Transformation of the attic: arrangement of living space. Arrangement of a warm and cozy room in the attic with your own hands Arrangement of the attic for living space

To make the under-roof space of a private house warm and even habitable, it is necessary to insulate the attic from all sides - along the gables and roof slopes. This is quite a difficult and troublesome task, given the slopes of the attic walls to which the insulation will have to be attached. Here it is important to maintain the technology so that the thermal insulation “pie” lasts for decades and at the same time retains heat well. Therefore, the question is how to properly insulate with your own hands cold attic, it is worth considering in more detail.

Insulation options

Before considering the list of materials, it makes sense to clarify what the concept of “insulating an attic” means, since the choice of insulation depends on this. Some homeowners put into this concept the insulation of the ceiling and the hatch into the attic in order to reduce heat loss in the house, and the under-roof space itself will remain cold. Others mean thermal insulation of roof slopes from the inside with insufficiently insulated ceilings, as was done in old houses using clay.

Still others want to make the attic space usable and warm, which again requires insulation of the attic walls, which are roof slopes and side gables. It is this kind of thermal insulation that will be discussed in detail below. If we are talking about insulating the floor of a cold attic, then the choice of materials here is quite large:

  • expanded clay;
  • wood waste (sawdust);
  • glass wool in rolls (such as ISOVER or URSA);
  • slab or rolled mineral wool (ROCKWOOL, KNAUF);
  • slabs made of foamed polymers (foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam).

Note. The list does not include options for insulation with polyurethane foam and ecowool due to their high cost, but we have listed the most popular materials for attic floors. In addition, you can insulate it yourself attic floor sprayed polyurethane foam will not work without special equipment.

Now, from the list presented above, we will highlight those insulation materials that are most often used to insulate sloping attic walls. In terms of cost, foam plastic is the cheapest, and its thermal resistance is high, as is its ability to repel moisture. One problem is that the material is flammable. Therefore, for those homeowners who are concerned about the fire safety of their home, it is better to buy mineral wool based on basalt fiber. Only mineral wool absorbs moisture well, so you will need to provide for its removal, which will be discussed below.

A few words about glass wool, which is also quite suitable for thermal insulation of an attic. It doesn't burn either, but high temperature cannot withstand, the material becomes charred at 200 °C or more. If you plan to make the attic space residential, then glass wool has no place there at all, it is harmful to human health.

Insulation with mineral wool

As mentioned above, mineral wool is a porous material that can absorb moisture and also allow vapor to pass through it. Even if this insulation is protected on both sides with a vapor-proof film, then due to the temperature difference outside and inside the house, a dew point will appear in the thickness of the wool. As a result, condensation will begin to form from the air that is already in open pores material.

When insulating an attic with mineral wool with your own hands, you need to learn one rule: the insulation is insulated from moisture only on one side - the inside, and a ventilation gap (vent) is required on the outside. Thanks to it, moisture will be removed from the cotton wool, thereby preserving it thermal insulation properties.

Also, glass and mineral wool are afraid of direct contact with water, which is why they instantly get wet and cease to be insulation. This means that on the street side it must be protected from wind and precipitation, while ensuring that water vapor escapes in the same direction. This is why it is more difficult to insulate an attic with mineral wool than with foam plastic, which is vapor-tight. The diagram below shows the correct “pie” of thermal insulation of the inclined walls of the attic from the inside:

As can be seen in the diagram, the insulation is laid in the openings between the rafters, but first a waterproofing film - a diffusion membrane - is laid between the rafter boards and the roofing. It is this that protects the mineral wool from direct moisture, allowing all vapors to pass out into the air, from where they are carried away by ventilation air. The vent must be arranged under the entire plane roofing, as shown in the diagram:

Since the diffusion membrane is at the same time a protection against water that can enter its surface from the outside through cracks in the slate, the film sheets should be laid out horizontally on top of the rafters, starting from the bottom. The canvases are laid with an overlap of 100 mm, and the joints are sealed with tape. When it comes to insulating an old house, where the slate is nailed to the sheathing boards without a membrane, you will have to install it in strips vertically between the rafters.

Important. The membrane strips must be fastened to the side surface of the rafter board using a stapler and as often as possible, leaving a 5 cm wide air vent on top.

The next stage is laying the insulation directly into the gap between the rafters, for which it is cut into strips whose width is a couple of centimeters larger than this gap. By the way, mineral wool manufacturers make slabs 600 mm wide and rolls 1200 mm wide, adapting to the standard spacing of rafter boards. In this case, additional fastening of the insulation is not required; then a vapor barrier film is laid and installed interior decoration.

Like the sloping walls of the attic, the gables also need insulation. But here the composition of the “pie” depends on building material of this roof element. If it is made of brick or timber, then it would be more correct to insulate the gable of the attic from the outside, guided by the following diagram:

It is clear that such thermal insulation implies external insulation of the entire house, which is not always possible due to various reasons. Then we continue to insulate the attic from the inside, installing it vertically on brick wall wooden beams for further installation of insulation. Before doing this, do not forget to lay a diffusion membrane under the beams. The same is done if the pediment has an old structure - a wooden frame with outer cladding made of clapboard. The insulation “pie” then looks like this:

Note. The same “pie” is used for internal insulation brick pediment attic. Masonry plays a role here external cladding from the boards shown in the diagram.

Foam insulation

It should be noted that insulating an attic with polystyrene foam is somewhat easier than with mineral wool. Primarily due to the vapor permeability of this insulation, so it is not necessary to install an internal vapor barrier. But a diffusion membrane and ventilation are needed in any case, because wood also participates in the “pie,” which must also release moisture somewhere. So the first stage of do-it-yourself attic insulation is repeated as described in the previous section.

Foam plastic with a density of 25 kg/m3 is cut so that it can be tightly inserted between the rafters. Then all joints should be blown out with polyurethane polyurethane foam, due to it, air circulation through the cracks is eliminated and additional fastening of the insulation is provided. Then everything is simple: the interior trim made of plasterboard or other facing material is attached to the rafter boards.

Thermal insulation of gables is carried out in the same way. It should be noted that this technology can also be used when insulating an attic with extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). This modern insulation has higher performance than polystyrene foam, including strength. If there is a need to lay penoplex in 2 layers, the second can be attached to the first with ordinary self-tapping screws and glued with polyurethane glue.

Insulation of ventilation pipes in the attic

In modern private houses, the attic is often a technical floor where ventilation units and pipes for moving air - air ducts. If the temperature there is significantly lower than in the premises, then the air ducts must be insulated and here’s why:

  • The air passing through them is heated by energy carriers paid for by the homeowner. It is unacceptable for air to waste heat in a cold attic;
  • due to temperature differences inside and outside the air ducts, condensation will constantly be released.

The cheapest way to insulate ventilation pipes is to buy rolled mineral wool and wrap it around the air duct, securing it with twine.

After which the layer mineral wool covered with special foil to prevent moisture from entering. But in compressed form the thermal resistance roll insulation decreases, so it is better to use ready-made foam shells. They are placed on the air duct on both sides and secured with knitting wire.

Ventilation pipes rectangular section it is most convenient to insulate self-adhesive material made of foamed polyethylene. This is an excellent vapor-tight insulation, one side of which is covered with a sticky layer that adheres well to the metal surface.


In fact, there are more materials and methods for insulating an attic, but we have listed the most affordable ones for doing it yourself. For example, a layer of polyurethane foam does not require any “pie” at all, but it can only be applied if you have special units. So on this moment polystyrene foam with mineral wool remain the most popular insulation materials, as well as the technology for their use.

Construction of a residential building is a labor-intensive and financially expensive process. Often, the construction of an additional floor during the construction of a house has to be abandoned due to a lack of finances. However, over time, home owners often wonder: how to increase the living space in the house? Expand living space in the house is possible without adding new structures. The simplest solution is to use the attic as a living space. To magically transform a nondescript and dusty room into a cozy and functional room, it is necessary to carry out a complex of works.

Carrying out repairs or construction attic space, a preliminary action plan should be drawn up. This will help avoid additional costs and optimize the conversion of the attic into living rooms. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Plan and drawing. Before starting repairs, you should draw up a detailed plan drawing. For this there are specialized computer programs. Planning can be done traditional way by drawing up a project on paper. The drawings must take into account: the height between the floor and the ceiling, the dimensions of the elements rafter system and other highlights.
  2. Definition of functionality. The residential attic floor can be turned into a bedroom, children's room, family recreation area or office.


The height between the floor and ceiling in a residential attic must be at least 2.1 meters. If the height is below the established indicator, the level of living comfort decreases.

Before you begin, you should determine the functional purpose of the attic space.

  1. Cleaning. Before the beginning construction work The attic needs cleaning. After cleaning, you should once again check the plan drawing with the actual room.
  2. Inspection. To make a room comfortable and safe for living, it is necessary to inspect its structural parts for possible breakdowns and damage, identify design flaws and carry out repairs.
  3. Planning and purchasing. After the estimate has been prepared and the choice of building material and roof covering has been made, we proceed to procurement.

An approximate plan may include many subparagraphs, it all depends on the situation, the architectural features of the building and the wishes of the residents of the house.

Choosing a roof covering

As you know, the attic crowns the entire structure of a private house, located under its roof. Therefore, the height of the roof and the choice of material for roofing are one of the main ones when arranging a living space. The most wear-resistant and durable types of coating include:

The choice of coating material depends on several factors, one of the most important being the type, slope angle, structure and architecture. It is the choice of coating material that is important in order to equip reliable protection from moisture and atmospheric phenomena, ventilation, create optimal temperature conditions and indoor comfort under a roof. When choosing a material, it is worth doing rough calculations to take into account the degree of load on the roof of the house and the rafter system. This will help increase the service life of the structure and avoid unpleasant situations (cracks, collapse).

Stairs to the attic

Reconstruction of a dark and unattractive attic space is a complex undertaking. The question of how to equip the entrance to the attic worries many. The staircase is a classic solution, but it’s not that simple! There are a huge number of design options. Each type of staircase has its own characteristics and advantages, so making a choice is not easy.


A wide straight staircase, matching the design of the house, looks expensive, solid and aesthetically pleasing, but “steals” precious meters of living space.

More democratic and inexpensive option the attic entrance equipment is foldable staircase design. It is less monumental in appearance, but no less reliable in operation.

Types of non-stationary stairs for a private house:

  • Folding design is a traditional ladder that you can make with your own hands, having basic knowledge.
  • Retractable design - when assembled, it is hidden behind the hatch cover from view and does not interfere with the aesthetics of the interior.
  • Sliding design– compact and reliable, consists of several sections and a sliding mechanism.

In order to make the arrangement of the entrance to the attic as comfortable as possible for each of the household members, it is necessary to calculate the size of the stairs and the number of steps. First of all, we measure the distance between the ceiling and the subfloor and make an approximate calculation based on the average height of the step. When all the calculations have been made, you can make an estimate for the purchase required material and make the design yourself. detailed information is on our website. When choosing a staircase to the attic of a private house, it is important to understand who will use it most often. If it is intended for elderly people or children, the requirements for the convenience and safety of entering the attic increase (making handrails or).

Insulation of a residential attic

To create comfortable conditions living in the attic of a private house, you should pay attention Special attention insulation of the room. The work can be done with your own hands, without involving expensive specialists. The main thing is to follow these rules:

  1. The first step is to ensure the integrity of the roof and roof covering. If damaged areas or gaps in the coating are found, they must be sealed using construction tape. If the integrity of the roof covering is damaged on a large scale, it should be restoration work or completely block it.
  2. Next, the integrity of the rafter system is checked. Remember that even minor deviations from the norm can cause a violation of the integrity of the entire structure.
  3. Special slats are attached to the rafter legs, which in the future will provide a gap for ventilation between the insulation layer and the roof. First, a hard covering, for example, roofing felt, is secured, and slats are attached on top of it.


The slats for the ventilation gap must be attached exclusively along the rafter legs. If you attach it across, the strength of the structure will significantly decrease.

  1. We attach the insulation. The choice of material for attic insulation depends on the design features and financial capabilities of the home owners. To insulate a living space in the attic, you can choose:
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene boards;
  • kraft paper, straw or sawdust.

There is an unspoken rule for choosing thermal insulation material: the steeper the slopes of the roof of the house, the denser the insulation should be. Expanded clay is often used as an option for insulating floors between floors. The use of expanded clay is especially important for concrete floor floor in the attic of a residential building. When insulating a residential attic space, you should remember about vapor barrier. When choosing a material such as foil-coated mineral wool, an additional vapor barrier layer is not needed.

Correct and attic ceiling


Insulating the attic does not guarantee warmth in the room under the roof. Using the attic of a house as additional living space implies organizing a high-quality communication system. One of the aspects of a comfortable stay, especially during the cold season, is heating. Installing a heating system in the attic of a house makes it possible year-round use this space. There are several options for solving the problem:

  • Using a stationary heating system.
  • Fireplace equipment in the attic.
  • Using electrical appliances to heat a room.

Each of the proposed options is feasible, but has its own characteristics. To install a traditional heating system, you will need to run pipes into the attic. After this, the heated area is calculated and radiators are installed. Fireplace in the room under the roof - original idea. Undoubtedly, having a fireplace in a room is always cozy and warm. When carrying out construction, it is better to make an additional branch for the fireplace, which in the future will be connected to the general heating system Houses. The design of such a system is complicated by the need for a powerful feed pump. This will help cope with the increased workload. In addition, you need to take into account that a high-quality chimney must be installed for the fireplace, and this will lead to additional financial expenses. The use of electric heating devices for heating a room under the roof is the most budget method. It does not require the construction or arrangement of specialized premises, chimneys or compartments.


When choosing equipment, you should take into account the power of the devices and remember the fire safety techniques of a private home.

Electric heating has disadvantages: high energy consumption, risk of fire, drying out the air in the room. Choosing the most secure and economical option heating, experts advise giving preference to an autonomous heating system.


In order for natural light to freely enter the rooms under the roof, translucent structures are needed. In this case the only thing the right decision will become . Important point in the process of preparing for installing a window into the roof slopes - manufacturing with inside durable wooden frame which will help keep window frames and prevent possible deformation. The frame is installed between rafter legs, therefore the width is ordered taking into account this distance and thickness of the beams. Windows can be installed on gables or directly in the roof of the house. What are the advantages skylights?

  1. Saving on energy costs. Such windows allow you to increase throughput natural light by 40%.
  2. Exquisite design. Windows help create a unique atmosphere in the room under the roof; they organically complement the design, creating spaciousness in the room.
  3. Functionality. Manufacturers offer various configurations and functional loads of windows for attic spaces.

As for wiring into the attic to create high-quality artificial lighting, there are several proven methods:

  • laying wires over the walls, hiding them in special plastic boxes;
  • arrangement of hidden electrical wiring by laying the wires under the inner lining.

The first method is the simplest; you can do it quickly and easily with your own hands. The second method is more technically complex, since the standards and requirements for fire safety private house. Hidden wiring laid at the stage of installation of the frame, wall and ceiling cladding.


When installing hidden wiring, copper wire fits into a special corrugated metal sleeve. After this, it is mounted into the wall.

When the electrical wiring is installed in the attic, all sockets and switches are placed in their places, you can begin the most exciting stage - interior planning. Flights of imagination are welcome here! You can choose classic style solutions, cozy Country or gentle Provence. For young people you can create an urban room under a roof in the Loft style, and for children - a fabulous dream island.

Transforming a dusty and dark attic into a cozy and spacious room under the roof itself is a labor-intensive process and requires financial costs. Knowing the secrets and tricks, following the rules and advice of experts, you can short term transform an uninhabited cold attic under the roof into additional living space.

Transforming an Abandoned Attic

Converting an attic space into housing is considered a tempting way to expand the living space in the house.

Several options for arranging the attic space

In order to achieve maximum good result In this endeavor, it is necessary to draw up a plan of the existing attic. Using a tape measure, you should measure all the distances between elements that have a significant impact on the future design. The most important parameter is total area attic.

An example of finishing an attic floor with wood and laminate

It is measured between the mauerlats and pediments. If the attic has a complex configuration, then all measurements between the walls are taken. The measurement results are plotted on the drawing and, in a calm environment, are formalized into a plan.

The clear distance between the top of the floor structures and the bottom of the rafter beams has a very significant impact on the results of construction. Therefore, the height from the floor to the rafters at the ridge of the building and in the area of ​​the mauerlat is measured.

Drawing of the location of the rooms in the attic

It is necessary to measure characteristic points located below the expected ceiling. Everything else that affects the character is also included in the drawing. Chimneys, air ducts, placement of heating and water pipes.

Configuration selection

It is desirable that the attic occupies the maximum volume of the attic. But usually this is not achievable due to the slope pitched roofs. In the Mauerlat area, the roof is practically adjacent to the beams or floor panels, making it impossible to use this area.

The traditional solution in this situation is to shift the attic wall from the building wall towards the ridge of the roof.

Diagram of the attic ceiling height

The closer the attic wall gets to the ridge line, the higher it can be. But the higher it is, the smaller the area is available for conversion into a room. The compromise is usually determined by the tastes of the developer and affects the design of the premises.

You can already place furniture along such a wall, hang shelves or.
If the wall is moved even further to a height of approximately seventy centimeters, the interior will become significantly more complex. However, this design is also practiced and sometimes looks very successful. determined arbitrarily depending on the height of the roof ridge. Typically, two and a half meters is considered a sufficient ceiling height.

Read also

Attic design and drawings

Window and entrance arrangement

A typical attic typically has very little natural light.

Option for installing windows in the attic

When converting into a living space, it is necessary to install additional light openings. The easiest way to do this is in the gables of the building. However, such an exit is only good if it does not have transverse walls and rooms visually isolated from the gables.

For such cases, there are window models that are inserted directly into the roof slope. By choosing the required window area, you can get not only excellent illumination, but also an element of advanced room design, which is a decoration and appearance building.

An example of the layout and placement of a room in the attic

The layout of the attic is influenced by placement input node. As a rule, even in a house with two floors or more, they do not lead to the ceiling of the upper floor. Therefore, access to the attic is usually via an extension or folding ladder. And the exit itself may be poorly located, from the point of view of organizing the interior of the attic floor.

Using the plan of an existing attic, you should try to optimally place the premises, reducing possible inconvenience and loss of space.

Is a bathroom needed?

Of course, you need a bathroom. Its installation at such a height, on structures that are poorly suited for this purpose, causes a lot of inconvenience. First of all, waterproofing the floor of a bathroom or shower, reducing the risk of leaks from water supply and sewerage pipes. Every effort must be made to prevent the possibility of flooding of the premises located underneath.

The possibilities depend on the design of the attic floor. If it is concrete, then no serious problems will not arise. But when wooden floor, it is required to carry out waterproofing very responsibly. It is worth using polymer waterproofing membrane, which allows you to give it any configuration and weld joints at the interfaces.

In the second case, a full-fledged one is required. This can be done by insulating the entire roof or just the attic. For this purpose, sheet metal is used thermal insulation material, such as stone wool or polyurethane foam.

Detailed attic insulation diagram

The thickness of the insulation depends on the climatic region of construction, but you should not make it less than ten centimeters. Insulate the entire perimeter of the walls and ceiling.

The desire to expand the living space in a private house often comes to mind for private developers. One of the most economical and simple ways– make the attic habitable. To realize this opportunity, it is necessary to correctly design and calculate all future structural elements, forming the attic space.

The main steps in creating a residential attic

Before you begin the direct actions associated with remodeling the attic space with your own hands, you need to draw up a plan. It should include all the main activities related to the arrangement of a residential attic.

The list of main stages includes the following components:

DIY attic floor

When converting an attic into a living space, it may turn out that the heat insulator located in the ceiling has become unusable and lost its thermal insulation properties. The reasons for the loss of performance can be very different: from local leaks to poor ventilation of the attic and, as a result, the insulation getting wet from the condensation formed. Damp, rotting boards can also cause the entire floor to be refinished.

Remodeling the ceiling begins with installing additional sheathing between the floor beams. Most often, pine beams are used as lathing, which are secured perpendicular to the beams using metal corners or others in a convenient way. To prevent the penetration of condensation from the lower room, lay a layer vapor barrier membrane. Slabs are often used as insulation stone wool, which, depending on required thickness, can be laid in two layers.

When laying heat insulation in two layers, the joints should not be located at the same level. The insulation is laid in a checkerboard pattern.

A second layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of the slabs. The membrane is secured using construction stapler. The basis for the subfloor can be slabs made of tongue-and-groove moisture-resistant chipboard. They are stiffer and stronger than conventional slabs, and are also environmentally friendly. Thanks to the longitudinal projections and grooves, installing the slabs is easy and convenient, and the surface is perfectly flat. For the finished floor, laminate or linoleum is used.

Thermal insulation of the roof in the attic

Roof insulation is most important stage. When doing thermal insulation with your own hands, you need to perform a thermal calculation to select the thickness of the heat insulator. Most often, ready-made tables and climate maps are used to select the thickness of insulation. For pitched roofs, basalt materials with a density of at least 35 kg/m 3 are used. This minimum density is necessary to retain the insulation when it is spread between the rafters.

The steeper the roof slopes, the denser the insulation you need to use.

From the side of the room they lay vapor barrier film. On the roof side, it is better to put a superdiffusion membrane on the insulation, which allows moisture to pass through from the heat insulator.


Materials for attic insulation

To convert an attic into housing, for example, into one like in the photo, first of all you need to make it warm room. Previously, to reduce heat loss, straw, sawdust, hay, and dry tree leaves were placed on the ceiling; later they began to use bulk materials(expanded clay, slag), glass wool and roofing felt.

Currently, in a private home they use more modern insulation materials, which have a number of advantages, among them the following are especially valued:

The most popular are considered following materials for insulation:

  • polyurethane foam (PPU);
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • mineral wool.

It should be noted that these insulation materials have both advantages and some disadvantages.

Polyurethane foam

This insulation for the attic of a house, consisting of gas-filled plastics, is applied by spraying to brick, wood, metal, plaster and other surfaces. Polyurethane foam is widely used in creating thermal insulation for roofs, attics, walls, and basements.

This seamless spraying method allows you to fill absolutely all the cracks, leaving no chance for drafts. This modern technology increases heat saving by 3 times, while significantly reducing heating costs. Polyurethane foam demonstrates resistance to decay and the effects of various aggressive environments. It gives the structures on which it is applied additional rigidity. But the biggest argument in favor of this insulation is its 50-year service life.

As for the disadvantages of polyurethane foam, it is high cost. But this price pays off by saving money on applying it, since there is no need to make a vapor and heat insulation “pie” - polyurethane foam protects against moisture, cold, condensation and loud sounds.

Expanded polystyrene

This insulation is often called foam plastic, but in terms of quality and manufacturing technology it is absolutely different materials, and what they have in common is the raw material from which they are produced, and it is called polystyrene. Polystyrene foam is fragile, while polystyrene foam is much stronger in tearing and compression. This material is produced by extrusion - during the production process the polymer is transformed at different stages, its granules undergo melting and foaming, which leads to increased thermal insulation properties.

To keep attic housing warm, use the following properties polystyrene foam boards as excellent thermal insulation. In addition, expanded polystyrene is lightweight, environmentally friendly, low cost and easy to install - the slabs are cut with a saw or special knife. The thermal insulation characteristics of the slabs of this insulation are preserved when exposed to moisture, since it is not hygroscopic.

Mineral wool

Insulation such as mineral wool helps home owners convert the attic into a living space. It can be glass, slag, stone, depending on the raw materials of manufacture - from glass melts, blast furnace slag, rocks.

Mineral wool is produced:

  • in the form of slabs;
  • in rolls;
  • in the form of a bulk mixture.

This variety makes it possible to use mineral wool for thermal protection of building walls, roofs, and slopes. It is used for insulation and fire protection of pipelines, furnaces and similar structures, since it can withstand temperatures of more than 1000°C. Mineral wool provides excellent sound insulation. The insulation is resistant to chemically active substances.

Experts consider mineral wool with randomly arranged fibers to be the best heat insulator. For example, slabs from of this material having a 5-centimeter thickness in terms of thermal resistance are comparable to the characteristics of a wall made of timber 18 centimeters thick or brickwork 90 centimeters.

The service life of mineral wool materials is about 50 years. Main required condition To do this, avoid compaction, since as a result their thermal insulation properties deteriorate.

Insulating the attic wooden house using mineral wool, they begin by creating a vapor barrier from polyethylene or polypropylene film, foil or fiberglass. Some types of mineral wool have moisture-repellent properties, so condensation does not accumulate in the insulation and thermal protection does not deteriorate. If this insulation is coated with aluminum foil, no vapor barrier required.

Flaw mineral materials is the presence of formaldehyde in them, so when working with them you must use a mask and gloves.

Those owners of a private cottage who want to make good use of the attic space can arrange living room. In this case, it is advisable to make an entrance to the attic from the house. In the attic you can place a study, an art workshop, a billiard room, etc., it is only important to understand. In this case, insulation is installed on the walls, floor and roof from the inside, the ceiling and walls are sheathed with plasterboard, and, for example, wood boards. You should remember the need to arrange ventilation ducts.