Full name Lilya. What does the name Lily mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Let's talk about a noble and sophisticated female name, which translates as “ White flower" Yes, you guessed it right - Lily, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its owner.

Lily is an accurate description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name?

First version: Latin origin of the name, which translates as “white flower”.

Second version: the name Lily has Hebrew roots, it is related to the name Lilith, in Christian mythology she is the first wife of Adam, in pagan mythology she is an ancient Sumerian goddess. Lilith is translated from Hebrew as “silence of the night”, “spirit”, “air”.

What will the girl be like?

How the origin of the name Lily influenced its meaning

Cheerful and enterprising, little Lilya is a great dreamer who, in order to get what she wants from her parents, can make up such stories that you are amazed. WITH early years her goal is to accomplish something very significant in her life , this goal forces her to be in constant creative search.

Negative traits

This is a little tyrant who, with her stubbornness, is trying to ensure that only her opinion is considered the main thing, and that everything around is controlled only by her and everyone obeys only her. The girl is always given a lot of attention - her gentle name and gentle character contribute to this. This is where selfishness and spoiledness come from. Sometimes it can be completely uncontrollable.

The delicate flower requires increased attention from its parents and they do not refuse it. This is one of main reason that the child becomes spoiled and too in love with himself. And it’s not just the girl who is to blame for having such a character. Her personality and upbringing are shaped by her parents, who pamper Lilia a lot and give her reason to think that everything is permitted and all her whims will be fulfilled.

Life of an adult woman

This is a kind and unforgiving person. Resentment in her soul cannot last long, she does not like conflict and is not capable.

Conflict is not her character trait - she quickly forgets insults and forgives her offenders.

Various trials befall her, but her ingenuity and flexibility of mind help her find ways to overcome adversity. To achieve the desired result, he will arm himself with all his charm and assertiveness.

She is used to being in the process of constant development, her mind constantly requires new knowledge and information, so Lilia always takes on latest projects and quickly completes the task. She is an analytical mind and knows how to quickly respond to complex and unusual situations. She always makes decisions boldly and is always ready to answer for them.


The person is very sensitive, quick-tempered, touchy. Such women value their capabilities very highly; it is difficult for them to realize themselves and find their calling. Lilia is very decisive, she does not allow anyone to stand in the way of progress towards her goal, if competitors appear in the business - without regret or doubt she begins to eliminate them. A very demanding leader, he values ​​punctuality, commitment to fulfilling what is promised, and does not tolerate laxity and betrayal.

Creativity and children are where Lilia’s talents are most manifested, her creative soul in these areas is like a fish in water. The material side and prestige are not important to her; the most important thing for her is to do what she loves in a friendly atmosphere.

Marriage and motherhood

She loves family and children. But a paradoxical thing is that upbringing depends on her mood, she can completely devote herself to the children, or she can completely forget about their existence, carried away by her beloved.

It is difficult for her to create a strong family; men are scared off by excessive independence in women, and Lilia constantly demonstrates this trait. But if she meets a soul mate and the man understands her strong-willed character, then the family union will be successful and strong.

In the family, he takes the initiative into his own hands and begins to create a family nest according to his own design. But the excitement goes away very quickly and she actively transfers her energy to other activities. Flirting is her favorite thing, all her friends look with envy at her talent to control men, sometimes they even allow themselves to be slandered.

She knows how to love, but she is not ready to go to the ends of the world for her beloved. Usually she successfully marries a man who takes care of her and takes care of her. For a marriage to be happy for many years, it is best if the husband was older, wiser and mentally prepared for the frequent changes in his wife’s mood and for fulfilling all her wishes, of which she has plenty.

Representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by her cheerfulness, ease of communication, and charm. She gives preference to wealthy, intelligent men who have achieved something in life.

Characteristics of the name Lily, character traits and fate

At first, the family boat is pretty wobbly different sides, the husband will need a lot of effort to tame Lilia - from a selfish, self-confident, spoiled and narcissistic woman to raise a thrifty, pliable and respectful wife. Lilia does not resist this; she dreams of a strong family.

In most cases, the husband loves Lilia very much, literally carries her in his arms, showers her with gifts, does not pay attention to his wife’s sloppiness and inability to lead family budget. Being in an official marriage, she does not set a goal to remain faithful to her husband all her life, secretly admits the thought of meeting on the side with another man, but extremely rarely and carefully cheats. If a married couple has problems sexually, Lilia will withdraw into herself, be openly irritable and begin to think about finding a lover, without seeing any sin or bad deed in this.

Negative traits

She endures quarrels very painfully; in order to exhaust them, she is ready to sacrifice her personal interests and ambitions. She is an emotional and suspicious person, very dependent on the internal microclimate in the team where she works or lives. Like a flower, she fades if there are no kind and decent people next to her. Psychological comfort for her is an important component of her overall state of mind.

She skillfully copes with the role of the offended, weak, sometimes resorting to extreme manifestations of acting - portraying a sick person during a quarrel - in order to win and evoke sympathy. All her shortcomings are compensated by compassion, the ability to feel the pain of others and a good-natured disposition. Despite all the contradictions in her character, she has many friends, whom she captivates with their loyalty and willingness to help in difficult times.


She has the gift of subconscious influence on people. Behind her external fragility lies enormous inner strength. It’s pleasant to communicate with her: she can even melt an icy heart, and her soft and friendly character will help her in this. The most important two qualities that determine her life are the high curiosity of a gifted person and an exceptional, almost phenomenal memory that records the knowledge gained. This is a creative person who gravitates towards literature, drawing and music. The owner of this name in most cases knows psychic techniques and is able to help and heal with the help of this talent.

Teenage girl character

At a young age, Lilia tries to build more equal relationships with her environment. She is trying to leave the constant nagging at her parents with various complaints in the past. Now rare quarrels may break out in the house due to the demands of fashionable and stylish clothing. During quarrels, she again turns into a little capricious girl. There are always a lot of guys who sympathize with her - guys are attracted by her intelligence, flirtatious charm.

He surprises both adults and peers with his special vision of the world and the fact that at a young age he sets big ambitious plans for the future - in family relationships and in the profession.

In order for them to happen, she actively increases her intellectual level, obtains information that expands her knowledge base. The girl dreams of meeting her soul mate with the same intelligence and level of education.

Growing up, she tries to hide her nature and ambition and she succeeds - outwardly she always gives the impression of a very kind, relaxed and likeable person. But deep inside there remained the germs of a constant desire for narcissism, constant pity for her and constant excessive care. She always wants to be in sight, to be the center of attention in any company and always be considered the smartest and the best.

Short form of the name Lily. Lilya, Lila, Lilyunya, Lilyusha, Lilyukha, Lilyusha, Leah, Lyalya, Lilochka, Lilechka, Lilenka.
Synonyms for the name Lily. Liliana, Lilith, Lilah, Lilike, Lilium.
Origin of the name Lilia. The name Lilia is Tatar, Jewish, Catholic.

The name Lily has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Lily comes from the name of the flower “lily” (in Latin “lilium”). In this case female name Liliana would be a related name, since these names share the same root of origin (from the name of the flower).

It is believed that the name Lily is a form of the name Lilith, perhaps a diminutive title. Lilith is considered the first wife of Adam in some early Christian works that were not included in the books of the Old and New Testaments, where Adam's wife was Eve. From Hebrew, the name Lilith is translated as “night”, “silence of the night”. In the same language, the word “Lilith” denotes a type of owl, in particular the tawny owl, so Lilith is often depicted everywhere together with an owl.

It is believed that the name Lilith comes from the Sumerian “lil”, meaning “air, wind”, “spirit, ghost”. The name Lilith is widely used by Armenians, but unlike the stereotype that has developed in world history and culture, in Armenia this name is attributed not to “black” character traits, but to fertility, femininity and thriftiness.

Another version of the origin is that the name Lily is a Latinized form of the biblical name Sosanna (Susanna), which translates as “ White Lily" The Hebrew “shushanna”, “shushan” (Susanna) is usually read as “lily” in translations of biblical texts. Version confirmation biblical origin and the interpretation of the name can be found in the fact that one of the epithets of the Virgin Mary is a lily - Madonna Lily. In Christianity, the lily flower is ascribed meanings such as purity, righteousness; rebirth, immortality, resurrection (by analogy with perennial plants); favor, God's mercy, providence, divine protection of the chosen one (chosen one); sin and repentance, a soul cleansed of sins.

The name Lily is very common among the Turkic peoples. But among the Tatars, the name Liliya is a variant of the name Leila (Leili), often simply called Lilya. The name Leila has Arabic roots and means “darkness”, “night”. This name is very common in eastern countries and significantly less in Europe.

It's difficult to say whether the name Lily short form some female names or Lily is a related name, but the name Lily has a lot in common with such names as Lila, Lily, Liliana, Lilah, Lilith, Lilike, Lilium. Lila (Lilya) is English name, a feminine variant of the name Lyle, and also a variant of the names Delilah and Delilah. Lily is a French name, but in England it is a variant of Lillian. Jews use the names Lilakh and Lili, Bulgarians use Lilike, and Americans use Lilia.

Among Catholics, the use of the names Liliana (Lillian, Lillian) and Lilia is widespread. Moreover, the name Liliana may have come from the name Elizabeth (Russian pronunciation - Elizaveta).

The diminutives Leah, Lili and Lyalya are also independent names.

For the name Lily, the Catholic name day of Liliana will be indicated. The name Lily does not appear in the Christian calendar.

Lilia is growing up to be a very inquisitive girl. She is optimistic about the future, she likes to dream and invent something new. Constant creative search fills her life with meaning. Thanks to her gentle name and gentle character, Lilia has been given special attention since childhood. Therefore, this girl often grows up very spoiled and selfish.

Throughout her life, her self-esteem will be subjected to tests, which she will avoid, showing flexibility of character and becoming resourceful and inventive. She skillfully achieves her goals by any means, sometimes using her charm and smile, and sometimes tears and cunning. This has a particularly strong effect on men, since in Lilia they see a bright representative of the “weaker sex” and want to help her with all their might.

The formula for her success is very simple - she is driven by interest in everything that happens around her, and her unique memory allows her to grasp everything on the fly. Values ​​such as family, everyday life, work and money are not very important to her. Her lively mind must be constantly loaded with new knowledge, otherwise she will be jealous of other people's achievements. She is very sensitive and easily offended. This is a very temperamental woman, she values ​​stability in life, so she has a lot of habits that are difficult for her to get rid of. It is important for such women to find their calling and realize themselves.

IN professional field Lilia can become an inventor if she works in a team. Next to her there should be a person who can direct her talent, and a person who charges everyone with his energy and thirst for action. Lily can become a talented worker in a scientific and technical library, as she can help anyone choose material. Her interests are wide-ranging, as is her knowledge. Lilia has an inexhaustible imagination, which makes her a wonderful artist, science fiction writer or progressive designer. Sometimes her views can be so unusual that not everyone is able to appreciate them. If Lilia finds her calling, she will be able to successfully arrange her future.

IN family life Lily does not like to take care of everyday life, so her husband should take charge of everyday life. She is an ideal assistant for her family members, especially if they are studying or doing scientific activities. Sometimes Lilia's character can manifest imperiousness, then her ambitions go beyond the family. She can use all her talents to advance her career.

In communication, Lilia is very selective and pursues only her own personal interests. To avoid this, her parents should raise her from childhood, instilling in her compassion and responsiveness to the people around her. Lilia is constantly cunning and this can play a cruel joke on her, because many people notice this and she will no longer be able to gain trust. Her behavior becomes very understandable to those who are well versed in women. She should learn to give people warmth, kindness and true love, otherwise in old age she will be completely alone.

Name day Lily

Famous people named Lilia

  • Ethel Lilian Voynich ((1864 - 1960) English writer, composer, daughter of the prominent English scientist and mathematics professor George Boole, wife of Mikhail-Wilfred Voynich)
  • Lilian Gibbs ((1870 - 1925) English botanist working at the British Museum in London; Gibbs collected many plants new to science, some of them were named after her (for example, Racemobambos gibbsiae), was on expeditions in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia , Malaysia, Zimbabwe, USA)
  • Lillian Lamont ((d.1953) American dancer and theater actress)
  • Liliya Vaigina-Efremova (Ukrainian biathlete of Chuvash origin, winter medalist Olympic Games 2006 in Turin, who at one time played for the national teams of Russia and Belarus)
  • Liliya Lebedeva (Russian artist)
  • Liliya Pavlova Ignatova-Doychinova (Bulgarian athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics; one of Zlatnite Momiceta)
  • Liliya Tolmacheva (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, director, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981))
  • Liliya Shevtsova (Russian political scientist)
  • Lilia Scala ((1896 - 1994) Austro-American actress, Oscar nominee in 1963)
  • Liliya Lobanova ((1922 - 1992) Ukrainian opera and chamber singer (lyric-dramatic soprano), teacher, People's Artist of Ukraine (1954))
  • Liliya Gildeeva (Lilia Frit kyzy Gildieva; Russian journalist, TV presenter of the news program “Today” on the NTV channel)
  • Lilia Cabral (Brazilian actress)
  • Liliya Kornilova (Russian theater actress, Honored Artist Russian Federation(2000), member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia (1999))
  • Liliya Podkopaeva (gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine (1994), international judge)
  • Lilita Berzinya ((1903 - 1983) Soviet and Latvian actress, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree)
  • Lilya Brik ((1891 - 1978) née Lilya (Lili) Kagan; Russian writer, beloved woman and muse of Vladimir Mayakovsky, older sister of the French writer Elsa Triolet)
  • Lilita Ozolinya (Soviet and Latvian theater and film actress)
  • Lilya (Rakhil) Nappelbaum ((born 1919) Russian poetess, literary scholar, literary critic)
  • Lilya Guerrero ((1906 - 1986) Lilya Guerrero, real name Elizaveta Yakovleva; Argentine poet, translator, essayist, playwright and literary critic, wrote in Spanish)
  • Lilya Kedrova ((1918 - 2000) French actress of Russian origin, Oscar winner)
  • Liliana Proskurina (prose writer, member of the Union of Journalists, Full Member of the International Academy of Spiritual Unity of Countries and Peoples of the World, member board of trustees Peter Proskurin Literary Center Foundation, prose writer; creative pseudonym - Anna Gvozdeva)
  • Liliana Aleshnikova ((1935 - 2008) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Lillian Gish ((1893 - 1993) American actress, director, best known for her roles in Griffith's films, her film career spanned three quarters of the 20th century)
  • Lilian Semper ((1933 - 2007) Estonian pianist and music teacher, daughter of Johannes Semper, niece of the artist Adamson-Erik)
  • Liliane Bettencourt ((born 1922) French entrepreneur and philanthropist, in the past was also known as a socialite; Bettencourt is a co-owner of the L`Oréal company founded by her father in 1909; with a fortune of 20 billion US dollars, she is one of the richest women in the world )
  • Lillian Brown ((born 1913) American writer, best known for the series of books "The Cat Who..."
  • Lillian Hellman ((1905 - 1984) American writer, screenwriter and playwright)
  • Liliana Cavani ((born 1933) Italian director and screenwriter, student of Luchino Visconti and friend of Bernardo Bertolucci, master of world cinema; in addition to feature films and documentaries, she makes opera films)
  • Lilianna Lungina ((1920 - 1998) maiden name - Markovich; philologist and translator of fiction)
  • Lilian Malkina (Soviet and Russian actress, since 1992 - Czech theater and film actress)
  • Lilit Mkrtchyan (Armenian chess player, women's grandmaster and international master among men, member of the Armenian women's Olympic team)
  • Lilith Mazikina (one of the most famous Roma journalists in the Russian Federation, actively popularizing Roma culture on the Internet)
  • Lilit Galustyan (member of the Armenian Parliament)
  • Lily Allen (English singer, songwriter, actress and television presenter)
  • Lily Bganba ((born 1937) Abkhaz economist, Minister of Finance of Abkhazia in 1993 - 2005)
  • Lily Loveless (British actress)
  • Lily Collins (American actress and model)
  • Lilian Sobieski, "Lily" Sobieski (American actress)
  • Anna Elisabeth Schönemann ((1758 - 1817) married - von Türkheim; went down in literary history as the famous Lily of Johann Wolfgang Goethe, his bride)
  • Lily Donaldson (British top model)
  • Lily Cole (English model and film actress)
  • Lily Aldridge (American top model)
  • Lili Ivanova ((born 1939) real name – Lilyana Petrova; Bulgarian pop singer)
  • Lili Damita ((1904 - 1994) née Liliana Care; French actress, known for her marriages to famous film industry figures - director Michael Curtiz and actor Errol Flynn)
  • Lily Boulanger ((1893 - 1918) French composer, younger sister of Nadia Boulanger)
  • Liliya Osadchaya (Soviet volleyball player, player of the USSR national team (1974 - 1978), silver medalist of the 1976 Olympic Games, European champion 1975, USSR champion 1976, International Master of Sports (1974))
  • Liliya Amarfiy ((1949 - 2010) Soviet and Russian operetta actress, soloist of the Moscow Operetta Theater, People's Artist of Russia (1998))
  • Liliya Zinatulina (artist)

Meaning of the name Lilia (Liliana): This name for a girl means “pure”, “innocent”, “righteous”, “immortal”, “immaculate”, “reborn”. Another meaning of the name Lily is “God’s mercy.”

Origin of the name Lilia (Liliana): Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Lilya, Leah, Lyusha, Lucy.

What does the name Lilia (Liliana) mean? The word comes from the name of the flower. She Lily is beautiful and popular with the opposite sex. If her rich imagination was encouraged in childhood, then the girl will be able to make a career as a writer, sculptor or fashion designer. Lilya helps the children with their studies and gives valuable advice to her husband, but she does not like to do housework.

Angel Day and Patron Saints: the name Lily does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac – Aquarius
  • Planet Neptune
  • White color
  • Auspicious tree - talnik
  • Treasured plant - lily
  • Patron – water snake
  • Talisman stone - pearl

Characteristics of the name Lily

Positive features: Lily is charming and disciplined. The name Lily gives a tendency to dream and fantasize. attaches great importance to questions about the meaning of life and death. A girl with this name is distinguished by diplomacy and the ability to understand people.

Negative features: She is spoiled by pessimism, slowness, and cowardice. A girl named Lilia can be unsure of herself, in her affairs, in her loved ones, and may lose interest if the relationship becomes ordinary.

Character of the name Lily: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Lily? She is Lily, a great pretender and inventor. For her, calling out sick or saying that she has recently returned from a trip to Africa will not be a big deal. At the same time, the girl likes to doubt the reliability of such stories from her interlocutors, sometimes insultingly ridiculing them.

Lily and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The alliance of the name with Alpher, Albert, Alfred, Arthur, Dementius, Evdokim, Custodius, Maximilian, Nikon, Terenty, Tryphon is favorable. The name Lily is also combined with Photius. Difficult relationships names are likely with Akinthos, Eustathius, Izot, Kapiton, Leonidas, Taras, Philaret, Khariton.

Love and marriage: Has for her special meaning family. In family relationships, Lilya quickly takes the initiative into her own hands and begins to act, but she quickly cools down if her feelings are not reciprocated. A woman named Lilia is faithful in marriage and does not tolerate lies in any form.

She takes her choice of husband extremely seriously. However, as a rule, she is unlucky: at least in her first marriage. The husband, who seemed so reliable, happily shifts all the family problems onto her shoulders, and our busybody Lily carries this load, only occasionally allowing herself to buck... so that she can then obediently carry her burden again.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She Lily may seem slow, but when solving serious matters, she begins to act stubbornly, does not allow anyone to interfere with moving towards her intended goal, and eliminates competitors along the way. Lilya's manager does not forgive laxity, but will not criticize those who are guilty in public. A girl can successfully work as a teacher or psychologist. This girl is inclined towards the humanities.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Lilia (Liliana): Lily probably has problems with the genitourinary system.

The fate of Lily in history

What does the name Lily mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Liliya Brik is a contemporary and friend of V.V. Mayakovsky, who played a fatal role in the fate of the poet.
  2. Lilian Gibbs - (1870 - 1925) English botanist, working at the British Museum in London; Gibbs collected many plants new to science, some of them were named after her (for example, Racemobambos gibbsiae), and was on expeditions in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.
  3. Lillian Lamont - (d.1953) American dancer and theater actress.
  4. Liliya Vaigina-Efremova is a Ukrainian biathlete of Chuvash origin, winner of the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, who once competed for the national teams of Russia and Belarus.
  5. Liliya Lebedeva is a Russian artist.
  6. Liliya Pavlova Ignatova-Doychinova - Bulgarian athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics; one of Zlatnite momiceta.
  7. Liliya Tolmacheva - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, director, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981). Liliya Shevtsova is a Russian political scientist.
  8. Lilia Scala - (1896 - 1994) Austro-American actress, nominated for an Oscar in 1963.
  9. Liliya Lobanova - (1922 - 1992) Ukrainian opera and chamber singer (lyric-dramatic soprano), teacher, People's Artist of Ukraine (1954).
  10. Lilia Gildeeva - Lilia Frith kyzy Gildieva; Russian journalist, TV presenter of the news program “Today” on the NTV channel.
  11. Lilia Cabral is a Brazilian actress.
  12. Liliya Kornilova is a Russian theater actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2000), member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia (1999).
  13. Liliya Podkopaeva - gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine (1994), international judge.
  14. Liliya Berzinya - (1903 - 1983) Soviet and Latvian actress, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree.

Lily in different languages ​​of the world

Translation to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Lily, in German: Lilia, on Italian: Giglia (Giglia).

A girl named Lilia is friendly and sociable. As a child, she is greatly spoiled, so she will grow up to be a narcissistic person who puts her own interests above all else. She is completely indifferent to generally accepted values.

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Lily always strives to be the center of attention. He chooses a profession where it is necessary to demonstrate his talent and intellectual abilities. Family is not very important to her, and her children are raised by grandmothers or nannies.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    The mystery of the name Lily is connected with its origin. It is believed that it is derived from the name of the flower “lilium”, which is translated from Latin as “lily”. According to another version, the name has Arabic roots, and its interpretation is “night”, “darkness”.

    Another version of the origin of the name is associated with a woman named Lilith, depicted with an owl in Jewish written monuments. The meaning, translated from Hebrew, is “night”.

    The name is common among the Slavs. Muslims have analogues: Leila, Lily.

    Name day

    IN Orthodox calendar there is no name "Lily". The girl is baptized Lydia or Leah, depending on the consonance. Or they give a name that is similar in meaning and interpretation - Susanna (from Hebrew - “lily”).

    Patron saints: Susanna of Salerno and Susanna of Rome.

    Timur - the secret of the name, meaning, fate, character


    Among celebrities there are many people named Lilia. The most famous:

    • actresses – Lilia Cabral, Lilia Kornilova;
    • athletes – Liliya Osadchaya, Liliya Podkopaeva;
    • writers - Liliya Brik, Liliya Brown;
    • artist – Liliya Lebedeva;
    • clairvoyant – Lilia Khegai.

    Name Astrology

    The astrological symbolism of Lily is presented in the table:

    Talismans Description
    Talisman stone: jasper, moonstone, pearl
    1. 1. Jasper symbolizes modesty, wisdom, and courage. The stone makes its owner courageous, persistent and self-confident.
    2. 2. Moonstone is used in love magic. Its owner will never experience disappointment in love.
    3. 3. Pearls are a symbol of purity, tenderness, dreaminess, happiness, passion
    Color: pink, white, green and brown
    1. 1. Pink - the owners of the name are distinguished by restraint, calmness, poise, tact and intelligence.
    2. 2. White - such people are open, wise and religious.
    3. 3. Green – symbolizes kindness, responsiveness and cordiality.
    4. 4. Brown – people with this name are responsive, hardworking and good-natured.
    Number: seven"Seven people" are maximalists who strive to be ideal in everything. They listen only to themselves, and other people's opinions are not interesting to them. These are leaders by nature, possessing intelligence and intelligence. These people can keep secrets
    Patron planets: Neptune and Mercury
    1. 1. Neptune - the people whom he patronizes have a subtle mental organization and are able to empathize.
    2. 2. Mercury – the planet gives people under its protection energy, dexterity and agility
    Totem animal: fallow deer, water snake
    1. 1. The doe is a symbol of grace, sensitivity, tenderness, passion, timidity and meekness.
    2. 2. Water snake - symbolizes energy, inner strength, determination, devotion and prudence
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius, Virgo
    1. 1. Lily-Aquarius is very sensitive and vulnerable, avoids close relationships, fearing betrayal. She is distinguished by devotion, kindness, friendliness, but at the same time she is vengeful and stubborn.
    2. 2. Lily-Virgo is hardworking, she strives to be ideal in everything: in love, in friendship, in everyday life, in work
    Plant: linden, thyme, wild rosemary, water lily; tree - willow
    1. 1. Linden - is a symbol of femininity, softness, beauty, happiness, family well-being.
    2. 2. Thyme – brings good luck and love, improves health.
    3. 3. Ledum – symbolizes spiritual closeness and tranquility.
    4. 4. Water lily – identifies calm and tranquility
    5. 5. Talnik, willow - symbolizes vitality


    The girl is very capricious and narcissistic, as her parents spoil her greatly. It is important to instill in her kindness and compassion from childhood. The magic of the name gives the girl defenselessness and fragility, which she will use with success in the future. The first impression of Lily is positive, as she demonstrates tenderness, affection and meekness. However, the girl is inventive and calculating.

    To achieve her goal, she uses her acting talent. Lily can be cheerful and cheerful, but after a short period of time she can shed tears. An adult woman is powerful and confident, capable of subjugating those around her. But because of such character traits, she is often lonely.

    The owner of this name tends to philosophize and fantasize, and think a lot about the meaning of life. She's different imaginative thinking and a wonderful imagination, can always come up with a fresh idea. The girl loves discipline, but does not strive to maintain order in the house. Only inspiration pushes her to perform everyday tasks. IN difficult situations Lily can distance herself from everything.

    Name decoding

    The five letters that make up the name "Lily" indicate that the woman has a penchant for the humanities. She appreciates art and is an excellent conversationalist. She builds relationships with men on mutual respect.

    Spelling out the name:

    • “L” – expresses artistic taste, creative inclinations and the ability to appreciate true beauty;
    • “I” is an indicator of natural grace and spirituality;
    • “I” – denotes increased self-esteem;

    Two identical letters in a name enhance their meaning.

    Hobbies, profession, business

    Lily is a multifaceted personality, so she can be interested in painting, knitting, history, cinema, travel, and sports. She enjoys attending public events: fashion shows, exhibitions, concerts.

    A woman with this name has an analytical mind. This allows her to quickly perceive information. Lily usually does well at school and college. Since she approaches any task responsibly, she often reaches great heights in her career. Such qualities as scrupulousness and discipline are appreciated by management.

    Lily the leader treats her subordinates fairly, but does not tolerate irresponsibility. As a subordinate, she is very diligent in her work and does not cause any trouble to her superiors. A woman with this name would be suitable different professions: from psychologist to writer, from teacher to researcher.

    Lilia will make a successful entrepreneur. But running a business forces her to devote herself entirely to work, and to family and personal life she has to forget. Own business requires both temporary and material costs, so such women are often lonely.

    Sex and love

    Lily is fickle and often changes men in her youth. She expects stability from her partner, but she herself does not strive for an ordinary and mediocre life. The meaning of her name has freedom-loving notes, so it is difficult for the girl to settle down.

    Not many men with serious intentions can tolerate inconstancy. Therefore, gentlemen quickly abandon her, and she bypasses frivolous suitors. For a girl, love is something sublime and surreal. When her feelings pass, and living together brings boredom and monotony, she herself leaves such a relationship.

    The owner of the name in question is very sexy, so men are drawn to this charming woman. In her intimate life, a girl prefers to submit rather than dominate. To please her, a man must be delicate, gentle and soft.

    Family and marriage

    Lily takes a responsible approach to choosing a life partner. Future husband must have the following qualities: patience, seriousness, reliability and being financially secure. But usually the first marriage breaks up, and through her fault, since even after marriage she allows herself everything she wants.

    A woman with this name approaches her second marriage more prudently, so it is much stronger and more durable. She chooses the simple one loving man older than himself, able to accept her with all her shortcomings. Next to such a partner, the girl becomes loving wife and a wonderful housewife, but the husband makes a lot of efforts to re-educate the freedom-loving chosen one. Marriage usually breaks up due to betrayal, and on her part. But this happens due to lack of attention from the husband.

    In family life, Lilia does not strive to be a good housewife. On the contrary, she shifts her responsibilities to her husband. Only a compromise found by her husband allows her to avoid quarrels and scandals. By directing Lilia's energy in the right direction, her partner receives a caring and attentive wife.

    A woman with this name loves children very much. She can completely devote herself to motherhood, but sometimes she goes to the other extreme - she forgets about her children, being carried away only by herself.

    Name compatibility

    Lily chooses a strong and intelligent man who understands her and appreciates her.

    Name compatibility is presented in the table:

    What fate awaits Lilia?

    A woman with this name will face many challenges, and most often this concerns relationships with men. In their youth, they can betray and deceive her. In the future, fate becomes more favorable to the woman, since in adulthood she finds a man who is incapable of betrayal.

    Lilia loves children very much, but does not always raise them. However, she has many children.

    The time of year in which Lily was born leaves a special imprint on her fate and personal characteristics:

    Season Character and destiny
    WinterLily, born in winter, is reserved and very vulnerable. Although she tries to show that she doesn’t care about other people’s opinions, she takes any criticism extremely painfully. The owner of this name is characterized by a secretive character, so for many people she remains a mystery. Because of this, a woman has few friends to whom she could open her soul. Failures in life lead to even greater isolation and mistrust, especially in relationships with men. That is why the girl devotes herself entirely to work
    SpringSpring Lily is active and lively. She often makes mistakes in people, which gives her difficult experiences. Her open and trusting nature allows her to easily get along with different people who can take advantage of her responsiveness and kindness for selfish purposes. Spring Lily is not distinguished by perseverance and patience, which is why she has difficulty moving up the career ladder
    SummerSummer Lily is characterized by emotionality. Any trifle can greatly infuriate her, and an ordinary problem turns into a real tragedy. But at the same time, she is soft and pliable, easily forgetting all insults. By stopping to listen to others and forming her own opinion, a woman will achieve a lot. The life of the summer Lily should be filled with various events, otherwise she will begin to look for adventures, and this often turns into trouble
    AutumnThe Autumn Lily is distinguished by its slowness and prudence. She carefully considers every step she takes. Thanks to wisdom and patience, such a woman achieves success in any business. For autumn lily Family is very important, for the sake of which she can forget even about herself. A woman's charm and good nature are appreciated by her friends. She is always happy to receive guests.

Tender and beautiful girl, from the first days personifies meaning of the name Lily. The baby's regal posture and the illusion of insecurity and vulnerability attracts attention to her, causing a great desire to protect the child.

Sociable and simple, the baby always has many friends and acquaintances. Likes to soar in the clouds and fantasize, reflect on the meaning of life and death. At school she is diligent, listens to comments, and excels in good behavior. He is interested in many subjects and tries to understand the essence of the issue.

The charming young lady has many fans who appreciate not only her beauty, but her intelligence and ability to communicate. Among the girl’s friends there are many influential and extraordinary women. In communication, he tries to “get into the shoes” of each interlocutor, knows how to sympathize or rejoice at other people’s achievements.

This female name gives its owner a sense of proportion and harmony. An innate sense of tact helps a young lady avoid even the most acute conflicts. An objective mind, capable of calculating its moves many steps ahead.

He can often weave intrigues, getting his way quietly and unnoticed. Possessing a quiet and defenseless face, he can do great things, plot intrigues and defame rivals. During upbringing, parents should pay great attention and importance to the child’s ability to manipulate, since her irrepressible imagination can cause big troubles in the future.

During the conversation, he masterfully knows how to convey his opinion and make even the most ardent opponent think. However, in the team he does not like to stand out particularly, preferring the role of a gray mouse, although often in the process this role is transformed into a “gray eminence”.

The girl is omnipresent, she knows last news, gossip about everyone, preferring to remain silent about their personal life, which is often not so bright.

The interpretation of a woman’s name often depends on the upbringing of the baby, since the girl tries to make up for all the missing feelings and sensations at the expense of her many friends and girlfriends.

She loves to appear unprotected and offended by everyone, to evoke pity and skillfully use the evoked feelings. Loves when people feel sorry for her and pamper her, pays attention great importance words of encouragement and expressions of affection.

He prefers to relax in a large group, trying not to abuse alcohol, knowing that intoxicated friends are excellent sources of piquant information.

The name Lily has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name comes from the name of the flower “lily” (in Latin “lilium”). In this case, another female name - Liliana - will be a related name, since they have the same root of origin (from the name of the flower).

It is believed that the name Lily is a form of the name Lilith, perhaps a diminutive title. Lilith is the first biblical woman (the second was Eve). From Hebrew, the name Lilith is translated as “night”, “silence of the night”.

In the same language, the word “Lilith” denotes a type of owl, in particular the tawny owl, so Lilith is often depicted everywhere together with an owl. It is believed that the name Lilith comes from the Sumerian “lil”, meaning “air, wind”, “spirit, ghost”.

The name Lilith is widely used by Armenians, but unlike the stereotype that has developed in world history and culture, in Armenia this name is attributed not to “black” character traits, but to fertility, femininity and thriftiness.

Another version of the origin is that the name Lily is a Latinized form of the biblical name Sosanna (Susanna), which translates as “white lily.” The Hebrew “shushanna”, “shushan” (Susanna) is usually read as “lily” in translations of biblical texts.

Confirmation of the version of the biblical origin and interpretation of the name can be found in the fact that one of the epithets of the Virgin Mary is a lily - Madonna Lily.

In Christianity, the lily flower is ascribed meanings such as purity, righteousness; rebirth, immortality, resurrection (by analogy with perennial plants); favor, God's mercy, providence, divine protection of the chosen one (chosen one); sin and repentance, a soul cleansed of sins.

The name Lily is very common among the Turkic peoples. But among the Tatars, the name Liliya is a variant of the name Leila (Leili), often simply called Lilya. The name Leila has Arabic roots and means “darkness”, “night”. This name is very widespread in eastern countries and much less common in Europe.

It is difficult to say whether the name Lilia is a short form of some female names or whether Lilia is a related name, but the name Lilia has a lot in common with names such as Lila, Lily, Liliana, Lilah, Lilith, Lilike, Lilium.

Lila (Lily) is an English name, a feminine variant of the name Lyle, and also a variant of the names Delilah and Delilah. Lily is a French name, but in England it is a variant of Lillian. Jews use the names Lilakh and Lili, Bulgarians use Lilike, and Americans use Lilia.

Among Catholics, the use of the names Liliana (Lillian, Lillian) and Lilia is widespread. Moreover, the name Liliana may have come from the name Elizabeth (Russian pronunciation - Elizaveta).

The diminutives Liya and Lyalya are also independent names.

Character of the name Lily

Lilia is growing up to be a very inquisitive girl. She is optimistic about the future, she likes to dream and invent something new. Constant creative search fills her life with meaning.

Thanks to her gentle name and gentle character, Lilia has been given special attention since childhood. Therefore, this girl often grows up very spoiled and selfish.

Throughout her life, her self-esteem will be subjected to tests, which she will avoid, showing flexibility of character and becoming resourceful and inventive.

She skillfully achieves her goals by any means, sometimes using her charm and smile, and sometimes tears and cunning. This has a particularly strong effect on men, since in Lilia they see a bright representative of the “weaker sex” and want to help her with all their might.

The formula for her success is very simple - she is driven by interest in everything that happens around her, and her unique memory allows her to grasp everything on the fly. Values ​​such as family, everyday life, work and money are not very important to her.

Her lively mind must be constantly loaded with new knowledge, otherwise she will be jealous of other people's achievements. She is very sensitive and easily offended. This is a very temperamental woman, she values ​​stability in life, so she has a lot of habits that are difficult for her to get rid of. It is important for such women to find their calling and realize themselves.

The meaning of the name Lily for a girl reveals completely new facets in the owner’s character. Often girls are reputed to be monogamous, they love to be valued and jealous, trying not to show such feelings themselves.

When it comes to sex, he doesn’t like to take the initiative. This means that they prefer to completely trust a man. In intimate terms, she is a little shy, but with a skillful approach, she becomes a guru of Love.


The girl loves children very much and dreams of big family. This means that she is very kind to her husband, surrounding him with care and attention, paying attention to his personal space. He idolizes children and punishes them very rarely, preferring the carrot and persuasion method.

He tries to keep the house clean and pays attention to the interior and comfort. For her household, she agrees to spend the whole day at the stove, preparing all kinds of delicacies according to new recipes.

Business and career

There is a certain slowness in the girl’s character, which does not make it possible to solve all the assigned tasks with lightning speed, but one can envy the young lady’s tenacity. As a leader, a woman does not forgive laxity and frivolity, which means she can be tough.

The secret of the name Lily

Such a girl is gentle and romantic. At least that's how it seems at first glance. But at heart Lily is uncontrollable and stubborn.

Lilia loves to flirt, she is temperamental. She has many girlfriends. She knows how to control men and easily wins their hearts. Her friends often slander her. Lily is amorous, but is not ready to give all of herself to her chosen one.

Such a girl gets married early, but happily. Often her husband is much older than her. He must tolerate her whims and make wise decisions. Lilia's mood can change every minute.

She has a gentle character and a compassionate disposition. In marriage, Lilia has no restrictions, but she will never react to what is unpleasant to her. Lily can easily forget about raising her children; she only sometimes begins to take care of them and show her love. Lilia is capable of betrayal, but will never agree to a casual relationship if it threatens her family.

  • Talisman stone – moonstone, pearl.
  • He does not celebrate his name day, since in Orthodoxy there are no calendar calendars with this name.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Virgo, Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - Mercury.
  • Color – white, soft pink.
  • Metal – nickel, silver.
  • The flower is a water lily.
  • Favorable plants are wild rosemary and thyme.

  • Zodiac: Venus
  • Name color: pink
  • Emission: 95%
  • Planets: Proserpine
  • Talisman stone: emerald
  • Plant: lily
  • Totem animal: fly
  • Main character traits: receptivity, sexuality

Numerology of the name Lily

Holders of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name more expensive than immediate benefits.

They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers.

There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


  • The planet Mars.
  • Element: Fire, warm-dry.
  • Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.
  • Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
  • Day: Tuesday.
  • Metal: Iron.
  • Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
  • Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
  • Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Lily

Lilia has no shortage of admirers, she is flirtatious, knows how to present herself, is amorous and temperamental. Lily is capricious and capricious.

She is usually very picky in choosing a partner and does not reduce sex only to a biological necessity; love, tenderness and sexual satisfaction are closely related to each other.

At the same time, Lilia is sometimes able, “according to her mood,” to enter into an intimate relationship with a stranger simply in order to relieve sexual tension.

Lily is not strong in sexual games, but loves to gain the upper hand over her partner. She is very susceptible to male caresses, without them she cannot reach the climax. For her, the highest pleasure is to achieve orgasm at the same time as her partner, but for this, her friend must arm himself with great patience.

In general, Lilia’s sexual behavior largely depends on the sincerity and delicacy of her partner. Often a man who is not very experienced, but affectionate and gentle, can give her much more pleasure than one who owns the entire arsenal of sex techniques.

Lilia is a person of mood, and that says it all. If she is not inclined to intimacy, it is useless for a man to pursue her, Lilia cannot be forced to do anything against her will. A person who loves her should always be able to feel her.

Lily herself needs to feel the need for physical intimacy and experience a slight sexual hunger. She finds it difficult to adapt to her partner, so she tries for a long time deal with one man and breaks ties with him only if serious circumstances force him to do so.

If her husband does not live up to her sexual expectations, she withdraws into herself, becomes angry, irritable and sees no sin in looking for satisfaction on the side.

Psychology of a name

Lilia strives to be supportive with everyone a good relationship. She is kind and sympathetic, but does not allow those she does not like to take advantage of her location. She does not like rude jokes, empty laughter, unnecessary and deceitful people.