Standard heating supply temperature. What should be the temperature of the batteries in the apartment: standard according to GOST

When summer ends and it gets cold outside, city apartment owners begin to check the radiators of the heating system, hoping that the water in them has become hot. If radiators remain cold for a long time, residents apartment buildings, as a rule, they begin to look for those to blame. You should start looking for them only if the established temperature standards for the heating radiators in the apartment are not met.

Reasons for lack of heat

Every apartment owner needs to read Resolution No. 354, which talks about the standards for heat supply to urban residential buildings. It states that heating should be supplied to apartments only if the air temperature outside the building does not rise above +8 °C for 5 days in a row.

Most often, the heating season in Russian cities begins in mid-autumn, around October 16. It lasts six months - until mid-spring.

If the air in the apartment during heating season does not meet the standards, then you should look for the cause of this problem. If the apartment is still cool when the heat is supplied, it means that the radiators are not heating up to the required temperature. The main reasons for the lack of heat include the following:

Is it cold in the apartment? How to increase the temperature in your apartment by 2 degrees!

Even when heat is successfully supplied, it is possible that the air in the rooms will remain cold. In such situations, apartment owners experience discomfort and are forced to contact the appropriate services.

Established standards

Before making any claims to those who are responsible for the operation of the heating system, you need to understand what existing standards battery temperature . For each room there is a specific parameter:

If the owner of a city apartment decides that his rightfully owned living space is poorly heated, he will want to check whether the temperature of the heating system radiators meets the standards. However, today there are no standards for the radiators and risers themselves, or for understanding whether the heating system is working correctly. You need to navigate by how warm the air is.

Battery temperature in Zhitomir

You can measure its temperature using a regular home thermometer. If, as a result of the measurement, it turns out that in some room or in several rooms at once the air is not warmed up enough (for example, in the bathroom it is noticeably below +25 °C), then you can take measures to find the causes and eliminate the problems.

If you plan to file a complaint with the people responsible for heating, you will first have to call a representative of the organization that provides heat to your apartment so that he can personally record the discrepancy established standards.

Parameters for radiators

Does not exist minimum norm what the temperature of the batteries in the apartment should be. However, there are maximum permissible values, which depend on the following factors:

Although companies involved in the production of heating batteries indicate the maximum permissible temperature on the packaging of their products, there is no need to reach this figure. This can lead to their rapid failure.

Installation of apartment heating radiators (rifar monolit)

The heat supplied to urban residential buildings is generated at a thermal power plant. There is a coolant there, which is plain water, is heated to a certain temperature, and then sent through pipes. It is important that it reaches the heating radiators located in the apartments while still hot, without having time to cool down while moving inside the pipes, so it needs to be heated strongly.

At least all natural history textbooks intended for elementary grades high school, they claim that water heated to 100 °C begins to boil, the coolant in the pipes remains in a liquid state even at high temperatures. This is not a violation of the laws of physics: it's all about very high blood pressure, which is created inside the pipes. Thanks to a pressure of more than 5 atmospheres, the boiling point of water increases by one and a half times. Therefore, the water temperature in the heating system apartment building can be up to 150 °C or more. Normal humidity and air temperature in an apartment for a child

Measurement methods

If you need to measure the temperature of the batteries themselves and make sure that it meets the standards, then it is recommended to do this in a proven way . There are three of them in total:

If, as a result of the inspection, it is discovered that the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, you should contact the heating network with a request that its employees carry out a control measurement. You must write a corresponding application. If the reasons for battery malfunction associated with poor quality maintenance of the system by heating network workers, then they should be the ones to troubleshoot. Apartment owners in this case may be exempt from heating fees.

The Apartment Heating Act ensures that residents are protected if utilities fail to fulfill their responsibilities. Any application submitted must be reviewed as soon as possible.

Each owner of a city apartment has the opportunity to measure, as well as the temperature of the batteries themselves, and then draw a conclusion whether the obtained measurement results correspond to the established indicators. To do this, it is important to know the standards themselves, as well as the time when the heating system should turn on and off.

Heat supply standards apartment buildings established by the state. The documentation indicates the climatic conditions that should exist during the cold season.

Based on this, the cost is determined utilities. It is important for citizens to know the rules, because this way no one will deceive them.

The heating level in apartments is regulated by the following documentation:

  • GOST 30494-96. It records microclimate levels in residential buildings. It determines the optimal and acceptable levels;
  • SP 23-101-2004. The document specifies the rules that builders must take into account when building a house. This allows you to create optimal microclimate in housing;
  • SNiP 01/23/99. Defines hygiene rules;
  • SNiP 01/31/2003. Sets the internal temperature level.

Based on this documentation, the different types premises.

Residential buildings are classified in the first category. Temperature and humidity are optimal only if they create conditions for normal human life.

There are parameters that cause discomfort, but they are considered acceptable. The air temperature should be +20 degrees or higher, and the humidity should not exceed 80%.

Cold in the apartment

Although the law clearly defines heating standards, many residents still complain about the cold during the cold season. What is the reason?

This may be due to deterioration of utility lines. The equipment has broken down and no longer performs its previous functions. In many rooms it is not replaced, but simply renovated.

In this case, it will help to do overhaul central heating networks. But residents do not resolve these issues.

There is another way to solve the problem - turning on additional sources in an apartment building. The latest development is heating gas boilers and a “warm floor” system.

What is established in the standards

The legislation regarding heating specifies the following data:

  • The heating season begins with a decrease in the average daily street temperature to +8 degrees. If this is observed for about 5 days, then heating of the room is necessary. The heating season ends with the temperature rising to +8;
  • The minimum temperature is set according to the type of room. Its determination must be carried out in each room. The thermometer is located 1 meter from the walls and 1.5 meters from the floor;
  • Hot water should be supplied to the house throughout the year, and its temperature should be from +50 to +70. Deviations are possible only by 4 degrees. If these rules are violated, then residents have the right to reduce utility bills by 0.15%.

Citizens need to write a statement regarding lowering the water or heating temperature. It is submitted to the controlling organization. Upon inspection, a report is drawn up. Violations must be corrected within 7 days.

The legislation stipulates the obligation of companies to supply heat during the heating season. The accident cannot last more than 16 hours. At this time, the temperature should be normal.

Principles of standards

Laws establish standards that must be followed by public utilities. Regional leaders can make climate-based changes. This is established by local authorities using appropriate documents.

What to do if the standards are not met in an apartment building? Residents have the right to appeal to regulatory organizations.

There is currently a bill in force that defines maximum tariff indices. This is determined from various factors, including local conditions.


There are standards not only for heating in the house but also for humidity. This indicator can change in an apartment due to various factors, for example, due to a malfunction of ventilation. The problem must be solved by municipal institutions.

IN winter time Humidity should be between 30-45%, but 60% is acceptable. And the temperature norm is +18+24 degrees. There are no humidity standards in the kitchen and bathroom, since these rooms have operational characteristics.

Heat calculation

Knowing the principles of calculation, you can determine the cost of heating in the house. The rules are established by the administration of the locality based on standards. They are the ones used to set the payment amount.

Regulatory rules usually last for about 3 years. If there is a promotion, it will definitely be justified. The utility service is contacting the administration about increasing the cost of heating. If the offer corresponds to reality, then tariffs increase.

Heat supply rules are established in gigacalories. The calculation takes into account:

  • Climate;
  • Average temperature parameters;
  • Type of premises;
  • Materials;
  • Quality of engineering structures.

If previously residents were charged only for the resources spent, now common house fees are needed. T Now we have to pay for heating the entrances and basements. Payments are mandatory for everyone.

Every tenant has the right to reduce costs. To do this, you need to insulate the apartment and install your own meter. In this case, you will only be charged for personally spent resources.

Equipment can be installed by those organizations that have a license for this type of work. The device is sealed by regulatory companies.

Coolant temperature measurement

The heating system operates from hot water. It is this that is considered the coolant. To measure the temperature yourself, you need to fill a glass with hot water and place a thermometer in it. Temperatures should be between 50-70 degrees.

There are other methods for measuring heating. Temperature determination is performed near pipes or radiators.

An infrared thermometer-pyrometer is used for this. An alcohol thermometer is suitable, which must be placed on the pipe and covered with insulation.

There are more complex equipment– electric thermometer. It is applied to the pipe, secured and measured. Each device has a deviation scale.

Types of radiators

Often, to improve the heating system, radiators need to be replaced. When purchasing, you must consider the following nuances:

Heating systems are replaced by competent organizations. Before choosing equipment, you need to get advice on which one is suitable for your home.

After this, the system's functionality is checked. During a major overhaul, meters can be installed immediately. This will allow you to control your utility bills.

Is it cold in the apartments? We talk about how to determine that you may be accused of providing poor-quality service, what you need to do and how to correct the situation.

The heating season has arrived, the amounts on receipts are growing, and the radiators are getting warmer. But many apartments are still cold. This is one of the most painful topics - the service is expensive, and residents are ready to act at the slightest doubt. Special documents clearly define the temperature of the radiators in the apartment and the norms of air temperatures in different rooms.

Temperature of batteries in the apartment: standards according to GOST

Heating season duration

Only residents of houses with autonomous system heating. All others connected to centralized system heating, must rely on the decision of local authorities.

Of course, they cannot set this up as precisely as the residents of one house - it’s not for nothing that every spring and autumn all news sites are filled with articles “When will the heating finally be turned on/off?”

The specific timing in each region depends on weather conditions: according to standards, during the 2018-2019 heating season, the average daily street temperature must be below 8°C for 5 days in a row. The heating can be turned off again if the temperature remains above 8°C for 5 days.

In addition, there is also a small “emergency reserve” for heating shutdown standards in winter. It can be turned off, remaining within the current standards, for a period of no more than 24 hours in total, within one month. The heating can be turned off at a time for a period of 4 to 16 hours, depending on the air temperature in the living quarters - if the apartment is +12°C, for no more than 16 hours, and if +8 - up to 4 hours.

How to measure the temperature in an apartment during the heating season

Residents can measure their temperature themselves using a household thermometer. You need to comply with simple requirements: check for drafts, whether the windows are well closed and interior doors. The temperature should be measured one meter from the radiators standing on the “street” wall, at a height of one meter from the floor.

It is better to do this in the evening or in the morning - during the day the sun, which has heated the room, can greatly blur the picture.

The optimal temperature that should be in the apartment is 20-22 °C.

  • Room type Optimal, °C Acceptable, °C
  • Living room 20-22/18
  • Kitchen 22-23/20
  • Toilet 19-21/18
  • Bathroom and combined toilet 24-26 / 18
  • Rooms for rest and training sessions 20-22 / 18
  • Inter-apartment corridor 18-20/16
  • Lobby, staircase 16-18 / 12
  • Storerooms 16-18 / 14

Moreover, in corner rooms the temperature should be higher - at least 20°C.

Where to go if the temperature is below normal

If residents independently detect “underheating”, that is, the temperature drops below 18°C ​​in living rooms- they have the right to contact the management company to draw up an act. Moreover, they have the right to apply both in writing (write a statement) and orally (call). The duty officer must register the request and set a time for the inspection. According to the rules, an inspection is scheduled no later than 2 hours from the moment of a complaint about a violation of the quality of a utility service, unless another time is agreed upon with the applicant.

The test must be carried out with a special thermometer. The requirements for it are explained in GOST 30494-2011. The device must be equipped with technical documentation- have a special certificate, which inspectors are required to present upon request. If there is no such certificate, then the apartment owner may refuse the inspection and require the use of proper equipment. The temperature is measured in several rooms.

After the inspection, a report is drawn up that contains:

  • date;
  • housing parameters;
  • list of commission members;
  • device indicators;
  • temperature;
  • signatures of the commission members.

The report is drawn up in several copies: one remains with the applicant, the others - with the specialists who carried out the inspection.

This act is evidence of violations in the provision of public services. With it, the tenant can file complaints and demand management company compliance with the terms of provision of public services.

A complaint to the utility service provider may contain a demand for recalculation of heating fees, compensation for damage, or even a demand for the installation of additional heating radiators - there are such cases; recently, a resident of Tver managed to get additional batteries installed in his apartment.

When filing a complaint in two copies, accompanied by an act, one is marked with the incoming number and date, the second is transferred to the secretary of the organization.

If the applicant does not have heating in the apartment and after a complaint, he has the right to forward it to higher authorities:

  • Regional Housing Inspectorate;
  • Prosecutor's Office;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

It is important to remember that appeal to higher authorities can be carried out not only after consideration of the claim in the primary authority. At this stage, the document can be sent to several addresses in parallel.

In addition, having the act, the tenant can go to court with a claim for reimbursement of costs incurred and damages.

The transfer of heat into the apartment from the central heating system is carried out mainly through radiators. These are simple in appearance, but very effective devices designed to increase the heat transfer area and create an optimal microclimate for living in the room. This article will discuss what temperature the radiators should be in order for residents to be comfortable in the apartment, and how acceptable heating interruptions are.

When does the heating season start?

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, heating in apartment buildings is turned on as soon as the average daily air temperature drops below 8 ℃ and does not rise above this mark for more than 5 days. If the weather is warm in the fall, then the supply of heat to apartments may be delayed for some time - utility services have the right to do this, since a comfortable temperature in the apartment is maintained even without heating.

Notably, they include central systems heating only on the 6th day after the air reaches the specified temperature values. As a rule, the official start of the heating season in most regions of the country falls in mid-October, and its end in April.

Why are there cold radiators in the apartment?

Very often situations arise when it becomes very cold outside, and the temperature of the water in the heating pipes does not increase. Moreover, often the coolant is not poured into the pipes at all. The reason for this lies, most likely, in the service organization’s dishonest attitude towards its responsibilities.

Among the probable reasons for the lack of heat in the house are:

  • failures and breakdowns of heating system elements;
  • system repair work not completed;
  • Availability air jams V heating circuit.

In cases where the temperature of the water in the batteries does not rise due to preventive or repair work V common system heating the house, you just have to wait for them to finish. But if the reason lies in air plugs in the circuit, you need to either open the Mayevsky valves on the radiators and drain it, or contact a service organization. Within 24 hours, they must send a specialist to blow out the pipes and restore coolant circulation.

Reasons for interruption of heat transfer

It is worth noting that at the very beginning of the heating season, temperature standards in the heating radiators are constantly observed and the heating works all the time. There is a heating system temperature schedule that is usually followed. In some cases, boiler houses may interrupt the heat supply to apartments.

By law, interruptions in the operation of the heating system cannot exceed the following values:

  • 24 hours – if the minimum temperature in the apartment is 12 ℃;
  • 8 hours – provided that the temperature in the apartment fluctuates between 10 ℃ and 12 ℃;
  • 4 hours – if the room temperature drops to 8 ℃ or even lower.

All intervals given are based on a monthly basis. If these numbers are exceeded, residents have the right to file a complaint with the appropriate authorities.

Temperature standards for heating radiators

Since the heating of an apartment building is a complex and extensive system, we have developed a special standard for the temperature of water in the radiators, compliance with which allows us to judge the efficiency of the operation of all equipment.

In this regard, it is very important when installing or replacing radiators to follow all the rules and technical requirements for this type of work. If there are errors and violations of the radiator installation technology, the heat will not be evenly distributed throughout the entire circuit. This means that in neighboring rooms or even apartments the temperature of the water in the radiators central heating will be different - one is hot, and the other is cold.

In addition, when installing batteries, it is important to correctly calculate the sections, which will allow you to maintain the normal temperature of the heating battery in the apartment.

Permissible temperature minimum

Oddly enough, but it is not prescribed by law minimum threshold what the temperature of the batteries in the apartment should be. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that the heat released by the batteries should be enough to warm the air in the apartment to 18-25 ℃. Consequently, under conditions of severe frosts and weak heating of heating batteries, it is quite difficult to achieve acceptable air temperatures.

Maximum battery heating level

But the maximum standard water temperature in central heating radiators is prescribed in SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”.

According to this document, the standards are as follows:

  • the temperature maximum for water in apartment radiators is 95 ℃ with a two-pipe heating distribution;
  • for single-pipe distribution Maximum temperature is 115℃;
  • The recommended heating value for the coolant is in the range of 85-90 ℃, since when it reaches 100 ℃, water boils, and to prevent this, special substances are added to it.

It is worth noting that at the maximum threshold of the normal water temperature in the heating battery of 115 ℃, they work with increased load and fail quite quickly. Therefore, operating the equipment in this mode is not recommended.

Measuring battery temperature

If the apartment is cold, you can measure the temperature in the heating radiators.

You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • using a thermometer - add 1-2 ℃ to the value obtained on the surface of the battery and obtain the temperature of the coolant;
  • infrared thermometer;
  • alcohol thermometer - the device is tied to the battery and wrapped heat-insulating material to get more accurate data.

Accurate temperature readings can only be obtained if you use a device with a quality certificate with a range from 5 ℃ to 40 ℃ and an acceptable error of 0.1 ℃.

After comparing the obtained values ​​with what the battery temperature should be and identifying discrepancies, you can contact the service organization. It will perform a control measurement of fluid temperatures in the heating circuit in a specific apartment.

Alternatively, you can measure the temperature of the hot tap water– if it is supplied to the apartment. If a value in the range of 60-75 ℃ is obtained, then the norm is met, and all other values ​​are already considered a deviation from it.

Procedure in case of no heating

Residents of apartment buildings are sometimes faced with a situation where the apartment is already very cold, and the temperature of the radiator in the apartment is not only below normal - the heating is completely turned off. If the reason for this is a breakdown of the heating system in the house, they must be eliminated. But if the culprit of the delay is the service company, it is important to provide evidence that the apartment is very cold.

A representative is invited from the service company and together with him they measure the temperatures in each room, recording the results in writing. After receiving the results, the heat supplier must urgently take measures to turn on the heating and recalculate the charge for the period of interruption. In the absence of any response from the service organization, compensation can be obtained through the court for violation of the rules for servicing the population by utility companies.

In winter, the minimum air temperature in the apartment is 18 ℃. Provided that the temperature falls below this level, the heat supplier must reduce the payment by 0.15% for each hour of the violation period.

If even after recalculation the situation has not changed in better side, residents should apply collective complaint about violation of minimum temperature thresholds in apartments. This complaint will be the basis for statement of claim to the court, which may impose fines on the service company.

The water temperature standards in house heating radiators must comply with SNiP and be strictly observed throughout the heating season.

To protect themselves from violations by heat suppliers, consumers should familiarize themselves with the standards, deadlines and temperature limits of water in radiators and indoor air during the heating season. Then, if necessary, they can check all values ​​with simple measurements.

Many modern residential apartments are equipped autonomous heating. There is no question of norms here. Everyone sets the water temperature in the radiators as desired and pays according to the meter. However, most houses still have central heating, where the temperature in the radiators is regulated by regulations. When it gets cold in the apartment, people wonder what the normal temperature of the water in the central heating radiators is.

Radiators according to GOST standards

When heat depends on batteries

The heat supply is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011. According to this document, the start and end of heating is tied to temperature environment. The central heating radiators are turned on when the daily average drops 8 degrees above zero and lasts for five days. On the main territory of Russia this occurs by mid-October.

Battery under the window

Water leaves radiators when the average outdoor temperature reaches +8 degrees Celsius. And it remains so for five days. Battery shutdown times vary according to regulations.

In warm years this occurs at the end of April.

If the temperature is low, then according to the heating standards for residential and industrial premises persists until mid-May. Only during this period of time should we talk about temperature standards for water in radiators. The rest of the time, fighting the cold is the job of the residents.

Normal water temperature

It was once believed that water for central heating should be heated to 100 degrees on the outlet and 60 degrees on the return flow. There wasn't then good equipment, allowing you to control the heating of water for central heating. This approach is not cost effective. Rising fuel costs increase utility bills for homeowners.

Standard radiators

Modern equipment allows the use of low-temperature heating of apartments according to standards. This means that the water temperature standards in heating radiators are not constant. They get attached to external factors. The following are taken into account:

  1. Heat loss from buildings. It is theoretically possible to build a house without heat loss. To do this, you will need to cover it with insulation of at least a meter thick. In fact, 150 mm of high-performance insulation is considered good thermal insulation. But heat loss will still occur through the walls, floor and roof. The higher these losses, the more more heating needs housing to create a comfortable environment.
  2. Heat source indicators. If the boiler does not meet the design requirements, then more heating of water for heating is required.
  3. Heat transfer from the metal from which pipes and batteries are made. If the metal of the pipes has low thermal conductivity, this will prevent heat loss during transportation from the heat source. Batteries, on the contrary, must have high thermal conductivity in order to transfer heat to the maximum. Cast iron batteries have lower thermal conductivity compared to aluminum and bimetallic ones. For equal heating, the water temperature must be higher in cast iron.

Installing a heating battery according to standards

When assessing the comfort of housing, the temperature in heating system is not the main indicator. Temperature standards refer to the state of the apartment's atmosphere.

Read also: Standard water temperature in the pool according to SanPiN: for children and sports competitions

Thermal indicators of central heating water

The normal temperature of the water in the heating battery is closely related to weather conditions. The standard indicators were developed in 2003. Data for water supply from bottom to top are shown in the table below.

External air temperature t in the supply pipe t on the return
+5 46/50 39
+4 49/53 41
+3 52/56 43
+2 54/59 45
+1 57/62 46
59/65 48
−1 63/67 50
−2 64/70 51
−3 67/73 53
−4 69/76 54
−5 72/78 56

Although there are standards for water temperature for batteries, the assessment is based on the state of the air. According to GOSTs, the indicators are as follows:

  • in the main rooms, according to standards, t should not fall below +18 °C;
  • in corner living spaces the temperature should be +20 °C;
  • in the kitchen the allowed standard is from +19 to +21 °C;
  • the temperature of the toilet corresponds to that of the kitchen;
  • The normal temperature in the bathroom is from +24 to +26 °C;
  • interior corridor – from +18 to +20 °C;
  • at night, a decrease in these indicators is allowed in accordance with the standards.

Radiator section standard

If these indicators drop below the norm, you must contact the management organization, take control measurements and demand a reduction in the payment for the service. It should be noted that the employees of the management organization take readings themselves using a device called a pyrometer.

This is a small device for non-contact temperature measurement.

Calling management company employees to check temperature regime According to the standard, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the rules for working with a pyrometer. Water from radiators or radiators will not be needed for measurements. Compliance with the standard water temperature in heating devices determined at a distance.

Heating standards table

Managers are not interested in reducing pay. They will do everything to prove that the temperature is normal.

Pyrometer and how to work with it

A pyrometer is an infrared thermometer. It determines temperature by electromagnetic radiation. An accurate engineering device allows you to quickly measure the temperature of an object located at a distance not exceeding three meters from the device.

But even this excellent equipment is capable of producing errors, which is what negligent utility workers take advantage of. When measuring temperature, the device readings will be erroneous if:

  • comparatively small room many items made from various materials;
  • in room high humidity or a lot of dust;
  • the temperature of the device differs significantly from the room temperature;
  • the distance to the measured object exceeds 3 m;
  • the room is very large.

Read also: Water hardness standard for drinking: general ppm, GOST, drinking standard

Let's look at how CC officers most often take testimony. They arrived from the cold in winter - the device was cold. His own temperature differs significantly from the temperature in a warm apartment.

On a note

Upon entering, they immediately begin measuring - this is done in the hallway. The hallway is a small area filled with various items. Moreover, there are people standing there who are confusing the readings of the device.

To ensure accurate temperature measurements, you should prepare for the inspectors’ visit.

Batteries in a private house

Having written a complaint that the living space is not warm enough during the heating season, you need to do the following:

  1. Specify the time of the inspectors' visit.
  2. Clean the apartment and get rid of dust.
  3. An hour before the arrival of management staff, thoroughly ventilate the room, reducing its humidity.
  4. Employees who appear in the apartment should not be left in the hallway. They should be invited to a medium-sized room. It is better to request measurements in different rooms.
  5. Engage them in conversation for about 10 minutes. This time will be enough for the device to adapt.
  6. Check the pyrometer readings yourself immediately after the measurement.

Radiators in the house

These simple measures will help you prove that the standard water temperature in the central heating radiator is not maintained, and receive compensation for services that were not provided.

What determines the weather in your home?

Modern equipment allows you to maintain hot water supply standards to heating radiators without much human intervention. But the number on the device is one thing, but the actual heat in the apartment is completely different. The final result depends on many parameters:

  1. The climate of the area where you live. In Moscow, with its drier climate, the cold is felt less than in St. Petersburg with its dampness.
  2. Thermal conductivity of the structure. Houses built of brick have lower thermal conductivity than block houses. As a result, the temperature of the water in the heating radiators may be lower due to less heat loss.
  3. Location of the apartment in the house. Corner rooms freeze more than apartments located in the center of the house. Heat loss in heating radiators will be greater.