Radishes - planting and caring for the crop. When is the best time to plant radishes for fastest growth?

Growing radishes is so common that there should be no secrets or unknowns left. It seems that everyone knows how to grow radishes juicy and tasty. It is planted in the country, on the balcony, even in the house on the windowsill, in the garden, in greenhouses and greenhouses. The technology for growing radishes in space is even known, because they grew on the International space station. But here’s the problem - sometimes, instead of a wonderful root vegetable, he prefers to grow a flower arrow. But it happens that seemingly good care of radishes does not justify itself at all - the root crops grow hard, dry or, on the contrary, crack or become bitter. So how to properly care for this mysterious crop?

Radishes are an edible vegetable from the Brassica (Cruciferous) family. Its closest relative is the radish, which is why the pungent taste is probably present to a greater or lesser extent in all varieties. We usually grow annual varieties, but there are also biennial varieties, when the seeds ripen only in the second year of the growing season.

Since we are most interested in the root crop, cultivated varieties are divided according to the speed of ripening of this particular part of the plant.

There are ultra-early varieties that can be consumed within 2.5 or 3 weeks after sowing, early varieties that ripen in 23–30 days, mid-ripening varieties that ripen in 30–35 days after sowing, and late-ripening varieties in 36–45 days. Late varieties, as a rule, are sown in August, they ripen in the fall, and early ones are used for spring-summer cultivation.

A properly grown root vegetable has a pleasant, slightly pungent taste, crispy, juicy white pulp and different shape: a ball with a diameter of 2 cm, a flattened or elongated cylinder, as well as a spindle up to 10 cm long. On the outside, it is usually colored red, orange, purple or yellow, depending on the variety.

Radishes are an indispensable ingredient in spring salads; they help restore damaged immunity in winter due to the presence of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Fiber and essential oils also do not remain idle when they enter our gastrointestinal tract. Radish has a mild choleretic agent; it stimulates metabolism, removes excess liquid and toxins, stimulates intestinal function, stabilizes the amount of sugar. They say that with regular consumption of this vegetable, blood vessels acquire youthful elasticity, memory and well-being improve.

But these same qualities can ruin the well-being of people who have serious diseases of the duodenum, stomach, pancreas, liver or kidneys. If there are problems with these organs or with thyroid gland, radishes should not be consumed too often, combined with other foods or boiled.

This wonderful vegetable has been known since ancient times. Its name is translated from Latin language as a “root”, but greens are also eaten. Central Asia is considered the homeland of radishes, from where it came to Europe in the 16th century. He looked like a white carrot then, which did not bother the French chefs, and they know how to make food fashionable. Peter I brought the useful root vegetable to Russia from Amsterdam.

Today, growing radishes not only in the country house and garden, but even on an industrial scale in winter and summer all over the world is considered common and familiar. Breeders are working to create new varieties and hybrids that make growing radishes easier and more enjoyable.

Sowing technology

Large seeds are selected for sowing, and for a greenhouse this has higher value than for an open garden bed. Since seeding material is not cheap, many gardeners prepare the seeds themselves. They sift small seeds through a sieve with 2–3 mm mesh; the largest ones are selected for closed ground.

The soil for radishes should be light, nutritious and not acidic; it is best to prepare it in the fall for spring sowing. Immediately after harvesting potatoes (cucumbers, onions, garlic, tomatoes) from the garden, which is best predecessor radishes, you need to dig up the ground thoroughly, add compost or humus, at least 1 bucket per 1 sq. m. If the soil is acidic, then add lime. How much it needs to be added depends on the degree of acidification. If the soil is heavy, then peat or sand is also added to it to make the soil in the garden bed lighter and more breathable.

In winter, the prepared soil rests, and in the spring, before sowing, it is dug up again, mineral fertilizers and ash are added, if necessary (it also makes the soil more alkaline), leveled, and rows are laid out. Just before planting the seeds, if this happens in winter or early spring, the rows are very watered. hot water. At such times, radishes are sown under film or covered with non-woven fabric to retain heat during the day and at night.

Before sowing, seeds are disinfected by soaking for 30 minutes in a bright solution of potassium permanganate. Some gardeners advise additionally treating them with special preparations to accelerate growth, but most often radishes sprout just fine without this. Then you need to spread out the washed seeds and dry them for as long as necessary so that they do not stick to your hands.

Typically, radishes are sown in rows, leaving up to 10 cm between them, and the seeds are laid out every 3–4 cm, but you can sow them using the nest method, leaving 5 cm between the seeds. They are deepened by 1–1.5 cm, and varieties with long root crops - by 1.5–2 cm. You should not place the seeds deeper in spring and summer, this will lengthen the germination time. But those brave owners who sow radishes in the fall deepen them by 3 cm so that the seeds do not accidentally germinate in winter.

In order not to suffer with small seeds over the garden bed, some experienced gardeners glue the seeds in advance with flour paste at the required distance to paper, for example, toilet paper or newspaper, and then just lay it out in the right place and sprinkle it with earth.

There is an opinion that it is better to rely on excellent germination and place one seed at a time than to sow them frequently and then thin them out, injuring the delicate roots of those plants that remain to grow; this will slow down growth and weaken the plant.

Having sprinkled the seeds with soil, you need to tamp it down so as to ensure complete adherence to the surface of the seed, and then water it thoroughly from a watering can with a fine strainer - a divider.

Video “A little trick when planting radishes”

See what trick experienced gardeners use when planting radishes in a greenhouse in the country.


Proper care of radishes involves the most normal actions: it needs to be watered, fed, weeded, thinned, protected from diseases and pests.

Radishes need to be watered evenly and abundantly, since their root system is not very developed, and the main root grows from 10 to 30 cm, depending on the variety - it is at this depth that moisture should appear after watering. Therefore, after the emergence of seedlings, the soil is moistened to a depth of 5–7 cm, and then even deeper as it grows. Water as the soil dries, usually this happens after 2 or 3 days, but strong winds and sun speed up this process, which means you will have to water more often; there are days in the summer at the dacha that you have to water twice - in the morning and in the evening.

If the soil is properly fertilized before planting, the radish will not have to go hungry during its short growing season. But on depleted lands, agricultural technology includes fertilizing with organic fertilizers after emergence. At dachas, fertilizing is often combined with watering. Water the plants with highly diluted slurry (ten-fold dilution) or bird droppings (twenty-fold dilution). Under no circumstances should you fertilize with fresh manure or undiluted bird droppings - this is detrimental to vegetables.

They say that radish roots are capable of accumulating nitrates, so it is better to avoid uncontrolled fertilization of the garden. A good alternative could be watering with infusion, or more precisely, mash made from chopped herbs.

Water the radishes with ash and tobacco infusion, so that the ash and tobacco remain on the leaves - this is done to prevent diseases and repel pests, such as slugs and snails. The cruciferous flea beetle causes the most harm. Many gardeners prefer to simply cover the plants with non-woven fabric while it takes off. Timely weeding also protects plants from possible diseases and pests. You can also mulch the beds with peat or humus, compost - this will prevent weeds from growing, retain moisture and allow you to loosen the soil less often.

It is necessary to loosen the beds so that air can get to the roots. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots, but to a sufficient depth: 3–5 cm in the first week and a half, and then up to 10 cm.

You can practically grow radishes all year round, only in winter in greenhouses they turn on not only heating, but also lighting to extend daylight hours, and in summer they cover it with an opaque covering material to reduce it. In winter, it is quite possible to grow radishes at home, only if the room is not too hot. It grows well at an air temperature of 15–20 degrees, easily survives frost, but does not tolerate heat well. Therefore, in the countryside, early varieties are most often cultivated, which are sown in early spring or even winter in order to harvest the crop before the onset of winter. summer heat. But it is stored better harvest, collected in mid-autumn and sown, respectively, in August.

It is believed that radishes need no more than 12 hours of daylight, so they will not produce a harvest in the middle of summer. But it is known that in the cool summer in Karelia it grows wonderfully without shelter, and it is light there all day and night. How much light do you need? different temperatures air, is decided differently for each region.

Problems that may arise

At proper agricultural technology There shouldn't be any problems. But if you allow the soil to dry out for a short time, then no matter how much you water it, the root crops will be hard and fibrous, and if the drying out is prolonged or repeated, the plant will stop growing root crops and will throw out the shoot.

Early bolting can occur if thickened plantings are not thinned out, or if the plants simply do not grow root crops due to lack of space.

Bolting threatens plants if the air temperature rises above 25 degrees and the sun does not set for more than 12 hours. At industrial cultivation radishes for seeds are left to grow, without being interested in root vegetables, in the summer with rising temperatures and lengthening daylight hours. But if we do not want to spoil the taste of root vegetables, then under no circumstances should radishes be allowed to bloom. Even when only the arrow of a peduncle is formed, the plant ceases to direct all its forces and nutrients to the formation of a root crop.

The tops, and not the parts that interest us, will actively grow with an excess of nitrogen, which should also not be allowed.

Radish is a fairly cold-resistant crop. It can withstand frosts down to -2 0 C. Optimal temperature for growth +18 0 C. Let's consider everything possible options sowing

Radishes begin to be sown in open ground from late April to early May. To ensure that the vegetable is always on your table, sow the seeds in parts with an interval of 10-20 days. Radishes can be sown virtually all summer, with the exception of June. Why? Let's find out now.

Video about growing radishes

June has the longest days. The optimal length of daylight for normal development of root crops is 8-10 hours. If the length of the day increases to 14 hours, the plant begins to move from development to reproduction. The radishes will go to waste, will not produce root crops, or they will be very small and tough. Early varieties have time to ripen before the onset of long days. There is no point in sowing late-ripening varieties. They do not have time to gain weight and go into the arrow. To get a decent harvest, you need to choose the right variety that will not fade in color from the summer heat, or provide shading at the planting site. If it is impossible to create such conditions on the site, then it is better to continue growing radishes in mid-July - September, when daylight hours begin to wane. In this case, the radishes do not shoot, the fruits grow large and tasty. You can also sow radishes before winter, but we will talk about it a little later.

Radish photo

So, we have decided on the sowing dates. Now let’s decide what varieties we will sow. In spring, early radishes are sown Early red and 18 days>. There are many varieties that are intended specifically for summer sowing. They will take longer to grow but form larger root crops such as Octave, Red Giant and Red Giant. Already in early September you will receive the first juicy fruits. Some late-ripening varieties, such as Red Giant, can be stored in the cellar for up to 2 months. The most popular varieties:
  • 18 days - an ultra-early early ripening variety forms an elongated cylindrical root crop weighing up to 17 g with a pink upper part and a white tail. The white, dense pulp has a slightly pungent taste.
  • Zhara is an early ripening variety, ripening 18-20 days after germination. The round, red-raspberry root vegetable has a mildly pungent taste and has juicy, tender flesh.
  • French Breakfast is an early ripening variety, ripening in 21-23 days. Red-crimson root vegetables are cylindrical in shape with a white tip. Tender, dense pulp with a slightly pungent taste.
  • Carmen - an early variety produces a rounded red fruit with a slightly pungent taste in 20 days.

Radish in the photo

  • Cardinal is a mid-early hybrid that produces a rounded red root crop in 25 days. The variety is resistant to flowering.
  • Red giant is a mid-season variety for long-term storage. Carmine-red root crops take up to 3-40 days to form and reach a weight of up to 150 g. The ripening period is 30-40 days. The white-pink dense pulp is pleasant to the taste.
  • Octave< – среднеспелый сорт. Белый округлый корнеплод с нежной мякотью без пустот с маслянистым привкусом.
  • Red giant is a late-ripening variety for long-term storage. Pink-red large, elongated cylindrical root vegetables reach a weight of up to 300 g. The white juicy pulp has a pleasant sweet-sharp taste.
Many gardeners are concerned about the question: will radishes really take 18 days to ripen in the time stated in the name? Experience shows that radishes of this variety can be harvested 23-25 ​​days after germination. The plant forms a root crop in 18 days under certain weather conditions and temperatures.

All radishes with a white tip, for example 18 days, French Breakfast, should not be kept in the ground in anticipation of the root crop gaining more mass. The fruits subsequently tend to become hollow.

At proper cultivation When cut, the radish crunches and splashes with juice. The pulp is without fibers and voids.

Radish in the photo

  • Method No. 1
What soil is needed for sowing? Radishes prefer loose, moist soils. Before growing radishes, you need to prepare the site: dig up, add rotted manure, break up the clods, and level the soil. It is important to remember that the plant does not tolerate fresh manure. Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil with fresh soil. Better garden bed Prepare for early radishes in the fall. Add 1 bucket of rotted manure per 1 m2 to the soil. Before sowing, we water the soil well and make shallow rows. When the seeds are planted deeply, the root crop changes shape. The optimal planting depth is 1 cm. Radish seeds are sown at a distance of 5 cm from each other, laid out individually. The beds are made one after another at a distance of 10 cm or more. After the seeds have been spread out, close the bed and press it firmly with your palm so that the soil comes into more contact with the seeds. This way they will germinate faster. Under good weather conditions, seedlings appear within 3-4 days. So that the radishes sown in April grow good and juicy, cover the crops with film from 5 pm until the morning.

The photo shows the preparation of a place for planting radishes

  • Method No. 2
How to grow radishes when space is limited personal plot very little? For limited areas, good results are obtained by using a special marker. The board is made with teeth to a depth of 1 cm according to a 5x5 pattern. Thus, 400 seeds are placed per 1 m2. It turns out to be continuous sowing, not in rows. Radishes grow one to one. Before sowing, the soil should be moist, homogeneous and free of lumps. If the area is skewed, the cloves will not leave imprints. We place the marker on the soil and walk along it, pressing it into the ground. The marker leaves holes. We recapture the land that sticks to it. Even holes are formed into which we place the seeds, cover them with earth and press them with our palm. With this sowing, you can get up to 5 kg of harvest from 1 m2.

Photo of a seeder for sowing radishes

  • Method No. 3 (winter sowing)
When sowing radishes before winter, choose flat area with light sandy or sandy loam soils with a slope to the south or southeast. The site should not be flooded by spring waters. The rows are cut in the second half of October. When persistent frosts occur, sowing with dry seeds begins. The most best time from November 5 to 20. The seeds are covered with peat or humus.
  • Method No. 4 (winter sowing)
Winter sowing in December - February directly into frozen soil ensures early emergence and harvest 2 weeks earlier than in spring. The beds are prepared in October. Cut grooves 4-5 cm deep. In winter, snow is removed from the ridges, seeds are laid out and covered with compost or peat to a depth of 2 cm.

Crop care

Proper cultivation of radishes requires compliance with certain rules. After sowing, radishes are watered every day. Parched upper layer soil is death for young seedlings. You also need to regularly weed and loosen the soil. To make maintenance easier, mulch is placed on moist soil in a layer of up to 2 cm. Humus or peat is used as mulch. Weeds are removed regularly. Radishes are very moisture-loving. Optimal humidity soil should be 80%. This is a lot, so the plant must be watered often. With infrequent watering, root vegetables become bitter. With insufficient humidity and elevated temperatures, the plant goes into arrows and blooms appear. As a result, radishes do not form root crops. If the soil moisture is uneven, the fruits will crack.

Video about growing and caring for radishes

If the seedlings are dense, then it is necessary to thin them out, leaving one sprout per 5 cm. But, it is advisable to immediately sow the seeds at a certain distance from each other, since thinning damages the delicate roots of neighboring plants. Harvesting is carried out as they ripen. If the size of the root crop has reached normal sizes, carefully pull it out and serve it to the table.

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Radishes: planting, photo, description, varieties of radishes, cultivation and care

Radish: planting, photo, description, varieties of radish, cultivation and care. Radishes belong to botanical species, the center of origin of which were three primary centers of ancient agriculture: Mediterranean, Central Asian and Chinese.

Their isolation occurred in the process of cultivation and artificial selection in different environmental conditions. Known in culture radishes of the European, Chinese and Japanese groups, which differ from each other in the structure of leaves and roots.

Radishes are the earliest vegetable crop in the garden. Harvest early varieties can be obtained on the 18-25th day after emergence. Radish roots are valued for their high content of vitamin C (20-40 mg%), as well as B vitamins (B12, B2, B3), PP, nicotinic acid, highly active enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism, and essential amino acids. At the first harvest in winter - spring period In many varieties, they consume not only root vegetables, but also leaves, which also accumulate salts of potassium, calcium and especially silicon, the content of which radish ranks second after Jerusalem artichoke. The unique aroma and slightly pungent taste of root vegetables is due to the presence of essential oils and glycosides that have bactericidal properties, which significantly inhibits the growth of a number of pathogenic microbes. Radish root vegetables help cleanse the body, stimulate appetite, improve digestion and metabolism, prevent the deposition of cholesterol and the formation of plaques on the walls blood vessels. Radishes are very useful for older people, whose muscles sag and bones become brittle over the years.

Type of radish

The rosette of radish leaves is small, half-spread out. The lower true leaves are lyre-shaped, the upper ones are dissected with a large upper lobe and several small lateral ones. A number of Chinese forms have solid oval leaves. The root of all varieties is taproot, penetrating into the soil to a depth of 25 cm. Root crops differ in both shape and color. The diameter of the root crop is from 1.5 cm or more, weight from 15 to 100 g or more.

European look the most precocious. The first close to modern forms radishes appeared in France. These are forms with a small root crop that cannot be stored for a long time. Includes varieties with red, white, pink, variegated, striped or two-colored root crops.

U Japanese look leaves pubescent with large numbers(up to 19) lateral lobes, roots are mostly long, white, leaves are dissected.

Chinese view later ripening (30-60 days), forms larger root crops, white, red, purple or pink in color, which do not lose their marketable qualities for a long time. Among the Japanese-Chinese radishes there are forms with whole leaves. Radishes are the first plant to go into space. It was brought to our country in the 18th century under Peter I from France, and therefore at first it was called “French” radish. And now in Russia the varieties of the European group predominate, only in Far East Some Chinese varieties are cultivated.

Radish varieties and hybrids

The State Register contains more than 150 varieties and hybrids of radish of different ripeness groups. For growing in open ground middle zone Russia on household plots, summer cottages Early ripening, small-fruited (12-20 g) varieties and hybrids are recommended:

With red root color— F1 Virage, F1 Globus, F1 Donar, F1 Lightning, F1 Rolex, F1 Stimulus, Vera MS, All-season, Ladies' whim, Zarya, Carmen, Queen Margot, Corundum, Presto, Ruby; white - Baron, White Zephyr, White Fang, White Nights, Virovsky White, Wurzburg 59, Mokhovsky, Octave, Firefly, The Snow Queen, Icicle, Shnezhka;

Violet— Malaga, Mulatto, Blue Frost; yellow - Zlata; pink - Rizenbutter, Flamingo pink, Yashka;

Two-tone rose red- Lighthouse, Yum-Nam;

Pink-lilac- Option; pink with white tip -18 days, King Kong, Lyubava, Premier, Greenhouse, French Breakfast;

Red with white tip— Angelica, Zarnitsa, Igorek, Quick, Contrast, Liman, Politez, Rika, Slava, Crunch;

Rose red with white tip— Mark, Rose red with white tip.

All European varieties are annuals, while Chinese and Japanese varieties are winter plants that produce seeds in the second year.

According to the development cycle, radishes are divided into:

  • annual;
  • two-year-old

For autumn and winter consumption, it is better to grow large-fruited (30-80 g), mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties, which are stored for 3-5 months.

  • F1 Dabel;
  • F1 Tarzan;
  • Volcano;
  • Queen of the Market;
  • Red Giant;
  • Risenbutter;
  • Saratovsky;
  • Cherriet;
  • Ertapishar.

Growing radishes

Radish cold-resistant, light-loving and moisture-loving plant. The seedlings can withstand short-term frosts down to -3-4°. Minimum temperature for seed germination 2-3°, optimal 18-20°. Seedlings grow slowly in cold weather, forming root crops in 40-45 days instead of 18-25 days. Moderately warm weather (15-18°) is most favorable for radish growth. Higher temperatures with insufficient lighting cause wild growth of leaves to the detriment of the filling of root crops.

Radish extremely sensitive to light, especially in the first period of growth, which is often not taken into account by gardeners who thicken crops. Thickening of plants in combination with a lack of moisture leads to the formation of long tops, root crops become coarse before reaching consumer ripeness, and flowering shoots are produced. The same thing happens in shaded areas, when radishes are overgrown with weeds. In open, sunny places, root vegetables grow juicy and tender. Radish is a long-day plant; with more than 14 hours of daylight, it begins to flower faster. The most juicy and full-bodied root vegetables are obtained with 10-12 hours of daylight.

Radish is a very simple and early-ripening vegetable that can be grown from the beginning to the end of the growing season of vegetable crops. From early spring until autumn. In the spring, radishes can be grown in greenhouses, hotbeds, and in the spring and in autumn period in open ground. You can achieve the availability of fresh radishes on your table in the spring by sowing seeds in 3-4 rows.
The first sowing of radishes is carried out as soon as you can go into the garden, subsequent sowings are carried out 7-8 days after the previous ones, but no later than May 1-5. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the region. When sowing radishes late, the formation of root crops occurs under conditions of long days and elevated temperatures, which will certainly lead to bolting of the root crops. At the same time, the yield and quality of radishes are significantly reduced. For autumn use, radishes are sown from July to early August.

Note! Radishes do not accept constant cultivation in one place. The gardener must remember to alternate vegetable crops in his garden and radishes must be grown in the same place no less than three to four years later. Precursors such as radishes, cabbage and turnips are also unacceptable.

Good predecessors of radishes are any vegetable crops, except cabbage crops, for which organic fertilizers were applied. In the fall, the bed is dug up; on poor soils, 5-8 kg per 1 square meter is added. m of humus and 40 g of complex mineral fertilizers. At the end of April, the bed is cleared of snow, if it is still there. Mineral fertilizers and a pinch of potassium permanganate are scattered over its remains. During the thaw, the crystals dissolve, turning the snow black. For better snow melting and soil warming, you can also scatter ash and peat, dark color who are attracted Sun rays. Then the film is stretched. After a week, the soil thaws and warms up to a depth of 20 cm. It is dug up regardless of how long the frost lasts. After digging, the top layer of earth is left to air for 24 hours. Then the soil is carefully leveled with a rake and furrows are made every 15 cm with a depth of 3-4 cm.

Sowing radishes

Radishes can be sown at several times with an interval of 10-12 days as an independent crop and as a compaction with other crops.

The first sowing is carried out in April, sowing with dry seeds. The sowing rate is 1.8-2.2 g per 1 square. m.

For autumn consumption and winter storage Radishes are sown from late May to mid-August. The sowing rate is reduced to 1.2 g per 1 sq. m. The sowing is covered with snow in a layer of 5-6 cm and a film or non-woven material is spread on top. It is convenient to sow radish seeds under a marker with a feeding area of ​​4x5 or 6x7 cm. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm and then compacted. From sowing to emergence of seedlings, they try to maintain the temperature at 18-20°. After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed and the crops are mulched with sawdust or humus. The non-woven material can be left in the garden bed until the weather warms up, slightly lowering the edges to allow the leaves to grow. Radish shelter lightweight material helps maintain soil moisture, which significantly reduces watering and prevents damage to leaves by cruciferous flea beetle.

Radish seeds in the beds are sown in scattered, narrow-row (distance between beds 7-10 cm) or broadband method. Radish seeding rate - up to 5 grams per square meter, seeding depth is 1-3 cm. The drier the soil, the deeper they sow radish. In summer, radishes are sown to a depth of 3-4 cm. After sowing radishes, it is necessary to compact the soil by rolling.

Care of the crops begins with the destruction of the soil crust, especially on heavy soils. After the appearance of single shoots, the crops are treated against cruciferous flea. If this cultivation is late, the seedlings may die within 1-2 days. The flea damages radishes most on warm, sunny days. Further care of the plants consists of systematic weeding.

Radish care

Maintenance consists of timely removal of the film, additional cover during severe frosts, thinning, loosening, watering, and hilling. To obtain high-quality root crops, it is very important that the plant does not stop growing. When sowing in rows, in the phase of appearance of the first true leaf, the radishes are thinned out in rows, leaving 2-3 cm gaps between plants.

Soil and fertilizing of radishes

The plant prefers loose, light, fertile soils with a neutral reaction, sandy loam or loamy soil, well supplied with nutrients. From 100 sq. m plant consumes 52 g of nitrogen, 13 g of phosphorus, 60 g of potassium. On poor soils it needs a higher potassium content. With a deficiency of potassium in the soil, radishes almost do not form roots. On structureless soils, root crops are poorly established, especially with a lack of nitrogen. At the same time, a pink color appears on the leaves. Radishes do not tolerate the application of fresh manure and do not work well in heavily flooded and clogged areas. On acidic soils it is often affected by clubroot.

The soil is constantly maintained in a loose state by loosening the rows after watering or rain to a shallow depth (5-6 cm). During the growing season, it is enough to carry out one weeding and several shallow loosening of the soil until the rows close together. Periodically, radishes are hilled. When watering, some of the water-soluble fertilizers seep with water into the lower layers of the soil, becoming inaccessible to plants, the leaves turn pale, and growth stops. Radish in this case it needs feeding. On poor soils and with weak filling with basic fertilizers, fertilizing radishes with a weak solution of fertilizers begins from the cotyledon leaf phase. During the first feeding, add 5 g of urea and 10 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride per 1 square meter. m. The second time is fed in the molting phase (beginning of root formation) with mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 with the addition of 15 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of solution. After each feeding, the plants are watered with clean water.

Watering radishes

During the period of root formation, the plant is demanding of soil and air moisture. Radishes are very responsive to watering in hot weather. With a lack of moisture, non-standard root crops are formed. In dry and hot weather, the root crop becomes woody, acquiring a bitter taste, and loses its juiciness and marketable quality. Both a lack and an excess of moisture in the soil are harmful to the crop. Close standing groundwater inhibits the development of the root system and the formation of root crops, and the plants become sick. With sharp fluctuations in soil moisture, root crops grow constricted.

Before the formation of root crops, the molting phase of root crops radish regularly water from a watering can with a strainer or from a hose with a sprayer at a rate of 10 liters per 1 sq. m.

Interruptions in watering are not allowed, especially in hot weather, and the watering rate increases to 30 liters per 1 sq. m. m. In cold weather, water less often. As soon as the root begins to expand, and this happens after the formation of the first true leaf, watering is increased, spending up to 15 liters per 1 square meter. m. Water radishes every 2-3 days, and in hot weather daily in the morning or evening, trying to moisten not only the soil, but also the ground layer of air. As a result, the root crop grows without bitterness and has a more delicate consistency. It is important to water young seedlings very carefully. With careless watering, the soil is washed away, the subcotyledon is exposed and the root crop does not form in the light or grows ugly. Relative air humidity should be in the range of 60-65%.

Harvesting and storing radishes

Radishes are harvested in 2-3 terms. Root crops must reach marketable size - 1.5 cm in diameter. Collected plants tied into bundles. Avoid storing radishes in warm rooms indoors, since root crops lose a lot of water and commercial quality deteriorates. It is not recommended to overextend the harvesting of radishes, because the root crops quickly outgrow, rot and shoot.

Note! The harvest time of autumn radishes must be determined by the maturity of the root crops.

From summer crops, radishes can be stored until February and longer. For this purpose, root crops are harvested in the second half of September, and in the southern regions - even later. In dry weather, cut off the leaves and roots of radishes. Afterwards they are washed and dried to a state of light moisture (without drops of water). Then the root vegetables are packaged in bags (preferably 1 kg each) made of plastic film about 30 - 60 microns thick and sealed (tied).
Radish roots are stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 2 - 3 ° C and a relative humidity of about 90%. Under such conditions radish can be stored for 190 days. But first try not large parties until you gain experience.

Control of radish diseases and pests

Cruciferous flea beetle- the main enemy of radishes - in the fall it is not as aggressive as in the spring or early summer, nevertheless early stages plant growth, it is capable of destroying almost all crops, eating away the growing point of newly emerged seedlings. This pest is especially active if the weather is dry and hot.

Fighting cruciferous flea beetles. Before loosening between the rows, sprinkle with mustard or ground pepper (1 tsp per 1 sq.m.) to combat cruciferous flea beetles. In this case, it would be appropriate to cover the plants non-woven material until they gain strength. You can also get rid of them using ash and tobacco dust.

An original way to protect radishes from cruciferous flea beetle. A week before sowing radishes, cruciferous plants, such as watercress or mustard, are sown in the garden bed, and a week later radishes are sown between the rows. While the radishes are still in the ground, the flea beetle attacks young shoots of the distracting crop; the crops are sprayed with insecticides or other means of combating the flea beetle. When the radish sprouts, the poisoned plants are cut off with a flat cutter; the radish remains environmentally friendly and at the same time is not affected by the flea beetle.

To repel cabbage flies, celery plantings can be placed next to radish crops.

On acidic soils, radishes can be affected by clubroot, therefore, as a preventive measure, we can recommend timely deoxidation of the soil using chalk, lime or dolomite flour. Wood ash will deoxidize the soil well and fertilize it - it can be added when preparing the bed or directly into the furrow when sowing.

Note! Bacterial diseases downy mildew and bacteriosis are possible if ventilation is not maintained and plantings are thickened. It is necessary to choose resistant varieties of radish for sowing.

Four secrets of growing radishes

Radish may be one of the simplest and certainly one of the fastest ripening vegetables, but a small handful of problems can ruin all the fun for vegetable growers. Fortunately, problems are easy to avoid if you create normal conditions for the growth and development of radishes.

  1. How to prevent radishes from being too bitter to eat? The “spiciness” of radishes appears when the growing season of the root crop is prolonged. Bitter radishes were either too slow growing or too old.
  2. Why do radishes burst? Sometimes radishes simply split when ripe. Often this cracking is the result of uneven watering. Trying to add more water during a dry period causes the radishes to grow too quickly and burst.
  3. Why are radishes tough and fibrous? In order for radishes to be tender and firm when harvested, they must grow quickly. If radishes lack the cool temperatures they need and plenty of regular watering, they begin to become tough and dry.
  4. Why do radish roots form poorly? Most common cause Only the green tops of radishes grow due to hot weather. As soon as the weather starts to warm up, radish (1 vote, average: 5 out of 5)

“Previously, radishes have always been the easiest vegetable to use in agricultural technology - plant them, water them, protect them from the cruciferous flea beetle, and after three weeks you can already harvest your first harvest. However, over the past few years, difficulties have increasingly arisen when growing this vegetable: sometimes the seeds do not germinate well, sometimes the root crops do not form, sometimes the plants immediately start sprouting. So it turns out that after winter you can’t crunch fresh juicy radishes anymore. I ask experienced vegetable growers to tell us about all the intricacies of growing radishes. Please help me avoid further failures and unnecessary troubles.” Ivan Podilchuk

IN Lately Many gardeners complain about the difficulties of growing radishes, especially in open ground. Despite the fact that this is one of the most unpretentious and early-ripening vegetables, its agricultural technology has some peculiarities.

Radish is an annual cross-pollinating plant of the Brassica family. In the first 20-40 days after emergence, it develops a small rosette of leaves and a root crop, which can be round, oval, round-flat, cylindrical, conical or spindle-shaped. The color of the root crop is also very diverse: red, pink, white, black, gray, yellow, purple, etc. Depending on the variety, the root crop reaches 1.5-4.5 cm in diameter and weighs 15-50 g. The technical ripeness phase of root crops lasts 1.5-2 weeks, after which a flower stem 60-130 cm high is formed. Flowering lasts 30-35 days. The flowers are white, light pink or purple, collected in an inflorescence. The seeds ripen unevenly over 1.5-2 months. The fruit is an indehiscent pod with 6-10 round-oval seeds that remain viable for 4-5 years.

Radish is the fastest-ripening root plant: early-ripening varieties form a root crop in 18-30 days, late-ripening varieties in 45-60. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 3~5 °C, at 10-15 °C seedlings appear after 7-10 days, at 20-22 °C - after 3-4 days.

Seedlings can withstand short-term frosts from -3...-5 °C. adult plants - up to -6 °C. Prolonged cooling delays the formation of root crops, deteriorates their quality, and causes plants to bloom.

This is interesting

Radishes are one of the few vegetables that can be grown in orbit on the International Space Station in zero-gravity conditions, due to their short growing season and the ability to eat all parts of the plant.

The optimal temperature for plant growth is 12-15 °C, during the formation of root crops - 16-20 °C. In dry and hot weather, root vegetables become woody, become bitter and lose their juiciness.

Radishes are very light-loving, especially at the beginning of growth. Root crops formed in open sunny areas are much more tender and juicier than those grown in shaded areas. Plants are demanding of soil moisture, but get sick when over-watered. Radish prefers loose, light, fertile soils; poor soils are unsuitable for it.


Radishes are placed after crops for which organic fertilizers have been applied. The predecessors can be any, except plants of the cabbage family. The soil is prepared in the fall: they dig up the bed and remove weeds, add 2-4 kg/m2 of humus or compost and 50-60 g of nitroammophoska. In the spring, the surface of the bed is loosened, carefully leveled and the soil is slightly compacted. Depending on the growing zone, seeds are sown from the third decade of March and throughout April until the first ten days of August (except June and July).

In winter, radishes can be grown in greenhouses. In open ground, as an intermediate crop, it is grown on beds prepared for planting seedlings of cucumber, tomato, late varieties of cauliflower, as well as after harvesting early potatoes, green crops, between the rows of cucumber and cabbage.

Seeds are sown in row or square-cluster method. The planting pattern for the row method is 10-12×4-5 cm, for the square-cluster method - 5×5, 6×6, 2 seeds per nest. The seed sowing rate is 2-5 g/m2, planting depth is 0.7-1.5 cm.

To get early shoots, the bed is covered with film or agrofibre. When sowing radishes with sprouted seeds, seedlings appear in 2-3 days. dry - in a week. Thin out radishes in the phase of the first true leaf, leaving one most developed seedling every 2-3 (early). 4-5 (mid-ripening), 10-15 cm (late-ripening varieties).


Caring for plants involves regularly removing weeds, watering and loosening the soil. Water radishes every 2-3 days, and in hot weather daily in the morning or evening. To increase air humidity, sprinkling is used. The soil in the radish bed should always be moderately moist. With a lack of moisture, root vegetables will become bitter and flabby. After watering, the soil must be loosened.

The duration of the optimal daylight hours for plant growth and development is 10-12 hours. If the daylight hours last for 13-14 hours and the air temperature reaches 25°C, late varieties radishes do not form a root crop, but bloom. To avoid this problem, plants are covered with dark non-woven material so that they are exposed to light for no more than 10 hours a day.

In dry weather, significant damage to the crop is caused by cruciferous flea beetles, and later by cabbage fly larvae, which damage the cotyledons and leaves of plants. To repel pests, crops are pollinated with a mixture of tobacco dust, lime and wood ash (1:1:1).


Late-ripening varieties of the last sowing period are harvested in one go before the onset of frost. Store root vegetables without tops in the cellar at a temperature of 2-5 °C, sprinkled with dry sand.


Radish root vegetables contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B3, PP, as well as minerals necessary for the human body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, fiber, phytoncides, etc. Slightly bitter, The mustard oil it contains gives radishes a pungent taste; it has the property of stimulating the appetite.

Consumption of radishes normalizes intestinal motility, helps reduce cholesterol levels, activates metabolism, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. Radish also has anti-edematous and choleretic properties, is useful for gout, diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Despite all the advantages of this vegetable, it is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach and intestines, gastritis, especially in the acute stage. The essential oils contained in radishes may have Negative influence for diseases of the liver and duodenum.

Interestingly, cut radish roots oxidize when exposed to oxygen, so they lose some of their vitamins. By the way, fresh radish tops contain more useful substances than root vegetables. The smallest young leaves of plants are eaten.

Fried radishes - recipe

Fried radish- a tasty and original side dish for fish and meat dishes. When fried, root vegetables become softer and sweeter. The only drawback is that after heat treatment they lose their rich color.

To prepare the dish you will need: a medium bunch of radishes, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon each of rosemary and aromatic herbs, salt - to taste.

Separate the radish roots from the tops, wash and cut into 4-6 slices. Fry rosemary and garlic on vegetable oil, add chopped radishes and fry over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, herbs and salt and fry for another 5 minutes. Ready dish garnish with herbs and serve hot.

Radish or radish?

The crunchy root vegetables of these plants are among the first to delight with their piquant taste in the spring. Learn how to court leaders vegetable menu to get an enviable harvest.

Both vegetable plants are closely related, moreover, they belong to the same botanical species - radish (Raphanus sativus). Radish is an annual miniature variety with more delicate-tasting root vegetables of various colors.

Agrotechnical techniques for growing plants are similar, but not identical. Radishes can be sown in the garden as soon as the soil warms up to 5-8°C. In the case of radishes, you should wait longer - until the soil “warms” to at least 12°C (at lower temperatures, even plants of early varieties often begin to flower without forming root crops).

By the way, in the case of radishes, special attention should be paid to the selection of varieties: early ones tolerate cold well, but do not like heat - they bolt. Late ones, on the contrary, are unsuitable for sowing in cold spring, but are quite tolerant of summer

heat. It is better to sow plant seeds in rows in longitudinal furrows or scattered. Radishes should be buried no more than 1 cm, otherwise the root vegetables will be small and elongated. Radish seeds should be sprinkled with soil in a layer of no more than 2-3 cm.

Radishes are the most unpretentious of all root vegetables and have the shortest growing season. But its root crops grow quickly and therefore need more water and nutrients. Ideally, even when preparing the bed for sowing, the soil should be loosened to a depth of 20-30 cm and 0.5-1.5 buckets of compost should be added per 1 m2 (depending on the depletion of the soil) and mineral fertilizers (50-60 g of superphosphate and 10 -20 g potassium salt). Radish should be additionally fed at the beginning of the main growth period. Important: radishes tend to accumulate nitrates, so nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be applied to a minimum. It is necessary to water the plants frequently: during drought, the root crops of vegetable crops, even those intended for sowing in summer, become excessively hard and pungent in taste.

Before harvesting, late late radishes should be allowed to fully ripen. Radishes and radishes of early and mid-season varieties are most delicious if they are harvested before the root crops reach the typical size for the variety.

Note: among gardeners, gardeners are popular with both time-tested old friends - 'Zarya', 'Zhara', 'Rubin', and new ones: 'Aurora', '18 days', 'Duro', 'Firebird' , '15 days' and others. And for radish, the good old varieties are still relevant: ‘Winter Round Black’ and ‘Grayvoronovskaya’.

  1. When sowing loosely in furrows, after the first true leaves appear, the plants need to be thinned out, leaving 8 cm between them for radishes and 4 cm for radishes.
  2. Radish seeds at proper storage remain viable for 4-5 years.
  3. A marker board with 1-2 cm long pins will eliminate the need to check the distances between holes. You just need to press the board into the soil, put the seeds in the resulting depressions and sprinkle them with soil.

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​Augustovsky sowing​

​If you really want to grow

​premature bolting and deterioration in the taste of root vegetables​

  • ​Garlic, legumes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and onions are considered good predecessors of radishes.
  • ​Late varieties of radishes are planted from late July to August. First, the beds are prepared by adding organic fertilizers and ash.​
  • ​When growing radishes, you need to remove all weeds in time; they deplete the soil and shade the plantings, which can greatly reduce the yield.​
  • ​Mid-season summer radish varieties include “Virovsky white”, “Round red with white tip”, “Saksa”. They can be sown between July 25 and August 10.​

Radishes are very moisture-loving. The optimal soil moisture should be 80%. This is a lot, so the plant must be watered often. With infrequent watering, root vegetables become bitter. With insufficient humidity and elevated temperatures, the plant goes into arrows and blooms appear. As a result, radishes do not form root crops. If the soil moisture is uneven, the fruits crack.

​French breakfast is an early ripening variety, ripening in 21-23 days. Red-crimson root vegetables are cylindrical in shape with a white tip. Tender, dense pulp with a slightly pungent taste.​

  1. ​In order for the radish not to “stack”, it must be weeded. For this purpose, the strongest plants are selected. 2-3 seedlings are left every 5-6 centimeters. After a few days, the strongest ones are selected from these seedlings, and the rest are pulled out.​
  2. ​Radish is a fairly early ripening vegetable. It is often grown in greenhouses. But this action can also be performed in open ground. To do this, you only need to know a few simple rules, and even an inexperienced gardener can cope with the process.​
  3. Late-ripening radishes are somewhat different from early spring crops. Most often it is grown as

​radish in summer​

Radishes are often planted in the same bed with other vegetables - cucumbers, carrots and onions. Experienced summer residents They claim that under such conditions, radishes are especially successful.​

After this, grooves are made at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Sow seeds at a distance of 6-8 cm, sprinkle them with peat or humus.

  • ​It is necessary to water frequently, approximately every 2-3 days, and in hot weather every day. If there is a lack of moisture, the root vegetables will grow flabby and too spicy. Excess moisture is also harmful; in addition to the threat of disease development, it can lead to cracking of fruits.​
  • ​There are also a number autumn varieties radish. They differ significantly from those listed above. Their growing season is longer. The fruit is quite large, up to 200 g. It is sweeter in taste. These varieties are harvested in September. These include: “Alba White”, “Kvanta”, “Sofit”, “Autumn Giant”, “Saratovsky” and a number of others.​
  • ​Video about growing and caring for radishes​
  • ​Carmen - an early variety produces a rounded red fruit with a slightly pungent taste in 20 days.​
  • In order for the radish fruits to be large and juicy, it needs regular weeding. This not only removes weeds, but also loosens the soil, which has a beneficial effect on the size of the fruit. This plant also needs watering. In very dry soils, the radish fruits will be small and bitter in taste, and its above-ground part will begin to shoot arrows. Thinning of this plant should begin only when the seeds have mostly germinated. This action is carried out approximately 5-7 days after sowing, when the rows are clearly visible.
  • In order for radishes to fully grow and develop, they need to prepare favorable soil. When planting radishes, you must remember that the soil should be as loose as possible. If such soil is not provided to this plant, then cracks will form on its fruits. That is why, before planting radishes, the soil is dug up and appropriate fertilizers are added to it.
  • ​re-culture after harvesting vegetables - lettuce, mustard greens, watercress, onions, a little later - early potatoes and early ripe tomatoes.​
  • ​, this can be done by covering the beds with a dark film or opaque

​If you liked the first harvest, then leave a few strong plants to form flowers and then pods. You can get your own radish seeds. But be careful - ripe pods may crack and spill seeds. To prevent seed loss, experienced gardeners tie peduncles with gauze.​

​Water the seedlings regularly so that the soil does not dry out and is not too dense. Ripe root crops are harvested towards the end of September to mid-October.​

​Variety "Slava"​

You can sow radish seeds in winter. Agricultural technology for growing radishes will allow this. It's right to do this in December. Dry seeds are sown in the ground, in a previously prepared bed.

​If the seedlings are dense, then it is necessary to thin them out, leaving one sprout per 5 cm. But, it is advisable to immediately sow the seeds at a certain distance from each other, since thinning damages the delicate roots of neighboring plants.​

​In the photo there are radishes​

​After final thinning, the radishes must be watered from a watering can for rooting.​

​The ideal option for planting this plant is super-sandy, slightly acidic soil.​

​Before sowing​

  • ​material, from 18:00 to 8:00. Or you need to plant weakly bolting varieties and hybrids:
  • ​March 30​
  • ​Since not every summer resident has a greenhouse on his property, growing radishes in open ground is much more common. The seeds do not require any additional processing before planting, since they sprout well. Just take away all the small and damaged seeds - they are not suitable for us. To plant radishes in the spring, you will need to make not too deep furrows in the beds. You can pour sand or ash into the bottom of the groove. The seed material should not be buried too deep - 1 cm will be enough.​
  • ​As you can see, growing radishes in open ground is not at all difficult, you just need to carefully study the article and a good harvest is guaranteed.​

Root crops are collected selectively as they ripen. The ripening period is usually indicated on the seed packet.​

​Radish pest: cruciferous flea.​


Growing radishes or how to get 5 kilograms from one square meter

​The harvest is carried out as it ripens. If the size of the root vegetable has reached normal size, carefully pull it out and serve it.​

​Cardinal is a mid-early hybrid that forms a rounded red root crop in 25 days. The variety is resistant to flowering.​ ​This is necessary, since during thinning the root system of the radish may be damaged, which may not strengthen without water. You need to water the radishes from a watering can. On average, two liters of water need to be poured onto one square meter of bed.​

​Fertilizing the soil:​

Plant residues are removed from the garden bed and, since the predecessor vegetables used a significant part

​French breakfast, White nights, Virovsky white, Champion, Zlata, Kvarta, Children's F-1, Rhodes​

You can sow radishes in a film greenhouse, and with

Radishes are more convenient​Record tags:​

  • ​It is recommended to plant several different varieties with different periods of ripeness, then the harvest can be obtained over a longer period of time.​
  • ​And now about the problems affecting radishes. Like any other cultivated plant, it has its own diseases. Let's consider the main ones and measures to combat them.​
  • Early ripening is what distinguishes radishes from other vegetables. It contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and microelements. These are vitamins B and C, mineral salts, fiber. This composition promotes good metabolism. Radishes also help increase appetite and improve digestion. And the essential and mustard oils contained in radishes give it a piquant, pungent taste.​
  • Red Giant is a mid-season variety for long-term storage. Carmine-red root crops take up to 3-40 days to form and reach a weight of up to 150 g. The ripening period is 30-40 days. The white-pink dense pulp is pleasant to the taste.​

​Also, after planting the radish, it needs to be provided with timely application of fertilizers. Urea and mullein are used as fertilizers. You need to take one teaspoon of urea, and one glass of mullein. Five liters of the resulting solution can treat 1 square meter of bed. Thanks to the application of these fertilizers, the development of radishes will be significantly accelerated. In order to limit the radish from being attacked by pests, before weeding the bed, you need to sprinkle ground pepper or dry mustard in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 1 square meter.​

  • ​In order for radishes to form roots correctly, they need to be provided optimal quantity mineral fertilizers. These fertilizers include potassium salt and superphosphate.​
  • ​soil nutrients, add organic and mineral fertilizers. Approximately in this quantity: 2-3 kg of humus, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of urea per 1 m2 of bed. It is advisable to add 1/2 cup of sifted ash. The soil is dug up, leveled and furrows are made.​
  • ​etc.​
  • ​April 10​

​sow on ribbons​

​Mid-ripening varieties, as a rule, are much larger than early ones, have better taste, are more varied in shape, color, and better in taste.​

“Blackleg” is a fungal disease that infects not only radishes, but also many other crops, making it difficult to grow quality vegetables. Damage occurs much more often in greenhouses. It appears as a darkened root collar, which gradually becomes thinner and rots.​

  • ​Radishes contain many vitamins and microelements.​

​Octave< – среднеспелый сорт. Белый округлый корнеплод с нежной мякотью без пустот с маслянистым привкусом.​

​Harvesting occurs as it ripens. If the fruits have reached normal size, they must be collected. To do this, you just need to gently pull the plant by the stem.​

​Soil fertilization directly depends on the period of planting of a given plant. When applying fertilizers, you need to know that fresh manure has a detrimental effect on radishes. That is why you should never use it as a fertilizer.​

  • ​We must keep in mind​

​In open ground​

- in open ground. True, at this time without film on

​, in this case there will be no need to thin them out. Unfortunately, radishes on strips are not on sale, so it makes sense to spend winter evenings preparing and making them yourself - this will significantly save you time in the spring.​

​It probably won’t be an exaggeration to say that almost every Russian summer resident

  • ​Growing radishes in open ground is often complicated by diseases of the seedlings, which most often develop from excessive moisture when the plants are under the film for too long. Young shoots may develop blackleg or rot. Diseased shoots should be removed, and for prevention, the film should be removed during the day, covered only at night when there is a threat of frost.

​What measures need to be taken to avoid this disease?​

  • ​Many gardeners are confident that they know how to grow radishes correctly. It seems to them that the agricultural technology for growing this vegetable is very simple. But in practice it is not so easy to obtain high-quality root vegetables. And there are a number of reasons for this. It could be bad seeds (very small or old), too dense planting, insufficient moisture, and so on. At low temperature conditions the radishes sprout shoots and, as a result, the root vegetables ripen hard and tasteless.

​Red giant is a late-ripening variety for long-term storage. Pink-red large, elongated cylindrical root vegetables reach a weight of up to 300 g. The white juicy pulp has a pleasant sweet-spicy taste.​

​Radishes can be affected by weevils, cabbage moths, cabbage fly larvae and many others.​

Crop care

​Fertilization of the soil should be done in advance. For example, if radishes are planned to be planted in the spring, then the soil is fertilized in the fall.​

​that many late-ripening radish varieties form large root crops (up to 300 g), so they need It is profitable to grow radishes as a compacting crop for leafy vegetables. In this case, individual

Arcs are indispensable. In hot weather it is necessary to arrange

​How to make a ribbon with seeds​


Growing radishes and its agricultural technology

​grows radishes on his plot

​If you do not have the opportunity to open the beds every day, install small arcs using not film, but a special covering material that allows air to pass through.​

​The most reliable means- this is, if possible, replacing the soil.

Radishes: growing correctly

The agricultural technology for growing radishes is quite simple. It can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. And doing everything the necessary conditions That's right, you will reap a rich harvest.​

​Many gardeners are concerned about the question: will radishes really take 18 days to ripen in the time stated in the name? Experience shows that radishes of this variety can be harvested 23-25 ​​days after germination. The plant forms a root crop in 18 days under certain weather conditions and temperatures.​

In order to limit the possibility of the appearance of these pests, it is necessary to sprinkle the beds with ordinary wood ash. Before planting this plant, you should not use wood ash, as it can cause shoots to appear, which will negatively affect the harvest. If radishes are damaged by pests, it is necessary to immediately begin combating them.​

​For a square meter of area allocated for radishes, it is necessary to add at least one bucket of manure, which has been rotted.​ ​a large amount of nutrition. To ensure this, furrows 1.5-2 cm deep are made every 20 cm, seeds are laid out every 10-15 cm.

​beds are not made for it, but are sown between two rows, for example, of lettuce. In this case, radish seeds are sown less frequently, at a distance of 6 cm from each other.

Growing radishes in an open area


​. Cut strips of toilet paper, using tweezers and office glue, carefully glue the seeds at a distance of 5-8 cm, roll them into rolls.​

​. Nothing surprising - the vegetable ripens quickly, is relatively undemanding in care and gives bountiful harvests. By choosing the right variety of radish, taking into account climatic features region, you can already enjoy delicious and extremely healthy root vegetables at the beginning of summer.​

​Acidic soil can lead to the development of clubroot. Clubroot is a disease of cabbage, radish, lettuce, radish. The leaves begin to turn yellow and slowly wither without visible reasons. The plant is easily pulled out of the soil. The causative agent of clubroot is a fungus that grows in the soil. Prevention of this disease is the introduction of ash.

​It is also possible to improve his health with the help of a solution copper sulfate. For 10 l hot water dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of vitriol. All diseased plants must be removed. Regular ventilation of the greenhouse will also help. The contaminated soil must be treated with potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 liters of water), then mulched with sand. Only after this can it be used to grow radishes.​

Radish is an annual plant. It can be characterized as an early ripening, moisture- and light-loving plant, resistant to cold weather. It belongs to the cabbage family. There are many different varieties, but the most popular include Early Red, Zarya, Rubin and Zhara. You can purchase seeds of these varieties either in retail gardening stores or by ordering by mail.​

​All radishes with a white tip, for example 18 days, French Breakfast, should not be kept in the ground, in anticipation that the root crop will gain a large mass. The fruits subsequently tend to become hollow.

The choice of place for planting this plant also plays an important role. This culture loves light and therefore needs to be planted in very well-lit places. Also, the planting site of this plant must be reliably protected from the wind.​


​Pre-winter sowing​

​Can be sown

​through the ends of the film tunnels or by lifting the film on one side. The soil in the beds should always be moist and loose, but not waterlogged, otherwise the root crops will crack.​

​The distance between the seeds is 5 cm, and between the rows - 10-15 cm. After the seeds are placed in the ground, the grooves should be sprinkled with earth and compacted a little so that the seeds come into contact with the ground as closely as possible. Under favorable weather conditions, radish seedlings will hatch in the garden bed within 3-4 days. To prevent the plant from sprouting, do not forget to cover it with black film for a couple of hours a day.​

​Do you also want to “plant” radishes in your garden? Great! Agricultural cultivation technology is simple - even a beginner can handle it.​

If clubroot has affected a large area, then in the fall you can add lime to the soil, after which you can dig up the area well.

​Another disease is downy mildew. It forms a white coating on the tops, after which the leaves die off.

Problems and their prevention

​When grown correctly, radishes crunch and squirt with juice when cut. Pulp without fibers and voids.​

If you find a weevil in the garden bed, you need to spray the plant with special insecticides. Also, to prevent the appearance of this pest, you can plant garlic and onions around the radish bed. The cabbage moth attacks the above-ground part of this plant, which negatively affects the harvest. When this pest appears, the bed with radishes must be treated with antibacterial drugs.​

There are three ways to grow radishes in open ground:

​radish makes it possible to obtain early production and save time on garden work in the spring.​ ​early ripening radish​Usually early spring radishes are sown. But you can sow 3-4 varieties at the same time with different dates

​And if there is little space on your plot, it will be useful to use a special marker for sowing radishes, which is easy to make yourself. This is a board with dimensions of 40 * 20 * 4 cm with holes drilled in it according to the pattern 5 * 5 cm or 3.5 * 3.5 cm. In the holes with reverse side Cone-shaped teeth 1 cm long are inserted. By applying the marker to the soil, you can get holes located at an equal distance from each other. Thus, we will have sowing not in rows, but in continuous rows - the radishes grow one to one.​


​You should not plant the same vegetables in one place for several years; this leads to the development of diseases, as well as depletion of the soil.​

​As a preventive measure against infection with this disease, it is necessary to clear the beds and adjacent areas of plant debris. Warm the seeds, thereby disinfecting them. Another preventive measure is thinning the beds. As a last resort, it is possible to use Bordeaux mixture as a spray.​


Growing radishes in open ground

​If you decide to grow radishes in a greenhouse, then it is important to know that it will be a little more difficult than in open ground.​

Radish in the photo

Cabbage fly larvae are a very dangerous enemy of radishes. Therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight them. When this pest appears, the bed with the plant is treated with special insecticides or wood ash.​


​In early autumn, make a bed 1 m wide, length as desired. It is more convenient if it is intended for several

​together with carrots, parsley, chives, basil, whose seeds sprout

Preparing the soil for planting


​To plant radishes before winter, choose a leveled area that is not flooded with melted snow in the spring. groundwater. Prepare the rows by mid-October, and when the first lasting frosts occur (in November), sow radish seeds. Plantings are covered with peat or humus.

Planting radish seeds in open ground

  • ​ is a cold-resistant crop that requires plenty of moisture and sufficient light. But the vegetable does not really like drought (with the exception of some heat-resistant varieties). Radish seeds germinate already at 10 °C and are able to withstand late spring frosts. In regions with long days (more than 14 hours), the plant blooms and does not bear fruit. But this can be prevented if
  • ​Radish leaves with a hole indicate the appearance of cruciferous flea beetle. Insects also attack arugula, watercress, radishes, turnips, and cabbage.​
  • ​Here's another one fungal disease- dry rot, or fomoz. It can infect radishes at any stage of development. It appears as light spots with a black dot on the leaves, the fruits themselves, and even affects the seeds. As a result, the radishes dry out. The rapid spread factor is warm and wet weather. Young shoots are most susceptible to infection. Preventive measures to combat Phoma include disinfection of seeds and high-quality removal of plant residues. You can disinfect seeds by heating them.​

​ In a greenhouse, radishes do not grow very well, they sprout quickly, the fruits are tougher, and it happens that when grown in a greenhouse, no root crop is formed at all. To plant radishes in a greenhouse, choose the brightest place for the garden bed, as radishes love sunlight very much. As a frost-resistant crop, when grown in a greenhouse it requires constant monitoring of temperature. To maintain optimal temperature in the greenhouse, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the greenhouse. To decide which varieties of radishes grow best in your greenhouse, plant different ones, and then choose the ones you like best.​

Care and watering

​Method No. 1​

  • ​Radishes can also be affected by diseases such as powdery mildew, blackleg, white and gray mold etc. Powdery mildew appears on radish leaves in the form white plaque. When the first signs of the disease appear, you must immediately begin to fight it. For this purpose, both chemical and bacterial methods can be used. With the bacterial method of control, special spraying preparations are used. Using chemical method the use of fungicides is required. Also, when this disease appears, it is imperative to remove the affected leaves of the plant.
  • ​Winter​
  • ​vegetables. Depending on their quantity, the bed is divided into several sections, approximately 1 m2 each (for radishes, carrots, parsley, dill, chives, etc.).​


​tight, especially if they are sown without preliminary preparation. Such sowing is carried out as follows.

​Then the following will happen: in approximately​

​For winter sowing (from December to February) of radishes, deeper furrows are prepared - up to 5 cm. Snow is removed from the previously prepared bed, and seeds are planted in the soil. Plantings are carefully covered with compost or peat.​

​purchase hybrids that are resistant to shooting arrows​

Pests and diseases

  • Cruciferous flea beetle

    ​A rich harvest to you!​

  • ​And now about how to grow radishes in an open area.​

    ​What soil is needed for sowing? Radishes prefer loose, moist soils. Before growing radishes, you need to prepare the site: dig up, add rotted manure, break up the clods, and level the soil. It is important to remember that the plant does not tolerate fresh manure. Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil with fresh soil. It is better to prepare the bed for early radishes in the fall. Add 1 bucket of rotted manure per 1 m2 to the soil.

    ​When a black leg appears on a radish, you must begin to fight it immediately, otherwise it will destroy not only the above-ground part, but also the radish fruits. To do this, it is necessary not to over-moisten the soil during watering, and also to carry out regular loosening. Insecticides can also be used to control the disease. White and gray rot can occur on the tops and tops of radish fruits located above the ground. At the first signs of this disease, it is necessary to remove the affected plants from the garden and also treat them with special preparations.​

  • ​Podzimnim​

    ​Winter bed

    ​First, grooves are made for a crop that has been grown for a long time, for example, carrots. They sow it through

    ​20 days​ In order to harvest radishes not only in season, but also in winter, they are often planted in heated greenhouses. According to experienced gardeners, growing radishes in a greenhouse is not a difficult task at all, the main thing is to meet certain conditions - the tightness of the structure, access sunlight, good ventilation. If created in a greenhouse optimal conditions for the growth and development of radishes, you can harvest in 12-14 days. This is even earlier than the ripening time of ultra-ripe varieties.​

    ​. The optimal length of daylight hours, when the radish does not bloom, but devotes all its energy to ripening the fruits, is 10-12 hours.​There are special chemicals to control pests, but their disadvantage is that it will be possible to eat vegetables after treatment only after a few days. Folk remedies do not get rid of fleas for long, but without harm to health:

    Radishes and salad are the most long-awaited vitamin products on our table after a long winter. It is these crops that we try to plant first.​ ​Choose the sunniest place on your site to grow radishes, since if there is not enough light, the radish leaves will stretch out and the root crops will be very small.​

    Before sowing, we water the soil well and make shallow rows. When the seeds are planted deeply, the root crop changes shape. The optimal planting depth is 1 cm. Radish seeds are sown at a distance of 5 cm from each other, laid out individually. The beds are made one after another at a distance of 10 cm or more. After the seeds have been spread out, close the bed and press it firmly with your palm so that the soil comes into more contact with the seeds. This way they will germinate faster. Under good weather conditions, seedlings appear within 3-4 days. So that the radishes sown in April grow good and juicy, cover the crops with film from 5 pm until the morning.

​Growing radishes in open ground is a fairly simple process, which consists of sowing, caring for and controlling pests and diseases.​

The winter method of planting this plant is to sow the seeds in November. If at this moment the ground is frozen, then dry seeds must be sown in the ground. After sowing the radish seeds, they are covered with humus. This method of planting this plant requires choosing a southern or south-eastern site. Also, when planting radishes in the winter, you need to pay attention so that in the autumn the place is not flooded with melted water.​

Be sure to fertilize. For digging, add 0.5 buckets of humus or decomposed compost, 1 tbsp.

  • ​20 cm​
  • ​After the shoots appear you can enjoy​
  • ​Radishes in a greenhouse are sown to a depth of 1 cm, with a distance between seeds of 3-4 cm. Leave a little more space between the rows - 8-10 cm. It is better to follow this planting pattern, otherwise you will need to frequently thin out and loosen the soil.​

​You can sow radishes in open beds, in greenhouses, or grow them on a windowsill or loggia throughout the year.​

​Method 1:​

​The first vegetables after a long winter​

​Planting of radishes is possible with seeds in holes the size of a finger, at a short distance from each other.​

​In the photo, preparing a place for planting radishes​​More information can be found in the video.​


How to grow radishes in open ground and greenhouse | Summer Resident's Day

In order to get radish shoots no two weeks earlier than during spring planting, they are planted in winter with a spoon of potassium sulfate and double superphosphate per 1 m2. Individual mineral fertilizers can be replaced with the same amount of complex fertilizers (mortar, Kemira-universal, growth 2, crop, vegetable or garden mixture). But humus cannot be replaced with fresh manure; radishes cannot tolerate it.

​salad with French breakfast, later​

The first radish shoots will appear in a couple of days. During this period, do not forget to thin out the plantings. For normal growth of root crops, try to maintain a temperature in the greenhouse of 16-17 °C. It also doesn’t hurt to control the level of soil heating - the temperature should be kept within 11-14 °C.​ ​So, how to plant radishes? What kind of care will the vegetable need for a bountiful harvest? Dilute 2 tbsp in a bucket of water. spoons acetic acid, water the leaves from a watering can, wetting them well. The pungent smell will drive away insects.​ ​We begin growing radishes in open ground in early spring, when the ground has thawed a couple of centimeters.​

​Probably everyone knows that radishes are a so-called crop “ short day", it would be correct to sow its seeds in early spring or late August. Agricultural technology recommends that in order to obtain high-quality root crops in the middle of summer, do not be lazy and cover the radishes in the evening with material that does not allow light to pass through. Thus, you will artificially create the impression of a “short day”, and the result will not be long in coming.​

​Method No. 2​

Dates for planting radishes in the country

​Radish is a fairly cold-resistant crop. It can withstand frosts down to -2 0C. The optimal temperature for growth is +18 0C. Let's consider all possible sowing options.​

​When using this planting method, the beds are prepared in the fall. To do this, grooves are cut, the width of which is five centimeters. During a snowy winter, snow is removed from the beds before planting radishes. Seeds are sown in the prepared grooves, and the top is covered with peat.​ ​Then fertilized and dug up Radishes of early ripening varieties are laid out in the same furrows through ​10 days​​The very first sowing of radishes​

​Sowing of radishes, since many of their varieties ripen in an extremely short time, can be done over several periods. By providing your plants with optimal care, you will be able to collect ripe vegetables from the garden all season long. At what time are radishes sown at the dacha? Method 2:

​The plot of land where you want to plant radishes is covered with film and left to warm up for several days. Radishes tolerate low temperatures well; seeds begin to germinate, even if it is only 3-4 degrees Celsius at night. A mature plant can withstand frosts down to -4 degrees.​ ​Here are the approximate dates for sowing radish seeds: 20.04, 10.05, 1.06, 20.06, 10.07 and 20.08.​

Preparing the soil for planting radishes

​How to grow radishes when there is very little space on your garden plot? For limited areas, using a special marker gives good results.​

Radishes begin to be sown in open ground from the end of April - beginning of May. To ensure that the vegetable is always on your table, sow the seeds in parts with an interval of 10-20 days. Radishes can be sown virtually all summer, with the exception of June. Why? Now we'll find out.​

The spring method is most often used when planting this plant:

​the bed is loosened, leveled and furrows are cut​

Planting radishes in open ground

​25-30 cm​

​It’s time to pull it out​​we produce it in a spring-summer greenhouse covered with glass. You can sow radishes in it in March. The first sowing is carried out, as a rule, or

A head of garlic is crushed, poured with a liter of water, and left overnight. In the morning, filter the infusion and dilute with 5 liters cold water and spray the leaves of the plants with it. But the heat can ruin everything, the seedlings will bloom, and the root crops will be flabby, too spicy, and not tasty.

​As agricultural technology recommends, it is better to grow radishes in fertile sandy or loamy soil, and cultivated peat soils are also suitable. Another piece of advice given by agricultural technology is that it is better to plant radishes in the soil where cucumbers, potatoes or cabbage previously grew. It is advisable to fertilize the bed for sowing radishes with humus or compost at the rate of one bucket per square meter. The best mineral fertilizer for growing radishes there will be a “garden mixture”. The height of the beds is no more than 10-12 centimeters. The sowing depth of radish seeds is approximately 1-2 centimeters. After the seeds have sprouted, the radishes must be thinned out, leaving the strongest specimens, keeping a distance of 5 cm between them.

​On the board, teeth are made to a depth of 1 cm according to the 5x5 pattern. Thus, 400 seeds are placed per 1 m2. It turns out to be continuous sowing, not in rows. Radishes grow one to one. Before sowing, the soil should be moist, homogeneous and free of lumps. If there is a skew in the area, the teeth will not leave imprints.​

​Video about growing radishes​

​Radishes are planted after the winter cold has subsided.​

Planting radishes in a greenhouse

​after 15 cm, depth 3.5-4 cm.​

Radish Heat


How and when to sow radishes, spring-summer, winter sowing of radishes

​a layer of snow of 2-3 cm and sowing with dry seeds scattered directly over it. As the snow melts, the seeds are drawn into the soil and begin to develop rapidly.​ ​before winter​

​Method 3:​

What radishes are really demanding about is light. Long daylight hours with bright sun are essential for an early harvest. Therefore, spring is the best time to plant early varieties of radishes (read more about varieties here). Now let’s talk about how to properly water radishes. Root system The radish plant is very poorly developed, so it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture, especially when the root crop begins to form. It is correct to water radishes once every 2-3 days, but if the weather is very hot, then every day.​ ​Put a marker on the soil and walk on it, pressing it into the ground. The marker leaves holes. We recapture the land that sticks to it. Even holes are formed into which we place the seeds, cover them with earth and press them with our palm. With this sowing, you can get up to 5 kg of harvest from 1 m2.​

​June has the longest days. The optimal length of daylight for normal development of root crops is 8-10 hours. If the length of the day increases to 14 hours, the plant begins to move from development to reproduction. The radish will go to waste, will not produce root vegetables, or they will be very small and tough.​

​Radishes are planted directly in open ground.​​Prepared​

​Radishes grow quickly and mark rows (that's why they are called "lighthouse crop"). In this case, the soil can be loosened until carrots sprout, this is only

​, and even after​

You can sow without snow, but then you need to do it well​, or​

The leaves are pollinated with fine tobacco, and sometimes fine road dust is used. To do this, take two layers of gauze, pour in the powder, tie it in a knot and shake it over the plants. How to grow radishes in open ground at the dacha to get early harvest? To do this, the beds should be prepared in the fall. The soil is carefully dug up, organic fertilizers and ash are added. Every gardener knows about the precocity of radishes. Radishes ripen in approximately 20-30 days. Its seeds germinate easily at a temperature of about 4-5 degrees and even withstand minus temperature(up to -5 degrees).​ ​Photo of a seeder for sowing radishes​​Early varieties have time to ripen before the onset of long days. There is no point in sowing late-ripening varieties. They do not have time to gain weight and go into the arrow. To get a decent harvest, you need to choose the right variety that will not fade in color from the summer heat, or provide shading at the planting site. If it is impossible to create such conditions on the site, then it is better to continue growing radishes in mid-July - September, when daylight hours begin to wane. In this case, the radishes do not shoot, the fruits grow large and tasty. You can also sow radishes before winter, but we’ll talk about it a little later.​

​The time of planting radishes in the spring directly depends on the characteristics of the region.​ ​cover the bed with film​promotes rapid germination of their seeds.​

Sowing early ripening varieties of radish

​10 days​

​spill the ground with hot water

​at the very beginning of spring​​Pest control folk remedies has the main drawback - after rain or watering, the treatment must be repeated.​ ​The bed can be covered with a dark film before winter, then warming it up in the spring will be much faster.​

​The ideal temperature for growing radishes is about +20 degrees. Watch the color of the radish tops. If it grows very slowly and acquires light green color, which means it is necessary to apply fertilizers. You can dilute one teaspoon of urea and a glass of mullein in a 10-liter bucket of water and water the radish beds with this solution at the rate of 5 liters per square meter. ​Method No. 3 (pre-winter sowing)​​Photo of radishes​ ​Radishes are most often planted from late April to early May.​​, secure it with bricks or boards to prevent it from being blown away by the wind. Then ​Radishes grow quickly and are ready for consumption in 20-25 days​​will be in time for okroshka​ ​,​ ​. It is believed that planting radishes in the spring gives the highest yields, because during this period pests and rodents have not yet woken up in the garden, and it is not too hot outside; in general, all the optimal conditions for growing radishes have been created. By the time of harvest, it is advisable to already prepare the next bed in order to have time to get a second harvest before the onset of hot days.​

​Autumn radish​ To plant seeds, make grooves at a distance of 10 cm and 3-4 cm deep. Sow the seeds 2-3 cm apart, sprinkle with humus or peat with a layer of 1.5-2 cm.

​Do not be late in harvesting the radishes, as if they are too ripe, they will lose their taste qualities and it will become tough. Properly store radishes in plastic bags in a refrigerator. It must first be cleared of tops.

Sowing and growing radishes in summer

When sowing radishes before winter, choose a flat area with light sandy or sandy loam soils with a slope to the south or southeast. The site should not be flooded by spring waters. The rows are cut in the second half of October. When persistent frosts occur, sowing with dry seeds begins. The best time is from November 5 to 20. The seeds are covered with peat or humus. So, we have decided on the sowing dates. Now let’s decide what varieties we will sow. In spring, early radishes are sown Early red and 18 days>. There are many varieties that are intended specifically for summer sowing. They will take longer to grow but form larger root crops such as Octave, Red Giant and Red Giant. Already in early September you will receive the first juicy fruits. Some late-ripening varieties, such as Red Giant, can be stored in the cellar for up to 2 months.​​Radishes should be planted only when the continuous temperature is set at +15 degrees. In this case, the night temperature should not be lower than +5 degrees.​

​they stock up on dry sifted soil or peat for mulching the crops (a bucket or more, depending on the length of the bed).​​, and the carrots are just beginning to form their first true leaves. As a rule, when compacted sowing, radishes are harvested beyond​ ​Dungan​

Press the seeds to a depth of 2-2.5 cm, sow no more than 5 cm, dust the top with peat.​​Second seeding​

There is very little information about how to grow radishes in open ground in the fall. It is believed that in the fall there are many different vegetables; there is no need to grow this crop.​

​You can use a marker. This is a board to which small pins with a distance of 6x6 cm are nailed. Holes 2 cm deep are made with a marker, then the seeds are laid out, sprinkled with fine peat. Now let’s take a closer look various varieties radish. Early ripening spring varieties of radishes include such popular varieties among gardeners as “Zarya”, “Zhara”, “Virovsky Red”, “Early Red”, “Rubin”. All these varieties are domestic selection. Among the foreign varieties, one can distinguish the varieties “Rhodes”, “French Breakfast”, “Vera”, “Corundum”. Sow different varieties, and then choose the ones you like for annual planting. Method No. 4 (winter sowing)

​The most popular varieties​

​Before planting the seeds, the beds are dug up and grooves are made in them.​ ​With the onset of stable frosty weather​​one step.​

​. Thus, with one sowing you will have fresh radishes for almost a month.​ ​Good greenhouse soils​ Radishes can be harvested closer to the end of May (at the very least, in early June). But in order for the plant not to shoot arrows, it will be necessary additional care for plantings - they need to be covered with a dark film at certain times of the day, reducing the length of daylight hours for them.​

However, late varieties of radish have a number of advantages over early ripening ones:

​Some gardeners have used a plastic egg container instead of a marker, which is also convenient for making holes for planting.​

​Radish varieties: 1 - "French radish", 2 - "vera" (round radish shape), 3 - "white radish".​​Winter sowing in December - February directly into frozen soil ensures early emergence and harvest 2 weeks earlier than in spring. The beds are prepared in October. Cut grooves 4-5 cm deep. In winter, snow is removed from the ridges, seeds are laid out and covered with compost or peat to a depth of 2 cm.


How to sow late-ripening radishes in summer, in August

​The distance between the grooves should be at least twenty centimeters.​​in November - early December they begin sowing

​Last season sowing​

​Extend the term​​for radishes are: mixture turf land and humus (1:2), turf soil and peat (1:1), compost and peat (1:1).​

​The third date for planting radishes​

​large size up to 15-20 cm​​The bed is thoroughly watered and covered with cutting material or film. The first shoots are afraid of low temperatures; when they get a little stronger, the film can be removed.​

​For each season, agricultural technology provides its own timing and planting conditions.​

​18 days - an ultra-early early ripening variety forms an elongated cylindrical root crop weighing up to 17 g with a pink upper part and a white tail. The white, dense pulp has a slightly pungent taste.​

​Seeds can be planted in whole handfuls. The crops are dug up and moistened abundantly.​

How to sow radishes in winter, winter sowing of radishes

​. Sweeping snow from the garden bed,​radish - in mid-August. As a rule, late-ripening varieties are sown at this time for

You can also use radishes by repeated sowing. The appearance of 2-3 true leaves on plants -​

​By ventilating the greenhouse during the day, the air temperature is maintained at 15-18°C, at night it should be 8-10°C.​

- first weeks of July. In this case, you will also need to stock up on black film to cover the radish seedlings. The last sowing can be done from late August to early September. By choosing fast-ripening varieties, you will still be able to harvest root crops before the first frost. In this case, minimal care is required for radish plantings, since there is no intense heat, and daylight hours have decreased. To avoid spoilage of the vegetable, plant radish seeds in greenhouses. By this time, they are just freed from tomatoes and cucumbers. The taste is much better, which is due to the long ripening period of 45-70 days.

​Proper care is the key to a good harvest​

Thus, agricultural technology for growing radishes recommends sown early spring varieties in a greenhouse, starting from March 30 to April 10. And by the May holidays, the growing process will be completed, and beautiful and appetizing radish root crops will grace your table. Proper cultivation of radishes requires compliance with certain rules. After sowing, radishes are watered every day. Dry topsoil is death for young seedlings. You also need to regularly weed and loosen the soil. To make maintenance easier, mulch is placed on moist soil in a layer of up to 2 cm. Humus or peat is used as mulch. Weeds are regularly removed. Zhara is an early ripening variety that ripens 18-20 days after germination. The round, red-raspberry root vegetable has a mildly pungent taste and has juicy, tender flesh.​

If there is a need for seedlings to appear several days earlier, the planting site for this plant is covered with film. The first radish shoots appear within five days. Most often used for planting radishes a large number of seeds, so the first shoots appear crowded. Remove the covering and place selected dry seeds of early ripening radishes in furrows at a distance of 3-4 cm. At the same time, other vegetables are sown in accordance with their requirements. After sowing is completed, the furrows are sprinkled with dry soil or peat, compacted and the bed is covered with snow.​ ​for autumn and winter consumption. However, early-ripening radish varieties also work well, but they are not stored for a long time and are intended for quick consumption.​

​a signal for a new sowing. Usually re-seeding continues until mid-May. Then the daylight hours are long, and there is no point in sowing radishes due to the low quality of root crops formed by flowering plants.​

​With more high temperature increased leaf growth occurs to the detriment of root crops. But too much low temperature causes Radish is not too picky about the soil, but it especially loves loose, neutral, organic-rich soil. But sandy loam soils are not the best option for growing radishes. But the situation can be corrected if, when digging the site, you add humus to the ground (up to 3 kg/m2). Start preparing beds for planting crops in advance - preferably in the fall. During this period, the area should be fertilized minerals(superphosphate and potassium chloride). Also, do not forget to loosen the soil and clear it of debris. The beds can be left in this state until next spring. With the onset of warmth, the area is loosened again, and ridges are created for planting (width - 1 m). If the land is depleted by previous crops, then the soil is fertilized with compost.​ ​long shelf life.​