Decorating the walls of wooden houses inside. Features of interior decoration of wooden houses

The interior, made of wood and other natural materials in eco-style, is certainly one of the most popular today. This is not only a tribute to fashion, but also an understanding that it is the healthiest and closest to nature way of organizing a room.

Covering floors, walls, and other elements of the interior space with finishing materials from natural wood designed to give the room attractiveness, insulate and protect it from excessive humidity.

When finishing with natural wood inside a house, a multi-layer structure with heat-insulating and sound-proofing qualities is usually placed between the sheathing and the finishing surface.

Benefits of wood finishing

Provided that it grows in ecologically clean areas, wood is one of the most pure materials for finishing the interior space of the home.

Coziness and comfort in the home

Wood can be used for any surfaces inside the house and serve as a material for:

  • walls;
  • gender;
  • ceiling;
  • flights of stairs;
  • floors;
  • door structures;
  • window frames;
  • decorative elements.

Wood finishing can create a special healthy microclimate in the home, in which all life processes proceed normally: sleep well, work, breathe. Unlike artificial materials that emit harmful fumes, wood does not cause headache and also the feeling chronic fatigue and can neutralize the harmful effects of other materials.

Wood reduces dampness in the room, prevents the development of bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as the appearance of mold and other consequences of excessive humidity.

Choosing wood for interior decoration

Before you start finishing work, you should decide on the choice of wood type. First you need to decide whether it will be coniferous or deciduous wood. Here the criterion will be operating conditions and wear resistance requirements. For rooms with excess humidity(baths, bathrooms, saunas) you should choose coniferous wood. And well-ventilated ordinary rooms can be decorated with deciduous wood (alder, oak, linden).

It is necessary to choose the right material for the job


By lining we mean a collective concept that unites all finishing materials equipped with a locking system. Fastening is carried out using the tongue-in-groove method and can be “butt” or “overlapping”.

The peculiarity of the use of this material is its exceptional ease of installation, which allows you to complete the interior decoration of the house in a short time. Having information about the area and shape of the room that you plan to cover, you can accurately calculate required amount linings.

The material has practicality, versatility and high decorative properties, thanks to which it can be perfectly combined with any design direction. Cladding with clapboard can be carried out in vertical and horizontal directions.

With proper care and treatment, lining can last a very long time. Its popularity is only growing over time, not inferior to more modern finishing materials. In its production, carefully dried wood with both a smooth and untreated surface is used.

Advantages of lining:

Practical and universal material
  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • nice smell;
  • unique appearance;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability;
  • durability;
  • thermal insulation and sound insulation.


  • possibility of deformation;
  • sensitivity to temperature changes;
  • swelling from exposure to moisture.

The manufacturing quality of eurolining is strictly controlled at all stages. For its production, the highest grade raw materials are used, obtained from coniferous wood, often grown specifically for these purposes. Eurolining is divided into 1-3 quality classes and complies with all accepted European standards.

The material is manufactured in accordance with European standards

This material differs from ordinary lining in its precisely adjusted dimensions, as well as the presence of a special groove that provides ventilation and moisture removal. This design feature increases durability and prevents deformation and swelling of the cladding when used in a damp environment. The excellent quality of the material makes it possible to assemble with the smallest tolerances. Thanks to this, the result of the work is highly decorative.

In conditions industrial production The surface of the eurolining is coated with a special composition, which frees home owners from the need for additional treatment with paints and varnishes.

The difference between eurolining and conventional lining:

  • significantly smoother surface;
  • strict adherence to quality standards;
  • minimum humidity level (12% versus 15-28% for lining);
  • polyethylene packaging;
  • the presence of a special protective coating;
  • larger spike size;
  • presence of a groove at the junction;
  • more ventilation grooves.

Floor board

There are two varieties: solid board and laminated board. The first option is made from a solid mass, and the other is made from spliced ​​pieces. In addition, the floorboard is divided into tongue-and-groove (having tongues and grooves) and non-tongue.

Wood flooring options

Eat regular board and Euroboard. The latter is manufactured using a special technology the latest equipment from high-quality raw materials in compliance with European standards. This board is quite expensive, but has high quality. She has smooth surface, perfect shape, low humidity and completely free from defects (holes, knots, blue). The massive Euroboard is equipped with ventilation grooves to avoid deformation due to load distribution, eliminate the risk of mold development, and also increase service life.

Pros and cons of regular solid wood flooring

The material is environmentally friendly and easy to install


  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • speed and ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • beauty of the material;
  • low thermal conductivity, sound insulation;
  • healthy microclimate at home.


  • Resin pockets are sometimes present;
  • knots that reduce the quality of the board.

Also, one of the most important advantages of such a board is the possibility of its repeated restoration. It can be sanded up to 15 times, this extends its service life to at least 100 years.

In order for the floorboard to last as long as possible, you should choose a suitable substrate and follow simple rules for caring for it.

This material looks very noble in large rooms with good natural light.

Wooden block house

This material is used for interior and exterior decoration. It is practical, convenient, easy to care for, and at the same time looks very decorative. All these qualities, as well as environmental friendliness and affordable price material make it popular among consumers. High degree drying the wood eliminates deformation, premature deterioration and cracking of the material. Treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants prolongs its full use.

To make a block house, wood of various species is used, but the most used types are larch and pine. A block house made of linden, birch or cedar looks very decorative.

Affordable and environmentally friendly material

Various unattractive surfaces, such as concrete or brick, after finishing works with the use of a block house they look more than decent. The feeling of a solid facade is created due to the fact that its individual elements in the corners are joined with special corners.

A block house made of larch wood has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as well as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, due to the release of volatile substances by larch wood - phytoncides. This property completely covers the inconvenience when processing this hard, resinous material.

Imitation of timber will highlight the most comfortable areas

This product is an effective material for interior decoration, allowing you to change the space of your home without drastic measures.

The material is not subject to deformation

Imitation of timber is produced using a special technology. First, it is dried for 8-12 weeks using special chambers until almost complete evaporation of moisture and the destruction of pests. Then the finished boards are sorted and cut. Panels made in this way are not subject to deformation, cracking, and also perfectly retain their original shape.

Thanks to the tongue-and-groove system, the assembly of the canvas from individual elements can be done with your own hands without special qualifications.

The cost of the product depends on the class and type of wood. The most popular materials are pine and spruce. They have a low price, and for some technical specifications even superior to more expensive species, for example, larch.

Imitation timber, like all natural ones wooden crafts, has low thermal conductivity and perfectly conserves heat in the room. If necessary, you can make additional thermal insulation of the building using layers of insulation placed between the finishing coating and the wall of the house.

Installation of wooden bars

The variety of types of finishing materials allows you to create your own unique design home, and the wealth of colors will help you match it to almost any type of interior.

Interior wood decoration is an excellent contribution to a healthy lifestyle, an opportunity to surround yourself with elements of ethno-style created by nature itself.

Decorating a house from natural wood - great choice for those who value environmentally friendly building materials. Natural stone, solid wood, derivatives of lumber on natural basis will always be preferred by people who care about the health of their family. Aesthetic interior decoration wooden house making your own from wood is not only prestigious, but also practical, reliable and durable.

Choosing the interior decoration of a house in favor of wood

Wooden buildings have been valued for a long time, and today it is again in fashion, which is experiencing new round popularity. Log houses, buildings with natural interior decoration, and wooden houses made of timber have a special atmosphere. They feel that unique aura of closeness to nature, which is not found in the “concrete jungle” of the metropolis.

Modern construction of individual housing based on environmentally friendly materials is relevant both for families with average incomes and for wealthy people who value everything natural. For example, wooden staircase goes well with similar wall decoration. Cladding with natural wood or interior decoration of a wooden house with clapboard is an excellent solution when updating the interior in eco-style or for decorating “like a Russian tower.”

A house with simple furnishings and wood finish as if it brings residents closer to the origins, teaches them to appreciate the texture and color of materials taken from surrounding nature. With proper processing, the wood becomes fire and moisture resistant, and a house with such finishing becomes warm and comfortable. For example, interior decoration of a wooden house photo:

The choice of finishing materials occurs at the final stage of installation of the building. Even if it was initially decided to leave the log house without additional internal treatment, it is possible to refine the walls at the end of the work, making them more even and smooth. For reasons of practicality and aesthetics, interior spaces can be formatted in different ways:

  • level with plasterboard under the wallpaper;
  • plaster for whitewashing or painting;
  • cover with clapboard or other type of building materials for the interior decoration of a wooden house.

Attention: Wall decoration wood paneling chosen during the next repair. This is especially true on the ground floor of houses where waterproofing and ventilation are poor. Damp corners cannot be dried or hidden with anything, and cladding with clapboard and composite boards based on wood and polymers, impregnated with an antifungal composition, gives excellent results!

If an old building has numerous wall defects, then natural wood-based materials will help to update its appearance. The choice of variety directly depends on general condition at home, since the sagging foundation cannot be weighed down with heavy wooden panels. Imitation "wood" based on synthetic materials looks presentable, although such walls do not have the ability to “breathe”.

The choice of interior decoration is often dictated by the main material from which the house is built. Structures made of laminated veneer lumber are built with a more strict geometry; their smooth walls are suitable for cladding under plaster. Such a wooden house with interior finishing with plasterboard is pre-sheathed with panels, and non-woven wallpaper can be glued on top of the plaster for painting.

Types of materials for interior decoration of a wooden house

Building materials for the interior decoration of a wooden house are produced on a natural basis with the addition of polymers, natural and synthetic resins, dyes and chemical impregnation. However, natural quality wood after high-tech processing it will always be among the favorite finishing materials. Wood is the most affordable of the environmentally friendly materials and the purest natural material available. Despite its apparent simplicity, this eco-material has many options in texture and shades.

There are different types of wood:

  • very light and dark, almost chocolate (wenge wood);
  • practically without a pattern and with a pronounced pattern;
  • rich reddish and pale shades, etc.

Wood valuable species very expensive, it is practically never found in solid form on the construction market. But the unique patterns and delightful texture of natural wood are available in the form of veneer and wooden wallpaper. In the form of thin sections, sheets of expensive wood are glued or soldered to more affordable wood panels. In this form they are used for interior wall decoration in wooden house- photo:

Wall covering is carried out:

  • laminated chipboard;
  • laminated plastic with a wood-look pattern;
  • veneered MDF;
  • clapboard;
  • siding;
  • panels made of composite materials.

All these materials belong to the so-called “dry finishing”, and “wet” processing involves plaster or putty, which must dry before final decoration. For example, gluing walls with glass wallpaper for painting on a prepared surface.

Attention: If for self-repair wooden house and interior decoration, prices for materials seem high; it is better to divide the costs into several stages than to give preference to low-quality materials or low-tech installation.

“Dry” wall repair is an excellent solution for a clean and quick renovation, in which there is no need for the family to move out for a while. It is enough to vacate the room in which repairs or interior decoration of a wooden house made of timber are being carried out.

Tip: To protect the wall cladding from rodents, do not leave gaps behind the wooden panels. All free space is filled with mineral wool. It will also serve as sound insulation and hygroscopic material to reduce wood moisture.

“Wet” cladding or plastering of walls

Facing and leveling the timber from the inside using plasterboard is not often chosen, especially when the log house is new and significant shrinkage is expected during the first year. After 2-3 years, the main shrinkage of the walls will be almost complete, and you can move on to the final stage. It is fashionable to complete the construction of a wooden house with interior finishing with plasterboard in several ways.

The plaster is applied over the gypsum boards when they are already securely fastened. Dry mixtures are produced as starting and finishing (decorative) mixtures. Classification of solutions:

  • plaster;
  • cement;
  • lime;
  • combined.

The cement-sand mixture is suitable for laying tiles, small lightweight panels or facing stones in rooms with high humidity. This is an entrance hall, a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen.

For living rooms (bedroom, children's room, living room, office) use plaster and putty based on gypsum or lime-sand mixture. This starting finish “breathes”, it minimizes humidity in a wooden house and prevents the formation of condensation. When the air is very dry, it releases excess moisture from the walls.

Upon completion of the rough work, they move on to decorative cladding walls, including wall painting or wallpapering for painting - photo:

Step-by-step preparation method for finishing the walls of a wooden house:

  • rough processing of walls (removal of dirt and organic residues, mold and insects);
  • the cracks are sealed with tow (moss, dry algae) to improve heat and vapor barrier;
  • additional impregnation of wood with chemicals against mold, fungi, rodents and insect pests;
  • sand with sandpaper and treat with wood primer;
  • It is advisable to do a test finish in a secluded place with the selected material, if it is painting or plastering, in order to evaluate the result.

Interior wood trim

Interior wall decoration wooden building associated with materials based on natural wood:

  • Gusvarblok;
  • lining and eurolining;
  • planken;
  • decking;
  • block house;
  • cylindering;
  • laminated veneer lumber;
  • decorative wooden wallpaper and veneer;
  • wooden panels and or shields;
  • lath and frame panel.

Sometimes the lower third of the walls are finished in panels with flooring materials such as parquet board or laminate with spectacular wood decor. Lock system quick installation and simple mounting to the wall speeds up the process of completing home renovations.

Tip: When purchasing, check the shade and batch number so that there are no discrepancies that may be identified during repairs; it is not always possible to purchase exactly the same material!

The same materials that were used to cover the walls of a wooden house can be used for cladding:

  • multi-level ceiling;
  • built-in wardrobes, niches and shelves;
  • staircase space;
  • decorative beams;
  • figured partitions;
  • arches and niches;
  • design and architectural details for original decor, photo:

Lining was originally used for lining freight cars, hence the strange name. Modern decorative lining made of larch or pine, used for interior decoration of houses, is very different from its “working ancestor”. It is equipped with a locking joint, well sanded and cut to standard. If desired, it can be ordered from more expensive wood. It is convenient to hide defects in old walls under the lining and lay communications behind it.

Planken differs little from lining; it has a different type of fastening with rounded ends, which ensures high ventilation. Decking is otherwise called " terrace board", since it is successfully used in open outdoor spaces. This material is excellent for covering verandas, loggias, and balconies.

Glued laminated timber is a durable building material that is not subject to cracking and delamination. They are excellent not only as a building and finishing material, but also quite acceptable for interior decoration - as flooring and ceiling beams. It is also used for finishing staircases and covered passages between buildings.

Material like furniture board It is widely used not only in the production of cabinet and built-in furniture, but also as interior decoration. It looks very aesthetically pleasing when cladding walls, stairs, carpentry, window sills, and countertops. Shields can be painted and varnished.

Attention: When purchasing materials containing wood, you cannot install them immediately after purchase. They must be acclimatized in the same room where they will be used. This will take about a week for the wood to “stand”.

Finishing by painting and staining

When choosing a type of finishing such as painting walls made of laminated veneer lumber, it is important to choose odorless paint for interior decoration. The building materials market offers big choice high-quality paint, including eco-paint based on natural resins. The color of the walls can only be chosen from the catalog, but to any white or light paint it is enough to add the selected pigment until the required shade is obtained.

If you want to leave the natural texture of the wood, but create a more saturated shade, then when decorating the interior of a wooden house with clapboards, stain is often used. In this case, roughing and sanding must be completed. No primer is applied so that the primer penetrates deeply into the wood fibers. The reddish or cherry tint imitates expensive wood. Using different shades of stain on the same wood will create a mosaic pattern or graphic contrast.

Tip: use a finished sketch based on the proposed samples to evaluate the upcoming results. It is advisable to fix the finished drawing or coat it with a protective varnish.

The smooth surface of walls finished with natural wood with a beautiful texture can also be coated with colorless varnish:

  • matte;
  • semi-matte;
  • glossy.

No less interesting is the artistic painting of walls, which is available to both professional artists and creative people who want to express themselves as a designer. Of course, there is no arguing about tastes, but the blurred outline of a master looks better on wood than the clumsy motifs made by the inept hand of a beginner. The main thing is not to overdo it when choosing a topic.

Interior decoration of a wooden house is one of the integral components construction work. The installation of internal surfaces is important not only from a practical point of view, but also for the entire design of the room. If you have certain skills, it is quite possible to do all the work yourself.

The peculiarities of finishing wooden surfaces are related to the nature of the material itself: along with its unconditional environmental value and ability to store heat, wood is highly susceptible to rotting processes. Negative influence it is affected by temperature changes, exposure to moisture and the activity of various microorganisms. It is important to take all this into account before starting to decorate the inside of a wooden house.

The entire finishing process can be divided into 4 stages:

  • Wall finishing - wood processing, removal of all cracks, irregularities and paneling.
  • Decorating the ceiling of the house.
  • Flooring finishing.
  • Creation of interior design of the room.

Each stage will be discussed in detail and provided with examples. ready-made solutions and step-by-step operating instructions.

Decorating the walls of a wooden house: step-by-step instructions

Walls are one of the main sources of heat loss (up to 30% of the total). Accordingly, it is important not only to properly treat the wooden floors themselves, but also to install a layer of insulation that is optimal for this case.

Treating wood material with an antiseptic

Before carrying out all major work, it is important to carefully process all internal and external wooden surfaces special antiseptic.

Antiseptic is liquid product, which performs several functions at once:

  • water-repellent properties make it possible to protect a wooden wall from moisture that penetrates with precipitation, as well as from the air; this is especially true in coastal regions with a humid climate;
  • protection against temperature changes by creating an additional layer;
  • protection against the action of microorganisms (mold, bacteria) due to disinfecting properties;
  • additional fire protection (some products contain special fire-fighting components);
  • Many antiseptics contain various pigments, thanks to which the surface acquires a beautiful color after treatment.

There are a lot of options for all kinds of antiseptics on the market, and in principle they can be divided into several groups:

  • Manufactured at water based They are used mainly for interior work, provided there is no constant contact of wood with moisture.
  • Based on organic solvents, they are used in both external and internal work: they form a dense layer that does not allow moisture to pass through and has a detrimental effect on bacteria.
  • Combined ones include fire-fighting components represented by special substances.

The treatment solution can be cancer, paint, primer and other means. A description of their purpose and advantages are presented in the table.

scuba diving
prevent the development of bacteria and mold;
colorless; do not produce odors, so can be used indoors
wood varnishes

protects well from moisture by creating a dense layer
penetrate very deeply into the wood, providing protection inner layers; do not emit strong odors, can be used indoors
used both as an independent product and as an auxiliary after treatment with the main composition; paint wood in different colors
antiseptic primers
universal products that are applied directly to raw wood

viscous materials that are applied to prevent swelling and mechanical damage to wood

More details about the rules for choosing an antiseptic for wood:

The antiseptic is applied using regular paint brush or a sprayer, if the volume of work is quite large. When working with organic-based materials, it is better to wear safety glasses and a bandage.

A few simple rules should be taken into account:

  • Before applying the product, you should wipe the wood from dirt or mechanical deposits - but this is done not with water, but with the help of a scraper and dry cloths.
  • Processing proceeds from the bottom up (so that the product does not drip onto your hands).
  • First of all, it is necessary to process non-uniform surfaces - with knots, cracks, as well as cross-sections of cuts and the ends of the beams.
  • Processing is carried out at a temperature not lower than +10°C in dry weather (humidity should be no more than 75%).
  • After treatment, leave the room to ventilate for at least 12 hours.

NOTE. You should not impregnate with an antiseptic if the wood is very wet or cold, since in this case it will not be able to saturate the material sufficiently.

Finishing cracks

The next important stage in the interior decoration of a wooden house is caulking the cracks to ensure complete tightness of the room.

You can choose different materials for this work:

  • artificial polymer products: sealants, resins, polyurethane foam;
  • traditional - flax, tow, moss;
  • most affordable option– a mixture of sawdust, shavings, wood dust with wood glue.

According to the technology of work, there are 2 finishing methods:

  • In a set - the material is first twisted into strips, then they are inserted into the slots and driven in.
  • In stretching - first the cracks are filled with material, and then they are twisted and driven in.

The technology for caulking cracks is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • The wall is cleaned of all irregularities, small protruding chips, fasteners using grinding machine(this is done at the stage of antiseptic treatment).
  • Next, the material is inserted along the borders of the beams and hammered.
  • The cracks are caulked with finer material, often using sealant or polyurethane foam.

Video - technology in action

You can also make the so-called decorative caulk. It is more accurate and is performed in new log houses, which involve extensive renovation work to create a beautiful interior. The technology is as follows:

NOTE. It is advisable to carry out such work immediately upon completion of construction, since wooden beams shrink strongly in the first year.

Sheathing and insulation of walls in a wooden house

This is the most labor-intensive and very important stage, since the quality of the insulation and finishing of the room determines its ability to maintain temperature in winter and how neat the appearance of the walls will be.

The sequence of work is carried out using the following technology:

  • Laying a vapor barrier layer.
  • Installation of a layer of insulation on a wooden or profiled frame.
  • Installing a protective layer from the wind.
  • Finishing of the internal surface (block house, lining, drywall).

The corresponding sectional diagram of the wall is shown in the figure.

Vapor barrier

The following are used as vapor barrier (waterproofing) materials:

  • polyethylene;
  • special mastics;
  • Membrane-based films are the best option, since they are able to retain moisture, but at the same time allow air to pass through well, thereby creating conditions for normal year-round ventilation in the house.

Insulation layer

Insulation materials are most often installed on wooden frame or metal (aluminum profiles).

Schematically, methods for attaching insulation using wooden beams are shown in the figure.

In the southern regions, you don’t need to use insulation, since wood itself stores heat sufficiently. However, in most cases, the installation of such a layer is an absolutely integral part of the work on the interior decoration of the wall of a wooden house.

There are several popular insulation materials:

Video: Technology of wall insulation using mineral wool and wooden profiles

Internal surface finishing

Among the most popular materials that form the basis for interior wall decoration in a wooden house are the following:

  • drywall;
  • lining;
  • block house.

Drywall is a material that will provide a smooth inner surface, the ability to paste wallpaper or PVC panels to create beautiful interior premises.

The undoubted advantages of this material include the following:

  • he has high thermal insulation properties, which is especially important for regions with a Siberian, northern climate;
  • drywall is a very pliable material, therefore, it is easy to work with; in addition, you can provide almost any bends that will hide the unevenness of the main wall and create the basis for the original design of the house;
  • moisture resistance - many types of this material have similar properties.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • fragility - you need to work carefully; in addition, when the house settles, the sheet can often crack and tear the wallpaper or other finishing materials;
  • drywall retains moisture strongly and does not allow the walls to “breathe”;
  • the material does not effectively protect the house from outside noise.

NOTE. Drywall does not hold well any weights that are supposed to be suspended (shelves). Therefore, if you choose it for decoration, you should think through all the features of the interior in advance and decide in advance on the places for shelves, niches, etc.

Drywall is very useful when you need to make a false wall to create another small room. It is installed very simply - based on aluminum profiles.

Another popular material for interior decoration of the walls of a wooden house is lining.

This is the most environmentally friendly material, and at the same time it is very affordable. Lining has other obvious advantages:

  • it looks very beautiful and allows you to create an interesting interior interior;
  • working with lining is very simple - just treat the wood with stain and fix it to pre-installed wooden profiles;
  • the material is not difficult to care for - it is easy to clean and quite resistant to mechanical stress;
  • “breathes” perfectly and does not pollute the air in the room with artificial odors;
  • the wall surface is neat and smooth, thanks to which you can start gluing wallpaper or PVC installation panels.

The only one significant drawback lining is its ability to rot and high flammability. However, treatment with previously discussed means significantly reduces such risks.

Finishing with clapboard made of solid pine

And one more interesting material, which appeared relatively recently, is a block house. Essentially this wooden plank, which has two different surfaces:

  • the front one is convex, creating the effect of a log wall;
  • the back is flat.

Since the material is wood, it has approximately the same pros and cons. However, it has great visual appeal - in fact, it itself creates a unique country-style design that can be preserved in its original form.

Internal installation technology - on video.

Finishing the ceiling of a wooden house from the inside

Finishing work to insulate the inner surface of the ceiling and give it an attractive appearance is a very important stage, since heat loss through the roof is no less than through the walls (all heat rises upward).

In addition, it is important to ensure that the roof is completely waterproof. If in attic it is supposed to equip living room(attic), accordingly, sufficient sound insulation and floor strength should be ensured.

Most often, environmentally friendly wood materials are selected for these purposes. They create pleasant, clean air at home, and on their basis you can create a lot of design options for every taste.

Wood processing

Usage wood cladding- the most natural and logical option in the case of interior decoration of a house made of wood. The material options are as follows (in order of increasing service life):

  • plywood;
  • lining;
  • massifs of coniferous species (spruce, pine, larch and others);
  • more expensive solids (beech, bast, ash, birch).

Structurally, there are 2 technologies:

The finishing methods are very simple, and the ability to attach them to load-bearing beams allows you to complete all the work quite quickly. Some design options are presented in the video.

other methods

Of course, along with wood materials There are other technologies for manufacturing the inner surface of the ceiling in a wooden house. The most common option is to create a stretch ceiling.

Along with obvious advantages In terms of the possibility of creating your own design and the high operational strength of the material, in the case of wooden houses there are significant disadvantages:

  • suspended ceilings do not allow air to pass through, therefore, to some extent, a greenhouse effect is created;
  • profiles from suspended ceilings together with the canvas, they may become somewhat deformed as a result of subsidence of the house.

NOTE. This problem is most likely for old houses with worn-out foundations and roofs, as well as for newly built structures, which will inevitably shrink during the first years.

Finishing flooring in a wooden house

The final stage of finishing work involves insulating and laying the floor surface.

In general, its structure is not fundamentally different from the wall - it also contains insulation, a layer of waterproofing and the finishing material itself.

There are several important requirements for the floor:

  • it must constantly withstand heavy loads;
  • keep the house warm;
  • be perfectly level;
  • resistant to rotting and mechanical damage.

Wooden floor

Structurally, the floor can be constructed in two ways:

  • wooden load-bearing beams with decking;
  • concrete floor with wooden flooring.

Both options have their pros and cons, and you need to choose based on the specific object. Concrete is durable, tightly blocks access to the house for insects and rodents, and is also very resistant to long-term mechanical loads and is not susceptible to rotting.

At the same time, wood is not so durable, but it is warmer and does not heat up the house in hot weather. The best option in many cases - a concrete floor with a thick layer of insulation and wooden flooring. In this case it turns out exclusively reliable design with additional heat-insulating properties.

The technology for installing a wooden floor is simple:

NOTE. If the floor is installed on the basis of wooden beams, then they should be treated with an antiseptic Special attention. It is better to do several approaches of 2-3 layers.

Concrete floor

In the case of constructing a concrete floor, the material is poured in two ways:

  • directly onto the ground (the pre-dug pit is reinforced with a layer of sand, crushed stone and gravel to provide additional protection and drainage);
  • between wooden joists passing under the house.

Concrete is reinforced, after which there is always a layer of waterproofing, and then laid wooden floor using the same technology.

Creating an interior in a wooden house

The interior decoration of a wooden house should be carried out with preliminary design planning. Conventionally, two design groups can be distinguished:

  • “Urban” - when they are glued to the inner finishing layer regular wallpaper or PVC or MDF panels are installed, and in this case the interior is no different from an ordinary city apartment.
  • Country - styling for a natural, rustic look with classic light and dark brown warm tones. In this case, the finishing material itself (especially block house or lining) serves as the basis for the design.

The use of country music is especially successful in the case of spacious rooms with 2 or more floors, spacious living rooms, since wood wall creates the effect of space and ensures fresh air due to the characteristics of the material.

Light colors are perfect for a bedroom or children's room.

Warm, rich tones are appropriate in the kitchen, creating cozy atmosphere for pleasant family evenings.

Wood surfaces are a versatile design element, as they also work well in spaces such as the bath.

Interior decoration of a wooden house is a job that can be done independently. It is only important to think through all the details in advance and take into account how design features, the quality of the material and its design capabilities.

Today for interior design The premises offer an unimaginable variety of materials. However, not many of them can compete with decorative coatings made from natural wood.

Wood finishing

Wood is real unique material, allowing you to stick to both classic options interior decoration, and use bold, never before used design solutions. Wooden buildings have been valued at all times, and our urban age is no exception. After all, decorating a room with wood is not only attractive appearance, but also environmental safety. Decorating the premises with wood in a city apartment allows residents of the metropolis to touch nature and temporarily escape from the bustle of the “stone” jungle.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Features of wood as a decorative material

Wood is one of the safest finishing materials for human health. Decorative items made of natural wood can be used to decorate a wide variety of rooms.

Wood is often used for decoration:

  • staircases and landings;
  • wall surfaces:
  • ceiling;
  • floor.

Types of wood

This is due not only and not so much to the affordability of the material, but to its absolute safety for human health. Rooms decorated with natural wood have a healthy microclimate. Experts noted that in such rooms a person’s performance increases and the need for sleep decreases. An important feature of wood finishing is its ability to neutralize the harmful effects of other, synthetic decorative coatings.

There are a considerable number of interior elements made of wood. However, the raw materials used to make a particular decorative coating are of decisive importance. For example, you should not use pine lining to decorate a bathroom. After all, it reacts extremely negatively to high humidity in the room.

Important! Wood is a material that reduces humidity and prevents the development and progression of diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Moreover, properly treated wood is practically not susceptible to fungal diseases.

Wood species for interior decoration

The quality and durability of a wooden covering directly depend on the type of wood used to make a particular type of wooden finishing.

For the interior decoration of an apartment or house, it is recommended to use hardwood:

  • oak (one of the most expensive options);
  • Walnut;
  • maple;
  • ash.

However, we should not forget about coniferous species trees. For example, lining made from pine or cedar is popular among homeowners, and semi-precious mahogany can add a special charm to the room.

When planning to decorate an apartment or house with one or another wooden covering, take care of it in advance sufficient quantity. Don't forget about protective coating for finishing materials made of wood. Remember also about the material’s resistance to mechanical damage. By the way, pine trim is quite soft, so it is better not to use such material in a children's room or hallway.

Decorative wood covering

Types of wooden coverings

It is no secret that every tree has certain qualities. Naturally, when planning the interior decoration of a home with wood, these properties must be taken into account. Moreover, there are many decorative coatings made exclusively from wood characterized by certain properties. For example, for wall decoration it is better to use relatively narrow wooden panels, better known as lining.

This decorative coating, made from absolutely natural materials, is the most common in our country. Currently, lining is a collective definition that includes such wooden finishing materials as block house, eurolining, solid wood slabs. solid wood etc. They are united by the presence of a special lock connection, allowing you to decorate a wall with wood in a very short time.

Decorating a house with clapboard is an almost universal option. After all, such decorative material allows you to decorate rooms of any functional purpose.

The main thing in this case is to take everything into account possible nuances. For example, it is better not to use coatings made from pine or spruce in rooms with high humidity. This is explained by the fact that pine lining is prone to fungal diseases. Conifers wood is not recommended for finishing a sauna or bathhouse. This is explained by the sharp pine smell of the material, which it will emit when heated. In addition, coniferous panels in a sauna often emit various resins that are not conducive to human comfort and health.

Along with the already known and widespread decorative materials Relatively new wooden wallpaper is also used. Finishing material This type has positive features:

  • Wallpaper made of wood guarantees original design premises.
  • Wooden wallpaper will add uniqueness to the interior, because each new roll has a different texture unique to it.

Some inconvenience is caused by the mandatory use of special adhesive mixtures when fixing wallpaper to the wall. In addition, after gluing wooden wallpaper, they will need to be coated with wax or a special varnish, this will give them a noble dark shade when sunlight. Working with such material is even somewhat easier than with conventional wallpaper. During the gluing process, there is no need to adjust the wallpaper sheets according to the specified pattern. After all, each roll is unique and imitates natural wood. Nature does not tolerate straight lines and monotony.

This material is an imitation of a log surface. Therefore, it is often used not only for interior decoration, but also when decorating the facade of a house. Basically, it is used if you decide to decorate a room in a rural style, also known as country style. This is an excellent alternative to the already somewhat boring lining or euro-lining.

Installation of block house panels can be performed by any person who knows how to use manual and electric tool. At its core, a block house is a modified lining, the panels of which have a convex shape on one side, imitating a log, and on the other, a plane that ensures reliable fixation of the material to the wall.

Decorating walls with wood requires a careful approach to the materials used. Before settling on one option or another, you should carefully study the properties and characteristics of the wood that serves as the basis for the manufacture of a block house. By the way, hardwoods are more resistant to fungal diseases, mold and mechanical stress. In addition, panels made from such wood practically do not dry out or warp. Of course, working with hard wood is more difficult, but the result is worth the effort.

Important! When decorating a room with long, narrow panels, do not forget that by doing this you visually give the room additional volume. This effect can be enhanced by using a block house in light colors.

Decorating the premises with natural wood materials will make us remember the flooring. It is difficult to imagine a more common material for creating a floor than a wooden board, which comes in at least two types:

  • Solid wood board.

In addition, there are floorboards that are tongue-and-groove and not tongue-and-groove, that is, those equipped with special locks and those not. The floorboards are characterized by the classic “tenon and groove” design, which allows the floor to be installed quite quickly.

The main advantage of a floorboard is the ability to restore it many times. Theoretically, if such flooring is regularly updated and repaired, it can last at least a century.

At its core, this is another variation of the same lining, but of more serious dimensions. The use of such material can visually change the room. In order to produce high-quality false beams, it will take at least 2-3 months. At the first stage, the material is placed in special chambers, where the wood is deprived of residual moisture, and destroyed possible pests. After which the boards are sorted and given right size. Imitation timber, made from natural wood and properly processed, perfectly retains its original shape and is resistant to various types mechanical influences.

The canvas can be fixed to the surface both horizontally and vertically. In the second case, the effect of a wall built from real timber is created.

There are products of different classes and, accordingly, different price category. The greatest demand is for false beams made from pine or spruce, due to their relatively low cost.

Imitation of timber, like everyone else wooden coverings, prevents heat loss from the room and has excellent sound insulation qualities.


Installation modern coatings made of wood is not very diverse. Almost always at the first stage it is necessary to assemble a frame or sheathing, which, like decorative elements, it is worth treating with protective solutions and antiseptics.

The final stage of construction is finishing the inside of a wooden house, and in this case, photos can help the owners decide on the style of their future home, but they will have to choose the materials themselves, as well as carry out a series of preparatory work. Wood presents special requirements for subsequent finishing, therefore, when carrying out interior work, its properties and characteristics should be taken into account. In addition, do not forget that a house made of wood is not only beautiful and warm, but also has a special energy. Its interior design can either emphasize unity and harmony with nature, creating an atmosphere of unique comfort, or be ultra-modern, but no less comfortable.

When should interior finishing work be carried out?

The interior decoration of a wood house should be carried out only after the main shrinkage has passed (this only applies to “fresh” log houses). At this stage, active shrinkage of the tree occurs, the beams or logs change their dimensions downward, and the insulation is pressed. If the interior finishing is done before the shrinkage is completed, the result can be a curved coating, which may also fall off and you will have to start all over again.

The duration of shrinkage is affected by:

  • Type of house construction.
  • Material (timber, log, etc.), its initial moisture content.
  • Climatic zone of construction.
  • Construction time.

In particular, a house made of laminated veneer lumber shows the main shrinkage 3-4 weeks after construction, this is the fastest time. Other types wooden houses They require several months or even years to shrink. On average, finishing inside a house can begin only 10-12 months after the completion of construction itself.