Devices to teach a child to walk. Folk remedies for a child to start walking

A child, independently moving across the floor with the air of a conqueror of new lands, causes tenderness and joyful trembling in the hearts of the parents, and his first steps generally create a real sensation in the ranks of the baby’s “fan club”.

No one will deny that a developed musculoskeletal system has a positive effect on the subsequent development of the baby, and toddlers who have learned to walk at 9 months can boast high intelligence and adapt perfectly to any situation.

But what to do if the baby does not want to walk, preferring to sit, crawl or, in extreme cases, stand? When do children master this skill and how can you teach a child to walk with the help of special exercises? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article today.

When do babies start walking?

In order to set foot on the “mortal” earth, the child has a long way to go: first master turning over and crawling, then sit and stand up independently, and only then take his first and memorable step. At the same time, many children walk along the support (cribs, strollers, gurneys) for some time, and only then break away from its “moral” support.

In any case, around the age of 11-12 months, most children cope well with short distances and “run” from dad to mom and back with solemn screams and squeaks. At one year old, babies become completely independent in this matter, and at 14 months they are already conquering sofas and ladders.

How to determine that your baby is ready for his first steps?

We are sure that you expect new achievements from your child literally every day, but in order to prevent independent walking from becoming a torment for him in the future, you should under no circumstances rush your child. Remember that for this, your child’s musculoskeletal system must be fully formed.

Any baby must first learn to crawl well, as this strengthens his muscular system. In addition, the process of walking is “harsh” work that requires a lot of energy from the child, and therefore he should not get carried away by untimely walking.

How to teach a baby to walk: 4 stages of preparation

Before your child begins to learn to walk, you must prepare him for this process. The most interesting thing is that you need to “start” in this regard almost from birth.

2 to 3 months: prone

A few months before his first steps, the child begins to prepare for the upcoming walking. To make his work easier, lay him on his tummy 2-3 times every day.

From 3 to 5 months: fun revolutions

Encourage any achievements your baby makes in the field of coups. To do this, place the toy directly above him, and then move it in different sides. These little tricks help your child develop the muscles in his back, legs and arms and prepare him for sitting and walking.

From 4 months to six months: moving forward

When your baby starts trying to sit with support, help him master this skill by pulling on his arms and stimulating him to turn in different directions - this will qualitatively improve his coordination.

From six months to 10 months: a journey into the world

From six months to 10 months, the baby masters the skill of crawling, so you need to attract his attention with various objects that stimulate the baby to move. Let this become a great journey around the house, in which the baby will move well and explore new treasured corners.

A set of “golden” rules for learning to walk

To help the baby master the skill of walking, his parents need to follow the arch important rules, which we will be happy to tell you about.

There's no need to rush

Do not try to force your child to stomp if he is in given time wants to crawl, and especially don’t put pressure on him if he does it extremely poorly.

It is very interesting!

Get your child interested in walking: hang the toy at eye level and draw attention to the object. As soon as he wants to grab it, take the toy away and put it on something, but so that the trajectory of the object’s movement is clear to the child.

When your child (by any means) “reaches” his cherished goal, put the toy away again - this is how interest in taking the first steps arises. Just remember that you shouldn’t practice for a very long time so that the baby doesn’t get tired of constantly watching the toy.

Plus, insure him against falling so that the child does not develop a premature fear of movement.

A good example is contagious

While walking, show your child other children who already walk or even run well. If there are no kids in the area, point the little one to his adult uncles and aunts. It is also worth using the stroller as little as possible so that the child spends time on fresh air, mastering new movements, and did not sit like a master on a throne.

Keep it right

Many mothers try to grab their child under the arms while studying. This is extremely incorrect, since such actions lead to deformation of the legs and feet and spoil the baby’s posture. If you want to protect your child, just take him by the hands or by the hood.

Safety first!

Make lessons safe: say “No!” sliding mats, hide sharp corners furniture and hide heavy objects and breakable dishes away.

I am your companion

In order for a baby to learn to walk well, you need to become a real “support” for him in every sense of the word. Hold the child's hands, walk with him, and finally, give him a gift in the form of a doll stroller. As an option, use a machine with a long handle, with which your child will be happy to move around the floor.

Make your baby's walking interesting: let him not just move on the surface, but maneuver between family members who are kneeling. Play with your child, conquer sofas and slides, organize “obstacle courses” built using pillows and soft cubes. Be sure - learn to walk in game form much nicer than in “general education” and official ones.

No comparisons

Never compare your child with others (especially not in his favor), since the time that a child needs to conquer new heights depends on various reasons, including the child’s weight and even his character.

Do not be upset or disappointed (this is generally a sin!) if your miracle is a little behind other children, but rather praise your child and hug him more often.

Correct fall is the mother of learning

There are no achievements without falls, so if you constantly run next to your child, trying to protect him from somersaults, he will still stumble somewhere and sprawl on the floor. You need to learn how to react correctly to falls and not limit your baby’s movement because of your fierce fear.

The most important thing is not to pull the baby back or grab him if he flops, because this way you will not only scare the child, but will also discourage him from walking independently.

Ideal shoes for first steps

Doctors say that in most cases children are born with healthy legs, and problems with their feet appear as a result of their formation. Therefore, walking shoes must be chosen according to all the rules, and here’s what exactly:

  • buy shoes not at the beginning of the day, but at the end: then the baby’s feet increase slightly in size;
  • put the shoe on the baby’s foot so that he can stand in it for a while;
  • make sure that the chosen pair is spacious and does not put pressure on the child;
  • take your baby around the store and check if irritation or red spots have appeared on the leg;
  • if this happens, take a pair one size larger;
  • The shoes should have a comfortable fastener, a firm high heel and an elastic sole with arch support.

Do you also wear shoes at home?

No, of course: in the apartment you learn to walk barefoot, because it is not only convenient, but also strengthens the child.

However, if you are worried that your little one will slip while moving, put them in socks with rubberized soles, which are just as good at combating flat feet as the right shoes.

Walker or stroller?

Many parents wonder: is it possible to use some auxiliary objects in the learning process? For example, walkers?

Remember that walkers are a convenient, but harmful device, since they involve pushing with your feet while walking, which subsequently leads to deformation of the foot.

The safety straps of walkers do not allow the baby to turn freely, and teaching a child to stand on his feet ahead of time is generally harmful to his health: this increases the risk of developing flat feet and spinal damage. And the fact that a child sits in a walker and does not learn to stay upright also says a lot!

It is best to use a stroller or car with a handle during the learning process, so that the baby, moving it in front of him, holds on to the “assistant” and the process of movement is more exciting for him.

What to do if the child does not walk?

If your child does not master the skill of walking, there is no need to worry (although you really want to do it!). Know that this will not affect the further development of the baby, and the age limits of the process range from 9 months to 1.2 years.

The later the baby begins to walk, the less will be the load on his spine. However, there are a number of reasons why the baby does not walk on time.

Diseases and rehabilitation period

If a child has recently suffered a serious illness or suffers from physical inactivity and allergies, it is completely normal that he will go a little later than other children.

Weakened vision

If a baby learning to walk keeps falling or moving around the house only with your vigilant support, he may have vision problems. To resolve this issue, consult an ophthalmologist.

Orthopedic problems

If your child is already 1.5 years old and is completely healthy, but his walking skills are not developing, you should seek help from an orthopedist or neurologist.

The reason may be the difficulty of the first steps, or the different lengths of the legs and even their curvature. The doctor can prescribe you a preventive or therapeutic massage, which will help your baby get back on his feet as quickly as possible and move towards new achievements!

After all, the world is so huge that to “go around” it would take long years life is not possible. However, you should always strive for this - you must remember this and tell your child that many miracles and bright achievements await him ahead!

The skill of independent walking is perhaps the most important skill that parents expect from their baby, along with the first words. As the baby approaches one year of age, he is getting ready to make his first independent steps. If parents feel that their child needs help, they can, of course, do so. The main thing is to help correctly. How can they teach their child to walk independently, without outside help and support?

Everything has its time

Before worrying that your baby still isn't walking on his own, parents should consider a few things.

  • All children develop differently. It is considered normal if the child is one year and 2 months old. But this is just an approximate framework. Some are able to walk without mother's hands at 11 months or even earlier, while others are not ready for this even at 14 months. It depends on the baby’s health, genetics, temperament, weight and other factors. Therefore, there is no need to compare your little one with anyone.
  • If the baby was born prematurely, his physical skills will develop in accordance with his biological age and will be compensated gradually. In this case, the timing for each skill will be individual, and this is assessed by the pediatrician.
  • In order for a child to walk independently, his muscles and bones must become strong and strong enough, and his vestibular apparatus must be trained. In other words, requiring a child to walk when he cannot balance or bounce on his mother’s lap is unwise.

It is not by chance that nature arranges progressive development: from stage to stage. As the baby’s organs, systems, muscles and bones develop and strengthen, its motor baggage is also replenished. Therefore, before starting to walk, the child goes through several stages of physical development in succession:

  1. rollovers from the back and stomach;
  2. sitting;
  3. standing at a support;
  4. crawl;
  5. getting up.

Only after this the small organism will be ready to master independent vertical method movement.

Children's kneecaps form by about six months. Therefore, do not force things by forcing your child to stomp a lot from this age. Give your knees 2 to 3 months to strengthen. The fact that the baby “ran” at 9 or 10 months is not always good from this point of view.

Proper preparation

So, in order for a child to start walking on time, he needs to be prepared in advance. It is important to strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, back, neck, and train the ability to maintain balance with simple exercises. You can do all this from the moment the baby makes its first attempts to roll over.

  1. On initial stage The muscles of the neck and back are well strengthened by massage and lying on the stomach.
  2. Next, the back, neck, legs and arms are strengthened using inversions. Stimulate your child's interest in rolling over with brightly colored toys.
  3. The next stage is sitting. Babies can sit down from about 6–7 months. At the same time, the baby is provoked to turn to the sides, reach for toys, and lean on. This will help not only strengthen your muscles, but also improve coordination and balance.
  4. Crawl. When a child learns to crawl (read about how to help him with this), you need to encourage him to actively travel around the house, captivating him with bright toys, blocking the path with small obstacles in the form of pillows or other safe objects.
  5. Standing up and stepping over. After about 8 months, babies begin to stand up, leaning on various items or the hands of an adult. This skill will help strengthen the baby’s arm and leg muscles and improve coordination. It’s important not just to provoke your little one to get up more often. When he starts to step over, holding onto a support, you need to invite him to step over small obstacles, training his walking skill. The more often the child steps, raising his legs high, springing, jumping on his parents’ laps, the stronger his muscles and ligaments will become.
  6. Walking on support. This is the last stage before the child decides to let go of the safety net and take his first step on his own. It is important to encourage walking with support, inviting the baby to reach a bright toy or reach his mother, who calls him for a hug. During this period, it is necessary to improve the vestibular apparatus. It is useful to rock the child on the parents' lap, circle around the room, tilt to the sides, lift and lower, swing on a fitball. Among other things, such games will bring a lot of pleasure to the baby. It’s good if the baby walks a lot, holding first both hands of an adult, and then one. It is also useful for him to walk now, stepping over small obstacles. Gradually, the baby is taught to let go of the support and stand for a while.

Don't be tempted by teaching your baby to use a walker. They will not teach him to hold his weight vertically, to maintain balance, but just the opposite. In addition, having become accustomed to moving in this way, the child may be afraid of being left without this support for a long time.

We provide safety and comfort

If a child falls, hurts or is injured while learning to walk, this can cause severe fear and will permanently cement a sense of danger in his mind for a long time. To prevent this from happening, training must take place in a safe environment. How to create it?

  • Remove from the floor everything that can hurt you or that you can get caught on and fall (cords, sharp objects, toys), put soft plugs on all corners, limiters on the doors. The floor should not be slippery, and the carpet should not move on it.
  • There should be no steps or thresholds on the baby’s path, so learning to walk better at home in the room, not outside.
  • Shoes can become an additional source of inconvenience and anxiety, so it is better to teach your baby to walk barefoot or wearing socks that do not slip on the floor.
  • The child should see that his parents are always nearby and can back him up and catch him if he stumbles or loses his balance.
  • There shouldn’t be too many incentives for the baby, otherwise he will get confused and won’t understand which item he needs to go after.
  • Tights or panties should not interfere, slide down or get tangled between the legs.
  • During such activities, the baby should feel good and be in comfortable conditions(warm, fresh).
  • There is no need to rush things, demanding that the baby immediately walk half the room on his own. It’s correct if the first steps are few: a couple or three. Otherwise the child may get scared.

To encourage your child to walk independently, take him for walks more often in places where small children run. Let him be inspired by their skills, the ability to handle toys with free hands, and strive for this himself.

We are moving towards independent steps

To teach a child to walk without support and safety nets, he must first be taught to walk with them. That is, to give the skill of moving “almost by yourself,” not on static support in the form of sofas or cabinets. You can create such a feeling, giving the joy of movement and gradually awakening the desire to move without outside help, using the following techniques and devices.

  • The hoop will help you quickly teach walking to a baby who can stand but is afraid to move. The little one should be placed inside the circle so that its arms hold the hoop, gradually moving the hoop forward. Mom's praise and support will be the best incentive for the child. He will soon realize how much joy he can get from moving this way. Gradually, the fear of leaving your support will pass.
  • The same insurance against unexpected falls is provided by special children's leash straps, by which parents support the baby while he stomps. Such “reins” will help the baby not be afraid of falls, but at the same time walk actively.
  • Stroller or rolling toy. By pushing these objects in front of him, the child can move, and the mother will not be afraid that he will fall. But you still need to insure the baby while being nearby, because surprises cannot be ruled out.
  • Free your hand. By leading the baby around the room by both hands, he is gradually taught to hold only one hand. To do this, you can put a favorite toy in his second hand and offer, for example, to take it to dad or to his place. This will improve your balance.

If a baby constantly stumbles and falls, even while holding the hands of an adult, this may indicate vision problems. Consult an ophthalmologist so you don't miss out possible problem. If everything is in order, pay attention to training the vestibular apparatus.

When the baby learns to confidently stomp while holding one hand, the most the last stage learning the skill of independent walking will be the provocation of the baby to let go of the adult’s hand. To do this, it is important to create a good atmosphere, smile at the baby, encourage him, tell him how smart he is.

Let the father lead the child by the hand, and the mother waits ahead, calling him into a hug or beckoning him with a toy. You need to make sure that dad’s hand comes off the little one’s hand about a couple of steps away from mom, so that the baby takes them without having time to get scared, but feeling free for a second. If everything worked out, the child needs to be hugged and praised. The next time, dad lets go of the child’s hand one step earlier, then another one. But at the same time he remains ready to catch the crumbs if he does start to fall.

If parents act consistently and patiently, without forcing events, accepting their child as he is, then in the end they will wait for the happy moment when the child learns to walk without their help and feels independent and free.

As soon as the child turns ten months old, parents begin to ask the question: how to teach the child to walk. All babies develop according to an individual scenario. Some begin to walk at 7-8 months, while others continue to only sit and crawl after one and a half years. It's understandable that moms and dads worry if everything is okay with their child. All responsible parents want to help their little ones master such an important skill as independent walking.

This cannot be done without training and effort. Fortunately, there are already proven methods that help teach a child to walk. You can find out how to help your baby take his first steps right now. In one year, a baby has to overcome a difficult developmental path. In just 12 months, the child turns from a lying “lump” into a crawling, and then into an upright little person.

Over the course of a year, the baby’s entire motor system improves. Of course, parents wait impatiently for their child to learn to walk. I really want to hear the stomping steps as soon as possible. It is possible that later in apartments and houses one will hear shouts: “stop,” don’t go there,” “come here.” But that will come later.

How to teach a child to walk independently

Are you wondering when children start walking on their own? Normally, this occurs from approximately 9 to 16 months. First, the baby tries to get up, then he takes his first independent steps, while holding on to furniture or the fingers of relatives. You can try to lift the child up by the arms. You will see how he will walk in the air. Even in this way, the baby also prepares for future walking.

The most difficult step is the first step. As soon as you see that the child is walking, do not let him walk too much. Due to the fact that the arch of the foot is not yet sufficiently formed, heavy loads are contraindicated. Moderation and short duration are the key to successful walking. Don't rush your baby, don't force him to take his first steps too early.

Safe walking at an early age (up to 9 months) is considered to be walking that begins without stimulation from parents. Therefore, all doctors warn: do not teach your child to walk too early. What to do if your baby tries to get to his feet early on his own? Don't bother him. If he feels strong, then it’s time for the first step. All you have to do is support your pioneer.

But you shouldn’t put stress on your spine either. Therefore, do not force things and do not let the baby become overtired. What to do if a child does not want to learn to walk on his own? Even healthy children do not always and not all express a desire to take their first steps at the age of one and a half years. This is fine. You have time to teach your baby to walk. Your task: pay attention to how a child’s foot is formed.

There are children who walk on tiptoes, clubbing, and putting their socks apart. In this case, you need to show the child to specialists: a neurologist, orthopedist. Only after a detailed assessment nervous system, muscle development, doctors will be able to prescribe a suitable treatment procedure. This could be swimming, gymnastics, massage. Rest assured, specialists will do everything for the baby’s health.

What can prevent a child from taking his first steps on his own?

There are a number of indicators that prevent babies from walking:

  1. Heavy weight. The first step is to review the child's diet. The best workout for a baby with overweight There will be swimming or active crawling.
  2. Genetics. As a rule, children whose parents went early have a better chance of becoming their example.
  3. Features of temperament. All children are different: if choleric and sanguine people are fast and nimble in everything, then phlegmatic and melancholic people are in no hurry to walk on their own. Don't push them, just be understanding of how psychomotor development occurs.
  4. Climate. It has been scientifically proven that residents of the southern regions develop faster than northerners. This fact also needs to be taken into account.
  5. Unsuccessful attempts. As soon as a child tries to fall a couple of times during the first steps, he develops a fear of walking. In this case, parents need to be especially active in supporting their baby.
  6. Excessive interest in walkers. It is important to understand that when a child is constantly in such structures, he does not develop his musculoskeletal system as it should. There is a risk of improper arch formation in walkers.
  7. Cold. This disease weakens the child's health. And even if he has already started trying to walk, there is a chance that the skill will be forgotten. But after recovery, everything will return to its place.
  8. Childhood fears. Children are also susceptible to stress. When a baby finds himself in an unfamiliar environment, when he is surrounded by overly emotional people, he has to be careful. IN stressful situations no child wants to learn to walk.
  9. Malfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. Serious disorders hinder the child’s development, including preventing the development of walking skills. This requires medication and a number of restorative procedures.

What to do when you, as a parent, have some doubts or worries about why your child refuses to walk? Don't look for support on blogs or forums. Such independent attempts to solve the problem will not lead to any good. The only one who can really help you is a doctor.

How to teach a child to walk: we help, develop the skill

Do you want to teach your child to walk? First, it is important to make sure that the baby is ready for this important process: he gets up from his knees without problems, can stand for a long time against a support, and tries to walk along the furniture. Your task: to provide support in the development of such an important skill:

  • Choose suitable shoes. It should be natural, with a hard back, with good arch support. This will help support your foot. Do not allow the baby's foot to dangle.
  • Walk barefoot together. In the warm season, it is imperative to walk without shoes. Go out into nature more often, where you can walk on grass, sand, and stones. This strengthens muscles, joints, and ligaments.
  • Do not let your baby run on parquet, tiles, or linoleum. Children stand unsteadily on such a surface and often fall. Alternatively, you can purchase socks with rubber soles.
  • Take care of your equipment. The head of a baby who is learning to walk needs to be especially protected. You can swim with a protective helmet.
  • Provide the necessary space. Children need a lot of space to move around. You need to remove unnecessary items in advance - everything that might get in your way.

As a last resort, if you are worried that the child may fall and get hit hard, take the reins. Some may think that this method is not humanistic. However, many parents use it. They think that the baby will be safe this way. Experts say that the baby must learn to fall. The reins interfere with this. And the child “in harness” looks wild. As soon as your baby takes his first steps, be as vigilant as possible.

Make sure there are no sharp or heavy objects in sight. It makes sense to put protection on the corners of furniture, and plugs on sockets. Don't forget about hot items. It is important to remove it from the accessible area household chemicals, medicines and cosmetics. Prepare everything that will help the explorer safely conquer the world. May your baby always be healthy!

During the first year of life, the child goes through important stages development to get back on your feet with confidence. He learns to roll over from his back to his stomach and back, tries to crawl, exploring the world(more details in the article:). Then he sits down, stands at the support, and then takes his first hesitant steps. For each child, this process is individual and takes up to 11 months, so parents should not follow the example of other children, giving their beloved child the opportunity to go through the journey on their own.

A child's first steps are an event that all parents look forward to

Optimal training period

The norm for mastering walking is considered to be 9-16 months, and the first attempts become successful and important event for the whole family. Minor deviations should be taken into account:

  1. Very early period. It is not uncommon for a baby to stand on his feet at 7 months, and after a short period of time he is already walking (see also:). Relatives and friends are delighted, and the doctor warns about possible danger for a weak spine. In this case, you need to look only at the development of your child. If he is ahead of his peers in other parameters, there is no reason to worry.
  2. Early period. If a child takes his first steps at 9 months of age, he has mastered the skills ahead of schedule. There is nothing wrong with this, in the absence of stimulation from adults.
  3. Late period. The first steps, even at 1.5 years old, are considered normal for a child. It is important to take into account the weight of the baby with which he was born, general development and pathology. Premature babies often lag behind their peers.

For healthy child A late start to walking can also be considered normal. You should not worry, because the child’s body knows exactly when it is ready for such loads on the spine.

The time when a child begins to walk depends on individual characteristics baby and his desire to learn to walk

Factors influencing skill inhibition

None of the parents will sound the alarm if the child does not go at the age of 6 months, but by the age of one year they begin to be overcome by doubts. In the absence of developmental pathologies, there is no point in worrying. Walking skills may be delayed for various reasons:

  1. Weight . A child may gain extra pounds as a result of poor nutrition, metabolic disorders, or overeating. Reasonable physical exercise and standard portions will solve the problem. Weight puts additional stress on the spine. Swimming lessons are also useful to teach such a strong guy to take his first steps.
  2. Temperament. It is easier for cheerful sanguines and lively cholerics to change than for anxious melancholics and slow phlegmatics. They begin to sit at 6 months of age. The desire to learn to walk is inherent in emotional and mentally more developed children.
  3. Genetics. If parents went late, they should not demand Olympic performance from their child.
  4. . A problem may arise if the child is afraid to walk without outside support. It is likely that the baby fell and was seriously hurt. It is important to be patient and not rush your learning. It is enough to gently stimulate the child, showing participation and holding his hands. The training will not be completed quickly, but it will give a chance to overcome the fear of walking.
  5. Health . If the immune system is weakened and during a cold, it is impossible to teach a baby to walk. You should not continue classes, even if the process has already begun. The child will probably forget everything he knew before the illness, but the acquired skills will definitely return.
  6. Neurology and musculoskeletal system. It will help you cope with the problem A complex approach. It is necessary to correctly and timely diagnose the disease, undergo a course of treatment and include restorative procedures.

If the baby is afraid to walk on his own, then parents need to hold his hands

It is impossible to identify the problem on your own, so it is advisable to contact a specialist at the first sign of a lag. The advice of friends and relatives in this case is unlikely to help.

Gradual skill development

Before you start learning, you need to make sure your child is ready for difficult process. You can’t rush your baby, but you also don’t want to miss the ideal month for classes. Positive aspects include lifting the baby from your knees and the ability to stand on your feet. for a long time, attempts to walk while holding onto furniture or a wall. The more favorable conditions for learning, the easier the learning will be.

How to set up the process?

Modern techniques allow short term awaken the baby's interest in activities. Parents should choose the most comfortable option based on the developmental characteristics of the baby:

Dr. Komarovsky voiced only one reason why the use of reins is undesirable. Their design protects the child from falls, and being able to fall and get up is an important skill.

The more space there is for the baby, the more interesting it will be for him to explore this world.

Stimulating exercises

Classes can begin when the baby tries to get up from his knees and stands on his feet. The decision to study always remains with the child, and not with parents who want to outdo friends and prove something to relatives. Each baby is individual in its own way, and the mother needs to accept him as he is. Useful exercises will help push your little one forward a little.

For early ages

  1. Fitball exercises are suitable for children 6-9 months old (see also:). It is necessary to sit the baby on the ball, turning his face away from you and holding him by the hips. You need to rock the baby in different directions to develop balance and coordination.
  2. From 9 months it is important to teach your child to stand. The surface from which the baby will push off with his feet must be hard. The toddler should be turned with his back towards you, holding him in the area chest. Then lift him up a little so that he gets up from his squat on his own and straightens his legs. To make learning fun, you can turn on music. If the baby does not understand what is required of him, it is better to return to the exercise later.
  3. From 9 months, rising from the knees is encouraged, if the baby is able to stand up independently and hold it for support. The child’s attention is attracted by the toy, after which she “runs away” and “sits” in a chair or on the sofa. The baby should follow her, stand up and take the toy.

Any exercises and activities should be fun and interesting for the child

For late age

  1. From 10 months of age, a toy stroller will be a useful acquisition, regardless of the child’s gender. Stroller pushing is a useful skill for helping your baby walk with support. The stroller will slowly roll forward, and the little one will follow it. It is necessary to secure him from behind.
  2. When the baby can stand confidently, you can add an exercise with sticks. The length of the sticks is about a meter, the baby holds on to them, and the adult’s hands lie on the child’s arms. By moving the sticks forward, the baby learns to walk slowly.
  3. If you visually limit the space, you can teach a child who is afraid to walk. The exercise is included in the complex when the baby is 10 months old and stands confidently. The baby is put inside the hoop and encouraged to walk in different directions by moving the edges.
  4. If the child walks well while holding an adult’s hand, it’s time to organize movement with obstacles. A rope is stretched between objects or furniture at a level comfortable for the baby. With the help of an adult, he must cross it.

When performing exercises, you need to monitor the child’s mood. If discomfort is noticed or the child refuses to complete the task, it is advisable to postpone the lesson.

A wheelchair will help your baby take his first steps independently. And parents need to support the child from behind

Dangerous symptoms

There are also problems in the learning process. Parents should contact a specialist in situations where:

  • the child is not able to take even a step without support;
  • the baby walks on his toes (we recommend reading:), without leaning on the entire foot.

To exclude possible deviations, consulting a doctor will not be superfluous. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that in most cases there are no pathologies. A video with his participation will help dispel parental doubts.

The first years of a child’s life are the most interesting and touching. He begins to roll over, crawl, and sit. By six months, the baby’s teeth begin to grow, and he gradually eats adult food. But the most interesting and crucial moment is the beginning of independent walking. Once your child gets on his feet, he no longer needs to ask mom and dad to take him to the desired toy. Now he will choose the direction of movement himself.

But there are times when the child is growing up, the parents are looking forward to the moment when he himself will stomp along the path, but this time still never comes. It's all about the baby's unpreparedness. If his back, arms, legs and neck are not strong enough, there can be no talk of any independent walking. So when should a baby learn this skill?

When does a child begin to walk independently?

Let's start with the fact that all children are different and they also develop differently. There is no single template for how many months a baby should make certain progress. However, there are standards for healthy children that determine the approximate time frame for mastering various skills.

So, on average, after 9-10 months, children are already confidently standing at the support. As children approach one year of age, they begin to walk. However, there are also those who master this skill after a year and three to five months. Most late date, before which a child must learn to walk is one and a half years. It is believed that healthy children master this skill earlier. If your baby does not walk at one and a half, this is a serious reason to urgently contact a pediatric neurologist.

How to prepare a child to walk

The very first thing you should take care of is your baby's shoes. In order for a child to be comfortable and comfortable, he needs a pair of soft, light, but strong enough and stable shoes. The first stomps should not hinder movement, should not be slippery or large in size. All this will slow down the process of starting to walk. Please note that after the baby has stood on his feet, he needs shoes with arch support. This way you will protect your baby from possible flat feet.

It is better to teach a child to walk at home. Remove all carpets and rugs from the floor that could cause your baby to trip. If a child walks on the floor in socks, he may slip. Therefore, it is better to choose socks with rubberized soles. It is very good to learn to walk in nature or on the football field. It's spacious - the child can go wherever he wants. A nice lawn will soften the blow of a fall. If you have the opportunity, learn to walk on a sandy beach - sand also perfectly absorbs and prevents injuries.

When walking around the house, do not forget about obstacles that can ruin your baby's mood. Cover the corners of the furniture with special silicone pads that will soften the impact if necessary. Also think about sockets located at heights child height. From the moment you start walking independently, they need to be closed with plugs.

If the baby does not stand on his feet and does not even try to do so, perhaps he is not strong enough for this. To make your baby stronger physically, he needs to be trained.

  1. Encourage your baby to crawl. When a baby crawls, it strengthens the cervical and lumbar spine. Therefore, do not rush the child, let him crawl as much as he can. Entertain him with a bright toy from the other end of the room, crawl with him.
  2. Do gymnastics with your child. Place your baby on his back and bend his knees and ankles alternately. Rotate your legs at their very base.
  3. Walk more with your child at home and on the street, holding him by two hands. When the baby is comfortable enough, you can hold him with only one hand. So, gradually the baby learns to maintain balance and coordinate movements.
  4. To show your baby the correctness of his future movements, place the baby's legs on your feet. Take small steps, showing your baby exactly how to move his legs.
  5. It is very good to place supports around the house. For example, a child can hold on to the sofa, but cannot go to the kitchen, since there is nothing to hold on to along the way. To solve this problem, you need to place chairs around the house. The baby will move independently. This will not only give the child confidence, but will also train his skill.

These simple exercises, performed daily, will very soon give results.

Massage for muscle training

Many mothers know how massage has a positive effect on a child - after just a few sessions, the baby demonstrates new skills. To encourage your baby to walk independently, you need to do at least 10 massage sessions. Of course, a massage done by a specialist is more professional and will bring more benefits. However, if you cannot pay for the services of a massage therapist, you can do the massage yourself. This will also bring a lot of benefits.

  1. Warm up the room so that the child does not feel cold. Undress your baby and place him on a hard, flat surface. Prepare a clean diaper and hypoallergenic oil for massage. If you are doing a massage for the first time, talk to the child, calm him down with your voice, and say kind words. The baby must understand that nothing bad awaits him, his mother is nearby.
  2. Start the massage with your legs, or rather feet. Just rub your fingers and feet, remember them with your hands. Make a fist with your hand and roll it over your foot. Next, work your thumb over the back of your foot.
  3. After this, carefully remember your feet - you need to rub from the feet to the thighs. If a child is diagnosed with hypertonicity, movements should be relaxing, soothing and stroking. If a baby is diagnosed with hypotonia, movements should be strong (but not painful). With this diagnosis, you need to give light spankings back side palms. So that the baby's muscles become toned.
  4. After this, stretch your palms and arms. The technique is the same as with legs. After the hand massage, you can do several physical therapy exercises. For example, ask your child to hold onto a stick with his hands while you slowly lift the stick. This develops the strength of the arms, shoulders and neck.
  5. After this, work the front part of the body. The breasts should be lightly pinched, massaged with your fingers, and rubbed with rotational movements. Massage your stomach clockwise to improve digestion.
  6. After this, the child should be placed on his stomach and begin massaging the back. Two thumbs With both hands, press the muscles along the spine. Do this carefully but confidently.
  7. Don't forget to massage the neck, especially if you notice that your baby only turns his head in one direction. This part of the massage is quite painful, but very effective.

A good quality massage lasts at least 15 minutes. It will certainly improve your child's health and give him strength. After a massage, many children sleep long and soundly. This is another indicator of good work.

After all these preparations, it is important to start walking. How to teach a child to walk? How can I encourage him to take these actions? There are several tips that will help you speed up the arrival of the long-awaited moment.

  1. Most the best way- place the child between mom and dad and alternately call the baby one parent. For example, a child is near his dad, and his mother calls her “bunny” in a friendly manner. The baby will certainly want to get into his mother’s arms and will try to walk towards her. It is important to ensure a small distance here - taking a couple of steps is much easier than 10. Gradually, the distance can be increased. When the child reaches his mother, his father calls him back.
  2. In the process of learning to walk, it is very important to treat falls correctly. If parents rush to the baby after any bruise, the baby will perceive this as something terrible. The child must understand that falling is an integral part of life. If you fall, don't panic. Help your child get up, dust off his knees, and get back into the fight. But protect your baby from serious injury. A strong fall can cause a child to fear pain and the baby will give up trying to walk for a long time.
  3. Learn to walk where your baby likes. Perhaps your child likes to walk around autumn park and collect yellow leaves. Put on your waterproof overalls and go ahead. There he will learn to walk much faster, because of motivation. At home, you can lure your child with his favorite toys.
  4. At the first stages, you can put on special leashes for your child, which will protect the baby from falling. But it is not recommended to use walkers - modern pediatricians believe that they are quite harmful to the spine.
  5. Encourage your child to walk in every possible way. When going for a walk, avoid the stroller. Pay little attention to older children - how they run and walk. Don't be in a rush to hold your baby all the time.
  6. To make it interesting for your child to move around, you can give him a car on a string. While rolling it, he won’t even notice that he’s walking on his own.
  7. Build mountains out of pillows and blankets at home. Overcoming such obstacles develops the baby's strength, agility and muscles.

These simple tips and the rules will help you teach your child to walk as quickly as possible.

Know that all children are different and there is no need to compare your baby with the neighboring children. Some people start walking early, others late – there is nothing shameful in that. Take care of your child and love him for who he is.

Video: baby learns to walk