Garden calendar for April. Sunshet Agrosuccess - protecting plants from sunburn and drought

On the date 02.04.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 7 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Gemini ♊. Illumination percentage Moon is 34%. Sunrise Moon at 09:19, and sunset at 00:50.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 6th lunar day from 08:35 04/01/2017 to 09:19 04/02/2017
  • 7th lunar day from 09:19 04/02/2017 until the next day

The influence of the Moon on planting and caring for plants according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener April 2, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini (±)

Moon in a sign Twins. a less fertile sign, but more fertile than Aquarius, Leo and Aries. Plants sown and planted under this sign do not have a pronounced taste or smell, and will have an unstable stem that requires support.

Sowing and planting these days contributes to the formation of a powerful root system. However, it is better not to sow or plant - the harvest will be unimportant.

Favorable in Gemini:

  • sowing and planting melons, climbing plants, as well as those plants that have tendrils, such as melons, strawberries, beans and peas;
  • planting and sowing of hanging and ornamental plants with hanging, creeping or creeping stems;
  • loosening without watering, hilling, thinning seedlings, weeding;
  • spraying against pests and diseases;
  • trimming strawberry tendrils, removing shoots, shaping, sanitary cleaning, pinching, pinching and grafting;
  • harvesting fruits and root crops, including potatoes, for long-term storage;
  • harvesting grain crops, harvesting flowers, collecting medicinal herbs, collecting fruits for testes and seeds medicinal plants, digging up bulbs and tubers;
  • cutting flowers, they are better stored during transportation and do not wither for a long time in a bouquet;
  • haymaking;
  • mowing lawns so that the grass grows back slowly;
  • firewood preparation;
  • digging up bulbs and tubers;
  • procurement of grown products for future use: canning, pickling, pickling cabbage, drying, preparing juices and wine;
  • bakery.

It is possible in Gemini to sow, plant, transplant and root cuttings of crops:

  • shrubs and climbing plants: vines, passionflower, ivy, etc.;
  • vegetable: legumes, cabbage (broccoli, kohlrabi, Peking, Savoy, cauliflower), hot pepper, radish;
  • spicy greens: valerian, mint, parsley, fennel, spinach;
  • fruits and berries: melons, grapes, strawberries, lemongrass;
  • colors: sweet pea, lily of the valley, passionflower, rose;
  • indoor plants: asparagus (dense-flowered, Meyer, pinnate, asparagus), zebrina, graceful callisia, pinnate palms (canarian date, Weddel coconut), netcreasia purpurea, tradescantia, chlorophytum crested, cyanotis cus.

Not favorable in Gemini:

  • planting and replanting herbaceous plants.

7th lunar day (+)

April 2, 2017 at 12:00 - 7 lunar day. considered favorable for gardening. The collection of energy, juices and nutrients from the roots of plants and its concentration in fruits and leaves continues.

  • planting, replanting, fertilizing and grafting;
  • harvesting plants whose tops are edible (tomatoes, fruits, berries, zucchini, squash, peas, beans, pumpkins, cucumbers, peppers, etc.);
  • harvest flower crops and medicinal plants;
  • harvesting root crops;
  • watering, and as often as possible;
  • taking cuttings, mowing the lawn, collecting herbs;
  • tillage and seed collection;
  • canning and other preparations for the winter, pickling, salting;
  • cleaning tops and leaves;
  • pruning and picking plants.

Be careful when cultivating the soil. The tool can easily damage the roots and young shoots of plants, which during this period react very painfully to any manipulation.

Waxing Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. circulation vitality and plant juices, the activity of the biofield is directed from the roots upward, from the center to the periphery. This is the period of the most intensive development of above-ground parts of plants.

A seed planted at this time receives a program for more active upward growth and intensive development of above-ground biomass. By pruning plants during this period, we awaken dormant buds and new shoots quickly grow from them. It is important to know the measure when pruning, otherwise the plant may bleed juice and die.

On the waxing Moon it is favorable:

It is not favorable on the waxing Moon:

  • Budding. At this time, the roots react little to damage, but the survival rate and vitality of the root system are reduced, so plants planted and replanted during this period must be constantly monitored.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Sunday, this day walks under the Sun, because it is permeated with its cheerful, invigorating energy and imparts good power to people and plants.

Since ancient times, Sunday has been reserved for rest. And people communicate with each other with pleasure, meet to spend time in conversations, games, and pleasures. This is a day of Sunday festivities, going to visit at the call of the soul, which straightens up after a week of fatigue and work, washed by friendly participation and unity. Sunday is for light, not hard, work in the garden.

April is a month of active field work. In this period Special attention It’s worth paying attention to your garden, fruit trees and shrubs. Moon calendar gardener and gardener contains information about the days when your efforts are needed and the quiet times.

In April, after the snow melts, the first spring flowers bloom, pleasing the eye with their beauty and delicate aroma. A lot of work is also found in the garden, at the dacha, and in the flower beds near the house. During this period, proper planning of sowing and garden work will become collateral good harvest. Use the recommendations offered here so that your work pays off, and the plot pleases you not only with even beds, but also with a beautiful flower garden.

12th of April. The waxing Moon in Gemini is good for planting seedlings with climbing stems. Also on weekends you can loosen the soil for future plantings and plan places for vegetable crops.

April 3 - 4. Fertile Cancer during this period provides days with favorable energy for planting, sowing and fertilizing plants. During this period, seeds have good germination, and the fruits are excellent. taste qualities. Use fertilizers on already formed stems to speed up their saturation nutrients before transfer to open ground.

April 7 - 9. The Moon in Virgo has positive energy for sowing flower seeds. Annual and perennial crops provide good shoots and have a strong root system. You should wait with other matters, limiting yourself to planning upcoming work and preparing equipment.

April 10th. The moon continues to grow and moves into the constellation Libra. These conditions are favorable for sowing zucchini, squash, cucumbers and pumpkins. These days you can start planting fruit trees and berry bushes.

April 12 - 14. The Moon is waning and is in Scorpio. This union allows you to deal with plants that require replanting. Also on these days it will be successful to plant vegetables and soak the seeds medicinal herbs. Watering and organic fertilizers, used during this period, will provide an additional stimulus for growth and active development root system.

April 15 - 16. The Moon is in the infertile Sign of Sagittarius. Pay attention to existing plants, and also visual inspection seedlings to remove weak and damaged stems. Spraying warm water will help the flowers cope with the lack of moisture and clean the leaves from accumulated dirt and dust.

April 17 - 19. The Moon in Capricorn allows you to prepare potatoes for planting, as well as allocate space in the greenhouse for early vegetables and salad. If weather conditions permit, you should soak the radishes for further planting and mulch the soil in the beds.

April 20 - 21. The moon in Aquarius does not provide sufficient energy supply to newly planted plants, so it is worth pruning trees and shrubs, as well as cultivating the soil from harmful insects. April 21 is a good day for preparation warm beds, so prepare in advance necessary materials and be sure to add fertilizer, peat or humus to the soil.

April 22 - 23. The Moon in Pisces favors planting in open ground early plants. At this time, radishes, onions and garlic take root well. Salads and parsley also quickly gain strength. Planting seedlings in the ground is possible after watering with warm water to avoid injury to the young root system.

April 24 - 25. The waning Moon moves into the constellation Aries, and this Sign is unfavorable for active work with plants. You can pay attention to weeding, loosening, watering and fertilizing, and thinning out seedlings planted earlier.

April 26 - 27. The moon in Taurus is a favorable time for working in the garden. Taurus has a good effect on the development of strong shoots, but their seeds usually have low germination. Wednesday and Thursday are good times for planting annuals. flowering plants and transplanting bulbous perennials.

April 28 - 29. The Moon in Gemini is suitable for landing leguminous plants, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil. Pay attention to the bushes and roses - timely pruning and the formation of the correct bush will ensure a good harvest for berry plants, and long flowering and many buds on rose bushes.

April 30. The Moon in the fertile Sign of Cancer gives you the opportunity to do any gardening tasks. This includes planting tomatoes and grafting tree cuttings. Watering with a weak disinfectant will be beneficial for plants. These days, the planted plants take root well and the previously sown seeds of annual crops give good germination.

April is a very busy month for a gardener. In order for all the efforts made to be fully justified, you should carefully study the gardener’s lunar calendar for April 2017 and adhere to the recommendations given in it. Following simple techniques will help you manage your time rationally and get a good harvest for your efforts. The sowing calendar will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners.

Work carried out in April

In April, nature truly wakes up and begins to develop at a rapid pace. It is necessary to monitor not only the vegetable garden, but also the garden, because the future harvest depends on some activities. Trees should be whitewashed and fertilized with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Also in the morning you should shake off various pests from fruit trees. Due to the low temperature, they are not active and can be quickly collected.

Advice. From the moment the leaves begin to bloom on currants and gooseberries, the soil under the bushes should be covered with black film. This technique will not allow pests hibernating in the ground to escape.

The following work must be completed within a month:

  • sowing seeds for seedlings and in open ground;
  • caring for growing seedlings;
  • preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • planting seedlings under film covers;
  • formation of beds;
  • planting fruit trees and shrubs.

Lunar work calendar for April

April 1, 2 - Unfavorable days for sowing all vegetable crops except cabbage. It is not advisable to prune plants. You can thin out the seedlings, prepare cuttings for further rooting, hill up and loosen the soil, and carry out protective treatment of the garden.

April 3, 4 - Favorable days for soaking seeds and pre-sowing preparation. Vegetable crops are sowed and planted in greenhouses, and grown pumpkin seedlings are picked. They water and fertilize, and do grafting in the garden. Prohibited use chemicals for plant protection. Replanting and propagation of indoor flowers is allowed.

April 5 and 6 - These days are extremely unfavorable for sowing any crops. It is not advisable to water, prune or use fertilizers. Pick tomatoes, sweet peppers and eggplants. Landing allowed fruit crops with a well-developed root system. They are engaged in loosening and weeding the soil.

April 7, 8, 9 - Excellent days for sowing seedlings of annual flowers, picking, fertilizing and watering. You can sow seeds of cucumbers, herbs, and plant shrubs and trees. Execute protective treatments from diseases and pests. Soaking vegetable seeds is prohibited.

April 10 is an extremely unfavorable day for spraying, grafting and re-grafting plants. Sowing of nightshade crops is allowed. Good results are obtained by planting potatoes and sowing beets, carrots, and root parsley. Harden off celery seedlings. In the garden they are engaged in loosening, weeding and forming a trunk.

Attention! April 11 is unfavorable for all types of work related to sowing, planting and caring for plants. Dedicate it to the study of agricultural technology and fertilizer revision.

April 12, 13, 14 - During these days, it is not recommended to prune any plants. Work in the garden and on the site is allowed: loosening, watering, weeding, fertilizing. Good results can be obtained by soaking the seeds flower plants, sowing root and climbing crops.

April 15, 16 - These days it is better not to take garden tools. Start sowing vegetables and spices. Take care of the plants: loosen and thin out the seedlings, treat them against pests, nurturing the grown seedlings.

April 17, 18, 19 - Postpone transplanting and picking seedlings. Start sowing legumes and planting early potatoes. Good results will be shown by soaking and germinating seeds, sowing onions and root vegetables. Can be carried out foliar feeding and prepare cuttings of fruit trees for subsequent grafting. In the garden, treat trees against pests and diseases.

April 20, 21 - Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and replanting any crops. You can do loosening and spraying. Postpone pruning shrubs; do not prepare cuttings for grafting. Check the availability of fertilizers and replenish missing supplies.

April 22, 23 - These days you can prepare cuttings and vaccinate. You can also start planting seedlings in open ground and planting potatoes. You can sow radishes and salads in greenhouses. Put your tools away - garden pruning and pest control are prohibited.

April 24, 25 - Continue sowing radishes and lettuce. In open ground, plant onions on feathers and sow spinach. Any actions with nightshade seedlings are prohibited - leave planting and picking for later. These days it is better to refuse watering, but you can loosen the plantings and remove weeds. Pay attention to your garden - it's time to treat it for pests.

On days unfavorable for gardening, you can work on equipment and greenhouses

April 27 - Pruning and replanting of plants is prohibited. A favorable day for planting trees and fruit bushes, planting pumpkin seedlings and nightshade crops. It's time to plant annual and perennial flowers in your flower beds. Germination of any seeds will give good results.

April 28, 29 - Favorable days for planting all types of cabbage, roses and grapes. You can also plant vegetables and herbs. Any work is allowed, except for pruning plants and cutting lawn grass.

April 30 - You can continue planting fruit trees, sowing vegetable crops, and planting seedlings. Grafting of previously prepared cuttings is carried out. The planted plants are watered and fertilized. Start a compost heap. You can also start replanting and propagating indoor flowers.

Spring days are very fleeting, so don’t put things off until later. Having worked fruitfully in April, you will see the results in the following months.

Gardener's lunar calendar for 2017 - video

The most popular weather signs for April include the following:

  • At the beginning of the month, a large spill means a good harvest.
  • A thunderstorm in early April means a warm summer and a nut harvest.
  • If a lot of sap flows from a birch tree, then the summer will be rainy.
  • If the birch tree opens before the alder, then the summer will be sunny, if, on the contrary, it will be cold and rainy.
  • If a nightingale sings on bare trees, then you can expect a good fruit harvest.
  • What the weather is like on April 1st, the same will happen on October 1st.

These folk signs April come true with an almost 100 percent guarantee.

Lunar calendar for April 2017: Zodiac signs and Moon phases

According to the lunar calendar for April 2017, the Moon will pass through the signs of the Zodiac on the following dates:

Zodiac signs 2017 April
Aries 24 (3.34), 25, 26
Taurus 26 (4.57), 27, 28
Twins 1,2, 28 (4.40), 29, 30
Cancer 2 (21.28), 3,4, 5,30 (4.49)
a lion 5 (1.14), 6, 7
Virgo 7 (7.21), 8, 9
Scales 9 (15.35), 10, 11, 12
Scorpion 12 (1.43), 13, 14
Sagittarius 14 (13.28), 15,16, 17
Capricorn 17 (2.06), 18, 19
Aquarius 19 (13.53), 20, 21
Fish 21 (22.44), 22, 23, 24

Moon phase according to the lunar calendar for April 2017:

Character of the Moon in period Growing Descending
Period start date and time 3
Moon phase IIIIIIV
Recommendations sowing, weeding, spraying in phases II and IV
planting, watering, fertilizing in phases I and III

Garden work in April: pruning and grafting of trees

Most important garden work in April there is tree pruning, but it needs to be done at the very beginning of the month. Start with blackcurrant, gooseberry and honeysuckle bushes.

Cut off the black ends of the branches, rejuvenate the bushes by cutting out old branches. For gooseberries, cut out all the young shoots growing in the middle of the bush. Leave only those that grow along the edges of the bush. The tops of the branches of red and white currants are not cut off, but only old branches and those branches that branch into the crown are removed. In honeysuckle, branches that thicken the crown or are broken are pruned, but fruit-bearing or young shoots are not pruned.

Don’t rush to prune cherries and plums; wait until frost marks after wintering are clearly visible, or better yet, leave their pruning until the fall. The same goes for apple trees. After a harsh winter, the ends of the branches could freeze, but some of the branches will be able to recover from buds on the bark, so do not rush to trim the branches, leave it until the end of summer. Frozen wood has a light brown color when cut. Start pruning from the end of the branch, and gradually moving from the end to the skeletal branches, you will get to the place where the cut is light. From this point on, the wood tissue is alive and there is no need to cut further. Pears actually have wood. beige colour, and not white, like an apple tree. The frozen wood tissue of the pear is brown.

At the beginning of the month, remove spruce branches from young plantings of strawberries, roses, irises, clematis, lilies, especially from oriental hybrids, since under warm cover they will quickly grow and their flowers may freeze during return frosts. But don’t rush to remove the boxes from roses and clematis.

In addition to tree pruning, April - good time for vaccinations. At the very beginning of the month, cut the cuttings for grafting, wrap them in newspaper, put them in a plastic bag and bury them in the snow on the north side of the house, but so that they are not covered with melt water. At the end of the month, use them for grafting. The same can be done with plant seeds.

In the gardener's calendar for 2017, April is a responsible month. First of all, you need to drain excess water from the site, for which you dig grooves along its slope so that the water flows into the ditch. If there is no slope on the site, then simply lay a shallow ditch, gradually deepening it so that the water flows in the direction you need. Stagnation of water is especially dangerous for raspberries, strawberries and clematis.

If compost heap is in the sun, then you can sow early greens (chervil, watercress, cilantro, parsley, lettuce, spinach, dill) and early carrots, as well as radishes. To do this, spill last year's compost pile. hot water, pour a layer of soil about 7-8 cm thick on top of it and sow the seeds. I usually do it like this: 1 tsp. I mix the seeds with 0.5 cups of sand and sow them in the furrows, just like salting food. You can use special seeders in which the hole is adjusted according to the size of the seeds. In this case, the seedlings will not be thickened. Cover the top of the crops with film until shoots emerge. Warmth and moisture are retained under it, and seedlings appear faster. Then the film must be removed, otherwise the seedlings may burn under it. If you cover the crops with lutrasil or spunbond, then the covering material can not be removed until the plants grow up. But before the seedlings emerge, water the crops directly over the material if the weather is dry or windy, so that the hatched seeds do not dry out in the upper drying layer of soil.

At the beginning of April, when doing work in the garden, first grow weeds in the vegetable beds, covering them old film and securing it so that the wind does not blow it away. Weeds will quickly sprout under the film. As soon as they appear, remove the film and loosen the beds, leaving them open for a day. Then cover again with film and repeat the operation. Now in top layer there are no weeds in your garden bed. It is important not to dig up the soil, but only before sowing, loosen it with a Fokin flat cutter no deeper than 5-6 cm, then use the sharp end of the flat cutter to make a furrow for sowing.

In the northwest, at the very beginning of the month, before the buds have yet awakened, try to spray in time to destroy lichens on tree trunks iron sulfate(1 teaspoon without top per 100 ml of water). In addition, you can also spray against wintering pests with a urea solution (700 g of substance per 10 liters of water). Spraying should be done at the ends of branches, along branches, their forks and skeletal branches, along the trunk and near-trunk circle, and along the soil.

Towards the end of April, before applying fertilizer, you should spray those plants whose bud scales have moved apart and a green cone of leaves has appeared, since the first pests lay eggs at this time in the green cone.

Feed lovage, rhubarb, and sorrel with nitrogen fertilizer (3 tablespoons of urea per 10 liters of water). Instead of urea, you can use an infusion of manure or bird droppings diluted with water 1:10 or 1:20, respectively.

At home, water tomato and pepper seedlings moderately so as not to over-moisten the soil. Remember that seedlings need good lighting. To feed plants in April, a weak solution of “Uniflora-bud” (1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water) is recommended, which should be used to water the seedlings instead of water.

When caring for seedlings in April, do not forget to spray the leaves of tomatoes and eggplants with a very weak solution of a copper preparation (the easiest way is to use copper oxychloride - HOM, dissolving 0.2 tsp of powder in 5 liters of water). The solution can stand, you will use it 2 more times approximately every two weeks. This is good preventative measure against late blight. But the often recommended spraying with a manganese solution can not be done, since it does not protect against late blight, and other diseases rarely appear on tomato seedlings. A solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for spraying peppers, especially if they are bothered by aphids. It is difficult to protect pepper from aphid attacks if there are also houseplants. However, if you have a “Healthy Garden”, then use it (6-8 grains of the drug per 1 liter of water). This spraying can be done in the room. It perfectly helps to cope with aphids on any plants in the garden.

Another important event planned in the gardener’s calendar for April 2017 is removing potatoes from storage. Immerse it in hot (45 °C) water until the water cools. When the water has cooled, add potassium permanganate until it turns bright pink and keep the tubers in this solution for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the tubers, dry them and place them for vernalization in a bright and cool place. At the end of April, put the potatoes in cardboard boxes, sandwiching each layer with newspapers, put the boxes in a warm place so that they sprout good, strong sprouts. You will plant sprouted tubers, thereby speeding up the ripening of the crop by 2 weeks.

Sowing seeds in open ground in April

In early April, seeds are sown leaf parsley on greens and bush dill. If you cover these plantings with lutrasil or place arcs over them and stretch the film, then by the first of May there will be the first greenery.

Sowing seeds of all cold-resistant crops (carrots, lettuce, chives, dill, parsnips, radishes, cabbage, chervil) in open ground in April can be done at the time of coltsfoot flowering, i.e. at the end of the month (at northwest). To get early strawberries, cover the bed with a tunnel of film on arcs or double thin lutrasil directly over the bushes.

In mid-April, sow marigolds, marigolds, zinnias, and spurge for seedlings.

At the end of April, sowing is carried out in the ground permanent place seeds of annuals that are not afraid of frost (poppy, eschscholzia, cosmos, cornflowers, iberis, columbine, forget-me-nots, marigolds). Other flowers can also be sown directly into the ground, even such as tobacco or petunia, but their crops should be covered with a film stretched over small arcs. Arcs are easy to make yourself from willow twigs, from which the bark must be removed immediately. Or put film on 300 grams plastic bottles, filled with water and stuck with the neck into the soil. It is important that the film does not lie on the crops.

At the end of the month, you can remove the cover from all ornamental plants, except clematis. It is better to cover their growing shoots, for example, with lutrasil.

As soon as the soil thaws, moles immediately appear (they make mounds of earth) or their relatives, mole rats (they make moves without mounds of earth). It's difficult to fight them, but Lately a new drug Alphos-mole has appeared - try using it.

The long-awaited April has arrived. Gardeners and vegetable gardeners looked forward to the first month of spring, because it is this month that brings amateur farmers closer to the summer season and is considered almost the last date for planting seeds for seedlings. But what kind of crops should be planted in April, what are there for this purpose? suitable days according to, our article and table of favorable days will tell you.

Lunar days are very important for all plants without exception. The Moon, as a natural satellite of the Earth, has a huge impact on all growing organisms on our planet. By focusing on the lunar phases, you can increase the yield, or you can destroy the plant. Therefore, it is worth considering the position of the Moon in the sky in more detail.

1-10 Waxing Moon

11 – Full Moon

12-25 Waning Moon

26 – New Moon

27-30 Waxing Moon

What seedlings to plant in April 2017 according to the lunar calendar: seed planting table.

In the first half of April, cucumber seeds are sown for seedlings. Cucumbers grow quickly and therefore, after the first shoots appear, you need to count 2 weeks and safely plant the seedlings in open ground. The beginning of the spring month is good for planting eggplants, tomatoes (early ripening) and any varieties of cabbage (red, broccoli, white cabbage).

Read also:

"It's worth remembering that indoor sowing saves seeds and under supervision they germinate 100%"

What seedlings to plant in April 2017 according to the lunar calendar: seed planting table.

Also, the beginning of April is considered the ideal time for any greenery, which should be planted in a separate container (one large box) and grown at home before planting in open soil.

After April 20, all gardeners begin a large-scale “move.” At this time, you can already sow the seeds of sorrel, spinach, radishes and lettuce in open ground. Carrots, peas, parsley, dill and mustard are also planted directly into the ground.

End of April perfect time for planting seedlings of pumpkin crops: melon, watermelon, pumpkin. The last days of April are the best time to plant corn and potatoes.

Folk signs:

1. The crocuses have bloomed - it’s time to plant carrots.

2. The birch tree is blooming - the best time to plant potatoes.

3. Narcissus has bloomed - feel free to plant cabbage seedlings.