"Panama Papers": what you need to know about the investigation. Why the Panama Papers blew up the world

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) on Monday, May 9, released the full Panama Papers database, which provides information on the owners of offshore companies from different countries peace. At first, in Russia, according to this database, there were 2,229 offshore owners, and 7,319 companies, but then the list was updated.

Now there are 6,285 Russians in the database. There are also 11,516 offshore companies associated with Russian citizens, and 5,534 addresses in Russia are mentioned, notes RIA Novosti.

For comparison, according to the same database, 8,995 offshore owners are among Chinese citizens, 4,536 among US citizens, 920 among British citizens. There are only 165 offshore owners from Ukraine.

On the ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database project website you can find information on more than 100,000 offshore companies. After launching a database search, there were no unreleased documents left from the Panama Papers.

The consortium's YouTube account contains instructions explaining how to use the database.

According to a study by Columbia University professor James Henry, published on May 8 by The Guardian, more than $12 trillion was transferred from Russia, China and other developing economies through offshore companies. Chinese citizens are hiding $1.2 trillion offshore. Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, which have been involved in high-profile corruption scandals in last years, are also among the countries that are disadvantaged in this sense, the newspaper writes.

According to the ICIJ database, 1,784 citizens of Malaysia, 2,961 citizens of Indonesia and 780 citizens of Thailand own offshore companies.

On April 3, 2016, the same ICIJ published large-scale material about the network of offshore companies around the world. The publication was made possible thanks to the leak of documents from the Panamanian company - the registrar of offshore companies Mossack Fonseca. Hundreds of journalists from different countries, including employees of the German Sueddeutsche Zeitung, the British The Guardian and the Russian Novaya Gazeta, participated in the analysis and addition of the MossFon data received from an anonymous source.

The man who organized the leak of the Panama Papers about offshore companies first explained his motives on May 6 through the German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, hiding under the pseudonym John Doe. He explained that he does not cooperate with any intelligence service in the world and has never worked for intelligence agencies. John Doe stated that he considers the current world order to be unfair and believes that crimes are often committed through offshore companies and, in general, this institution is used to make the rich get richer to the detriment of the interests of the less wealthy.

More than 300 economists from 30 countries called for the abolition of offshore companies

Once the investigation, known as the Panama Papers, was posted online, non-governmental international organization Anti-corruption team Transparency International called on the leaders of the G20 countries to “immediately” get together and ban offshore companies around the world.

On Monday, May 9, more than three hundred economists from 30 countries made a similar appeal to world leaders. Among the authors of the appeal is the laureate Nobel Prize in Economics 2015 Angus Deaton, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund Olivier Blanchard and many other prominent economists who call for the abolition of offshore tax havens. In their opinion, tax incentive zones “do not serve economic purposes” and add nothing to “global welfare,” writes.

The announcement comes ahead of an international anti-corruption summit to be held in London on May 12, attended by politicians from 40 countries, as well as representatives of the World Bank and IMF. It will be hosted by British Prime Minister David Cameron.

“Overcoming offshore companies will not be easy, since there is a huge personal interest of those who are satisfied with the current state of affairs,” note the authors of the appeal. In their opinion, “there is no economic justification” for the continued existence of offshore companies.

On the third of April last year the Panamanian storm broke out. The basis for drastic climate change was the publication of the results of a journalistic investigation into the case of a large Latin American offshore registrar - the law firm Mossack Fonseca. In a matter of hours, the storm spread to all continents and caused significant political damage to many famous people.

The full extent of the destruction on this moment impossible to estimate. Journalists published only part of the materials and promised to supplement the lists of offshore owners by name in May. In anticipation of new scandals and revelations, experts and simply caring people are trying to assess the consequences and understand how to continue to live.

Meanwhile, the consequences for those involved are not at all the same.

photo from cartoonaday.com

Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson suffered the most. Only two days passed between the report's publication and his resignation. The politician was not even given time to make excuses. Although, what could a civil servant, who made the fight against offshore companies one of the key slogans of the election campaign, say in response to questions from angry citizens about his own shadow operations. Indeed, it is wiser to remain silent and leave the office amid disapproving noise.

The leader of the ice country was not the only figure of this magnitude to find himself on the incriminating list. In total, it included twelve active world political leaders with different shares of participation.

But it is worth noting that the scandal did not spare even those whose names were not directly included in the list - they are accused on the basis of circumstantial evidence, linking them with close associates who took over multimillion-dollar transactions.

Among those indirectly involved was Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Panamanian offshore companies: investigation of the scandal with the list of Russians

photo from thenewdaily.com.au

Russia is accustomed to corruption. Despite annual restarts of programs and the introduction of new regulatory measures and penalties, we consistently maintain high level in the field of corruption of the bureaucracy. Habit is a terrible thing - what caused a waterfall of emotions the first time can only make you chuckle thoughtfully by the tenth time. Therefore, the results of the investigation seriously shocked a few people - mostly journalists. The general public reacted with restraint, and when compared with Iceland, there was no reaction at all - even the police officers were not interested in the dull pickets in the center of Moscow,

At the same time, there are a lot of Russians in the global compromising evidence. There are governors, officials from the presidential staff, and heads of large state companies. Of particular interest were the names of people who are part of the president's circle - the Rotenberg brothers and cellist Sergei Roldugin, in particular. In total, independent journalists discovered connections between offshore companies and the families of twelve officials.

What exactly is the problem?

photo from www.dw.com

An offshore is a tax haven on foreign territory, where you can place your capital without fear for its safety: all kinds of benefits and special conditions that's a guarantee. The law firms involved in the management will monitor your savings in compliance with the best financial traditions. In the end, everyone will be happy: the country where you keep your money can support its own economic system; you hid shadow income and avoided taxes.

But! In addition to ethical considerations, there is an official ban on civil servants in Russia from participating in business transactions abroad and from having accounts abroad. Deputies State Duma it is forbidden to practice entrepreneurial activity basically. Therefore, offshore companies are nothing more than a violation of all the listed regulations.

Draw your attention to:

Despite the serious accusations against officials that journalists rushed to bring forward, there is no direct evidence that allows us to say unequivocally without a special investigation that this or that person is guilty of violating the law.

Panamanian offshore companies: all the names of Russian citizens that you should pay attention to

photo from the site srv1.imgonline.com.ua

Pending publication detailed materials investigations, in which, obviously, we will find even more interesting information, let’s briefly look at the names included in the list.

Dmitry Peskov

On duty, the presidential press secretary often appears in front of the public. It is much more difficult for a public person to leave his private life outside of his profession. Hence the questions about expensive watch, high-end honeymoon trips and so on. It is not surprising that his name appeared in the news headlines in the offshore case. What is the reason?

His wife: professional figure skater Tatyana Navka was listed as a beneficiary of one of the companies. The famous athlete’s comment was unequivocal: there have never been offshore companies; who could use the name does not know.

In fact: the company was registered in 2014, before the wedding of Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov. There is no information about the current beneficiary.

Dmitry Ulyukaev

He is not an official. Unlike his father - Alexey Ulyukaev, minister economic development.

Dmitry was the director of one of the offshore companies at the time when Alexey Valentinovich served as first deputy chairman of the Central Bank.

In fact: from a formal point of view, there are no violations. Especially if you forget to mention that at the time of registration of the company, Dmitry was only 21 years old.

In addition to the Ulyukaev family, a certain Yulia Khryapina was involved in the case of this company. Based on some guesses, analysis of photographs and the establishment of possible connections between Ms. Khryapina and Alexei Ulyukaev, it is believed that this may be the official’s wife.

In fact: there is no direct evidence.

Ivan Malyushin

From 2003 to last year, citizen Malyushin served as deputy manager of the presidential affairs. In the scandal about Panamanian offshore companies, he is mentioned in the list of Russians who were beneficiaries of one of the companies registered in Panama.

In fact: the company, of which Malyushin was listed as a beneficiary, ceased to exist in 2013. The formal ban on offshore ownership is tied to the same year. The only problem is that the company was abolished three weeks after the amendments prohibiting civil servants from participating in foreign business and having foreign accounts came into force.

Maxim Liksutov

The vice-mayor of Moscow was listed as a beneficiary in several offshore companies.

In fact: before the 2013 restrictions came into force, Liksutov’s shares were transferred to his wife, from whom he subsequently divorced.

Along with officials, regional heads (Andrey Turchak, Boris Dubrovsky), representatives legislative branch(Dmitry Zvagelsky, Mikhail Slipenchuk, Suleiman Geremeev, Alexander Babakov), security forces (Alexey Patrushev, Igor Zubov). However, even in their case, without a special investigation, the charges look weak.

Panamanian offshore companies of Putin's friends: the scandal they are talking about

photo from panamapapers.sueddeutsche.de

What received the most attention was not the Rotenberg brothers, whose names often come up when trying to accuse the president of corruption, but cellist Sergei Roldugin. The musician is known for his close friendship with the president, and therefore his name among the owners of offshore companies with a turnover of several billion dollars attracted special attention.

Questions were raised not only by the existence of companies, but also by their operating patterns. Here is one example: a company owned by a musician agrees on the purchase of shares in the oil and gas company Rosneft. The contract is concluded. But suddenly the deal breaks down. The firm receives $750,000 as compensation. Transparent scheme? It may not seem like much to us, but without an investigation and concrete evidence, convictions are not made.

By the way, on the offshore case, the Kremlin adheres to the position taken a week before publication: earlier comments were published stating the possible injection of information compromising Russia. After the release of the investigation materials, their results were called “speculation”, and it was announced that there were no intentions to file lawsuits based on them.

photo from birdinflight.com

Leitmotif: no matter what corruption connections journalists, opposition politicians or other interested parties draw, accusations of violation of the law must be supported by evidence and investigations. So far they have not been carried out, which means that loud words about revealing the fraud of the century remain nothing more than words.

The world's elite hide their money behind exotic trusts, secret bank accounts and nominee directors - a global investigation by the world's best publications lifts the curtain on the "shadow financial system" of officials and politicians around the world

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), together with several publications, including the Russian Novaya Gazeta, published the results of an investigation based on a large-scale data leak from the mail of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca & Co - the fourth largest offshore law firm in the world. companies. According to the authors of the investigation, the company in a number of cases helped clients launder money, evade taxes and circumvent various sanctions.

The company's documents mention 72 former and current heads of state, as well as many well-known companies and people.

The documents mention four companies that are somehow related to Russia - Sonnette Overseas, International Media Overseas, Sunbarn and Sandalwood Continental, owned by Sergei Roldugin. He is known as a childhood friend of Vladimir Putin and Godfather one of his daughters. The book about Putin, “In the First Person,” describes his acquaintance with the future president and his close friendship.

All of these companies belong to Sergei Raldugin: two of them directly, two more through people associated with him. In two offshore companies, the musician’s interests were represented by entrepreneurs Oleg Gordin and Alexander Plekhov, associated with the Rossiya Bank of the Kovalchuk brothers.

These companies were involved in transactions that experts who reviewed the documents consider suspicious.

Each offshore company had its own role in the scheme, the investigation says. Some were used to obtain loans from Cyprus on preferential terms (RCB Bank is partly owned by Russian VTB), others were intended to control large blocks of shares in Russian enterprises.

The turnover of only one offshore company, Sandalwood Continental, amounted to about $2 billion. The volume of transactions in other companies was smaller, according to the authors of the investigation, but also measured in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Money came to offshore companies from the following sources: over-the-counter transactions with shares of the largest Russian state-owned companies, “donations” from large Russian businessmen, and preferential loans from the Cyprus RCB bank.

Journalists analyzed several stock transactions made by Roldugin's companies. Shares were bought and sold the next day for huge profits. The counterparty of the offshore companies was first the brokerage firm Troika Dialog, and later Sberbank. Each transaction with Roldugin's companies became unprofitable for them.

Another type of income was strange “donations” from businessmen. So, in 2007, another offshore loaned Roldugin’s company $6 million. And a couple of months later, this loan was forgiven for a fee of $1.

“The MF database contains documents about other similar cases. For example, in 2011, IMO, owned by Roldugin, “bought” the right to claim another $200 million from another offshore company, Ove Financial Corp., for the same $1. Unfortunately, we were unable to find out who is behind this structure,” the investigation says.

Large amounts of money were transferred to companies Russian businessmen, for example, the structures of Alexey Mordashov and Suleiman Kerimov.

Offshore companies also controlled shares in largest enterprises Russia, including Video International, created recently by Mikhail Lesin, who died under strange circumstances: this company controls most television advertising in the Russian Federation. Video International is co-owned by Bank Russia of Putin’s other friends: the Kovalchuk brothers.

Roldugin's offshore companies had options to manage stakes in KAMAZ and AVTOVAZ, and he had the right to gain control over both enterprises for only 100 thousand dollars.

The main target of the investigation into offshore companies, published by an international consortium of journalists, is Russian President Vladimir Putin, said press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports.

“Of course, an information product has been created that is being promoted on our domestic Russian political scene. This product is aimed at an internal audience. Although Putin does not appear anywhere factually, and although other countries, other leaders, and so on are mentioned. But for us, of course, it is obvious that the main target of such stuffing was and is our president, especially in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections, and in the context of the long-term perspective, I mean presidential elections in two years... And also, in general, probably, overall political stability in our country,” Peskov said.

Many other Russian officials also became heroes of the investigations.

Andrey Turchak's wife

From 2008 to 2015, Kira Turchak was the sole owner of a company registered in British Virgin Islands. This company never appeared in the declaration of Turchak, who first worked as a senator, and since 2009 has headed the Pskov region.

Dmitry Peskov's wife

In 2014, Tatyana Navka registered the company Carina Global Assets in the British Virgin Islands to manage assets worth more than one million dollars. In November 2015, the offshore was closed. If Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov registered their marriage in June of that year, as the media wrote about it, then the law prohibiting the wives of civil servants from owning foreign assets was violated (the company should have been closed within three months). Navka herself told reporters that she knew nothing about the offshore company; She also does not know where the copy of her passport came from in the documents. Dmitry Peskov said that his wife never had an offshore company.

Governor Dubrovsky

The current head of the Chelyabinsk region, Boris Dubrovsky, was found to have an offshore company through which he sold bills to himself. He also had an account in a Swiss bank, which Dubrovsky did not give up even after his election as governor.

Nephew of Patrushev

Alexey Patrushev owned a stake in an offshore company, which - through another offshore company - controlled a stake in the First Kursk Distillery. Journalists note that this is not a violation of the law.

Son of the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs

22-year-old Denis Zubov, the son of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Zubov, founded a company in the Virgin Islands that was engaged in real estate. Now Denis Zubov controls much larger financial flows: he owns half of the Metalit oil trader with revenue of almost 20 billion rubles in 2014. “All color revolutions in all countries began under the slogan of the fight against corruption,” Igor Zubov said in 2015.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs

During his service, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Makhonov owned half of the offshore company that established the Nemo TV project. This Internet TV service allows you to watch movies and TV series; The initial investment of the project amounted to $20 million. There is no information in the documents that Makhonov renounced his share.

State Duma deputies

Journalists found offshore companies of United Russia members Viktor Zvagelsky, Mikhail Slipenchuk and Alexander Babakov. State Duma deputies are prohibited from owning foreign assets, and these parliamentarians either did not get rid of the assets on time or did not get rid of them at all.

Incomplete list of citizens of the Russian Federation - owners of offshore companies:

Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure in Moscow.

Oleg Gordin and Alexander Plekhov, St. Petersburg businessmen, are both associated with Rossiya Bank, co-owned by Putin's close friend Yuri Kovalchuk.

Alexey Ulyukaev, Minister of Economic Development of Russia.

Ivan Malyushin, Deputy Manager of Presidential Affairs (from 2003 to 2015).

Suleiman Geremeev, member of the Federation Council from Chechnya.

How international leaders are reacting to the Panama Papers

Great Britain. British Prime Minister David Cameron admitted that he owned a stake in the offshore company of his father Ian Cameron, The Telegraph reports. It is reported that he sold his stake for 30 thousand pounds ($42 thousand) shortly before taking over as prime minister. At the same time, Cameron insists that he personally paid all taxes “in the usual way.”

Parliament has requested copies of documents from Mossack Fonseca to investigate cases of tax evasion, Reuters reports.

Ukraine.“After becoming president, I stopped participating in the management of my assets, transferring this responsibility to respected consulting and law firms“, Petro Poroshenko wrote on Facebook in response to the publication of an investigation according to which he allegedly hid money in offshore companies.

“According to a preliminary study of information disseminated by certain media outlets about violations of the law by President Petro Poroshenko, the Prosecutor General’s Office does not see any crime in these statements and information,” said Assistant Prosecutor General Vladislav Kutsenko on the Ukrainian 112 TV channel.

The opposition demanded a vote of no confidence in the president.

Azerbaijan.“The children of President Ilham Aliyev are adult citizens of Azerbaijan. They can have their own business. This is not prohibited by any law,” said presidential press secretary Azer Gasimov.

Belgium.“The Panama Files investigation is a priority... It is necessary to determine whether this is fraud or tax evasion,” said Belgian Finance Minister Johan Van Overtfeld.

France.“All data that will be transmitted will provide grounds for launching investigations from outside tax services, and will also entail legal proceedings,” AFP quotes Franus Hollande. The President also thanked the journalists who published an array of data on illegal financial transactions.

Pakistan.“Everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their assets: they can throw them into the sea, sell them, or create a trust for them. There is no crime in this either under Pakistani or international laws,” Information Minister Pervez Rashid commented on the situation.

Australia.“The information released provides evidence of serious tax crime in some cases,” said Michael Cranston, deputy head of the Australian Taxation Office. The tax department intends to check data from the “Panamanian archives” regarding 800 people.

Austria. Chancellor Werner Faim noted that the Panama Papers should be “carefully examined.” And on April 7 he left his post CEO Austrian bank Hypo Vorarlberg, mentioned in the Panama Archives. Michael Grahamme has headed the bank since 2012.

Iceland. On April 5, Iceland's Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaigsson "temporarily" resigned. As journalists found out, Prime Minister for a long time owned the company Wintris Inc., registered in the British Virgin Islands, which owned debt obligations of Icelandic banks for 3.6 million euros.

Thousands of people held rallies in Reykjavik demanding Gunnlaigsson's resignation.

USA. On April 7, it became known that US authorities would study documents from the Panama Archives to obtain information about legal or individuals, which could help Russia circumvent sanctions.

Malta. On April 6, members of the Maltese government demanded the resignation of the country's energy minister, Konrad Mizzi. His name was included in the list of world leaders involved in the “offshore scandal.”

Switzerland. On April 6, Swiss prosecutors raided the headquarters of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) in Nyon in connection with possible violations in the sale of television rights. According to the Panama Archives, Gianni Infantino's signature was on a 2006 sale agreement for $111,000 to show Champions League matches in Ecuador to Cross Trading.

Chile. On April 4, the president of the Chilean branch of Transparency International, Gonzalo Delaveau, resigned. As a lawyer, he has represented five firms registered in the British Virgin Islands.

China. On April 4, several hundred posts discussing the Panama Archives were deleted from the Chinese social networks Sina Weibo and Wechat. The BBC reports this. The investigation materials about the Panamanian offshore registrar Mossack Fonseca mention relatives of high-ranking members of the Chinese leadership, including the brother of the wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

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For a week now, a scandal has been brewing with the release of documents from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, containing information about the offshore companies of various famous and not so famous people.

Many are wondering who organized this leak of information and for what purpose. Indicate those who officially pay for the activities of the ICIJ (various charities, including the Open Society of George Soros, as well as the US Agency for international development USAID). It should be noted that according to some publications, the case began with the fact that an unknown informant sent information to the German Süddeutsche Zeitung in 2014, but Top Secret, which published an interview with several participants in the journalistic investigation, claims that the case began back in 2011, when the director of the ICIJ An unknown person sent Gerard Ryle a hard drive with 260 gigabytes of information, and he suggested that the Consortium participants take up this topic. But in 2011 and 2014, the global political situation was completely different, and accordingly, the goals and customers could be different. The option “done by someone who benefits” is also difficult to apply - the investigation brings characters from all countries into the light of day.

But I want to say something else:
1. Could it happen that such a large-scale investigation (several hundred journalists from several dozen countries) went unnoticed by the world's largest intelligence agencies? In my opinion, this is completely unrealistic, tales about the benefits of careful instructions in the style of “do not use WiFi in in public places and don’t leave the computer open” - this is for children. And if so, the only politicians who appeared were those whom the real leaders of the processes decided to slaughter for bad behavior.
2. For some reason, most media talk about more or less famous people, but forget that the largest transnational banks are under attack. In the recent past, US regulators have flogged major European bankers, and it looks like another large tranche of fines now amounting to tens of billions of dollars is just around the corner. It is quite possible that this, gaining control over the banking network, was the real goal of the show organizers.

3. 32 trillion was discovered in offshore accounts. dollars. This, by the way, is the annual GDP of the United States and the European Union combined. As the authors of the investigation say, most of the accounts are completely legal, the money on them is completely legal and there is no crime in this. This is money removed from taxation in the countries where it was earned.. Not all over the world there is such a liberal taxation system as in Russia, but let’s assume that 15% of this money was due for payment. At a minimum, FIVE TRILLION dollars were STOLEN IN A COMPLETELY LEGAL WAY from people who, through their labor, created the material wealth of our world. This money was to be used to build schools in South-East Asia and roads in the Russian outback, hospitals in African countries and jobs in Latin America. But instead, the money is spent on luxury goods for the jaded masters of life, on generous handouts to the servants who revolve around them - cooks, couturiers, politicians. And almost no one talks about it. British Guardian 2012 regularly publishes reports on its investigations into offshore fraud and it doesn't cause any resonance

The Panama scandal erupted in early April, but still continues to “delight” the public with new details.

History of the Panama scandal

Let us recall that in early April, as a result of an information leak, it became known that a large Panamanian firm called Mossack Fonseca & Co was involved in large-scale corruption deals aimed at hiding the income of unscrupulous taxpayers around the world. Among the TNCs that hid their income in Panamanian offshores are Coca-Cola, Apple, Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, Ford, Goldman Sachs. The Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime reported on May 9 that Panama scandal More than 200 thousand offshore companies are involved. The list of the “Panamanian archives” mentions more than a dozen full namesakes of Russian millionaires. True, most of their offshore companies ceased to be active by 2015, most likely due to the adoption of the law on foreign organizations. It is possible that there are no fewer offshore companies among Russian millionaires - their owners simply prefer to register companies in the name of other persons. The Panamanian lists include many large politicians, including heads of state such as: the presidents of Ukraine, Argentina and the UAE, the Prime Minister of Iceland and the King of Saudi Arabia. British Prime Minister David Cameron risks losing his post due to his involvement in illegal financial transactions.

Putin's entourage in the Panama Archives lists

Well-known Russian politicians also appear on the Panama lists. For almost a month it has been discussed that the childhood friend and godfather of one of Putin’s daughters, Sergei Rodulgin, had financial assets in Panamanian offshores. Although the president himself stated that Rodulgin spends all his savings on musical instruments and does not engage in illegal financial transactions.
The online newspaper “Economic News” reports that another wave of publications of documents from the “Panama Papers” confirmed the participation of the president’s cousin, Igor Putin, in Panamanian offshore companies. But Dmitry Peskov and his wife in new version there are no Panama lists, although their names were listed in the first document published by journalists. It became known about new names that appear in the “Panamanian archives”. Thus, according to unconfirmed reports, the lists include offshore accounts registered to the Rotenberg brothers - Boris and Arkady, as well as Ramzan Kadyrov and his relatives.

The Yabloko party began its “Panamagate”

Russian Political Party Yabloko could not remain indifferent to the unfolding events and stated that it would also look for the owners of Panamanian offshore accounts among Russian political figures.
The head of the party center for anti-corruption policy, which is part of the Yabloko party, Sergei Mitrokhin, called on party supporters to look for the names of regional deputies and officials in the database of the list published by journalists of the ICIJ organization. Let us remind you that the list was opened on May 9 and is located here. Most likely, activists of the Yabloko party will not be able to find major “finds” - the names of all famous personalities from the Panama list have already thundered in the media. But now it’s the turn of local and regional officials to worry. The Vedomosti newspaper reports that the Yabloko party has already found several new names of officials from the list: the names of two regional deputies and the son of the former prime minister of Udmurtia coincided.