Calculate fate using the natal chart. Construction of a personal natal chart


Date and time of birth:

Place of birth and time zone:

“Vedic Horoscope Online” is a unique project for Vedic astrologers and people interested in astrology (Jyotish). All features of the system are described here, and with detailed instructions user can be found here

1. The project has wide possibilities on the construction and analysis of an astrological chart online, namely: displaying the map in both the southern and northern styles, a list of the main ayanamshas is presented to choose from. The calculation of basic data on the map has been implemented - position in the house, sign, nakshatra, etc., plus functional beneficence, Karaka, Avastha, Gandanta, Mrityu Bhaga, Dig Bala, Marana Karaka Sthana, etc. are indicated. The calculation of the main fractional charts has been implemented. and annual chart (Varshaphala), yoga (over 200 combinations), special Lagnas, Ashtakavarga, Upagraha, Vimshottari dasha, Yogini dasha, Chara dasha Jaimini K.N. are also calculated. Rao, Narayana Dasha, a full section for the analysis and selection of Muhurta, analysis and search for Transits, Ashtakuta ( astrological compatibility) and other useful things.

2. System " Vedic horoscope online" includes decoding (interpretation) of the horoscope. Links that open interpretation texts when clicked are bluish in color and a hand sign appears when you hover over them. Using your birth chart, you can get a decoding based on the position of the planet in the house and the zodiac sign, the position of the ruler (owner) of the house in the house. In addition, the system presents general information about each planet - you can understand what it shows in the astrological chart, what strong and weak traits it has endowed you with. There are also transcripts for each astrological house - to see them, you need to click on the required house number in the natal chart itself. Vedic astrology has in its arsenal nakshatras, for each of which you can find the necessary information - first of all, pay attention to which nakshatra is occupied by the Ascendant, Moon and Sun. Plus, you can get a comprehensive interpretation of the zodiac signs - to do this, you need to click on the name of the zodiac sign in the natal chart. To understand which zodiac signs have the most impact on you - just as in the case of nakshatras, look at where the Ascendant, Moon and Sun are located, plus a cluster of planets.

3. At the project "Vedic horoscope online" available unique feature- store a database of your own astrological charts online, and all conditions have been created for this. You can create sections and subsections of any nesting, forming a structure for storing cards. Cards can be loaded into the system by simply dragging them into the browser with the mouse from popular astrological programs: Jagannatha Hora, Parashara's Light or Grahas. You can also edit birth data, description and life events for each card, in addition, cards from the system can also be saved to computer in one of the three previously announced astro program formats. Below are screenshots in star style (can be set in the settings).

4. There is confidence that every astrologer is a researcher at heart, and therefore the system has implemented functionality with which you can find people by almost any astrological combination, as well as life events and categories. You can search both within the database of your own cards, and in the Astro-Databank database, the number of which exceeds 53,000 people, for each of which there is a reliability rating of time of birth (Rodden Rating), gender and life events and categories associated with the person, which can also be indicate when searching, and also in the search results there will be links to the Astro-Databank and Wikipedia website with biographical data of the person found. This functionality allows you not only to check the principles from classical works on Vedic (Indian) astrology, but also to identify patterns yourself - by tracing what these people have in common, how this or that combination manifested itself in life. In the search criteria you can indicate, for example, the Moon in Aries in the 9th house in D1 or Jupiter trine AK in D9, or both criteria at the same time and the system will find these people.

Natal chart- the basis of any individual horoscope. It is its decoding that helps you to know yourself, find out what events await you throughout your life, what dangers lie around the next corner and, accordingly, how these dangers can be avoided.

Drawing up a natal chart is not such a simple task, and if you are not well versed in astrology, then you can safely use special astrological programs. Those who are interested in getting to the bottom of everything themselves can try to master independent reading of the natal chart.

Houses in the natal chart: decoding

Houses determine the main events in life. They, like planets and other indicators, are in a certain zodiac sign, which, in fact, determines the development of events.

1st House – individual (character, enterprise, individualism).

2nd House – acquisitions (money, property, luck).

III House – exchange (communication, relatives).

IV House – home(house, family, inheritance).

Vth House – creation (children, love, pleasures).

VIth House – present (everyday life, work, health).

VIIth House – union (harmony, communication, relationships).

VIIIth House – detachment (passion, inheritance).

IX House – ideal (optimism, travel, escapism).

Xth House – independence (public life, social status).

XIth House – aspiration (plans, hopes, friendship).

XIIth House – achievement (willpower, mystery).

Planets in the natal chart: decoding

Planets in the natal chart show:

How you live, create, express yourself (Sun);

How do you feel, what do you expect from love (Moon);

In what direction and at what speed do you think (Mercury);

As you wish: material needs, sexual desires, happiness (Venus);

How you act: will, independence, activity, initiative (Mars);

How do you plan your affairs and set priorities (Jupiter);

How do you achieve your goals (Saturn);

How you accept something new and free yourself from the old (Uranus);

How you relax and also how you anticipate (Neptune);

How you give anything and also how you deal with losses (Pluto).

Zodiac signs and aspects in the natal chart: decoding

In the natal chart, zodiac signs play the role of characteristics. Houses, planets, aspects, and other indicators appear to us through the prism of one or another zodiac sign. Hence the phrases: Sun in Leo, Xth House in Gemini or Saturn in Libra. It is the signs of the zodiac that “give” their traits to astrological indicators, which, accordingly, is reflected both in your character and in the events occurring in life.

Aspects are the individual relationship between the planets in the horoscope - nodes, squares and trigons, which form the ascending and descending planets. It is the aspects that show those nuances that make you a unique person. Aspects are arcs of a certain size that connect two elements of the horoscope. They are deposited along the ecliptic ( visible path Suns across the sky throughout the year) and are measured in degrees. In the natal chart, aspects are indicated by straight lines of different colors.

Aspects can be harmonious and intense, that is, planets (the qualities they impart and the events they provoke) can correspond to each other, complement each other or interfere, creating an imbalance in life and in the psychological sphere.

The aspects in your individual horoscope determine the events that await you at this or that stage of life, your reaction to these events, and the character traits and habits that you can acquire.

“Strange icons” in the natal chart: decoding

It is assumed that you know what the symbols of the zodiac signs and planets look like. But we will now look at the unfamiliar, strange icons located after the listing of the ten symbols of the planets.

Rahu-dharma denoted as an inverted Greek letter "Omega" and speaks of your destiny.

Rahu karma designated as “Omega” – Ω – in upright position and is “responsible” for obstacles, fears and suffering.

Black Moon(Lilith) in the natal chart looks like an icon of the month (waning moon), shaded in black and held on a cross. This is the apogee of the ordinary Moon, the point of the lunar orbit farthest from Earth. Lilith is “responsible” for mistakes, for everything dark that is in our soul, she shows what must be avoided in order to live life with dignity.

White moon(Selena) in the natal chart looks like an icon of the month (growing Moon), white, that is, unshaded. This Moon also seems to rest on the cross. Selena is also not an independent planet, but simply the point of the lunar orbit closest to Earth. Selena is “responsible” for your luck, for the opportunities that will be provided to you throughout your life, she tells you what you must not miss in order for life to turn out well.

Midheaven denoted as a circle with the letter “K” on it, and is responsible for your potential in career and social status.

Depth of Sky denoted by the Latin letter “N” and shows what kind of home and what kind of family you need for complete comfort.

Ascendant denoted as "As". This is your personality - the impression you yourself (and your actions) make on others.

Descendant is designated as “Mc” and is “responsible” for your relationships with other people. This icon tells you which partner you are able to create a harmonious and productive marriage or business union with.

A small letter "R" next to planets and other symbols indicates that the object was in a retrograde position at the time of your birth. And this must also be taken into account.

By the way, you can build and interpret a cosmogram (natal chart) not only to compile an individual horoscope, but also to calculate what events await you or humanity in general on a particular day. To do this, simply when drawing up a natal chart, use the date you are interested in, and not the date of your birthday.

Astrology is a science that studies the interactions between planets, stars and personal qualities person. With the help of a natal chart, you can explain the nature of a person and make a forecast of his future. Learn how to read your natal chart to gain valuable information about yourself.


Part 1

Explore your zodiac sign

    Find your zodiac sign. The outer ring of the zodiac chart is divided into 12 houses. One of them includes your date of birth. The section containing your date of birth determines your Zodiac sign. There are 12 zodiac signs, and each of them reveals different character traits. Determine the sector you belong to to find out your sign.

    Find out the meaning of your zodiac sign. Astrologers say that the zodiac sign influences a person’s personal qualities. For example, a person from air element is a passionate, lively, ambitious and sociable person. Any Internet user can find online data about their character traits in accordance with their zodiac sign. You can also purchase a book about the zodiac signs online or in a bookstore, or borrow one from the library. Such literature will help you know yourself better, based on your personal zodiac sign.

    Understand what exactly influences correct interpretation your zodiac sign. It should be borne in mind that the zodiac sign is just a small component of the natal chart. For its correct interpretation, many nuances must be taken into account. A complete decoding of the natal chart involves taking into account all other components, such as houses and planets. This information depends on your place and date of birth.

    Part 2

    Interpret at home
    1. Find the ascendant. The Ascendant is a very important part of the natal chart and rises on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Rising sign will allow you to find out the location of houses on your map.

      Check out the first six houses. Each house indicates different aspects of a person's life. Your natal chart is influenced by the sign that rules a particular house.

    2. Find out about the last six houses. In addition to those already listed, there are six more houses. To decipher the natal chart, it is necessary to determine the location of the houses, as well as calculate the planets and zodiac signs that dominate them.

      Part 3

      Reveal the meaning of the planets
      1. Determine the location of the planets. Planets that pass through different houses your card, affect its decryption. They are presented in the form of different symbols and are scattered throughout the map.

        • The sun is depicted as a circle with a dot in the center. The moon has a crescent-shaped crescent shape.
        • Venus is the symbol of the feminine and Mars is the symbol of the masculine. Mercury is represented in the form of a male symbol, but with two small lines protruding from the upper circle.
        • Jupiter is represented by a symbol that resembles the number 4, and Saturn - the number 5.
        • The symbols for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have rather intricate configurations. Uranus appears as an inverted feminine symbol with four lines, two on each side, that curve outward in the opposite direction. Neptune looks like an inverted cross with two lines on each side that curve upward. Pluto is a kind of combination of Neptune and Uranus. This is a female symbol, facing upward, with two lines on each side that curl upward.

The natal chart is a photograph of the starry sky at the moment of your birth. Having looked at the image that is obtained as a result of constructing a natal chart using the program, few people can immediately begin to read it. After all, you need not only to know the principles of planets, signs and houses, but it is important to interpret consistently, highlighting the main thing and discarding the secondary, so that you can finally grasp the essence.

I will not touch on this in this article. important aspect, as a clarification of the time of birth, without which a map, as a rule, cannot be constructed. Let's say we know the exact time, and we received an image of the natal chart by constructing it using a program or online. So where to start interpreting it?

Here the opinions of astrologers usually differ. It must be admitted that the opinions of astrologers, and other occultists, often differ. Therefore, everything that will be written below is my personal experience, developed by me over the past 10 years of active study, and then no less active application of knowledge in astrology in practice.

The work of interpretation consists of two parts that have to be done in parallel. Of course, you will not immediately remember all the principles of the planets, so you will have to read the descriptions - what the planets mean, what are the principles of the planets in signs and in houses, what are the aspects, how do they manifest themselves, etc. In itself, such reading is very useful and allows you to greatly strain your brain when you try to separate what is common in the aspect that we are reading, and what really manifests itself in the life of the native. It is necessary to develop a special astrological logic that goes from the general to the specific and vice versa. First, we write down all possible aspects and manifestations of a particular planet, and then cross out those that contradict what was originally written down. From the list received, we isolate the most important thing - what relates to the main planets in the chart (Sun, Moon, Mars, as well as those that are the most powerful for this particular person), and tell the story based on the knowledge gained.

Unfortunately, astrology is a science that cannot be simple because it is based on very large quantities first principles - here are planets, and signs, and houses, and aspects, and crosses of elements, and crosses of cardinality, and figures, and what else has been hung up is quite difficult to figure out - karmic nodes, Lilith, Selena, Proserpina, Fortune .. Even when you try to say in simple words, that in general the most important thing is the Sun or the planet-ruler of the chart, it turns out that the resulting words are far from simple. Natives who want to get a natal chart, of course, do not need your purely astrological reasoning, so you will have to remove all terms from the story (because it is unlikely that anyone will understand you if you begin every sentence, for example, with this: “So like Neptune in its fall, the square to Saturn manifests itself especially destructively"). The native is waiting for you specific advice, what should he do with this manifestation of Neptune and Saturn, and your task is to translate this data into the language of his life. Therefore, before continuing, familiarize yourself with the most important principles of the planets and zodiac signs, and speak not in terms, but in human words.

In general, the sequence of map interpretation looks something like this:

1) Look at the picture of the map for general idea about personality

If the planets are evenly distributed throughout the chart, most likely we can talk about indecision. The concentration of planets at one point indicates some one-sidedness.

Clusters (conjunctions) of planets will show points where there is especially a lot of energy (that which is characteristic of the planet), and your task is to interpret it, what character (planet in a sign) this energy has and to what area of ​​life it is usually applied, in what setting (house ).

Study what aspects do figures consist of? Which aspects are more positive (trines, sextiles) or negative (oppositions and squares).

Look at the picture of the card as a whole - maybe there are some figures visible there that will evoke very specific associations in you, for example, a directed arrow or an iridescent bowl, a triangle or a hexagram? Study which Jones figure the card belongs to. Remember, do not concentrate too much on this information, but if you find confirmation in the description of other aspects of the map, then you can safely confirm the conclusions drawn from the Jones figure.

2) Repeat for yourself the most important qualities native's solar sign

Look at what sign the Sun is in. This is the center of gravity of the entire personality, I. Relationships with the world begin from this point, which is why horoscopes about zodiac signs as a whole work (and there are “homely Cancers” and “decisive Aries”). But don't draw too hasty conclusions. You should return to the analysis of the Sun after assessing the action of all the planets and double-check whether there is another planet and another sign in the chart that would overlap its action. However, the native always exhibits some qualities of his solar sign, so you can list them all on the draft, and then cross out those that are contradicted by the rest of the chart indicators.

3) Pay attention to the ascendant and zenith (MC)

After constructing the map, you see a circle divided into four sectors. The horizontal line is the horizon. On the left is the ascendant - east (from the Latin Ascendant - in this case we mean the zodiac sign that rises in the east above the horizon), on the right is the descendant - west (resp. setting). At the very top is the zenith (MC), at the very bottom is the nadir (IC).

The Ascendant and MC are important in chart analysis, although sometimes astrologers tend to exaggerate its importance. Look at what sign the ascendant is in and whether there are planets on the ascendant. If there is a planet, then the significance of the ascendant increases greatly. If there are no planets and the sign is not the native's sun sign, then the ascendant has much less influence. Analyze whether there are clusters of planets near the ascendant (this often indicates egocentrism) or towards the descendant (this may indicate a person’s dependence on the opinions of others).

4) Analyze the position of the planets and their aspects

Based on the Sun, I will show by what principle all other aspects can be interpreted.

A) Look at what sign the Sun (or any subsequent planet you are analyzing) is in, whether it is a sign of control, exaltation (which is good and gives the Sun a harmonious and positive mood), imprisonment or fall (which gives negativity. Actually, It is with the Sun that this works less than with other personal and social planets). Actually, this indicator is the most important when assessing planets (the exception is also the higher planets, which travel between signs for years and their sign does not provide so much information about the individual, and you need to look mainly at the house). If a planet is in its sign of rulership or exaltation, infer the strength of the planet. If it is in the sign of its expulsion or fall (except for the Sun and higher planets), conclude that the planet is defeated.

B) Look at what house the Sun or other analyzed planet is in (for higher planets it is the house, and not the sign, that will be decisive; for the rest, the sign is also very important, like the house). The sun in the house always makes this area of ​​life important for a person. The same can be said if the Moon or Mars is in the house. The presence of at least one of the personal or social planets (Jupiter and Saturn) in the house indicates the actualization of the sphere of life for a person, but a strong Sun, Mars or Moon in the house are always the most important points of attraction in the chart, the most important areas life for a person.

C) Look at how many aspects there are from the analyzed planet to other planets (the more there are, the more the principle of the planet is actualized in the life of the native). Trines and sextiles are generally good aspects, but if they are to afflicted planets, they may not manifest themselves very favorably, so just pay attention to how many trines and sextiles there are, but don’t make hasty conclusions). Almost always negative impact has Pluto entering into aspect with a personal planet of any sign.

The same thing applies to negative aspects – squares and oppositions. Assess their number in general, and if there are many of them, then the native’s life may be filled with constant internal and/or external conflicts. But sometimes it is the square or opposition that can be the key to success, so don’t rush to conclusions either.

The connections are interpreted even less unambiguously. A conjunction always means that the principle of the planet in a person's life will not act purely. What if, for example, Mars is in conjunction with Venus, then when love arises, belligerence also arises, the desire to conquer, a lot of energy appears. In this case, you need to understand which of the planets in the conjunction is stronger (from the example above: if Mars is in Aries, Venus is also here, it is obvious that Mars is stronger). A stronger planet suppresses the influence of another (especially if the other, as in the case above, is in the sign of its expulsion). On the other hand, if neither planet is afflicted, then they work in cooperation and the stronger planet successfully subjugates the weaker one and they work for the common good of the native.

One should not attach too much importance to the aspects between the Sun and the Moon. Aspects between the two are statistically too common to be likely to have a lasting impact on the individual. Their influence is too subtle for a person to feel it. However, aspects between other personal planets are very important. Aspects of personal and social planets to higher planets are already less important, since higher planets, in principle, may not be included for the native (with the exception of occultists, spiritual teachers, intellectuals, geniuses). Aspects between higher planets are even less important, since they often last too long, for a generation.

5) Analyze the position of the planets in the houses. Each of the houses symbolically corresponds

one of the zodiac signs, regardless of which sign actually falls there. Thus, the first house is always symbolically subordinate to Aries, and the 12th to Pisces. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion about the harmonious or inharmonious position of the planet in the house. Thus, the position of the Moon in the fourth house is quite harmonious (the house is symbolically ruled by Cancer), and the position of the Moon in the 10th house (symbolically, visiting Capricorn, exile) is undesirable. This will give Additional information about the strength or weakness of planets. Keep this information in mind, but don't stress it too much great importance. It will only help to make a final conclusion about the relative strength or weakness of the planets in relation to each other. But there are exceptions: for example, if the generally positive Sun in Leo is in the seventh house (visiting Libra), it will not be affected. But if it is in Cancer, then it is definitely weaker than the Moon, which is in its ruling sign, Taurus (exaltation) or a sign that is neutral for it. And then the position of the Sun in the seventh house may additionally indicate its weakness. The Moon in this case will be stronger than the Sun. The actual sign comes first, and then the symbolic sign of the house.

6) Return once again to assessing the strength, neutrality or weakness of each of the planets in the chart, including the higher ones.

A) The planet is affected if:

She is a sign of her fall or exile

If there are many squares or oppositions, especially to planets that are also afflicted

On top of everything else, he is in an unsuitable home.

B) A planet is strong if:

She is in the sign of her control or exaltation

She is not in conjunction with stronger planets in the chart

She is in a neutral or harmonious home. If she is in an unsuitable house for herself, then she may

B) The planet is neutral

She is unaspected

She is in a neutral sign for herself

She is in a neutral house

At the same time, some planets may be both strong and affected. For example, the Moon is in Cancer (we put a plus to the strength), in a square to the afflicted Jupiter (we put a minus), in the eighth house (the house of its fall), so the general conclusion is that the Moon is strong and afflicted at the same time. For such planets, in the analysis we pay significant attention to its negative manifestations.

Strong planets, affected to a very small extent or harmonious (not affected at all), give a lot of positivity - these are the points of strength of the native, along which he can develop his skills and others strengths(which ones will be shown by the aspects of strong harmonious planets).

Neutral planets usually manifest themselves positively, you need to pay attention to best sides their manifestations, but do not attach decisive importance to them. The principles of afflicted and strong planets are always more noticeable to the native.

7) Analyze the cross of elements

Which elements are most manifested will be shown by the number of personal planets in a particular element. How more planets in one of the elements, the more strongly it is expressed. Pay special attention to the Sun, Moon and Mars. The strong expression of one of the elements gives a bias towards emotionality (water), assertiveness and fury (fire), earthiness (earth), intellectuality and dryness (air).

8) Analyze the signs that contain the most personal planets

Are they mainly fixed, cardinal or mutable? Pronounced cardinality gives determination, strong fixity - stubbornness, strong mutability - inability to follow through. This follows from the very logic of the names - fixity (fixedness), mutability (ability to change), cardinality (cardinal decision). The uniform distribution of planets between different signs may indicate the harmonious manifestation of personality when making decisions.

9) Analyze the signs in the houses of the horoscope

Concentrate on those houses in which there are clusters of planets, especially personal ones, or personal planets alone.

First, pay attention to the sign of the house; it will show the nature of the person’s manifestation in this sphere, as well as the nature with which the sphere itself is turned towards the person. The house sign is the sign that is on the cusp of the house. But sometimes he is not alone, but also together with a sign that completely enters the house. If this happens, then the house is ruled by these two signs. Evaluate the nature of the manifestation of the sign in the house. To do this you need to understand basic principles houses:

The 1st, 5th and 12th houses are the houses of personality, where a person’s character is manifested. If the element of the sign that falls into these houses is earthly, then this person is primarily interested in the affairs of the Earth; if water, he is an emotional person; if air, he is intellectual; if fire, he is decisive.

The 2nd, 6th and 10th houses are the houses of earnings and income, as well as the nature of how a person works and how he achieves career heights. If these houses are in the earth element, this is a hard-working person; if in the water element, he is more inclined to emotional connections in a team than to back-breaking work itself; if in the air element, he is inclined to intellectual work and intellectual schemes. If it is fiery, it decisively wins property and positions in society.

3rd, 7th and 11th are houses of communication. Airiness gives intellectual conversations, Water - emotional attachment,

The 4th house of the family will show the nature of the relationship with the mother and family.

5th house of children, free time, light flirting and games.

The 8th house is the house of life and death, sex and other people's money. If this is the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Pluto or Scorpio, then the person is prone to mysticism, an occultist, and then it is necessary to reconsider the attitude towards the higher planets - they are probably included in him.

The 9th house is the house of ideals, long journeys and moral principles. If the house is expressed, then the person is an idealist, cosmopolitan, missionary, or, conversely, a dogmatist and recluse.

When analyzing the nature of the manifestation of houses, one must analyze according to the following logic: what can the principle of the sign give to this house? For example, we know that Capricorn is a hard-working, down-to-earth and ambitious sign, so if it falls, for example, in the second house, then the person works hard to earn money, sets goals for acquiring property and achieves them (if there is no planetary affliction , which are located here or Saturn, as the ruler of the house - see below).

10) Analyze the position of house lords

Based on the sign or signs that are actually located in the analyzed house, determine its ruler/s (for example, Mars for Aries, Venus for Taurus, etc.). Look at which house the ruler is in - this will show what other areas of life the sphere of life of the analyzed house is connected with. For example, you are analyzing the seventh house - the house of partnerships and friends. The house begins in Aries, from where we conclude that the person has a lot of energy for communicating with friends and associates. However, we see that Mars, the ruler of Aries and the seventh house (in this case), is located in the sixth house. The sixth house is the house of work, so it will be especially energetic in making contacts at work. In general, this information still requires verification (for example, if Mars is affected or the sixth house is affected by the presence of other negative indicators here, then the aspect will manifest itself crookedly, and for example, lead to conflicts at work), so conclusions must be drawn with caution, taking into account all other factors related to the actual position of the manager.

11) Make a final conclusion regarding each of the houses: the house is strong, neutral or affected.

A) The house is affected if:

It contains a heavily damaged planet

Lastly, we can conclude that the house is somewhat damaged; it contains a planet that is not very good to be here according to the symbolic ruler of the sign.

B) The house is strong if:

There is a strong planet in it (especially if it is also in its own monastery - it rules this sign - and this sign coincides with the sign of the house)

It contains a conjunction of planets, which is also aspected

It contains several planets, although not in conjunction and in different signs

The ruler of the house is located in itself (especially if this is supported by the presence of planets in the house)

The house is ruled by a strong planet without significant affliction

C) The house is neutral if

There are no planets in it

The ruler of this house is not the ruler of the entire horoscope chart (the strongest planet in the chart)

The ruler of this house is not in its own sign in the same house.

Draw a conclusion regarding the goodness of the power of the manifestation of home in a person’s life.

Strong houses are those according to which the native can best fulfill his mission to society - what he was born for.

Affected houses are usually noticeable hemorrhoids for the native, and he will be happy to listen to you as an astrologer on what to do in this area of ​​​​life to improve it.

Neutral houses, as a rule, do not cause much excitement in the native when you talk about them. These areas are either not included or are not as important to him. However, information on the signs and their rulers is, as a rule, sufficient and accurate to characterize each of the houses, so you can briefly tell the native about his non-included houses, but draw conclusions with even greater caution.

12) Carry out an additional combination of all the obtained characteristics and compose a story about the person

It helps to depict on paper his planets in their signs and in their houses, draw aspects to other planets in signs and houses, check whether you have missed anything anywhere, have analyzed all the aspects, all the positions of the rulers of the most important houses, etc. Depict the strongest planet as the largest, dominant over all, draw the planets in the form of a hierarchy, analyze the nature of their subordination to each other through their aspects (oppositions and squares give hostility, trines and sextiles are excellent relationships between them).

Start with an analysis of the Jones figure, continue with an analysis of the Sun and Moon in their signs and houses, move on to Mars - the point of directed energy of a person, then analyze how a person’s thinking manifests itself (his Mercury), his sensual side (Venus). Conclude where in his life Jupiter-expansion operates, and where Saturn-contraction operates. Finally, say a few words about his higher planets, especially where they enter into conjunction with the personal ones, and also rule the houses of the horoscope that are important for the person.

Next, tell us about the areas of a person’s life, especially those that are especially expressed in the map. Make only subtle, precise, apt remarks, in which you must take into account all those indicators of the strength and weakness of the planets, signs and houses that you have just analyzed. Finally, draw some conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses personality, make an assumption about how squares and oppositions between planets, houses, and their rulers operate in his life.

If much of this article is not clear to you, but you would really like to know more, sign up for my astrology course.

Training is available via Skype or email.

Since ancient times, people have sought to understand the relationship between the location celestial bodies at the moment of a person’s birth and his character, appearance and life events. Astrology has its roots in the distant past of human civilization. A natal chart compiled by date of birth with a decoding of the most important astrological indicators will help you understand your destiny and purpose.

Individual horoscope

Translated from Latin, “natal” means “native”, i.e. the natal chart is the guideline that a person receives at birth, what he comes into life with. Here his talents and inclinations, life circumstances and achievements, fatal events and personal will are indicated.

Forecasts that are compiled according to the solar sign of the Zodiac reflect the most general trends. To understand your individuality and anticipate the main events of your future life, you can independently create a horoscope based on your date of birth. How to use the information received will indicate the location of planets and important points in the Zodiac signs and houses.

For those who are just getting acquainted with astrology, it is better to start by drawing up your own chart. To do this, you need to know the place, date and as precise time as possible of your birth. Technical work And exact calculations you can trust the astroprocessor, computer program, which includes astrological ephemeris. They make it possible to accurately determine the coordinates of the planets in the desired period of time.

Planets and Zodiac Signs

Knowing the primary properties of the planets and the characteristics of the zodiac signs, you can begin to decipher the natal chart yourself. The strongest, most pronounced planet in the horoscope creates a certain type of personality. Each zodiac sign is associated with one or two rulers who have energy related to it:

The sign that a planet rules is its abode. Being in this sign gives her strength. Her qualities are clearly demonstrated here. The opposite sign for her is the place of fall. Once here, the planet acquires a weak status and can create difficulties.

For example, Venus in Taurus manifests itself strongly and harmoniously. In Scorpio she is in decline, here she is uncomfortable. Scorpio is not in tune with Venus.

Four elements in the cosmogram

Three zodiac signs belong to each of the four elements. To understand personality traits, you need to evaluate which element is represented more strongly in the cosmogram. The more planets are in elemental signs, the more it is expressed in the horoscope:

Principles of horoscope analysis

The cosmogram shows the basis of personality, its basic potential. It's easy to make your own natal chart. How the planets in the zodiac signs are related to the inclinations and abilities of the individual can be understood using principles of horoscope analysis:

It is important for beginners to remember that no matter where the Sun is located at birth, others planets can be in different signs. A typical representative of a sign is one who, in addition to the daylight, has several planets located in the same sign. Especially if they rule the Ascendant and Meridian.

You can recognize such a person by his clearly expressed character traits. It is more difficult to decipher information regarding those who have solar zodiac sign there are no other planets.

Astrological houses

It is necessary to take into account the meaning of the houses of the horoscope in order to independently draw up a natal chart with a decoding. The apex of the house, i.e., the point at which it begins, allows you to understand how the astrological sector influences. Like the Zodiac sign, the house has a ruler who will show how successful things will be in this area of ​​life. For example, if the 7th house begins in Taurus, it is ruled by Venus. To make a forecast for partnerships and marital relationships, you need to proceed from the location of Venus in the horoscope and its aspects with other planets. Astrological house meanings.