Organizations that provide donors for loans. Donor loan: what is it and where to find a loan donor without prepayment

It often happens that when you apply to a bank for a loan, you receive a refusal. The reason for this may be late payments, high credit load, bad credit history...

And the question arises: “What to do if the banks refuse, but you need money urgently?”
For such cases, in the city of Moscow there are services of a credit donor.

How it works?

If you are rejected by a bank or microfinance organization, then you need a person who will take the loan himself and transfer the borrowed funds to you, while retaining his interest. This person is called the “loan donor”(hereinafter referred to as “CD”). As a rule, an additional agreement (notarized) is concluded between him and you, in which you undertake to the credit donor to pay funds to the bank without delays or delays.

Many CDs have extensive connections with banks and higher lending limits than those of a regular borrower. This is due to the fact that the donor takes out and repays loans very often, so banks are very likely to issue new loans to him.

Moscow. How to get money from a loan donor?

It's simple. All you need to do is leave a request for CD services at the bottom of the page. Please note: be sure to indicate a valid email address or make sure your email is spelled correctly, as... This is where credit donors will send you their offers.

Beware of scammers! Not all loan donors work honestly. If they send you an offer asking for an advance payment, under the pretext of paying a bank commission, paying for notary services, etc. - do not transfer any money “forward” - this is fraud.

Are you looking for a loan donor who provides its services in Moscow without requiring prepayment? Do you need urgent help? In this article you will find all the information you need.

So, first, let's talk about who a loan donor is: this is a person who takes on someone else's loan, applying for it in a bank or other financial organization. At the same time, for his service he assigns a certain monetary reward, in other words, a “kickback”, which can be from 30% of the loan amount and higher, conditions vary greatly from person to person.

Such assistance is usually sought by those citizens who, for some reason, cannot obtain a loan on their own, this may include:

  • Lack of Russian citizenship or permanent residence permit (registration);
  • There are no necessary documents, for example, income certificates;
  • No official employment;
  • The credit history is damaged by past debts, there are open arrears, etc.;
  • The client is the age with which banking companies do not want to work - he is either too young (up to 21-23 years old) or has already crossed the retirement age limit (60 years and older).

There can be many reasons, but the most common is a damaged CI. As you know, it is stored for 10 years, and therefore even the slightest mistake in the past can lead to 99% of banks refusing your applications.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply 1 time. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17%, this is a clear robbery. Look for the best deals. They exist, we must look for them. And don’t forget to read this note before submitting applications, it will help you avoid making serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Eastern has more chancesFrom 9.9%Design
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 9.9%Design
Home loan worth a try too From 9.9%Design
Alfa Bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Svyaznoy: installment card Conscience credit cardfrom 10% per annumApplication
Home Credit: installment card Freedom credit cardfrom 12% per annumApplication
Sovcombank if everyone refused From 12%Design

What should those people do? who need to receive money in the near future, but everywhere they receive only refusal? One of the options for solving this problem is to find a person who would go to the bank and, for a certain fee, agree to draw up an agreement for you.

In this case, there are many nuances, in particular, a receipt must be drawn up, according to which the recipient, i.e. the person for whom the money is taken undertakes, after receiving it, to pay the donor his share of the profit. In this case, all conditions are strictly specified, namely:

  • Amount or percentage of remuneration;
  • The time frame within which it must be paid;
  • Obligations of both parties according to the current receipt;
  • All agreements reached, for example, how exactly the funds will be transferred - in cash or by transfer to a card;
  • What will be the consequences if one of the parties fails to fulfill its obligations?

Must be indicated on paper contact and passport details of all actors, in particular: year of birth, when and by whom the passport or a document replacing it was issued, on what date this agreement is valid, signatures. It is best to have it certified by a notary so that this document acquires official status.

Today, searching for a loan donor is not difficult: to do this, just enter the appropriate search query into Yandex or Google and indicate your city of residence. On the first links you will find many advertisements offering the service you need.

We would like to warn you: do not agree to any advance payments until you receive the previously agreed upon amount in your hands.

Do not transfer money, even symbolic amounts of 100-300 rubles for notary services, issuing certificates, etc., because all these are tricks of scammers who want to profit from gullible people.

What other options are there for obtaining a loan with a bad CI?

In fact, today it is very difficult to meet a truly honest person who will agree to take on the obligations of a complete stranger. Think about it, he has absolutely no guarantees that you will pay his debt.

It is for this reason that behind such advertisements, most often, there are scammers who strive for only one thing - to extract more money from you for various prepayments. Or, get your data and a copy of your passport to apply for an online loan using them.

Where and how to get the required amount of money when your credit reputation is completely damaged? Who will provide the client with such services and help them get a guaranteed loan? And who are credit donors, how can they help a co-borrower and should they really be trusted? We propose to consider all, and not only these questions, in this publication.

A credit donor is a person who has a positive credit reputation and is ready at any time to take out a loan for another citizen. In the Russian Federation, credit donation emerged relatively recently, but is already characterized as a fairly widespread and popular financial service.

Persons who, for individual reasons, cannot use a bank loan (usually a bad credit history, criminal record, etc.) are forced to resort to the services of credit donors. Let us note that intermediaries such as brokers or others will simply be powerless in this situation, since only donors can provide real assistance.

Features of the work of a credit donor

Loan donors can work directly or through specialized organizations that provide donor services at the time of loan processing.

It is preferable for the borrower to contact a company that will select a good loan donor with an excellent credit reputation. However, the pricing policy for services in such companies will be an order of magnitude higher than direct cooperation without the involvement of third parties.

A potential client contacts a company that specializes in selecting a loan donor and undergoes a short interview. Afterwards, the company selects a loan donor for the client based on individual criteria and parameters.

The work of credit donors is carried out according to the following principle: the donor takes on a bank loan in the amount required by the customer. Next, the loan funds are transferred to the customer for a certain percentage of remuneration. Please note that the customer directly guarantees further repayment of the debt in accordance with the payment schedule established by the bank.

The loan donor charges the amount of remuneration established in the contract, and transfers the remaining funds to the company, which also takes a percentage of these funds for selecting the appropriate donor for the borrower. The amount that remains is transferred to the borrower.

When the borrower receives cash, he fills out a receipt, which will guarantee timely repayment of the donor's debt in full. This document also specifies the method of repayment: in cash directly to the company, to the credit donor, or by making a mandatory monthly payment yourself using the specified details.

​It is worth noting that credit donation companies operate exclusively on legal grounds, and in most countries of the world. There is an ideal legal basis for the work of such organizations, and persons who earn money from credit donation are fully and unconditionally legally financially secure.

All agreements are drawn up directly with the notary, and provide for a wide variety of options for developing the relationship between the credit donor and the borrower.

Oddly enough, it is the credit donors who are at risk who decide to actually take out someone else’s loan. And if the customer does not repay the debt, the bank and collectors will demand the return of funds exclusively from the borrower - in this case, the loan donor.

Pros and cons of credit donation

Like any other form of lending, credit donation has a certain number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • the possibility of obtaining credit funds for persons who, for personal reasons, cannot obtain a bank loan;
  • this method of obtaining a loan is practically trouble-free and guaranteed;
  • Confidential data of persons who receive borrowed funds in this way are not displayed in the information of credit bureaus.

Of course, this form of lending has its disadvantages, and quite significant ones. For example, it is necessary to note the fact of overpayment on a donor loan, and unlike a bank loan, it will be much higher. So, the borrower needs to receive 15 thousand dollars for a period of 12 months. In this case, in addition to a one-time payment of remuneration to the donor in the amount of about 30%, it is also necessary to repay interest for using the loan, and do not forget to make the obligatory payment on time every month.

What happens if the customer does not repay the donor's loan?

The outcome of this situation depends entirely on how the customer cooperates with the donor. If the direct method is chosen, then the donor will need to personally return his funds, and then go to court with a claim and an attached receipt from the customer to recover the funds.

If the customer turned to a company that provides credit donation services, then most likely the case may not go to court. As a rule, such organizations have their own full-time security services, which will deal with the issue of collecting funds from the customer. Another alternative option is for an organization with a client’s receipt to turn to a collection agency for appropriate assistance.

Schemes for obtaining loans have gained unprecedented momentum, people’s debt load is growing, banks are increasingly refusing to approve applications. However, this does not reduce the demand for loans. If intermediary services, for example, brokerage, have been known for a long time, then credit donation appeared relatively recently. This is a new type of service when several additional steps appear in the “borrower-loan” scheme.

Donors provide an opportunity for clients with a bad credit history, a criminal record, low official income, etc. They do this, of course, not for free. For such convenience, the client overpays a large amount, 2-3 times the loan received. Even despite this, the services of credit donors are in demand on the market, although they are illegal.

Who is a loan donor?

This is an ordinary person with a positive credit history, a permanent job, a high income - exactly the type of client that banks like. He takes out a loan for himself and transfers the loan funds to a client who cannot take out a loan himself.

The terms of such a transaction are regulated by an agreement, the terms of which must be observed by all parties. Most often, donors work through intermediaries, which are organizations. Organizations are recruiting donors and looking for clients. For the donor, such an organization will be protection against non-payment of debt by the borrower. If the client does not pay the loan, the intermediary will pay off the debt in order to maintain a positive credit history for the donor, and then the debt will be “extorted,” sometimes in the literal sense of the word, from the negligent client. Debt collection methods are no different from collection methods and can be more severe.

Where can I find a loan donor?

Anyone you know or close relative can become a loan donor. This is the best solution for you in terms of price. However, if you do not pay the loan later, your relationships with family and friends can be ruined. You can find a donor in your city by posting an ad on a special credit notice board.
Read also:
Another option is to search for a special organization that provides such a donor.

How to get a loan through a donor and organization?

There are currently two schemes. The first is that the client and donor are connected through an intermediary - an organization. The scheme consists of the following stages:

  • The client finds an offer to take out a loan through a donor. Typically, such advertisements can be found in advertising newspapers, websites, forums, etc.
  • After calling the organization, the client needs to go to the specified address and undergo an interview and verification. The intermediary must check the future borrower and assess the risks of working with him. If the client does not meet the requirements, then they will not work with him, for example, the client is homeless, an alcoholic, insane, convicted, etc. If everything is in order, then the discussion of the terms of the deal begins. Here we discuss the amount that the client wants to take, how he intends to repay it, why the banks refuse him, the terms of remuneration for the intermediary and the donor, the debt repayment scheme and the interaction of the parties. The client can even choose the banks where he would like to take out a loan.
  • If all the conditions are satisfactory to the parties, an agreement for the provision of services is concluded. It specifies the amount that intermediaries will retain for their services, the obligations and rights of the parties.
  • The donor goes to the bank and takes out the required amount. If suddenly for some reason the bank refuses, then the donor can go to another bank.
  • The donor carries the received amount to the organization and takes his own reward. It is approximately 10-30% of the loan
  • The organization retains part of the amount as a reward (approximately 5-15% of the amount).
  • A promissory note is drawn up indicating the amount the client must pay to the donor. The receipt also indicates the method of payment: either the client pays the bank himself or takes the money to the organization, and then it is transferred to the donor. The scheme is complex, but it reinsures the donor’s risks: if the client does not deposit the amount, the organization will pay the donor for him to repay the loan.
  • The remaining amount is issued to the client. After all the manipulations, it is 50-70% of the amount. The final overpayment will be huge.

Thus, obtaining a loan under this scheme is expensive. To agree to such an overpayment, the client must need the money very urgently. But if all banks refuse a loan, then this option will be optimal.

The second option for obtaining a loan through a loan donor is that there is no intermediary in the scheme. The borrower and donor are in direct contact. This allows you to save on intermediary services, but carries with it great risks of fraud, on both sides. In pursuit of savings, you can get the opposite effect. The percentage of fraudulent actions of the borrower and the donor is almost the same here. A distinctive feature of this scheme is that if the client refuses to pay the loan, the donor will have to repay the debt himself, and he also risks his credit history.

Credit donor and law.

From the point of view of the law, donor schemes are fraudulent and directly fall under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If such schemes are discovered, the participants will receive heavy fines, including imprisonment. The fact is that in the loan agreement of almost all banks there is a clause indicating that the borrower is taking out a loan for his own interests and purposes. In fact, the donor is applying for a loan for another person, which is a gross violation of his obligations to the bank. If the bank becomes aware of this, it may issue demands for full repayment of the loan and will add the client to the “black list of fraudsters.” This will block the donor from accessing almost all banks.

Benefits of a donor loan.

  • A client even with the worst CI can take out a loan.
  • The client remains anonymous to the bank.
  • The client does not need to collect documents for the loan.
  • Guaranteed result of receiving money in 95% of cases - the loan donor is rarely refused.

Disadvantages and risks

  • This is an illegal way to get a loan.
  • High risk of fraud.
  • Large overpayment for such a loan
  • The risk for the client is that even if he pays off the debt, the donor may sue and demand repayment again. In this case, the client needs to take a receipt from the donor for each payment made.
  • The minimum loan amount starts from . If the borrower wants less, they will not work with him.
  • The donor risks his reputation and credit history if the client does not pay or the organization deceives him.

Thus, a loan donor can help obtain a loan for almost any person who is rejected by the bank. You will have to pay a lot of money for this convenience, so you should think about whether such a loan is really necessary and try to look for other options.