Examples of wastewater treatment plants in major cities. Fish in the sewer

Today's speech in Once again will go on a topic close to each of us, without exception :)

Most people, when they press the toilet button, don't think about what happens to what they flush. It leaked and flowed, that's business. In such big city like Moscow, no less than four million cubic meters of wastewater flows into the sewer system every day. This is approximately the same amount of water flowing in the Moscow River in a day opposite the Kremlin. All this huge volume of wastewater needs to be purified and this is a very difficult task.

Moscow has two largest wastewater treatment plants of approximately the same size. Each of them purifies half of what Moscow “produces.” I’ve already talked about Kuryanovskaya station. Today I will talk about the Lyubertsy station - we will again go over the main stages of water purification, but we will also touch on one very important topic- how cleaning stations combat unpleasant odors using low-temperature plasma and waste from the perfume industry, and why this problem has become more relevant than ever.

First, a little history. For the first time, sewerage “came” to the area of ​​modern Lyubertsy at the beginning of the twentieth century. Then the Lyubertsy irrigation fields were created, on which wastewater, still old technology seeped through the ground and thereby purified. Over time, this technology became unacceptable for the ever-increasing amount of wastewater and in 1963 a new treatment station was built - Lyuberetskaya. A little later, another station was built - Novolubertskaya, which actually borders the first one and uses part of its infrastructure. In fact, now it is one large cleaning station, but consisting of two parts - old and new.

Let's look at the map - on the left, in the west - the old part of the station, on the right, in the east - the new one:

The station area is huge, about two kilometers in a straight line from corner to corner.

As you might guess, there is a smell coming from the station. Previously, few people worried about it, but now this problem has become relevant for two main reasons:

1) When the station was built, in the 60s, practically no one lived around it. Nearby there was a small village where the station workers themselves lived. At that time this area was far, far from Moscow. Now there is very active construction going on. The station is virtually surrounded on all sides by new buildings and there will be even more of them. New houses are even being built on the station’s former sludge sites (fields to which sludge left over from wastewater treatment was transported). As a result, residents of nearby houses are forced to periodically sniff “sewer” odors, and of course they constantly complain.

2) Sewage water has become more concentrated than before, in Soviet times. This happened due to the fact that the volume of water used per Lately strongly decreased, while people did not go to the toilet less, but on the contrary, the population grew. There are quite a few reasons why the amount of “diluting” water has become much smaller:
a) use of meters - water has become more economical;
b) the use of more modern plumbing - it is increasingly rare to see a running faucet or toilet;
c) use of more economical household appliances - washing machines, dishwashers and so on.;
d) closure of a huge number of industrial enterprises that consumed a lot of water - AZLK, ZIL, Serp and Molot (partially), etc.
As a result, if the station during construction was designed for a volume of 800 liters of water per person per day, now in reality this figure is no more than 200. An increase in concentration and a decrease in flow has led to a number of side effects- V sewer pipes designed for a larger flow, sediment began to be deposited, leading to unpleasant odors. The station itself began to smell more.

To combat the odor, Mosvodokanal, which manages the treatment facilities, is carrying out a phased reconstruction of the facilities, using several different ways getting rid of odors, which will be discussed below.

Let's go in order, or rather, in the flow of water. Wastewater from Moscow enters the station through the Lyubertsy sewer canal, which is a huge underground collector filled with wastewater. The canal is gravity-flowing and runs at a very shallow depth almost throughout its entire length, and sometimes even above the ground. Its scale can be appreciated from the roof of the administrative building of the wastewater treatment plant:

The width of the canal is about 15 meters (divided into three parts), the height is 3 meters.

At the station, the channel enters the so-called receiving chamber, from where it is divided into two streams - part goes to the old part of the station, part to the new one. The receiving chamber looks like this:

The channel itself comes from the right-back, and the flow, divided into two parts, leaves through the green channels in the background, each of which can be blocked by a so-called gate - a special shutter (dark structures in the photo). Here you can notice the first innovation to combat odors. The receiving chamber is completely covered with sheets of metal. Previously, it looked like a “pool” filled with fecal water, but now they are not visible, naturally continuous metal coating Almost completely covers the smell.

For technological purposes, only a very small hatch was left, by lifting it you can enjoy the whole bouquet of smells. Hello from walsk :)

These huge gates allow you to block the channels coming from the receiving chamber if necessary.

There are two channels from the receiving chamber. They, too, were open quite recently, but now they are completely covered with a metal ceiling.

Gases released from wastewater accumulate under the ceiling. These are mainly methane and hydrogen sulfide - both gases are explosive at high concentrations, so the space under the ceiling must be ventilated, but here the following problem arises - if you just install a fan, then the whole point of the ceiling will simply disappear - the smell will get outside. Therefore, to solve the problem, MKB "Horizon" developed and manufactured a special installation for air purification. The installation is located in a separate booth and a ventilation pipe from the duct goes to it.

This installation is experimental, to test the technology. In the near future, such installations will begin to be installed en masse at treatment plants and at sewerage pumping stations, of which there are more than 150 in Moscow and from which unpleasant odors also emanate. On the right in the photo is one of the developers and testers of the installation, Alexander Pozinovsky.

The operating principle of the installation is as follows:
into four vertical pipes from of stainless steel Polluted air is supplied from below. These same pipes contain electrodes, to which high voltage (tens of thousands of volts) is applied several hundred times per second, resulting in discharges and low-temperature plasma. When interacting with it, most smelling gases turn into a liquid state and settle on the walls of the pipes. It constantly flows down the walls of the pipes thin layer water with which these substances are mixed. The water circulates in a circle, the water tank is the blue container on the right, below in the photo. Purified air comes out of stainless steel pipes from above and is simply released into the atmosphere.
For those who are interested in more details, here is a photo of the stand where everything is explained.

For patriots - the installation was completely developed and created in Russia, with the exception of the power stabilizer (bottom in the cabinet in the photo). High voltage part of the installation:

Since the installation is experimental, it contains additional measuring equipment - a gas analyzer and an oscilloscope.

The oscilloscope shows the voltage across the capacitors. During each discharge, the capacitors are discharged and the process of their charging is clearly visible on the oscillogram.

There are two tubes going to the gas analyzer - one takes in air before installation, the other after. In addition, there is a faucet that allows you to select the tube that connects to the gas analyzer sensor. Alexander first shows us the “dirty” air. Hydrogen sulfide content - 10.3 mg/m3. After switching the tap, the content drops to almost zero: 0.0-0.1.

Each of the channels is also blocked by a separate gate. Generally speaking, there are a huge number of them at the station - they stick out here and there :)

After cleaning from large debris, the water enters sand traps, which, as again it is not difficult to guess from the name, are designed to remove small solid particles. The principle of operation of sand traps is quite simple - essentially it is a long rectangular tank in which water moves at a certain speed, as a result the sand simply has time to settle. Air is also supplied there, which facilitates the process. Sand is removed from below using special mechanisms.

As often happens in technology, the idea is simple, but the execution is complex. So here too - visually this is the most sophisticated design on the way to water purification.

Sand traps are favored by seagulls. In general, there were a lot of seagulls at the Lyubertsy station, but it was in the sand traps that there were the most of them.

I enlarged the photo at home and laughed at the sight of them - funny birds. They are called black-headed gulls. No, they don’t have a dark head because they constantly dip it where it shouldn’t, it’s just a design feature :)
Soon, however, it will not be easy for them - many open water surfaces at the station will be covered.

Let's get back to technology. In the photo - the bottom of the sand trap (not working in this moment). This is where the sand settles and is removed from there.

After the sand traps, the water again flows into the common channel.

Here you can see what all the channels at the station looked like before they began to be covered. This channel is closing right now.

The frame is made of stainless steel, like most metal structures in the sewer. The fact is that the sewer system has a very aggressive environment - water full of all sorts of substances, 100% humidity, gases that promote corrosion. Ordinary iron very quickly turns to dust in such conditions.

The work is being carried out directly above the active channel - since this is one of the two main channels, it cannot be turned off (Muscovites will not wait :)).

In the photo there is a small level difference, about 50 centimeters. The bottom in this place is made of a special shape to dampen the horizontal velocity of the water. The result is very active seething.

After sand traps, water flows to primary settling tanks. In the photo - in the foreground there is a chamber into which water flows, from which it flows into the central part of the sump in the background.

A classic sump looks like this:

And without water - like this:

Dirty water comes from a hole in the center of the sump and enters the general volume. In the settling tank itself, the suspension contained in the dirty water gradually settles to the bottom, along which a sludge scraper, mounted on a truss rotating in a circle, constantly moves. The scraper scrapes the sediment into a special ring tray, and from it, in turn, it falls into a round pit, from where it is pumped out through a pipe by special pumps. Excess water flows into a channel laid around the sump and from there into a pipe.

Primary settling tanks are another source unpleasant odors at the station, because they contain actually dirty (purified only from solid impurities) sewage water. In order to get rid of the smell, Moskvodokanal decided to cover the sedimentation tanks, but then it got stuck a big problem. The diameter of the sump is 54 meters (!). Photo with a person for scale:

Moreover, if you make a roof, then it must, firstly, withstand snow loads in winter, and secondly, have only one support in the center - supports cannot be made above the sump itself, because the farm is constantly rotating there. As a result, it was accepted elegant solution- make the ceiling floating.

The ceiling is assembled from floating stainless steel blocks. Moreover, the outer ring of blocks is fixed motionless, and the inner part rotates floating, together with the truss.

This decision turned out to be very successful, because... firstly, the problem with snow load, and secondly, no volume of air is formed that would have to be ventilated and further purified.

According to Mosvodokanal, this design reduced emissions of odorous gases by 97%.

This settling tank was the first and experimental where it was worked out this technology. The experiment was considered successful and now other settling tanks at the Kuryanovskaya station are already covered in a similar way. Over time, all primary settling tanks will be covered in a similar manner.

However, the reconstruction process is lengthy - it is impossible to turn off the entire station at once; the settling tanks can only be reconstructed one after another, turning off one by one. Yes, and a lot of money is needed. Therefore, while not all sedimentation tanks are covered, a third method of combating odors is used - spraying neutralizing substances.

Special sprayers were installed around the primary settling tanks, which create a cloud of substances that neutralize odors. The substances themselves smell, not very pleasant or unpleasant, but quite specific, however, their task is not to mask the smell, but to neutralize it. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the specific substances that are used, but as they said at the station, these are waste products from the French perfume industry.

For spraying, special nozzles are used that create particles with a diameter of 5-10 microns. The pressure in the pipes, if I'm not mistaken, is 6-8 atmospheres.

After the primary settling tanks, the water enters aeration tanks - long concrete tanks. They supply a huge amount of air through pipes and also contain activated sludge - the basis of the entire method of biological water treatment. Activated sludge processes “waste” and multiplies quickly. The process is similar to what happens in nature in reservoirs, but proceeds many times faster due to warm water, large amounts of air and sludge.

The air is supplied from the main machine room, in which turbo blowers are installed. Three turrets above the building are air intakes. The air supply process requires a huge amount of electricity, and stopping the air supply leads to catastrophic consequences, because activated sludge dies very quickly, and its restoration can take months (!).

Aerotanks, oddly enough, do not particularly emit strong unpleasant odors, so there are no plans to cover them.

This photo shows how dirty water enters the aeration tank (dark) and mixes with activated sludge (brown).

Some of the structures are currently shut down and mothballed, for reasons that I wrote about at the beginning of the post - a decrease in water flow in recent years.

After the aeration tanks, the water enters secondary settling tanks. Structurally, they completely repeat the primary ones. Their purpose is to separate activated sludge from already purified water.

Preserved secondary settling tanks.

Secondary settling tanks do not smell - in fact, the water here is already clean.

The water collected in the sump ring tray flows into the pipe. Part of the water undergoes additional UV disinfection and is discharged into the Pekhorka River, while part of the water goes through an underground canal to the Moscow River.

The settled activated sludge is used to produce methane, which is then stored in semi-underground reservoirs - methane tanks and used at its own thermal power plant.

The spent sludge is sent to sludge beds in the Moscow region, where it is further dehydrated and either buried or burned.

Finally, a panorama of the station from the roof of the administrative building. Click to enlarge.

I express my deep gratitude to the press service for the invitation. Mosvodokanal, and also separately to Alexander Churbanov, director of the Lyubertsy wastewater treatment plant. Thank you

Water disposal– a complex of technological processes, engineering structures and equipment for drainage of wastewater, stormwater and melt water from populated areas, industrial facilities, agriculture and transport infrastructure.

Water disposal should be considered in two aspects - the actual removal of wastewater from the place of generation to the place of discharge and the purification of wastewater before discharge into a water body.

The history of the development of wastewater disposal in Russia is relatively young - no more than two centuries ago, with the advent of low-rise construction and dense urban development, goldsmiths appeared on the streets - professional collectors of sewage, which were transported in barrels outside the city. The Zolotarsky business was replaced by a sewer network for discharging sewage, i.e., economic and domestic wastewater into the river flowing through the city. Water disposal into the water body was initially carried out without treatment, to end of the 19th century V. with purification in filtration fields and only in the 30s. XX century In Russia, namely in Moscow, high-tech urban sewage treatment plants are appearing. A general and strict requirement for wastewater disposal was the location of the construction of treatment facilities and, accordingly, the point of release of treated wastewater into the river - always below the city outside the dense population. In the era of intensive civil construction and urbanization of the Russian population, this construction principle began to be violated: for example, Moscow covered all its treatment plants and wastewater outlets with dense residential buildings. This is practiced in other cities of Russia.

Wastewater or urban runoff is extremely diverse in composition and sanitary-ecological hazard; they can be classified into seven groups:

From the types of wastewater considered, liquid radioactive waste is removed, which is isolated and subject to special treatment and disposal of the radioactive concentrate.

Within each group, the composition and properties of wastewater are very diverse.

Wastewater treatment methods

Bringing wastewater to standard indicators according to the composition of pollutants is carried out at wastewater treatment plants using various technological stages cleaning, among which are the following:

  1. mechanical treatment is the primary stage of the wastewater treatment process, at which coarse pollutants (solid impurities) are removed during the processes of sedimentation, filtration or flotation. Coarse particles are removed by gratings, sieves, sand traps, grease traps, oil traps, settling tanks and other engineering structures;
  2. chemical treatment - various chemicals are added to wastewater chemical reagents that react with pollutants. Such reactions include oxidation and reduction; reactions leading to the formation of compounds that precipitate; reactions accompanied by gas evolution;
  3. physico-chemical treatment - during these processes, finely dispersed, dissolved inorganic and organic substances are removed from wastewater. This group includes technologies such as electrolysis and electrocoagulation, coagulation, flocculation, etc.;
  4. biological treatment is based on the ability of microorganisms to use organic pollutants as a source of nutrition, leading to complete (mineralization) or partial destruction of the structure of substances, i.e., their removal. Biological wastewater treatment can be carried out in bioponds, filtration fields, aeration tanks (reservoirs with forced aeration and a high density of communities of microorganisms, protozoa, invertebrates), membrane bioreactors.

Treatment plants

In Russia, direct responsibility for the choice of treatment technology rests with operating organizations, called “vodokanals” in our country. This term is derived from two words: water supply and sewerage. Such a combination of two different industries is not typical for EU countries, the USA and Canada. Water supply is the production and supply of goods (clean drinking water); sewerage, i.e. water disposal, is the provision of sanitary, hygienic and environmental services.

Some of the largest wastewater treatment plants in the world are the wastewater treatment plants serving Moscow. The Kuryanovsky and Lyuberetsky treatment plants are capable of discharging 3.125 and 3.0 million m3 of wastewater daily, respectively. Treatment plants of greater power are found only in China and a few US cities.

Impact on water bodies

Each identified group of wastewater affects environmental situation in a water body - receiver. Local consequences of the disposal of contaminated wastewater can become an environmental and sanitary problem for large river basins and sea coasts.

For example, the Moscow metropolis with the actual number of people simultaneously present in the city, about 18–20 million people, has a decisive influence on the quality of water in the Oka-Volga basin. Currently, half of the river flow. Moscow is urban wastewater, including surface runoff.

The discharge of wastewater from settlements into small rivers often completely shapes the composition and flow of water in the river. For example, water flow in the river. The Desna increases from 0.92 to 1.66 m 3 /s after the discharge of wastewater from the Yuzhnobutovo treatment plant (WTP), into the river. Pekhorka - from 1.16 to 8.40 m 3 /s after the Lyubertsy WWTP, in the river. Skhodne - from 1.85 to 2.70 m 3 /s after the Zelenograd WWTP.

Wastewater quality

Treatment facilities for municipal sewerage in cities of the Russian Federation are currently, for a number of reasons, unable to fully fulfill their main function - to purify wastewater and bring it to standard levels. In the Russian Federation in 2011, the total volume of wastewater discharges amounted to 48,095 million m3, of which only 3.8% are normatively treated and 33% (15,966 million m3) are polluted (including 6.86% discharged without treatment at all) . Municipal sewage treatment plants account for more than 60% of wastewater discharges in water bodies and only 13–15% of them are classified as normatively cleared.

Despite the trend towards reducing the volume of polluted wastewater, this does not lead to an improvement in the quality of wastewater.

The main problems of wastewater treatment in the Russian Federation

If in the largest cities the problems of water disposal are being systematically resolved, then in medium-sized, small and most large settlements, urban sewerage treatment facilities are in a state of decline. The main reasons for the low efficiency of treatment facilities: lack of budget funds for the reconstruction and modernization of treatment facilities; non-compliance with the technological regime of their operation; inconsistency of the composition of incoming wastewater with treatment technologies; significant physical wear and tear of existing treatment facilities.

G.V. Adzhienko, V.G. Adzhienko

Everything that residents of the capital pour into sinks and toilets ultimately turns into millions of cubic meters of wastewater. They have been dumped into the Moscow River for many years now. To clean them, two large aeration stations were built in the city: in Lyubertsy and in the Pechatnikov area. At the same time, the Kuryanovsky treatment facilities operating in the SEAD (southeastern Autonomous Okrug), are the oldest and largest.

General description of the object

The area served by the station is home to a huge number of people—more than 6 million people. In addition, several manufacturing plants are located nearby. Therefore, every day the station receives a truly colossal amount of wastewater - about 1.8 million m3. Of this, 20% comes from the residential sector, and 80% from the industrial sector. The Kuryanovskaya station is located in the industrial zone of the Pechatniki district, in the left-bank floodplain of the Moscow River. To date, this important facility is one of the largest in Europe.

In total, this complex includes three blocks (NKTP), each of which can be used to treat 1 million m 3 of wastewater per day. Thus, in total, the Kuryanovsky treatment facilities are designed for a load of 3 million m 3 in 24 hours.

A little history

The first facilities at this station were erected in 1939. However, due to the outbreak of the Second World War, work was suspended for a long time. The Kuryanovsky treatment facilities were put into operation only in 1950. At that time, the station, like any other complex of a similar purpose, was located very far from the city - among the steppes and forests, next to several small factories. However, the area of ​​Moscow gradually increased, and eventually the station found itself within its borders. Moreover, it was already surrounded not only by industrial enterprises that were still operating in this area, but also by residential areas.

Of course, the increase in load made the original design capacity of this facility insufficient. Therefore, in the 70s of the last century, Mosvodokanal decided to expand the treatment facilities in the Pechatniki area. In the immediate vicinity of the old complex, the Novokuryanovskaya station was built, consisting of two, more modern blocks. Simultaneously with their construction, a new outlet channel was laid.

Of course, over time, the designs of the new station became obsolete. Therefore, in 2011, their large-scale modernization began. By now, these works have already been completed.

Pechatniki District (Moscow)

The area of ​​this part of the capital is 17.89 km 2 in total. The Pechatniki district consists of 30 streets. To date, about 75 thousand people live in the immediate vicinity of the Kuryanovsky treatment plant.

The Pechatniki area is currently considered very suitable for living. The infrastructure here is very well developed, for example, there are two metro stations and four in the Kursk direction of the Moscow Railway. Until recently, no one particularly wanted to buy apartments in the Pechatniki area. It was all about the disgusting smell spreading from the wastewater treatment plant. However, quite recently this problem has been completely resolved. We'll talk about how exactly below.

Station design

The Kuryanovsky complex, therefore, is the largest. The process of wastewater treatment at this facility begins with one of three receiving chambers directly connected to the city sewerage collectors. From here, the flow of sewage through underground pipelines is distributed to the sewage treatment plant of the station (through the screen building). Today, wastewater mainly flows into one of the two blocks of the new station. Each sewer line supplying wastewater to the sewage treatment plant can be blocked by its own. Before entering the treatment unit, the wastewater is supplied to the Screen Building for primary mechanical treatment. They are then pumped into sand traps. Next, the effluents are supplied sequentially:

    to primary settling tanks;

    aeration tanks;

    to secondary settling tanks;

    into the outlet chamber.

Air is supplied to the aeration tanks from a huge machine room equipped with high-power turbo blowers. Sludge from settling tanks enters a special digester, where its fermentation occurs. The gas released as a result of this process is used at a small thermal power plant built nearby. So interesting technical solution made it possible to provide the Kuryanovsky treatment facilities with its own electricity by 60%. On final stage The already completely purified water flows through the diversion canal into the Moscow River. Throughout the station, wastewater flows by gravity. To do this, each subsequent set of treatment equipment is located slightly lower than the previous one.

How does mechanical cleaning work?

Actually, the wastewater treatment technology itself was thought out to the smallest detail by the engineers of Vodokanal LLC (Moscow). The gratings undergo initial processing in the Grating Building. Here large mechanical impurities are removed from them. To do this, they are passed through special gratings. The latter are something like a large container fixed directly in the flow of water. Selected large waste - crumpled plastic, bottle caps, pieces of polyethylene, leaves, grass, etc. - are sent along a conveyor belt for recycling. Oddly enough, the workers in this workshop are most troubled by ordinary cotton swabs for their ears. Their dimensions in the transverse direction are very small, and therefore they easily pass through the grates of containers.

Primary building mechanical cleaning divided into two parts. Each of them serves its own block of the new station. After the screen building, wastewater enters special sand traps to remove small mechanical debris. The insoluble mineral suspension separated from the wastewater is subsequently washed and supplied to factories involved in the production of building mixtures, paving slabs, etc.

Biological treatment

Of course, for high-quality water purification, removing ordinary debris and various types of mechanical impurities from it is not enough. Kuryanovsky aeration stations are a modern complex, the wastewater from which is also subjected to biological treatment. After sand traps, they enter primary settling tanks. Here, suspended particles remaining in the water settle to the bottom under the influence of gravity. Each NKOS block is equipped with 8 such pools.

After settling tanks, water is supplied to aeration tanks. This is the name for special containers containing biologically active sludge. The bacteria living in it begin to actively process the dirt remaining in the water. In fact, the same process occurs in natural reservoirs. However, at the station the cleaning procedure is much faster. The technology of biological treatment at WWTP involves supplying a strong air flow to the aeration tanks. It is a natural stimulator of bacterial activity. The wastewater treatment complex at the station includes, as already mentioned, a machine room built for this purpose. It is from here that the air flow necessary for bacteria enters the aeration tanks.

The main difficulty of this cleaning stage is the need to ensure uninterrupted operation pipe blowers The fact is that without air, bacteria living in the sludge of aeration tanks can die within just a few hours. It takes a very long time for their population to recover – over the course of several months.

After the aeration tanks, almost clean water flows into secondary settling tanks. At this stage, the remnants of the activated sludge are removed from it. At the bottom of each secondary settling tank there is a special mechanism - a sludge rake. This tool collects sediment into a large tray. Next, the sludge is transported to special landfills located 60 km from the capital.

Methane use

The sludge in aeration tanks constantly multiplies. The resulting surplus is partially preserved. They can be reused later. The main part of the “excess” sludge is sent for digestion into special semi-underground tanks - digesters. Here the sludge is heated to 54 o C, as a result of which a reaction begins to occur in it with the release of gas. The resulting methane is supplied to thermal power plants to generate electricity.


The thermal power plant of the Kuryanovskaya wastewater treatment plant (Pechatniki district, Moscow) is a truly unique structure. There are no analogues of such a structure anywhere in the world. It was decided to build this facility in 2005, after major accident, as a result of which half of Moscow was de-energized, including the WWTP turbine room. That day, the bacteria in the aeration tanks did not receive the air they needed for about three hours. The construction of the thermal power plant completely eliminated the possibility of a recurrence of such an unpleasant situation.

How wastewater is analyzed

Of course, the quality of water discharged into the Moscow River at the station is periodically checked. Mechanical studies are carried out in stages, according to the following parameters:



  • degree of transparency.

The first parameter is measured in degrees on the platinum-cobalt scale. Temperature, smell and transparency - by font. Chemical analysis of wastewater is performed on the pH reaction and the proportion of various impurities. Based on the last feature, wastewater can be divided into four categories:

    municipal wastewater (dry residue - less than 500 mg/l);

The chemical and microbiological composition of wastewater discharged by the Kuryanovskaya station in the South-Eastern Administrative District (Moscow) fully complies with SanPiN standards.

Where does the waste go?

From the secondary settling tank, completely purified water flows into the outlet chamber. Next, it is fed into an outlet channel connected to the Moscow River, the total length of which is 700 m. Until recently, this was the end of wastewater treatment. But a few years ago a new disinfection building was built on the canal. Here they are additionally disinfected using ultraviolet light. After such treatment, various pathogenic microorganisms die in the water. That is, the Kuryanovsky treatment plant now discharges water into the Moscow River not only well purified, but also completely disinfected. This contributes to a significant improvement in the environmental situation in the capital.

Fish in the canal

The quality of wastewater at the Kuryanovskaya station, whose activities are controlled by Vodokanal LLC (Moscow), is truly at its best. high level. This is evidenced by the fact that simply a huge number of fish live in the outlet channel of the complex. Once upon a time, many local residents fished for it. However, not so long ago the entrance to the station was closed to outsiders. Security guards now keep order here, preventing not only fishing enthusiasts from entering the territory, but also local boys.


To date, Muscovites who have chosen the Pechatniki area to live do not experience any problems associated with wastewater treatment plants. But just recently, an extremely unpleasant, pungent odor spread from the territory of this facility throughout the entire area. In 2012, after repeated appeals from residents to the district and Moscow administrations, a decision was made to reconstruct the station. As a result, the receiving chambers located at the entrance were closed over almost the entire surface

They also decided to prevent the spread of odor from the primary settling tanks using a lid. But in this case, metal sheets were used. To date, these containers are closed with two lids at once - a floating pontoon and an upper console. Kuryanovsky aeration stations are the only complex in the world that uses such efficient and inexpensive structures. Some already partially collapsed settling tanks were eliminated during modernization.


Man, in the process of his life, uses water for his various needs. With her direct use it becomes polluted, its composition changes and physical properties. For the sanitary well-being of people, these wastewaters are removed from populated areas. In order not to pollute the environment, they are processed in special complexes.

Fig.7 Treatment facilities of JSC Tatspirtprom Usad Distillery Republic of Tatarstan 1500 m3/day

Cleaning steps:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • deep;
  • UV disinfection of wastewater and further release into the reservoir, dewatering and disposal of sludge.

Production of beer, juices, kvass, various drinks

Cleaning steps:

  • mechanical;
  • physico-chemical;
  • biological and further release into the city collector;
  • collection, dewatering and disposal of sludge.

Also read articles on this topic


VOC is a combined tank, or several separate tanks, for treating storm and melt runoff. High-quality composition storm drains are mainly petroleum products and suspended solids from industrial production and residential areas. According to the law, they must be cleared before VAT.

The design of stormwater treatment facilities is being modernized every year, due to the increase in the number of cars, shopping centers, industrial sites.

Standard set equipment for storm water treatment facilities is a chain of distribution well, sand separator, gasoline oil separator, sorption filter and sampling well.

Many companies are currently using combined system wastewater treatment. Single-body VOCs are a container divided internally by partitions into sections of a sand trap, an oil-oil trap and a sorption filter. In this case, the chain looks like this: a distribution well, a combined sand and oil separator and a sampling well. The difference is in the occupied area of ​​the equipment, in the number of containers and, accordingly, in price. Separately standing modules they look bulky and are more expensive than single-case ones.

The operating principle is as follows:

After precipitation or snow melting, water containing suspended matter, oil products and other contaminants from industrial sites or residential (residential) areas is supplied to the grids of rain wells and then collected through collectors in a averaging tank, if VOCs are of the storage type, or immediately in a distribution well supplied to wastewater treatment plants storm sewer.

The distribution well serves to direct the very first dirty runoff for treatment, and after a while, when there is no longer any contamination on the surface, the conditionally clean runoff will be diverted through the bypass line for discharge into the sewer or into a reservoir. Storm drains undergo the first stage of purification in a sand trap, in which gravitational sedimentation of insoluble substances and partial floating of free-floating petroleum products occur. Then they flow through the partition into an oil-oil trap, in which thin-layer modules are installed, thanks to which suspended substances settle to the bottom along an inclined surface, and most of oil particles rise to the top. The last stage cleaning is performed by a sorption filter with activated carbon. Due to sorption absorption, the remaining part of the oil particles and small mechanical impurities is captured.

This chain allows you to provide high degree cleaning and discharging purified water into the reservoir.

For example, for petroleum products up to 0.05 mg/l, and for suspended substances up to 3 mg/l. These indicators fully comply with current standards regulating the discharge of treated water into fishery reservoirs.


Currently, construction is underway near megacities. a large number of autonomous villages that allow you to live in comfortable conditions“in nature”, without breaking away from the usual city life. Such settlements, as a rule, have a separate water supply and sewerage system, since there is no way to connect to the central sewerage system. The compactness and mobility of such treatment stations avoids huge installation and construction costs.

However, despite their small size, the modules contain everything necessary equipment for complete biological treatment and disinfection of wastewater with the achievement of quality indicators of treated wastewater that meet the requirements of SanPiN An undoubted advantage is the complete factory readiness of block containers, ease of installation and further operation.


Big City- large sewage treatment plants WWTP. It is logical, because the consumption of wastewater entering for treatment directly depends on the number of residents: the water disposal rate is equal to the water consumption rate. And for a large volume of liquid, appropriate containers and reservoirs are needed. This fact generates interest in the design and operation of such WWTPs.

When designing sewer networks of a populated area, the load on the pipelines is taken into account, which are selected based on the passage of the required amount of flow. To avoid burying pipes too much large diameter, through which contaminated liquid would be transported to the vast areas of treatment facilities, in big cities Several operating systems are being built.

Thus, the metropolis is divided into several “cities” (districts), and a treatment station is designed for each of them.

A clear example is the treatment facilities in the capital of Russia, among which are Lyubertsy with a capacity of 3 million m 3 /day - the largest in Europe. The main block is the old modernized OS, providing half the power of the station, the other two blocks are 1 million m 3 /day and 500 thousand. m 3 /day

The design features of such wastewater treatment plants are the increased size of the structures compared to wastewater treatment plants in other cities: settling tanks with a diameter of 54 meters, and canals comparable to small rivers.

From a technology point of view, everything is standard: mechanical cleaning, sedimentation, biological treatment, secondary sedimentation, disinfection. You can read it on our website.

The main feature is only the type of structures for these stages of processing. For example, Moscow, as you know, was not built right away, but it has always been a great source for treatment facilities. Reinforced concrete structures were built, which today have undergone several reconstructions and modernizations. Due to the reduction in the amount of diluted clean water Some of the previously built structures are mothballed or used for other purposes. This is also a feature of the OS design: the old sand trap channels become an intermediate reservoir, the aeration tank corridor is transformed and works a little differently.

The main thing that significantly distinguishes the OS of large cities from their smaller brothers is closed structures.

In other words, all structures built in the 60-70s have a roof installed. This is done in order to eliminate the smell, which can spread to new buildings, which, in turn, arose due to the geographical expansion of the metropolis. And if previously the wastewater treatment plant was significantly removed from the city, now it is located near new residential complexes.

For the same reason, sprayers are installed on such wastewater treatment plants, which release special substances that neutralize waste odors.

Any treatment facility is a complex interconnection of processes. Of course, they will cope with their task 100%, but there is no need to complicate their work. Waste - in the trash, plumbing - for its intended purpose.

Sewage treatment facilities OS, WWTP, BOS.

One of the main methods of protection natural environment Anti-pollution is the prevention of untreated water and other harmful components from entering water bodies. Modern treatment facilities are a set of engineering and technical solutions for the consistent filtration and disinfection of contaminated wastewater for the purpose of its reuse in production or for discharge into natural reservoirs. For this purpose, a number of methods and technologies have been developed, which will be discussed below.

Read more about wastewater treatment technology

Since centralized drainage systems are not installed in all places, and some industrial enterprises require preliminary preparation wastewater, today local sewerage facilities are very often installed. They are also in demand in private houses, country cottage towns and detached residential complexes, industrial enterprises, workshops.

Wastewater differs by source of pollution: domestic, industrial and surface (originating from precipitation). Domestic wastewater is called household wastewater. They consist of contaminated water removed from showers, toilets, kitchens, canteens and hospitals. The main pollutants are physiological and household waste.

Industrial wastewater includes water masses that were formed during:

  • performing various production and technological operations;
  • washing raw materials and finished products;
  • cooling equipment.

This type also includes water pumped out from the subsoil during mining. The main source of pollution here is industrial waste. They may contain toxic agents, potentially hazardous substances, as well as waste that can be recovered and used in the form of secondary raw materials.

Surface (atmospheric) wastewater most often contains only mineral contaminants; minimal requirements are imposed on their purification. In addition, wastewater is classified according to the concentration of various pollutants. These characteristics influence the choice of method and number of purification steps. To determine the composition of the equipment, the need for construction, as well as the power various types structures, the calculation of wastewater treatment production is carried out.

Main cleaning steps

At the first stage, mechanical wastewater treatment is carried out, the purpose of which is filtration from various insoluble impurities. For this purpose, special self-cleaning gratings and sieves are used. The retained waste, together with other sludge, is sent for further processing or taken to landfills along with municipal solid waste.

In a sand trap, small particles of sand, slag and other similar mineral elements are deposited under the influence of gravity. At the same time, the filtered composition is suitable for further use after processing. The remaining undissolved substances are reliably retained in special settling tanks and septic tanks, and fats and petroleum products are extracted using grease traps, oil traps and flotators. At the mechanical treatment stage, up to three-quarters of mineral contaminants are removed from waste streams. This ensures uniform supply of liquid to the next stages of processing.

After this, biological cleaning methods are used, performed with the help of microorganisms and protozoa. The first structure where water enters at the biological stage is special primary settling tanks, in which suspended organic matter settles. At the same time, another type of settling tank is used, in which activated sludge is removed from the bottom. Biological treatment allows you to remove more than 90% of organic contaminants.

At the physicochemical stage, purification from dissolved impurities occurs. This is done using special techniques and reagents. Coagulation, filtration, and sedimentation are used here. Along with them they are used various technologies additional processing, including: hyperfiltration, sorption, ion exchange, removal of nitrogen-containing substances and phosphates.

The last stage of treatment is considered to be chlorine disinfection of the liquid from remaining bacterial contaminants. The diagram below shows in detail all the stages described, indicating the equipment that is used in each stage. It is important to note that treatment methods vary from plant to plant depending on the presence of certain contaminants in the wastewater.

Features and requirements for the arrangement of treatment facilities

Domestic wastewater is classified as monotonous in composition, since the concentration of pollutants depends only on the volume of water consumed by residents. They contain insoluble contaminants, emulsions, foams and suspensions, various colloidal particles, as well as other elements. The main part of them are mineral and soluble substances. To treat domestic wastewater, a basic set of treatment facilities is used, the operating principle of which is described above.

Generally domestic sewerage are considered simpler, since they are constructed to treat wastewater from one or more private houses and outbuildings. They are not subject to high performance requirements. For this purpose, specially designed installations are used that provide biological treatment of wastewater.

Thanks to them, in suburban housing it became possible not only to equip a shower, bath or toilet, but also to connect various household appliances. Typically, such installations are easy to install and operate and do not require additional components.

For industrial wastewater, the composition and degree of pollution vary depending on the nature of production, as well as the options for using water to support the technological process. In production food products Wastewater is characterized by high contamination with organic substances, therefore the main method of purification of such water is considered to be biological. The best option is to use the aerobic and anaerobic method or a combination of them.

In other industries, the main problem is the treatment of oil and grease-containing wastewater. For such enterprises, special oil separators or grease traps are used. But the safest for environment water circulation systems for purifying contaminated water are considered. Such local treatment complexes are installed at car washes, as well as at manufacturing enterprises. They allow you to organize a closed cycle of water use without discharging it into external bodies of water.

To determine the method of organizing cleaning and selecting a specific facility, special systems and methods are used (there are many enterprises, so the process must be individualized). The price of equipment and installation work is of no small importance. The best option Only specialists will help you choose for each case.

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