Lush beauty in your garden: canna - planting and care in open ground. When to store cannas

Many self-respecting gardeners who are actively engaged in growing on their own plot of land a wide variety of colors, including cannas. This is very beautiful flowers, which have large bright flowers.

Depending on how early the canna was planted in open ground Flowering can last from early summer until the onset of the first frost.

The flowering period depends on the variety. In order for a flower to delight with its blooming for more than one year, it is necessary for a period winter cold dig out from the soil and store at a special temperature in a suitable room.

Caring for cannes is quite simple. In addition, this plant is disease resistant.

1. Site selection and soil preparation

In order for a flower to grow fully and delight you with its blooms, you need to choose the right place to plant it. In the process of choosing a suitable soil, it is necessary to start from the fact that the plant loves warmth very much and also reacts poorly to cold.

Therefore, it is better to choose a place that is constantly visited Sun rays. With a lack of sunlight, the color of the foliage will become pale and unnatural; in addition, the volume of the flower itself will be much smaller than when there is enough heat.

The flower should be under sunlight about 6 o'clock. You can even conduct an experiment, that is, mark the time on a clock.

The selected location should be illuminated by sunlight for 6 hours. It is also important that there are no drafts here.

Cannas do not like the cold, so it is imperative to choose the right suitable period time for planting them in open ground. Most often this is the end of May, but if there is a risk of frost, then it is best to delay planting a little.

Having chosen a place to plant a plant, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for planting.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Digging up an area of ​​soil around the canna planting site.
  2. Removing weeds and rhizomes that may have remained from plants previously growing in this area.
  3. Fertilizer using special organic or inorganic substances.
  4. Abundant watering.

It is very important that by the time of planting the soil has warmed up as best as possible.

2. Preparing the plant for planting in open ground

Once the location has been selected and the soil has been prepared for planting in the correct manner, it is necessary to prepare the plant itself for planting. To begin with, it is recommended to lightly germinate the plant.

The germination procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Take clean sawdust or peat, place it in a shallow, spacious container and place it in a room at room temperature.
  2. Moisten the prepared material with water.
  3. Place the canna roots evenly on the surface of the moistened material.
  4. As sawdust or peat gradually dry out, re-moisten them.
  5. Let the roots stand until the first shoots appear.
  6. Clear root system from dry and damaged areas.
  7. Root division.

3. Procedure for planting in open ground

If not one canna is planted in the ground, but several at once, then it is necessary to maintain a distance between plants of 30 to 70 centimeters. This is necessary because the flower will gradually grow and very soon reach large volumes and you need to adhere to the correct interval so that they do not interfere with each other.

In addition, if a smaller plant is planted very close to the canna, it will not be able to fully develop and bloom, since it will be constantly shaded by the larger flower.

Plant care

A lot depends on the cultivation and planting of cannas, but also a lot depends on how correctly and efficiently the plant was cared for when it was grown.

In fact, the process of caring for a canna does not involve anything difficult or abstruse.

Care includes the following:

  1. Regular moderate watering.
  2. Removing weeds growing near the flower.
  3. Feeding the plant with fertilizers.
  4. Systematic loosening of the soil around the stem.

Uniform watering is very important, since watering in small quantities leads to the fact that the plant does not have enough moisture and it simply begins to dry out, and if the moisture is higher than normal, then fungal diseases, which can lead to the complete death of the flower.

By the end of August, it is necessary to significantly reduce the amount of watering, as this will allow the root system to fully mature and gain strength.

To grow a large plant with bright and voluminous flowers, it is necessary to periodically fertilize the soil where the canna grows. This is done during the growing season of the plant. Best to use mineral fertilizers in liquid form.

It is clear that over time the flowers fade, and these dried inflorescences must be picked in time. This will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the plant and prevent unnecessary waste of sap contained in the stems to maintain a wilted flower.

As soon as the flower ends its flowering period, you need to pour a mound of earth around the stem. This procedure will prevent damage to the root collar during the onset of the first frost.

Cannes storage

As soon as the first frost approaches, you must first cover it with a not very dense layer of earth or sand.

After the first light frosts, the procedure for digging up cannas and preparing for winter storage which consists of the following steps:

  1. Digging canals. Occurs in dry weather. You need to step back as far as possible from the stem itself and dig up the root evenly from all sides, so as not to harm it.
  2. The above-ground part of the flower is cut off and the stem is left at a height of about 20 centimeters.
  3. The roots, along with the soil that remains on the stem after digging, must be placed in containers with holes, which will ensure the flow of air. It is important to leave soil on the roots because it will help prevent the roots from drying out.
  4. If there are several varieties, it is necessary to hang labels with inscriptions on the stems.
  5. The best place for storage is a basement or other cool room.
  6. The temperature must be maintained at 10°C.
  7. Air humidity should be at 70-90%


Of course, you want not only to admire the beauty of canna flowering, but also to increase this beauty.

Cannes can be propagated in two ways:

  1. Reproduction by seeds.
  2. Reproduction by dividing the root system.

1. Propagation of cannas by seeds

Growing cannas from seeds is quite troublesome, but the result gives incredible pleasure and joy.

When growing plants from seeds, you need to be prepared for the fact that the final result may differ significantly in parameters from the varieties from which the planting material was taken. Not just a large number of flowers grown from seeds may correspond to the mother variety.

The size of the seeds is quite large, in addition, they have a fairly strong shell and a brown tint. In order for the seeds to sprout the first shoots more quickly, it is necessary to germinate them. The shell needs to be scarified.

This is done as follows:

  1. Soak the planting material in cold water and leave for 2 hours.
  2. Get the seeds from cold water, put them in boiling water.
  3. Keep the material in a warm place for 4 hours.

To achieve canna flowering as early as possible, it is necessary to sow the seeds in prepared boxes with soil as early as February. Instead of regular soil, it is best to use a mixture of black soil, peat, and sand. In this case, you need to maintain a ratio of 1:1:1. It is better to do this at a temperature of 22-23°C.

If everything is done correctly, the first shoots will appear within a month. When two full-fledged leaves are formed on the stem, you can start planting the plants in separate containers and place them on a greenhouse shelf or in a room where the air temperature is 16°C. Where the flowers will stand until they are planted, there must be a sufficient amount of light.

If there is a lack of light, the seedlings will begin to stretch upward. This will cause the seedlings to become very thin and fragile. When it gets warmer outside, you can transplant the seedlings outside.

You can sow canna seeds in open ground, but then there is no guarantee that the plant will please you with its flowering this year.

2. Reproduction of cannas by dividing the root system

Dividing rhizomes is the most popular, easiest way to propagate flowers. The procedure for dividing the roots must begin when the cannas have been removed from the place where they were stored in the winter and the germination procedure has been carried out, as a result of which shoots have appeared.

The division is carried out in such a way that each separated part should have 2 full buds, but if possible, a little more can be done. The division is carried out using a sharp knife, which before the procedure it is advisable to treat with any suitable antibacterial agent.

In addition, it is necessary to process the resulting sections:

  1. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and treat the sections with it.
  2. Sprinkle the treated areas with wood ash.
  3. Lightly dry the sections.

In order to activate the growth of each of the resulting parts, it is necessary to place the roots in a warm room on a flat surface and spray them regularly with warm water. If the roots are young enough, you can cover them on top with a small layer of earth or sand.

Pest Control

Cannas can be classified as plants that are not susceptible to pests and diseases.

But in the process of growing a plant, the following negative aspects may be observed:

  1. The appearance of white spots on the surface of the leaves of the plant, which will eventually turn black.
  2. Blackening of buds.
  3. Falling buds.

This occurs because the plant becomes infected with a bacterial disease caused by overwatering. If neglected, infection of a plant can lead to its complete death.

It is important not to over-water, as this will lead to the development of bacteriosis, To remove it you will have to spend quite a lot of time.

Often, butterflies lay their cocoons on the surface of leaves, which eventually become caterpillars and then begin to harm the flower. In order to get rid of such pests, it is necessary to carry out treatment using special means, better known as insecticides.

The root system is damaged by pests such as nemadids. To save the plant and get rid of this type of pest, it is necessary to carry out appropriate soil treatment. For this you can use special preparations.

In order to grow beautiful cannas you need:

  1. Choose the right place to plant. This should be a place with sufficient sunlight and no drafts.
  2. Carry out a quality landing.
  3. Provide the necessary conditions care to grow a large plant with bright and large flowers.
  4. Storage.

Cannas are planted in open ground after spring frosts(in April - May). P

Before this, the rhizomes are germinated in a greenhouse or room at 22 - 25 degrees in soil consisting of humus soil, turf and sand (2: 1: 0.5).

The warmer the room, the faster roots form.

As soon as the seedlings grow a little, they should be hardened off. To do this, you need to take the pots out for a week to a shaded place where the midday rays of the sun do not reach.

Otherwise, after planting, the plants will receive sunburn leaves.

Cannas need plenty of watering, so it is recommended to plant them close to a water source.

When choosing a place to plant canna in open ground, remember that its homeland is hot Latin America, which means that only the bush that is located in a lighted and protected from the wind area will bloom luxuriantly.

It is best to plant cannas close to water, as the plants like plenty of watering.

The soil for cannas should be loose, enriched with compost or humus (5 kg per sq. m), half a liter of charcoal per sq. m is also added. m., nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers.

Plants are planted in holes 30 by 30 cm and 70 cm deep. Before planting, fresh manure (at least 20 cm) is placed in these holes, soil is sprinkled on top (25 cm) and the plant is placed.

As a result of the digestion of manure, heat is generated, which contributes to the normal development of roots and lush flowering cann.


Cannas are breeding seeds And dividing the rhizome.

If you don't have a goal to get new variety, then it’s easier and faster to propagate using the second method. To do this, the rhizome must be divided into several parts with a sharp knife so that one or two buds remain on one section.

To avoid infection, the sections are sprinkled with ash or charcoal and the rhizomes are left for 3 days in a room with a temperature of 10-15 degrees to dry and awaken the buds.

After this, the material is germinated and planted in the ground.

Do you want to create a beautiful and unique flower bed on your site? This will help you choose the right type, shape and plants for your flower bed.

Rockery is a real art on your site. You can master it by following the link.

Caring for cannas planted in the ground

During the growing season, cannas need abundant watering (but not over-watering) and loose soil.

Since the soil under the cannas is quite fertile, weeds sprout in it very quickly, which must be weeded regularly.

The plant needs to be fed once a month with phosphorus fertilizers or chicken manure diluted in water (1:10). Consumption of the composition is 0.5 liters for each bush.

Also carry out foliar feeding, spraying the leaves with a fertilizer solution prepared according to the instructions.

In addition, during flowering it is useful to sprinkle a handful of wood ash under the bushes.

Flowering of cannas lasts from 90 to 130 days. In order for flowering to last longer, you need to remove the first buds and then pick off faded flowers, preventing seeds from setting.

At the end of the flowering and growing season, but before the onset of frost, the cannas must be dug up and trimmed.

Pruning is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from the root collar, after which the rhizomes are stored and kept at 10 degrees Celsius.

It is important that some soil remains on the rhizome of the plant during pruning.

Possible problems and pests

Cannas are practically not affected by pests.

With excessive watering and excess fertilizer, canna leaves may turn black. If this happens and the rhizome rots, then it will no longer be possible to save the plant.

Because of high humidity Canna soils may be infested with caterpillars. In this case, the plants are treated with insecticides.

How to design and implement it yourself landscape design find out at your site.

This article will help you choose the right variety, planting location, and breeding method.

The most popular varieties of cannas

Reaches 2 meters in height. The leaves are oblong, tapered at the end, 0.2-0.6 m long and 10-15 cm wide. Has a rare brush with yellow flowers reaching 8 cm in length.

The species includes more than 1000 hybrids, varying in size, height, color of flowers and leaves. First of all, these are varieties with bluish leaves and carmine red flowers, belonging to the Crozi subspecies.

Large-flowered or orchid varieties.

This group includes the following popular varieties, How " America"(plants up to 140 cm in height with cinnabar red flowers and purple leaves) and " German Titov"(up to 130 cm high with soft pink flowers and purple-green foliage).

Canna striata.

The plant is 0.8-0.9 m tall with red-yellow-orange flowers and variegated green leaves. Blooms from July to September.

Photo different varieties Cannes can be viewed in the gallery:

Canna in landscape design

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Lidiya Saltykova 02/13/2014 | 6655

If you know the secrets of plant care, then cannas can be grown in open ground even in Siberian conditions.

Read our article about what you especially need to pay attention to.

First way

In mid-February (early March), I bring the rhizomes into the apartment and I share them according to the number of freely detachable offspring. I never cut healthy rhizomes with a knife, as I have had cases where sections that were disinfected and sprinkled with ash did not become overgrown, but rotted away.

Then I'm planting divisions in a container with a substrate consisting of garden soil, humus and sand (2:1:1). I sprinkle only 1-2 cm on top. Planting watering pink solution of potassium permanganate or slightly bluish - copper sulfate. After 7-10 days, the dormant buds wake up.

On the 20th of May, plants that were previously hardened and accustomed to the open sun I plant it in the ground. For the night I cover cardboard boxes or lutrasil.

In autumn, after the first frosts, cannas I'm digging from the ground, I trim ground part up to 10-15 cm and together with a lump of earth I lower it in storage. In winter, I repeatedly check the condition of the rhizomes, if necessary, lightly moisten them (they must not be allowed to dry out).

Second way

Cannes in autumn I dig it up and trim it(as in the first case) and with a lump of earth replanting in pots. Then I transfer them from the dacha plot to an apartment and create conditions forced rest, placing it in the coolest place. Occasionally (1-2 times a month) I lightly moisten the soil. And when the first leaves appear (after about 3 months), I place the pots near the window. From this moment on, cannes begin to grow rapidly. At the beginning of May I am taking them to garden plot, and at night I put it away garden house or a greenhouse. And already in the 3rd decade of May planted in open ground.

Third way

Cannes I'm digging until the first frost, I cut it out I plant the flower stalks, leaving the leaves, and with a lump of earth in pots. I bring it into the apartment and put it by the window. They feel comfortable throughout the off-season. I'm watering moderately. And in mid-March I already give the first feeding mixed infusion of wood ash and humus extracts. At this time, cannas begin to form flower stalks. After two weeks, I repeat the fertilizing and continue this until planting in the ground. In early May, I take the cannes (already with buds) to the garden plot. I gradually accustom him to fresh air and cover him at night. And at the end of May planted in open ground.

To be on the safe side, I try to protect all cannas from sudden frosts before mid-June.

Planting and care

The plant prefers a sunny area protected from cold winds. When planting, I leave a distance of 40-50 cm between the seedlings. I plant them in fertile soil filled with humus or compost. I water it. Then I mulch the soil surface with chopped and dried grass clippings.

Cannes needs plenty of watering, and with water heated in the sun, since they are very sensitive to cold. I feed it with infusions of mullein, chicken droppings or extracts from humus and compost. I add 1 tbsp. infusion of ash into a bucket of fertilizer.

Follow our tips and you will have no problems growing cannas on your property.

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With fertilizers, you can grow even the most exotic flowers in the garden, and even achieve lush flowering in those that are familiar...

Kanna - the most beautiful perennial flower, which has long become a favorite of landscapers and owners of private houses. This flower has a whole host of advantages, which include ease of planting, growing, care and propagation, as well as a wide variety of varieties. It has only one drawback - canna does not overwinter well in open ground. But more on that later.

Exists ancient legend, which tells about one Indian leader. The old leader burned the peace treaty in a fire, and this led to a great bloody war. And in the place of that fire, cannas grew, with their bright colors reminiscent of flames and spilled blood.

Canna is a favorite flower of many gardeners.

Varieties and varieties of canna

Cannas have a succulent stem, the length of which varies, depending on the species, from 50 cm to 2 m. First garden hybrid was bred by the Frenchman Crozy. All subsequent varieties bred are called “Garden Canna” and are divided into three groups.

  • Deciduous canna. The tallest of the cannas, some varieties reach 3 m. The flowers of deciduous cannas are small, about 6 cm, and the leaves are large with shades from dark green to purple.

Canna deciduous

  • Cannes Crozy. The shortest, their height is from 70 cm to 1.5 m. The flowers are large, about 10 cm, and the leaves are green or purple with a bluish cover.

Canna Crosi

  • Cannas orchidaceae. The group is medium in height, usually reaching two meters, possessing large, orchid-like flowers and fleshy green leaves with a purple tint.

Planting canna

To plant cannas, choose a place protected from the winds, which is also light and fairly sunny. Cannas prefer soil that is deeply cultivated, loose and nutritious. The most suitable mixture for them: 1/3 coarse sand, 1/3 leaf soil, 1/3 peat. Cannas are planted in open ground after the end of frost.

Some gardeners advise making “hot mats” to make cannas bloom more luxuriantly. To do this, 20 cm of horse manure is first poured into a hole dug approximately 70 cm deep, and earth is poured on top. Thus, under the layer of soil, the manure will burn slowly and release heat, which will promote longer and more luxuriant flowering of the cannas.

Canna will do well if planted near a wall that protects from the wind.

Canna seeds need to be prepared before planting. To do this, they are first scalded with boiling water, and then placed in a thermos with warm water for 3–4 hours. The seeds are sown in the greenhouse in February. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 20–23 °C. After 2–4 weeks, the sprouted crops are planted in pots, and when the leaves appear, the cannas are planted in open ground.

But most often cannas are planted by dividing the root system in late spring or early summer. The roots are planted in holes dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other and fertilized with humus. Sprouted roots are planted to a depth of 10–15 cm, and non-sprouted roots are planted at a depth of 5–7 cm. The holes are constantly watered.

Canna seeds

Plant care

Cannas accept good care with gratitude, like any other plant. In order for cannas to bloom on time and look impressive, they need to be promptly rid of weeds and loosen the soil around the bushes. During the entire flowering period, it is necessary to remove dried inflorescences.

At making the right choice heights and varieties, cannas can be used anywhere. Massive varieties of these flowers allow you to mask the less aesthetically pleasing areas of your site.

Indian canna in natural conditions grows along reservoirs, so this species can be planted not only along the pond, but also directly in the reservoir itself. To do this, place the flower in a large basket or flowerpot and place it in the pond so that the surface of the pot is lightly covered with water.

Vivid photos of your winter garden and the flower garden will not leave anyone indifferent.

Canna in landscape design

This flower looks no less wonderful when cut. It lasts from 4 to 8 days, and is effective both in a monobouquet and in combination with other flowers.

Gardeners claim that the minor troubles that come with growing canna, propagating and caring for it are forgotten as soon as this beauty begins to bloom. These bright flowers will delight you until late autumn, adding bright variety to the gray autumn landscape. And when will your neighbors choose such ordinary things for photos? yellow leaves, your background will be much more attractive.

Planting canna: video

Canna varieties: photo

It will take 5 minutes to read

Bright canna looks impressive in the garden both in single plantings and in a group with other plants. Her blossoms decorate personal plots not only in the summer, but also in the autumn months. If for a summer cottage the choice is made on a plant such as canna, planting and caring for it in open ground will not cause much trouble. The main concern of the gardener will be proper storage rhizome in winter, because otherwise the perennial is quite unpretentious.

Features of the plant

Canna is native to Latin America; it is also common in Indonesia, India, and the Hawaiian Islands. In addition to extraordinary beautiful flowering, canna is also valued for its other qualities. Its root is rich in starch and is eaten by residents of tropical latitudes in baked form. The aerial parts of the stems and leaves are often used as vitamin-rich feed for farm animals.

Kanna Livadia

Canna grows from 05 to 2 m tall. Its stem is covered with large long leaves bright green, dove, purple shades of variegated and striped colors. The flowers are asymmetrical, large, about 20 cm in diameter. The petals come in white, yellow, red, crimson colors, and there are hybrids with spots and longitudinal stripes. The flowering period is from the second decade of June to November.

Reference. Tropical canna flowers have one peculiarity - they have no aroma. Some may consider this a drawback, but for many allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate the smell of flowers, this specificity is a joy.


Canna is the only representative of the Kannevy family and has about 50 varieties. This bright perennial is loved by breeders for its ability to give birth to hybrids of extraordinary beauty.

Kanna Sunset Glow

The leaves of the perennial canna have a decorative appearance, the flower - a photo of the plants makes you fall in love with the large candles of unopened buds, the leopard print or contrasting two-tone color of the petals, crowning a tall straight stem in a rosette of purple, burgundy, striped leaves.

Among the most suitable for personal plots varieties are distinguished:

  • Crimean Dawns;
  • Livadia;
  • Reflection of Sunset;
  • Gift of Crimea;
  • The president;
  • Richard Wallis;
  • Sunny Beauty.

Reproduction and preparation for planting

For fans exotic beauty Perennial canna plant propagation is not difficult to master. There are two ways to do this: dividing the rhizome and seeds. Preparation planting material practice in early spring. For this:

  1. The rhizomes are carefully cleared of soil, being careful not to damage the base of the roots.
  2. The tuber is divided with a sharp knife and the cut areas are treated with crushed charcoal for disinfection.
  3. The roots are trimmed, leaving a length of about 5 cm.
  4. The delenki are left to dry for three days in a dry, well-lit place at a temperature of +10...+15°C.
  5. After the sprouts awaken, the planting material is placed in containers with a nutrient substrate and left in greenhouses or heated greenhouses.

Planting seeds

Indian Canna seeds

Sowing seeds is done earlier than dividing the rhizomes. The most suitable time frame for this is the end of January - beginning of February.

Pre-sowing seed preparation includes the following measures:

  • first of all the shell is tinder sandpaper– this will speed up the time of emergence of seedlings;
  • For better germination before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a solution of a growth stimulator.

Important! Proper preparation seeds promotes the emergence of seedlings within 4-5 weeks. Without such a procedure, this period may take up to 4 months.

A universal soil mixture is suitable for growing seedlings. indoor plants. You can compose it yourself. For this you will need:

  • 2 parts of a mixture of rotted leaves with peat;
  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 0.5 parts sand.

Containers with seeds are kept at a temperature of about +25°C. Upon reaching the stage of 2 true leaves, the seedlings dive into separate pots.

Kanna Sunny Beauty

Transfer to permanent place performed after the tender seedlings have undergone the hardening procedure. To do this, during the day it is taken out to Fresh air and left in partial shade, for example, under trees. In the first days, the pots are kept outside for no more than 15 minutes. After a week, the seedlings can already stand in the garden for 2-3 hours. Transplantation into open ground is carried out in the second ten days of May, provided that the threat of unexpected frosts has passed.

Further care

In the process of cultivating the perennial canna, growing and caring for it is not particularly difficult. Watering rules are quite simple:

  • I keep the soil under the plants moderately moist;
  • During the flowering period, watering should become more abundant, but the plants should not be flooded.

Important! Monitor the condition of the perennial canna; the flower may turn black and lose buds if the soil is over-moistened. Too much moisture often leads to the development of fungal diseases.

Flowerbeds with cannas are regularly weeded. In autumn, it is necessary to hill the plants high to protect the root collars from low temperatures.

Flowering period

Canna is one of those few plants whose flowering period is distinguished by an enviable duration. It can last from 3 to 4 months and amounts to significant part growing season. Therefore, when a canna flower blooms, many inexperienced gardeners worry about how to care for a perennial.

Cannes in landscape design

First of all, don't be afraid to cut flowers regularly. This will prevent seeds from setting, which prevents the formation of new buds. The procedure is performed with a sharp instrument, for example, a pruner.

Important! If cannas do not want to bloom, the reason for this behavior may be the lack of sufficient quantity Sveta. Observe during the day whether your flowerbed is shaded by a lacy tree crown or hedge.

Fertilizer application

Regular fertilizing promotes abundant flowering. For this you can use:

  • chicken droppings soaked in water in proportions of 1:10. The bushes will be fertilized once every two weeks. One plant requires about 0.5 liters of liquid;
  • in the phase of bud formation, 100 g of crushed charcoal is added under the bushes.

Storing planting material in winter

If in open ground summer cottage A small number of cannas are grown; they can successfully overwinter at home in pots like ordinary indoor flowers. For this:

  • Before frost begins, the bush is dug up along with a lump of earth and placed in any suitable container.
  • Flowers are left on the windowsill until the beginning of spring.
  • Care measures include moderate watering.
  • Cannas do not need feeding during this period.
  • Shoots whose leaves begin to turn yellow are cut to a height of 3 cm above ground level.

A large amount of planting material is stored together with a lump of earth in containers, covered sawdust. Before storing for the winter, the rhizomes are allowed to dry for outdoors. The storage temperature is maintained at +10…+15°C.

These are the simple rules, the observance of which will ensure your cannas a long life and long flowering in your country flower beds. Infrequent feeding with simple fertilizers, moderate watering and removal of weeds - these are the conditions to which your perennials will respond with lush and vibrant flowering.

Canna landing (video)

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