PVC wooden windows, which is better. Plastic or wooden windows - which is better? Operation of wooden windows

Perhaps every adult has asked himself at least once in his life the question: are wooden or plastic windows better? And, surprisingly, the years pass, but there are more and more doubts. Today the confrontation between natural and artificial is in full swing.

So Which windows are better: wooden or plastic? To answer this, we will list their pros and cons.

With plastic windows you are on trend!

It's no secret that many people prefer plastic windows. Why? U Plastic has many advantages compared to wood:

1. PVC windows sealed. This means they do not allow cold and sounds to pass through. And they don’t let the heat out into the street. But this is if you install the plastic window correctly and foam the seams between the profile and the wall. And also - how to install a window sill, finish and insulate the slopes - inside and out.

But it happens that it also blows through plastic windows - mom, don’t worry! It's time to go and insulate it.

Plastic windows clean faster than wooden ones - and then sit and relax!

2. They are easy to care for (if you think: it is better to install windows made of wood or plastic - this factor can be decisive). - that's all.

3. Plastic windows are more budget-friendly - they cost from 3,000 rubles. for a profile with double glazing. For the cheapest wooden one you will pay 30-50% more.

4. At the same time, PVC windows are different in design. After all, the profile can be painted or covered with wood-like film. Or leave it white - choose what you like.

5. Finally, PVC windows react normally to any atmospheric conditions. They don't care about snow, they don't care about heat... and even more so, rain won't harm them.

Because of poor ventilation+ if installed incorrectly, PVC windows can freeze

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • Due to the previously vaunted tightness, such windows do not let air in from the street at all, and the room can be a bit humid. However, it’s no big deal, because now they’re doing
  • It is not advisable to install laminated plastic windows on sunny side– the film will peel off
  • and the last thing - not a minus, but a minus - plastic can be harmful to health. Of course, there will be snide comrades who will say that everything around is harmful, etc. But in the West, PVC is in disgrace. Was it by chance that it was recognized there as super harmful?

In general, there are many dark spots in the production of plastokon. Therefore, if you have the funds for wooden windows, consider that perhaps they are better than plastic ones.

Wooden windows have served us for so many generations!

Wooden windows are like a dark horse for many of our fellow citizens. After all, production has changed somewhat over the past 20-30 years.

They're doing it now wooden windows of two types: carpentry and . The first ones are similar to those we have seen since childhood. And the second ones are functionally like plastic ones: with two ventilation modes, etc.

Euro-windows made of wood are not inferior in functionality to plastic ones

If we take it as a whole, advantages wooden windows the following:

  1. natural wooden windows
  2. beautiful
  3. frost-resistant – heat transfer resistance coefficient is not less than 0.80 m2°C/W
  4. provide good air exchange between indoors and outdoors

It would seem quite obvious which windows: wooden or plastic are better. But disadvantages wooden structures also available.

Firstly, they need to be treated at least once every 5 years with products against fungus, rot, and wood bugs. Also (which is tedious), replace rotten parts when necessary. And also wash the outside and inside of double-glazed windows (if you have separate windows and not a double-glazed window).

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the use of modern building materials balanced with Western countries. Any new products reach Russian consumers almost instantly and gain popularity at the same rapid pace. However, this trend is not followed in the selection of windows. In Europe, 60% of residential windows are made from natural wood, in Russia - more than 90% are made of plastic, or rather metal-plastic. Why is this happening? What is really better - wooden or plastic windows?

At the time of the market takeover in post-Soviet countries, plastic windows cost 4-5 times more than wooden ones. Despite this, the population massively replaced their wooden windows with them. For the consciousness of the Western consumer, this is nonsense - to overpay for “chemicals” several times, changing natural wood on PVC.

But people of the older generation know very well what the reason is: the low quality of the windows they had, or rather, any lack of quality. The system for monitoring compliance with GOSTs and technical specifications was only on paper at that time. As a result, wooden windows, popularly called “carpentry,” either dried out or swelled from moisture, making them difficult, and often impossible, to open.

Added problems short term service - they rotted quickly, and constant repainting - the paint on the outside lasted 2-3 years. The younger generation remembers the situation with wooden windows from their childhood impressions and also, according to the tradition laid down by their fathers and grandfathers, prefer metal-plastic windows.

Modern technologies have radically changed the process of producing natural wood windows. They have completely different consumer qualities. Many owners of apartments and private houses simply do not know about this. Let's try to figure out which windows are better - plastic or wooden.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic windows

The first consumers began installing plastic windows for:

  • Their practical design. They are quickly produced to fit any window opening, easy to open, and in several planes;
  • Long service life;
  • Good sound insulation, which increases with the number of chambers between the glass;
  • Absence of drafts - rubber seals have eliminated the boring operation of covering windows with paper tape with the onset of winter;
  • Easy maintenance that does not require repainting the frames during the entire service life of the windows. In addition, they are easy to clean - water and detergents will remove any type of dirt.

In addition to the above advantages, one should add modern design and high quality fittings. However, like any product made from artificial materials, this type of window also has disadvantages:

  • At temperatures above 27 o degrees, heat begins to release from the plastic. harmful substances, as evidenced by a barely noticeable smell;
  • The windows do not breathe at all, as a result of which the room during hot weather, if all the doors are tightly closed, becomes very stuffy and hot, which greatly affects indoor plants in the absence of the owners for 2-3 days;
  • Cannot be repaired or restored. Any mechanical damage (scratches, impact marks, distortions, split seams) cannot be repaired.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden windows

Windows made of natural wood also have advantages and disadvantages (hereinafter, Euro-windows are compared). The advantages include:

  • Environmentally friendly - all window materials are natural;
  • Harmonious combination with any wall materials (brick, concrete, stone, wood);
  • Long service life - from 50 to 100 years, depending on the type of wood from which the window frame and frame are made;
  • High strength - a wooden window is difficult to damage. It can withstand almost any impact load, and scratches, if they are left, are repaired with special compounds;
  • Stylish design - a wide range of colors allows you to choose the color of the window to match the color of the walls;
  • Good heat and sound insulation. Their level increases with the number of sheets of glass installed in the frame;
  • Natural air circulation, allowing you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room;
  • Durable fittings;
  • Ability to open in several planes;
  • High level fire safety— the material is treated with fire retardants;
  • Ability to repair or replace damaged areas.

Unlike plastic window designs, wooden ones have only one drawback - they need to be repainted every 5 years.

From the above pros and cons, it is difficult to determine which is better - plastic or wood windows, and therefore we will continue the comparison by assigning the number of points for each compared position (the maximum possible score is 100 points).

Performance Comparison

We will compare according to the following criteria:

  • cost of acquisition, installation and operation;
  • life time;
  • thermal insulation;
  • soundproofing;
  • design;
  • practicality;
  • breathability;
  • environmental cleanliness.

Cost factor

What is cheaper, plastic windows or wooden ones? Replacing windows is an expensive type of repair:

  • the price of a plastic double-leaf window starts from 3600 rub./m2, with installation - from 7300 rub./m2;
  • wooden (grade III pine) from 3800 rub./m2, with installation - from 7500 rub./m2.

Grade 1 pine costs one and a half times more, oak windows cost 2.5-3 times more. But this is if we take into account one-time costs. If we decompose the cost of materials and installation for each year and month of service life, which economists call depreciation, then the picture is almost equal:

  • depreciation charges for PVC windows will be 20.27 rubles. per month (7300/30x12);
  • pine (grade III) - 13.39 rubles. (7500/45x12);
  • oak - 20.27 rubles. (7500x3/90x12).

Attention: fittings and sealing gaskets for wooden and plastic windows are from the same manufacturers. Therefore, this factor is not taken into account.

Due to the 3 times longer service life, the monthly costs for oak and PVC windows are identical. However, when comparing the factor in points, preference must still be given to plastic windows - there are few people willing to invest in the distant future.

Another factor in favor of metal-plastic is that wooden windows need to be repainted approximately every 5 years, and this again costs money.


  • Expensive oak windows are economically justified when building expensive cottages - the service life of the window practically coincides with the service life of a new building.
  • IN apartment buildings It is impractical to install windows with a service life of more than 50 years - it is unknown how long it will take for high-rise buildings to be demolished due to complete wear and tear of the load-bearing structures.
  • Money for installing windows is paid here and now. Considering that most people do not look into the distant future (in our subjective opinion), advantage in points 90 to 65 in favor of PVC windows.


Manufacturers of plastic windows until 2010-2012 guaranteed a service life of their products of 20-30 years, in Lately 40-45. It is not yet possible to verify their approval in practice - windows with changes in production technology lasted no more than 8 years. However, there are significant doubts about the stated figures.

  • Under influence ultraviolet rays sun, rain and temperature changes, the plastic turns yellow. It is doubtful that the owners of wealthy apartments and private houses will tolerate windows that spoil the design. Most likely they will replace them.
  • A different coefficient of expansion when the temperature of the plastic and metal profiles fluctuates leads to a gradual loosening of the frame itself and a violation of the strength of the fastening of the window block with the window opening.

Wooden windows do not have such problems. In villages and towns in old houses you can see wooden frames with a service life of 100 years or more. The tree is afraid of dampness, but with proper care it lasts a very long time. At modern methods wood processing, it is not afraid of dampness and mold.

Therefore, as is the case with plastic windows, the manufacturers’ statement about the service life of pine windows being 45-55 years is questionable. Real time their service life is 70-80 years. Conclusion: the assessment of the service life of PVC windows is 60 points, wooden ones - 100.

Which is warmer

For the consumer, knowing which windows are warmer is very important. Therefore, the thermal conductivity coefficient is one of the main indicators by which consumers choose the type of window. The ability to retain heat in a house or apartment near a window depends on the glass unit and frame. Since the number of cameras of both types of windows can be equal, consider thermal insulation properties ram.

For plastic, the heat transfer coefficient is 0.15-0.2 W/m 2 xK (the range of spread depends on the number of chambers and the width of the PVC profile). Solid wood frames also have different heat transfer rates. The lowest for larch is 0.13 W/m2 xK, oak and pine are 0.15 W/m2 xK. However, for a frame made of laminated veneer lumber it is much less - 0.1 W/m2 xK.

Conclusion: plastic windows deserve 85 points, wooden ones - 100.

Which windows have the best sound insulation?

Wood has porosity - the capillaries contain air, plastic does not. With the same profile thickness, wood on average dampens sound waves better by 15-20%. Conclusion: PVC windows - 80, wooden - 100 points.


The aesthetic perception of windows is no less important than their functionality. When choosing windows, you always pay attention to how they fit into the interior and how they look against the background of the facade.

Plastic windows have much more design possibilities (they can be laminated, painted in different colors, given different shape) than wooden ones. But there is one thing. Any laminate with natural materials immediately catches your eye - artificial material will always remain artificial. Wood has no equal materials in terms of beauty.

Conclusion: judging by a combination of factors (design capabilities and aesthetic perception). a plastic window has 85 points, a wooden one - 100.


When choosing what is more practical, consumers have different requirements for windows. For some, it is important how easy it is to wash them, for others, maintenance of windows during operation comes to the fore, for others, the ability to repair the frame and window unit if damaged, etc.

It is easier to care for plastic - it can be easily washed with any detergents. Wood is a little inferior in this regard. During operation, the most difficult problem with wooden windows is the need to paint them regularly, approximately every 5 years. Especially outside.

Manufacturers have taken this disadvantage into account and offer owners of wooden windows aluminum overlays that protect the paint from exposure to UV rays. Firstly, they need to be painted less often, and secondly, they can be removed and painted in an apartment or garage, which is much more convenient.

Plastic windows even minor repairs do not lend themselves, unlike wooden ones, where it is possible to replace frame and window elements. Conclusion: PVC windows - 80, wooden - 65.


Oddly enough, the “joinery” of the Soviet period had one undoubted advantage - the apartment always had Fresh air even with the window closed. The advent of plastic windows saved homeowners from constant drafts, but created new problem— blocked the air exchange, since the polyvinyl chloride material does not allow air to pass through at all. The tree breathes - fibrous structure the material is breathable.

Manufacturers took into account the shortcomings of plastic and began to produce PVC windows with a ventilation valve, which radically changed the assessment - wood allows air to pass through, but not to such an extent that it can provide complete air exchange without special ventilation.

Conclusion: plastic windows with a ventilation valve do not require ventilation, so the score is 80 points. Wooden windows have 60 points.

Which is healthier?

Both types of windows fully comply sanitary standards and rules. However. as the temperature rises. plastic begins to smell and release lead atoms into the air (fouling), which wood does not. In the West, manufacturers have abandoned lead additives, but in Russia they have not yet.

Therefore, when purchasing PVC for windows in Germany, the risk of harm to health tends to zero. Artificial materials from Russia have risks negative influence on the health of family members. Note that this factor is the main one when choosing the type of windows in Western countries.

Conclusion: despite the highlighting of plastic windows when high temperatures a certain amount of harmful substances, they do not exceed the limits established by sanitary services. Therefore, plastic is 85 points, wood is 100.

For clarity, let us summarize the results obtained in a table:

Comparable parametersTheir windows are PVC, pointsWooden windows, points
Price 1 m 2 windows90 65
Lifetime60 100
Thermal insulation85 100
Soundproofing80 100
Design85 100
Practicality80 65
Breathability80 60
Environmental friendliness85 100
Result:645 690

From the table it is clear that when comprehensive analysis wooden windows have an undoubted advantage. However, window buyers are primarily interested in cost, practicality and the ability to retain heat. Here PVC already has an advantage (255 by 230), which mainly explains the very high popularity of plastic windows.

Where and what windows are best to install?

We looked at the pros and cons of installing plastic and wooden windows for an apartment. For a bathhouse, a summer house and an attic type of living space, the criteria are slightly different.

Country house. Install expensive wooden windows in country house not rational. Some disadvantages of PVC are not noticeable during periodic visits summer cottage And simple design building. Therefore, PVC windows are an ideal option.

Bathhouse. Those who like to take a steam bath, despite the price, will prefer a window made of alder or pine. Such windows hold steam perfectly and smell like natural wood, not plastic.

Studio apartment. Mansard type housing requires glazing large area. This automatically excludes the choice of wooden windows due to the high cost of work.

Loggia. To install windows in a loggia, you need a frame type of window. Wood is very expensive to use. That's why they're made of plastic.


Each type of window has its own advantages and disadvantages. Comparative analysis showed that:

  • plastic is cheaper;
  • wood lasts longer;
  • Thermal and sound insulation is better for wooden windows;
  • the design of PVC is more varied, but aesthetically wood looks much better;
  • practicality and breathability are higher for plastic windows;
  • healthier wooden windows.

In bathhouses it is better to install windows made of alder or pine; in the country house, in a studio apartment and in a loggia - the best option windows made of polyvinyl chloride.

When starting a conversation about which windows to install, it is important to understand what we expect in the end result, depending on the functional purpose of the systems, our budgetary limitations and aesthetic preferences.

In the last 20 years, we have observed a trend when people began to massively abandon wooden windows, replacing them with plastic ones. Less than 10 years have passed since the tree regains its lost positions, but in a slightly different interpretation.

The main dilemma facing buyers is wooden or plastic windows, which is better. A self-respecting specialist is unlikely to answer the question unequivocally, but it’s probably worth outlining the main advantages and disadvantages of each option.

So, today there are 3 types of windows:

  • made of solid wood;
  • from laminated veneer lumber;
  • metal-plastic.

Having understood the advantages and disadvantages of each option, we can make our choice based on individual capabilities and needs.

What you need to know about wooden windows

Solid wood

The main materials for such systems are: pine, ash, beech, oak, maple, hornbeam. These are most often hard wood species that are less susceptible to mechanical damage. If we order such a window for ourselves, and do not buy a ready-made one, we will have to wait for some time, since each element of the frame will be cut on sawing machines and processed separately.

Solid wood window

In order for the window to be of high quality and serve its intended life, it must be treated several times with special impregnations that prevent rotting, infection by fungi, and damage by insects. After which staining, priming and varnishing just begins. Naturally, such windows will cost a pretty penny and will take a lot of time.

Glued laminated timber

Windows made from laminated veneer lumber are essentially no different from their solid wood counterparts. Timber is thinly cut, glued planks (lamellas) obtained by cutting raw materials. The material differs in the number of lamellas per unit: three and five, on which its thickness depends.

Laminated timber window

The production time for such frames requires a little less and the cost will be more affordable.

If we talk about the quality characteristics of wooden windows, then it is worth paying attention to their advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of wood:

  • wood is an environmentally friendly product, safe for allergy sufferers and asthmatics;
  • durable and strong;
  • has a high level of noise and thermal insulation;
  • provides natural air circulation;
  • maintains a constant temperature;
  • ensures a normal level of humidity in the room;
  • it's just beautiful.

Disadvantages of wood:

  • change in size in different time of the year;
  • high price;
  • labor-intensive manufacturing;
  • duration of production;
  • flammability of the material;
  • difficulty in maintaining (compared to plastic windows, but more on that later).

So, wooden windows, no matter what option we choose, solid wood or laminated veneer lumber, it is beautiful, practical, and environmentally friendly. The main thing is to decide on the type of wood and order production from a good carpenter who will do his job efficiently.

Plastic windows

Plastic windows are also known to us as PVC (polyvinyl chloride). It's relative new material, used for production plastic structures And suspended ceilings. Today PVC technology has strict quality standards and sanitary and hygienic standards that control and prohibit the presence heavy metals in the alloy, thus protecting consumers from toxic and chemical fumes, harmful health.

Plastic window

Since the 80s of the last century, a ban was introduced on the use of lead and zinc in the manufacture of polymer profiles; they were replaced by less toxic chlorine, the vapors of which begin to be released at temperatures of +270°C and above.


  • durability;
  • complete sealing of the room;
  • ease of construction;
  • no restrictions on form;
  • ease of care;
  • complete noise and sound insulation;
  • possibility of installing an upper rotary mechanism;
  • protection against insects entering the room.


  • the possibility of the appearance and proliferation of mold;
  • lack of natural air circulation;
  • condensation formation due to convection failure;
  • lack of ability to correct mechanical damage.

What's the result? Plastic windows modern version wooden analogue. They are easy to use, quickly manufactured and suitable for any size and design features. They may have child protection, an anti-burglary system, do not burn and do not change their size depending on weather conditions.

Safe windows

When choosing which windows are better, wooden or plastic, manufacturer reviews about the safety of the system are no less important for consumers.

Safe windows

We have already figured out the material from which windows are made, now it remains to understand what they are secure windows. When choosing safe options, it is important to carefully select not only the material for making the window unit, but also pay attention to the glass unit and fittings.

A double-glazed window is not a set of glasses in a frame, it is a sealed space filled with gas, which performs the function of heat and sound insulation, preventing heat from escaping to the street, which is especially important during the heating season.

When choosing what will be the main window material, wood or plastic, you can choose combined version, when in wooden frame a double-glazed window is inserted, in this case both the disadvantages and advantages of the systems merge into one. We receive an environmentally friendly product and save natural ventilation indoors, protecting yourself from street sounds and reducing heat loss during heating season.

With the development of new technologies and the emergence of new materials, a lot of myths arise around them.

Which windows are better - plastic or wooden?

It was once believed that plastic was “horribly harmful,” but today it is widely used in the food industry and in the production of goods for children. Proponents of natural materials prefer wooden windows, but agree that forests must be cut down to produce them.

Those who choose plastic windows say that they care about preserving trees, but at the same time, during the production of plastic, various substances are released, the impact of which on our planet is still not clear.

The debate about what is better as window profiles: plastic or wood risks developing into a rhetorical question about the chicken and the egg. Is there any competition between these materials at all? Let's find out!

Plastic double-glazed windows - advantages and disadvantages

These windows are universal in cost. Everyone can choose a profile according to their taste and the capabilities of their wallet. Besides, metal-plastic windows give several points ahead compared to wooden ones in everything regarding construction and design.

The architects received incredible ample opportunities for the design of ever new window shapes only thanks to the advent of plastic profiles.

Plastic takes on any shape and size, can be of all colors of the rainbow and can successfully imitate the most different breeds wood, including valuable ones.

If you are concerned about issues related to the environmental friendliness of this material, then the new PVC plastic An absolutely inert substance, it does not react, does not emit harmful fumes and even resists open fire.

Plastic double-glazed windows or wooden ones?

Yes, plastic can hardly be called a “living, warm” material, but this is already in the realm of subjective tactile sensations and perception. In addition, today there is a technology that allows you to give plastic profiles not only the color and texture of natural wood, but also its texture, that is, you can feel all the slightest roughness and patterns of wood to the touch.

In addition to the above advantages of windows with plastic profile durable, unaffected by weather conditions, sealed at seams and joints, excellent heat and sound insulation of the room. Due to its high density, polyvinyl chloride is resistant to mechanical damage and is difficult to scratch or chip.

Plastic windows are easy to care for (maintain)

Plastic windows are very easy to care for; the profile perfectly withstands the effects of almost any household chemicals and is not afraid of abrasive cleaning agents.

Advantages of metal-plastic windows:

  • Affordable price;

  • Durability;
  • Good sound insulation;
  • Long service life.

Disadvantages of metal-plastic windows:

  • Impossibility of even partial repairs;

  • Complete sealing makes the air in the room stuffy;
  • When heated strongly, plastic can release harmful substances (in minimal quantities).

Wooden windows - advantages and disadvantages

First of all, wood is environmentally friendly pure material without any “buts”. And this greatly influences the pricing of everything related to products made from it, including double-glazed windows. In addition, wood is prestigious; in the world of artificial materials, naturalness rules the roost.

But this is not the only reason why the price of wooden windows today has increased significantly compared to ordinary woodwork, which was in any home a couple of decades ago. The fact is that due to the maximum compliance with the quality characteristics offered plastic double glazed windows, technological process production of wooden analogues had to be almost completely modernized. Technical regulations requires significant expenditures of both financial and labor hours.

The wood itself also affects the price of the product. If we talk about increasing cost, then we can build the following chain: pine, larch, ash, spruce, beech, oak, Siberian cedar.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • Possibility of repair.

Disadvantages of wooden windows:

  • High price;
  • Poor weather resistance;

  • Relatively short service life.

PVC or wood - which is better, comparison

Thus, both plastic and wood have their own merits in the eyes of their customers, and it is pointless to argue about which material is better. A clear answer to the question: “Which windows are better to choose - wooden or plastic?” can't be given. The main selection criteria are price ranges and secondary properties of each type of window.

Plastic or wood – which is cheaper?

Separately, I would like to discuss the cost of plastic and wooden windows - this issue has always been a stumbling block for future owners (buyers). At the moment the situation is this - if we consider the fairly high-quality segment of PVC and wooden windows, then PVC windows are of course cheaper. Wooden windows are currently an indicator of status and wealth, since their high-quality performance can be many times more expensive than PVC.