problems with her superiors.

An organized and responsible bearer of such a name maintains own business doesn't cause much trouble. But she still needs to have an experienced adviser in this matter, since important decisions are sometimes very difficult for Nina to make. At the same time, the mentor should not be her business partner, because it is difficult for a freedom-loving girl to share the reins of power with someone else.


As a child, Nina often suffered from infectious diseases and had a weak immune system. Due to disorders of the nervous system, she develops a severe character. Some diseases are inherited (for example, psoriasis, the course of which can be aggravated by nervousness).

Poor metabolism can lead to excess weight. It is important for a girl to seek help from a doctor in time and solve this problem. As Nina ages, she may develop joint-related diseases.

The health status of the owner of such a name may depend on her month of birth:

  • July - bone fragility, cracks often occur, fractures occur;
  • March and July - severe mental and nervous fatigue due to constant worries, even for minor reasons;
  • December - may suffer from childhood enuresis.

Nina in marriage and love

Outwardly, Nina is reserved and calm, but when she really falls in love, she shows temperament, sensuality and passion. True, this happens very rarely, because the girl has high demands on her chosen one. The owner of this name believes that her life partner should be distinguished by beauty, reliability, intelligence, loyalty and show concern for her beloved.

Nina in love is passionate, sensual and temperamental

She is a strong-willed and tough person, so only strong-willed representatives of the stronger sex can become the object of her attention. In her life partner, a girl should see an equal partner and friend; she does not accept pressure from him. But we must not forget that even with a strong character, she remains a woman who needs to feel support and care. Of course, the bearer of this name wants to sometimes be carried in arms and idolized.

A girl named Nina is trying her best to gain control over her husband. If he begins to impose his own opinion on her family relationships, she will resist. Such a young lady does not know how to compromise, and this often leads to a break in the marriage.

The owner of this name can find happiness in her personal life if she learns to be gentle and compliant. Then on her way she will meet responsible and reliable men, for whom marital relationships will be the main priority in life. She must have a clear understanding that the family is not a battlefield, she is not a commander, and her relatives are not her obedient soldiers.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Dmitriy100% 90% This couple has a great chance of building a strong and prosperous family. Nina and Dmitry are perfectly compatible sexually. They have a trusting relationship in which respect and mutual understanding play a big role. They truly value their union.
Alexander90% 80% Although these people have few common interests, both are capable of making compromises. Partners strive for stable and strong relationships. From time to time, Nina and Alexander have disagreements, which they resolve in a timely manner, because the main thing for them is not to accumulate resentment, but to smooth out and resolve controversial issues.
Sergey90% 80% Both partners appreciate every second of life. Wealth, popularity and veneration will not bring them true happiness. Nina and Sergey will be pleased with the peace and tranquility of their family nest. But in this couple, the last word still remains with the girl.
Eugene80% 100% This is a union of people who devote themselves entirely to their family. They live soul to soul and are ready to do a lot for the sake of their relationship. Reliable Evgeniy appreciates Nina's insight and fortitude. These two do not re-educate each other, but simply live in harmony and agreement.
Andrey90% 80% This couple can have a fairly strong and harmonious union, despite the different views and pace of life of such people. Their relationship is based on friendship and mutual respect. It is important for Andrey and Nina to learn to calmly resolve controversial issues.
Alexei90% 80% A union of people who value trust and calm in relationships. Devoted Alexey will do everything for his chosen one, enveloping her with attention, tenderness and warmth. Nina trusts him absolutely and in everything and gives her chosen one the role of head of the family. But the man is a supporter of equality, so they will make important decisions together.
Anatoly80% 100% The owners of these names have the same outlook on life and similar goals. Nina feels calm and easy next to Anatoly. Some dreams for two will help them follow a clear path; in all new endeavors they will always support each other.
Oleg70% 40% These are very different people; many people around them do not understand what unites them. Their union is usually not taken seriously. He is expansive and passionate, while she is a serious and reserved person. Nina in this couple will constantly lack constancy and care, and Oleg will very quickly begin to tire of the pedantry and discipline of his other half.
Novel80% 100% This couple would not exchange a warm and cozy home environment for anything in the world. Nina and Roman are very thrifty, sensible and diligent homebodies. Family household issues will never become the cause of their disagreements and quarrels. Both partners know how to properly organize and distribute any work process, including organizing family life.
Vladimir80% 70% Such a couple can build good family, but only if Nina allows the power-hungry Vladimir to be the head of their union. In addition, the girl must come to terms with the fact that all household chores, raising and caring for children will be solely her responsibilities.
Denis80% 70% A very unusual but interesting tandem of two strong personalities, because Denis and Nina have quite a difficult character. Both partners are accustomed to independence; they can make decisions without the advice of their other half; it will not be easy for them to compromise. Only sincere love will help them to be truly happy.
Artyom80% 100% This is a strong and harmonious union. A man solves material problems, and a woman is responsible for creating and supporting a family home. In such a couple, Nina can become a wonderful wife and mother. She will also have the opportunity to reach professional heights: with the support of her chosen one, the girl will be able to build a brilliant career.

The meaning of each letter of the name

N - a sign of protest, a sharp critical mind, concern for health, willpower not to perceive everything indiscriminately. Responsible worker, but does not accept “monkey work”.

And - mercy, goodwill, emotionality, subtlety of spiritual nature. Under the mask of external practicality, he hides a soft and romantic personality.

A is a symbol of the beginning, the desire to implement plans, the desire to achieve physical and spiritual perfection.

Poems with this name: “Nina” by Marina Tsvetaeva, “Invisible” by Vladimir Vysotsky, “Ninon” by Yuri Vizbor.

Table: name matches

StoneCornelianSymbol of devoted love. It improves mood, sharpens the mind, and enhances the gift of eloquence. This stone brings happiness and good luck, because it can accumulate positive energy. Protects its owner from troubles and gossip, brings prosperity to family relationships, and improves financial condition.
ColorBrownA good-natured, sympathetic and hardworking person. Sometimes a hot temper can provoke trouble and lead to irreparable consequences. Willfulness and pride often prevent you from listening to good advice.
Number5 A freedom-loving person who cannot sit still. This person is interested in everything unknown and new. Friendship is very important to these people, especially if their friends share their sense of adventure.
PlanetUranusExtraordinary, freedom-loving, inventive and unpredictable. Sometimes they can be overly stubborn.
ElementWaterCalm, sociable and friendly. They have developed intuition. Their main shortcomings are laziness and excessive vulnerability.
AnimalOwlA symbol of wisdom, clear thinking, balance and tranquility.
Zodiac signScalesThe contradictory character of such a girl is manifested in frequent mood swings: excessive activity is replaced by outright apathy, and hard work is replaced by laziness. But she has many sincere and loving friends.
TreeCypressThis tree in China is a symbol for long years life, grace and happiness. In Christianity, it personifies persistent pursuit of goals, endurance and valor.
PlantVineSymbolizes fertility, knowledge and fullness of life. It is also the personification of unbridled passion.
MetalCopperCharacterizes the beginning of a new life. It means rebirth, a warm and bright home. The copper talisman protects against witchcraft, damage and the evil eye.
Auspicious dayFriday
Important years of life15, 30

Characteristics of Nina according to the time of year

Winter Nina is a self-confident person with an explosive character. She stubbornly defends her point of view, so it’s unlikely to convince her of anything. Such a girl is not inclined to compromise. Even minor defeats or failures are painful and hard to bear. She has enough iron will and courage, but for a happy personal life she should be a little softer.

Nina, who was born in the spring, is an intriguer and selfish who is killed by monotony. According to the girl, she should live every new day as if it were her last. Intrigue and adventure are part of her concept of a multifaceted and exciting life. Only great and sincere love can make such a Ninochka more balanced and reasonable.

Spring Nina cannot imagine life without adventures

Ninotchka, born in one of the summer months, is a cold and hidden person. She considers only her own opinion to be correct, so it is difficult for those around her to find a common language with such a girl. She has few friends, but she doesn’t particularly need them and doesn’t have a complex about it. This is a person who feels great alone with himself.

Nina, whose birthday falls in the fall, is assertive, meticulous and businesslike. He knows how to see the positive sides in everything. This helps her avoid serious conflict situations and grief. A kind-hearted and charming woman. She has true friends who will never leave her to her fate.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA sensible, proud, brave and strong-willed woman. She grabs onto everything at once and often fails to finish the job she starts. He often wastes energy, so he does not fully realize his potential. Nina-Aries pays a lot of time and attention to little things, which prevents her from seeing the main thing.
TaurusFrank, sociable, but proud Nina-Taurus rarely listens to other people's opinions and makes compromises. Such a girl is sure that everyone should share her point of view. She needs not so much love and care as worship. She herself does not show enough emotions and feelings towards her other half.
TwinsWhimsical, influential and capricious, Nina-Gemini does not like criticism, especially if she is really wrong. Sometimes even close people cannot find common ground with her. Naturally, she has few friends. He will not prove his point of view to everyone. He prefers that everyone remain with their own opinion.
CancerA secretive and delicate person who very rarely trusts anyone. In turn, she is a reliable person who will never leave you in trouble. Nina-Cancer will not indulge in betrayal or deception; people around her feel this, because she is always sincere and kind. Sometimes it may seem that such a girl is weak-willed and lacking initiative, but in reality she is a very strong nature.
a lionThe domineering and selfish Nina-Leo often complicates everything. People around her suffer from this. The character of such a girl often shows pride and arrogance. She will not work on herself and her mistakes, analyze and draw conclusions from the current situation. Arrogance and inconstancy manifest themselves in both friendships and love relationships.
VirgoA restrained, non-conflict and calm person who does not complicate life for himself or others. Nina-Virgo is able to be content with what she has. Even little things bring her joy. She easily copes with all the setbacks on her life's path. In her company, those around her feel at ease and at ease, because such a girl constantly shows mercy and responsiveness. She has a large number of friends who appreciate her intelligence and goodwill. She does not impose her own opinions on others.
ScalesAn active, versatile, but fickle woman with whom you need to be careful. Behind her complacency and tact, Nina-Libra hides her slightly cynical, sometimes far from kind, nature. With just one word she can really hurt. Such a girl does not like weak-willed, careless and non-performing people.
ScorpionAssertive and modest, sincere and secretive, calculating and naive nature. Nina-Scorpio - controversial personality who does not like surprises and surprises, and unforeseen events can take her by surprise. Such a girl is friendly and friendly with everyone, but she will not openly talk about her problems, so as not to overload people with, in her opinion, unnecessary information.
SagittariusSociable, persistent and serious, Nina-Sagittarius is very afraid of loneliness, so she is surrounded by many friends and good acquaintances. She is a frank and sensitive person who always takes into account the advice of people close to her. An attractive and sensual representative of the fair half of humanity, she has many suitors. There will be many passionate and dizzying romances in her life.
CapricornDiplomatic, efficient and reliable, Nina-Capricorn does not like disorganization. She supports everything established order, knows how to take power into his own hands in time or accept the role of a subordinate. Such a girl would never exchange a calm and monotonous life for popularity and universal recognition, because the main thing for her is stability.
AquariusUnpredictable, talented and strong-willed personality. No difficulties or everyday problems will stop her. Nina-Aquarius can sometimes be selfish and cruel, but with close people she is soft and kind. There are no fleeting connections in her personal life. Such a girl dreams of creating a warm and happy family nest.
FishNoble, sincere and fair, Nina-Pisces seriously takes on any matter. She studies everything, down to the smallest and most insignificant details. With such an attitude not only to work, but also to life in general, this girl will always be in demand and successful.

Famous women

Famous women with this name:

  • Nina Chavchavadze - wife of Russian playwright and diplomat Alexander Griboedov;
  • Nina Sazonova - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR;
  • Nina Ruslanova - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Nina Ananiashvili - Georgian and Russian ballerina, People's Artist of Russia and Georgia;
  • Nina Dumbadze - Soviet track and field athlete, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR;
  • Nina Pacari - Ecuadorian politician;
  • Nina Persson - Swedish singer, vocalist of the band The Cardigans;
  • Nina Ponomareva - Soviet track and field athlete, discus thrower, eight-time USSR champion, the first Olympic champion in the history of the USSR, two-time Olympic champion, world record holder;
  • Nina Simone - American singer, pianist, composer, arranger;
  • Nina Kravitz is a Russian DJ, music producer and singer.

Songs with this name: “Nina” by the Lyapis Trubetskoy group, “Nina-Ninochka-Ninel” by Alexander Novikov, “Ninochka” by Irina Gribulina.

Photo gallery: famous Ninas

Nina Ananiashvili - Georgian and Russian ballerina Nina Dumbadze - Soviet athlete Nina Kravitz - Russian DJ Nina Persson - Swedish singer Nina Ponomareva - Soviet athlete Nina Ruslanova - theater and film actress Nina Sazonova - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress Nina Simone - American singer Nina Chavchavadze - wife of Russian playwright Alexander Griboedov

Nina always achieves her goals. This is a stubborn and persistent nature. For outsiders, she plays the role of a balanced and restrained person, and shows emotionality and passion in her close circle. Such a girl is active and bright, she is constantly in the center of attention, although she cannot be called fussy. On the contrary, the owner of such a name is used to planning her future in order to live her life calmly and without drastic changes.

Assyrian roots tell everything about the name Nina. This name has a very interesting meaning, translated as “queen” or “mistress”. There are other theories about the origin of this name. For example, it is customary for some nations to call their centenarians this way. In Hebrew, Nina means great-granddaughter.

Character Meaning

Nina's character is complex, but interesting. Everything about the name Nina can be said in one word - perseverance. Sometimes this persistence can overlap with stubbornness. She is sure that she knows everything about everyone, and she does not need any help or recommendations. Such a character implies a hint of selfishness. But a heightened sense of justice, which Nina sometimes cannot restrain, gives her a big heart. She will not stand aside and will always stand up for a defenseless person.

This name also has the meaning of narcissism. But in this case this is not a bad quality at all. Self-love does not allow Nina to be left behind, and she struggles to achieve success. What is important to her is not the goal, but recognition. Therefore, during her school years, Nina is the best student. Even without certain abilities in science, she will move mountains, but will be the first.

Nina has the traits of an emotional but secretive person, meaning that she will not show off her feelings. The opinions of others are of great importance to her. Her reputation is very important to her, and she will not allow rumors to be spread behind her back or intrigues to be created. Despite their strengths character and leadership qualities, she is in no hurry to consider herself a leader.

Nina is a good friend. She is a man of her word, and you can trust her with your secrets without fear. But she will say goodbye to the person who betrayed her quickly and forever. She often finds herself at the center of the company. Her sociability and innate sense of humor help her in this.

Most likely, a woman with a similar name will get a pet.

The meaning of fate in the name Nina

The strengths of her character make her very successful in her professional activities. The only thing that can ruin relations with management is eternal adherence to principles and a heightened sense of justice. Where some go against their principles, Nina cannot give in. Her seriousness in work, meaning maximum dedication, can build her a good career. It can be successfully implemented in trade, accounting and medicine.

She leaves her seemingly composure in love relationships. Here her affection and tenderness are manifested.

Fate in family relationships is more complicated. Her excessive demands on her husband leave a negative imprint on family well-being. The secret of the name is that she continues to show leadership in the family, trying to build a matriarchy. But still, Nina is a good housewife who always keeps her house in order. To be happy, she needs to reduce her own ambitions and not be so demanding of her loved ones.


She never complains about her health. And indeed, nature rewarded Nina with impeccable health and stamina. But there is also weak sides. The internal secretion organs should be given close attention.

Name compatibility

For a strong marriage, chosen ones with names are suitable: Valentin, Victor, Sergey, Semyon.

The unions of Nina and Fyodor, as well as Ivan, are considered unsuccessful.

Name day

Nina celebrates Angel Day three times a year:

  • January 27;
  • May 14;
  • November 19.


The talisman stone is zircon.

Suitable color is purple.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

This name is often found in historical literature, translated meaning “lady”, “queen”. Diminutives and endearments - Ninusya, Nusya, Nika, Nit.

Character. All about the name Nina

The girl Nina has a stubborn and independent character. Thanks to her intuition, she knows what she wants. In achieving his goal he takes true and firm steps. Not used to hiding and whispering in corners, she lives for today, practical and brave. Among her friends she stands out for her prudence and knowledge of life beyond her years. People around her respect her for her hard work and honesty.

This woman has an attractive appearance. Very sexy, good and neat housewife. Can successfully breed domestic animals, everyone will be well-fed and well-fed. In family life, she accustoms her husband to perform male duties, and scandals arise in this regard. But they are not of serious importance.

Nina has the character of a calm, balanced person whose sincerity is captivating. She does not strive to look for friends, but they themselves are drawn to her, recognizing her authority. She is attracted to medicine. She loves to treat herself from her own medicine cabinet. Unfussy, friendly.

The main features influencing her life path- this is calmness, integrity, peacefulness and weak will, independence, receptivity, self-love.

Ancient name Nina. Meaning of the name

The name Nina has several versions of origin. Appeared in ancient times. This was the name of the capital of ancient Assyria after its founder. The name "Ninos" means "royal", "great". Over time, it turned into Nina. "Nina" means great-granddaughter for those who speak Hebrew. In the Sumerian dialect "Nin" is mistress. Translated from Arabic it means “benefit”.

The usual fate of a girl named Nina

There is nothing unusual about the name Nina. However, history has reflected great women bearing this name. Most of them are theater and film actresses. Nina is hardworking, energetic, prefers independence and relies only on herself. Therefore, she chooses a profession that brings her a solid income, confidence and popularity. Responsibility and integrity allow her to work as a director of cafes and restaurants, and as a dentist. Every little thing matters to her. Therefore, she is lucky in her choice of profession, and fate favors her.

Name day

Poor health and nervous system problems

A weak girl, susceptible to infectious diseases. Hence - irritability, nervousness.

Her physical condition depends on what month of the year she was born. For those born in winter, there is a high risk of fractures. They have fragile bones. Their health depends on the weather.

Girls born from March to July are susceptible to nervous diseases, psoriasis is possible.

December children need to take care of their lungs and throat; enuresis is possible in childhood. Parents who have given such a name to their girl need to be attentive to the state of her nervous system and health. Problems with metabolic disorders appear, causing obesity. A good time is winter. It is at this time of year that you need to improve your health.


Relationships are possible with men:

  • Valentin, Victor and Georgy, Mikhail and Semyon, Sergey;

No compatibility:

  • Anatoly and Dmitry, Ivan, Fedor.


  • The stone is a talisman for the name - amber.
  • Color - orange, blue, purple.
  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.

“Great, royal” - this is the meaning of the name Nina. It came to us from Ancient Assyria. This was the name of the capital of this great state, the memory of which has been preserved to this day.

Sometimes people around them ask themselves the question: “Where does Nina get her strength from?” She never complains of fatigue, is ready to do the most difficult work, and never backs down.

A woman named Nina has two goals: to find an interesting job and to get married successfully. She has a very calm, non-conflict character. Often she doesn’t even try to look ahead, which is why she turns out to be unprepared for life changes. Any unpleasant event for her turns into a bolt from the blue.

She has persistent moral principles. For example, a promise made to someone takes the form of an oath, which she cannot break under any circumstances. She is smart and can make correct logical conclusions. Doesn't try to teach anyone. Unfortunately, her personal opinion often does not correspond to existing realities. She makes mistakes that have very unpleasant consequences.

Inability to be cunning and excessive frankness play cruel jokes on the bearer of the name Nina. From time to time, succumbing to persuasion, being overly trusting and kind, she begins to play the role imposed on her. Even if she understands that she is being used without hesitation, she is not always able to put an end to it.

Successfully realizes himself in a number of responsible professions: journalism, pedagogy, medicine. Her integrity commands universal respect from both her colleagues and her superiors.

Pretty appearance and good character do not create difficulties when getting married. She runs the household with a strong hand, avoiding overspending Money. She doesn’t agree to play secondary roles in the family; she wants to be the main one. Conflicts are not uncommon because she does not want to do everything homework alone, involving both her spouse and children.

Relations with my husband's relatives do not always go smoothly. If something doesn’t suit her, a woman named Nina is not inclined to seek compromises. She decisively files for divorce.

Nina is always concerned about the health of both herself and her loved ones. Therefore, regular medical examinations, the presence of medicines in the house, and the study of literature form an important part of her life.

Nina’s sexuality does not shout about itself; attention is required to discern a nature full of passion. Never takes the first step. Nina honors the sanctity of marriage; cheating is not for her. But she also makes a similar demand to her husband: forgiveness on her part is impossible.

See also the meaning of the name:

We hope that our interpretation of the mystery of the female name Nina will help you better understand your character or the character of your friends. Of course, one decoding and analysis of the origin of the name Nina cannot fully characterize the woman or girl to whom it belongs, so on our website you will also find various horoscopes, pages about compatibility, and find out what it means to belong to certain signs of various calendars. We invite you to dive into the sea secret knowledge and find out what not only the name Nina means, but also your Zodiac sign, animal according to the Eastern Calendar and much more.

The name Nina supposedly came into Russian from Georgia, and is translated as “affectionate”, and from the ancient Assyrian language it is translated as “queen”. Ninos was the name of the founder Assyrian state, the capital of this state had the same name, so perhaps the name Nina came to us from ancient Assyria. This is one of the most ancient names, and its exact origin is not known for certain.

This name is very popular in Georgia, and it sounds like Nino. The name Nina entered Russian Orthodox calendars only at the end of the 19th century as the names of Georgian saints. The popularity of the name in Russian aristocratic families was facilitated by the work of M.Yu. Lermontov, although even before that the name was well known in Russia. Nina is Mikhail Yuryevich’s favorite heroine, described in the work “Masquerade”. In those days, the name Nina was not yet listed in the calendar, and it was considered second to the main name Anastasia.

The name Nina was very popular in Soviet times, and in our time it ranks at the end of the fifth ten in popularity. Meanwhile, history knows many wonderful and talented women who wear this simple and at the same time very beautiful name. For example, actresses Nina Ruslanova and Nina Grebeshkova, ballerina Nina Timofeeva, singer Nina Isakova, Georgian singer Nino Kamatadze and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The main patroness of all Ninas is considered to be Saint Nina, Equal to the Apostles, the enlightener of Georgia. As a child, she lived in Jerusalem and served at the Holy Sepulcher, but after listening to her mentor’s stories about Iveria (as Georgia was called in ancient times), she became eager to visit this country. In 315, Nina arrived in Georgia, where she began to secretly preach Christianity. She performed a miraculous healing of the queen and several courtiers, which prompted the king and his court to accept Christianity.

Thus began the conversion of an entire people to the new faith. At the same time, everything happened voluntarily; the preacher did not allow any coercion.

Characteristics of the name

Nina is the embodiment of natural charm, an innate sense of tact and aristocracy. She is always welcome in any company, but she herself does not at all strive for leadership. If necessary, Nina can always win over a person who does not treat her very well.

Nina always relies on her own strength, does not like to dream and knows how to objectively assess the situation. She really doesn’t like to depend on anyone, and her stubbornness and heightened pride help her achieve a lot in life. There is a sense of calculation in her every action, but she will never chase after something unrealistic, but think only about what she can achieve on her own, without the help of others.

Nina is always responsible, punctual and principled, but this does not prevent her from being feminine, charming and soft. She is characterized by some pretentiousness and moralizing, which can spoil the overall impression of her character, but she tries with all her might to avoid conflicts. Nina slightly lacks a sense of humor; she does not know how to treat herself and others with irony.

She is a little reserved and tries to look like an aristocrat. But Nina can easily lose control of herself, and then there will be no trace of her aristocratic manners. Tightness and modesty can easily give way to complete looseness and frankness. Nina will open her soul to a person she trusts; she loves intimate conversations.

Nina has a very strong sense of self-worth, she is always true to her word and fulfills her obligations. She simply does not notice people who are not of interest to her. Nina does not strive for power, but she also does not like to obey.

An evil fate seems to hang over the name Nina, since a woman often turns out to be a toy in the wrong hands, a voluntary or involuntary executor of plans that are not her own. Very often, what seems right to Nina turns out to be wrong, and what she values ​​is worthless and generally unimportant.

Sometimes Nina manages to break herself and act thoughtfully, but very soon she returns to her usual pattern of behavior. The opinions of others are very important to Nina, so she tries to please everyone. She really doesn't like it when her words and actions become a subject for discussion.


Ninotchka as a child is an emotional, stubborn and proud girl who does not always take into account the opinions of her elders. Educators often draw parents' attention to the fact that their daughter is a bully and a big naughty girl. Often a girl shows selfishness when communicating with her peers; she can calmly take someone else’s doll, but does not like to share her toys.

Nina rarely becomes a leader among her peers, but if necessary, she can easily cope with this role - qualities such as independence and sociability are quite conducive to this.

At home, Nina happily helps her mother, babysits her younger sisters and brothers, but treats them jealously, demanding special treatment from her parents.

At school, Nina can become an excellent student, as she is diligent and has a good memory. But the girl is not inquisitive, so her horizons are limited to information from textbooks.

She strives for respect and recognition with all her might - this is very important for her self-esteem. Among his friends, he is distinguished by his prudence and knowledge of life beyond his years. Teachers respect Nina for her good organizational skills and ability to bring discipline to the team. But Nina can be left alone with herself since childhood, rejected by the team.

If Nina does not receive proper upbringing as a child, she may grow up to be an arrogant and selfish person who will have great problems with communication.


Nina has been very careful about her health all her life, so she rarely gets sick, and the woman is distinguished by her endurance. However, a merciless attitude towards oneself can play a cruel joke on Nina, and with age, stomach ulcers and digestive problems may appear.

In adulthood, metabolic problems may arise and obesity may occur. Nina reacts sharply to magnetic storms and weather changes.

Constant tension and great demands on yourself and others can provoke nervous disorders and other health problems.


Nina's femininity does not lie on the surface, but her personal life quite poor in love affairs.

Sexually, Nina is reserved; she is not one of those who attach great importance to sex. Typically, a woman is always friendly with men, but approaches them extremely carefully. She should really like the man, she just won’t go on a date because she has nothing better to do.

Nina does not tolerate fuss in anything, including sex. When preparing for a date, she will think through everything carefully and take care of everything. With her man, she is simple-minded and frank, and if something does not suit her, she will tell him about it directly. She will also ask directly about his preferences and desires in sex.

Nina attaches great importance to caresses, tenderness and kisses; it is very important for her to please her partner. In bed, Nina rarely takes the initiative, but for the sake of her beloved man she is ready to liberate herself.

Marriage and family, Nina’s compatibility with male names

Nina's marriage is not always successful, and if there are protracted conflicts, she easily files for divorce. Great importance has the loyalty of a man, since it will be very difficult for a woman to forgive betrayal. Nina is stingy in expressing her feelings, but the man next to her will feel comfortable and protected, so she often chooses a partner weaker than herself.

Nina is very demanding of her husband, constantly emphasizing all his shortcomings. She becomes wiser with age, learns to give in to her husband, but still remains demanding.

Nina is a good and zealous housewife, but she will not do all the housework alone, involving her husband and children whenever possible. She often becomes the breadwinner of the family, successfully combining her career and housekeeping.

Nina raises her children strictly, often gets irritated and lashes out at them. But Nina knows how to express her love and warmth, so children, knowing difficult character their mother, do not doubt her love. A woman strives with all her might to make her family ideal and shows too much zeal for this.

For Nina, an alliance can successfully develop with men named Valentin, Victor, Mikhail, Georgy, Semyon, Sergey and Maxim. An alliance with Anatoly, Roman, Philip, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ivan and Fedor should be avoided.

Business and career

In a professional setting, Nina can be charming and charming. Self-love obliges her to be among the best. A woman can achieve high professional achievements in any field.

She is good at professions that require in-depth study and responsible attitude. She works well with numbers and financial flows, and is well versed in the balance of forces and accents.

Nina will try to choose a job that will make her financially independent. Nina is very demanding of herself and those around her, so she will turn out to be a picky boss. Her subordinates respect her and even fear her.

Talismans for Nina

  • Patron planet - Uranus. The planet assists stubborn and wayward people who are accustomed to doing everything their own way.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Aquarius. If a girl born under this sign is named Nina, then nature will most fully reward her with an integral character, good health and activity.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky colors are red, purple and blue.
  • Totem animal - deer and owl. Deer is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, a symbol spiritual development and updates. The deer has always been associated with greatness, grace and speed. The owl is a rather contradictory symbol, meaning, on the one hand, wisdom and longevity, and on the other hand, sadness, loneliness and nostalgia.
  • Totem plant - cypress and violet. Cypress is a tree of sadness and sorrow, a symbol of the frailty of existence. Violet means tenderness, modesty and family well-being. Violet calms and harmonizes thoughts, strengthens willpower and gives optimism.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire and carnelian. Sapphire is a semi-precious stone that symbolizes fidelity, modesty and chastity. He will help Nina overcome laziness and fear and believe in her strength. Carnelian lifts the mood, brings good luck in love affairs, bestows eloquence and sharpens intuition.

Horoscope for Nina

Aries- a prudent and strong-willed woman who loves change and has a penchant for adventure. She rarely completes her tasks, as she quickly loses interest and switches to others. She does not strive to lead, but she values ​​her independence very much. Nina-Aries can find her happiness with a Leo man, since they have perfect compatibility. They are very similar emotionally and can understand each other perfectly.

Taurus- a sociable, capricious and demanding nature who loves herself very much. She knows how to be charming and win people over, especially men. Nina-Taurus has good self-control and behaves with dignity in any society. She tries to find common sense in everything; building castles in the air is not for her. She will be able to become a reliable and faithful wife for an Aries man, since this union will be based on a commonality of interests. Their marriage has every chance to last a lifetime.

Twins- a capricious and wayward woman who cannot be influenced. She prefers to keep to herself and not share her thoughts and plans with anyone. She is indifferent to flattery, compliments and advances. Nina-Gemini knows very well that she has many talents and abilities - hence her slightly arrogant attitude towards others. Her behavior cannot be predicted; she must be accepted as she is. Nina-Gemini can create a harmonious and strong union with a Sagittarius man - they have the best horoscope compatibility. They will never get tired of being close to each other.

Cancer- a closed and scrupulous nature, accustomed to trusting only herself. She is not capable of deception and hollowness; she can be entrusted with any secret and responsible business. Nina-Cancer is not very talkative, but she knows how to win over her interlocutor. Her love is sacrificial in nature - for the sake of her loved ones she is ready to do anything. She herself needs a strong partner who will instill self-confidence in her. A man born under the sign of Scorpio can become such a partner. They have excellent sexual compatibility and are attracted to each other at first sight.

a lion- a picky woman who loves to complicate everything, a gossip and an intriguer. She knows how to subjugate people and gain trust. She is a very proud, self-confident person who does not forgive anyone for anything. At the same time, Nina-Leo is a real fighter and winner; failures and mistakes will never confuse her or stop her. She strives for high society; in any company she manages to occupy a central place. Men idolize her, but Nina-Leo can create the most successful union with a Sagittarius man. They will perfectly complement each other in all areas of life.

Virgo- a patient and balanced woman, soft and delicate. She doesn’t like to complicate life for herself or other people, and strives not to interfere in anything. She never imposes her opinion on others, respecting their right to their own judgment. Sometimes Nina-Virgo’s natural delicacy borders on indifference, but she readily responds to requests for help. For men, Nina-Virgo is a mystery, which a man born under the sign of Taurus can solve. Their union will be based on warm relations and mutual understanding, and it will not be threatened by a stormy showdown.

Scales- an active and relaxed personality, clean and even fastidious. She is correct with everyone, but does not get along closely with anyone. Often judges people by their appearance, especially about men. She is used to carefully considering her every step, but she doesn’t put her words into her pocket. Nina-Libra strives for balance and harmony in everything; she hates scandals, gossip and intrigue. She is strong in her softness, and her inner strength is never destructive. Nina-Libra can become a wonderful wife for a Capricorn man - they have a strong mutual sexual attraction, as well as common interests.

Scorpion- a distrustful, secretive woman who never complains or discusses her actions with anyone. She knows how to behave evenly and affably, but in her soul she is just a volcano of passions. She is proud and independent, always relying only on herself and no one else. She knows how to manipulate people, sees right through her interlocutor - Nina-Scorpio is almost impossible to deceive. But, despite her self-sufficiency and strength, Nina-Scorpio, more than anyone else, needs the love and tenderness that a Taurus man can give her. This couple will be able to survive all the ups and downs of life and emerge victorious.

Sagittarius- a persistent, solid person who cannot stand loneliness. She surrounds herself with friends, she has many fans and acquaintances. She is a purposeful woman who knows how to achieve her goals. Nina-Sagittarius has amazing energy, she is in constant movement and interaction with people, so not every man can endure such a hectic life. In addition, she really doesn’t like being bossed around or having her terms dictated to her, but at the same time she can’t stand weak men. Nina-Sagittarius can create a successful union with an Aries man - they have the same lifestyle.

Capricorn- a responsible, reliable, friendly woman, but very difficult to understand. She values ​​discipline and is willing to obey, but does not like to make decisions and take responsibility. In his soul he dreams of universal recognition and respect; he is a delicate and vulnerable nature. A Pisces man can become a reliable and strong partner for her - they have excellent prospects for a long relationship, these signs complement each other perfectly.

Aquarius- a very talented, strong-willed and cheerful person who is always accompanied by good luck. She is a wonderful friend and reliable partner, always ready to help those in need. Nina-Aquarius has hard life principles, but she is not stubborn and knows how to listen to other people’s opinions. She always stands guard over the interests of goodness and justice, and easily rebels against lies and hypocrisy. She does not always manage to correctly assess reality, so her actions often end up to her own detriment. Her husband must under no circumstances restrict her freedom and communication, otherwise Nina-Aquarius will simply wither away. A Libra man can make her happy - he is a loyal sign who can share the interests of Aquarius.

Fish- a sincere, noble woman with a serious approach to life. There is no situation that would make her lose her presence of mind or become confused. She meticulously approaches every detail, which is why she often achieves great professional success. Nina-Pisces has a sympathetic heart, she is a romantic and a dreamer at heart. She is not distinguished by her passionate nature, and not every man can discern a sensual woman in her. A Virgo man can do this - he will be able to accept Nina with all her shortcomings and advantages, and in return she will be able to appreciate his practicality and spiritual qualities.


The name Nina, according to the main version, is Hebrew in origin. It could come from the Hebrew word “nin”, which means “great-grandson”. Accordingly, Nina is translated as “great-granddaughter”. Although there are other versions. It may even come from the Georgian Nino, which translates as queen.

The female name Nina has been popular in Europe for many years, and today continues to be on the list of the most rated names. Although it becomes noticeable that every year the name Nina lowers its position in the popularity ranking and becomes less and less used.

Conversational options: Ninka, Nika, Ninotchka

Modern English analogues: Niina

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning and energy of the female name Nina promise a lot to bearers good qualities, among which are kindness, benevolence, honesty, sincerity, and good nature.

Usually Nina is a bright, capable, extraordinary person. Since childhood, bearers of this name have demonstrated a unique ability to attract people. They are eloquent and charming, and this helps them gain quite a lot of friends and comrades.

But there is one “but” - Ninas are mostly successful, and this gives rise to envy on the part of people around them, which the bearers of this name themselves regard extremely negatively.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of those bearing the name Nina is their devotion to principles, goodwill and willingness to do as many good deeds as possible all the time.

Nina has a bad attitude towards envious and unreliable people, hates people who take advantage of other people's benefits for the sake of their own advancement, and never allows people who try to manipulate others to approach them.

The name Nina today is an independent Russian female name, but it is also considered a short form of many other names, including Antonina and Ninel...

Character of the name Nina

The nature of the name is one of the most difficult factors, but at the same time one of the most interesting. As practice and the results of research show, in most cases this factor presupposes the presence of a large number of good qualities in Nina, despite the fact that her character is most likely to be complex...

The character of the girl named Nina is full of good things, due to which she is accepted positively by most people. Nina is positive, optimistic, reliable and devoted, purposeful and persistent, principled and never acts against her conscience. At its core, this girl is correct and honest, but on the other hand, her character is very complex, at least this becomes noticeable in her interactions with people around her. The fact is that Nina never gives in and never accepts other people's opinions, she is principled and for her it is a matter of principle to do as she wants, and not as she is advised - such is her character.

However, all these are just superficial characteristics. In fact, character depends not only on the characteristics of the name, but also on upbringing, and on a bunch of astrological factors. including depending on the zodiac and the time of year of birth.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl whose parents at birth decided to choose a rare female name Nina, it's crowded bright emotions, movement and impressions. The meaning of this name can give a girl’s character many interesting and at the same time important qualities, among which are honesty, justice, efficiency, activity, integrity, friendliness and eloquence. Meaning, in fact, becomes the very factor that gives birth in this case to a sociable, patient and bright person. Nina has an excellent imagination and amazing fantasy, this girl has no limits to her dreams and fantasies, her life is filled with vivid emotions and impressions, she never sits still and is always on the move.

And the meaning of this name has a beneficial effect on its aura as such, which ultimately attracts the most people different ages– this girl has many friends and comrades, she is always in good standing in companies, adults will often admire her, and parents can only be proud of such a small but already popular daughter. Nina never disobeys her parents, indulges them in everything, never makes her angry, and her parents never have any reason to punish or scold her. In addition, the girl named Nina has many hobbies and there is no limit to their list, she is interested in everything, she can draw, sing, play sports - and she does everything perfectly well.


Having reached adolescence, Nina can turn into an impatient, unpredictable, emotional, but very vulnerable girl. This lady may display such traits as emotionality, aggressiveness, adherence to principles, perseverance, assertiveness, arrogance - she always goes straight to her goal, never gives up, is very impetuous and never gives in in disputes. In general, the debate in this case is a separate topic - the meaning of this name form has a strong impact on the nature of the girl named in this way, she gradually becomes complex in all respects, but at the same time she will always have many friends.

By the way, as for friends, a girl named Nina may have a lot of friends, and importance in this matter plays a paramount role, but there is one “but”, which is that in adolescence Nina may face the problem of a large number of ill-wishers and envious people among potential friends. Moreover, the meaning of the name Nina does not endow the bearer with such an important trait as legibility - this girl does not have the ability to see the catch in people, she does not understand people and often mistakes envious people for like-minded people.

But Nina is unlikely to have problems with her studies - she is a capable student and grasps everything on the fly, teachers will begin to praise her, and Nina’s relationship with them is usually very good.

Adult woman

The meaning of the name Nina can endow an adult girl with an even greater number of good qualities, but along with them, undesirable ones can begin to appear. For example, we are talking about such an undesirable quality as uncompromisingness, which manifests itself in disputes, and plus, because of this, Nina will never accept someone’s opinion, as well as advice, she simply cannot afford this, her goal is to prove everyone around that she can be independent and can make her own right decisions. Plus, the meaning of this name form can endow the nature with many other shortcomings, but all of them will appear only at the peak of maturity.

In general, Nina is active, efficient, agile, purposeful and hardworking; she can become an excellent boss and leader, a leader whose opinion everyone always listens to. Is it true. There is also something about her that not everyone may like - she loves when people share their secrets and experiences with her, but she herself will never share them with anyone. Nina is unlikely to want to work in a team, she doesn’t know how to do this, her opinion in everything should be common, everyone should accept it for what it is, and no one has the right to blame her for her own mistakes - that’s how she is .

On the other hand, Nina will absolutely always be surrounded by a large number of potential comrades, among whom there may be true friends, envious people, ill-wishers, and those simply in need of her patronage and protection. Nina is inherently a protector who hates weak people, but at the same time ready to defend each of them at the sight of injustice.

Interaction of Nina's character with the seasons

Vesna is a spring girl named Nina, a real example of what a real woman should be. He manages everything, has leadership and organizational qualities, copes with a lot of things at the same time and does not leave anything halfway. She is hardworking and persistent, but can be inattentive to others - she often doesn’t care about other people’s opinions, thinking only about herself and the grace of loved ones.

Summer - under the auspices of the summer months and their meaning, she is smart and talented, a careerist who goes straight ahead towards her goal, without stopping or giving up. She is confident in herself and her surroundings, carefully selects friends and admirers, and does not allow the selfish and dishonest to come. She herself may sometimes go for self-interest, but not without good intentions. He takes criticism with hostility.

Autumn - patronized by autumn days, is complex in origin of the inner world due to excessive distrust, but simple and easy to communicate. Friendly, sociable, benevolent and does not strive to stand out from the crowd. She doesn’t need attention or flattery, she doesn’t need complements, but she can’t live without movement. Super active, loves sports. Can become an excellent leader, but does not want to take responsibility for anything.

Winter is serious and dutiful, has a firm disposition, does not know how to be gentle and feminine, a careerist with incredible dedication to her favorite work. She is distrustful and not sociable, she will never share her experiences or fears, but she will easily listen to those who need her help and help. She lacks warmth and affection, and needs a strong, strong, and caring life partner, a male knight.

The fate of the name Nina

The fate of the name Nina is a very complex aspect that practically defies any predictions. And yet, the researchers still managed to put together several interesting versions, one of which actually indicates that Nina’s fate in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex can be very difficult and sometimes even tragic...

The fact is that with men Nina is open, kind, friendly and positive; she trusts the chosen man with all her soul and will devote herself exclusively to him. But at the same time, Nina may not notice when her man betrays her, which in the end can lead to tragic consequences, even breaking up and going into incredible depression. In addition, this can happen at a fairly early age, because most Ninas get married quite early - such is the fate of the name Nina.

On the other hand, Nina’s fate involves her becoming a full-fledged mother and a good wife. Her fate may be difficult in terms of relationships with men, but in terms of children, she is ideal. Nina will devote herself entirely to her children, become a role model for them, and will never betray their feelings.

Love and marriage

Nina hides her passionate and temperamental nature for a long time, and she will only open up to her lover. She is waiting for the ideal man: handsome, smart, faithful, reliable and caring. The heart of this strong-willed woman can only be conquered by a strong-willed man with whom she can build an equal relationship. At the same time, it is important for her, like any woman, that her husband idolizes and carries her in his arms.

Nina's attempts to force her husband to follow her whims and, conversely, can lead to a breakup. Due to her reluctance to find compromises, there may be more than one marriage in her life. She will become a happy and beloved wife when she can become more flexible and soft in her relationship with her husband and stops dictating her terms to him. Nina must not only love, but also respect her husband. She will be a faithful and devoted wife, demanding the same fidelity from her husband.

In family life and everyday life, she is a perfectionist. She needs the best in her life. The house is always polished to a shine, clothes are scrupulously cleaned and ironed, and the family menu resembles a restaurant one. However, Nina does not hesitate to involve all family members in creating such ideality. She distributes responsibilities among all family members, which may cause protest from the spouse. In addition, she does not want to feel like a kept woman, so she will not refuse work either.

Nina as Mother

The most important and responsible period in every woman’s life begins from the moment she becomes a mother. No one can guarantee that one woman will become an ideal mother, while another cannot be called a mother. But as for Nina, judging by her character traits, one can assume that she will certainly be a responsible mother.

Nina, as a self-sufficient woman, is not ready to sacrifice every minute of her life just for the happiness of others. Her husband and children are incredibly important to her, but her professional activities are also very important to her. It is unlikely that she will want to stay at home for the entire 3 years of maternity leave. Nina is an excellent housewife, but with the birth of her baby, she is even more trying to shift some of her household responsibilities to her husband, and she herself is quite active in social and professional activities. At the same time, it cannot be said that she devotes little time to children or does not love them.

Nina takes maximum part in the lives of children, often she even influences their fate too much. She watches over the children like a mother hen, very often making decisions for them. She can choose circles and sections at her own discretion, without taking into account the preferences of her children. In the educational and upbringing process, she is strict, putting pressure on children with her authority. Such strong pressure on children can lead them to early adulthood and attempts to quickly escape from their mother’s care.

Compatible with male names

The compatibility of the name Nina with male names and, in general, with the opposite sex, is a rather complex aspect that was discussed at one time by many researchers. As a result, three main factors were identified...

It turns out that the best connection in a couple is formed in the case of suitors with names such as Boris, Egor, Makar, Trofim, Nikolai.

The strength and strength of a marriage is achieved only with Gleb, Matvey, Kim, Eric, Kondrat, Izyaslav, Terenty and Eduard.

A negative impact for personal happiness, he appears with Naum, George, Luke, Plato and Maximilian.