Main characteristics of the market for motor transport services. State of the transport services market in the Russian Federation

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The main feature of market relations in road transport is the excess of the supply of transportation services over effective demand in conditions of free pricing and, as a result, intense competition motor transport enterprises in order to obtain high financial results(income, profit) for transport services provided. Competition in the transport market can be defined as competition between motor transport enterprises, freight forwarding enterprises, other enterprises and organizations transporting goods, when their independent actions effectively limit the ability of each of them to influence General terms provision of services in this market and stimulate the supply of those services that are required by the consumer.

For small and medium-sized enterprises, most typical of the trucking business, competition is one of the most likely sources of problems. However, it is likely that competitors, including large transport companies with large reserves of resources, are unable to implement most their capabilities or even satisfy all the needs of their current clients.

Most small firms and individual carriers are trying to find a niche in the market where they would be to some extent protected from competition. To achieve this, they must provide services that are in some way unique and different from those of their competitors.

When assessing its competitiveness, an enterprise first of all determines its main competitors, their strengths and weak sides, geographical position, market share in the total volume of transportation (services) in the region; volume and range of services provided, additional services, pricing and sales policies; Availability of transportation capabilities of competitors and prospects for their increase, etc. Collecting information about competitors is enough difficult task. The study of commercial and advertising materials plays a certain role here. financial condition(if possible), but often the necessary information can be obtained from your customers who maintain relationships with competitors. It is advisable for transport enterprises to analyze to what extent their services, in comparison with the services of competitors, meet the requirements of consumers for warranty, urgency, delivery technology used, level of tariffs, as well as the most important motives of customers when choosing alternative services, etc. In intercity transportation, road transport competes with other modes of transport, primarily with railways, as well as with inland waterways, taking into account navigable waterways and the seasonality of transportation. When choosing a means of delivery of a specific product, shippers take into account transport costs in the price of the product, the timeliness and safety of its transportation. The higher cost of road transport is in many cases offset by meeting schedules and reducing door-to-door delivery times, availability of service and ensuring the required frequency of shipments. Besides, important factor, inducing the shipper to use road transport, there may be a desire to avoid difficulties in meeting the requirements of railway transport enterprises regarding container turnover rates, idle time of wagons and their loading, ensuring the necessary packaging of goods, etc. Beneficial for many senders intermodal transport, especially container-ready cargo, are impossible without interaction various types transport enterprises and modes of transport. Therefore, competition in the transport market is accompanied by interaction in various forms. Transport enterprises mainly use price and non-price methods of competition. If the demand for transportation and related services noticeably responds to changes in the tariff (elastic demand), then a slight reduction in tariffs is possible, which allows the carrier to attract additional customers and increase its share of the regional transport market, gaining the authority of a stable enterprise. A forced reduction in tariffs may also be a consequence of the policy of ensuring the survival of the enterprise in the conditions high competition from other carriers and seasonal changes customer needs. With non-price competition, the emphasis is on the conditions for the provision of services, ensuring the reliability of their implementation and accessibility. More high quality transportation, as a rule, is associated with additional costs and the establishment of relatively high tariffs. Reasonable application of the rules for admitting transport enterprises to work can increase the number of people wishing to obtain licenses for a certain type of activity or, conversely, reduce it. Experience of developed countries market economy shows the advisability of limiting the access of entrepreneurs to certain market segments with high level competition. For this purpose, it may be limited as total number relevant licenses, and their increased cost or additional licensing requirements are established (to the quality of services provided, the professional suitability of the carrier, etc.). In accordance with antimonopoly legislation and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, unfair competition of carriers is not allowed, including:

Misleading the clientele regarding the nature of the carrier’s services and the prices for these services;

Providing services not provided for by the carrier’s license;

Using the dominant position of the carrier in a certain type of activity to put pressure on the clientele in the sale of other services;

Use of funds state support for the purpose of developing activities that are not the subject of this support;

Conclusion of agreements between individual carriers aimed at establishing actual monopoly control over a certain market segment.

Thus, in the process government regulation There is a constant search for solutions that, on the one hand, will not lead to an outflow of entrepreneurs and dissatisfaction with enterprises operating in the market, and on the other hand, will exclude the appearance of unscrupulous enterprises, unqualified transport services, and unreasonably high competition on the market.

The transport services market is presented the following types passenger transportation: intracity, suburban, intercity and international.

Intracity transportation are the most significant in terms of the number of passengers transported. IN major cities The transport market is quite competitive and is represented by bus, trolleybus and tram services, metro, railway transport, minibuses, and private cars. Motivation for travel: travel to work or school, to shops and for other personal needs. The demand for these transportations is price and income inelastic, but has high cross elasticity.

Suburban transportation occupy the second place in terms of mass numbers after intra-city ones. The market for this type of transport services is represented by railway, bus, and personal transport. Every year, about 3.3 million passengers are transported by suburban railways. According to opinion polls, more than 41% of commuter train passengers travel to work and school, and about 29% travel to the countryside. Demand is more elastic in terms of price and income.

Intercity transportation divided into local and distant.

Local transportation is carried out mainly by rail and buses. The motivation for the trip is limited to shopping tours, transportation for personal needs and vacation spots. The demand for passenger transportation is elastic.

Long distance transportation are carried out mainly by rail and air transport, and to a small extent by bus and water transport. Demand is elastic to price, income and competitor's price, but is significantly differentiated depending on the purpose of the trip and groups of passengers.

International shipping are in many ways similar to distant ones. Air transport occupies a leading position in this market of transport services. Demand international shipping most elastic.

It should be noted that passenger transportation occupies a special place in the work of transport. This is due to their high socio-economic importance in the life of society and the fulfillment of one of the most important functions of the state - freedom of movement.

However, passenger transportation by rail, starting in the 90s of the last century, became unprofitable. Passenger tariffs cover transportation costs a little more than 55%, including suburban traffic - 22%, long-distance traffic - 67%. Losses from passenger transportation are compensated by the results of activities in freight transportation (so-called cross-financing) and in suburban transportation - by federal subjects.

Transportation planning

Planning for passenger transportation is significantly different from developing plans for freight transportation. It is based primarily on reporting data, their analysis and identification of patterns in the development of passenger transportation. This is explained by the fact that population mobility is constantly changing and it is very difficult to correctly determine it in advance.

Passenger traffic indicators:

1) departure of passengers, including direct traffic;

2) passenger-km, including direct traffic.

When drawing up a passenger transportation plan, the following factors are taken into account::

– development of the regional economy;

– income of the population;

– cultural standard of living of the population;

– growth of cities;

– development of the sanatorium-resort network and tourism;

– level of passenger fares.

Passenger transportation is characterized by high unevenness. Suburban and long-distance passenger transportation is uneven in space and time. Unevenness in space is characterized by uneven distribution of passenger traffic across railways and directions. This is due to the location of industrial and agricultural centers, places of public recreation and gardening plots.

A clearly expressed and stable character in all types of messages is unevenness in time: across seasons, months, days of the month and day.

The unevenness of passenger transportation throughout the year by month is especially evident in long-distance travel. For many years, the coefficient of monthly unevenness in all types of traffic in the network as a whole was 1.5, in long-distance traffic - 1.6, in suburban traffic - 1.25.

Largest sizes long-distance transportation is carried out in July–August, in suburban traffic – during the summer holiday season – from May to September. In the month of maximum volume, long-distance passenger transportation is almost 2 times higher than the minimum transportation in December–February, and in suburban traffic they increase to 50–60%.

The unevenness of passenger traffic can be measured by the following indicators:

monthly unevenness coefficient ():


where is the passenger-km of the maximum month;

– average passenger-km per month throughout the year;

population mobility rate ():

; ,

where is the number of passengers sent;

– population size of the analyzed region.

Planning of rolling stock operation

If the transportation plan answers the question “what to do?”, then the rolling stock operation plan answers the question “how should the transportation plan be carried out.”

The rolling stock operating plan is drawn up in the sequence indicated below:

– determine the values ​​of the static load of cars by type of cargo and the dimensions of loading, unloading, receiving, and delivery of cargo; The traffic density in tons is converted into wagons and the mileage of loaded wagons is calculated. To do this, you can use the following formulas:

, , ,

Where - specific gravity types of carriages;

– volume of transportation in tons;

– average distance of cargo transportation;

– compile a balance of empty cars at stations and sections; build a scheme for regulating empty cars and determine the empty number and then the total mileage of the cars:


where is the number of empty cars;

– average travel distance of empty cars;

– number of loaded wagons;

– average travel distance of loaded wagons.

– calculate gross ton-km by sections:


– determine the number of trains, their mileage, and the density of train traffic in sections. Train runs are calculated for each section:

in a busy direction


where is the gross mass of the freight train; calculated in accordance with the rules of traction calculations:


where is the tare weight of the car;

– empty train composition, wagon;

and in an empty direction


Where T– train composition, vag.;

– determine the linear mileage of locomotives.

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