Feng Shui hallway. Secrets of proper finishing

Blessed are the believers, for they have the kingdom of heaven, so says the Bible, and for good reason. Almost every person needs to believe in something in order to be happy. Some believe in God, others in miracles, others in occult sciences, and some believe in the interconnectedness of all things on earth. Similar “beliefs” include the ancient Taoist teaching of Feng Shui, whose followers claim that all objects surrounding a person in one way or another affect his life, health, financial condition And appearance. Adherents of Feng Shui have developed tactics for introducing this teaching into human everyday life, and rules for placing objects in everyday life.

If you treat your family and friends with love and attention, then before you start renovating your home, it would be a good idea to find out how to carry it out as efficiently as possible. Exists great amount reviews and evidence that “Feng Shui” is an effective teaching. Many people, having become familiar with it and putting it into practice, became more successful, healthier and got rid of many problems.

The Feng Shui hallway also has its own certain rules placement of objects in it. They are designed to correctly redirect energy flows in the room, and with this help achieve the necessary harmony in the home.

Taoist teachings claim that we ourselves are to blame for our problems and lack of money. According to them, everything that exists on earth at the energy level is energy substances, and in order to attract or remove this or that energy from oneself, all you need to do is correctly distribute the movement of energy flows.

According to Feng Shui, the following rules must be observed in the hallway:

  • There should be no clutter of objects. In the hallway there should be only those things that are needed for changing clothes.
  • The mirror should be located to the side of front door. Never place a mirror opposite the entrance to the house.
  • The room must have fresh flowers and animals, for example, an aquarium with fish. If it is not possible to install live ones, then you need to place at least their image.
  • The hallway should have items in colorful, bright colors;
  • It would be nice to hang metal or glass bells above the entrance;
  • The lighting in the corridor should be bright. Dull colors attract negative energy.
  • There should be a pendant with a crystal on the chandelier or lamp.

All these rules must be followed in order to delay negative and let in positive energy at the entrance to the house.

How to place a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui

The mirror, its location, appearance and size are of great importance for a favorable environment in your home. A mirror has always been considered not a simple object. Since ancient times, various stories or practices have been associated with it about the influence of a mirror on a person’s fate. Some even claim that events of the past and present accumulate in the mirror, and they affect the atmosphere in the house and the lives of those who see their reflection in it.

The mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui is a separate topic that receives a lot of attention from both the followers of the teaching themselves and adherents of other movements. The mirror is such a paradoxical object that it is mentioned in many fairy tales, epic stories and mystical legends

How to correctly position a mirror in the hallway so as not to harm the residents of the house, but rather to attract stability and success into the house, and decorate the walls?

Basic rules for placing a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui:

  • There should be a mirror as possible large sizes. A person who looks in the mirror must see his entire reflection, with all parts of his body. This is beneficial for his health.
  • The mirror should be located on the side of the front door. You cannot place a mirror opposite the entrance.
  • The mirror should not have sharp corners. If there are any, then frame it.
  • The mirror must be intact. It must not be cracked or consist of several pieces ( mirror tiles, For example).

If you are making repairs, then it is better to install a new mirror and get rid of the old one, which has accumulated a bunch of information known only to it.

What should a mirror be like in a hallway according to Feng Shui?

The corridor and the hallway are closely intertwined concepts, and sometimes even perform the same functions. Only if we consider the hallway as a functional set of furniture, and the corridor as the room in which this set of furniture is placed, then we can find differences. According to Feng Shui, a mirror in a hallway can also differ from a mirror in a hallway if it is located as a separate interior detail, and not as an element of hallway furniture.

To the mirror, like independent detail Feng Shui also has certain interior requirements:

  • The mirror should also be large;
  • It has a positive effect on comfort and well-being in the home when gold objects, decorative elements symbolizing luxury or wealth, happy married couples or cheerful children are reflected in the mirror.
  • Do not place the mirror opposite the window or front door;
  • It’s good when a mirror slightly enlarges the space;
  • The mirror should not be crooked;
  • The space near the mirror should be well lit.

Also try to ensure that the mirror is not scratched or cracked. Don't let the mirrors reflect one another.

Hallway according to Feng Shui: rules for selecting paintings

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, everything in the house matters: objects, their location, size, and appearance. Great importance have paintings, like canvases with one image or another. And to be more precise, it is these images that play the main role.

The Feng Shui hallway with paintings has certain rules. The paintings should not be allowed to contain images of negative scenes or events, for example, “Ivan the Terrible kills his own son.” “The Last Day of Pompeii”, etc.

In addition to hanging pictures in the hallway for decoration, in Feng Shui they are also used to redirect the flow of energy coming into your home from the front door. For example, if you have a large, spacious hallway, then there will be an excess of energy in it, both negative and positive. Positive energy in large quantities will fill the house with excessive self-confidence and excessive aggression. To prevent this from happening, hang a large, bright picture opposite the entrance to the house that attracts a lot of attention.

What should be depicted in the paintings in the hallway according to Feng Shui:

  • Waterfalls. Medium strength water flows symbolize the influx of funds into the house.
  • Landscapes. Just not gloomy sunsets.
  • Animals without signs of aggression. Preferably in pairs.
  • Luxuries;
  • Happy married couples, children;

IN long corridor you can place a picture of white horses moving towards the house. This will be a symbol of clean and bright energy rushing into your home.

The placement of mirrors in the hallway according to Feng Shui (video)

If you are a person with a subtle, aesthetic taste, and also believe in miracles, carefully familiarize yourself with the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, follow its principles, and you will be able to independently control and adjust everything that happens in your home.

Bringing good luck into your home is not so easy. After all, many people don’t even think that the arrangement of furniture and interior items can somehow affect your life.

Let's start looking at Feng Shui from the hallway. This is an important room because the front door is located here. It is from here that Qi energy comes into all rooms. And in order for the energy to go only to a good cause, you need to take into account some points.

Feng Shui experts believe that the color of the walls is most important. If the hallway is dark, then you need to choose bright hues walls or add more light with different sconces.

If light, then add dark colors or elements. The color also determines what the energy will be directed towards: green - for wealth, blue - for a career, brown - for children.

It is very important to have a mirror in the hallway. Ideally, it should in no case be opposite the entrance and be at full height so that bad energy is reflected back. It is important that objects that are aimed at attracting money or other benefits should not be reflected in the mirror, otherwise they will simply be repelled from you.

The furniture in the hallway needs to be positioned correctly. At the entrance, work zone should be on your right. You need to put a closet there for shoes or clothes.

If this is not possible and there is a passage on the right, then you can put a small ottoman to make it convenient to put on your shoes or hang a hook with a shoehorn. Various accessories for shoe care will also come in handy.

You should not clutter the hallway, otherwise favorable energy will not be able to seep into other rooms. The furniture you place in the hallway should not have sharp corners; this interferes with the free circulation of energy.

The walls should not be empty. If there is no piece of furniture above any wall, then you need to hang a picture, for example. But photographs cannot be hung so that those entering can see them. They must be somewhere in the back of the room.

If you have yet to choose an apartment, you need to give preference to the location of the rooms so that when you enter you do not see the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom.

If, nevertheless, some of them are visible, then near the entrance it is necessary to place an object, for example a flower pot, that distracts attention from the room. If it is not possible to make changes to the interior, then try to keep the doors to these rooms closed.

With the help of the hallway you can attract wealth and good luck into your home. Here it is important door, for the entry of beneficial energy Qi.

The entrance itself should be well lit; energy will not pass by the light. For enhanced action, you need to put 3 Chinese coins under the mat to attract money.

It is very important that all the positive energy that enters the hallway spreads throughout all the rooms in your home. Even with small elements in the decor of the hallway, you can improve the weather throughout the house.

Considering all these important points You can not only bring positivity into your home, but also attract good luck and money. Just don't overdo it. If you are against such arrangement of the hallway or you don’t like this arrangement of objects, then it’s better not to do anything. Because you can only make the situation worse.

Paintings for the hallway are not specific, so any option you like will fit here. You just need to choose your favorite, purchase it and enjoy the result. The difficulty is that the paintings may not suit every hallway. So what to do? Should you refuse the purchase or think about how it can be adapted to the existing premises? There is no doubt that the second option is the optimal one.

Paintings modern masters are quite diverse, so worry about what the desired option it won’t be found, it won’t be necessary. However, do all images fit perfectly in the hallway? As practice shows, no. Moreover, the problem may not be in the picture itself. It can be done flawlessly! But in the final design of the room it is not at all in its favor. The issue must be approached very subtly, taking into account any, even the most inconspicuous, nuances.

Of course, primary attention should be paid to stylistic decision in the house, as well as the wishes of all residents of the apartment.

It happens that some types of art are simply not perceived by residents, so they will soon begin to irritate them. After all the formalities have been completed, you need to think about what you want to see on the wall.

In this case, the following are considered optimal for placement in the corridor:

  • Abstractions;
  • Natural landscapes;
  • Avant-garde images.

However, quite often homeowners choose natural landscapes for themselves, which do not look so bad, although they are not approved by professional designers. It all depends on the size of the painting, the brightness of its colors and, of course, the overall concept of the image.

Modern paintings in the hallway: photo or paint design

Increasingly, apartments are decorated not with “live” works by artists, but with printed images, which are popularly called posters. To say that such a solution is unsuccessful would be a mistake, because even printed pictures can look quite decent. In addition, they can be decorated not only in the form of a painting, but as panels, which have gained particular popularity today, even in the highest circles.

Their advantages include:

  • Relatively low price;
  • The ability to “draw” a project individually;
  • A wide range of.

This solution is especially good for those who have not yet decided whether they need paintings on the wall or not. By spending very little money, you can get a decent example, which will help put all the dots in place.

If such a picture gets boring, it can be replaced without pity with a similar or more expensive option.

Hanging a picture does not mean radically changing the appearance of the hallway. This piece of furniture can easily be removed or replaced with something else. Don't take the issue too seriously. The choice must be made immediately! Based on this, a decision is made: to hang the picture or not.

Modular paintings in the hallway: new trends

Modular paintings have gained popularity relatively recently, which is the reason for their universal mania. Such products are actively purchased by both stars and average individuals. The essence of this concept is that the image is divided into several sectors, each of which is a separate picture. This solution in the interior looks quite stylish.

Modular paintings are perfect for:

  • Expressive personalities;
  • For lovers of interesting interior solutions;
  • For those who constantly keep their finger on the pulse of current design finds.

What’s remarkable is that you can make modular paintings with your own hands! You can actually draw them on several types of canvas or simply print them in a similar way. Modern technological progress provides every opportunity for this!

Meanwhile, professionals who specialize in these types of paintings can best cope with the task. After listening to the customer’s wishes, they will create exactly what they wanted to see in the end! And, thanks to its neutrality, modular painting has no chance of going out of fashion. As well as boring its owner.

What paintings can be hung in a small hallway

The question of which paintings can be hung in the hallway and which cannot be considered incorrect. It all depends on the taste and wishes of the customer himself. However, a small and simple hallway in its layout is best decorated with an unpretentious painting. For example, just cross-stitch it. You can do this on your own with very little effort.

Ultimately you can get:

  • Exclusive decoration;
  • New hobby;
  • The desire to continue creating.

Modular paintings in the hallway interior (video)

Vertical or horizontal, small or large... The paintings are radically different from each other, so choosing the best one is a very difficult task. It’s quite possible to cope with it on your own! Moreover, decoration is not a sentence at all. If desired, it can be replaced or removed altogether. Therefore, you need to approach the solution of the issue very calmly!

Examples of paintings in the corridor (photos in the interior)

From the front door, the visitor immediately enters the hallway, so it should “magnetize” the energy of well-being no less than the door itself. The hallway, even a small one, should create a feeling of spaciousness and freedom, have good lighting and contained in perfect cleanliness! If the hallway is dark, cramped and uncomfortable, if you don’t want to linger in it, then money won’t spoil the apartment with its appearance.

How to visually increase the size of the hallway

When you open the front door, you should not find yourself in a nook where it is impossible to turn around, but into a spacious room. A small hallway from a feng shui point of view limits the financial prospects of the family. However, in the Feng Shui technique there are ways to enlarge even the most cramped hallway.

First of all, no matter what the hallway is, under no circumstances should it be cluttered. If there is a dusty cabinet next to the front door that is long overdue for disposal; if the hallway is crowded because of the accumulated clothes and shoes for all seasons; if the front door does not open completely because there are boards, skis and poles behind it; if there is a mezzanine hanging from above, then the path to wealth is blocked for you. The chi energy will not penetrate into the rooms, it will get stuck, lost in this rubbish. Therefore, you need to remove everything unnecessary from the hallway, leaving only those clothes and shoes that correspond to the current season. Everything else should be kept in closets.

To visually increase the size of the hallway, you need to hang a mirror on the side of the entrance, framed or inserted flush with the adjacent surface to hide sharp corners. The mirror must be large enough and reflect the person completely, without “cutting off” any arms, legs, or head. It is not advisable to hang a mirror opposite the front door. Of course, it will prevent people from entering the house. negative energy, but also money luck in this case it will be “receiving a turn from the gate.” It is better that the mirror reflects not a hanger of clothes, but some beautiful objects that symbolize abundance and prosperity - an aquarium, a painting depicting a seascape, ripe ears of corn, fountains, fish, wooden or metal (depending on the direction) figurines of deer, storks, dragons or money as such. It is not recommended to hang octagonal mirrors with symbols of other cultures - hieroglyphs, trigrams - inside the apartment. These mirrors are only suitable for reflecting “secret arrows” outside the home! If used ineptly or illiterately, they can cause significant harm. You can also visually “pull apart the walls” of the hallway using flooring. If the hallway floor is carpeted, add an insert in front of the door with a different texture, pattern, or color. You can put a rug on parquet or linoleum that will contrast with the rest of the floor. The color of the rug should match the direction and style of the front door. If, for example, the door faces southeast, the rug should be green, black or blue. Under the rug, as a sign of prosperity, you need to put three five-ruble coins.

Lighting and color design of the hallway

The hallway, like the front door, should be well lit. Bright light at the entrance to the house attracts the energy of well-being, creates an atmosphere of hospitality, and lifts the mood. Sometimes it is enough to replace a 60-watt light bulb with a 100-watt one. In other cases, you can hang a sconce or install a floor lamp. When choosing a lamp, keep in mind that using fluorescent light sources in a living room is extremely undesirable and harmful.

Concerning color scheme hallway, if it seems too light and angular to you, soften it with pastel colors or hang a fabric curtain. If the hallway is dark, liven it up with brighter, richer colors, add light and hang paintings or photographs in rectangular or oval frames on the walls.

View from the doorstep of the apartment

The ideal apartment layout is when the living room is visible from the threshold. However, life dictates its own rules, and in our apartments from the threshold you can see anything - a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, a toilet, or even all at once. From a feng shui point of view similar layout is considered unfavorable because qi dissipates too quickly without having time to accumulate, which immediately affects the financial situation of the family. If you find yourself in such a situation, keep the doors to these rooms, especially the bathroom and toilet, closed, or place some interesting, unusual objects in the hallway on the walls and floor that would distract attention to themselves. They may be floor vases, live or artificial (not dried!) flowers and plants, photographs and paintings of wildlife, symbols of wealth. Place an aquarium directly opposite the front door and home fountain not recommended, otherwise all the money will “flow” away.

If the gaze of someone entering the apartment immediately rests on the wall, this will symbolically block financial and professional advancement; money will stop halfway to you. The situation can be corrected by hanging paintings or photographs depicting natural landscapes on this wall, or enlivening it with climbing plants - live or artificial.

If the hallway offers a view of either the near wall and the far room, or into the corridor, then financial position will be extremely unstable. In the direction of your gaze, place an object that would stop the movement of energy, for example, a plant, wind chimes or a pendant - round, symbolizing fullness and abundance, or in the shape of a pagoda, which will also serve as a protective talisman. It is not recommended to hang pendants whose shape resembles razor blades in the house. They are more suitable for temples and ritual ceremonies.

Stairs in the hallway

If there is a staircase opposite the front door, the flow of energy will move too quickly, taking money with it. In this case, on the way to the stairs you can place large or flashy objects, such as a plant, a vase, or hang wind chimes in front of the stairs, preferably with one of the symbols of wealth.

If the staircase is located to the side of the entrance, the best solution there will be a partition (say, a clothes hanger) that will create a barrier to prevent useful energy from escaping.

The space under the stairs should not be ignored. This place should under no circumstances resemble a landfill, otherwise energy will stagnate there and slow down your progress towards financial success. Under the stairs it would be nice to arrange a storage room for shoes, shoe brushes, brooms and other household supplies.

Corridors serve as conductors of energy in the house. Energy should move through them freely, but not randomly. Just like the hallway, hallways should be kept clean, well-lit, and decorated with pastel-colored wallpaper or wall hangings. If the corridor is too long and straight, you need to put a small round table(it is advisable to place one of the symbols of wealth on it, say, a vase with yellow flowers, peonies or a dish filled with tangerines or oranges), a stand with flowers, or hang a windbell. By going around this obstacle, the energy will slow down its flow, and not rush through the room directly, quickly and unhindered leaving the house. The same must be done if the doors of the rooms are located opposite each other.

Feng Shui hallway

The hallway is the very first room through which the vital force of Qi enters the house and then circulates throughout all other rooms. According to Feng Shui, hallway rooms are very important in a home. The further distribution of energy throughout the apartment and the quality of this energy depend on the type of hallway you have.

Feng Shui of the hallway starts with. It's bad if the door is too small or can suddenly slam in your face. Then the energy will not flow well into your apartment, and you will feel dependent and depressed. According to Feng Shui, the hallway should not be small and dark, nor too large and empty. If the hallway is small, poorly lit, and also cluttered, the Qi energy will seem to be repelled from objects. In your life, this may lead to failures, conflicts, you may feel a lack or decline vitality, illnesses and ailments.

To visually expand the hallway, you need to hang mirrors in it, make good, preferably adjustable lighting. Mirrors on walls adjacent to any potential source of noise or disturbance (neighbors, stairs, street, etc.) are especially important. If the mirror hangs on the side of the front door, it will reflect the hallway and make it appear wider.

Hallway dimensions

Hang pictures in the hallway

If your hallway, on the contrary, is very large, then it can be entered from the outside a large number of“extra” vital energy, and this energy will “overwhelm” the apartment, “displace” those living in it. Residents of such an apartment can become aggressive and tyrannize their weaker or dependent loved ones. When a person enters such a hallway, he becomes uncomfortable, he seems to shrink, becomes wary, sometimes feels defenseless and can often sense the internal and sometimes external aggression of the residents. Such a hallway needs to be decorated with some object that attracts attention, which would concentrate the energy of the space around it. This could be a table with flowers, a palm tree, a vase or stucco, etc.

If your hallway has a lot of empty walls, especially opposite the front door, you should decorate them with paintings and framed photographs. Empty wall in the hallway in front of the eyes of the person entering will be associated with an insurmountable obstacle.

The hallway should not offer two views at once: to the near wall and to side room. Besides the fact that it is simply harmful to vision (so-called split line of vision), over time this appearance can cause irritability, insecurity and headache from the residents. To avoid this, you also need to “keep” your gaze in one place, as in the case of large hallway. You can cover the entrance to the room with a curtain, a plant, or a sculpture, which will make the interior even more complete.

Choosing the color of the hallway

Hallway in pastel colors

Let's also turn Special attention on the color of the walls in the hallway, built according to the Feng Shui system. The color in the hallway should correspond to the direction of the front door: red for the south, brown for the southwest, and so on. That is, before decorating the hallway, like any other room in your house, you will need a Bagua compass, which will help you determine in which sector your hallway is located and in what colors it is best to decorate it accordingly.

Of course, if the hallway is small, then it is better to use light, warm colors in the wall decor - this will visually expand the space. Therefore, there may be contradictions between the recommended color and the size of the hallway. In any case, if you are decorating a small hallway in cool white or blue tones, then try to add bright details in red, yellow or green. These can be various inserts, screens, fabric, plants, figurines, etc. Make sure that the colors of the sectors complement each other and do not oppose each other.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is undesirable to use any curved space, be it corners, walls, beams protruding above the head, or arches. All this interferes with the free circulation of Qi energy, suppresses it and produces negative Sha energy - the so-called “poisonous arrows”. Therefore, in hallways, especially dark ones, it is better not to use uneven protruding surfaces. It is better to cover beams, arches and other similar elements in the hallway. You can also place something luminous or shiny in this place: a lamp, a pendant.

Three coins under the mat

The hallway is a place that has been used since ancient times different peoples to attract happiness and good luck to the home. In Feng Shui, door mats are used in a similar way, which in themselves attract beneficial Qi. Three Chinese gold coins are also placed under the mat for good luck. You can hang the same coins with holes on a red cord near the door.

It is believed that good luck is attracted to the house by the bright lighting of the hallway area in front of the front door and immediately behind it, i.e. the threshold should also be brightly lit.

Hallway furniture

People don't stay in the hallway for long. That is why it is very important to maintain the natural neutral Yin Yang balance in it, since it is this harmonious balance that has a beneficial effect on the entire apartment as a whole. This can be achieved by using soft pastel colors on the walls, smoothing out sharp corners, closed and “unobtrusive” doors to other rooms, mirrors in the right place and everything that was mentioned above.

You should also properly design the Assistants' area, located to the right of the front door. In this area it is useful to place small hangers, tables, soft cozy ottomans, shelves, bedside tables - everything that you can lean on, which really serves as an assistant when a person takes off his shoes or undresses. This is a good place to put a lamp and hang a mirror. In such a place, a special zone of warmth, comfort and care is created, and any person entering will immediately feel comfortable and relaxed in your home.

The hallway is the place in the apartment that immediately creates an idea of ​​both the apartment itself and its residents. A place that directs, distributes and “heals” all the energy of the apartment. That is why it is so important to apply the basics and principles of Feng Shui in the interior design of the hallway.