Details about the plum. Cultivation, beneficial properties and variety selection

Weigela is a deciduous shrub of the honeysuckle family. Wild varieties live in eastern and southeastern Asia, the Far East and the island of Java. Decorative weigela is very popular in Europe, where it often decorates homestead areas, parks and gardens. In our climatic conditions, gardeners can rightfully be proud of the presence of weigela on their site, since they can grow and preserve flowering plant Not everyone succeeds.

Features of growing weigela

To grow this shrub, it is not enough to choose the right variety; it is important to take into account the characteristics of the microclimate and provide the weigela with proper care. Decorative weigela is moisture-loving and loves well-lit spaces, although it takes root well in the shade of sparse tree crowns. True, flowering in the shade will be weak, and the seeds will ripen late. The flower does not tolerate wind, especially from the north, so you need to choose protected places for growing.

IN garden design weigels are planted in hedges, in clumps or singly, low-growing species look great on alpine roller coaster. Weigels can be combined into groups, mixed with other shrubs (barberry, spirea, buldenezh) or with junipers.

At proper care Weigela flowering can occur twice a year - in May-June and in August-September. The second flowering is not very lush, but at the end of May the branches are completely covered with white, yellow, pink or red bell flowers. The color of the petals of this flower changes: young inflorescences gradually acquire a rich color.


Weigela is planted in the ground in the spring. The earth should warm up, but the buds are not yet swelling at this time. After autumn planting shrubs often die in the first winter. Find an elevated, well-lit area on the south side of the house. Please note that in a draft, the shrub is unlikely to bloom or will fall off at the bud stage.

Weigels love loose and rich soil with humus - loamy or sandy loam with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Of all the types of shrubs, only Middendorf's weigela grows on peaty soil. Seedlings older than three years are suitable for planting.

Ways to plant weigela

Weigela needs loose and permeable soil. Excessive moisture for shrubs is contraindicated; do not plant bushes in areas where water stagnates for a long time after floods or groundwater fit too high. Make acidic soil before planting the bush (in autumn).

Advice. Many seedlings do not take root when planted in autumn, so postpone the procedure until early spring, burying the seedlings at an angle and covering most of the crown with soil.

When preparing a hole for planting, the quality of the soil is taken into account. In rich soil, a depression of 30-40 cm is sufficient; if the soil is poor, the depth should be increased. Create improved conditions for the plant by placing on the bottom:

  • drainage (15 cm broken bricks, sand or gravel),
  • layer fertile soil, fertilized with nitrophoska (100 g per 1.5 buckets of compost).

The bush will take root easier if you treat the roots with a root formation stimulator.

Large varieties of weigela require free space so that they can develop normally. When planting several bushes, place them at a distance of at least one and a half meters. For small varieties, a gap of 70-80 centimeters will be quite sufficient.

Carefully straighten the roots of the seedling and make sure that no voids form when you fill the soil.

Attention! Do not bury the root collar more than 2 centimeters, so that after the soil settles it will be flush with the surface.

When the seedlings are placed in the ground, water thoroughly and mulch the area. The seedlings should be watered abundantly for another 3-4 days. If the summer is dry, water the young bushes regularly, next year watering may be more moderate.

Caring for weigela is easy: moderate watering, removing weeds, loosening the soil, fertilizing and pruning. This plant needs no more attention than many other flowering shrubs.

On a mulched area frequent watering not required. After a winter with little snow, especially if the shoots are frozen, in the spring the bushes are watered abundantly - 10 liters of water for each plant. The same watering regime is followed in dry, hot summers - a bucket of water every week. To provide air access to the root system and remove weeds, carefully loosen the soil around the bush without damaging the roots.

Important! If the bush is located in a dry area, aphids can settle on it, affecting the leaves and young branches. Keep an eye on the plant and regularly wash it with a strong stream of water.

Feeding and fertilizer

If, when planting bushes, you added nitrophoska and compost to the soil, you do not need to apply fertilizer in the next two years. In the third year, you should begin to stimulate the growth of leaves and shoots. To do this in the spring, when the snow has not yet completely melted, it is advisable to apply fertilizer under the bushes:

  • urea - 20 g/sq.m;
  • superphosphate - 10 g/sq.m;
  • potassium salt - 10 g/sq.m.

You can fertilize with ammophoska, diammophoska, Kemira-Lux or other fertilizer with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

The second feeding will be useful when developing buds at the end of spring. Superphosphate (30 g per bush) is suitable. After this, the weigela will bloom luxuriantly, and the branches will strengthen for winter.

Before autumn digging, carry out a third feeding with wood ash (200 g per square meter). “Kemira – Autumn” works well, the dosage is indicated in the instructions.

Attention! After each feeding, water the bush generously and spray with soapy water and alcohol.

Weigela pruning

Weigela, like all shrubs, needs regular pruning. Sanitary pruning is carried out on young bushes. In early spring, cut off frozen, broken and unnecessary branches.

Mature plants require pruning to form a bush. When the first flowering ends, carefully trim the plant. This must be done before new shoots appear, on which flowers will bloom at the end of summer. If you were unable to prune the bush in time, skip the summer trimming, otherwise there will be no second flowering.

The third pruning is carried out once every three or four years to rejuvenate the bush. Remove all old branches (3 years or more), and shorten by a third. Stimulating pruning promotes the appearance of young shoots and prevents diseases that could settle in the bark of old branches. You can give the weigele a radical shake-up by cutting off all the shoots - after which the bush will quickly recover.

Advice. Between spring and autumn flowering, lighten mature bushes by trimming old shoots at the base.

Weigela transplant

Do not take literally the recommendations to replant plants, especially garden ones, in the spring. We are talking about replanting only when absolutely necessary: ​​in case of an unsuccessfully chosen location, unsuitable soil, shade, etc. If replanting is necessary, it should be done in the spring, but do not replant the plants every year.

Dig out the weigela very carefully, try to preserve the roots as much as possible. Clean and Inspect root system, check for signs of disease, decay, plaque and other pathological changes. If you see that the roots are very damaged, there is no point in replanting the bush; it is better to grow a new plant from a cutting.

Advice. If you dig up a plant and find that its roots are intertwined in a tangle, try to untangle them without damaging them..

Do not replant the bush in the fall, since the probability of survival in this case is too low - the roots will not be able to take root and will die.

The shrub can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.

Propagation by seeds

The seeds ripen in September, by November the capsules crack and collection can begin. seed material. Tie a few seed pods with gauze and cut them off when the seeds are completely ripe. Shake the contents onto paper and dry. Place the dried seeds in a paper bag and set aside in a dark, dry place until spring. The seeds remain viable for 1-2 years, but weigels grown from seeds almost never retain the varietal characteristics of their parent.

At home, you can sow seeds in a pot and create for them greenhouse conditions. In spring the shoots will emerge; leave the strongest ones until next year. Then the seedlings can be transplanted into a schoolhouse or planted under an adult bush for two years. The process, as you can see, is complex and long, and the result is unpredictable. We recommend propagating weigela vegetatively.

Vegetative propagation

It is much easier to propagate weigela with young green shoots, semi-lignified cuttings, shoots from a stump and layering.

Green cuttings

Cut off young shoots of the current year, cut off the leaves completely or leave half sheet plate. Treat one edge of the cutting with a root formation stimulator.

Planted out green cuttings at the end of June. Prepare the soil from peat and sand, upper layer– sand (3 cm). It is enough to deepen the cutting by 1 cm and cover it with the cut plastic bottle or film. Every day, let the cuttings breathe by raising the cover for several hours. The probability of rooting of a green cutting is very high, there are almost no failures.

Weigela grown in this way begins to bloom after two years. In order for the plant to develop more actively, it is recommended to cut off the buds.

Last year's cuttings

In early spring, cut off the semi-lignified cuttings. This must be done before the leaves begin to bloom. Treat the end with a rooting stimulator. You can plant the cuttings in a pot or open ground. In the second case, choose a slightly shaded place. Cover the cutting with a jar and ventilate it daily. Growing weigela from a semi-lignified cutting is somewhat more difficult than from a green shoot. If a new shoot appears after a month, it means that rooting has occurred and the cutting can be pinched.

Young shoots from a stump

With this method of propagation, rooting occurs in the same way as in the cases described above.


This shrub, like many others, often grows branches inclined to the ground. Bend such a shoot and scratch the bark where it touches the soil. Lubricate with root formation stimulator, pin and sprinkle with soil. Next year you will receive a full-fledged seedling. Disconnect the cuttings from the bush and place them in the designated place.

Dividing the bush

This method is usually used to propagate herbaceous plants, but shrubs can also be divided if they have grown too much, or when transplanting.

Dig up the bush during the dormant period and wash it off the ground. Divide the plant into parts; young roots along the edges of the bush are suitable for propagation. Before planting, trim all branches so that the root system can develop without unnecessary stress. Plants after division are immediately planted in the ground.

Weigela flowering

Many varieties of this shrub are good not only for their bright tubular bell flowers, but also for their leaves. Weigela foliage is velvety, green or purple, with a white border. But the main advantage of this species is still its abundant twice flowering. Weigels bloom for the first time on last year's shoots, and the second flowering occurs on young branches. Autumn flowering is not as active as spring, but the bush strewn with fluffy flowers still looks highest degree spectacular. Flowers in pockets of leaves are collected in inflorescences on the tops of the shoots. The size of each flower can reach five centimeters.

Problems, diseases, pests

Weigela rarely gets sick and is resistant to pests, but if there are signs of damage, urgent measures must be taken. The disease is indicated by the active falling of leaves, the appearance of a white coating, yellow or purple spots.

Common pests of shrubs are aphids and scale insects. A timely detected problem can be easily eliminated after two treatments of the crown with any insecticide. Infusions of hot pepper, garlic or potato tops are also effective. Leaf spotting is treated with fungicides, a mixture of lime milk and copper sulfate or Topsin.

If the seedlings turn yellow and wither, their roots may be damaged by mole cricket or chafer larvae brought in with the compost. Water the soil with karbofos or actara.

It is much more difficult to overcome bacterial root canker, in which round swellings appear on the roots and harden over time. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to fight this disease and it is better to remove the bush before neighboring plants become infected.

Popular types

The bush reaches one and a half meters. This species has burgundy-colored leaves and red-pink flowers. This species feels good in the middle zone. Shoots quickly recover after freezing.

A dwarf shrub with variegated leaves and clusters of white, pink or crimson flowers. Slow growth, suitable for rocky gardens.

The leaves of this type of weigela are distinguished by a white border on the edges of the leaves. Reaches one and a half meters in height.

A purple variety with a dense crown. Red-brown leaves and richly colored flowers with yellow throats make this species especially popular.

Or Weigela Middendorff - the most winter-hardy species, suitable for growing in open spaces and under trees.

A group of weigela obtained as a result of hybridization. They are most adapted to the climate of the southern territories. The color of leaves and inflorescences is varied. Weigela flowers in wildlife are odorless, but hybridization has made it possible to endow the inflorescences with a subtle aroma.

  • In winter, weigela bushes freeze above the level of snow cover, so choose a place on the site where the snowdrifts are high.
  • After snowfalls and in the spring, when the snow becomes heavy, shake off the weigela branches to prevent them from breaking off.

It is useful to treat the bush with infusions:

  • onion peel (200 g leave for 5 days in 10 liters of water);
  • garlic (300 g of crushed, unpeeled garlic, soak for 24 hours in 10 liters of water);
  • potato tops (1 kg pour 10 l hot water and leave for 2 hours).

Spraying of plants is carried out in the evening.

Answers on questions

How long does a shrub live?

If you managed to create favorable conditions and organize good care, the shrub can live up to 50 years.

Why doesn't weigela bloom?

The plant may not bloom in the shade; due to lack of light, the shoots become woody, and flowering becomes very scarce or completely absent. Another reason is insufficient watering and lack of fertilizing. If these obstacles are excluded, pay attention to the root system; it may be damaged by pests.

How should the bush be cared for in winter?

After leaf fall, in October-November, the tree trunk area must be sprinkled with soil to a height of 20 cm. Bend the branches to the ground and press, being careful not to damage them. Cover the bush with roofing felt (spunbond) and strengthen the “roof” so that the wind does not tear it off in winter. The branches can not be bent, but tied together with twine, and the bush can be fenced with a net. Place dry leaves and spruce branches inside this structure. Properly insulate the structure. If weigela is left unprotected, the shoots will die in frost and flowering will not occur.

Weigela hybrida- Weigela hybrida Jaeg.

It has an elegant spreading crown and luxurious flowering. Shrub up to 1.5 m tall. It is especially beautiful during flowering. The flowers are tubular-funnel-shaped, solitary or collected in a loose inflorescence. They bloom on young leafy shoots. They come in pink, purple, white, pinkish-violet and violet-carmine in various shades, and have a delicate, pleasant aroma.

This name combines several hybrid forms that differ in the color of flowers and leaves. They were obtained as a result of crossings between types of weigela: flowering, garden, Korean and abundantly flowering. In gardening, hybrid forms are used more often than wild species.

In Russia, the following varieties are popular among lovers:

"Bristol Ruby" ("Bristol Ruby") - The variety was obtained in the USA in 1941. The height of the bushes is 2.5-3 m, the crown diameter is up to 3.5 m. The leaves are bright green, 6-10 cm long. The flowers are ruby-red at the edges, sometimes with an orange-red center. It blooms in June-July and grows quickly.

Weigela "Bristol Ruby"
Photo by Andrey Ganov

"Gustav Malle" ("Gustave Mallet") - hybrid between c. blooming and in. Korean. Shrub up to 2.5 m tall. It has large (up to 5 cm in diameter) pink-carmine flowers with a wide white border. It blooms at the end of May for three weeks. In GBS since 1948, 3 samples (5 copies) were grown from seedlings obtained from Potsdam and from cuttings taken from collection plants. Height 2.8 m, crown diameter 250 cm. Grows from late April to October. The growth rate is average. Blooms in June. The fruits do not set. Winter hardiness is high. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

"Debussy" ("Desboisii") - hybrid between c. garden and in. profusely blooming, with dark carmine small flowers. It blooms profusely in the second half of May for 20 days. Shrub 2.5-3 m tall. One of the early flowering varieties.

"Eva Rathke" ("Eva Rathke") - hybrid between c. Korean and V. profusely blooming. Obtained in 1890 in Poland (Gdansk). Not tall bush(0.7-1 m tall), compact, crown diameter 2-3 m. Leaves elliptical, pointed, 6-10 cm long, bright green. The flowers are red-carmine, tubular, shiny, lighter inside. It blooms in June-August and grows moderately quickly. Winters in Moscow with shelter.

"Fier Lemoine" ("Feerie Lemoine") - bush up to 1 m high, flowers are quite large, light pink. The origin of the variety is unknown.

"Rosea" ("Rosea") - hybrid between c. blooming and in. Korean. It has very large flowers with a spike-shaped limb, pink, slightly variegated with white. The height of the bush is up to 1.5 m, the crown is spreading. The leaves are variegated red in autumn. This variety overwinters better than all of the above; it requires only a small leaf cover.

The following varieties are widely known abroad:

"Candida" ("Candida") - hybrid between c. blooming and in. Korean with pure white flowers. Shrub up to 2 m high. Flowers retain their purity of color even when withering. Blooms in the third decade of May. Flowering lasts three weeks.

"Styriaca" ("Styriaca") - hybrid between c. Korean and V. profusely blooming with light green leaves and pink flowers 2.5 cm long, reminiscent of the color of strawberries. It blooms profusely in May-June; when they fade, the flowers turn carmine. Flowering lasts 16-18 days. The height of the bush is 2-2.5 m, the diameter of the openwork crown is 3 m. It grows quickly. Winters with shelter. Unlike other weigelas, cut flowers remain fresh for a long time. In GBS since 1948, 1 sample (2 copies) was grown from seedlings received from Germany. Height 1.5 m, trunk diameter 150 cm. Grows from late April to October. The growth rate is average. Blooms from mid-June to early July. The fruits do not set. In winter it partially freezes over. 100% of cuttings take root when treated with phyton.

"Newport Red ("Newport Red") - variety with bright green leaves and large flowers. The height and diameter of the crown of the bush is about 3 m. The leaves are bright green. Flowers range from carmine red to purple. Corolla length 3 cm. Flowering time: June-July. Flowering duration is about three weeks. Grows quickly, overwinters with shelter.

"Mark Tellier" ("Marc Tellier") - shrub up to 3 m tall. The flowers are very large, up to 5 cm in diameter, carmine pink. Blooms from late May. Flowering duration is 20 days. Flowers do not fade in the sun.

"Pierre Duchartre" ("Pierre Duchartre") - shrub up to 1.5 m tall. The buds are blackish. The flowers are medium-sized, dark brown-red with a purple edge. It blooms at the end of May for three weeks.

Among the group of weigels with different leaf colors, the following are interesting: f sieboldii argenteo-marginata - with white-edged leaves and pink flowers; f. kosteriana variegata - low-growing, with yellow-edged leaves and pink flowers; f. nana variegata - white-variegated, dwarf, with almost white flowers, etc.

"Looymansii Aurea". A small shrub about 1 m high, a little wider. The leaves are 5-8 cm long. At the beginning of summer they are pale yellow and then turn green. The plant is also spectacular when it blooms in the spring, when it is covered with pink flowers collected in racemes. This It is better to plant weigela in light partial shade, as it often suffers from heat in the light. In light shade, it looks, although not as golden, but more attractive, since it does not “burn” in the sun.

Most hybrid forms can be cultivated in the southern and middle zones of the European part of Russia. Not frost-resistant enough, needs shelter for the winter in middle lane Russia. Loves moist, fertile soils.

The Weigel genus is represented by 15 species growing in East Asia.

It is a very beautifully flowering deciduous shrub, prone to repeated flowering, with large flowers, about 5 cm, having a tubular-bell-shaped or funnel-shaped, two-lipped corolla, cream, white and different shades of pink or red color, changing during flowering.

Weigela flowers are solitary, but, as a rule, they are most often collected in inflorescences located on the tops of short shoots.

The great decorativeness of weigela, ease of propagation and care, have long been of interest to flower growers, who know about 5-7 species and 10 varieties.

Weigela is photophilous, good development reaches in open, illuminated places. Selected species Can tolerate slight shade. Flowers and leaves are easily damaged by the wind, so it should be planted in protected places. Weigela blooms weakly in the shade.

Weigels can be planted with other shrubs, for example, low barberries, cotoneasters, spirea arguta and Vangutta, viburnum "Buldenezh", Japanese quince, as well as among conifers - cypress, juniper. Single specimens of weigela are very impressive.

Types and varieties of weigela

Grows in Japan, Primorye and Northern China.

Shrub 3 m tall. Young shoots of flowering weigela with two rows of hairs. Annual shoots are red-brown, then gray. The leaves are short-petiolate, elliptical, pointed at the apex, serrated, glabrous above, tomentose-pubescent below or pubescent along the veins. Flowers in 4-flowered inflorescences on short lateral shoots, abundant, bright pink. Begins to bloom in May - early June. Flowering for about 20 days.

Weigela flowering can grow in the sun or in partial shade, but in forms the foliage turns green in partial shade. In the conditions of the Moscow region it is not winter-hardy. However, flowering weigela quickly restores its crown, turning into a compact bush that manages to bloom most often in the second half of summer. Loves moist, fertile and slightly acidic soils. Does not tolerate stagnant water. Growing quickly. In severe drought, it needs watering. Colorful during flowering. Used in group, single and edge plantings.

Garden forms of blooming weigela:

Weigela flowering "Purpurea"- shrub 1.5 m in height. The leaves are brown-red, elliptical, 8 cm long. The flowers of Weigela "Purpurea" are dark pink with a yellowish center.

It blooms in June. It grows quite slowly. Weigela "Purpurea" overwinters with shelter.

Weigela blooming "Variegata"- frost-resistant form with small leaves. Leaf length is about 5 cm. Bush height is about 2.5 m.

The flowers are 3 cm in diameter, pink, collected in racemes, with small leaves at the base.

Weigela flowering "Nana Variegata"- low shrub 1 m tall, on leaves with a yellow border. Weigela flowers "Nana Variegata" are medium-sized, 2.5 cm long, crimson or white-pink, collected in 4 pieces. Weigela "Nana Variegata" grows slowly.

Weigela hybrida

Hybrid weigela has an elegant spreading crown and lush flowering. Bush 1.5 m tall. It is very beautiful during the flowering period. Hybrid weigela flowers are tubular-funnel-shaped, collected in a loose inflorescence. They bloom on young leafy shoots.

They come in purple, pink, pinkish-violet, white and violet-carmine in different shades, and have a wonderful aroma.

Under this name several hybrid forms are combined, differing in the colors of flowers and leaves. They were obtained by crossing between types of weigela: garden, flowering, Korean and abundantly flowering. In culture, hybrid forms of weigela are used more often than wild species.

The following varieties of weigela are popular among lovers in Russia:

Weigela "Bristol Ruby"- shrub 3 m tall. The leaves of Weigela "Bristol Ruby" are bright green, 10 cm long.

The edges of the flowers are ruby-red, sometimes with an orange-reddish center. Weigela "Bristol Ruby" blooms in June and grows quickly.

Weigela "Eva Rathke"- is a hybrid between Korean weigela and profusely flowering weigela. Low compact, bush 1 m tall. The leaves of Weigela "Eva Rathke" are elliptical, bright green, pointed, 10 cm long.

The flowers are tubular, carmine red, shiny, lighter inside. Weigela "Eva Rathke" blooms in June and grows moderately quickly.

Weigela "Rosea"- bush 1.5 m high, with a spreading crown. Weigela "Rosea" has very large flowers with a spike-shaped limb, pink, slightly variegated with white.

In autumn the leaves are variegated red. Weigela "Rosea" overwinters better than all of the above; it requires a little shelter with a leaf.

It grows in the undergrowth of deciduous and coniferous forests, in the Primorsky Territory in cedar thickets, on Sakhalin, in Japan, in Northeast China.

Weigela Middendorf grows singly, in groups, forming thickets on gentle moist slopes, in the upper reaches of springs, along rivers and streams, on rocky placers, in the subalpine zone along glades and forest edges.

Deciduous shrub, 1.5 m in height.

The leaves are pointed, ovate or oblong-elongated. Weigela Middendorf flowers are large, bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, yellow, with orange dots in the throat, in few-flowered inflorescences. It blooms twice a year, in spring and autumn.

Thanks to the ability of Middendorf weigela to bloom again, from August to the end of September, the seeds ripen in 2 terms: in September and again in October.

The autumn color of the leaves of Weigela Middendorf appears in early October. Leaf fall in the middle zone extends throughout October. Weigela Middendorf is one of the most promising shrubs for landscaping due to its graceful growth, original flowers and proportional to the crown.

It grows in single plantings or in small groups along the edges of the southern Ussuri region and rocky slopes, in China and North Korea.

It is a spreading, densely leafy shrub up to 2 m tall. Its bark is gray, the branches are light brown, its young shoots are reddish.

The leaves of this type of weigela are elliptical or oblong-ovate, short-pointed or acute, serrate-toothed along the edge and pubescent on both sides.

In spring and summer the leaves are bright green, in autumn they are brown-yellow. Weigela early flowers are 3 on drooping peduncles, pubescent, bright pink; blooms for 30 days. The autumn color of early weigela leaves is noticeable at the end of September.

In central Russia, weigela early has become the most decorative representative of this genus, thanks to its abundant, long-lasting flowering and light purple-red flowers. In winter it can freeze slightly and needs shelter.

Early weigela is undemanding to soils and can easily be transplanted. It develops better when fresh in sunny places. Planted singly. Weigela early is very beautiful in untrimmed hedges.

Weigela ( Weigela) – spring-flowering shrubs from 1 to 3 m tall. Weigels bloom best in a sunny place, but can also tolerate partial shade. Among other characteristics of weigela is the low frost resistance of plants, requiring planting in protected places, which is compensated by high decorativeness and a variety of species and varieties.

Weigela shrubs are demanding on soil moisture and fertility. They are propagated by summer and winter cuttings. Species can also be propagated by seeds.

In gardens, the forms and varieties most often grown are grouped into the group of hybrid weigels:

Hybrid weigela (W. hybrida)

Hybrid weigela ‘ Gustave Mallet

Hybrid weigela ‘ Styriaca

Hybrid weigela ‘ Eva Rathke

Decorate the area and have fun unpretentious species with pink flowers - blooming weigela:

Blooming weigela ( W. florida)

Early blooming weigela ( W. praecox)

Blooming Middendorff's weigela (W. middendorffiana) with yellow flowers.

Weigels look great in garden design, as lining to tall trees.

If you have a large area, use this technique, since in such conditions weigela ornamental shrubs the best way protected from frost and cold wind.

Ornamental weigela shrub: photo and description

This plant was named after the very famous German pharmacologist, botanist and chemist Christian von Weigel. The shrub, which is naturally distributed in the eastern and southeastern parts of Asia, in the Far East and on the island of Java, has taken root well in our area. Weigela belongs to the Honeysuckle family and has fifteen species. However, only seven varieties are most often grown by humans. There are still a dozen decorative varieties flowering bush weigela, which are very popular for landscape decoration due to the beauty of their flowers and ease of care.

You can see the weigela shrub in the photo, the description of which should begin with the fact that this plant loves moisture and patiently tolerates poorly lit areas:

Weigela is distinguished by the presence of flowers in the shape of bells or funnels, which can grow up to 5 cm. The flowers are located on the branches singly or collected in loose inflorescences of various shades - cream, pale pink, bright red or yellow. The color of the buds can vary from the lightest tones to the most saturated. It is characteristic that with proper care of the weigela shrub, after its flowering, fruits with small seeds are sure to appear.

For true gardeners, the plant is considered a real find, because it blooms twice: the first time - from mid-May to almost the end of June, giving a lush color, and the second time - from the end of summer to the end of September, although not so lush.

Please note that in September the seeds ripen, which will be useful for further propagation of weigela. Just don’t rush to collect them: this should be done no earlier than November, when the boxes begin to crack. Experts advise that to prevent the seeds from falling into the soil ahead of time, several seeds should be wrapped in ordinary gauze and secured to the branches. When the time comes, you just need to carefully cut off the box wrapped in gauze, bring it into the house and thoroughly dry its contents. Until spring, seeds should be stored in a dark, dry place. Just remember that growing weigela from seeds does not guarantee that the future plant will inherit the varietal qualities of its parents.

How to plant weigela in spring

Planting weigela shrubs is considered most favorable and effective if it is carried out in the spring, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently. Unfortunately, experienced gardeners found that attempts to plant weigela shrubs in the fall and subsequently care for the plant were not successful. The seedlings died at the first winter frosts.

It should be taken into account that for planting bushes it is better to choose a place that is located on a hill and must be protected from strong winds. If these measures are not taken, the opened buds may immediately fall off. Therefore, remember that it is best to place weigela in the garden on the south side of a country house.

It has already been said that the plant is relatively tolerant of shaded areas. But for those who want to admire the abundant and colorful flowering of weigela in landscape design, you should choose a well-lit place for planting.

For shrubs, loose soil that is rich in humus is best suited. Taking this into account, gardeners plant plants in sandy or loamy soil. But if you are thinking about how to plant weigela called “Middendorf”, remember that slightly acidic peaty soil will also be favorable for it.

So, how to plant weigela in the spring so that your garden will soon be decorated with wonderful flowers? To do this, it is necessary to prepare a hole, the depth of which will reach no more than 40 cm. But this is taking into account the fact that the soil on the site is fertile.

Otherwise, you will need to increase the depth so that not only a drainage layer from crushed bricks, sand or gravel 15 cm thick, but also soil with fertilizers.

Don't forget to mix the nutrient supplement thoroughly with the compost. By the way, in order to increase the likelihood that the plant will take root, it is recommended to treat it with a root formation stimulator.

Please also keep in mind that if you choose large varieties weigels, which can reach a height of up to two meters, it is mandatory to plant each seedling at a distance of at least one and a half meters, or better even two.

If you have prepared weigela species for planting that do not grow above one meter, it will be enough to dig holes at a distance of about 80 cm.

In order to make it easier for you in the future to care for and grow weigela, make sure that when planting the plant, its roots are neatly straightened. And do not deepen the neck of the bush by more than 2 cm. Be sure to water the soil well after planting.

How to care for weigela to grow a lush shrub

When you have completed spring planting, you should think about how to care for weigela. There is nothing super complicated in this task. You just need to follow certain rules.

  1. Firstly, be sure to water the seedling during dry periods. But if you were prudent and carried out the mulching procedure - covering the soil around the plant with a layer, for example, of bark - then you are not in danger of frequent watering.
  2. Secondly, you need to ensure that the area where weigela grows remains clean: that is, you need to regularly and very carefully pull out the weeds so as not to catch the root system of the bush.
  3. Third, do not forget to thoroughly loosen the soil.

If you follow all the listed instructions, you will soon achieve the result that you can see in the photo of the flowering weigela shrub:

Of course, when wondering how to grow weigela healthy and blooming luxuriantly, you immediately remember adding nutritional fertilizers to the soil. True, if you have already done this in advance - added compost under the roots when planting - then at this moment you can safely forget for the next two years. But in the third year you will still have to work hard and in early spring be sure to fertilize the soil minerals containing phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. This will ensure the growth of young shoots and leaves.

We must not forget that it will help to achieve the desired result, which you can appreciate if you look at the photo below, caring for weigela shrubs, which involves fertilizing in late May or early June:

This is when the plant produces buds.

Therefore, fertilizers must necessarily contain potassium and phosphorus. This will help prolong the flowering period and make it truly magnificent.

But the third time you need to pay attention Special attention fertilizing bushes before autumn digging. Then you should add 200 g/m2 wood ash to the soil.

Be sure to sprinkle the area around the plant with soil to form a mound when all the leaves have fallen off. This moment will come around the end of October or early November. In addition, bend the branches of the bush to the ground and press it to it, and cover the top with spunbond or roofing felt. All this is done in order to protect weigela from future winter frosts.

Remember, in order to achieve the effect that you see in the photo, you need to care and grow weigela in accordance with the rules and procedures that we have described to you:

Reproduction of weigela in spring by cuttings and layering

We talked a little about how to propagate weigela at the very beginning of the article. It has been said that most in a simple way sowing of seeds is considered, but this method does not guarantee the preservation of varietal qualities. True, if some seeds still fall into the soil in the fall, do not be discouraged: when they germinate in the spring, you will be able to leave strong seedlings and grow them for another two years, so that you can then replant them on permanent place.

For implementation this method necessary:

  1. Cuttings are cut from green shoots of the current year, which are cut at the end of June, or last year, cut in early spring and already woody. Their length is no more than 15 cm.
  2. Next, they are removed from the cuttings lower leaves, and the upper ones are shortened by half. Be sure to treat the bottom of the cuttings with a substance that contains indolylbutyric acid.
  3. Then the cuttings are carefully planted in a mixture of peat and sand. You just need to take into account that the planting should not be deep - it will be enough to immerse the cuttings 1 cm.
  4. To ensure successful propagation of weigela by cuttings in the spring, gardeners cover each cutting with a plastic bottle or glass jar. They will need to be removed daily to ventilate and moisten the cuttings.
  5. Any experienced gardener knows perfectly well how to propagate weigela by cuttings, so when they notice a new shoot from one or another cutting, they immediately pinch it to stimulate the tillering process.

You can also resort to growing shrubs using layering. In this case, any of the lower shoots must be bent to the ground, and in the place where it comes into contact with the ground, the bark of the layer should be carefully slightly damaged and attached to the ground, carefully sprinkling it.

Remember that both layering and cuttings should be grown for three years before planting.

How to properly prune young weigela in spring

Of course, like any other bush, this plant obligatory haircut. Sanitary pruning of weigela in spring is prescribed for young shrubs: the procedure involves removing diseased, broken, frozen and thickening branches.

The main pruning of weigela is carried out for decorative purposes in summer period. This procedure can be performed in the spring, but only for prevention.

To understand how to trim weigela, wait until the buds begin to swell. Only then will you be able to assess the scope of the upcoming work.

And now we offer you step by step instructions how to trim weigela correctly:

  1. First, you should carefully examine the branches of the bush.
  2. Then you need to find weak or frozen shoots.
  3. Naturally, delete them.
  4. Those shoots that are partially frozen, simply cut them off to the outermost healthy bud.

Do not forget that in the spring only sanitary pruning is carried out. You need to give the remaining shoots time to grow until the summer.

By the way, another piece of advice that experts often give is as follows: even if the whole shoot is frozen, when pruning, leave a small part of it (no more than 6 cm), which is closer to the ground. There is a possibility that a bud located close to the soil will still wake up and become a strong shoot.

Pruning adult weigela in spring

How to prune weigela, which is already considered an adult plant? In this case, gardeners carry out formative pruning in mid-summer, when the first flowering has already passed and new shoots have not yet had time to grow. Just remember that re-blooming will occur precisely on the shoots of the current year. Therefore, if you did not have time and the shoots began to grow, it is better to abandon summer pruning altogether.

How to prune weigela in the spring so that the number of buds increases each time and the growth of new shoots accelerates? In truth, this will depend on the plant variety you choose.

Remember also that anti-aging pruning is good for adult bushes once every three to four years: it involves the complete removal of all branches older than three years, and those that are younger - shortening by a third.

Weigela pests and diseases

You need to be prepared that different varieties and types of weigela are often attacked by pests such as leaf-eating caterpillars and aphids. In addition, thrips and spider mites in the hot season.

Unfortunately, to combat all this abomination they use pesticides that are very harmful to the environment. You can try to fight using other methods: you should resort to herbal insecticidal infusions that contain wormwood, garlic or hot pepper.

If it gets to the point where the seedlings begin to turn yellow and wither, you will have to fill the soil with a solution of karbofos or actara. Only these moderate pesticides will be able to combat the larvae of the cockchafer or mole cricket, which most likely got into the root system with the compost during planting.

Another danger to the plant is gray rot, rust and spotting. To get rid of such fungal and bacterial diseases, treatment with lime milk with the addition of copper sulfate is most often used.

Winter-hardy weigela species and varieties for the Moscow region: photos and descriptions

Look at the photos of weigela varieties: among them there are both ornamental plants and those that can withstand even the most severe frosts in our area. Specifically for winter-hardy Weigela varieties that are most valued by gardeners include the following varieties of shrubs:

Weigela early, or pleasant- a plant that reaches up to two meters in height and grows in the Far East. This species is characterized by drooping leaves and a spherical crown. The inflorescence contains 2-3 flowers, distinguished by a bright pink hue. However, they can also be colored in purple undertones with a yellowish throat. The variety differs in that it blooms at the end of May. This lasts no longer than 30 days.

Another curious variety of weigela, the description of which differs the following characteristics– height up to three meters and shoots with two rows of hairs – is flowering weigela.

Its second name is Florida. It has leaves with short petioles and inflorescences with 3-4 pink buds. The plant blooms for three weeks at the end of May. The winter-hardy variety weigela for

The Moscow region has several common forms: – Alba, Victoria, pink, purple and Variegata.

Alba is distinguished by its tiny size and white flowers, which turn pink at the end of flowering.

Victoria is a bush that grows up to one meter, blooming with dark red inflorescences.

Red weigela, or, as it is also called, purple, reaches a height of 1.5 m and has rich pink flowers that open in June-July.

Weigela pink blooms Very unusual flowers: They are painted in delicate shades of pink on the outside, and almost white on the inside.

Variegata is considered the most persistent - bush that is covered small leaves and rich pink flowers, which are collected in brushes.

To understand what the listed types of weigela look like, take a look at the photos below:

One more suitable variety weigela for the Moscow region is considered a hybrid, which is distinguished by its lush color and spreading crown. The shrub grows to a height of approximately 1.5 m. Depending on the variety, it can bloom with purple, white, lilac, red-violet and pink flowers.

For example, for one of the most popular types– Bristol Ruby – characterized by purple buds with ruby ​​edges.

Sometimes there are plants whose flowers have an orange center. By the way, this shrub was bred in the USA back in 1941. But the Red Prince variety, which was also introduced to the world by American breeders, has rich red buds that stand out brightly against the background of green foliage.

Weigela middendorff shrub also took its place in the landscape design of many country houses. It has yellow flowers that can grow singly or be collected in small inflorescences of up to 6 buds. The bush blooms twice a year.

You can see in the photo the described types and varieties of weigela, which, of course, are not limited to the entire huge range of breeding varieties of this plant:

We invite you to pay attention to the following types of such popular ornamental shrubs.

Weigela profusely blooming, which is considered the fastest growing variety. It can reach up to 3 meters in height and has flowers that are initially red but turn pale pink towards the end of flowering. It produces wild color in May.

Korean variety It is distinguished by bell-shaped buds collected in inflorescences, the color of which varies from white to a real rich pink. The flowering period is very short - about 15 days. This wonderful phenomenon can be observed in early June.

Garden weigela came to us from Japan itself. It reaches a height of up to 1 m. It is very similar to the Korean bush, but, unlike it, it is characterized abundant flowering carmine buds collected in inflorescences of 3 flowers. In shape they resemble something between tubes and bells. Lush color can be observed almost at the very end of May, which will continue until the very beginning of July. The plant must be covered in winter. However, with age, the shrub is characterized by the acquisition of a certain frost resistance.

Veigel Maksimovich- This is a very low shrub - about 1.5 m in height. The plant is characterized by drooping leaves, slightly pointed at the tops. Its flowers reach up to 4 cm in size, are light yellow in color and bell-shaped. It usually blooms in our latitudes in the second half of May and almost until mid-June. But the seeds ripen only by mid-October.

Do you want to know what new plant species are now popular abroad? Then quickly look at the photo and read the description of weigela varieties below:

Firstly, a tall bush with white buds called “Candida” is considered fashionable.

In second place is Weigela "Styriaca", which is distinguished by pink inflorescences

Marc Tellier's weigela, which reaches a height of up to 3 m and has large pink flowers

'Pierre Duchartre' has dark brown buds.

Should these varieties really remain popular only abroad? We are sure that you will also want to experiment with the plants described.

Weigela in garden landscape design (with photo)

Weigels in the design of any garden become a truly magnificent decoration: they can be placed under sparsely standing trees, planted at the edge, complement rocky areas of the landscape, or create a magnificent hedge.

The plant will give your lawn that missing zest. It can be placed in the center of the lawn or placed four bushes at once in the corners of the plot to create a “watchtower” effect. By the way, you can achieve the same effect by planting two shrubs right at the threshold of your mansion.

If you are not deprived of imagination, you will come up with the idea of ​​​​creating a real park. This can be organized by placing weigela in a mixborder. Or, as the tallest shrub, place it on the back line so as not to block the light.

Just be sure to make sure that Sun rays did not reach the plant. You need to consider the placement of cardinal directions, which will help plant the bush where it will not be constantly in the shade. Another option is that large trees planted in front of the weigela will let through their foliage sufficient quantity sun rays.

Take a look at the photo of weigela in landscape design: what stunning plant ensembles real garden geniuses manage to create!

These are the mixed compositions that combine, for example, cotoneasters, low-growing, conifers– junipers and cypresses – with weigela please the eye and bring the desired feeling of peace. But even planted single weigela shrubs look no less beautiful at the gate or at the front entrance.

But if you still have about a dozen colorful plants, skilled gardeners recommend trying a little and placing them, for example, in three groups, which will be divided by varietal or species diversity. And a lot depends on how you want to compositionally decorate your site.

Place plants picturesquely on the lawn, planting 3-5 specimens in each group. Be sure to ensure that the seedlings match each other in color, flowering time, bush size and shape. By the way, if you decide to take such a step, do not forget to regularly mulch the area. Moreover, if the soil is loose, it would be very appropriate to plant perennials between the weigela bushes - ferns, hostas, astilbe, which can decorate any garden all year round.

And to be convinced once again of the beauty of the plant described in this article, look at the photo of the weigela shrub, which has become the choice of many experienced gardeners: