Profession buyer. Who is a buyer

Today profession buyer is one of the most popular. Representatives of this profession are engaged in replenishing the collections of boutiques and fashion stores. Buyers are considered respected experts in the fashion industry.

Fashion is a business. Therefore, it is not enough to do and show on the podium beautiful thing. It still needs to be sold. This is exactly the kind of activity that buyers do, who are guided by the needs of clients when selecting collections for sale. Representatives of this profession must understand whether this or that clothing model will be sold, because an unsold collection will lead to losses for the store.

The job of a buyer is very hard and involves risk. buy the wrong thing. The professionalism of representatives of this profession largely depends on intuition and knowledge of the tastes of potential buyers.

A buyer is not only a merchandiser involved in selecting an assortment of goods for a store, it is also a stylist who must evaluate clothing as a work of art. Representatives of this profession can select clothes not only for the elite, but also for a wider circle of buyers.

Large stores may have more than one buyer on staff. For example, the first may purchase men's clothing, the second - women's, the third - sports, and the fourth - exclusive.

Upon arrival to the store new clothes or shoes, the buyer is obliged to advise the sellers: explain how to arrange things and how to competently offer goods to the client.

The buyer profession has a number of positive aspects, among which it is worth noting the opportunity to travel and communicate with famous creative people: fashion designers, artists and designers.

The disadvantages include risk and long working hours. In addition, buyers have practically no time to rest: as soon as one season ends, the next one begins immediately.

In order to become a buyer, you need some experience working in boutiques or large clothing stores. In addition, you need to follow everything that happens in the fashion industry, attend shows, take part in showrooms, work with designers. The profession of a buyer requires a person to have good taste. Also, knowledge of foreign languages ​​will not be superfluous, since such activities involve frequent travel.

Learn to be a buyer in modern universities educational institutions it is forbidden. Education that develops a sense of composition, proportion, harmony and gives an idea of ​​design, for example, artistic, is perfect. Besides, important role knowledge in the field of economics and marketing plays a role. The personal qualities that representatives of this profession need include initiative, responsibility, communication skills, stress resistance, creativity and punctuality.

As for wages, then, as a rule, buyers are owners of boutiques and shops, therefore, the earnings of representatives of this profession directly depend on the ability to sell clothes. If the buyer is able to successfully bring and sell this or that collection, he will be able to make a fairly large profit.

How could you verify The profession of a buyer is very difficult and requires a person to have certain skills. Many large companies are looking for experienced specialists who are well versed in clothing, footwear, and customer preferences.

The buyer is the person every professional designer keeps in touch with. Based on sales and market analysis, he recommends which clothes should be added to the collection. It cannot be said that all buyers have impeccable design taste. Rather, they have a keen eye for trends and a commercial sense.

What does a buyer do?

The specialist's responsibilities include:

  • creating collections based on research, experience from previous seasons and trends;
  • studying the preferences of regular customers;
  • communication with clothing manufacturers and suppliers, participation in procurement.

Let's highlight the main requirements:

  • higher education;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • experience in the fashion industry;
  • practice of communication with foreign suppliers.

Do not miss:

How to become a buyer?

Of course, there are a number of ways to master a profession. The only thing that should be in the blood is a love of fashion and attractive clothes. You can’t do without experience, which is based on an analysis of sales of previous seasons and the preferences of the target audience of a particular brand.

Bayer makes decisions based on accurate information. Mistakes when purchasing clothes can ruin a business within one season.

The assortment of the boutique depends entirely on the buyer. Lack of sales and dissatisfaction potential clients- this is his responsibility. Here it is important to follow not so much designer shows, but what is happening around. The audience's needs are formed against the backdrop of the political, cultural and eventual situation.

Among ordinary people, there are many myths about the buyer profession. It would seem that it could be simpler: you visit fashion exhibitions, shows, and slowly select collections of famous brands. In fact, this is painstaking work that requires great responsibility from the specialist. A clear feeling and understanding of what the client wants will certainly lead the buyer to success.

Who is a buyer? This is an expert who knows the latest news and trends in modern fashion, knows how to select items that will be in demand among customers, creates fashion collections for stores and calculates their return on investment. Not only boutique owners listen to his opinion. Designers also focus on the assessments and requests of “buyers” when creating the next collection. Today, professional buyers are in great demand in the fashion industry.

Places of work

The position of buyer is available in many fashion boutiques and chain stores of mid-price shoes, clothing and accessories.

History of the profession

Buyers appeared in Russia in the 90s of the last century, when the first chain stores of fashion products (clothing, shoes, etc.) began to develop. Initially, exclusively Western experts were invited as “fashion buyers”. Over the past 10 years, Russian specialists have been actively mastering the buyer profession.

Buyer's responsibilities

Basic job responsibilities Buyers are usually as follows:

  • formation of seasonal collections (spring-summer, autumn-winter) and planning a permanent assortment of goods (for this, a specialist studies fashion trends and new collections of designers, visits specialized exhibitions, etc.);
  • analysis of current sales of collections and study of consumer preferences;
  • participation in purchasing or ordering goods (negotiations with suppliers and manufacturers, coordination of sewing designs, etc.).

Sometimes a buyer is involved in pricing and planning sales for a year, six months, a quarter, a month.

Buyer requirements

Because of high competition In the fashion industry, the requirements for buyers are quite high:

  • higher education;
  • good command English language(spoken and written);
  • experience in procurement (preferably, the employer’s product groups - watches, clothing, shoes, and so on);
  • experience working with international suppliers (Europe, China, Southeast Asia);
  • Confident PC skills.

Desired skills and experience are:

  • knowledge modern trends fashion;
  • 2 years of experience as a buyer;
  • ability to design clothes or shoes;
  • knowledge of a second foreign language - Italian, German, Chinese.

Buyer resume sample

How to become a buyer

The path to becoming a buyer is quite simple, but not fast.

  • First, you need to get a higher education (preferably in the field of logistics, economics, foreign trade, marketing or design) and learn English.
  • Secondly, you need to gain experience in procurement. You need to clearly understand how stores buy goods, under what conditions, based on what contracts, how they work with international partners, what stores do with defects, etc. It is advisable to understand all the nuances of procurement.
  • Thirdly, you need to love fashion and design. In rare cases, sewing or clothing design skills may be required.

If you have all of the above, you can get a job as a buyer quickly and for a good salary.

Buyer salary

The buyer's salary ranges from 30 to 90 thousand rubles per month. Income greatly depends on the specialist’s experience and skills in international procurement. average salary buyer's fee is 50 thousand rubles.

Today there are many professions that were not known not only in the last century, but there are also those that were not known ten years ago. One of them is a buyer. Literally translated from English, it means a buyer, that is, a person who makes purchases of goods for a specific outlet. He is engaged in purchasing goods for a clothing store, and the successful operation of the store and the range and style of products that are sold depend on his work.

For a store that sells clothes, the basis of its popularity among customers and quality work will be the product, or in other words, the things that are sold there. This is not only the focus and style of certain models, but also compliance with the brand, quality and class. To a greater extent, the buyer’s work will determine whether they will be interested in and spend their cash in this particular store or they will give preference to some other one. The goal is to purchase the type of product that will most closely correspond to the store’s orientation in terms of quality-price ratio. Customers must like the clothes in order for the outlet to operate successfully.

It turns out that the prosperity and profitability of the store as a whole depends on the professionalism and taste of the buyer. If you inadvertently make a mistake in price category, or purchase unpopular brands, then customers will be disappointed and refuse to visit this store.

A Bayer is a person who is well versed in shoes, clothing and accessories. Sometimes it happens that only one direction is a priority, and this, of course, will further affect the direction of one’s career. Another of the buyer’s tasks is to establish mutually beneficial relationships between the retail outlet and the manufacturers of goods.

The profession of a buyer itself will require constant self-education, but if you take into account the specifics of the work, it will be a very pleasant experience for most women: tracking fashion trends, attending various shows. It is necessary to conclude deals between suppliers and the store, have a good understanding of the quality of the goods, and monitor this process at all stages. It will also help you to know a few foreign languages and communication skills.

Bayer is one of the newest professions today; in Russia this is not yet taught. You can consider this option as getting a manager's education. In order to start working in this industry, you must first work as a sales consultant or assistant, and only then can you begin the duties of a buyer.

Such a position appeared on the Russian career market not very long ago. Not even all managers and owners of clothing stores have heard of such a profession. But there is a priority, little competitiveness, since there are not many people willing to work in this area. It may also be much easier to get a job like this.