Nolina or bocarnea care at home, growing from seeds, photo of a bottle tree. Ornamental plant Nolina (bocarnea, bottle tree): photo, home care, replanting, diseases and pests

Unusual trunk shapes often provide plants with very accurate, literally speaking names. Eg, bottle tree Indeed, the appearance is very similar to ordinary glass containers. Several plants are known under this name. IN wildlife The most common bottle tree in Australia, which can reach quite impressive sizes. However, brachychiton (this is its scientific name) is also found on this continent in the bush variety.

Bottle tree in Australia

Brachychiton grows in the northeast of the continent, in the driest areas. Where there is regular rainfall, the bottle tree is not found. Its individual specimens can reach fifteen meters in height, and the trunk “gets thick” up to three meters in width. Such pot-bellied plants are sometimes called barrel trees. The leaves have a dense green tint. Even on the same plant, they can differ in shape, especially if you have an old bottle tree in front of you.

Its description, like a bottle, is extremely accurate: the thickening of the trunk near the ground decreases towards the top. In the thick area between the wood and the bark there is a cavity in which the plant stores water for a rainy day. In the middle part of the trunk, the bottle tree has another reservoir in which jelly-like sweetish juice accumulates.

Brachychiton blooms with small bells collected in lush inflorescences light colors- from white through cream to greenish. They produce long, thin purple pods filled with seeds.

Economic importance of brachychiton

The local population treats the plant almost with adoration. The most valuable is the trunk in which the bottle tree accumulates water, which can be easily extracted by the natives (and lost travelers), and without harm to the plant. The seeds and “nectar” are considered a delicacy, despite the fact that the “nuts” are somewhat difficult to extract: they are protected not only by the very durable skin of the pod, but also by the hairs on the seeds themselves. This bristle causes irritation, so clean the pods only with protective gloves.

For Australians, the bottle tree is a multifunctional plant: its foliage is fed to livestock (and is valued for the fact that it is always there: the tree is evergreen), the roots of young specimens are used as food along with the seeds, and fiber is made from the bark.

Domestic Brachychiton

Not long ago the opportunity arose to have an Australian bottle tree in your apartment. IN room conditions it grows no higher than one and a half meters and is quite demanding in terms of living conditions. So, rooms with windows facing north are absolutely not suitable for him, or he will have to provide additional lighting, since brachychiton needs plenty of light. During wintering it is not watered at all or watered extremely rarely; in summer the plant needs regular, but not abundant watering. It is also important to observe temperature regime: in winter the room should not be colder than 10 degrees, but it is better to ensure a stable 16.

The young bottle tree is replanted annually. You need to be especially careful with the new container: it must be stable enough to withstand a thick trunk.

The indoor bottle tree blooms on rare occasions: nevertheless, our climate is not very suitable for it. It is possible to buy its seeds, but it is difficult to guarantee their germination. Therefore, brachychiton is propagated by cuttings.

Indoor Jatropha bottle tree

Jatropha is better known among gardeners. Whether this plant can be classified as a tree is a separate question, but fans of home gardens are familiar with jatropha precisely as a bottle tree. It belongs to the Euphorbia; in its homeland, in Central America, one and a half hundred of its species are found, but for indoor breeding only suitable Jatropha podagrica. Its base is thick, it becomes thinner towards the crown, and the trunk remains bare right up to the leaves. Thanks to its bottle-like trunk, jatropha stores water, so it does not need to be watered often. On the contrary, with an abundance of water, thickening is very weak. In winter, frequent watering is completely contraindicated: this bottle tree hibernates and sheds its leaves. In summer, jatropha needs humid air. It can be provided with a regular spray bottle, but you just need to make sure that the droplets do not fall on the plant (especially on the leaves). Unlike the Australian one, the American bottle tree pleases its owners with flowering quite often. After its completion, the jatropha grows several large succulent leaves. At this time, it needs abundant watering.

Another homemade bottle tree

It is called differently: nolina, bocarnea, bottle palm. It comes from the agave family and boasts (in addition to the shape of the trunk) long - up to a meter - narrow leaves. Nolina blooms only in greenhouses, where it has enough space, and only with age. Bokarneya is valued by flower growers for its changeable appearance: if you water the plant only after the soil has completely dried and keep it in dry air in bright light, you will get a pronounced “bottle” with a not very thick and long “mane”. If you give moderate light and water regularly (but not abundantly), it will lush crown with a slightly noticeable swelling on the trunk.

The bottle tree is called Nolina in another way; people also call it " indoor palm tree“, it also has a name “pony tail”. At the very bottom, the trunk of the bottle tree becomes thicker and wider - this is necessary to accumulate water reserves. This ability This tree helps it survive in dry places where there is little rainfall. The leaves of the bottle tree have a very longer length, they also help the plant to tolerate dry weather well.

The bottle tree is ideal for those who want to grow any large indoor plant. The bottle tree has gained enormous popularity thanks to simple care behind it, the ability to withstand sudden changes in temperature and its special decorative beauty. Just look at the photo to be convinced of its originality.

This plant is best suited for those rooms where modern interior. In the plant market, the bottle tree has a fairly high price. Homeland of this tree is North America. Today, this is where most bottle trees grow. In this article we will look at detailed description of this plant, its types, tips on growing and caring for it.

Varieties of bottle tree

Let's consider the most popular types bottle tree:

  1. Beaucarnea is thin. Like almost all types of bottle tree, it tolerates dry temperatures well. Most specimens of this species grow in Mexico. The thickness of the tree trunk is a little more than one meter. The height can be several meters. Indoors, the plant reaches about one and a half meters in height.

Note: Thin bokarnia needs to be watered very rarely, in hot weather - moderately, and in winter period Once a season is enough.

Thin bocarnea grows over a long period of time, that is, slowly. At home, this type of bottle tree will not bloom. The room temperature should be maintained slightly below room temperature. In winter - a little more than ten degrees Celsius. This type in the wild it can tolerate even low temperatures.

Note: Thin bokarnia must be exposed to a large amount of light. You should not darken the plant, because this may stunt the growth of this type of bottle tree.

You need to fertilize the plant in the summer.

Unlike many plants grown at home, there is no need to replant - this is one of the advantages of bocarnea. Reproduction of bocarnea thin is carried out using seeds.

When too high temperature In the room, the leaves of this type of bottle tree may begin to dry, in this case it is either necessary to reduce the temperature in the room, or, conversely, increase the humidity in the room. You can spray the leaves.

For a plant to grow successfully, it must be positioned correctly. The plant should receive plenty of sunlight. The temperature must be maintained at a constant 20-24 degrees Celsius.

Please note: Recurvata should be watered not cold, but warm water. It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out. If overwatered, the trunk of this type of bottle tree succumbs to rot, and subsequently the tree dies.

This plant can be susceptible to various diseases and harmful insects, although it has a certain resistance to them. A sign of a disease can be expressed in a change in the color of the leaves of the bent nolina. Treatment can be done using various chemicals.

Sometimes the plant should be shaped using pruning. Usually, recurvata needs pruning when its leaves turn yellow.

Take note: The process of cutting leaves from Recurvata should occur smoothly and carefully; they should be cut at the base so as not to damage the plant. It happens that the tips of the leaves may become dark, in which case they also need to be removed. There is also no need to get carried away with pruning, as this can harm the plant.

The bent nolina can decorate any interior of the room. What this bottle tree needs most is light. If the day is cloudy, it is recommended to place a lamp near the tree to increase daylight hours by several hours. Recurvata grows quite quickly, but in winter time years, this process becomes slow.

Note: If you decide to fertilize Recurvata, then to prevent the base of the tree trunk from getting burned, the fertilizer should be diluted in large quantities water.

There are trees of this type of small size. Like most bottle tree species, Brachychiton prefers bright light. Plant in spring and summer period s of time should be kept in rooms where the temperature rises above room temperature (28 degrees Celsius).

Gardener's advice: the room where Brachychiton is grown must be regularly ventilated.

The plant should not stand next to heating equipment. Brachychiton needs to be fertilized once every three weeks (only in summer).

Nolina (lat. Nolina), bokarneya, bottle tree, elephant palm - perennial woody tropical plant family Agave (lat. Agavaceae). Natural habitat - Mexico, southern USA. The genus contains more than 30 plant species, the main part of which will be discussed in the article.

Nolina is a plant that has all the capabilities to survive in the desert. It comes from the same places as cacti, so it has similar properties. The root does not go deep into the ground, but is located at the surface. To accumulate water at the bottom, nolina has an extension of the trunk - a caudex, thanks to which it can survive in conditions of rain falling twice a year. The leaves are leathery, so they capture moisture from the air and practically do not release it back.

Growing and caring for homemade nolina

Under conditions of artificial growth, the most popular is bent nolina. It will be discussed further, since other species are not cultivated or grow only in greenhouse conditions.

Nolina is an exotic tall plant. When a young seedling is bought, it seems as if it is a large specimen, although its length may not exceed a meter. But over the years, the plant develops, grows intensively, no longer fits on the windowsill, and then it can even rest against the ceiling. Another feature of cultivated nolina is the lack of flowering. Flowering occurs exclusively in wild conditions - this happens extremely rarely in a greenhouse. In apartment conditions this is a completely unrealistic task.

Nolina has plenty positive qualities: she has a noble appearance, she practically does not need to be looked after. Even cacti, which are able to survive in harsh conditions, require more care than this plant. But there are some rules. They must be followed so that she does not die.

Temperature for bocarnea

The natural habitat of nolina is the desert. This means that she loves warmth. In summer the air temperature should be 20-25 degrees, in winter - 10-12. You can deviate from the recommendations - the main thing is that it is not colder than 7 degrees Celsius. In the summer, nolina feels comfortable in the garden outside, if there is no precipitation or high humidity.


It is very important for nolina to provide a well-lit place. This could be a south or southwest window. If the plant is grown on the floor, you need to place it in the brightest place. The pot can be placed under straight lines Sun rays and don’t shade it, because it’s not bright sunlight not scary.

With a slight lack of light, the greens will not begin to fade. The growing organism will simply direct the shoots towards the window, which can lead to serious bending of the trunk. To prevent this, you need to periodically rotate the pot. Experts recommend turning it 45 degrees clockwise once a week. This allows the plant to grow evenly. If any curvature occurs, it can be easily corrected by turning the pot in the right direction.

How to water nolina

The plant is most afraid of excess moisture. This is the only way to destroy it. Even mechanical damage is not as bad as excess water, because nolina grows in the desert and in natural conditions receives water extremely rarely.

In spring and summer, the amount of moisture should be small and controlled. A maximum of two waterings are organized per month. If water accumulates in the pan, pour it out immediately. As the air temperature drops, watering is reduced even more until it stops completely in winter. A sufficient supply of water is stored in the caudex, and the leaves can receive moisture from the air. Only if the nolina trunk has lost its elasticity and shriveled, a little watering can be done.

Air humidity

This is an optional indicator that you can ignore. The plant feels great in any humidity, so it is not necessary to spray it. If you want to organize a similar procedure, you need to make sure that the water is only on the leaves and not on the trunk, because this can cause it to rot.

The soil

Nolina loves airy, light soil that is well saturated with air. The easiest option is to buy a ready-made substrate for succulents, which is sold at any flower shop. You need to add gravel or expanded clay to it to make it more airy and light. If you want to prepare it yourself, you need to mix clay soil, leaf humus, sand and expanded clay in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. It is also recommended to add activated or charcoal- it will enrich the soil.

How to feed a bottle tree

Exclusively in the summer, the bottle tree is fed with mixtures for succulents at intervals of two to three weeks.

Nolina transplant video

How often should I transplant?

The young plant requires replanting annually in the spring to slightly enlarge the pot. The older Nolina becomes, the less transplants she requires. When the plant reaches 15-20 years old, replanting is almost impossible, since it is very large, with developed roots. This is done only in emergency cases when the trunk or root begins to rot. In other cases, replace top part soil cover.

How to choose the right pot for bocarnea?

How to care for nolina at home Proper transplantation

Not all pots are suitable for nolina, since the plant is caudex and may knock over some containers and deteriorate in others. Choose a wide and low vessel that has drainage holes at the bottom. Width and height should have a ratio of 1:3. A third of the pot is filled with drainage (expanded clay or gravel).

If nolina was purchased in a low-quality pot, you need to replant it. Take out the plant with a lump of earth and plant it in a new pot within 1-2 days. A thick trunk with caudex will not die if it is not in the soil for some time. Even if the transplant is carried out for young plant, there is no particular danger.

Choose a wide pot, fill it with drainage, add soil and plant the plant. You need to understand that nolina needs as much land as the roots will be immersed in it. Everything else is filled with drainage. Otherwise, acidification of excess soil may occur. You need to remember: nolina has superficial roots, so it does not need a large amount of substrate. Excess soil will only cause harm.

Planting nolina in a pot

After preparing the pot and soil, you can plant the plant. It is taken out of the old pot, cleaned of the substrate in order to inspect the roots and trunk for rot. If the nolina arrived after the store, it may be flooded with water, so it should stand and dry for several hours. If rot is detected, it is cut out with a sterile knife, and the cut site is treated with crushed activated carbon.

A mound of soil is made above the drainage where the tree will be planted. Then they compact this place, put a mole, straighten the roots and sprinkle it with earth so that the plant is vertical. If there is someone who can help, it is better to involve him.

When planting, you need to make sure that the trunk does not go deep into the ground, otherwise this will be detrimental to the plant. It happens that gardeners try to hide the decorative imperfections of the trunk by hiding it in the ground. It is strictly forbidden to do this with nolina. Don't be afraid - over time, the flaw will heal, becoming almost invisible.

After planting, the soil is compacted again to secure the plant. If this does not help, the trunk is decorated beautiful stones pebbles and heavy decorative material, which can hold the weight of a young tree.

The first two or three days are stressful for young tree, so it should be kept in the shade and left without watering. If you brought nolina from the store, where it was poured, it began to rot a little, watering is prohibited for 1-2 weeks.

Group planting nolin

Nolina is beyond doubt. But if you plant a group of plants in one pot, you can achieve a truly unique appearance that will make your home area special.

Plant 3-5 healthy plants in one pot at once, trying to select nolina specimens that are of the same age. They put nolins on minimum distance from each other so that they touch slightly.

Gradually, the trunks grow in height and width, uniting into one tree with an interesting appearance. Distinctive feature the composition will have many tops, which can be made at the same level or at different ones, deliberately planting plants of different sizes. This will make the appearance more interesting. Many plants will unite into one powerful and thick one, and at the top they will be distinguished by many different bunches of narrow long leaves, falling down in the form of green lush panicles.

How to transplant nolina, look at the video:

The main problems in growing nolina

This plant is distinguished by the fact that it is practically not susceptible to attacks from dangerous diseases and pests. The main problems appear solely as a consequence of improper cultivation of nolina, and they can be quickly corrected.


Beaucarney diseases

Diseases occur if nolina is grown in conditions of insufficient sunlight and excess moisture. If you eliminate errors in care, the diseases will go away on their own.

The main mistakes in caring for home nolina

  • Loss of leaf elasticity, drying out. Occurs due to elevated temperatures and too dry air. Treat nolina by moving the plant to a cool place and spraying the leaves with water.
  • Dry leaf tips, wrinkled stem. The problem is the lack of water, which is replenished by simple irrigation.
  • Leaves turn brown and fall off. Occurs due to excess moisture - watering is reduced.
  • The trunk is growing slowly. Nolina needs fertilizer because there are no nutrients to grow.
  • The trunk becomes covered with rot. A problem arises due to overflow. Simply reducing moisture is not enough - you need to cut out the affected area and disinfect it, dry it, and be sure to replant the plant.
  • The caudex does not increase in thickness. The problem occurs when there is simultaneous overflow and insufficient quantities Sveta. After correction, observe the changes.

What to do if the root of nolina rots

Rot occurs only if the owners overdo it. As soon as you notice the danger, you need to act immediately. The plant is freed from the pot, the root is carefully examined, all rotten areas are cut out with a disinfected instrument, and the sections are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Even if nolina no longer has any roots, do not despair: spend sanitization trunk and re-root the plant. To do this, you should plant the bocarnea with clean, fresh soil for cacti, and before doing this, the pot is disinfected either by dousing it with boiling water, or by washing it with a solution of potassium permanganate. After planting, do not water the plant under any circumstances for one to two weeks. Watering is resumed gradually, only slightly wetting the soil, but do not water the plant trunk under any circumstances. Over time, the bottle tree will grow new roots.

Reproduction of nolina by lateral shoots

An interesting way to propagate nolina is to use lateral shoots. Many gardeners successfully obtain new plants from shoots that appear on the trunk of an elephant palm.

  • To do this, just carefully break the side shoot and place it in the root solution.
  • Check to see if any rotting has appeared. If this happens, don’t be upset: just remove the leaves damaged by rot and put the shoot in water again.
  • The roots will not appear immediately, you need to be patient and change the water so that it is fresh.
  • When small roots appear, do not rush to plant the plant in a pot, let them grow a little more.
  • When the roots have grown at least half a centimeter, you can plant a new bottle tree and care for it in the usual way: monitor the moisture content of the substrate, but do not allow water to stagnate.

Growing nolina from seeds

A more common way to propagate nolina at home is by growing it from seeds.

  • To germinate bocarney, choose a wide flat vessel, the bottom is filled with perlite or river sand.
  • Pour 2-3 cm of special substrate for succulents with a mixture of sand and activated carbon. Clean sand is poured on top. Impregnate the soil with zircon and epin.
  • Since nolina seeds are large (4 mm in diameter), they require long soaking. They are kept in a solution of zircon with epin for 10 hours, then poured onto the sand in a pot and covered with cellophane.
  • The greenhouse must be placed in a place where it is at least 25 degrees so that germination is high-quality and fast. Every day you need to organize ventilation and wipe off condensation from the film.

Germination of nolina seeds is uneven. When the shoots have appeared, you need to wait for the root to germinate sufficiently, then use a toothpick to put it down. It is impossible to separate the sprout from the seed, since the latter contains maximum amount nutrients needed by a young plant.

When a month passes after the emergence of shoots, an inverted one is placed instead of the film. plastic pot with holes so that it partially retains moisture. When nolina sprouts are two months old, they are picked. Young plants are planted completely in independent pots only after they reach six months of age.

Nolina is a magnificent exotic plant that does not need special care. She will be beautiful decoration country house or a spacious apartment, as well as an elite office space, conference room.

Types of nolina with descriptions and photos

Nolina longifolia

A large plant distinguished by a powerful corky bark dotted with cracks. Grows up to 3-4 meters. Most of the trunk contains the remains of old dried leaves.

Nolina recurvata

The tree trunk has a bottle-like swelling at the bottom. At the top the plant is weakly branched. The thickness of the stem reaches one meter. The top of the tree is formed from linear ribbon-like leaves collected in a rosette. The characteristics of the leaves are as follows: dark green, leathery, sinuous, narrow (up to 2 cm), long - up to 1 m. Under natural conditions in the summer, nolina is covered with cream-colored flowers that form panicle inflorescences. The popular name for recurved nolina is “elephant’s foot” because of the shape of the trunk, and “pony tail” because the top is formed by a lush bunch of large, long greenery.

Nolina Lindheimeriana Nolina lindheimeriana

It is popularly called the “devil’s lace”, since the dense leaves more than once became an obstacle to the wanderer and did not let go of their embrace. This is very low plant, whose trunk is practically invisible.

Nolina matapensis Nolina matapensis

Also called Bergrass tree, it grows up to 2 m. When the leaves dry out, they for a long time are on the stem until they fall off.

Bocarnea - indoor plant with original form. The characteristic trunk of this plant swells at the base, accumulating moisture, and long narrow leaves grow in a bunch from the top of the trunk. Bokarneya is popularly called differently; for its unusual trunk it is called “elephant’s foot” or “bottle tree”. The trunk, widened towards the bottom, covered with grayish-rough bark, really resembles the leg of a giant animal. Because of the long, narrow leaves that grow in a lush tuft, this plant is called “ponytail.”

Plants from the genus Beaucarney(Beaucarnea) belong to the Agave family. Beaucarney grows throughout the area South America. In nature, these large plants can reach up to 9 meters in height, while the trunk diameter can be 1-1.5 meters. In indoor conditions, bokarnia grows slowly over time

This long-lived plant can grow up to 1.5 meters in height indoors.

Several types of bocarnea are grown indoors:

Bocarnea protruding(B. stricta) is distinguished by long, narrow, rigid, arched leaves that grow in a tuft from the top of the trunk.

Beaucarnea longifolia(B. longfolia) with a trunk thickened towards the bottom, at the top of which long drooping leaves grow.

Beaucarnea reflexum(B. recurvata) is more often found on sale. Young bocarnea plants have a swollen base, like a bulb; over time, the trunk stretches and acquires unusual shape. During growth, new young leaves appear from the top of the plant, old leaves die off over time, and traces of fallen leaves can be seen on the bark of the exposed trunk.

Bocarnea blooms very rarely indoors. In nature, long spike-shaped inflorescences appear from a bunch of leaves at the top.

Beaucarnea houseplant brings many benefits, it has the ability to purify the air from harmful gases, saturating it with oxygen and ozone. A “bottle tree” in the room will improve the health of the air and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.

Bocarnea looks great alone, this plant will surprise with its “figure”, so it does not need company for beauty.

Beaucarnea houseplant Although it looks exotic, it is at the same time unpretentious; it can be purchased by busy and inattentive people, since this plant is adapted to rare and irregular watering, is not at all capricious and requires minimal care.

Lighting for a “bottle tree” it should be bright, you can place it on southern windows, sunlight will not harm this plant. If there is insufficient lighting, the plant trunk will stretch out rather than thicken.

Temperature For growing bocarnea, moderate temperatures are favorable, in summer about +20 0 C, in winter it is better to move the plant to a cool place with a temperature of +10...+15 0 C.

Watering. The “bottle tree” is designed in such a way that this plant stores water in the thickening of the trunk, so short-term periods of drought are not dangerous, but rather useful. With abundant and frequent watering The trunk of the plant will not thicken, and if there is excess moisture in the ground, the roots and trunk may rot, so water the bokarnia moderately. In summer, water after the soil in the pot dries out; in winter, when the contents are cool, watering should be rare - once a month.

Feed This plant is needed only during the growth period from late spring to early autumn. Add liquid complex fertilizer to water for irrigation no more than once a month and the concentration of the fertilizer should be half the norm.

Bocarnea tolerates dry air well and does not require frequent spraying, but of course, after spraying, the plant’s green hair looks more luxurious.

Transfer. The "bottle tree" often should not be replanted, after 2-3 years or only as it outgrows the pot. It is better to choose a container for planting bocarnea that is wide and not deep, since the roots of the plant grow in breadth and not in depth.

When transplanting bocarnea, the plant trunk should not be buried. Be sure to add expanded clay or other drainage material to the bottom of the pot. The soil for planting bocarnea should consist of turf land, humus, peat and coarse sand in equal parts.

Beaucarney can be grown from seeds, but you will have to be patient, as this plant grows very slowly and it will take several years to grow a large ornamental tree of the original shape. Bocarnea seeds germinate well in a mini-greenhouse at a temperature of +20 0.

Hello, my name is Lyudmila and I am a nurse. But I also have an outlet, that is, just a hobby. This exotic plants, which I grow in my apartment. I consider my pride to be Nolina, which we also call the bottle tree. I’ll tell you about it today.

In Latin, nolina is called Beaucarnea or Nolina. She is native to the southern regions of the United States and the northern states of Mexico. There it can grow up to 8 meters in height, but in our latitudes in a room it rarely exceeds 2 meters. It belongs to the agave family.

The spectacular appearance of the noline is provided by the caudex - a bottle-like trunk. It is in this “bottle” that nolina accumulates nutrients with water, especially during periods when the weather is humid.

This helps bokarna survive droughts, and also gave it another name - bottle tree. Also attracting attention are the nolina leaves, collected at the top into a spectacular rosette.

Bocarnea has about three dozen species, but only a few of them are grown at home:

  • Bent back. It has strong leaves, from which the Mexicans make their hats;
  • Compressed. She has a lush wreath of leaves on top;
  • Nelson. The trunk is weakly expressed, the leaves are bluish;
  • Lindermeir. The leaves are strong and dry;

This plant is not very common in our homes, but this is in vain. Beaucarney on nervous system has a positive effect and strengthens the immune system. It also improves the air in your room, saturating it with air ions, oxygen and ozone.

Bottle tree growing and care

In our latitudes, bocarnea is offensively rare, however, it is very easy to care for. It’s worth saying that we usually grow bocarnea reflexum. Other species are even less common.

Light, place, soil

The first thing to remember if you dream of a bottle tree is the fact that its homeland is semi-desert areas. If you want her mane to be full, try to provide as much light as possible.

It will require additional lighting in winter. Southern, eastern or western part of the apartment, for her special significance does not have. Nolina loves dry air.

Temperature is a little more complicated. In summer, nolina thrives in the air, in the heat, and at room temperature. But in winter, reduce the temperature to plus 10 so that the plant can rest. But the most important thing for bocarney is not to allow any drafts into it: they can destroy it.

The soil for a bottle tree must drain water well and be nutritious. It’s easier to consult a specialty store, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you will need turf soil, leaf humus and greenhouse soil (two parts in total) and river sand (one part).

You also need to choose the “right” pot. Since the roots of the bottle tree grow in breadth, it needs to be wide, but not particularly deep. When replanting, look for a pot three centimeters wider than the previous one. You need about a third of the height of your container for drainage.

We replant a young nolina once every 12 months (during this time the roots fill the container entirely), an adult - once every three years. During transplantation, the caudex should not be deepened too much.

Watering, fertilizing

Since the plant is semi-desert, it can easily live for a long time on its own moisture reserves in the “bottle”. However, watering is the main “whale” on which care rests. exotic tree. In summer, you need to water bocarney only when all the soil is completely dry.

It is best if you carry out “bottom watering”, when the pot is immersed in a wide container of water and the earth itself takes as much of it as it needs.

The most dangerous thing for an elephant tree (another name for nolina) is excess water: with a lack of light, this will affect the shape of the plant and will not allow the caudex to develop, in addition, it can completely destroy the bocarnea.

You shouldn't spray it either. But it will be useful to wipe dry and strong bocarnea leaf plates with a sponge or even just a soft cloth. This will help prevent the appearance of pests.

Nolina also needs feeding. But the dosage of organic or mineral fertilizers you need to reduce it by about half in comparison with the instructions. Feeding is needed most in the summer. Do it once every 15 days.


You can also propagate an exotic tree. The easiest way is to buy a seedling from the store, but there are other options.


First, we discard non-viable seeds. Afterwards, we soak them in Epin or just water (you can add a grain of potassium permanganate). After waiting a day or two, we spread the seeds on the ground. It should consist of peat and sand and be moist.

Cover the top with a thin layer of the same soil. At good light They should germinate in about 30-35 days. All that remains is to transplant them into small pots with soil for a bottle tree.

Lateral processes

They appear on the tree, so you can try to propagate them too. We separate these shoots and immediately root them in pots containing a mixture of vermiculite, peat and sand. Don’t forget to place the pots in light and heat and cover with film.

They need a temperature of 20-25 degrees, in addition, do not forget to ventilate and spray the shoots. The fact that the baby has taken root will be indicated by the new leaves that appear on the shoot.

Diseases and pests

Most often, problems with nolina arise due to excessive watering: it stretches in length, sheet plates Brown spots appear, roots rot, and shoots soften.

But drying leaves may indicate that the air is too dry. Don't forget to wipe the leaves with a soft cloth or washcloth. The most common pests include thrips, scale insects, and mites. Do not forget to treat nolina with chamomile infusion.