New Year for Libra. Love and marriage

People say: “If only you knew where you would fall, you could lay down a straw.” Surprisingly, some people take this expression literally and walk the streets in anticipation of a sudden event. Representatives of the Libra sign are precisely such people, who by nature are accustomed to weighing their every action.

The news that such an approach completely deprives life of its taste is in fact not news at all, but a sad fact. Sooner or later, this zodiac sign runs the risk of encountering the fact that people around will completely cease to understand why Libra does all this mental work to design each step, when it is almost impossible to predict the development of events.

Or what about the greats? “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans”? One way or another, on how to cope with these thoughts and find out what awaits Libra in 2018, you need to listen to the advice of our prediction.

The ability to make informed decisions in itself is a huge plus, but not in the case when a person thinks about buying oranges several times. In 2018, Libra will be helped to free themselves from the constant oppression of choice by the Yellow Earth Dog - a kind and caring symbol of the coming year, which will certainly create conditions that can “stir up” anyone who doesn’t really want to move.

In general, the year will be favorable, as the Dog is determined to get Libra out of their comfort zone. Therefore, if suddenly a wizard descends onto your balcony from a blue helicopter and offers you a Soviet popsicle, do not be afraid, it is no coincidence that he is here. He flew to save Libra from the routine of daily worries and fears in order to take them into a world where they do not need to calculate in advance all their own and other people’s body movements.

Representatives of the sign who were born at the beginning of the zodiac cycle will experience significant changes in their personal lives - the ever-fearing Libra may meet a person to whom they will want to entrust themselves, their hand, their heart, and the shelf in their refrigerator.

In the coming year 2018, Libra careerists will be faced with unpredictable work situations, the plot twists and outcome of which will be impossible to calculate. This event will encourage them to rethink their attitude towards life and finally regain their long-lost taste.

The Heavenly Office strongly recommends that Libra not resist the coming changes, since the Dog will never do anything bad to its charges. Learning life again is difficult and scary, but sooner or later it will have to be done. And if not voluntarily, under the auspices of a caring patron, then compulsorily, when Her Highness Fate will lead the changes.

FAVORABLE COLORS: blue is the ideal color, soft shades of blue and green, white, pink, yellow.

LUCKY NUMBERS: 2, 6 (and all numbers divisible by 6 and combinations thereof), 7, 8, 9 and 15.
LUCKY DAYS FOR LIBRA: Friday, Saturday. It is on these days that important things should begin.

Love sphere

It is no secret to us that Libra is an intellectual and largely pragmatic sign. Therefore, they, as a rule, choose their loved ones with feeling, wisely and carefully, especially at a young age. Almost every young girl born under the protection of an air sign has a long list of requirements for candidates for the role of life partner. It's funny, but there is also an equally long list of qualities that a candidate should never have.

Ironically, in the coming year Libra girls risk meeting a person who will have a large number of qualities from the second list, however, the incredible attraction to a potential partner will still force them to go on a first date. And then for the second, third and tenth, each time promising myself that this would definitely be the last time.

Alas, this path of self-deception will not save Libra from unexpected love, which, as you know, comes “when you least expect it.” The fact that something can go wrong in life will have to either be accepted and live happily until death do us part, or close in your cocoon and wait for a miracle. The choice is yours.

Romantic Sphere of Singles Libra male, will also receive an unprecedented flurry of emotions that they have been trying to avoid for a long time. Work, home, work - this is a win-win option if you believe in it and don’t think about old age. Without expecting changes and doing everything possible to drive away thoughts of how great it is to hug someone in the morning, Libra will still meet a woman whom they will be afraid to lose.

Often, astrological forecasts advise you to take a closer look at your surroundings so as not to miss your destiny, however, in the case of Libra, this is not necessary - when that same woman appears on the horizon, you will feel like you have been doused with a “cold shower after a hot day” and, on a whim, you will begin to do everything possible to win her attention.

This woman will not meet all the requirements that an ideal woman “should” meet, but she will have all the characteristics of the woman she loves.

Family Libra change will also not be avoided. Some representatives of the sign may be led by suddenly awakened emotions and begin to misinterpret the predictions of the stars, so it is worth making a serious remark here: changes in life are, first of all, changes in yourself and your worldview. And only then a change of partner, field of activity or creative direction.

If it seems to you that everything is wrong in your apartment and the people are not the same, then the problem here is only in you. Before you run headlong towards the adventures that your soul has been missing for so long, take a closer look at what surrounds you. Your life partner is your choice. And what happens to him is the result of your actions as well.

Give your woman flowers or arrange a sudden romantic dinner for your husband and you will see how your chosen one turns into the person you once loved.

Care, attention and respect are the three pillars on which the success of any relationship stands. A little affection and the former fire of love will flare up with renewed vigor.

  • Libra has the best compatibility in love and marriage with the signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Libra And Aquarius. This can be an ideal union in which partners are able to share each other's interests. Their characters have a lot in common, and they understand each other perfectly. Life together here will never be boring.
  • Well compatible with Sagittarius And Leo. The relationship is harmonious and at the same time not boring. Such couples are created for a long and happy life together.
  • Relationship with Cancer difficult, but interesting. The union can be beneficial for your career.
  • With Capricorn- for emotional support and career. Many traits of Libra and Capricorn allow them to conduct common affairs quite successfully.
  • Union with Pisces- middle union. Long-term relationships are possible if Pisces has their own calculations in marriage.
  • Relationship with Scorpio can give Libra an advantage financially.
  • With Taurus Libras can create one of the strongest couples, especially if love for them did not come in early youth.
  • Aries is one of the best choices for marriage. This couple complements each other well. There will always be a lot of love and true affection here.
  • Partnership with Virgo fruitful for spiritual development. Representatives of these signs complement each other and learn a lot from each other.


“Dance while you’re young, girl of Paradise,” is sung in one fairly well-known song. So the stars advise Libra to dance and do everything that brings sincere pleasure. Next year, many Libras will think about changing their professional orientation: the long tossing from one sphere to another will finally end and representatives of the sign will find their place in life.

At first it will be scary, because in order to realize yourself in a new direction you will have to give up your usual stability. However, there is no need to be afraid - the situation will develop in such a way that the change of activity will be painless.

Libra will be successful in their new business, especially if it concerns professions such as programmer, designer and psychologist.

Creative Libra will face misunderstanding from equally creative colleagues who will try to impose a kind of competition on them. Fortunately, the good-natured dog will not allow Libra to be led by someone else's stupidity and will offer an alternative employment option.

It just so happens that due to their tendency to weigh their actions, most Libras are pathologically incapable of making decisions. Therefore, if at first it seems that you are losing something, then you will realize that the decision to leave for another employer is the best decision in the last few years. In the end, work should bring pleasure, and not psychological discomfort due to other people's ambitions.

For representatives of technical specialties, people of liberal professions and doctors, the new year 2018 promises to create conditions for the realization of hidden potential.

Perhaps this will be associated with a transition to a narrowly focused specialization, therefore, if you suddenly receive an attractive offer to concentrate your professional attention on a specific industry, feel free to agree, as this step will not only allow you to qualitatively change your life, but also gain invaluable experience working abroad , surrounded by colleagues who are passionate about their work.


As for health, in the coming year Libra will not experience any health problems and, on the contrary, Libra will have to leave a lot to chance for their own peace of mind.

Everyone knows that representatives of this sign mostly suffer from hypochondria in the style of Melman the giraffe, from one fairly popular cartoon. Constant examinations, vitamin complexes and immunostimulating drugs do not bring any benefit, including emotional benefit. Therefore, if you want to take an x-ray again to make sure that everything is okay with you, stop and direct this energy in another direction, for example, cook pizza.

In general, the forecast for Libra for 2018 recommends devoting more time to issues of inner peace: the constant fear that Libra tends to experience due to their indecision will not lead to anything good. The nervous system suffers, the body experiences constant stress from experiences, and because of this, other areas of life suffer.

To get rid of the haunting fears, the stars advise leading them. Are you afraid of catching a cold in the fall? Take off your scarf, hat, eat ice cream on the street. Perhaps after this you will really get sick, however, you will clearly understand that diseases do not appear without a reason! And in the time freed from worries, it will be possible to finally do things that are beneficial for the body and soul - sign up for the pool, start strengthening the body, buy a gym membership. In winter, these activities can be diluted with more active recreation - skiing or snowboarding.


In financial matters, next year, on the contrary, recommends listening to yourself. While those around them en masse take part in various kinds of adventures, Libra has the opportunity to make money from the short-sightedness of others. For example, successfully sell real estate or increase your capital through the sale and purchase of currency. But this forecast is more relevant to people who understand the nuances of the economy.

Libras born in the middle of the zodiac cycle can expect sudden profits, which may be the result of a promotion or inheritance.

In both cases, the stars recommend spending these funds on creating passive income, which, over time, will become a serious help in starting your own business. Moreover, an intellectual air sign has all the prerequisites for creating a successful business project.

By the way, financially the year will be very successful for the fair sex. A woman’s unconventional view of things will allow ladies to make serious money from their hobby and turn it into their life’s work. This is especially true for young mothers who are on maternity leave - having free time will contribute to personal achievements. For the sake of yourself, family and child.

Horoscope for 2018 Libra can ignore it due to its nature, or it can listen, since change is the essence of life. Whatever path you choose, try to trust a loyal friend who wants only the best for you, and do not think about where he is leading you.

This astrological forecast for 2018 is calculated for pronounced (typical) representatives of the sign Libra. If the overwhelming number of luminaries and planets in your horoscope are in the sign of Libra, then you are a typical representative of this sign. Atypical representatives are, as a rule, people born on the border of signs.

Libra horoscope for 2018: joy and luck

In 2018, Jupiter for Libra will be in the 2nd house until November 9, 2018, and then will move to the 3rd house. The 2nd house is the house of finances, money and other material possessions. The presence of Jupiter in this area gives Libra increased organizational abilities, especially when it comes to the financial and material sphere. At the same time, there will be a desire for luxury, sybaritism, even some lordship and all sensual pleasures. There will be a desire to acquire beautiful things, surround yourself with them, and an unwillingness to part with your favorite toys. In 2018, Libra will take great pleasure in receiving guests, giving gifts and receiving them from others.

Money and business

In 2018, your finances will be in perfect order. In fact, you will be making money from literally nothing. Money matters will be especially favorable for those representatives of the Libra sign who are engaged in commerce, banking, insurance, export and import operations, and are also involved in the tourism business. However, for all other professional areas this year, until the beginning of November 2018, will also be successful.

However, there is a danger that Libra may find themselves in a difficult financial situation due to their own extravagance and superficial attitude towards money. This can be especially dangerous if, in an effort to earn money or expand your property, you miscalculate your strengths and take on unnecessary responsibility. This should be paid special attention to those Libras who are involved in food production, fundraising, travel, publications, or in the field of pedagogy and psychology. Under the influence of others who will treat you extremely favorably during this period, it is very easy to lose vigilance and get into debt.

In general, almost the entire year of 2018 is financially favorable for the sign of Libra. According to the 2018 Libra horoscope, new opportunities open up for them to increase their capital, including quite large ones, such as starting large commercial projects or working with the government. Jupiter promises good earnings for Libra in everything related to banking, science, literature, education, law and religion. Libras will strive for luxury and prosperity, while, thanks to their sincere friendliness, they will extremely easily establish contacts with new people, trying not to cause them any damage or offense.

With Jupiter afflicted in the personal horoscope, in order to achieve financial success, Libra will have to work hard and hard. Any attempts to earn wealth in some dishonest way are especially dangerous.

To increase their financial capabilities, in 2018 Libra will need to invest incoming funds in the surrounding society. Money should be used to secure your position in society, it should contribute to your self-expression, consolidate your financial success and increase it in the future. It would be a big mistake to simply thoughtlessly waste everything that fate gives you, hoping that this golden source will never dry up. Try not to fall into this trap.


Transiting Jupiter in the 2nd house of the horoscope will positively affect your self-esteem. You will look to the future with optimism and take advantage of every opportunity for social expression to take your rightful place in society. This will only benefit you, provided that you do not forget that numerous social contacts should entail some real benefit. Otherwise, you may be disappointed. Earthly Luck is a very capricious and unfaithful lady, so you shouldn’t rely too much on her.

In 2018, Jupiter will give Libra the opportunity to see the entire task as a whole, its overall picture, without stopping attention on small specific problems. In psychology, this is called mental orientation, in which general knowledge of the existing situation is more important. The Libra horoscope for 2018 predicts that they will have the ability to determine the simplest paths, which perfectly matches their innate talent for organizing work and managing the overall process. It is especially convenient when working in network structures, where you need to be able to motivate others and yourself. It is very important at this moment not to linger in one place, but to continue to move calmly and freely, without straining or even whistling. For Libra, this will be crucial.

Property and gifts

Great opportunities open up in 2018 for Libra in terms of increasing their property. Now you can count on receiving, sometimes quite large, gifts. However, you will not receive these gifts by chance, but thanks to numerous established acquaintances and active communication. Libra’s well-developed intuition will also play a big role in this, which you need to listen to if you want to increase your well-being. As the horoscope for 2018 predicts, Libra should use every opportunity to increase their property, but do not try to hold on to what is leaving you, treat it with philosophical calm and you will be rewarded.

Sensuality and energy

In 2018, thanks to the position of Jupiter in the 2nd house, Libra will experience a special attitude towards their body and physical contacts with intimate partners. Even a simple touch will cause them real pleasure, turning almost into the main way of communication. Their own body will evoke only positive emotions in them, movement will turn into joy and into a way of life, which can lead to a passion for some kind of sport and an active visit to a fitness club.

During this period, Libra’s heightened sensuality will also extend to food; in 2018, Libra will give preference to the most exquisite food, simply because it will give them true pleasure. And they will try to make the process itself as comfortable and beautiful as possible, turning it into a real ritual. Jupiter in the 2nd house will turn Libra into true gourmets.

But there is a danger that you can go to extremes and use your heightened sensuality, physical contacts and your own body as tools for manipulating others. Moreover, the position of Jupiter in the 2nd house can lead to a weakening of moral principles. It is very important to avoid this trap and use your heightened sensuality to express yourself in a variety of ways, but in a way that leads to the strengthening of your own nobility.

Horoscope for 2018 Libra: difficulties and trials

home and family

In 2018, Saturn in Libra will be in the 4th house – the house of the family. This will strengthen family ties and give a feeling of increased responsibility for your loved ones.

During this period, your elderly relatives, for example, your parents, may require special attention. They may be seriously ill, they may have problems. Perhaps in 2018 you will notice that you are increasingly visited by thoughts about the past or obsessive fears appear. And even if outwardly you give the impression of a strong and independent person, in reality it will be increasingly difficult for you to leave home and feel disconnected from your family.

At the same time, if you leave your home or move to another city, your life will only change for the better. The feeling of inadequacy and unsettledness will force Libra to work twice as hard, and this, in turn, leads to significant achievements. To cope with their own anxiety and overcome their overwhelming emotions, many Libras may turn to spiritual practices or otherwise try to make their lives more spiritual.

According to the horoscope for 2018, Libra, who will remain in their home and be attached to their family, will be dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. This will force them to work hard and hard to ensure the well-being and increase of property. Particularly successful results can be achieved in the field of construction or production of household goods. However, if Libra takes on too much in 2018, it could hinder their personal success.

Personal safety

In search of personal security and peace in 2018, Libra may strive for solitude. But it will weigh on them and be more reminiscent of voluntary imprisonment, when they, of their own free will, reduce contact with the outside world to a minimum. And sometimes Libra, on the contrary, will feel that an excess of responsibility takes away their personal time and space, and they will literally fight to protect their own right to privacy. The Libra horoscope for 2018 reports that many will continue to follow established family traditions, which may be a burden to them, because Saturn in the 4th house will make you overly conservative. It is strong, reliable structures that will help Libra feel safe in 2018.

Libra horoscope for 2018: surprises and surprises

In 2018, the planet of surprises, until May 14, Uranus for Libra representatives will be in the 7th house, which is associated with personal relationships. Starting from May 15, Uranus moves into the 8th house - the house of crises and extreme situations.

Love and marriage

At the beginning of 2018, under the influence of Uranus, which was in the 7th house of partnership in previous years, single Libra will continue to look for a partner with whom the relationship would go beyond ordinary reality and would be unusual. Under the influence of Uranus, Libra can unexpectedly marry, acting on momentary emotions, or just as easily break up with an existing spouse or partner. Uranus in the 7th house is an inappropriate period for establishing long-term, strong relationships; under its influence, Libra will strive for personal freedom and independence. If the partner turns out to be more successful in some area, this may cause Libra to be jealous, even to the point of a negative reaction.

From the second half of 2018, the transition of Uranus to the 8th house reduces the likelihood of an unexpected breakup of a marriage, and even those Libras whose family foundation was shaken in the previous year, starting from May 15, 2018, can breathe easy - there is a high probability of a complete restoration of relations, or what - a new promising connection with exciting intimate relationships, which will also be very pleasant. The Libra horoscope for 2018 says that your sexuality will be off the charts!

Relationships with others

The inability to establish strong partnerships extends not only to Libra's personal life, but also to her social life. Under the influence of Uranus in the 7th house and the desire for independence, Libra can destroy established connections with others, including business partners. They may refuse to cooperate, often change their minds, which will naturally cause discontent among others, and sometimes even lawsuits, in which Libra will suffer defeats. Relations with others until the second half of May in 2018 for Libra may turn out to be conflictual and quite tense. And they will only have themselves to blame for everything. Such inconstancy and unpredictability cannot please anyone.

On the other hand, even if Libra is friendly and cooperative in the first half of 2018, they may encounter some unexpected obstacle that will completely ruin their plans. You also need to be prepared for this and provide escape routes in advance.


As we have already said, on May 15, 2018, Uranus in the sign of Libra moves into the 8th house. This position of Uranus in many Libras can lead to the unexpected appearance of the gift of foresight, encounters with mystical situations, and communication with the other world. According to the 2018 horoscope, Libra's intuition will become more acute.

Any planet passing through the 8th house of crisis brings tension, anxiety, and restlessness. If this planet is Uranus, then we can expect that many Libras will face a considerable number of emotional upheavals, mental blows, and shocking circumstances during the second half of 2018.

Under the influence of this location of Uranus, the risk of extreme situations increases. Therefore, representatives of the Libra sign should be especially careful.

Libra horoscope for 2018: mysterious and spiritual

The 6th house of the horoscope is the house with which work, everyday life and our daily responsibilities are connected. In 2018, Neptune continues to be in this house near the sign of Libra.


Although work in 2018 will completely satisfy Libra in material terms, something will definitely bother them. Perhaps this is a relationship with management or in a team, perhaps some kind of dissatisfaction with the results of the work of employees, or perhaps, on the contrary, Libra will tend to exaggerate the merits of colleagues or superiors to the point of impossibility, and one day they may not disappoint them. The horoscope predicts that Libra in 2018 will not be able to find a job in the area where they would like to work. Some Libra representatives in 2018 may work not for material gain, but solely for philanthropic reasons or in order to achieve their own fame.

This placement of Neptune, according to the horoscope, gives Libra in 2018 especially heightened intuition, but they often misunderstand its prompts because they are influenced by the own prejudices of the representatives of this sign. If Libra themselves do not consider honesty one of the necessary virtues, then in 2018 they may find themselves involved in some kind of adventure of a dubious nature, the consequences of which may be quite unpleasant for them.

In order to safely resolve any elusive and incomprehensible conflicts that arise at work, try to distance yourself from the problem in such a way that you can see it in its entirety.


The main health problem that Libra may have in 2018 is that under the influence of Neptune, who is in the 6th house, the symptoms of the disease may turn out to be incomprehensible, implicit and somehow blurred. As a result, they may develop a sluggish or chronic disease. which will affect both their well-being and their overall health. It is especially dangerous in this situation to self-medicate, which will only further suppress the symptoms and worsen the situation.

In addition, Neptune in the 6th house will make Libra especially sensitive to various toxic substances, so representatives of this sign need to be wary of poisoning. Infectious diseases cannot be excluded.

Libra horoscope: major changes in 2018

Pluto, the planet of serious changes, will be in Libra throughout 2018 in the 4th house – the house of family and stability. This position of Pluto gives Libra in 2018 an aggravation or manifestation of extrasensory abilities, the opportunity to receive help and support from the family in some fundamental endeavors. If Pluto's energy is used incorrectly, Libra may suddenly rebel against their parents or established family traditions, or they may have difficulties in relationships with loved ones and family, even to the point of a complete break.


Pluto in the 4th house, with the simultaneous passage of Saturn through the 4th house, can lead to the fact that representatives of the sign Libra from 2018-2020 will have difficulties with representatives of the older generation, most likely with their parents. This could be a conflict, illness or even the death of one of them.

Or for some reason you will be very afraid of the death of your parents. There may be some reason for this, or there may not be one, but you will have some debilitating fear of losing your parent. The general atmosphere in the house will be heavy and depressing.

In addition, in astrology, this location of Pluto is considered one of the indications for moving. Therefore, it is possible that from 2008-2024 you can repeatedly change your home, city, or even country of residence. If you have been thinking about emigrating before, now is probably the right time for it. Under the influence of Pluto in the 4th house, some Libras may perceive the family and the entire home environment as something destructive that does not give them freedom for creativity. Or, on the contrary, excessive attachment to the family, to parents or family traditions, in 2018 can cause destructive changes in the life of Libra.

Libra horoscope for 2018: the vector of your destiny

The Northern lunar node, which is responsible for karma, will be located in Libra in the 11th house during 2018. The northern lunar node is also responsible for accumulating the necessary experience, and in 2018 Libra will have to gain it in the area of ​​social life, communication with friends and like-minded people. The southern lunar node, accordingly, will be located opposite it, in the 5th house - the house of children, intimacy, pleasure and play.

In 2018, the topic of altruistic care for those children who are not genetically yours is more relevant for you. This could be the adoption of a child, registration of foster care, or free work with children in an orphanage.

For those children you already have, you will need to give them more freedom. Especially if they are already old enough.

Also, 2018 will be favorable for communicating more actively with friends, making new friends, or completely changing your regular social circle.

This is a good time for creative or other self-realization, especially if Libra tries to expand his own fame as much as possible. For example, for this you can use the capabilities of the Internet and social networks represented on it.

The stars will give Libra in 2018 everything they deserve. This period can be called a time of opportunity, improvement of financial situation and climbing the career ladder. True, in order to get what they want, representatives of the sign will have to work hard and hard. Lazy people may not even count on success and solid profits. Only those who have demonstrated perseverance and will will be able to withstand difficulties.

By nature, Libras are sacrificial and polite people. They know how to adapt and please other people. However, when sacrificing, you need to remember your interests. If the sign forgets about itself in order to please others, and at the same time does not understand what it is doing and why, it will not experience a feeling of satisfaction. Therefore, you need to take into account what the soul strives for, what can please it. If some events cause suffering, there is no need to endure it under any circumstances.

Libra's nature will ask for changes. If they are not afraid to make adjustments to their own lives, they will become more interesting and full-fledged individuals. The stars call on people born under the sign described to become warriors, learn to fight and defend their interests.

During the Year of the Dog, many Libras will begin to think about the meaning of life and their role in it. They will want to experience new feelings and improve their destiny. And opportunities for this will present themselves. You just need to use them. To do this you will need to open your eyes wide and look around.

If the chances given by fortune are used, significant changes will occur. But for this you will have to gather your willpower and show others your strength of spirit.

A collision with betrayal is also possible. The enemy can be either a spouse, a friend, or a colleague or business partner. Libra should not dwell on failures and losses. The battle in which they lose will not be the last, and therefore the opportunity to win back will still arise.

Everything bad that happened in the past must be left behind, erased from memory. This is the only way Libra will be able to move forward with a smile on their face. And you don’t need to think that maximum success has already been achieved. The most ambitious achievements lie ahead. Therefore, you cannot relax. There is still a lot of time until the end of the year.

For many Libras, 2018 will bring major victories, happiness and success. It will be an ideal period for demonstrating personal qualities that you can and should be proud of. It is important to remember honesty, commitment and fairness. Those representatives of the sign who are accustomed to winning dishonestly will remain out of work.

To avoid health problems, you need to learn to rest and relax. Some Libras face a difficult choice between work and family. A large income will turn your head and even ruin relationships with relatives and friends. Knowing this, it is important not to become arrogant. You need to do your best to find a balance between love and work.

Libra Family and Love in 2018

In the year of the Dog, Libra will think a lot about work and money. Because of this, there will not be enough time for family, children, and personal life. You need to find a middle ground between love and career. Otherwise, Libra will face problems at every turn. Trying to earn a lot, returning home they will meet the cold gaze of a loved one and the insults of their children. And this will make them unhappy.

Lonely Libras will only be able to find their other half if they are active. They should take the initiative, give compliments, make dates. There is no need to be afraid to make new acquaintances. The ideal time for this is January, February, May, June, July and August. It is better to end ambiguous relationships. They won't lead to anything good.

Married Libras must be reasonable and sincere, firm in their intentions and benevolent. The stars advise them not to conflict with their partner and not to succumb to provocations (especially in April, July, November, December).

Child-parent relationships will also be ambiguous in 2018. In the summer, older children may present financial or moral claims to Libra. Representatives of the sign will be unprepared for this. It is also possible that children will get into trouble. To save them from problems, you will have to spend money. This will unsettle you.

Married couples who decide to divorce in 2018 will face difficulties in dividing property. Most conflicts will arise in July-August. Each spouse will pull the blanket over themselves. This will make Libra's life much more difficult.

In November-December 2018, work will fade into the background. Finally, Libra will give in to their feelings and will devote more time to the person they sincerely love. The stars will help them show more attention to their partner, which will have a positive effect on love relationships.

To please a loved one born under the sign of Libra, he needs to cook delicious dishes. You can also have romantic evenings. Libra women will be pleased with compliments, joint appearances, and gifts.

Libra health in 2018

Libra's energy will be in full swing. They will not complain about increased fatigue and decreased performance. However, there is no need to test the body's strength. You should take care of yourself like you would your favorite flower. It's better to forget about bad habits.

Adequate sleep, a balanced diet, walks in the fresh air, exercise - all this will help strengthen the immune system and give a boost of energy. It is wiser to refuse junk food - pickles, smoked meats, baked goods, sweets.

It is important to learn to control yourself and not get nervous over trifles. If dark thoughts arise, you need to drive them away. Yoga, swimming and mediation will benefit you. If Libra masters breathing exercises, it will also be easier for them to deal with negative thoughts and aggression.

Financial horoscope for 2018 for Libra

Libra will have enough money throughout 2018. During the year, their income will increase noticeably. In this area, representatives of the sign will be lucky. Of course, expenses cannot be avoided. They will mainly be associated with spending on the family, providing for children, and romantic courtship.

Unplanned expenses cannot be ruled out. Because of them, you may have to be very nervous. For the sake of large acquisitions, some Libra will even decide to take out loans. When concluding loan agreements, you must carefully read the terms and conditions.

Libra career in 2018

Libra's career will flourish in 2018. The dog will give them a lot of opportunities for this. Those who worked hard in 2017 will be especially successful. Everything that was started earlier will flourish and develop. The influence of Libra businessmen will increase. Their income will increase.

Collective work will be fruitful. Representatives of the zodiac sign can safely trust their subordinates, colleagues and partners. You should only enter into deals and business agreements with those who work hard, are honest and fair.

Employees in 2018 can expect a salary increase. They will also be given bonuses and various material benefits. Those Libras who do not like their position can safely change their place of work. There is no need to worry too much about this, as the new position and new colleagues will delight you.

Will leave a good mark in the life of Libra. You realize the need for change and say goodbye to everything that negatively affects your health and mood. Be patient, do not give in to provocations and be sure to take advantage of the chances that fate gives you! Troubles will not disappear, but overall things will turn out well. You will maintain inner harmony and peace of mind, which will become a powerful support for you in any activity.

Famous Libra

  • Ani Lorak
  • Chulpan Khamatova
  • Kate Winslet
  • Monica Bellucci
  • Marina Tsvetaeva
  • Sergey Bezrukov
  • Sting
  • John Lennon
  • Sergey Yesenin
  • Vladimir Putin

Forecast for the zodiac sign Libra for 2018

The beginning of the year is not the best period in your life. In the first days of January, you will feel a thirst for change. Libra will probably leave their unloved job, which has been annoying them for a long time and has a bad effect on their health and family relationships. This decision will not be easy, but the following months will bring good luck and raise your ability to work to a new level. You will implement plans that you put off until better times and improve your financial situation.

In 2018, Libra will finally have to part with their unloved job.

In spring the desire to create will come: to write poetry or prose, to draw, to take photographs. Don't suppress these impulses. Many Libras choose the path of an artist and reach great heights. Unfortunately, at this time, misunderstandings will arise between you and your significant other, and quarrels can lead to a breakup. Soon you will come to your senses and do anything to get your loved one back.

In May there will be minor difficulties at work. You will cope with them in a few days (if you don’t put things off “until tomorrow”), study the problem in depth and enlist the support of your colleagues. From June to August, fortune will be on your side. The exception is a short period in the second month of summer. Frequent stress and heavy workload will affect your physical and mental health.

It is worth planning a vacation for this period. In 2018, Libra will dream of an active holiday on the seashore of Spain, and perhaps somewhere in a tropical corner of Asia and Oceania. Diving into the depths of the sea, boating and getting to know the traditions of the local people will bring you and your companions great pleasure. You will buy expensive but unusual souvenirs. A romantic trip with your loved one will be especially joyful.

Libra is shown an active holiday full of bright emotions and adventures.

In general, summer will be successful for Libra. Until November, problems will pass you by. Perhaps you will decide to take a risky action in business and personal life, showing qualities that many do not notice in you: loyalty, determination and self-confidence. These features will conquer your chosen one or chosen one. On New Year's Eve, you will enjoy the company of your loved one.

  • Forecast for women. Libra women will suffer due to relationship problems. Although there will be no obvious conflicts, you will realize that you are putting in more than you are getting out. The situation will change in the spring. You will break up with a person who has lost interest in you, or you will take the union to a new level. In any case, lost strength and inspiration will return to you in the summer. The second half of the year will more than compensate for moral damage. Single Libras will start a relationship with a person who can lead them down the aisle, and their married “colleagues” will establish relationships with their spouses. Representatives of the sign will be drawn to peace, comfort and silence. Only in such conditions will you rest from worries and stress.
  • Forecast for men. Libra men will succeed in the business field, even if they are far from entrepreneurship. Successes will be replaced by failures, but in the end there will be more achievements than failures. You will demonstrate the characteristics of the best businessmen: ingenuity, resourcefulness and dexterity. In the first half of the year, easily enter into agreements with partners and achieve support for initiatives that are important to you. Summer is a great time for investments and major purchases, such as purchasing a new home. It is worth investing money and time in self-development. Take retraining courses or start learning a foreign language. You might even consider starting your own business.
  • Children's prognosis. Little Libra will delight adults with their extraordinary intelligence and practicality. Parents will begin to take their opinion into account. But the child’s abilities need to be developed! With a childish mind, Libra loves to play pranks and often heads “bad” companies. In adolescence, they are capable of serious misconduct, which ends, at best, in a reprimand from the director, and in the worst case, a visit to the police station. In this way, young Libra attracts the attention of their parents, which they lack. To avoid sad consequences, spend more time with your child. In November and December, representatives of the sign will be susceptible to lingering colds and lung diseases. Make sure your child dresses warmly and wears a hat and scarf. These little things will save him from serious problems.

Pay close attention to Libra's health - babies are prone to colds!

Love horoscope for 2018

In their personal life, Libra will experience both ups and downs. In the first half of the year, family representatives of the sign will spend a lot of time at home and expect the same from their spouse. You will strive for mutual understanding, which will help you see your partner in a new light. And not always positive. In 2018, Libra women may rightly suspect their husband of infidelity and be very worried about this, which will lead to a breakup.

From the first days of the year, lonely Libra will be looking for a soul mate. It won’t be long before you find a suitable person, since your requirements for your chosen one are high. You are attracted by an unconventional outlook on life and a subtle spiritual organization, and not everyone can boast of this. By dreaming of sublime feelings, you risk missing out on a relationship with a real partner who cares about you.

In June or July, a person with a rich spiritual world will enter your life. He will occupy an important place in Libra's heart and will have a strong influence on their views. Whether it is positive or negative depends on the goals of the mysterious person. But you will completely submit to her authority. At the suggestion of a new partner, you may even become interested in spiritual practice or religion.

If Libra can't resist and cheats on their partner, it won't end well

With the arrival of spring, the influence of your loved one will weaken. You will want new acquaintances, courtship and the main role in the relationship. You might be interested in a young colleague. Next to him you will feel like an experienced mentor. The last months of the year will bring discord into relationships. Your significant other will suspect that your evening meetings and urgent tasks are pure deception.

If you cheat on your partner, he will find out about it in October or November. Most likely, he will not forgive this affair and will leave you without financial and moral support. This will be a serious blow for Libra. In December, you will follow one of two scenarios: come to terms with temporary loneliness or begin to actively look for a partner who will provide you financially.

2018 is not a good year for a Libra wedding. No matter how much a representative of the sign loves a girl or young man, he is in no hurry to marry. A marriage entered into under pressure will only disrupt the harmony between lovers. The only worthy prerequisite for going to the registry office is pregnancy or moving together. The period from April to August is suitable for the ceremony. A wedding in the fall and winter may end in divorce at the beginning of next year.

Health horoscope for 2018

Don't overdo it with work: stress and overwork will undermine your health

From January to February, you will be so busy with work that you will have neither energy nor time left to take care of yourself. Constant stress will affect the body's condition. Closer to spring, nervous explosions, chronic fatigue, and exacerbations of diseases of the circulatory and digestive systems are possible. In May and April, vegetative-vascular dystonia or hypertension will make itself felt.

These ailments may require hospital treatment. In the second half of the year, the risk of eye and genital diseases is high. At the first signs of illness, schedule a visit to the doctor. Over time, ailments will develop into serious illnesses, the fight against which will drag on for months.

Money horoscope for 2018

Libra will approach finances with their usual ease. You will not count your earnings and skimp on entertainment. Successful projects will bring a stable income, and meeting wealthy people will allow you not to worry about the future. A lot of money will be spent on a vacation in a fashionable hotel and buying expensive souvenirs. But regrets are not about you.

Libras should refrain from gambling so as not to end up with beans.

Another thing is spending on gambling, alcohol or useless purchases that lift your spirits. In order not to go broke, you will have to pull yourself together. At the end of autumn, Libra runs the risk of becoming a victim of a financial scam and being stuck in the courtroom for a long time. Be careful. Avoid financial transactions with unfamiliar people. Most likely, the partner will be dishonest.

2018 will be held under the auspices of friendship and communication, because the mistress of this year is the most faithful and friendly creature in nature. Although, of course, you shouldn’t delude yourself, she has both character and her own views on life. If you try to make your dog angry, you may end up teaching him a very bad lesson.

In this article:

General trends

Libra is one of the most beautiful and intelligent signs of the zodiac system. Everything in his world is harmonious, except for the problem of choice. As soon as a choice stands in the way of this sign, the ground seems to disappear from under his feet, and he simply does not know what to grab onto. The dog will give Libra the opportunity to stand firmly on their “paws”, be decisive and look for a foothold in themselves. She will never allow herself too much, but at the same time she will not miss out on her own. Modest representatives of the air should learn a lot from her. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog obliges them to always keep their finger on the pulse and not let the situation slip out of their control.

But don’t worry, no special situations painted in dark colors are expected. The dog will slowly and surely lead you towards the goal that you need to set for yourself at the end of the year. 2018 is generally a great time for planning, saving and investing. The Dog's hard work, along with the businesslike spirit that Libra displays, will help them in any endeavor.

Libra love horoscope for 2018

Libras, by their nature, really need home warmth, stability and comfort. But their rich inner world constantly prevents them from achieving this goal. On the one hand, they want to create, but on the other, the opposite happens. Serious relationships never develop for this seemingly peace-loving sign of the zodiac system. They constantly, without knowing why, analyze every situation.

With the arrival of spring, do not give yourself a reason to waste away. Neither a spring cold nor a lack of vitamins is a reason for seclusion. Rest assured, no one will knock on your house or invite you to the cinema, people simply will not know about your existence. Respond to any proposals coming from friends for the purpose of your, so to speak, “matchmaking”. By following all the above tips, by the end of 2018, you will not only find an interesting match among the opposite sex, but you will be able to organize “bride shows” for them yourself.

The dog prefers to spend summer outdoors. The countryside, mountains, hiking - these are the things that calm down. Of course, if you are a person dependent on comfort, it will not be very convenient for you to relax as a savage, but think about how much health and strength it will bring you. Of course, the stars don’t promise you love affairs on your hikes, but in the village at your grandmother’s, anything can happen.

Autumn is the most prosperous period for you for dating, romance and transition into a serious relationship. For dreamy Libras, autumn is also a great time to visit beautiful European cities such as Prague, Budapest, Paris, Bremen, Rome. This is an excellent opportunity for a romantic meeting and poetic relationship. Creative representatives of this constellation will be able to start creating their own product, which was so difficult to achieve in the bustle of Russian cities.

For those who have already found their other half, a trip to Europe will be a useful time for rethinking their life attitudes, relationships and life in general. Perhaps your spouse will keep you company, and together you will retire into the quiet of the ancient streets.

Libra money horoscope for the year of the Dog

Libras are not very good with money. It is easier for them to make purchases than to hoard. But they won’t be left without money; their rich imagination will definitely find a way out. Unfortunately, their mood directly depends on the sunny weather, so during the winter months they often cannot create, imagine, or earn money. Winter will be an excellent time for you to draw up business plans, which the Dog loves very much, because he knows for sure that you won’t go far without a goal. With the first rays of the sun, vital energy will awaken, which urgently needs to be directed in the right direction.

In the summer it’s over, there will be no time to earn money, thoughts will smoothly flow to the beach, but you have to try otherwise, you can safely forget about the trip that will collect your ideas and direct you in the right direction.

The dog is not against any investments, she is generally a thrifty person, you just have to remember the bones buried around the yard. She will try to make sure that she does not allow herself to remain hungry. True, in the case of Libra, the situation is complicated by the problem of choice. To avoid such obstacles, take advantage of the advice of competent business specialists or representatives of the banking system. Well, and of course, savings. Libra, it’s time to stop living one day at a time, the patroness of the year doesn’t like this, always think about your financial day tomorrow. Despite your frequent tightness, you are still big spenders.

Libra health in 2018

People born under this sign cannot boast of health; in childhood they were often sick, which is not uncommon in adult life. The Year of the Dog for Libra will be an exception. She is a hardy lady, with her patronage she will help you avoid sharp corners with your health, but not without help.

During the winter months, it is very important to saturate your lungs with fresh air, without which the air elements, by the way, cannot exist. Be sure to walk to work and back, at least several stops a day, and frequent evening walks before bed are also recommended.

In the spring, fill your body with vitamins, of course, due to regional and seasonal circumstances, artificial ones. In March, take special care of your neck and throat, wrap yourself up if necessary. You should not risk your health for aesthetic reasons, especially with age, when the body becomes weaker.

On summer days, the stars recommend that you sunbathe as little as possible. Libra skin is very susceptible to sun damage. Although it is worth appearing in the sun every day, to avoid sunburn, use a protective cream.

Autumn is rich in vitamins, don't forget about it! Your task is to fill your body to capacity with them through a healthy diet, otherwise your internal resources may not be enough even until the end of 2018, not to mention the subsequent long winter months.

Another vulnerable place in the body will be the gastrointestinal tract; carefully monitor what and when you eat. Fasting diets will be a great help for you.

Horoscope of Libra women

There are always many questions in the lives of women born under the sign of Libra. One gets the complete impression that they create them for themselves. As mentioned above, they should be simpler. It is impossible to get answers to everything at once; it is impossible to do everything as it happens in a gorgeous novel. Keep it simple, don’t set yourself high goals and objectives. Take small but sure steps, as the Dog does. In 2018, she will actively take control of you and lead you; your task is not to resist and trust your good intuition.

The patroness of the sign, Venus, has endowed you with a subtle and refined nature, use it for your benefit. That is why you are advised to lower the bar of requests in relation to the opposite sex. The patroness of the year is simple and unsophisticated by nature. Education is not her strong point; she loves work and stability. Is it bad? In 2018, you will often meet just such people; try not to miss them, so as not to be deceived later in the networks of pink romance and feigned intelligence.

The above does not tell you that you should rush into the arms of the first person you meet. Not at all. Just keep it simple and, as they say, people will follow.

For married ladies, for those who are already far behind the candy-bouquet period, these tips are especially suitable. Don't look at your other half as something long lost and faded. Pity is not something that will console him during the marital lull. The dog recommends that you be his faithful friend and interesting companion. The winter of 2018 will be a difficult period for a long-term relationship; in the spring the situation will change, as the hormonal background will begin to play in both of you; it will last for the whole summer. But autumn is just the time to “dot all the i’s”. Spend it together in a calm atmosphere, on an exciting journey.

Horoscope for Libra men

Men of this sign are great romantics. They are in constant search and can flutter like butterflies from novel to novel, but when they meet the one, they will never let her go. This woman will be happy: he will carry her in his arms, shower her with gifts, paint portraits of her, and dedicate poems to her. What he has he will share with his other half. The Mistress of the Year greatly values ​​this quality and helps in every possible way the representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign.

For those who have not yet met their other half, the stars are advised not to delay and start right away in January. The search field can be both cinemas and libraries, as well as leisure establishments, where in January a large number of elegant, cheerful and ready-to-be-acquainted representatives of the fairer sex usually accumulate. But don’t be too self-confident and persistent, the Dog doesn’t like that. She is tactful and well-mannered enough to show the unsightly qualities of her character.

For men whose searches have long been crowned with success, the stars advise not to lose their romance in 2018, even if the day is as busy as possible and work takes the last of their strength. Your other half is already used to seeing you as you are, so despite the obstacles that will appear on your way in the year of the Dog (mostly these are work issues), try not to change. There is no advice for you for any particular month regarding love, be careful throughout the year.