Jigsaw files for shaped wood cutting. Choosing files (saw blades) for a jigsaw

Jigsaw files photo

Jigsaw files: markings

The marking of jigsaw files can tell you a lot, including its purpose - you just need to look closely at it, meet and decipher familiar symbols, and everything immediately becomes clear. This is, of course, if you know how it is read. That is why, when studying replacement jigsaw blades, you need to start with their markings. As a rule, it is a set of Latin letters and Arabic numerals. The first is a letter and it indicates the type of shank. As a rule, these are the letters “T”, “X” or “U” - the latter is very rare, but the first is widespread and indicates that the shank has a T-shaped different shapes.

Jigsaw blade: photo shank

Following the first letter there is a series of numbers - as a rule, there are three of them, but it is the first of them that is important. It indicates the length of the canvas:

  • 1 – standard short file 75mm long
  • 2 – Standard file of medium length (90mm)
  • 3 – Extended file, the size of which is 150mm
  • 7 – Very long. Size over 150mm

After the numbers, there are letters again, but this time, they do not indicate the type of shank, but the size of the teeth - as a rule, this letters A,B,C and D. “A” is the smallest tooth, and “D” is the largest. "B" and "C" should be understood as intermediate options.

Quite often, in the marking of jigsaws, there may be not one letter at the end, but two - the last of them indicates unique qualities consumables. Let's look at them in a little more detail - we won't write long lists. As they say, only the most necessary and common:

What else can you read when studying the inscriptions that are applied to the jigsaw blade? In principle, you can additionally learn about the material that was used to make it. By by and large this is not important, but if you want to buy a really high-quality canvas that can work for a long time, you need to have this information. Between the T-shaped protrusions of the shank and the saw blade itself, you can find three Latin letters, which tell about the material from which the file is made. There are not many options here - only four:

  • HCS – high carbon steel. Just what you need for soft materials.
  • HSS – high-speed tool steel. This option is ideal for black and non-ferrous iron.
  • BiM – bimetallic files. Flexible and durable, and most importantly universal.
  • HM/TC – carbide files. Quite specific blades - they are used mainly when working with very hard materials (steel, tiles, fiberglass and even abrasive materials).

Saws for woodworking

I would like to note right away that the main purpose of an electric jigsaw is to work with wood and materials made from it (chipboard, plywood, ...) - everything else is, as they say, a secondary use. For this reason, jigsaw files for wood have a lot of varieties - they can differ both in the size of the tooth and the angle of its sharpening, and in the shape of the file itself. In general, without delving into the study of these instruments, we can distinguish two main types:

Well, as for the subspecies of these wood blades for a jigsaw, you shouldn’t bother with them - as a rule, this is more of a specialized tool, and it’s not a fact that it will prove itself in the best possible way. Let me give you a simple example - blade T101BR, with a reverse tooth direction. One of the recommended uses for this file is on a laminated surface. Practice shows that an ordinary wood blade with fine teeth can do a good job - a reverse blade cuts worse and also creates vibrations and a lot of inconvenience in work.

Blades for metal work

Any jigsaw file for metal has a fine tooth and its marking, last or penultimate, always contains the Latin letter “A” - this is due to the strength of the material. The harder the material, the finer the tooth needed to cut it. There are no special varieties of blades for metal - the only thing that can be mentioned here is the shape of the cutting edge.

In many ways, the purpose of metal files for a jigsaw is determined by other factors - you need to understand that every different type metal has its own characteristics. For example, aluminum is a soft and tough metal - if you use a standard blade with a fine tooth to saw it, then most likely it will be ineffective and will clog. For of this material files are produced separately - for example, blade T224D, with Alu written on it.

And finally, a few words about the so-called special jigsaw blades - most of them have a narrow specialization, and they can only be used on a certain material. In particular, there are separate saws for plastic, aluminum, profiled metal, pipes, ceramics, cement, sandwich panels and even for boards with nails. The most notable of them, so to speak unique in their kind, can be called a diamond jigsaw file, which is used for very hard materials and ferrous metals, and the so-called jigsaw file. The latter cannot be used in mass production - it cuts confidently, but slowly.

Various jigsaw blades photos

In principle, all that can be highlighted in the entire variety of replacement blades for jigsaws is that there is not much left to say. For household, you don’t need to buy absolutely all types of files - there is a so-called “gentleman’s set” that includes five files that can cope with all household needs. These are the T101D (for rough cutting wood), T101B (for fine cutting wood), T101BR (for finishing work with a reverse tooth), T119BO (for shape cutting wood) and the standard metal file T118A. These jigsaw files will fully satisfy any home craftsman.
Author of the article Alexander Kulikov

Processing of abrasive materials.
Treatments metal products of varying hardness.
Processing of wooden products.
Cutting tools (they have a combined blade and are used for wooden and metal products).
Treatments of stainless steel.
Processing of various plastic objects.
For processing products made from fibrous materials.

Fibrous materials are divided into:

ceramic products;

The performance of a jigsaw depends on the size and pitch of the teeth on the blade used to process the material.

When purchasing a cutting blade, you need to consider the length or thickness of the material that will need to be cut. The length of the file should be 5 mm greater than the thickness of the material, plus the stroke of the jigsaw.
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Cutting part shape

The teeth of jigsaw files are its cutting part. It can be divided into:
File characteristics table

Table of characteristics of wood saws.

The cutting part in which the teeth are milled and set apart. The alignment of the teeth, which are bent one after another to the right and left, prevents heating of the cutting tool and helps remove sawdust that is formed as a result of the cut. The width of the saw blade is done professionally if it leaves a cut equal to one and a half thickness of the blade. These varieties are used for quick cutting of wooden, plastic, and metal products of varying hardness.
The cutting part has milled teeth in the form of waves. The cutting tool is adjusted not through the tooth, but several pieces in opposite directions from each other. This blade is used when it is necessary to obtain a clean and even cut. This is relevant when cutting plastics, non-ferrous metals and other non-hard materials.
Cutting part with ground teeth. It has a conical shape. Such cutting tool, with conical processing is used for “finishing” cuts of plastics and various types of wood.
The cutting part with set teeth is ground. This cutting tool is used for quick, inaccurate sawing of small-diameter wood (up to 50 mm). It is used for working with fiberboard and chipboard.

For the convenience of consumers, manufacturing companies have developed special markings and apply them to the tail part of the cutting device. This marking uses groups of letters and numbers.
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Explanation of symbols
Markings on the saw blade

The first number indicates the length of the cutting blade. It can take a value from 1 to 7. The number 7 “says” that the length of the file is more than 15 cm.

The letter following the first number indicates the size of the teeth (A, B, C, D). The symbol "A" denotes very small teeth, and any metal cutting tool has this designation.

F – the most expensive cutting tool (bimetal blade);
R – cutting tool with teeth in reverse side;
X – universal blade for metal, plastic and wooden products;
P – the thickest blade, this cutting tool is used for cutting different materials at the selected angle, they do not bend due to their thickness, the cut is perfectly smooth;
O – blade for curved cutting.

Naturally, for processing various materials manufacturing companies make fabrics from different brands become.

For saws cutting wood, high carbon steel (HSE - High Carbon Steel) is used. In fact, carbon is one of the cheapest and most effective alloying additives, when when it increases in iron, the hardness increases sharply, but ductility is lost. Carbon in carbon steels reaches 2%. The hardness of such steel is quite capable of processing wood.

Large teeth provide greater cutting depth, but may break the edges of the wood. To prevent wood from breaking, it is necessary to use saws with fine teeth and minimal feed. Also, for sawing wood, the technology of sawing along the fibers or diagonally, relative to them, is effective.

File for straight cut It holds the direction well, but it will not be possible to cut a small radius using it - such a file has a wide back, which is why it “holds the line” so well. For a curved cut, a special thin file for curved cutting is suitable. The back of such a saw blade is much narrower when compared with a saw intended for straight cuts; often the back is even narrower than the shank. It is almost impossible to make a straight cut with its help - on long distance she is instantly pulled aside.

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A jigsaw can be called universal tool, which allows for straight and shaped cutting of a wide variety of materials - from soft wood to steel and glass. It is worth noting that the tool itself is universal, but not its equipment: cutting of each material is carried out using specific type canvases. However, in order to choose the right file, you need to find out what criteria to use during the selection process. In this article we will talk about what jigsaw blades are, what types of jigsaw files there are, and also how to insert a file into a jigsaw.

Jigsaw files types and features

If you walk into a store and say you need jigsaw blades, the salesperson will show you many different options. They come in various lengths, widths and thicknesses, and have different size teeth and shank type.

Jigsaw files, based on the material being processed, are classified into:

  • jigsaw file for metal. Such blades are made from high-speed steel. They can cut different types metals, including aluminum and non-ferrous metals
  • jigsaw file for wood. These files are most often made from high carbon or chrome vanadium steel. They are designed to work with softwoods and wood-based panels.
  • files for glass and ceramics. Such blades are made of an alloy of carbide with tungsten, which has high strength. You need to purchase such a canvas if you need to carry out a large amount of work using hand jigsaw, for example, with ceramic tiles
  • universal files. They are created from high-speed steel for sawing wood, metal and plastic materials.

According to the type of operations performed, saws are divided into two categories:

  • for straight cutting. These blades have a wide back, which makes it possible to guide it in a specific direction to obtain a straight cut.
  • for figured cutting. These blades have a narrower back than the shank, making them easy to guide different sides. The result is a smooth figured cut.

If you look closely at jigsaw files, you can see that they have different sizes tooth layout and sawing edge geometry. Not only the cleanliness of the cut depends on the type of wiring, but also what material such a file can be used for working with. Highlight:

  • milled with classic layout. The classic setting is teeth alternately bent in different directions, by analogy with hand hacksaw. This type of routing reduces the heating of the saw during cutting, because the file experiences virtually no friction in a fairly wide cut. However, it will not be possible to obtain a neat cut, but the cutting speed is achieved at a high rate. These saws are used to cut different varieties wood, plastic and non-ferrous metals
  • milled with wavy layout. In such a file, the teeth are directed in groups of several pieces. It is noteworthy that each tooth has a different amount of deviation from the central axis with its nearest neighbors. The working edge of the saw blade resembles a wave. The use of such a blade helps to make clean cuts on wood, chipboard or plywood, as well as on non-ferrous metal and plastic
  • polished with classic layout. The teeth of these blades are set apart and polished. The cut with such files is quite wide. Such blades help to quickly and fairly cleanly cut wood and its derivatives - chipboard, fiberboard
  • with conical grinding without routing. The blades of such files do not have a tooth spread, but their segments are ground, as a result of which thin line cutting and straight cutting. With the help of such saws, you can carefully cut wood, laminate, and polymer materials.

The most significant parameter for a file is the grade of steel from which it is made. The files bear the following markings:

Main characteristics

However high quality steel is not a guarantee that the file will cope with the assigned tasks. An important role is also played by:

  • workpiece dimensions. Before purchasing, you need to decide on the size of the workpieces to be cut. For timber with a cross section of 50x50mm and furniture board It is worth using different files. For timber, saws with working part sizes from 51 to 126 mm are suitable. Then as for cutting sheet metal short blades (51mm) are needed, long blades (106mm) are more suitable for cutting pipes
  • type of cut. Important criterion choosing a saw blade - cutting geometry. The straight cutting blade holds its direction perfectly, but it won’t be possible to create even a small radius with it, because it has a wide back. A special thin file for figured cutting is perfect for this type of work.
  • cleanliness of the cut. The quality of the cut is very important role in the process of creating furniture
  • tooth shape. The cut quality indicator directly depends on the tooth geometry. The larger the pitch of the teeth, that is, the gap between adjacent vertices, the faster and rougher the line will turn out
  • tooth alignment. To give the canvas more “spaciousness”, its teeth need to be spread apart. In this case, it will cut at a higher speed, but the cutting line will not be very neat
  • Progressor files. The changing size of the teeth as it increases from shank to tip is a sign of versatility. With increasing thickness of the processed material, larger number large teeth are connected to the work.

Types of shanks

An important parameter in choosing a jigsaw file is the type of its shank. There are such shanks:

Attaching jigsaw blades

The accuracy of the device and the level of its performance directly depend on the features listed above. However, there are other factors on which the ease of working with a jigsaw depends. In the process of working with a jigsaw, every master is faced with replacing the saw blade. The most common type of shank is European or “Boshevsky”. It features a cross configuration. Such canvases can be bought in every store, this is their main feature.

The most common methods of fastening the canvas are:

  • front attachment to jigsaw
  • quick-release fastening in a jigsaw.

In more budget options The block, tightened with two screws, clamps the blade with a cut. Such screws are located in the frontal plane. This system has high compatibility, but is inferior in other respects. For example, a crookedly clamped fastener can cause misalignment. If this happens, additional wedging needs to be done. Impacts of the saw on the workpiece with the butt end cause the front block to break in half or the screw threads to break. Such problems can arise if the tool is not handled correctly.

The most convenient are jigsaws equipped with a quick-release blade fastening system.

A significant difference from “regular cartridges” is that there is no versatility. Only blades with the same shank are suitable; in addition, there is some play. However, often this does not play a big role, because the choice of paintings is simply huge. since there are a huge number of paintings. The disadvantage of quick-release locks is the limited thickness of the blades. Inserting the blade in these jigsaws is quite easy.

Fastening the blade in jigsaws with a fastening method using locks implies the following sequence of work:

  • open protective screen devices
  • turn the lever located on the rod to insert the blade
  • After lowering the lever, you need to smoothly move the file into the clamp. However, it is worth considering that the file must have a thickness corresponding to the slot.

In order to insert the blade into a device with a screw fastening system, you need to do the following:

July 19

Today, every craftsman has a jigsaw in his home range. This device is quite useful because it will easily allow you to carefully and accurately perform any manipulations with the material. When buying a jigsaw, as a rule, most people also buy files “in reserve”, the purpose of which they have not the slightest idea.

But when it's time to put the jigsaw to the test, then the choice of the required blade is done at random, since it is quite difficult to immediately figure out which file is needed. For the right choice For a tool such as a jigsaw, you should know the type of blade, their markings and other nuances.


Knowledge of labeling will make it possible to choose the right blade for a jigsaw, since it can tell quite a lot, including about its purpose. To do this, you just need to take a close look at the canvas and decipher the symbols that are indicated.

Marking, as a rule, consists of a set of Latin letters and numbers. The first place in the marking is the Latin letter, which indicates the type of shank.

The most common letters that you can see on the canvas are “T”, “X”. The most commonly used marking is the Latin letter “T”, which means that the tool shank has T-shape. Quite a rarity is a canvas with the letter U.

Immediately after the letter there is a series of numbers; you should pay attention to the first one. The numbers indicate the length of the canvas:

  • standard blade 75 mm long;
  • medium file 90 mm;
  • extended file 150 mm;
  • long file, the size of which is more than 150 mm.

Immediately after the numbers there are again letters that will help you find out the size of the teeth. The size of the teeth is indicated by the following letters:

  • “A” - small teeth;
  • "D" - large;
  • “B”, “C” - medium teeth, so to speak, an intermediate option.

Sometimes there is more than one last letter, but several. In this case, the last letter indicates the quality of the consumable. The quality of consumables is indicated by the following letters:

If you are interested in the canvas material, in this case, the following markings, which can be seen under the T-shaped protrusions of the tail and the canvas, will help. Three Latin letters tell you about the material from which the instrument is made. This marking is divided into four options:

What to look for when choosing a jigsaw file?

Tooth shape

Such a nuance as “tooth shape”, cannot be ignored, since their configuration can determine the capabilities of the purchased jigsaw. Before making a purchase, it is worth understanding for what needs this or that canvas is being purchased. Great amount Small teeth will significantly improve the quality of the cut, but at the same time the speed will be reduced. A blade with large teeth will significantly speed up the process, but the cutting will be rather sloppy. Based on the shape of the teeth, the blade can be divided into the following groups:

File width and thickness

Such a nuance as the width and thickness of the jigsaw blade, cannot be ignored when choosing a jigsaw, since criteria such as the quality and speed of the work depend on these two nuances various kinds works Both wide and narrow products have their positive aspects. The wide file is quite strong and stable. When using it, you don’t have to worry that it will deviate from the intended course. Narrow blades make it easier to perform various maneuvers compared to wide ones. Thickness is also important because the thicker the canvas, the greater its stability.

Wood canvases

Purpose of a jigsaw- direct work with wood, and with those materials that are made on its basis. Wood jigsaws come in many varieties. Jigsaws are distinguished both by the size of the teeth and by their sharpening and by the shape of the file. There are two main varieties:

They are distinguished by the following parameters:

  1. File length. This parameter determines the immediate thickness of the cut.
  2. Blade width.
  3. The size of the teeth directly affects the cleanliness of the cut.
  4. Orientation of teeth.

Cloths for metal

Jigsaw blades They are usually made from high-speed steel. This product is quite hard and has a bluish tint. The file has a different tooth shape and the geometry of the blade itself. Depending on what kind of cut is needed, products with fairly fine teeth that are exactly the same size are used. As a rule, a blade with such teeth is used for soft metals.

If the choice fell on a product that has teeth with varying geometry, the saw is used for cutting harder metals. This product has teeth, where the pitch and size increases towards the edge. The advantage of this option is the direct simplification of the cut, since this structure of the teeth, as it were, planes the metal, with each of the teeth performing its own function. This structure of the file minimizes the load on the tool, therefore increasing its service life. The same function is performed with a slightly curved blade at the bottom.

All, without exception, jigsaw files for metal have small teeth. These products have a certain marking, where you can always see the Latin letter “A” in the last or penultimate place. This letter indicates the strength of the metal. Before choosing a saw for cutting metal, you need to understand what material it will be intended for. Because the harder the metal, the smaller the tooth should be.

When choosing a file for a jigsaw, it is worth taking into account the peculiarities of the material, because the wrong tool will not bring the desired result. To choose the right file, it is important to study the following marking list:

  • T111CHCS - a carbon steel product that is used for cutting wood and plastic (length 75 mm, tooth pitch 3 mm);
  • T119B0HCS – carbon steel, designed for working with soft wood (length 56 mm, tooth pitch 2 mm). Typically used for delicate work, figure cutting;
  • T101BHCS - carbon steel blade, used for cutting soft wood. The advantage of such a canvas is smooth cut(length 75 mm, tooth pitch 2.5 mm);
  • T101BRHCS - carbon steel is also used for manufacturing; the main nuance of the blade is the reverse teeth. Designed for working with soft wood (length 75 mm, tooth pitch 2.5 mm);
  • T118AHSS – hardened steel is used for manufacturing and is intended for hard metals (length 50 mm, tooth pitch 1.2 mm);
  • T144D HCS – carbon steel is used, the blade has set teeth. The direct purpose of the blade is cutting hard and soft wood. (length 75 mm, tooth pitch 4 mm);
  • T127DHSS – hardened steel is used, designed for working with non-ferrous metals. The blade has milled set teeth (length 75 mm, tooth pitch 3 mm);
  • T118GHSS – made of hardened high-speed steel. The main difference is the wavy teeth and is used for hard metals. (length 50 mm, tooth pitch 0.8 mm);
  • T118BHSS – made of hardened high-speed steel, tooth shape – slotted wavy. Main use for cutting hard metals (length 50 mm, pitch 2 mm).

Such markings can be found directly at the foot of the jigsaw blade.

Naturally, when choosing jigsaw files, you cannot remember all the nuances and criteria. When buying jigsaw files, pay attention to the following points:

Speaking of the manufacturer, you can safely mention “Bosch”, "Makita", "Practice". Jigsaws from these manufacturers have proven themselves to be excellent in quality and durability. When choosing a file, remember its intended purpose, otherwise your goals will not come true. Knowing the types of files used, and paying attention to the markings, method of fastening, as well as the manufacturer, the correct choice is guaranteed.

A jigsaw is a high-speed device, which is why do not neglect safety rules!

Properly selected components make working with any tool more convenient and enjoyable. Perhaps the most significant working element of a jigsaw is the saw blade. This consumable can turn the cutting process into a smooth and neat song, or vice versa, reduce the work to a crooked and nibbled nonsense. To save yourself from possible unpleasant situations and choose the optimal canvas for your purposes, it is useful to know their types and features. Jigsaw files, at first glance, may seem too diverse, but after reading this article, you will understand that their classification is simple and very convenient.

Explanation of markings

Today, there are several standards for saw blades, each of which is assigned to a specific brand. The most popular files in Europe are files from Bosh. In second place is Makita. The third place is shared by Festool, Hitachi and the rest. Since the marking of Bosch standard jigsaw files is the most common, we will analyze it in more detail.

As you may have noticed in the image above, the number and letter designations of the saw blade have their place and meaning. To provide a clearer picture of the overall picture, let’s talk about each symbol in a nutshell.

Shank type may have several various variations, which must be taken into account by owners of jigsaws with quick-release fastening. If your tool has a block or screw clamp, you can install a blade with any shank into it.

Saw blade length selected based on the assigned tasks and can exceed 150 mm. When choosing a long saw, it is important to understand the power of your jigsaw, since not every tool is designed to work with thick materials. Also, the blade is too long, when working with relatively thin material, will vibrate strongly, which will significantly reduce the quality of the cut. The most optimal length for standard household jigsaws on wood, is 75 mm. This indicator is due to the fact that similar models will not be able to handle thicker material.

Teeth size affects the quality and speed of cutting. If you work with decorative or facing materials, then it is better to choose a file with the smallest teeth (A). This way the work will be much more accurate, although noticeably slower. For quick and rough cutting of boards, chipboards and similar materials, it is recommended to use blades with larger teeth (B, C, D). Determining whether to sacrifice speed or quality should be based on the tasks at hand.

Special parameters indicate the features of the saw blade and have a direct impact on the quality of certain types of work. Briefly about each parameter:
  • F – Bimetallic. A fairly flexible blade with very strong teeth, which is a symbiosis of two metals. It is used for straight and figured cutting of metal and has increased wear resistance.
  • O – With a narrow back. A relatively thin jigsaw file used for curved cuts.
  • P – For precise cutting. Thick fabric that is resistant to bending during operation. Great for precise, straight cuts at precise angles.
  • X – Progressive teeth. Multi-purpose saw blades suitable for cutting wood, plastic and metal. What they pay for their versatility is the quality of the cut, which leaves much to be desired.
  • R – Reversible (reverse) teeth. Unlike the standard direction, upward, the teeth of the reversible blades are directed downward. When working with a jigsaw with a similar file, chips form on the opposite side.

In addition to the standard European marking, which not all manufacturers adhere to, there is a single designation that can be found in the description of any saw blade.

Saw blade material
Depending on the material being processed, files can be made from the following steel grades:

  • CV – chrome vanadium steel. Used in the production of saws for wood and its derivatives (plywood, fiberboard, chipboard and others).
  • HCS – alloy (carbon) steel. Suitable for cutting wood and plastic.
  • HSS – high speed steel. Used for cutting metals.
  • BM (Bi-Metal) - a bimetallic blade is a mixture of two grades of steel (HCS and HSS), where the back of the blade has an HCS alloy and the teeth have an HSS alloy. Bimetallic blades are very durable and maneuverable, and can be used for straight and curved cutting of wood and metal.
  • HIM is an alloy based on tungsten carbide. Files made from steel of this grade are used to work with ceramics, foam blocks and similar materials.
In addition to dry technical data, the manufacturer can indicate the clear purpose of the saw blade. Often, information about the type of materials and type of work is indicated on the packaging, but there are cases when these designations are written directly on the file. Below are options for the most common verbal designations with explanations.

For what material

  • Wood – Files for plywood, chipboard, fiberboard and soft breeds tree.
  • Hardwood – Blades for cutting dense wood and laminate.
  • Metal – For working with ferrous metals.
  • Alu – For cutting aluminum.
  • Inox – For stainless steel.
  • Fiber&Plaster – For cutting polymer products.
  • Soft-material – Universal blade for working with metals, plastics and wood.
Work assignment
  • Basic – File with average cutting quality. The best option for everyday use at home.
  • Clean – Blade for making a clean cut.
  • Speed ​​– For rough but fast cuts.
  • Flexible – Flexible saw blade for working with metal.

Types of jigsaw files

The variety of saw blades today goes beyond the understanding of the average user. Jigsaw saws are divided according to dimensions, tooth pitch, types of cutting edges and other parameters that are completely alien and uninteresting to most buyers. At the same time, everyone wants to work with an optimally tuned tool and get results of the required quality. To briefly and clearly explain to you how to choose a jigsaw file, we have divided them according to the most popular materials.

Jigsaw blades for wood

Wood and its derivatives are cut using steel blades of grades CV, HCS and BM. The size of the teeth depends on the type of material being processed and the quality requirements for the cutting line:

A and B are blades with the smallest teeth. Used for clean cutting of laminate flooring.
C – medium teeth with appropriate cutting quality. Popular for working with chipboard, fiberboard, plywood and wood.
D – maximum tooth length. Used for quick but rough cutting of chipboard and wood.
For straight cuts decorative materials(coated boards or laminate), a T101BR file (with medium-sized reversible teeth) is suitable.

It is better to cut timber or thick wood with a T344C blade (long with large teeth). The size of the file should be selected based on the thickness of the material being cut.

The main qualities that a chipboard file for a jigsaw should have are short length (up to 75 cm), class A or B teeth with an average pitch of 2-3 mm.

It is better to make a figured cut using a dense type T101BO (with medium-sized teeth and a thin back).

Jigsaw blades for metal

Metal cutting electric jigsaw, occurs using files made of the following steel grades: HSS and BM. Such cutting elements are characterized by small teeth with a wave-like setting (like on a hacksaw for metal). Bimetallic types Jigsaw files (BM) have larger teeth that become smaller towards the base.

For cutting sheet metal 1-3 mm thick, a T118A file, up to 75 cm long, with a fine tooth is suitable.

It is better to cut thicker metal, up to 6 mm, with a T118B specimen of the same length (up to 75 cm), but with larger teeth.

Pipes or metal profiles 1-3 mm thick can be conveniently cut with T318A blades (90-150 mm, fine tooth).

To work with very thin sheets (from 0.5 to 1.5), a jigsaw file for metal, brand T118G (up to 75 cm, with a microscopic tooth) is suitable.

Files for plastic

To work with a jigsaw with PVC products, blades made of the following steel grades are used: CV, HCS, HSS and BM. Both special files for plastic (Fiber&Plaster) and regular ones for wood or metal are suitable here. When working with this material, it is better to give preference to large teeth (B, C, D). If you only have files with fine teeth, it is recommended to set the minimum speed on the tool, since heated plastic filings can seriously clog the cutting part.

It is better to cut thick plastic with a bimetallic blade T101BF (up to 75 cm, medium-sized tooth). The speed should be below average.

Plexiglas and sheets of plastic can be cut quite confidently with a T101A metal file with a fine tooth.

Jigsaw blade for ceramics

The fragile structure of ceramics is significantly different from flexible metal and fibrous wood. For cutting similar material, special blades are required, differing from ordinary ones in the absence of teeth, in place of which tungsten carbide or diamond spraying is applied. The jigsaw file for tiles is made of carbide material, marked “HM”.

In most cases, the specimens presented in stores consist of tungsten carbide alloy and can only cope with wall tiles. There are stronger diamond jigsaw blades available for masonry that can cut floor tiles.
When working with ceramics with a jigsaw, you should understand that this tool is not intended for such material. This device is best used for curved cuts, and for straight cuts - a tile cutter or grinder.

For cardboard

Jigsaw blades for cardboard, rubber, foam and others soft materials, has a wavy cutting part, without any teeth. During operation, the file does not crumble or tear the material, but smoothly and accurately divides it into even parts.

Excellent for cutting carpet and much cheaper than professional scissors.

The best jigsaw files

A variety of different brands allows us to make the best choice of saw blade for your budget. Among the products offered you can find consumables of different quality. If we talk about which jigsaw files are better, we can highlight several manufacturers: Bosh, Makita and Matabo.

The most common, with quality that exceeds the price, are the original Bosh brand canvases, of any classification. The jigsaw files of this brand are ideally designed and very easy to use. Unfortunately, among the offers there are often low-quality fakes that create a false impression about this company. Fortunately, there are several proven ways to distinguish a fake jigsaw file from an original one.

  1. Counterfeit goods are produced by stamping from a large sheet of metal, as a result of which one of the sides of the saw blade has slightly rounded edges. Original files“Bosch”, turned perfectly smooth on all sides.
  2. Low-quality metal with corrosion and defects indicates a defective product.
  3. The inscriptions and emblems on the file must be clear, without blurry outlines. If the seal on the file is askew and blurred, then this means that this is a fake.
Find out about distinctive features You can find out more about fake saw blades in the video below.

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