Professional construction level which is better. How to choose a bubble building level

The bubble level is an indispensable tool for construction and repair work. various types. This device helps to create straight lines in any plane, check the required slope or angles. The ancestors of building levels are plumb lines and spirit levels, the functions of which they essentially perform. Levels are indispensable when laying pipes and various surfaces, which are demanding on the angle of inclination. They are used during the installation of equipment that vibrates during operation and is demanding on the evenness of the installation surface. Arrangement sewer pipes or steps also cannot be done without this tool. Building levels are in the arsenal of any master and are a necessary thing in the household, so it is important to know how to choose the right one building level.

Bubble level design

The building bubble level is a fairly simple, but functional design. It is based on a bar made of solid material, into which a certain amount of air ampoules is mounted. Measuring marks are applied to the ampoule, which determine the position of the air inside it. It is this indicator that is the key to the level’s operation. When the bubble is located exactly in the middle, this means that the surface is perfectly flat. For check inclined surfaces use an indicator of air deflection relative to the center of the ampoule.

The main and most important part of the level is an ampoule with liquid in which air floats. If the integrity of this part is compromised, the entire device is considered unusable. The filling of the ampoule is most often technical alcohol. For ease of use, manufacturers modify the level; some models are equipped with a lens that allows the worker to better see the bubble. To work in dark time day, fluorescent additives are added to the liquid, which help to use the device with their glow without additional lighting. In such improved models, the ampoule with all the additives is called an eye.

Shockproof models have become quite popular. While working on a construction site or when transporting the device, unpleasant incidents often occur - falls, shakes, mechanical damage that disable the level. Long modifications are especially prone to breakage, since their size increases the likelihood of falling and makes the impact force greater than that of models with a short frame. At this level, the construction price is slightly higher than for conventional models. However, buying a shockproof device is still more profitable than regularly replacing damaged ones with new ones.

The foundation is no less important in the entire structure. It consists of wooden, plastic or aluminum strips. Wood planks They are made solid, aluminum or plastic are hollow. The most common levels are those with an aluminum base. When choosing a device, pay attention to its weight, since the heavier the device, the better its readings. Practitioners distinguish among all modifications the cross-shaped design with rubber handles. They call these levels the most convenient and accurate. To work with metal surfaces, it is recommended to use devices equipped with magnets. Another optional but convenient addition is a ruler on the long side of the level. This modification will help out when carrying out measuring work and will eliminate the need to carry a ruler or tape measure.

The simplest and most primitive level model has only one measuring ampoule. But such modifications are quite difficult to find in a modern store. Manufacturers offer a wider range of levels with two or three ampoules. One of the containers is located on the long wide side and is designed to work in a horizontal plane. The second container is located on the narrow short side of the device, perpendicular to the first. It is designed to work in vertical plane. If there is another container on the bar, then it is also located on the narrow part, but with reverse side. It is attached at an angle of 45°, and the purpose of this ampoule is to control the operation of the device.

Manufacturers offer bubble levels not only in different modifications, but also in different lengths. Shortest standard model has a length of 20 cm, the longest is 3-4 m. This indicator determines the functional purpose of the level. For installation of various household appliances and performing simple repair tasks in a private house or apartment, it is enough to use small levels. When laying tiles or working with various finishing materials of this type, the optimal length is from 40 cm to 1 m. Long construction levels are professional, used when carrying out large construction and repair work. Experts note that what longer length level, the more accurate its readings.

What to look for when buying a bubble level

Building levels are one of the most popular products among manufacturers of cheap and low-quality products. Since this product is used not only by professional builders who know exactly what they need, but also by ordinary people. The manufacturing technology of a building level is not so complicated, but it requires precision and the use of high-quality materials for the device to work properly. Unfortunately, manufacturers of fakes and low-quality goods take advantage of the ignorance of unqualified people in construction matters and offer low-quality products, the readings of which are not accurate. Trademarks that have already proven themselves as responsible manufacturers of building levels:

  • Kapro
  • Stabila
  • Ermak
  • Bosch
  • Gross Laser
  • Shark (Israel)
  • Leader

But, even focusing on these names, it is not always possible to buy a high-quality and durable building level. You need to know some of the nuances of choosing this device, and also be able to determine the required model so as not to overpay extra money for a professional level in the event that it is necessary only for carrying out small household work.

  • To begin with, determine the required length of the tool. To do this, determine the goals and objectives that are set for him. To carry out finishing work and leveling surfaces, you will need a long device. For small ones decorative works- installation of hanging furniture, shelves, switches, paintings will suffice at a small or medium size level. The best option for use in living conditions- level 50-60 cm long.

  • During selection, carefully inspect all glass elements of the device. We are talking about air containers that perform the main function. First of all, they must be intact and have no traces of mechanical impact. Next, the strength of their fastening is checked; these parts are fixed tightly and should not wobble or unscrew. There are models with the ability to adjust the containers; the presence of this function is a very controversial point. On the one hand, the adjustment allows you to adjust the failed level, on the other hand, it makes the device more vulnerable to shocks and mechanical stress. Professional builders It is recommended to purchase levels with rigid fixation of all containers.
  • After inspecting the fixation of the flask, pay attention to the air itself in it and the strips applied to the surface. All these elements should be clearly visible and located close to each other. The best option is the location of the control strips inside the bubble, and not on its outer surface. Since with active use these marks will quickly be erased.
  • The next important factor is the material of the base of the level. Whether it is made of wood, plastic or metal, it should be heavy and durable. Models with stiffening ribs located inside are optimal. In general, the design and external construction of the levels varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but this aspect does not affect the accuracy of the device itself.
  • After an external inspection of the level, it must be checked. Specialized stores should always have a stand for testing the device, which has a perfectly flat surface. But even if there is no such stand, it is not difficult to check the level in any other place. To do this, place it in a horizontal plane and mark the position of the air bubble. Even if it deviates from the center, it’s not scary, since that’s not the point of this test. Then the level is raised, turned 180° and placed exactly in the same place. In this case, the position of the bubble should be at the same mark. If so, then the device is working properly.
  • The accuracy of reading a flat plane is impossible without the presence of a verified surface. But in this situation, it is enough to save the receipt for the goods and then check the level readings using other instruments. For example, for this they use a level or a laser level, or a bubble level, which has already proven its performance. These checks must be carried out even with branded and expensive items, since during transportation they are often violated specifications and device readings.

How to set up a bubble level

Adjusting the bubble level is only possible if you have a model with unfixed containers. The process of setting the level is quite simple:

  • Determined by the most flat wall in the room, this area should be at eye level, with the corner located on the left side.
  • Stepping back about 4 cm from the corner, drive a nail or tighten a self-tapping screw. Do this not completely, but so that 2-3 cm remains on the surface.
  • The device is placed on one side of the nail and leaned against the wall, and then adjusted so that the air in the container shows a flat surface. A line is drawn along the edge of the level on the wall.
  • Turn the device over and repeat the procedure.

The correct setting is checked by the drawn lines; if they do not go beyond each other, then the device is functioning properly and its readings are accurate. If the drawn marks diverge, then you must proceed as follows:

  • On the right side, where the marks end, mark the central point between them.
  • The device is placed again on the nail, and the other end is applied to the marked point.
  • For convenience, screw another screw into the mark or simply hold the level with your hand.
  • In a fixed position, adjust the container with liquid to the required position.

The container is adjusted in the same way for working in a vertical plane, only the level is pressed against the nail with the long side.

How to use a bubble level

When working with a building level, it is important to remember that this device has a working surface, with which it is applied to the control area. This area Features a raw edge or magnetic insert. In some models there is no distinction between the working surface and other edges. If you touch the device with the other side during use, it will not harm it, but the measurement accuracy will decrease. The level is never placed sideways; all measurements made in this way are incorrect, since, in fact, a non-existent surface is being measured.

To work in a horizontal plane, focus on the container on the long side of the level. The device is applied to the surface and a line is marked where the air is exactly in the center of the ampoule. If there is a deviation to the left, then lower the left edge of the frame slightly or raise the right one. The same applies to deviations to the right.

To work in a vertical plane, focus on the container in the narrow edge of the device. For example, if it is necessary to check the quality of the wall finish, then the device is applied to it with the container facing up. If the air is moving away from the wall, there is a convex bump underneath. If the air moves towards the wall, then it is necessary to add a little volume below the level.

With the advent of computer and Internet technologies, all stages of obtaining information have become much easier and faster. In order to introduce this progressive tool into all industries, almost every modern organization requires its employees to have PC knowledge to one degree or another. When applying for a job, the applicant must indicate his level of computer use in the application form. If a person does not have such experience, then it is much more difficult for him to find a suitable vacancy.

In most cases, a person determines his level of PC use independently. Currently, there are no standardized programs for this purpose that are common to all.

PC usage levels

There are several levels of using a personal computer.

The lowest level user is called a "teapot". A person who has only general knowledge, as a rule, uses a computer only for communication in social networks, on dating sites. Such a user does not know the basic meanings of keyboard shortcuts and the purpose of programs.

The second level includes an ordinary user. He, in turn, knows the necessary basics and knows how to work in programs Microsoft Office, knows how to connect the keyboard and mouse. But his knowledge is not enough to use auxiliary keyboard shortcuts; all operations and manipulations are carried out exclusively using the mouse.

The third level is a confident PC user. He knows minimum required the main installed programs, the architecture of a personal computer, can explain what is inside the system unit and what is used for what. Confident user can reinstall on its own operating system and drivers, easily uses search engines.

An advanced user knows everything about the filling and software computer. He is able to disassemble and assemble a PC from components himself. Uses function keys with ease. Can independently correct some computer malfunctions.

The next level includes programmers and graduates of technical universities. A person of this level of knowledge will be able to assemble not only a computer, but also an entire server, can also set up a network, and is quite well versed in writing programs in various languages.

A hacker has the most advanced level of PC knowledge. This word speaks for itself. The hacker knows absolutely everything. Can bypass numerous passwords and hack some servers.

Without a spirit level, or a building level, it is difficult to imagine the high-quality performance of many construction, finishing and repair works. His work assignmentprecise definition possible deviation of any surface from vertical or horizontal. Using it, you can create perfectly straight lines on a plane, measure the desired angles and slopes.

Levels are absolutely indispensable when arranging surfaces that have special requirements for the angle of inclination. You cannot do without them when installing equipment that vibrates during operation, which requires a perfectly parallel installation surface to the floor. This device is definitely present in the arsenal of tools and professional craftsmen, and lovers. Therefore, it is important to be able to choose the building level correctly.

Special shockproof models are very relevant for professionals. During transportation, or while working on a construction site, devices are often subject to shocks, vibrations, and falls, which often causes them to break. Larger models especially suffer: the impact force generated when they fall will be greater, due to their dimensions. The price of the shockproof device will be slightly higher, but it is worth it. It's better to spend money once reliable device than endlessly replacing broken ones.

The base of the device is usually made of wood, aluminum or modern plastic. Wooden elements are made solid, bases made of other materials are hollow inside. Products with an aluminum component are more common. An important role in choosing a device is played by its weight, because the heavier it is, the more reliable its readings. Professionals think the best devices those that are cross-shaped and equipped with rubber handles: they are more precise and comfortable.

Types of magnetic levels

Special magnetic levels Designed for working with metal surfaces. An addition that is quite necessary for work is a ruler located on the long side of the tool. It turns out to be very useful when taking various measurements, and is quite capable of replacing a tape measure. The simplest representative of these devices is equipped with only one measuring ampoule. Such modifications are extremely rare on the shelves.

Most often, manufacturers offer devices with two or even three working ampoules. On the wide long side there is one ampoule, which serves to determine the quality of horizontal planes. On the short narrow side, located at right angles to the main one, there is a second container for working vertically.

On the reverse side of the narrow part, a third ampoule can be located, which should monitor the correct operation of the device itself. The industry offers devices not only of various modifications, but also of different sizes.

The small standard model has a length of 20 cm and a width of about 4. The dimensions of the level determine its narrower purpose. For correct installation household appliances, and for carrying out minor repairs in a residential building or apartment, a small device is sufficient. For working with finishing materials, when laying tiles, devices from 40 to 100 cm are more convenient. Professional ones, the largest of which are bubble levels, are needed for large-scale construction projects. It is believed that the length of the building level correlates with its accuracy: the longer it is, the more reliable the readings of the device.

How to choose a building level?

Building levels have always enjoyed a certain demand among buyers. After all, these devices are used not only by professionals, but also by ordinary citizens who may need the product for simple repairs. Industrial manufacturing levels is not a particularly difficult task, but needs quality materials, accurate calculation and careful processing. These components guarantee high performance characteristics of the instruments, ensuring accurate readings.

Choosing a level

The following brands provide high quality products:

  • Stabila
  • Bosch
  • Shark (Israel)
  • Kapro
  • Ermak
  • Gross Laser
  • Leader.

Even knowing the leading manufacturers, for implementation the right choice you need to know some important features.

After all, many buyers do not dream of buying a product from a famous brand at an incredible price: people do not want to overpay for an item that is occasionally needed in the household.

  1. First, we determine the size of the required device. They depend on its purpose, on the tasks and goals assigned to it. If surfaces need to be leveled, Finishing work, then a sufficiently large device is required. If there are minor renovation work, such as installation of sockets and switches, device hanging shelves, fixing pictures, installing individual pieces of furniture, then the average size of the level is quite enough. The most suitable tool for household and household needs is about 60 cm long.
  2. In the store you should take a closer look at all the parts of the device made of glass. They must be intact, undamaged, without traces of foreign influence. It is necessary to check the reliability of their fastening; all elements must be tightly secured and not dangle to the sides. On sale you can find versions of devices with the function of adjusting containers, but its feasibility is rather doubtful. It would seem that the possibility of adjustment allows you to correct the level of the device that has gone astray? But at the same time, the device becomes more sensitive to mechanical stress and shaking. Professionals recommend a tool with rigidly fixed parts.
  3. It’s not just the flask that needs to be carefully inspected. You should pay attention to both the calibration applied to it and the air bubble inside. Everything must be clearly visible and located at a certain, strictly verified distance from each other. A very convenient version of the product is one in which the control strips are located inside, thus being protected from mechanical influences. With this arrangement, you can be sure that they will not be erased.
  4. Another important factor is what the building level base is made of. Whatever material is used to make it, it must be durable and heavy enough. Good options for devices that have special stiffening ribs inside. Each manufacturer chooses its own, individual design for its products. But it should not in any way affect the reliability of the device’s readings.
  5. Once the external examination of the device is completed, you can proceed to testing it. Specialized construction stores must be equipped with special stands with a flat surface for checking the products sold. If there is none, the check can be carried out as follows. The device is placed horizontally and the position of the air bubble is noted. It's okay if it moves from the center position. Then the device is rotated 180 degrees in the same place. If the air has not changed its position, then the tool is adjusted and working correctly.
  6. Without a tested surface with known indicators, it will not be possible to determine the accuracy of the device readings. However, you can check them later by comparing them with data from other devices. You can use a laser level or level, the performance of which has already been tested. You should not neglect checking, even when it comes to expensive branded products: technical characteristics that determine operational properties, may well be violated during the transportation of goods.

When wondering how to choose a building level, any person is aware of the consequences of a wrong decision.

A common type of bubble level is its rectangular modification, which is inexpensive.

After all, any, even the slightest deviation from a flat surface can lead to the most disastrous consequences, including a complete redo of the just completed repair. Therefore, the question of how to choose a building level should be treated with the utmost care, because this tool comes in several different types, the properties, purpose and price of which may vary significantly.

Currently, the market has a fairly wide range of these construction tools. One of the most common measuring instruments of this type is the bubble level. It consists of a body and a flask filled with liquid in which an air bubble floats. This level is very simple and at the same time quite accurate and reliable.

What are the types of levels

Bubble levels. The most common type of this level is its rectangular modification. Its length varies widely and can be 2.5 meters. The minimum size is 20 cm. However, occasionally you can find devices of a telescopic design, the length of which reaches 4 meters. Their flasks are made of impact-resistant transparent material. Alcohol is used as a filler.

Some of these tools are equipped with magnets, which makes them much easier to use on steel surfaces. There is also a type of level that is used when working with pipes: such tools usually have small sizes and a semicircular recess running along the body. Thanks to it, the device is well held on the surface of the pipe. These tools have a low price, but versatility is not their thing. strong trait, so it is better to choose a different type of level.

Water levels. This type of measuring instrument, otherwise known as a hydraulic level, is well suited for measuring the deflection of large horizontal surfaces. It consists of two containers filled with liquid, which are connected to each other by a hose. The main feature of these levels is that their length ranges from 5 to 25 meters, which makes them indispensable when working with extended surfaces and at the same time absolutely useless for use in an apartment.

They are sensitive to high temperature, so they need to be stored away from heat sources. You also need to ensure that when filling containers with water, no air bubbles get into it, as this significantly affects the readings of this measuring device.

Laser levels. Measuring instruments of this type are among the most accurate and at the same time the most expensive. Their main advantages are their small size and large range, which can reach several tens of meters. They are also best suited for measuring large and extended surfaces, since the laser beam emitted by this instrument can be turned into a plane. In addition, they perform well when laying out directions. For ease of use, such measuring instruments are equipped with tripods and magnetic suction cups.

Top tools have not one laser beam, but several. They can intersect with each other, facilitating and clarifying measurements.

This device can definitely be called the best among all levels. It is versatile, accurate, compact and practical. It has only one drawback: its high price.

Choosing a level in the store: what to look for

The type of measuring device largely depends on how large-scale problems will be solved with its help. After all, it’s one thing when a level is selected for frequent use on large scale construction work, and it’s completely different when it’s needed only to level the floor in the apartment.

There is no need to be influenced by the products of famous brands and choose the most famous brand, because the main thing in any thing is its quality, and this indicator often has nothing to do with a big name.

How to choose a bubble level

First of all, you need to decide for what tasks you need this measuring tool. If you are going to level the walls with it, then you need to choose a level maximum length, if the question is posed much more modestly and you just need to attach bookshelf, then the tool, accordingly, should also be smaller.

The air bubble itself should be clearly visible, and the marks on the level flask should be black and there should be several of them. These marks should be very close to each other, forming something like a scale.

After this verification step, you can proceed to the next one and test the accuracy of the device. If the purchase is made in a specialized store, then it probably has special stands that are specifically designed for testing such measuring instruments.

For the test, the device should be positioned horizontally and the location of the air bubble on the flask scale should be accurately remembered, then the level should be rotated 180 degrees. If everything is in order with the device, then the bubble will not change its position relative to the scale.

After this, you need to check its operation in the vertical plane. To do this, select the appropriate stand to which the device is applied. Then everything happens as in the previous case: the location of the bubble is remembered, then a rotation of 180 degrees follows. If the bubble remains in its place in this case, it means that the level is made with high quality and you can safely buy it.

If there is no such stand in the store, when you arrive home, you need to invite a person who has a level or laser level and, using these tools, check the correct operation of what you purchased. If you are not satisfied with something, then you always have the opportunity to return the purchased device back to the store.

What to look for when buying a laser level?

If you have made a choice in favor of a laser measuring device, then when purchasing, you should first of all pay attention to its technical characteristics, the main of which are measurement error and range. The accuracy of the laser level must be at least 3 mm for every 10 meters, and the range must be at least 20 meters.

Often this device comes with special glasses that allow you to better see the laser beam.

In addition, these devices are equipped with two types of lasers, which differ in the color of the beam they emit. The most common emitters are those that produce a red color, but if possible, it is better to choose an instrument with a green beam, since this color is more noticeable and contrasting to the human eye. However, levels with a green laser are somewhat more expensive than their “red” counterparts.

It is worth looking carefully at what is included with the device.

It is often very diverse and includes both many useful items and those that you can completely do without.

If, along with the purchase of a laser level, you are going to purchase some kind of addition to it, then be sure to consult about this with sellers or with friends who understand such things, so that it does not happen that the purchased accessory does not suit your type of device.

Purchasing a level is a very important step, on which the quality of the upcoming repair directly depends.

Surely many have heard about the international system of English language levels, but not everyone knows what it means and how to classify it. The need to find out your level of English proficiency may arise in some life situations. For example, if you need to pass an interview at work or at the embassy, ​​if you need to pass some kind of international exam (IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CPE, BEC, etc.), when entering a foreign educational institution, when getting a job in another country, and also for personal purposes.

The international system for determining knowledge of the English language can be divided into 7 levels:

1. Beginner – Initial (zero). At this level, the student knows practically nothing in English and begins to study the subject from scratch, including the alphabet, basic reading rules, standard greeting phrases and other tasks of this stage. At the Beginner level, students can usually answer questions easily when meeting new people. For example: What is your name? How old are you? Do you have brothers and sisters? Where are you from and where do you live? etc. They can also count to one hundred and spell out their name and personal information. The latter in English is called spelling (pronouncing words by letter).

2. Elementary. This level immediately follows zero and implies knowledge of some basics of the English language. The Elementary level gives students the opportunity to use previously learned phrases in a more free form, and also instills a whole range of new knowledge. At this stage, students learn to briefly talk about themselves, their favorite colors, dishes and seasons, weather and time, daily routine, countries and customs, etc. In terms of grammar, at this level there is an initial introduction to next times: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple (will, to be going to) and Present Perfect. Some are also considered modal verbs(can, must), different types pronouns, adjectives and degrees of comparison, categories of nouns, forms of simple questions. Having firmly mastered the Elementary level, you can already take part in the KET (Key English test).

3. Pre-Intermediate – Below average. The level following Elementary is called Pre-Intermediate, literally translated as Pre-Intermediate. Having reached this level, students already have an idea of ​​how many sentences and phrases are constructed and can speak briefly on many topics. The Pre-Intermediate level adds confidence and expands learning potential. Longer texts appear, more practical exercises, new grammar topics and more complex sentence structures. Topics encountered at this level may include complex questions, Past Continuous, different shapes future tense, conditional sentences, modal verbs, infinitives and gerunds, repetition and fixation of Past Simple tenses (regular and Irregular Verbs) and Present Perfect, and some others. In terms of oral skills, having completed the Pre-Intermediate level, you can safely go on a journey and look for every opportunity to use your knowledge in practice. Also, a solid command of English at the Pre-Intermediate level makes it possible to participate in the PET (Preliminary English Test) test and the BEC (Business English Certificate) Preliminary exam.

4. Intermediate - Average. At the Intermediate level, the knowledge acquired at the previous stage is consolidated, and a lot of new vocabulary, including complex ones, is added. For example, personal characteristic people, scientific terms, professional vocabulary and even slang. The object of study is the active and passive voices, direct and indirect speech, participial and participial phrases, phrasal verbs and prepositions, word order in complex sentences, varieties of articles, etc. From grammatical tenses, the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous, Past Simple and Present Perfect, Past Simple and Past Continuous, as well as between various forms of expressing the future tense is examined in more detail. Texts at the Intermediate level become longer and more meaningful, and communication becomes easier and freer. The advantage of this stage is that in many modern companies Employees with Intermediate level knowledge are highly valued. This level is also ideal for avid travelers, as it makes it possible to freely understand the interlocutor and express himself in response. From international exams, after successfully completing the intermediate level, you can take the following exams and tests: FCE (First Certificate in English) grade B/C, PET Level 3, BULATS (Business Language Testing Service), BEC Vantage, TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication ), IELTS (International English Language Testing System) for 4.5-5.5 points and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) for 80-85 points.

5. Upper Intermediate - Above average. If students reach this level, it means that they can understand fluent English and communicate easily using the vocabulary they have already acquired. At the Upper-Intermediate level, it becomes possible to use English much more in practice, since there is a little less theory, and if there is, it basically repeats and consolidates the Intermediate level. Among the innovations, we can note Narrative Tenses, which includes such difficult tenses as Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. The future tenses Future Continuous and Future Perfect, the use of articles, modal verbs of assumptions, verbs are also considered indirect speech, hypothetical sentences, abstract nouns, causative voice and much more. The Upper-Intermediate level is one of the most in demand both in business and in the educational sphere. People who are fluent in English at this level can easily pass any interviews and even enter foreign universities. At the end of the Upper-Intermediate course, you can take exams such as FCE A/B, BEC (Business English Certificate) Vantage or Higher, TOEFL 100 points and IELTS 5.5-6.5 points.

6. Advanced 1 – Advanced. Advanced 1 level is required for professionals and students who want to achieve high fluency in English. Unlike the Upper-Intermediate level, many interesting phrases appear here, including idioms. Knowledge of tenses and other grammatical aspects previously studied only deepens and is viewed from other unexpected angles. Topics of discussion become more specific and professional, for example: the environment and natural disasters, legal processes, genres of literature, computer terms, etc. After the Advanced level, you can take the special academic exam CAE (Cambridge Advanced English), as well as IELTS with 7 and TOEFL with 110 points, and you can apply for a prestigious job in foreign companies or a place in Western universities.

7. Advanced 2 – Super advanced (native speaker level). The name speaks for itself. We can say that there is nothing higher than Advanced 2, because this is the level of a native speaker, i.e. a person born and raised in an English-speaking environment. With this level you can pass any interviews, including highly specialized ones, and pass any exams. In particular, the highest test of English proficiency is the academic exam CPE (Cambridge Proficiency Exam), and as for the IELTS test, with this level you can pass it with the highest score of 8.5-9.
This gradation is called the ESL (English as a Second Language) or EFL (English as a Foreign Language) level classification and is used by the ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe) association. The level system may vary depending on the country, school or organization. For example, some organizations reduce the 7 levels presented to 5 and call them a little differently: Beginner (Elementary), Lower Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Lower Advanced, Upper Advanced. However, this does not change the meaning and content of the levels.

Another similar system of international examinations under the acronym CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) divides the levels into 6 and has other names:

1. A1 (Breakthrough)=Beginner
2. A2 (Waystage)=Pre-Intermediate – Below average
3. B1 (Threshold)=Intermediate – Average
4. B2 (Vantage)=Upper-Intermediate – Above average
5. C1 (Proficiency)=Advanced 1 – Advanced
6. C2 (Mastery)=Advanced 2 – Super advanced