Saint Olga briefly. Holy Princess Olga (life, images, monuments)

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, baptized Helena (c. 890 - July 11, 969), ruled Kievan Rus after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich from 945 to 962. The first of the Russian rulers accepted Christianity even before the baptism of Rus', the first Russian saint. The name of Princess Olga is at the source of Russian history, and is associated with greatest events the foundation of the first dynasty, with the first establishment of Christianity in Rus' and the bright features of Western civilization. The Grand Duchess went down in history as a great creator state life and culture of Kievan Rus. After her death, ordinary people called her cunning, the church - holy, history - wise.

Grand Duchess Olga (c. 890 - July 11, 969) was the wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Igor.

Basic information about Olga’s life, recognized as reliable, is contained in the “Tale of Bygone Years”, the Life from the Book of Degrees, the hagiographic work of the monk Jacob “Memory and Praise to the Russian Prince Volodymer” and the work of Constantine Porphyrogenitus “On the Ceremonies of the Byzantine Court”. Other sources report additional information about Olga, but their reliability cannot be accurately determined.

Olga came from the glorious family of Gostomysl (the ruler of Veliky Novgorod even before Prince Rurik). She was born in the Pskov land, in the village of Vybuty, 12 km from Pskov up the Velikaya River, into a pagan family from the dynasty of the Izborsky princes. Disputes about Olga's exact date of birth are still ongoing. - some historians insist on the date of about 890, others - on the date of 920 (although this date is absurd due to the fact that Olga married Igor under the Prophetic Oleg, who died in 912). Both dates can be questioned, so they are accepted conditionally. The names of Olga's parents have not been preserved.

When Olga was already 13 years old, she became the wife of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Igor. According to legend, Prince Igor was engaged in hunting. One day, when he was hunting in the Pskov forests, tracking down an animal, he went out to the river bank. Deciding to cross the river, he asked Olga, who was passing by on a boat, to transport him, at first mistaking her for a young man. As they swam, Igor, carefully peering into the rower’s face, saw that it was not a young man, but a girl. The girl turned out to be very beautiful, smart and pure in intentions. Olga's beauty stung Igor's heart, and he began to seduce her with words, inclining her to unclean carnal mixing. However, the chaste girl, having understood the thoughts of Igor, fueled by lust, shamed him with a wise admonition. The prince was surprised at such an outstanding intelligence and chastity of the young girl, and did not harass her.

Igor was the only son of the Novgorod prince Rurik (+879). When his father died, the prince was still very young. Before his death, Rurik handed over the rule in Novgorod to his relative and governor Oleg and appointed him Igor’s guardian. Oleg was a successful warrior and wise ruler. People called him Prophetic. He conquered the city of Kyiv and united many Slavic tribes. Oleg loved Igor as his own son and raised him to be a real warrior. And when the time came to look for a bride for him, a show of beautiful girls was organized in Kyiv in order to find among them a girl worthy of a princely palace, but none of them
the prince did not like it. For in his heart the choice of a bride had long been made: he ordered to call that beautiful boatwoman who carried him across the river. Prince Oleg With great honor brought Olga to Kyiv, and Igor married her. Having married the young prince to Olga, the aging OlegHe began to diligently make sacrifices to the gods so that they would give Igor an heir. Over the course of nine long years, Oleg made many bloody sacrifices to idols, burned so many people and bulls alive, and waited for the Slavic gods to give Igor a son. Not wait. He died in 912 from the bite of a snake that crawled out of the skull of his former horse.

Pagan idols began to disappoint the princess: many years of sacrifices to idols did not give her the desired heir. Well, what will Igor do according to human custom and take another wife, a third? He'll start a harem. Who will she be then? And then the princess decided to pray to the Christian God. And Olga began to fervently ask Him at night for a son-heir.

And so in 942 ,in the twenty-fourth year of their marriage, Prince Igor had an heir - Svyatoslav! The prince overwhelmed Olga with gifts. She took the most expensive ones to the church of Elijah - for Christian God. Happy years have passed. Olga began to think about the Christian faith and about its benefits for the country. Only Igor did not share such thoughts: his gods never betrayed him in battle.

According to the chronicle, in 945, Prince Igor dies at the hands of the Drevlyans after repeatedly exacting tribute from them (he became the first ruler in Russian history to die from popular indignation). Igor Rurikovich was executed , in the tract, with the help of an honorary “unlock”. They bent over two young, flexible oak trees, tied them by the arms and legs, and let them go...

F.Bruni. Igor's execution

The heir to the throne, Svyatoslav, was only 3 years old at that time, so Olga became the de facto ruler of Kievan Rus in 945 . Igor's squad obeyed her, recognizing Olga as the representative of the legitimate heir to the throne.

After the murder of Igor, the Drevlyans sent matchmakers to his widow Olga to invite her to marry their prince Mal. The princess cruelly took revenge on the Drevlyans, showing cunning and strong will. Olga's revenge on the Drevlyans is described in detail in The Tale of Bygone Years.

Princess Olga's Revenge

After the massacre of the Drevlyans, Olga began to rule Kievan Rus until Svyatoslav came of age, but even after that she remained the de facto ruler, since her son most was away on military campaigns for a while.

Princess Olga's foreign policy was carried out not through military methods, but through diplomacy. She strengthened international ties with Germany and Byzantium. Relations with Greece revealed to Olga how superior the Christian faith is to the pagan one.

In 954, Princess Olga went to Constantinople (Constantinople) for the purpose of a religious pilgrimage and a diplomatic mission., where she was received with honor by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. For two whole years she became acquainted with the fundamentals of the Christian faith, attending services in the St. Sophia Cathedral. She was struck by the grandeur of Christian churches and the shrines collected in them.

The sacrament of baptism was performed over her by the Patriarch of Constantinople Theophylact, and the emperor himself became the recipient. The name of the Russian princess was given in honor of the holy Queen Helena, who found the Cross of the Lord. The Patriarch blessed the newly baptized princess with a cross carved from whole piece Life-giving Tree of the Lord with the inscription: “The Russian land was renewed with the Holy Cross, and Olga, the blessed princess, accepted it.”

Princess Olga became the first ruler of Rus' to be baptized , although both the squad and the Russian people under it were pagan. Olga’s son also remained in paganism, Grand Duke Kyiv Svyatoslav Igorevich.

Upon returning to Kyiv, Olga tried to introduce Svyatoslav to Christianity, but “he did not even think of listening to this; but if someone was going to be baptized, he did not forbid it, but only mocked him.” Moreover, Svyatoslav was angry with his mother for her persuasion, fearing to lose the respect of the squad. Svyatoslav Igorevich remained a convinced pagan.

Upon returning from Byzantium Olga zealously brought the Christian gospel to the pagans, began to erect the first Christian churches: in the name of St. Nicholas over the grave of the first Kyiv Christian prince Askold and St. Sophia in Kyiv over the grave of Prince Dir, the Church of the Annunciation in Vitebsk, the church in the name of St. Life-Giving Trinity in Pskov, the place for which, according to the chronicler, was indicated to her from above by the “Ray of the Tri-radiant Deity” - on the bank of the Velikaya River she saw “three bright rays” descending from the sky.

Holy Princess Olga died in 969, at the age of 80. and was buried in the ground according to Christian rites.

Sergey Efoshkin. Duchess Olga. Dormition

Her incorruptible relics rested in the Tithe Church in Kyiv. Her grandson Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, Baptist of Rus', transferred (in 1007) the relics of saints, including Olga, to the church he founded Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kyiv (Tithe Church). More likely, During the reign of Vladimir (970-988), Princess Olga began to be revered as a saint. This is evidenced by the transfer of her relics to the church and the description of miracles given by the monk Jacob in the 11th century.

In 1547, Olga was canonized as Saint Equal to the Apostles. Only 5 other holy women in Christian history have received such an honor (Mary Magdalene, First Martyr Thekla, Martyr Apphia, Queen Helen Equal to the Apostles and Nina, the enlightener of Georgia).

The memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga is celebrated by Orthodox, Catholic and other Western churches.

Princess Olga was the first of the Russian princes to officially convert to Christianity and was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church back in the pre-Mongol period. The baptism of Princess Olga did not lead to the establishment of Christianity in Rus', but she had a great influence on her grandson Vladimir, who continued her work. She did not wage wars of conquest, but directed all her energy to domestic policy, therefore on for a long time the people retained a good memory of her: the princess carried out an administrative and tax reform, which eased the situation of ordinary people and streamlined life in the state.

Holy Princess Olga is revered as the patroness of widows and Christian converts. Residents of Pskov consider Olga its founder. In Pskov there is Olginskaya embankment, Olginsky bridge, Olginsky chapel. The days of the liberation of the city from fascist invaders (July 23, 1944) and the memory of St. Olga are celebrated in Pskov as City Days.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

Troparion of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, tone 8
In you, God-wise Elena, the image of salvation was known in the Russian country, / as if, having received the bath of holy Baptism, you followed Christ, / creating and teaching, to leave idolatry’s charms, / to take care of souls, things more immortal, / also With Angels, Equal-to-the-Apostles, your spirit rejoices.

Kontakion of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, tone 4
Today the grace of all God has appeared, / having glorified Olga the God-Wise in Rus', / through her prayers, Lord, / grant to people the abandonment of sin.

Prayer to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga
O holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olgo, the First Lady of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God! We resort to you with faith and pray with love: be your helper and accomplice in everything for our good, and just as in temporal life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of the holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so now, in heavenly grace, you are favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we may advance in faith, piety and love of Christ. In poverty and sorrow, give comfort to those in need, give a helping hand to those in need, stand up for those who are offended and mistreated, those who have gone astray from the right faith and blinded by heresies, bring them to their senses and ask us from the All-Bountiful God for all that is good and useful life more temporal and eternal, so that we have lived here well, let us be worthy of inheriting eternal blessings in the endless Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, befits all glory, honor and worship always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. A min.


From the series “History of the Russian State.”

Princess Olga is undoubtedly an outstanding personality. She went down in history as the creator of statehood and culture in Kievan Rus. During the times of paganism, she ruled the principality with a firm hand and united the Russian lands. Having received baptism at the age of 60, she put all the strength of her soul into spreading the faith of Christ throughout Rus'. For this feat, people considered her a saint immediately after her death, and in 1547 she was officially canonized. What does Olga's icon look like? The photo can be seen below.

So who was this great woman and what was her life path?

Olga's ancestors were Varangians, immigrants from Scandinavia. At birth she received the name Helga, only after marrying a Russian prince did she begin to be called Olga in the Russian way. The exact date of her birth is unknown, just as there is no information about her childhood. It is only known that she lived in the village of Vybutovskaya near the Velikaya River. In those years, Prince Oleg, known from history as the Prophetic, ruled. One day his young nephew Igor was hunting in the Pskov lands and saw rich hunting grounds on the other side of the river. He asked the one sitting in the boat young man transport him to the other side. Sailing away from the shore, the young prince saw that a girl of marvelous beauty was sitting in front of him. The young prince began to pester the beauty with obscene proposals. But she showed fortitude and shamed the prince. She even promised to drown herself if he did not stop his obscene advances. This sobered Igor and cooled his ardor. When the time came for Igor to get married, many noble girls from different places arrived at the court, but then he remembered the unapproachable beauty and sent matchmakers to her parents’ house.

The young people got married, but exact date her is unknown. Olga gave birth to her first and only son, Svyatoslav, in 942. Little is known about Olga’s life with her husband. He was a warrior, a pagan, and conquered the surrounding lands. In 945, Igor and his retinue went to the Drevlyan land to collect tribute. But upon arriving at the place, he announced that the tax rate was doubling. The angry inhabitants of the Drevlyan land killed the prince and his retinue. Fearing revenge for the murder of the Prince of Kyiv, they invited the young princess to marry their ruler Malom. Olga turned out to be a skilled strategist. She gave her consent. But as soon as the Drevlyan embassy arrived in Kyiv, it was given a painful execution - buried alive. The second embassy was burned alive in a bathhouse. Afterwards, Olga gathered a squad and led a campaign against the Drevlyans. She took with her her young son Svyatoslav, who was then barely 5 years old. No persuasion or promises from enemies softened the heart of the young widow. More than 5 thousand men were killed in that battle under the walls of the capital of the Drevlyan lands, Iskorosten. A year later, Olga again approached this city with her army and burned it to the ground. All surviving residents were sold into slavery. Cruel times, cruel morals!

Life without a husband

The care of her son and the principality fell on the shoulders of the young woman. Olga, merciless to her enemies, was very kind and fair to her subjects. The people loved her for her kind heart. She traveled across the Russian land, arranging the political and economic life of the young state. It was she who centralized the power of the Kyiv prince. She ruled the state not as a weak woman, but as a strong and reasonable man. She firmly held power in her hands and courageously defended herself from enemies.

Until the end of her days, Olga lived as an honest widow, not wanting to get married again. Her chaste lifestyle became an example for posterity. Olga reigned until Svyatoslav grew up. After that, she gave up the throne to him without dispute, and she herself moved away from governing the state and lived in Vyshgorod. She established that two-thirds of city taxes should be given to Kyiv, and a third should be left for the needs of her city and court. It was under Olga that the first borders of Kievan Rus were determined, outposts appeared where heroes glorified in epics served, guarding the peace of the Russian land. Under Olga, Rus' began to become a great power.

Searching for God

Olga was a pagan from birth. But she was looking for God. Looking at Byzantium, she understood that power alone was not enough for the state; it was also necessary for the spiritual life of the people to be organized. Princess with large fleet I went with my squad to Constantinople to see with my own eyes the services in christian church and learn the teachings of Christ. History is silent about the reasons that prompted Olga to take such a step. Perhaps she wanted to enter into an alliance with a strong neighbor, or she was motivated by other thoughts. Historians agree on one thing - the decision to be baptized was voluntary and desired. But if Olga just wanted to be baptized, she could do it in her homeland. By that time, Christian priests were already in Rus'.

She went to Constantinople with great pomp to not only learn about Christ, but also to show the greatness of Kievan Rus. Seeing the beauty of the churches, attending services, hearing the Gospel, Olga believed with all her heart in the Savior of the world. The sacrament of baptism was performed by the Patriarch of Constantinople Theophylact himself (933-956). Her godfather became Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus (912-959). At baptism, she received the name Elena in honor of the first Christian queen who devoted her life to the search for the Cross of the Lord. According to legend, the patriarch blessed Olga with the words: “Blessed are you among Russian wives, because you loved the light and left the darkness.”

In addition to baptism, Olga’s “going to the Greeks” also had diplomatic significance. While at the emperor's court, she held several negotiations and business meetings.

Returning to Kyiv, she took with her icons and holy books. Thus began her apostolic ministry. Under her leadership, the first temple was erected in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was built over the burial place of the first Kyiv Christian prince Askold. Saint Olga converted many Kievites to Christianity, and tirelessly traveled throughout the lands, spreading the Orthodox faith and erecting churches throughout the Russian land. It was she who laid the foundation for the special veneration of the Holy Trinity, which still distinguishes the Orthodox faith in Rus'.

Relationship with son

Despite missionary activity and many converts to the Orthodox faith, Olga was never able to convert her only son Svyatoslav to Christianity. Although she did not give up trying to do this until her last breath. The son stubbornly insisted that if he renounced paganism, the whole squad would make fun of him. Although he did not interfere with others in their choice of faith and did not create obstacles for his mother in her activities. At the same time, many opponents of Orthodoxy tried to win Svyatoslav over to their side.

Olga raised her grandchildren in Orthodox faith. But she did not dare to baptize them without her son’s permission. In this way, Olga showed an example of great humility, worthy of respect and admiration. The woman, who brutally avenged the death of her husband and spread the Orthodox faith throughout Rus', did not dare to contradict her own son, showing respect for his feelings. However, her influence on her grandson, Prince Vladimir, was enormous. It was he who became another pillar of Orthodoxy and the baptizer of Rus'.

Olga more than once prophesied a bad end for her son, and her prophecy came true. Svyatoslav fell in battle with the Pecheneg prince Kurei, who made a cup from his skull. Having inserted it into a gold frame, Kurya used it during feasts, boasting of his victory over the Russian prince. But this was after Olga’s death.

last years of life

At the end of her life, many sorrows befell Princess Olga. When she was old, there was a triumph of paganism in Rus'. The princess, a zealot of Orthodoxy, had to secretly keep a priest in her house to perform services and requirements. But she raised her grandchildren in Orthodoxy at her own peril and risk.

In 969, the Pechenegs attacked Kyiv. At this time, Svyatoslav’s squad was far from the capital city, but Princess Olga was able to repel the invaders with the help of a small army commanded by Governor Pretich. By this time, Olga was already elderly and seriously ill. Feeling the approach of death, she began to pray earnestly, calling on God, praying for the arrangement of the fate of the state and the entire people. She did not leave prayer until the last hour. Svyatoslav was with his mother until her death. On July 11, 969, the princess died. According to the will, she was buried according to Christian traditions.

Honoring Olga

In 1007, her grandson Prince Vladimir transferred her relics to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kyiv. The princess began to be revered as a saint almost immediately after her death. Her relics were like an icon for believers. Even after her death, Olga gave hope and healing to those who asked her for intercession. Her relics miraculously did not decay. Even a thousand years ago, believers who approached the shrine with hope in their hearts saw light emanating from the relics. Those who approached without faith in their hearts did not get what they wanted.

Canonization and day of veneration of Saint Olga

In 1547, Saint Olga was canonized. An icon with her image can be executed in various options. They will be discussed below. The icon of Olga Equal to the Apostles is venerated on July 24 (July 11, old style). For her work in spreading the faith, the princess is especially revered by the church as equal to the apostles, as having brought the Orthodox faith to Rus'.

What to pray for in front of the icon of St. Olga

Every believer has many icons in their home, but the icon of Princess Olga takes pride of place. And this is not surprising. After all, the icon Olga admonishes and strengthens believers, bestows wisdom, fills hearts with light and love. During her life, Olga was a supporter of a strong state, and put all her strength into strengthening Rus', and even after her death, she does not leave those who trust in her. The icon of Saint Olga, Equal to the Apostles, helps those praying for the strengthening of the country. Also about softening the hearts of offenders, about enlightenment. The relics and icon of Olga in the Desyatinny Church heal the sick. Pilgrims from all over the world are drawn to them. This icon named Olga will bring good luck and protection, so all owners of this sonorous name must certainly have with them the image of their patroness.

Cross of Princess Olga

At baptism, Olga received from the hands of the patriarch a cross carved from a single piece of the Life-Giving Tree of the Lord. The inscription was carved on it: “The Russian land was renewed with the Holy Cross, and Olga, the blessed princess, accepted it.” This cross became the main shrine of the Church of St. Sophia, which was consecrated in 960, during Olga’s lifetime. Later this cross was moved to another Kiev temple. But after the capture of Kyiv by the Lithuanians in the 13th century, the cross from the temple was stolen, and its fate is still unknown.


The icon of Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga is depicted according to tradition for Equal-to-the-Apostles saints. More often she is depicted standing, holding right hand a cross symbolizing the preaching of Christ. In her left hand she holds a symbolic image of the temple. Often there is another icon. Olga is depicted with Prince Vladimir, the baptist of Rus'.

Order of Princess Olga

In 1988, Patriarch Pimen established the Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. This order is awarded to women who have made a special contribution to the service of the Church.

Princess Olga lived most of her life as a pagan. Not knowing the laws of Christianity, she strove with her heart to observe them, leading a righteous life. Having been baptized at the age of 60, she brought enlightenment to the Russian land for 15 years, becoming the godmother of all Christians in Rus'. The icon of Olga supports the worshipers. The meaning of her name is “wise,” and the princess justified it to the fullest. A woman with an unbending will, a courageous warrior, intelligent and diplomatic - this is how she went down in history.

For those who want to briefly learn about the adoption of Christianity on ancient Rus', we will talk about the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, we will tell her short biography, let us remind you of the icon of St. Olga and the prayer to her. “The Root of Orthodoxy”, “The Head of the Faith”, “Olga the Wise”, this is how the Grand Duchess, Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint Olga (in baptism - Elena) was called.

When Prince Igor decided to get married, they sent him the most beautiful beauties to the palace, but the prince’s heart did not waver, not a single girl made him want to take her as his wife. And the prince remembered the meeting during a hunt in Pskov province with the wondrously beautiful maiden Olga, who proved her chastity and remarkable intelligence, and delighted the prince. And he sent Prince Oleg for her, and they brought the girl to the palace, and she became the prince’s wife, and subsequently performed many feats in the name of the Russian land, and she brought Orthodoxy to a hitherto pagan country, and she is glorified forever and ever for her feat.

Having married, Igor went on a campaign against the Greeks, and upon his return he learned that he was now a father, and a son was born to him, they named him Svyatoslav. But the prince did not rejoice at the heir for long. Soon he was killed by the Drevlyans, who suffered punishment from Princess Olga with many killed and cities defeated.

Years of reign of Princess Olga

Olga took over the reins of government until Svyatoslav came of age, ruling the Russian land wisely, not as a woman, but as a strong and far-sighted man, for which everyone respected Olga and worshiped her wisdom, determination and strength. Olga strengthened Rus', established borders, was engaged in the arrangement of economic and political life in the country, firmly holding power in her women's hands, and reliably defending the country from enemies who trembled when they heard her name.

The enemies were afraid of Olga, but the Russian people loved her, because she was kind, fair and merciful, she helped the poor, and she easily responded to tearful and fair requests. At the same time, the princess protected her chastity, and after the death of the prince she did not marry, she lived in pure widowhood. When Svyatoslav came of age, the princess withdrew from power and took refuge in Vyshgorod, indulging in charitable works, replacing only her son when he went on campaigns.

Rus' grew, became strong, cities were built, borders were strengthened, warriors from other nationalities eagerly joined the Russian army, Rus' became a great power under Olga. Olga understood that economic development was not enough; it was necessary to take up the organization of the religious life of the people and put an end to paganism.

You can watch a cartoon about Olga’s reign, everything is clearly illustrated and interestingly shown.

Olga's baptism

Without knowing yet Christian faith, the Grand Duchess already lived according to the Orthodox commandments on a whim, and she wanted to learn more about the Christian faith, and for this purpose, connecting it with a diplomatic mission, gathering a navy to demonstrate the greatness of her power, she went to Constantinople.
There Olga went to a service in order to see and feel the true God, and immediately agreed to be baptized, which she received there. Patriarch Theophylact of Constantinople, who baptized her, said prophetic words:

“Blessed are you among Russian women, for you left darkness and loved the Light. The Russian sons will glorify you to the last generation!”

Olga has already returned to Kyiv, bringing with her icons and liturgical books, firmly intending to bring Christianity to pagan Rus', delivering them from idols, and bringing the Divine Light to the Russians mired in sins. Thus began her apostolic ministry. She began to erect churches and established the veneration of the Holy Trinity in Rus'. But everything was not as smooth as the princess wanted - pagan Rus' resisted wildly, not wanting to leave her cruel and riotous ways of life. Svyatoslav also did not support his mother, and from pagan roots I didn’t want to get rid of it. True, he didn’t interfere much with his mother at first, but then he began to burn churches and the persecution of Christians who had been baptized through the prayers of Olga intensified. Even the princess herself had to keep secret Orthodox priest, so as not to cause even greater unrest among the pagan people.

You can watch the cartoon from “The Tale of Bygone Years” about the baptism of Princess Olga; everything is shown in a very interesting way.

Paganism wildly resists Christianity

On her deathbed, the Grand Duchess also preached until her death, trying to turn her son, Svyatoslav, to Orthodoxy. He cried, grieved for his mother, but did not want to leave paganism, it sat firmly in him. But by the will of God, the princess nurtured the Orthodox faith in her grandson, Vladimir, and Saint Vladimir continued the work of his grandmother, and baptized pagan Rus' after the death of the Equal-to-the-Apostles princess, as blessed Olga predicted that God would enlighten the Russian people, and many saints would shine on her .

Miracles after the death of the princess

The princess died on July 11, 969 (July 24 in our style), and all the people cried for her with bitter tears. And in 1547, the Equal-to-the-Apostles princess was canonized. And God glorified her with miracles and the incorruption of her relics, which were transferred under Vladimir to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who throughout her life helped and enlightened the Grand Duchess a lot. There was a window above the tomb of Saint Olga, and when someone came to her with faith, the window opened, and the person could see the radiance emanating from her relics and receive healing. And whoever came without faith, the window did not open, he could not even see the relics, but only one coffin.

The Great Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga became the spiritual mother of the entire Christian people, laying the foundation for the enlightenment of the Russian people with the Light of Christ.

Prayer to Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

O holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olgo, the First Lady of Russia, warm intercessor and prayer book for us before God! We resort to you with faith and pray with love: be your helper and accomplice in everything for our good, and just as in temporal life you tried to enlighten our forefathers with the light of the holy faith and instruct me to do the will of the Lord, so now, in heavenly grace, you are favorable With your prayers to God, help us in enlightening our minds and hearts with the light of the Gospel of Christ, so that we may advance in faith, piety and love of Christ.

Life of Saint Princess Olga

This time the princely hunt took place near Pskov. Young Prince Igor, a pupil of Prophetic Oleg, went to the river bank. Here it was possible to get to the other side; below there was a boat in which a local boy was transporting travelers. “Take us, quickly!” - the prince ordered him and settled down on the bow. Something made Igor pay attention to his carrier. Suddenly the young man realized that in front of him was not a boy, but a girl dressed in men's clothing. He immediately forgot about hunting. But the beauty sharply besieged him, saying that she would rather throw herself into the water than dishonor herself. Then she added: “You, the prince, should serve as an example for your subjects, if you yourself commit atrocities, then how will you judge ordinary people, how can you rule them?” The prince thought. When the boat landed, he stepped ashore and left without saying another word.


Time has passed. When Prince Oleg decided to marry his pupil, Igor remembered the girl he met on the river. Then she struck him not so much with her beauty as with her wisdom and fortitude. It didn’t matter to him whether she was from a noble family or from a simple one, from Pskov or from the Varangians. He didn't want to hear anything about other brides. The girl was found, her name was Olga.

There really is no exact information about its origin. The Tale of Bygone Years says that she was born in Pskov. According to some sources, she was from Bulgaria, others claim that she was from Scandinavia. It is even suggested that Olga is the daughter of the Prophetic Oleg, who married her to Igor. The only thing that all researchers agree on is that Saint Olga was an extraordinary person.


The princess was young. However, when preparing for the wedding, she understood that there was no need to expect a quiet life when the princes were constantly at war with each other. Later her experiences were confirmed. Her husband, Prince Igor, spent most of his time on military campaigns. Saint Olga did not approve of his policy; she believed that princes should not fight, but unite in order for the country to be strong.

After the birth of their son Svyatoslav, the couple began to see each other less often. The princess and her son ruled in Vyshgorod, and Igor ruled in Kyiv. Saint Olga was both a loving mother and a strict but fair ruler. People respected her.

The princess's orderly life was disrupted by terrible news: Prince Igor's squad was standing near the city, and trouble had happened. Grabbing Svyatoslav in her arms, the princess began to run. Outside the gates of the city wall on a hill she stopped. Opposite her stood the warriors with their heads down. On the ground in front of them lay the body of Prince Igor. Saint Olga hugged her son and pressed him to her. It seemed to her that time had stopped, the moment had turned into eternity. But at that very second she asked to take Svyatoslav away, and only then knelt down in front of her murdered husband. This was the first and last time when she allowed herself to cry.

For the sake of her beloved son and the people for whom she was responsible, the princess remained strong. Svyatoslav was too young, Saint Olga took power into her own hands, becoming regent.


She had to take cruel, but “understandable” measures to everyone in the vast expanses of Rus' to avenge the death of Prince Igor, in order to preserve the unifying principle of the state, the authority of the princely power, and to prevent bloody inter-tribal strife. The news that the dowager princess holds power " with a strong hand", passed throughout the entire earth, and during the reign of Princess Olga there were no civil strife, which means that the authorities could calmly deal with the urgent affairs of the young state.

And Princess Olga selflessly set about creating the state life and culture of Kievan Rus, while raising her young son, Svyatoslav. Chronicles testify to her tireless “walks” across the Russian land in order to improve and streamline the civil and economic life of her subjects.

During Olga's reign the first state borders Russia - in the west with Poland, in the south with the peoples of the Wild Field (Black Sea-Azov region). In young Rus' (Gardarik, as foreigners called it), trade with other countries began to actively develop. The expansion of Kyiv’s foreign relations contributed to the development stone construction in the city.

During her reign, Princess Olga showed herself to be a person with an unyielding will and high dignity, indestructible courage and a truly statesmanlike mind. She had the honor of making a choice that determined the subsequent fate of Russia, and determined church veneration for the princess herself as equal to the apostles.


She was a good ruler. Saint Olga did not want to fight anymore, and there was no need for it. She took up the development of the country. She introduced new laws and orders personally, traveling around all the lands under her control. The princess established fixed amounts of tribute, which other princes could not increase at will, thereby preventing arbitrariness. For this, the common people fell in love with their ruler. Her policies contributed to strengthening the power of Kyiv on the path to the unification of all of Rus'.

The princess's decisions were rational and far-sighted. In government, she acted like a man, but in her relationships with her people she was a gentle, understanding and merciful woman. She turned her gaze to the West, wanting Byzantium to take Russia into account. With her mind and heart, she understood the significant role Christianity plays in uniting the people. Originally a pagan, she became acquainted with the ideas of Christianity. This turned her life upside down. She looked at her actions differently, repenting for her cruelty towards the Drevlyans. So Saint Olga, having recognized the true God, wanted to be baptized.

She made this decision in Byzantium, where she arrived with a large fleet. Emperor Constantine at first perceived her visit as a demonstration of the military power of Rus', so he did not give the princess an audience for several days. Saint Olga waited patiently on the ship. When she finally entered the palace, the emperor was surprised. Standing in front of him, although middle-aged, was surprisingly beautiful woman. Whether jokingly or seriously, the ruler began to ask her to marry. Then the Russian princess said that she was a pagan, let the emperor baptize her, and then he would receive an answer. He agreed, and Saint Olga received the blessing of the Patriarch. When Konstantin again started talking about marriage, the woman replied: “I am now your goddaughter, marriage between us is impossible.” The Emperor laughed, saying that the princess had outwitted him.

The Russian chronicle preserves stories about how Olga spoke decisively and on an equal footing with the emperor, surprising the Greeks with her spiritual maturity and statesmanship, showing that the Russian people were just capable of accepting and multiplying the best fruits of Byzantine spirituality and culture. Thus, Saint Olga managed to peacefully “take Constantinople,” which no commander had been able to do before her.

At baptism, Princess Olga was given the name Elena in honor of Saint Helen Equal to the Apostles, mother of Saint Constantine, who found the Venerable Tree of the Holy Cross. The Patriarch blessed the newly baptized Russian princess with a cross carved from a single piece of the Life-Giving Tree of the Lord. On the cross there was an inscription: “The Russian land was renewed with the Holy Cross, and Olga, the blessed princess, accepted it.”

She returned home with icons and liturgical books.

Apostolic ministry

Having returned, Saint Olga built the Church of St. Nicholas on Askold’s grave. The princess converted many Kiev residents to Christianity. Then she went to the North of Rus'. Instead of pagan temples, she erected crosses.

One day, when she was traveling to her native village near Pskov, she had a vision on the banks of the Velikaya River. Three rays appeared from the sky in the east. After this, the princess said that on this land there would be a temple in the name of the Most Holy and Life-Giving Trinity, and a large, rich city would appear around it. And so it happened, where she founded the church, Pskov arose, which has long been called the “House of the Holy Trinity” today.

In Kyiv, the princess built another temple of Hagia Sophia - the Wisdom of God, which was founded soon after her return from Constantinople and consecrated on May 11, 960. The main shrine of the newly created St. Sophia Church was the Holy Cross, brought by Grand Duchess Olga from Constantinople and received by her as a blessing from the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Unfortunately, the apostolic ministry of the Russian ruler was not supported by her son and many boyars. Svyatoslav remained a pagan until the end of his life, citing the fact that, having become a Christian, he would lose authority among the squad. He was inextricably linked with his squad, as he spent most of his time on campaigns and battles. For his large-scale military projects, Prince Svyatoslav is called “ancient Alexander the Great.” Nevertheless, the chronicle notes Svyatoslav’s tolerance of the faith: he did not prevent anyone from being baptized, he only mocked. In response to this, Olga replied that everything was God’s will, continued to love Svyatoslav with all her heart and prayed for him and all the people every day.

The zealots of pagan antiquity, looking with hope at Svyatoslav, increasingly showed their dissatisfaction with Princess Olga, who was building Christian churches and preaching a new faith. The apostolic activity of Grand Duchess Olga expanded, the discontent of the Russian pagans grew, and then the moment came when the final revolution took place in Kyiv in favor of the supporters of paganism. The question of the Baptism of Rus' was closed.

Saint Olga came to terms with what had happened and went into matters of personal piety. In Kyiv she raised her grandchildren: Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir. The princess tried to instill in them faith in Christ, but she did not dare to baptize them without her son’s consent.

In 968, Svyatoslav and his retinue went on a military campaign against Bulgaria. Kyiv was left without protection, and at that moment it was attacked by Pecheneg nomads. Residents took refuge behind the city walls. The enemies held a siege, the people of Kiev suffered from hunger and thirst. One boy managed to get past the Pechenegs and call for help. Kyiv was liberated, Svyatoslav returned and defeated the invaders.

Worry about her grandchildren undermined Saint Olga’s health. She was already 77 years old and began to rapidly lose strength. Before her death, she asked her son to be with her until the end. Saint Olga bequeathed that she should be buried according to Christian custom and not hold a pagan funeral feast. Her request was fulfilled. Svyatoslav and his three sons wept bitterly over the grave of the princess. Princess Olga left a prophetic covenant to subsequent generations: “God’s will be done! If God desires to have mercy on the family of my Land of Russia, may He place it on their hearts to turn to God, just as God has given me this gift.”

Despite the fact that Princess Olga raised Vladimir in a Christian spirit as a child, in his youth Prince Vladimir was a zealous fan of paganism. Like his grandmother, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir came to the conclusion that only faith in one true God could strengthen and unite the state, torn into two parts by the spiritual war of paganism and Christianity.

The church writer of the second half of the 11th century, Jacob Mnikh (monk), writes that, “having sought salvation,” Vladimir began to recall his childhood and the pious instructions of his grandmother, recalled how she believed and was baptized, for he had heard a lot about this and “was inflamed with the Spirit Saints in heart, desiring holy baptism.”

He convened the elders and boyars for a council; at this council, three images were considered for the final choice of faith: Islam, Western Christianity and Orthodoxy. It was decided to gather embassies to these countries and get acquainted with the faith, state of trade, army and standard of living of these peoples. Having listened to the ambassadors returning from Constantinople, the boyars said to Prince Vladimir: “If the Greek law had been bad, then your grandmother Olga would not have accepted it, and she was the wisest of all people.”

And so in 988, Byzantine priests who came to Rus' baptized the inhabitants of Kyiv and neighboring lands right in the Dnieper. IN major cities were erected majestic temples, in Kyiv, at the site of the death of the first Russian Christian martyrs Fyodor and John, a stone church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was founded. The holy relics of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga were transferred to this temple; the beginning of Russian chronicles is associated with it; the Life of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga and the Tale of the Varangian Martyrs, as well as “The Tale of How Vladimir was baptized while taking Korsun” were compiled here.

The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, offering his thanks to God on the day of the Baptism of Rus', testified on behalf of his contemporaries about the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga with significant words: “The sons of Rusty want to bless you, and your grandson for the last generation.”

The work of Holy Prince Vladimir was continued by his sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons, who owned the Russian land for almost six centuries: from Yaroslav the Wise, who took the first step towards the independent existence of the Russian Church, to the last Rurikovich, Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, under whom in 1589 the Russian Orthodox Church became the fifth independent Patriarchate in the diptych of Orthodox Autocephalous Churches.

So after her death Saint Olga preached eternal life and resurrection, filling believers with joy and admonishing unbelievers.
In 1547, Saint Olga, Equal to the Apostles, was canonized as Equal to the Apostles. Only five other holy women in Christian history have received such an honor (Mary Magdalene, the First Martyr Thekla, the Martyr Apphia, Queen Helen and the Enlightener of Georgia Nina).

When the relics of Saint Princess Olga were removed to be transferred to the temple, it turned out that they were incorruptible. They were placed in the tomb, many people saw a glow above it and received healing from serious illnesses.

The veneration of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga in Rus' was great. IN different times Three orders were established in her honor. In 1915, Emperor Nicholas II established the “Insignia of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga” to distinguish women for public and government service. There is also the Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga - an award of the Russian Orthodox Church. This order is awarded to women (abbesses of monasteries, church workers in the field of spiritual enlightenment) for their services in various fields of church, state and public service, as well as for their work for the benefit of their neighbors. In 1997, the Order of Princess Olga was established by decree of the President of Ukraine. This is an award to honor women for outstanding personal achievements in state, industrial, social, scientific, educational, cultural, charitable and other spheres. social activities, as well as in raising children in the family.

What a miracle happened

The most important miracle that happened thanks to the initiative of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga was the Baptism of Rus'. The aspirations of the Grand Duchess were embodied in the deeds of her grandson, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. The significance of this event can hardly be overestimated; it ensured the integrity and prosperity of Russia. Therefore, believers often remember both Saint Olga and Saint Prince Vladimir together in their prayers. The images of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga and Vladimir, mutually complementing each other, embody the maternal and paternal origins of Russian spiritual history.

Meaning of the icon

The icon of Saint Olga, Equal to the Apostles, is the image of the spiritual mother of the Russian people. The Patriarch who baptized the princess said: “Blessed are you among Russian wives, for you have left darkness and loved the Light. The Russian sons will glorify you to the last generation!” At baptism she received the name Elena in honor of the saint who found Life-giving Cross Lord's. The apostolic service of St. Olga had the same great significance. She contributed spiritual transformation Russian people.

Icon of Saint Olga

Russian Orthodox believers call the “Source of Orthodoxy” the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess, whose holy face has been one of the most beloved images on the Russian Land since the sixteenth century. The princess, as well as her grandson, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who, by adopting the Christian faith and spreading it to the Dnieper banks, saved Rus' from the darkness of idolatry, and continuing each other’s work, the princess and Vladimir are the personification of the maternal and paternal divine source in the development of Kievan Rus.

Concern for the spiritual enlightenment of the people

Seeing how Byzantium, powerful at that time, became and developed, she clearly understood that in order for the state to prosper it is necessary not only to take care of the state economic development and military power. Olga understood that only unity in the spiritual aspect of life could unite all the people of the state and provide solid ground for the emergence of a nationality. The Almighty showed her the right decision, and, entrusting the care of Kievan Rus to her almost adult son, the princess, heading a large fleet, sailed to Constantinople, in order to see with her own eyes the worldly blessings that became the result of faith, and at the same time establish diplomatic relations and show military force.

Spiritual birth in the holy font

In Byzantium, the princess was amazed a huge number churches and the beauty of the services held in them. She listened with admiration to the choral singing and learned new terms for herself - repentance, worship, the cross and the holy face. The saint was baptized by Patriarch Theophylact of Constantinople, and at the moment of such a sacrament, the ruler of Byzantium, Constantine Porphyrogenitus himself, became Olga’s godfather. After the ceremony, the princess received the name Elena, that was the name righteous mother Tsar Constantine the Great, who found the Life-giving Cross of the Most High and promoted the Christian faith in the Roman Empire. And taking her example, the baptized Righteous One, after arriving in Kievan Rus, began to preach Christianity in her land.

Christian works in Kievan Rus

The Saint brought quite a lot of holy images and church books to her homeland. Also with her, Christian worshipers arrived in Kievan Rus, who were assigned the role of baptizing the inhabitants of Kyiv, who worshiped deities in those days. By order of the princess, in the capital of Rus', at the burial site of the first Orthodox believer of the princely family of Askold, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas was built, in which the holy face donated by Emperor Constantine was placed. The venerable woman did a lot for the Kievans to praise the Life-Giving Trinity. According to one legend, which says that near her native village on the banks of the Velikaya River, she saw three sun rays directed from heaven and immediately ordered the construction of a cathedral in this place in the name of the Holy Trinity and predicted that after a while there would be a great trading city here. Olga erected the Lord's cross and erected a cathedral, which marked the beginning of the construction of the city of Pskov. In the center of Kyiv, the Holy Princess erected the Cathedral of St. Sophia, which was dedicated in 960. His main relic began to be considered the cross that Olga brought from Byzantium after her baptism. This cross was created from the Life-Life Tree of the Lord, and it brought many miraculous deliverances.

The princess's spiritual sadness

But the Kyiv state was not yet destined to be freed from dark idolatry and enlightened by the ray of Christianity. According to the chronicles, there were many statesmen and governors in Rus' who did not recognize the true faith, and among them was Prince Svyatoslav, a youth who had grown up and matured in those years. No matter how the princess tried to persuade her to Christianity, no matter how she asked to undergo the sacrament of baptism, Svyatoslav still did not agree. But at the same time, he did not forbid his subjects to accept Christianity and did not allow others to disdain them. After a while, all control of the state passed to Svyatoslav, and the Venerable One completely devoted her life to the Almighty and to charitable causes. She devoted time to the state only when her son went on military campaigns.

Canonization and general church veneration

In the mid-fifteenth century, the "boss true faith on Russian soil” in the church they were canonized. And in the same year, her nationwide praise was confirmed. From that time on, the creation of Saint icons began. It should be noted that during the entire development of Orthodoxy, the Most Holy Olga was included in the number of women who were canonized as saints. The holy image, the essence of which is contained in the image itself, represents the righteous woman of the Lord, who in her right hand holds a cross, denoting faith, and in her left hand there is an image of the church, symbolizing her preaching activities and the conversion of her people to Orthodoxy, who worshiped pagan deities. The same attributes are depicted on the holy images of other righteous people, for example, the holy princess Tamara.

Icons, revered and loved

The Reverend Princess is revered as the spiritual mother of all Slavic people, because it was she who began the spread of Christianity on Russian soil. A large number of churches were built in memory of St. Olga. Believers have been visiting such churches for many years to pray before the holy face of the Most Holy Olga. And in our time, the flow of believers who want to bow to her image does not stop. The greatest reverence is enjoyed, for example, by the face of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess in the capital of Russia in the local cathedral, located in the Tourist Center of the Capital Patriarchate; it is also the most high cathedral Moscow. This temple is located on the top floor of the fifteen-story Universitetsky Hotel, which is visited every day by thousands of Orthodox believers coming from all over Russia. The holy face of the princess in St. Petersburg, located in the temple erected in her name, located in the city of Strelna, is also famous for great veneration. This shrine, built in Mikhailovsky Square, which is located on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, is constantly visited by a great many believers. And many are struck by the holy face, in which she is depicted holding a cross, given to her by a Constantinople monk. This image is the icon of the Venerable One.

What do they pray for in front of this image?

It is believed that a prayer request before the holy image of St. Olga can grant people wisdom in life situations and sends them His God's mercy, in such quantity as is necessary for each of those who have converted in his life filled with anxieties and temptations. They also offer prayers to the Holy Righteous One for the strengthening of Russia, for protection and softening of hearts. There is evidence of cases where, with the help of the holy face of the Venerable One, they got rid of psychological ailments. In what cases can a Holy icon help? The correct answer is that such prayers can help in almost all cases, provided that your request comes from the heart and is pronounced sincerely.