Autumn planting of currants: optimal timing, choice of location. Autumn planting of currants - complete care, technology for pruning branches

For those new to the list autumn work A rather current topic is planting currants in the fall (when and how to plant bushes in the garden). After all, fragrant blackcurrant berries, especially those collected from your own plot, are an excellent natural dessert and the basis for preparing various sugar preparations for the winter (jam, confiture, marmalade, pastille, jelly), as well as homemade alcoholic drinks (wine, liqueur, tincture, etc.). d.). Let's figure out the landing dates and choose her right place.

Everything about planting currants in the fall: when and how to plant, how to fertilize

By planting several deciduous currant bushes in the garden or vegetable garden and organizing competent care for the berry garden, you can collect bountiful harvests juicy sweet and sour fruits, rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

Choosing a site for black currants

Since the bushes of the crop will grow in one place for many years, the choice of a site for planting should be approached as responsibly as possible. And there is a difference when choosing a landing site for different regions. In the middle lane it is better for her to find open place, and in the south - partial shade.

In general, currants prefer places that are well lit throughout the day. It also tolerates slight shade, but in the middle zone, when placed in partial shade, it blooms less often, and the fruits become smaller, become less sugary and their number decreases somewhat. In the south, it is simply scalded by dry winds; even drip watering does not help it much when landing on open areas.

Optimal types soils for planting crops: well-moistened, loose, fertile loams and structured by applying river sand and large doses of organic fertilizers for clay soils. In the ground with increased acidity the plant feels uncomfortable, is often affected by fungal diseases, sheds its ovaries and does not produce normal growth of young shoots.

Therefore, if you have acidic soil in your garden, which is dominated by horsetail, plantain and chicory, as well as other indicators, then you need to carry out alkalization by adding fluff lime or dolomite flour in the fall. Planting in such a place is carried out either in the spring or next autumn, having previously enriched the soil with composted organic matter. Fresh manure and bird droppings are not applied to planting berry crops, since the urea present in them in high concentrations can burn the young roots of the plants.

You should not place currants on dry, ventilated, high areas without organizing watering and mulching the plantings with a thick layer of organic matter (humus, straw, compost). The presence of moisture in the soil throughout the growing season – necessary condition for abundant fruiting. Plant the bushes in low areas where debris accumulates in the spring. a large number of melt water However, you should not plant the plant in areas with close lying groundwater and in wetlands.

Planting currants

We recommend planting bushes with an open root system before winter (September-October), since during the frosty period the soil shrinks well, root system adapts, and with the arrival of warmer weather, the bushes actively begin to grow, producing a small amount of fruit already in the first season after planting. It is in the fall that we prefer to replant our young seedlings grown from.

However, it is also possible spring planting seedlings, in this case it is better to cut off the flower stalks. Plants with a closed root system can be planted on the site at any warm time, spreading the roots in the lower part of the excavated earthen ball.

A planting hole for a seedling is dug with a depth of about 0.5 m and a diameter of 0.6 m. The selected top fertile layer of soil is thoroughly mixed with rotted mullein, peat manure or well-ripened garden compost(½-1 bucket), adding an additional 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium nitrate or any other mineral fertilizer with potassium. Followers natural farming do not use mineral salts when getting around natural fertilizers. Wood ash, which remains from barbecuing and burning diseased branches when pruning the garden, is rich in potassium.

Half of the prepared soil substrate is poured into the hole, a currant bush is placed on the top of the soil cone, the roots are carefully straightened, and the remaining soil mixture is covered. Last layer– earth dug out from a depth below 30 cm. After planting, the soil around the plant is moderately compacted so that shrinkage occurs as early as possible. Next, the surface of the earth is mulched with a fifteen-centimeter layer of compost / plant residues / twig chips. Mulch will not only insulate the roots for the winter, but will also saturate the soil with vermicompost and mineral salts as it decomposes.

Fertilizers applied during planting will last the plants for about a year. In the future, we recommend feeding the currants with natural starters every spring, and adding vegetable ash in the fall. May your planting of currants in the fall be successful, because now you know when and how to plant this berry crop. Have a good berry harvest in your garden every summer!

20.07.2016 27 235

Planting currants in autumn

On autumn days, many summer residents rush to plant on their plots. fruit trees And berry bushes. Planting currants in the fall is no exception; this period is considered the most favorable for plant establishment and a good start next spring. Unpretentious shrub grows everywhere: in conditions middle zone, in the Moscow region, in Ukraine and Belarus. From the article you will learn what month to plant bushes, how to care for the plant, and also look at examples in photos and videos.

Autumn planting dates

It is not easy to decide on the time, since there are no exact dates. It is necessary to focus on the climate of the growing region.

In the northern regions, the Urals and Siberia, the procedure can be carried out already at the end of August, in the southern regions, in Astrakhan, Rostov regions disembarkation takes place later - from the 10th to the 15th of October. The main condition remains the weather, too low temperature and early frosts can destroy planting material, and hasty planting during a thaw leads to the growth of new shoots.

Bushes should be planted 2-3 weeks before frost arrives. They will have time to take root well and begin to grow successfully in the spring. All varieties, black, red, golden, are very tenacious and take root well. It is quite difficult to destroy plants when planting, but still some rules must be followed.

How to choose the right seedlings?

From how much quality material will be planted, development and survival rate largely depend. Purchasing and planting container bushes (with closed roots) does not cause any difficulties, since the plants are planted throughout the entire growing season.

You need to approach the purchase of young animals with an open root system more carefully. For planting, it is advisable to choose annual bushes; as a rule, they have one shoot (maximum two). It is easy to recognize an annual plant; just look at the root system; you will find a large number of fibrous roots there. Biennials do not have such an abundant amount of fuzzy roots.

in the photo - annual currant seedlings in the photo - young currant seedlings

It is the small suction roots that are able to quickly take root and grow, gradually turning into adult shoots. Biennial plants will not take root so quickly, but currants are very hardy, you just need to take care of proper planting.

Preparing the hole for planting

An important step preparatory work is digging and arranging a hole for future seedlings. There is no need to dig huge ditches; just dig a hole 50 centimeters wide and 0.5 meters deep.

Currants are among those plants that are very responsive to the addition of organic matter. Mix fertile soil, rotted manure, ash, humus, mix well, pour part of the mixture into the hole and place the seedling, carefully straightening the roots. Fill with the remaining soil mixture and water thoroughly.

When adding horse manure, you should also add straw, sawdust or fallen leaves. Sawdust that acidifies the soil is not harmful to currants, but it requires a slightly different approach. If the soil on the site is acidic, add 150-200 grams of ground limestone and chalk to the planting hole.

They are not always available to summer residents and gardeners, especially if the plot has just been purchased, then it is advisable to add a complete mineral complex to the planting hole. In this case, first part of the fertile soil mixture is poured, then mineral fertilizers, another layer of soil. Only then can the seedling be placed in a hole for planting; this sequence will protect the roots from being burned.

Autumn planting technology

First of all, you need to remember, when filling the planting material with soil mixture, the root collar should be in the ground at a depth of 8-10 centimeters. Do not prepare the holes in advance, otherwise when planting the earth will settle and the root collar will be exposed.

Deep planting allows you to grow roots near the root collar for better rooting, which is necessary in the first years of a plant’s life for good growth.

Autumn planting in fact, it is not anything complicated, but there is one nuance - what kind of currants do you plant, standard or regular?

This approach is very simple to explain; in the spring of next year, new shoots will grow from the ground, and the bush will grow in breadth, nutrients will be distributed evenly.

If standard currants are planted in the fall, they are planted vertically in order to further achieve the shape of a tree; spreading varieties are planted in the same way as ordinary ones.

Immediately after planting, pruning is done, 5-6 buds are left on the shoot, 4 are possible if a couple of them were near the root collar and covered with soil. Don’t be afraid to cut off shoots in autumn; the seedlings take root very well. Such pruning during planting will allow the roots to grow, and shoots will grow strongly in the spring of next year. If you do not prune the bushes, the root system will be underdeveloped, the shoots will weaken, and in the future this will affect the quality and quantity of the harvest. Now you know when to plant bushes and how to follow the basic rules.

To obtain good harvest, it is important to follow the planting and care technology. Experts say: it is better to plant the future harvest before winter. What is so good about planting currants in the fall and how to plant them correctly.

Why should currants be planted in autumn?

Currants should be planted in the fall, as they open their buds. in early spring. And if you plant the crop around April, then there is a 99% chance that you won’t expect berries that same year. Until the bush takes root and turns green, there will simply be no time left for the formation of the ovary and the ripening of the bunches.

When planting in autumn, you can pick berries from the bushes next summer

The main advantages of planting before winter:

  • rapid adaptation of the crop to the soil and rooting;
  • absence of pests in the soil;
  • timely revival in spring, appearance of foliage and ovaries.

Consider the difference in fit black currant and red or white: the former loves slightly acidic soil, well-moistened in the lowlands, and the latter prefer less moisture, lack of acidity and higher places.

It is important to remember: when planting in the fall, there is always a risk that the seedlings or cuttings will freeze in the harsh winter. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the bushes until spring, just in case. Thick spunbond or spruce paws are suitable for this.

Planting dates and geography: table

The main rule here is to give the bushes time to take root, take root and prepare for wintering. For this, black currants will need about 20 days, red and white - about 25.

How to prepare a site for planting

Since it is assumed that black currant bushes will live in one place for 10 years, and red or white ones for 20 years, places for them should be chosen responsibly.

Plant a black currant bush in more acidic and moist soil and the result will be:

  • good plant development;
  • high fertility;
  • absence of barren flowers;
  • large and juicy berries.

Plant red or white currants in less acidic soil at higher elevations.

Wind protection is important for all varieties.

Black currants do not like shade, red and white ones tolerate it more or less normally, but they also need the sun.

Good predecessors for planting currants are grains and annual grasses. Bad ones - raspberries, gooseberries.


Manure and compost are considered good fertilizers. You can use both at the same time: put it in a hole for a seedling.

A maximum of 0.5 kg of fertilizer can be applied per bush

Fertilizers applied for planting must be mixed with the soil or at least sprinkled on them so that the roots of the plant lie on the ground and do not burn from direct contact with the fertilizers.

If you need to deoxidize the soil (in the case of red and white currants), use chalk or old cement. Crushed eggshells will also work.

Many people add ash when planting. But this is an ineffective measure in the fall: the calcium that ash introduces is quickly washed out by rain from the top layer of soil, just like nitrogen fertilizers. Therefore, when planting before winter, add only double granular superphosphate - 2 tablespoons under each bush. Everything else is in the spring.

Planting in acidic soil

You can plant currants even in not the most suitable soil, for example, excessively acidic

At the planting site, remove a 40 cm thick layer of soil, mix it with dolomite flour at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m and pour the mixture back to where the soil was removed, and then fertilize with mineral additives.

Preparing planting material

You can plant currants with seedlings or cuttings. The first method is simpler: seedlings can be bought and planted immediately. But only if you understand this matter and can easily choose good planting material.


Externally, the bush should look healthy

The main criteria when choosing seedlings:

  • they should not have broken roots or cuts;
  • the plant has two or more shoots;
  • it has a fleecy, woody root.


With cuttings the situation is more complicated. Of course, it is also better to buy them from reliable sellers, since ideally the mother bushes are specially grown, monitored, and protected from diseases. According to the rules for propagating currants, nothing else should grow within a radius of 1.5 km from the mother plantings. However, on personal plot It is impossible to comply with this rule. But it is quite possible to grow a healthy bush and then take high-quality cuttings from it.

The algorithm for planting cuttings is as follows:

  1. Annual shoots with a thickness of at least 7 mm must be cut to a length of 20 cm with a sharp tool. The upper cut is made 1 cm above the bud, the lower cut is made obliquely, under the grafting site.
  2. Soak the shoots in water for 5–7 days, during which time the liquid must be replaced twice.
  3. Soak the cuttings in a heteroauxin solution for another day.

If you want to breed new varieties, it is better to use cuttings

When cuttings, you first need to graft shoots from other plants onto existing plants. And after a year, take cuttings for planting in the ground.

Step-by-step planting instructions

It is better to plant currants in any way by two people: one holds the seedling (cutting), the other digs it in.


The landing technique is as follows:

  1. Dig a hole 30 cm deep and 40 by 40 cm in size.
  2. Apply fertilizer to three-quarters of the depth and mix it with the soil.
  3. Plant the bush at an angle of 45 degrees, fan out the shoots.
  4. Sprinkle the roots with soil and compact it around the seedling.
  5. Make a ditch around the perimeter of the plant for watering.
  6. Pour a bucket of water into the groove.
  7. After the water has been absorbed, sprinkle the trunk around with peat or dry sand.
  8. Trim the shoots to such a level that 3-4 buds remain above the ground.

Currant seedlings are usually planted in orderly rows at a distance of about 1 m from each other.

Currants are a self-pollinating crop, but cross-pollination will only be beneficial, so place mutually pollinating varieties in the same row.


First, a string is pulled on the prepared area, along which the currants are planted in a couple of lines, leaving about 20 cm between them, and 40 cm between the rows, the plants should be at a distance of approximately 10–15 cm from each other

The landing order is as follows:

  1. Dig holes of small diameter about 20 cm deep.
  2. Add fertilizers and mix them with the soil.
  3. Place the cutting at a 45 degree angle in the hole and cover with soil.
  4. Compact the soil around the cutting. There should be 2-3 buds left on the surface.
  5. Make a groove around the cutting and water it generously - about half a bucket per plant.
  6. Mulch the ground around with humus or peat with a layer of 3–5 cm.

In the spring, established cuttings are transferred to permanent place residence", in the fall they form full-fledged bushes, which begin to bear fruit the following summer.

Currant care

The young plant requires special attention. The soil around it should be covered with a 10-centimeter layer of compost, peat or humus.

To prevent crust from appearing after watering, sprinkle the ground near the bush with sand. Hill up the plants before frost, and in the spring, remove this soil from the trunks.

You need to water abundantly warm water, if autumn is not rainy, especially black currants

After planting, cover the cuttings with spunbond or gauze. You can use spruce branches. Water thoroughly for the first couple of weeks. Then you can gradually accustom them to the cold - open them slightly, and gradually leave them completely without shelter. You can feed it with nitrogen mineral fertilizers.

Observing simple rules By planting currants in the fall and caring for the crop, you are guaranteed to get a good harvest in the summer.

Hello, dear readers!

Let's talk today about planting blackcurrants in the fall. The berry is healthy, tasty and makes us happy in any summer in the Urals. Moreover, young bushes give quite a decent harvest after two or three years.

Planting black currants in autumn

Autumn - best time for planting new blackcurrant bushes. Before frost, the bushes take root and in the spring they will immediately begin to grow and develop. The place is preferably sunny, but currants also tolerate partial shade. I usually plant currants along the plot, retreating a meter from neighbor's fence. She creates a living hedge for us and holds the soil so that the fertile layer does not wash down in the spring (we live on a mountain - all the gardens look like the steps of a ladder).

Preparing for landing

Prepare everything you need for planting in advance so you don’t have to run around later. A Soak the seedling in water for a couple of hours before planting. You'll need:

  • bucket of humus,
  • two buckets of water,
  • half a bucket of sand,
  • two glasses of ash.

Selecting a location

Like all currants, black currants also love the sun, but grow well in partial shade. If we plant several bushes at once, the distance between them is maintained at 1.2 meters. Think over your plantings so that you don’t have to replant adult plants later. Currants grow in one place for 30 years or more. At good care and anti-aging pruning.

Find out how close the groundwater is in your area. For many trees, shrubs and flowers this has great importance. Blackcurrant does not like groundwater above one meter.

Boarding time

Planting black currants in the fall begins at the end of August, but if it is still hot and dry, then postpone this matter. Autumn is rainy - you can start early. Until the end of September you can safely start planting. Later you need to look at the weather, if frosts are not expected for another month, plant.

Currants need time to take root before winter so that they can winter quietly and immediately begin to grow with warmth in the spring. In spring she wakes up early. If you are late with planting, bury the seedling horizontally in the ground(it will keep well), and plant it in the spring.

Digging a hole

There is no need to make a deep planting hole - currants have superficial roots. Size 40 by 40 cm, one and a half bayonets deep. Pour humus, sand and ash into the hole, mix with soil and pour one bucket of water, let it soak.

Planting a seedling

When planting, we deepen the seedling a little (the root collar is 3-4 cm below ground level) and plant it at an angle. We fill it with earth, carefully pour out the second bucket of water and mulch immediately with grass, hay, and humus. With an inclined deep planting, the seedling will quickly develop new shoots from the buds, which will remain underground. They form additional roots, which is good for strengthening the entire young bush.

Now our seedling can safely grow until spring.

Errors in planting currants:

Now I'll tell you about common mistakes when planting black currants in autumn.

  1. Late planting dates. If you didn’t manage to plant it on time or couldn’t resist and bought it late new variety– don’t rush to plant right away. Better dig it in until spring.
  2. Drying of the soil. Autumn can be different, both dry and warm. Don't forget that a young seedling needs water. In order for it to successfully take root in a new place, keep the soil moist.
  3. Vertical landing. In principle, the seedling will not get any worse - it will grow as usual. But new root shoots will form poorly and it will take longer for a lush bush to emerge.
  4. Bad landing site. Avoid planting in the shade. No swampy lowlands, close groundwater, long standing melt or rain water.
  5. Planting in a mound in the fall. The root system will not be protected from frost with this method. In a low area, organize drainage system, water drainage. Dig grooves along the area to drain excess water. You can make additional drainage at the bottom of the planting hole from sand, stones, and shards so that water does not stagnate at the roots.

Video about planting black currants