New Year's fun for children and adults at home. Entertainment, competitions and New Year's games for children


New Year's entertainment: games at home and away

Pinocchio (Eeyore)

On a frame covered with thick material, they draw the face of Pinocchio - or the profile of the donkey Eeyore (you can also attach a sheet of paper to foam rubber, but the paper will quickly become unusable). The nose is made of foam rubber, the tail is made of lace. A long, curved pin is attached to the base of the nose/tail. A blindfold is also required to play. Taking the nose/tail, the player stands on the line six steps from the wall on which the frame hangs. He is blindfolded. The player’s task is to approach the wall and, without feeling the frame, immediately pin the nose/tail to the right place. It’s rare that anyone succeeds; in most cases, the nose/tail turns out to be completely different from where it should be.

Who am i?

Everyone sits in a circle. Each player is given a small piece of paper on which to write down the name of some famous fairy tale character (any other literary work, film) or famous person. The main thing is that this hero is familiar to everyone. Each player then uses tape or a safety pin to attach their sign to the back of the person on their left. The participant's task is to guess what kind of hero he is. He can ask other players questions to which the interlocutor can only answer “yes” or “no.” If the answer is “yes,” then the player asks the next question, and if the answer is “no,” then he looks for another interlocutor.

Who is faster?

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The driver runs behind the circle and, tapping someone on the shoulder, continues running in the same direction. The one who was slapped by the driver immediately runs behind the circle in the opposite direction. The task of each runner is to quickly go around the circle and take a free place. The one left without a seat drives.

Pillars (Ladushki)

Two players stand at arm's length from each other, feet together. They join their hands with their palms and try to deprive their partner of balance. You can play with or without lifting your hands. You are only allowed to touch your partner’s palms. You can also play Ladushki while standing on one leg. If there are a lot of participants, you can arrange a tournament for the title of champion.

crawling out

One player lies on the floor, and 3-4 more people are placed across him on top. The player lying below must crawl out from under the pile of bodies. This cannot be done by force, you need to strain one by one different groups muscles. With some skill you can crawl out from under 5-6 people.

Holy place...

One chair in the circle is left free. The participants in the game quickly move from chair to chair to the left in a circle, so that one place is always empty. The driver is trying to keep him busy. When the driver manages to sit down, he is replaced by the one who turns out to be his neighbor with right side.

Fun Geography

Sitting in a circle, the players are divided into two groups that compete with each other. One team invites the other to say perhaps in five minutes larger number geographical names, starting with the same letter, which is now indicated. When the time is up, the players of the second team can add names not mentioned by their opponents within two minutes. For each such name they are awarded one point. Then the groups change roles, and a different letter is indicated. The team that scores the most points wins.


The players stand in a circle; the leader is 3-4 steps away from him. He blows one whistle, then two. At one whistle, all participants in the game must quickly raise their right hand up and immediately lower it; You cannot raise your hand after two whistles. The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play along with the others. Those who make the fewest mistakes are considered the winners.

Hot pens

The players extend their arms in front of them and hold them with their palms up. The driver walks in a circle. His task is to slap one of the guys on the palm. The moment he tries to do this, the player withdraws or lowers his hands. Whoever the driver slaps on the palm goes to replace him. If there are many participants, then two people can drive at the same time.

Magic word

Participants in the game can sit or stand. The presenter very quickly gives various commands that need to be executed only if the word “please” is added to them. Without this word, the command is invalid and does not need to be executed. The one who makes a mistake gets up or takes a step forward, but does not lose the right to continue the game. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Do not hurry

The players become a semicircle. The leader shows them various physical training movements, which they repeat, always lagging behind him by one movement: when the leader shows the first movement, everyone stands still; at the second movement of the leader, the guys repeat his first movement, etc. The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins. In this game you can, for example, show the following movements: both hands up; left hand lowered, right extended forward; the right hand lowers, half-turn to the left; hands to the side; hands on hips, squat. More than 10 movements should not be shown.

Crooked mirrors

Having placed the participants of the game in front of him in a semicircle, the leader makes movements to the music, having previously agreed that if he raises his hands up, then everyone puts their hands on their knees; if he bends his arms at the elbows, then everyone raises them up; if he spreads his arms to the sides, then everyone bends their elbows, but if he throws his arms forward, then everyone throws them forward. Anyone who inadvertently mixes up the movements is out of the game. When only two people remain who have not made a single mistake, the game ends.

Half a word is yours

The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. The presenter throws the ball to any participant in the game and loudly says part of a word (noun). The player to whom the ball is thrown must catch it and immediately finish the word. The one who hesitates raises his hand up and stands there until the leader throws the ball to him again.

Four forces

The presenter, standing in the center of the circle, throws the ball to any participant in the game and says one of four words: “earth”, “water”, “air” or “fire”. The one to whom the ball is thrown must catch it, throw it back to the leader and, if the word “earth” was said, name any animal that lives on land, if “water” - any fish, if “air” - a bird. And if the presenter says “fire”, the player, having caught the ball, must silently turn around. Whoever makes a mistake in the answer or hesitates raises his hand up and holds it until the leader throws the ball to him again.

I won't answer myself

The participants of the game stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He asks the players various questions, without observing the order. The person asked must remain silent; his neighbor on the right side is responsible for him. The one who answers the question himself or is late to answer for his neighbor leaves the game.

Louder - quieter

The players sit on chairs arranged in a circle. The driver leaves the room. In his absence, they hide a pre-designated object - Matchbox, book, ball, cap. After this, the driver is called and asked to find what is hidden. At the same time, the players sing to everyone famous song, and the driver begins the search, listening to the singing. If he moves away from the hidden object, they sing more and more quietly, if he approaches, the sounds of the song increase. When an object is discovered, the driver changes. The song can be performed with a guitar.

flying birds

Each player chooses the name of a bird. All names must be different. The driver, standing in the middle of the circle, blindfolded, loudly calls two birds. Both summoned quickly change places. During the dash, the driver tries to catch one of them. If he fails, he calls a new pair of birds. The one who is caught changes the driver.


The guys sit in a circle, divided into pairs. Everyone comes up with a name for any flower. The names are announced to all participants in the game. One of the players gets up from his chair and goes to the middle of the circle - this is the driver. The one left without a pair invites any of the players to join him in the vacant place, naming this or that flower. The person called quickly runs to a new place, and the one who was paired with him also invites any of the participants to join him. During these dashes, the driver tries to sit on an empty chair before the one who was called has time to take that place. If the driver succeeds, the latecomer replaces him. It may happen that the driver takes a chair before the one left without a pair calls another player to join him. In this case, the one who did not manage to invite someone to be his partner in time goes to drive.


All the guys choose who will be which flower, after which the leader - the gardener - says: - I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ... (daisies). The named flower says: - Oh! Gardener: - What's wrong with you? - In love. - In whom? - In cornflower. Cornflower: - Oh! - What's wrong with you?.. The gardener and the flowers should not hesitate to answer and think, otherwise they are told: - One, two, three, drive away the forfeit. After these words, the participant must give some kind of forfeit, so after the “Gardener” it is logical to play forfeits.


First you need to collect forfeits from everyone present. This could be a piece of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name on it, or any attractive item. The main requirement for a forfeit is that it be possible to accurately determine which of those present is its owner. There are two presenters, one takes out forfeits, shows them to everyone except the second presenter, and asks: “What should this forfeit do?” The second presenter (“mirror”) gives the task - to sing, dance, crow, go outside and run around the house, go to the room and bring sweets, wash the dishes. Here everything depends on imagination and on the pre-agreed scope of the tasks to be performed.


The players sit in a row and fold their hands in front of them like a boat, closing thumbs space between them. The driver has some object in his palms (palms folded in the same way): a coin, a ring, etc. The driver needs to discreetly place this object in the hands of one of the participants. The one who has the item must not show it and jump out of the row immediately after the words of the driver: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The rest have the task of guessing who the lucky one is and not letting him go. If the player fails to escape, then the driver remains the same.


Usually 5-7 people play. They choose a driver who asks everyone questions. The driver moves away from the participants, and in the meantime they say one word to each other. The driver asks a question, and the participant answers the word that the neighbor gave him. The one whose answer is most accurate and realistic becomes the driver. For example, the player has the word "water". The driver asks the question: “What are you drinking?” The participant answers: “Water.” "Nonsense" - fun game, built on the discrepancy between question and answer. For example, the driver asks: “What are you flying?” And the participant answers: “On a flower,” etc. In this game, the driver must show ingenuity. He must sometimes ask such a question in order to get the correct answer. Usually such questions are: “What did you see in your dream?”, “What did you draw?”, “What were you thinking about?”

No no no!

The principle of the game is the same as in the game "Nonsense". There is a driver and players. The driver leaves, and the players say to each other a combination of three “yes” and “no”, for example, “no-yes-yes.” The driver asks three questions to each player, and he names the answers in the order that his neighbor asked him. -Can you walk? - No. - Your name is Valenok? -Yes. - Do you like me? -Yes. The player whose answers are closest to the truth also becomes the driver.

Broken phone

The leader thinks of a word and quickly whispers it into the ear of the first team member. He passes the word (also quietly, so that no one hears, and quickly) to the next player, and so on - along the chain. The last team member says the word out loud. Sometimes you can hear very funny versions of the hidden word, which was incorrectly conveyed by the “damaged phone”. Many people complicate the game: the presenter thinks of not a word, but a whole phrase.

Theater Charades (Associations)

The players are divided into two teams. The first team thinks of a word or phrase (by agreement). Then they choose someone from the opposing team and say the hidden word in his ear. This person must silently depict the named word, and his team tries to guess. A certain time is given to guess the answer. Then the teams change roles. You can keep score of the game. Sometimes they come up with a system of signs to make guessing easier. For example, a team can ask questions to the person imitating, and he can answer them with “yes” or “no” using gestures.

Ocean is shaking

The driver says: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, sea figure, freeze in place!” Smoothly moving players freeze at the last word, depicting some kind of frozen action, a characteristic position (not necessarily related to the sea). The driver walks around the statues and, pointing to one of them, tries to guess what kind of figure it is. If the driver guesses, the figure comes to life and represents some kind of action. Having completed it, the player becomes the driver. The game starts over. In another version of this game, the presenter orders who needs to be portrayed: “The figure of a ballerina (bear, rose, rain), freeze in place.” Then he selects several figures, touches them in turn - the figures “die off” and make several movements. Then the host determines the most beautiful, artistic performance - this player becomes the host.


The name is French and means "rhyming ends." The game is to write poems based on predetermined rhymes. It is held in the form of a competition. For example: business, class, boldly, time.

Our Petrusha knows the business,

Just look - whole

Twenty sandwiches

Eats it in one go!

Living pictures

The players are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a picture. One person separates from the second and goes into another room. The first team announces their painting to the second team, and they try to silently depict the plot of the painting, forming a sculptural group. They invite the departed person, he must guess the plot of the picture. Then the teams change roles.

Quick brush

Having tightly closed the circle and holding their hands behind their backs, the players pass a clothes brush to each other, trying to do this so that the driver, who is walking inside the circle, does not notice. In order to find out who has the brush, the driver stops in front of any participant in the game and puts his hand on his shoulder. The player must now extend both arms forward. If he has the brush, he changes the driver. Having improved right moment, the guys can clean the driver with a brush and immediately pass it around again.

Lady (Are you going to the ball?)

The lady sent one hundred rubles. Take whatever you want. Don’t take black and white, don’t say “Yes” and “No”. Don't laugh, don't smile, keep your lips in a bow. The following are questions that cannot be answered with “yes” and “no”; in the answers you cannot name black and white colors, it is also prohibited to smile and laugh. Whoever does not follow the rules is eliminated from the game. Question: "Are you going to the ball?" Answer: “Probably,” etc. Whoever breaks the rules is eliminated from the game.


Each player receives a pen and a long piece of paper. First, everyone writes the answer to the question “who?” on top, then wraps what they have written and gives it to their neighbor. Then everyone writes the answer to the question “with whom?” (under the wrapped part, and not on it!), wrap it up and pass it around again, then - “when?”, “where?”, “what did they do?”, “as a result...”, etc. Questions you can add others. Then all this is revealed and read out loud. Usually the result is a very funny and ridiculous story, for example: “Santa Claus and Marivanna robbed a store in Africa half an hour ago. As a result, global warming began.”

Left - right

Take a pencil (or a piece of chalk if you have a board in front of you) in your left and right hands. Now try to write the number 2 with one hand and 7 with the other. Or draw a house with one hand and the sun with the other. Or at least draw right hand square, and the left - a triangle. Remember! Hands must work at the same time!

Who is faster?

To play you will need two large reels (possibly made yourself), two round sticks will do, as well as a rope 6-8 m long, the middle of which is marked with a ribbon. Two players take the reels and move away from each other as far as the rope allows. At a signal, each of them begins to quickly rotate the reel in his hands and, winding a rope around it, moves forward. The one who winds the rope to the middle first wins.

Three prizes

Hang three small prizes on strings in the doorway. Stand six steps from the door. Let each of you, taking scissors in your hands, try, blindfolded, to cut off any prize at once. The Elusive Chair Two features mark the floor; the distance between them is eight steps. The player stands on the line; he is blindfolded. He must reach the other line, turn here and sit on the chair that stands behind it. When the player steps on the line, he is stopped; he can make an attempt to feel the chair only once, and even then without using his hands.


5-6 pins are placed on the floor in a straight line at a distance of a step from one another. The player stands two steps from the end, turning his back to the line. The player’s task is to look straight ahead and move backwards to pass between the pins, alternately going around one of them on the right, the other on the left. If at least one pin is knocked down, the task is considered uncompleted.

Hi all! Are you already thinking about how to entertain your children? New Year? Then consider these 13 simple games for home.

Children's New Year Games and Competitions for the home

Where is Santa Claus?

Of course, the simplest and most famous entertainment is the search for the long-awaited Santa Claus.
The presenter or the Snow Maiden invites the children to call Grandfather Frost.
And after that, together they light up the Christmas tree in chorus: “Christmas tree, light up!”

Tangerine football

To play this game, children are divided into 2 teams. To play you need tangerines and two fingers of each player.
Children play on the table and try to score a goal for the second team.
You can, of course, play this game with a goalkeeper, but then it will be much more difficult to score a goal.
This is a very fun game for developing team spirit, as well as dexterity and motor skills.
Adults, join the kids - it's a lot of fun!

Round dance for kids

Children younger age They love to dance around the Christmas tree. It is simple and accessible for them.
It’s great to do such a round dance around the Christmas tree with the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”
If your child is doing a round dance for the first time or is shy, be sure to stand next to him and show with your example how great and fun it is.
Such a simple round dance unites children and adults and relieves tension.


Both children of all ages and adults love to play this interesting outdoor game.
From paper, masking tape and so on. you need to make as many “snowballs” as possible. By the way, I never use newspapers for children's games, because... I know that printing ink contains harmful substances.
Participants in the game take turns throwing these “snowballs” into any large “basket” (basket, box, bucket...) and try to get into it. Of course, the older the participants, the further away the basket should be placed to make it more interesting.
An excellent game for accuracy, dexterity and coordination.

"Attentive" song

Children sing in chorus a well-known song, for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
When the leader claps, everyone falls silent and continues to sing the song to themselves.
When the leader claps again, the children begin to sing out loud again.
Anyone who starts singing out of tune with the others is eliminated from the game.

Large and small Christmas trees

Santa Claus (or the presenter) tells the children: different Christmas trees grow in the forest - small and large, low and tall.
At the word “low” or “small,” the presenter and children lower their hands down. On the word “large” or “high” - they lift up.
The presenter (or Santa Claus) repeats these commands in different orders, while accompanying his words with “wrong” gestures, trying to confuse the children.
Excellent game for attention.

Collect snowballs

This game is for older children. Let's make lumps of cotton wool or balls of paper - these will be “snowballs”. We lay them out next to the Christmas tree or around the room on the floor. We give each participant a basket, bag or box.
The winner is the participant who collects the most “snowballs” while Blindfolded.
An excellent game that develops spatial thinking and sense of touch.

Flying snowflakes

This game can also be played by both children and adults.
Participants take a small piece of cotton wool - a “snowflake”, and simultaneously throw it and blow on it in order to keep it in the air for as long as possible. You know who wins. 😉
This is a wonderful outdoor game for developing lungs and dexterity.

Guess the gift

A wonderful game for younger children. You need to put different items in an opaque bag.
The child determines by touch what object is in his hand. And if he guesses right, he gets it as a gift.
An excellent game that develops spatial thinking and tactile sensations.

New Year's fishing

A game for older children and adults. Prepare unbreakable Christmas decorations with loops, put them in a large box, and find some fishing rods.
When the presenter gives the command, the participants in the game decorate the Christmas tree using fishing rods and try to do it as quickly as possible. The one who hangs the most toys on the Christmas tree wins.
A great game that develops dexterity.

Pass the orange

The participants of the game are divided into two teams of 5 - 10 people.
When the host gives the signal to start the game, each participant passes the orange to the next player on their team without using their hands.
The team that completes the task the fastest without dropping the orange wins.
This game also develops team spirit, dexterity and ingenuity.

winter wind

For this game, 3 to 5 participants sit around a smooth table. They try, like the wind, to blow away a paper snowflake, a wad of cotton wool or a paper ball from this table.
The game develops lightness and perseverance.

Collect snowflakes

For this game you need to make “snowflakes” - cotton balls or paper snowflakes. Stretch fishing lines in the room and hang these “snowflakes” on strings. All competition participants will be given scissors and buckets/baskets.
The winner is the one who, after the leader’s command, collects the most “snowflakes” in his bucket within a certain time.
This fun, active game develops speed and dexterity.

Let these cheerful New Year's games and competitions entertain you not only on the New Year itself, but also on holiday weekends. And just on long winter evenings, why not have fun with your children?! 😉

Everyone is preparing for the New Year, so share games with your friends using the buttons below.
Share in the comments what children's New Year's games and competitions for the home your Beloved Children liked. 😉

Games and competitions

Game "yes" and "no"

The host asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

- Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
- Yes.
- Do you like jokes and gags?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Will he eat all your chocolates?
- No.
- Will he light the children’s Christmas tree?
- Yes.
- Will he hide the threads and needles?
- No.
- Doesn’t his soul age?
- Yes.
- Will it warm us up outside?
- No.
- Is Joulupukki Frost's brother?
- Yes.
- Did a rose bloom under the snow?
- No.
- Is the New Year getting closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- No.
- Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
- Yes.
- Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day?
- Yes.

There is another version of this game. The presenter names the items, and the participants also quickly, without thinking, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

- Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Yes.
- Blankets and pillows?
- No.
- Folding beds and cribs?
- No.
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Yes.
- Glass balls?
- Yes.
- Are the chairs wooden?
- No.
- Teddy bears?
- Yes.
- Primers and books?
- No.
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Yes.
- And the garlands are light?
- Yes.
- Snow made of white wool?
- Yes.
- Good soldiers?
- No.
- Shoes and boots?
- No.
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- No.

"Snow Mission"

For this game, you can use a small ball or make a “snowball” out of cotton wool. The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass the “snowball” around the circle. At the same time they say:

We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” on the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: “And read poetry to you!”, “Let’s dance for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

"Anecdote "with a beard""

The contestants take turns telling jokes. If one of those present knows the continuation, the narrator is given a “beard”, which is replaced by a piece of cotton wool. The one who ends up with fewer pieces of cotton wool wins.

"Cooking Competition"

Within a certain time (for example, 5 minutes), the participants in the game must create New Year's menus. All dishes in it must begin with the letter "N" (New Year). Dishes on the menu for Father Frost must begin with the letter "M", and for the Snow Maiden - with the letter "S". The one with the largest menu wins.

“I’ll sing now!”

On New Year's Day, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. But this activity can be diversified. For example, when the presenter claps, everyone begins to sing the famous song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”. At the second clap, singing aloud stops, but all participants in the game continue to sing to themselves. On the third clap, everyone starts singing out loud again. The one who enters incorrectly is eliminated.

"Fairy tale character"

Cards are laid out on the table with the names of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters written on them (with the inscriptions facing down). The participant in the game pulls out any card and, after reading what is written there, must, using facial expressions, gestures, and characteristic sounds, portray this character so that those present understand who they are talking about. The first person to guess pulls out the next card.


The game involves two people. Each participant is blindfolded and asked to disassemble his own slide, in which peas, beans, lentils, and dried rowan are mixed (the ingredients can be changed depending on what is in the house). Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups. The one who completes the task first wins.

"Mystery Prize"

A small gift (notebook, pen, etc.) is wrapped in paper, onto which a piece of paper with a riddle is glued. Once again they wrap it in paper and again glue the piece of paper with the riddle on it. There can be any number of such layers, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one layer of paper, reads the riddle to himself and says the answer out loud. Then he unfolds the next layer, reads the riddle again to himself and says the answer. If he doesn't know the answer, he reads the riddle out loud. The first one to solve this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. The winner is the one who solves the last riddle, will get to the gift.

"Mobile phone"

Participants in the game name the numbers in order. Those who get the number 5 or its multiples say “ding-ding.” Those who get the number 7 and its multiples say “ding-diling.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

"Choose a prize!"

Various gifts wrapped in little bags are attached to a long rope. The participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors. He must cut some gift, which he gets.

"Slipper for Cinderella"

Participants in the game put their shoes in a pile and blindfold themselves. The presenter mixes the shoes into a pile and gives the command: “Find your shoe!” Blindfolded participants need to find their pair of shoes and put on their shoes. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


For this competition you will need sweet jelly or, for example, halva. The winner is the one who eats the portion offered to him the fastest using a toothpick.

"The Harvesters"

The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to move as many oranges or tangerines as possible to a certain place without using their hands in a certain time (for example, 10 minutes).


Each participant in the game has a piece of paper attached to their back with the name of an animal, object, etc. (for example, an elephant, a pen, a pear, an airplane), but so that the players do not know what is written on their pieces of paper. But they can read what is written on others' backs. Participants in the game must ask each other leading questions to find out what is written on their backs. The answers can only be “yes” or “no”. The one who guesses his “name” first is the winner. The game is played until the last person guesses correctly. Everyone receives incentive prizes.


This competition is best held outdoors. The presenter names a letter, and the competition participants must fashion any thing out of snow that begins with this letter. Whoever blinds faster and more reliably wins. You can conduct this competition at home using plasticine.


Learn these simple tricks, and in New Year's Eve in the eyes of your guests you will become an unrivaled magician.

Thread on a jacket

You notice a white thread on your jacket and try to brush it off, but the thread remains on the jacket. Then you grab it by the tip and pull. To your surprise (and the surprise of other people), she continues on. You pull further and further until several meters of thread run out.

The secret of the trick: Before performing a trick, you put a small pencil in the inner pocket of your jacket, onto which several meters of thread are wound from a spool. Use a needle to push the tip of the thread through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The main thing is that there are no traces left in your pocket after the demonstration of the trick, if particularly vigilant spectators decide to inspect your pockets. That's why the thread is wound around the pencil.

Three glasses and paper

Place two glass glasses on the table at some distance from one another. Place a sheet of paper on top.

Take the third glass in your hands and invite the audience to place it between the two glasses on a sheet of paper so that the paper does not bend. Of course, no one succeeds. Then you demonstrate your “magical” abilities.

The secret of the trick: Fold a sheet of paper like an accordion along the long side, then it can easily support the weight of even a glass cup.

Magic rope

You sit down at a table in front of the audience, show them a rope, put it on the table and say: “I will tie a knot in this rope without using my hands.”

After this, cross your arms over your chest. Taking one end of the rope with your left hand and the other with your right, you spread your arms to the sides. There really was a knot in the rope!

The secret of the trick: There is no special secret here. You just need to take a rope at least 1 meter long. And, of course, carefully rehearse the act in order to be able to grab both ends of the rope from the table.

Magic "patch"

You ask the audience for two coins in denominations of 1 and 5 rubles. Place a 1 ruble coin on a small piece of paper, draw a mark around it with a pencil and then carefully cut out a hole with a diameter equal to this 1 ruble coin. After this, invite the audience to insert a 5-ruble coin into this hole. Nobody has any idea how to do this. Then you can easily solve the proposed problem.

The secret of the trick: Of course, a 5-ruble coin will not fit into such a small hole. But if you bend a piece of paper in half so that the fold line runs through the center of the hole, the hole will turn into a gap. Stretch the paper a little - the diameter of the hole is enough for a coin to slip through it with ease.

Without getting your hands wet

Take a large flat plate, place a coin on it and pour in a small amount of water until it covers the coin. Then ask the audience to take the coin without getting their hands wet.

The secret of the trick: You light a piece of paper and put it in a glass. Then quickly turn the glass over and place it on a plate near the coin. When the paper in the glass burns and goes out, the water from the plate will collect under it, and the coin will end up in a dry place.

Three layouts

Take any 21 cards and arrange them face up into three cards in seven rows. You should end up with three vertical columns of seven cards each. Invite one of the spectators to remember one card and say which column it is in. Carefully, one by one, place the cards in each column into piles, and then all the piles into one pile. In this case, a stack of cards from the column with the selected card must be placed in the middle between the other two. Then turn the stack face down, again arrange the cards in three columns of seven cards each, and again ask the spectator to indicate which column contains the chosen card. Fold the cards into columns and place the indicated column of cards in the middle again. And finally, lay out the cards for the third time and again place the column with the selected card between the other two. Count out ten cards. The eleventh card comes out.

The secret of the trick: the main thing is to always place the column with the hidden card between the other two.

Tricky trick

Take a deck of cards. Invite one of the spectators to choose and remember a card and put it on top of the deck without showing it to you. Then remove the deck and place its lower part on top. Lay out the cards face up and accurately indicate the hidden card.

The secret of the trick: To find the hidden card, we'll use a little trick. Before demonstrating the trick, we remember the lowest card of the deck. Now, when laying out the deck, the hidden card will lie in front of the card that we spied.

Guessed card

You invite four spectators to sit at the table with you. You deal five cards to everyone. After this, the spectators must remember one card each from those in their hands. You collect the cards and lay them out on the table in five piles. Spectators choose one of the piles. You take the cards and fan them out to the audience. Then you ask which of them sees their card. Having received the answer, you accurately indicate the card that they remember.

The secret of the trick: You start collecting cards from the spectator who sits to your left and then go clockwise. Moreover, you collect all five cards at once, and not one at a time. Your cards will be the last to be collected, and they will be at the top of the deck. When you then arrange the cards into five piles, any one of them contains the cards in the order in which the spectators sit at the table. If, for example, a third spectator identifies “his” card, it will be third, counting from the top of the pile, etc.

Kings and ladies

Kings and queens are selected from the deck. You place them in front of the audience in two rows - separately for kings and separately for queens. You stack the cards, placing a stack of kings on top of a stack of queens. The resulting deck of eight cards can be removed by spectators any number of times. Then you hide the cards behind your back, take out two cards and show them to the audience. They see that it is the king and queen of the same suit.

The secret of the trick: Initially, you stack the cards so that the sequence of suits in both decks is the same. Behind your back, you divide the deck into two four-card decks and take the top card from each mini-deck. It will always be the king and queen of the same suit.

Intended number

Invite one of the spectators to think of a number. After this, the spectator must multiply it by 2, then add 8, divide by 2 and subtract the number he has in mind. After a significant pause, you announce that the resulting number is 4.

The secret of the trick: There is no secret, pure mathematics!

New Year is just around the corner. An important component of an exciting and fun holiday is New Year competitions. They unite and force event participants to be active.

Some competitions are of a gaming nature, others are for ingenuity, others are for dexterity or ingenuity. Do not forget about the existence of erotic competitions that are suitable for relaxed people.

If you want to New Year's celebration will be remembered for a long time, be sure to include several exciting competitions in the New Year's program. The photographs taken during the process will remind you of this evening and the joyful atmosphere many years later.

The most fun contests for the New Year

I suggest 6 fun competitions. With their help, you will cheer up the company, raise your spirits to the maximum, and make the holiday group more active.

  1. "New Year's fishing". You will need Christmas tree decorations made of cotton wool and a fishing rod with a large hook. Participants in the competition will have to take turns hanging New Year's toys on the street, and then remove them. The one who completes the task faster than others will win.
  2. "Funny drawings". On a large piece of cardboard, make two holes for the arms. Players will have to draw the Snow Maiden or Father Frost with a brush by putting their hands through the holes. They can't see what they're drawing. The prize will go to the author of the most successful masterpiece.
  3. "Frost Breath". In front of each participant, place a large snowflake cut out of paper on the table. The task of each participant is to blow away a snowflake so that it falls on the floor on the other side of the table. The competition ends when the last snowflake hits the floor. The player who takes the longest to complete the task wins. It's all his fault frosty breath, due to which the snowflake “frozen” to the surface of the table.
  4. "Dish of the Year". Participants will have to prepare a dish using products from the New Year's table. A New Year's salad composition or a unique sandwich will do. Afterwards, a man sits in front of each participant, and all players are blindfolded. The “New Year's hostess” who feeds the dish to the man the fastest will win.
  5. "New Year's Melody". Place bottles and a couple of spoons in front of the competition participants. They must take turns approaching the bottles and sing a melody with their spoons. The winner is the author of the most New Year's musical composition.
  6. "Modern Snow Maiden". Men participating in the competition dress up women to create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use items of clothing, jewelry, New Year's toys, and all kinds of cosmetics. Victory will go to the “stylist” who created the most unusual and striking image of the Snow Maiden.

The list doesn't end there. If you have imagination, come up with good competition you can do it yourself. The main thing is to make it fun and bring smiles to the faces of participants and spectators.

Video examples

New Year competitions for children and adults

A real holiday, in addition to noisy pastime at the table, includes short dance breaks, mass games and various competitions.

The New Year's celebration is aimed at a mixed audience, so choose New Year's competitions so that everyone can participate. After a half-hour feast, offer guests several musical and active competitions. Having thoroughly blurred and danced, they returned to eating New Year's salads.

I offer 5 interesting competitions for children and adults. I'm sure they will take their rightful place in the New Year's Eve entertainment program.

  1. "Christmas trees". Participants imagine that they are Christmas trees standing in the middle of the forest. The presenter says the Christmas trees are tall, low or wide. After these words, the participants raise their arms, squat or spread their arms. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated. The most attentive one wins.
  2. "Dress up the Christmas tree." You will need garlands, tinsel and ribbons. The Christmas trees will be women and girls. They hold the end of the garland in their hand. Male representatives decorate the Christmas tree, holding the second end of the garland with their lips. The winner is the couple who creates an elegant and beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. "Mummy". The competition involves the use of toilet paper. Participants are divided into two teams and a mummy is chosen. The rest of the participants will have to mummify her. They wrap the "lucky" one toilet paper. The teams make sure that there are no gaps between the turns. The team that completes the task faster wins.
  4. "Twins" . Couples participate. For example, mother and son, father and daughter. Participants hug each other around the waist with one hand. For two you will have two free hands. Afterwards the couple will have to cut out the figure. One participant holds the paper, the second wields scissors. The team that makes the most beautiful figure wins.
  5. "Tomato" . The competition is designed for two participants who stand face to face different sides chair. A banknote is placed on the chair. At the end of the countdown, participants must cover the bill with their hand. Whoever got there first won. Afterwards, participants are offered a rematch blindfolded. Instead of money, they put a tomato on the chair. The surprise of the participants will amuse the audience.

New Year's games for children

The main holiday of winter is New Year, accompanied by holidays, good mood and a lot of free time. When guests gather in the house, New Year's games for children will come in handy.

Comic tasks, coupled with bright images and a festive mood will create a positive background for the holiday. Even a simple group game will be exciting if you play with a friendly group. Children will especially enjoy the competitions, the victory of which will bring New Year's gifts.

  1. "Tiger Tail". Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. The first person in line is the head of the tiger. Closing the column is the tail. After the signal, the “tail” strives to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The “torso” must remain in the coupling. After some time, the children change places.
  2. "Merry round dance". An ordinary round dance can be significantly complicated. The leader sets the tone, constantly changing the direction and speed of movement. After several circles, lead the round dance like a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.
  3. "Journey" . Team game involves the use of blindfolds and skittles. Place the skittles in a “snake” pattern in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members knock down the fewest pins wins the game.
  4. "Compliment to the Snow Maiden". Choose Snow Maiden. Then invite several boys who will compliment her. They have to take out pieces of paper with inscriptions from the bag and, based on the words written on them, express “warm words”. The winner is the player who voiced greatest number compliments.
  5. « Magic words» . Participants are divided into teams and given a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story that the presenter is reading, there are words from these letters. When such a word is heard, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and line up in the required order. The team that is ahead of its opponents earns a point.
  6. "What changed". Visual memory will help you win the game. Each participant carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree for a certain time. Then the children leave the room. Several toys are re-hung or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.
  7. "Gift in a circle". Participants stand in a circle face to face. The host gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. Afterwards the gift moves in a circle. After the music stops, the gift transfer stops. The player who has a gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant left who will receive this souvenir.

Videos of children's games

Ideas for the New Year

Waiting for a miracle is a tedious task; it is better to create it yourself. What to do? Imagine yourself as a wizard, look around, collect simple objects and create something soulful, shimmering, warm and extraordinary. You will need some free time.

  1. "Christmas balls with fabric applique". To make your Christmas tree stylish and original, you don’t have to buy expensive toys. You can create an exclusive design using cheap plastic balls without a pattern. Cut out identical motifs from an old scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric and paste them onto the surface of the balls.
  2. "Orange Christmas tree toy". You will need a few oranges, a beautiful fancy ribbon, a cute rope, and a couple of cinnamon sticks. Cut the oranges into slices and place them in the oven to dry. Tie a cinnamon stick with a string and tie it to an orange slice. Make a loop on top. The final touch is a bow tied to a loop.

Amazing snowflake

It's hard to imagine a New Year's holiday without a dozen playful snowflakes.

  1. Use scissors to trim the ends of the toothpick. Use a paper cutter to make a small cut in the middle of one edge of the toothpick. This will be the main tool.
  2. Make several paper blanks. The width of the strip is around three millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the sheet.
  3. Create a spiral. Carefully insert the edge of the paper strip into the slot on the toothpick and twist it into a spiral. Twist the tool, not the paper. Make sure that the spiral is as even as possible. Remove the spiral and place it on the table.
  4. Spread the edge of the strip twisted into a spiral with glue and press it against the spiral. Press the end lightly. You will get a droplet with a spiral inside. Similar items do as much as possible.
  5. The shape of the elements can be changed. During gluing, squeeze the element with your fingers, giving it a certain shape. This is how not only circles are created, but droplets and eyes.
  6. Having prepared required amount elements begin to form a snowflake. Create a pattern from individual elements, fastening with a drop of glue. You will get an amazingly beautiful snowflake.

Perhaps my ideas for the New Year will seem too simple. If you do everything correctly, the result will be very beautiful, with minimal costs time and money.

Ideas for the New Year with your family

On this day, grandparents, aunties and parents will gather in one house. You need to try to make the festive night varied and fun. Only advance planning and careful preparation will help with this.

  1. Prepare a script. Each family member is assigned to write a short congratulatory speech. Close people are pleased to hear warm words.
  2. Write humorous toasts on pieces of paper. During the feast, guests will share their own thoughts and amuse each other.
  3. Arrange a family interview. A good video camera will come in handy. You can record the wishes of family members on video.

Are you wondering what New Year's games for children to organize at a holiday party? Combine sports competitions with intellectual competitions. This way, all children will be happy.

Both those who are better physically prepared and those who devote time to reading will be able to win. Don't forget to include several competitions where not only children, but also their parents can participate. Ideas various games for the holiday look below.

Competition "Fairy Broom"

This New Year's game for children is active. The kids will be interested in immersing themselves in the world of Harry Potter and flying on a broomstick. And some parents who grew up on this fairy tale will not refuse to take part in the competition. What does it consist of? You should find a suitable broom. It is advisable not to take an ordinary broom, but still purchase something more presentable. Participants are divided into two teams. Each of them is given a broom. The presenter counts down the time and announces the start. The relay race begins. Each child must “fly” to the Christmas tree, return and pass the broom to his friend, who is standing further. The team whose members complete the relay the fastest wins.

To complicate the task, you can also include an element of dressing up in the competition. In this case, the participants will pass each other not only a broom, but also a hat or cloak.

Guess what's inside

New Year's games for children can be created based on TV shows. Probably every resident of our country has seen at least one episode of the well-known show “Battle of Psychics.” So, the first test that people with superpowers go through is guessing an object hidden in a black box. You can also find a black box, put something New Year’s themed there and invite guests to check their psychic abilities. Write down each guest's guess on a piece of paper.

To make it more interesting, you need to involve everyone in the game, from young to old. After each guest has made their guess, open the box. What can you put in there? A plate of Olivier salad, a firecracker, a Santa Claus mask, or a bottle of champagne. If there is a guest in the company who guesses the contents of the box, then he will become the rightful owner of the item previously hidden from prying eyes.

New Year's words

This interesting game for children. New Year's because it has a festive focus. We all know the game of cities. So - it will be something vaguely similar. The presenter must think of a word that is somehow connected with For example, Snow Maiden. Now the children must name the words in a circle. First with the letter “S”, then with “H”, then with “E”, etc. If the child cannot come up with a word, he is eliminated. To complicate the task, you should name only those items that are associated with the winter holiday. For example, with the letter “S” you can come up with “snow” or “snowman”, and with “N” - “night”, “New Year’s mood”. This competition will allow children to learn to think quickly and make decisions in a difficult situation.

We decorate the Christmas tree

New Year's games and competitions for children can be arranged in moderation. At the same time, the guys will not destroy your house if you direct their irrepressible energy in the right direction. For example, you can invite them to dress up their friend. Two children should be dressed in green sweaters. And the rest of the children will be given a battery-powered garland and plastic Christmas tree decorations. You can also add tinsel, rain and snowflakes cut out of paper to your arsenal. In general, any will do. Turn on the stopwatch and give the two teams the go-ahead. In a minute, the guys will have to dress up their friend in a green sweater. The team that best decorates the Christmas tree will win. To make this competition more New Year's, you should turn on not a stopwatch, but a recording of the chimes.

Let's make a snowman

To come up with interesting New Year's games and competitions for children, you need to use your imagination. You can invite them to do familiar things in an unusual way. For example, making snowmen. How to do it?

The guys should be divided into pairs. By the way, adults can also take part in this competition, for example, parents or relatives of children. Two people are tied together with a scarf. They should put one arm around each other's back. Each person has one hand free. And it is with them that they will sculpt. The task is quite simple. You need to make a snowman in the allotted 3-5 minutes. But it will be challenging task, you will have to learn to work in a team. You cannot give hints or advice to teams. But watching and being inspired by the work of your opponents is not prohibited.


New Year's outdoor games for children should be invented by adults. Otherwise, the guys might inadvertently get hurt and have a fight. Follow the rule that if you can’t stop the madness, then you need to lead it. What to offer children? Eat entertaining game, which is called “Catch Your Head.” The guys become a train and take each other by the waist. Now the task of the tail is to catch up with the head. And accordingly, those who stand at the beginning of the train must run away. In this case, hands cannot be detached from the body of the comrade standing in front. When the tail has caught up with the head, the game is considered over. A second round can also be held. In it, those guys who headed the locomotive and those who stood at the end of it change places. Accordingly, their tasks are now opposite.

Poetry competition

How well do you know poetry? Typically, adults are less savvy in this area than children. But it also happens the other way around. New Year's games for children at home can be played in the form of an intellectual battle. For example, invite the children to compete in their knowledge of poetry. Indeed, in most cases, children learn them just for show, because they are asked at school. But this knowledge is so ingrained in our minds that some adults with little training can reproduce seemingly forgotten lines of poetry. Try having a contest and see who wins. You can compete like this: the older generation against the younger. Or each participant can take the rap for themselves. The rules should be set individually in each situation.


What New Year's games and entertainment are there for children? Some of them are active, others can be carried out festive table. Stickers are a relaxing game. Children of all ages, starting from 4 years old, can take part in it. Each participant is given a pencil or pen and colored sticky paper. Players write or draw an image of a cartoon character or animal on their piece of paper. You can set rules and draw or write only what is directly related to the holiday. Now each player sticks his piece of paper on the forehead of his neighbor on the right. Then you need to give the participants time to familiarize themselves with all the pictures and words around them. And then you can start playing.

Each child takes turns asking a question that can be answered “yes” or “no.” For example, am I prickly? If the answer sounds yes, you can ask another question. If it is negative, then the right of move goes clockwise. The player who guesses his word first wins.


This is one of the popular entertainments for children. The game has the following rules: children stand in a circle, and the leader is located on the side of them. He announces the colors. For example, it starts with green. Each of the children must look around and find the nearest person who has something green in his clothes. He must run up to it and touch the colored spot with his hand. The last one to complete this task is eliminated. You can also discuss in the rules that children can use not only clothes, but also hair. For example, if voiced Brown color, then you can find the nearest brown-haired man. You also need to say in advance that you should pay close attention to your clothes. The player who turns out to be the fastest and most attentive wins.

Draw Santa Claus

Don’t know what competitions to hold for children? Do New Year's games and entertainment seem too trivial? Invite the children to draw. Most children simply love this process. But not all of them go to art school, and therefore the result of their creativity may not be very attractive. To equalize the chances of winning for everyone present, you can invite children to draw blindly. You should blindfold the children with a scarf, put a blank sheet of paper in front of each one and give them a pencil. The task should be presented as quite difficult: to draw Santa Claus. The results of this artistic activity are most often very funny. The wizard's head, body and legs end up in different places. The main thing is to tell the children not to take this game seriously and not to be upset because of their failure.

What does it weigh here?

What New Year's games are there for children near the Christmas tree? One of them is a memory test. This game will not only amuse the children, but will also help develop their attentiveness and observation skills. Adults should make sure that no one cheats. No more than 8 children can take part in this entertainment. The guys will participate in the competition in pairs.

You should take the children to the Christmas tree. The first player is given 20 seconds to memorize. The second participant at this time stands with his back to the green beauty. When the last second has passed, the child studying the Christmas tree turns away from it and voices out the toys that he has remembered. After this, another player is tested. Whoever could remember the most toys won. The rest of the children will have to study the tree from other sides. Parents will also be able to train their own memory.


A fun New Year's game is completing tasks. Each of the guys takes off some item of clothing. This could be a hairpin, ring, chain or favorite toy. All these things fit into a glass or hat. Now each of the guys writes an assignment. If children do not have creative thinking, adults should help them with this part. You should generate fun but easy tasks that the child can complete. The pieces of paper are also immersed in some container. The presenter alternately places his hand in both containers. First, he takes out the child’s personal item. He will be the person who has to complete the task. The presenter will pull it out. This game helps children relax and feel more confident.

New Year's karaoke

This competition is loved by both big and small kids. New Year's musical games for children are a favorite pastime. Karaoke can be held different ways. One of the simplest is to play songs with lyrics and have the children sing along with the lead singer. You need to prepare in advance for the more complicated version of the competition. You should find soundtracks of famous children's New Year's songs. Each child is given words. And now the participants must take turns performing their favorite hits.

This musical game for children is New Year's party is a huge success. If the guys are shy and don’t want to sing alone, they can be combined into teams. And if such singing is carried out in front of a large crowd of people, it is advisable to rehearse the repertoire in advance.

Photo competition

New New Year's games for children in most cases require the use of gadgets. You can hold a rather interesting selfie contest. To do this, it is not necessary for the child to have a personal phone. He can use the parent one. And don’t worry that the guys won’t figure it out. A child already at 3 years old knows where the camera is on the phone and how to use it.

The photo competition is held as follows. Each participant is given a task. For example, draw a bunny. But it must be said that it will be filmed not on video, but on camera. So the child should fold his ears from his hands and show his teeth. The next candidate can depict a Christmas tree, tangerine, etc. After the photo shoot is completed, you should connect the phone to the TV and select best photo by voting of guests. You can also involve adults in the game. For them, you should choose images of famous actors, film stars or simply media personalities.

Hide and seek in the dark

This game is very reminiscent of the good old blind man's buff. Children love active entertainment, so they need to be given the opportunity to burn off their energy. Unlike classic blind man's buff, there is no leader in this game. All participants are blindfolded. Now each player needs to be untwisted and allowed to walk around the room. It is advisable that the premises have big size, and so that it is not crowded with pieces of furniture and a Christmas tree. Children will walk and bump into each other. And when two guys meet, they must determine by touch who is standing in front of them and say the person’s name. The guessed player is eliminated. The winner is the one who can best identify his comrades by touch. The game can be upgraded. For example, to prevent children from falling during a collision, immediately put them on all fours. In this case, one player has the opportunity to crawl away from the other.