Renovating the hallway in a panel apartment: where to start and how to finish. Design of a long corridor (96 photos)

The layout of many apartments has a small hallway. Renovation with visual expansion and optimization of space is the only way to modernize and make it more comfortable. Small rooms have different sizes and locations, and each case requires its own arrangement methods. It's worth taking the advice experienced designers to achieve the desired effect.

Small hallway with wardrobe
Hallway design in light colors

Space planning and optimization

Considering a narrow room before renovation, it is difficult to imagine something ultra-modern in the corridor with the function of a hallway. But, judging by the photo, someone did it perfectly, which means it’s not such a difficult task.

Advice. You shouldn’t rush from one project to another, trying to snatch this or that idea from the general concept. It is better to use tips and inspiring photos where the idea coincides with your layout. The idea must be worthwhile so as not to regret the costs and efforts.

Can choose a budget option and do everything with your own hands. It’s easier to hire specialists and complete the finishing in 2-3 days. Independent dismantling of old materials will reduce costs.

Bright hallway
Hallway room interior

The main advantage of a small hallway is a small surface area. Use the allocated and saved funds to purchase expensive finishes. For example, buy luxury marble tiles, but do not lay them on the floor under a soft rug or carpet. It is better to lay out the “marble” with a frame, with durable porcelain stoneware in the center.

The same technique is used in wall cladding. First, we decide on the location of the cabinet furniture; behind it you can glue regular wallpaper in tune decorative panels. Where there will be a built-in wardrobe with sliding mirror doors, the old coating does not need to be removed.

Hallway room design
Design of a room hallway in light colors

Important! The hallway is not a place to store a bicycle, children's sleds and other bulky items used occasionally. Designers suggest setting aside a separate place to remove seasonal clothes from a hanger or shallow closet in the hallway at the end of the season. This will “unload” a small room.

Something can be stored in the pantry or on the balcony. Mezzanines are also very convenient for storing things, but they should not be built in a hallway with a low ceiling.

In some apartments, all openings have interior doors that take up a lot of space, and curtains are hung above them. Modern tendencies reject this for most styles. If doors are necessary, it is better to use sliding doors rather than hinged ones.

Bright hallway room
An example of a hallway room with wall decoration

To visually expand the space, the door panels are dismantled and replaced with glass partitions. Part of the wall adjacent to the living room can be removed by cutting off the corner to expand the hallway. When remodeling, it is better to widen doorways where appropriate. Curly cutouts and arched vaults will modernize the apartment of the old layout.

Important! Plan all reconstruction work in advance so as not to redo it. When redeveloping, permission from local architectural supervision is required to avoid wall collapse apartment building. Even if you need to expand or move the doorway without touching load-bearing walls Most likely, permission will be given, but it is important to clarify

Bright hallway room
Hallway interior in light colors

Selection of finishing materials

The covering for the walls of a small hallway should be:

  • practical (easy to wash and clean);
  • light (visually enlarges the space);
  • durable (does not require frequent transformation);
  • attractive (the first impression of those entering the house).

A small room should not be pretentious. When entering a home, everyone wants to immerse themselves in a welcoming atmosphere and enjoy comfort.

Pink hallway room
Bright hallway room with wall decoration

Let's look at the properties different coatings for the walls of small hallways and corridors.

  1. Natural finish or artificial stone- an aesthetic and practical option, but it is not always possible to create a welcoming corner. Light shades, a neutral background, contrasting warm shades (chocolate, caramel, pinkish-beige) are recommended.
  2. Brick decor is not for all styles. You can leave the “primordial” brickwork on a wall in the loft, urban or techno style, if it is perfectly smooth. Finishing panel walls bricks weigh down the foundation of the house, take up a lot of space, a flat decor for “masonry” is better.
  3. Paintable glass wallpaper is a practical option when there are little “artists” in the house. The coating can be repainted many times, removing children's scribbles. It is advisable to apply a new layer darker than the previous one so that there are no “bald spots”. There are glass wallpapers that are smooth, with a fine pattern or with a three-dimensional relief.
  4. Liquid wallpaper is a good decor for walls with defects; they will fill all the cracks and holes. Suitable for shrinking home where avoid paper wallpaper and painting due to cracks. Ordinary paper and fabric wallpaper– good, but it’s better to take washable ones.
  5. Invoice or decorative plaster– a great option, but not for all cases. If the front door faces the street, dust sweeps into the hallway, contaminating the porous surface. Choose a texture that is easy to clean.
  6. Microcement and quartz wallpaper are technological innovations that are gaining popularity. The first ones - budget variety plaster, used for styles where a rough finish is acceptable. Quartz – sand “wallpaper”, scratch-resistant.
  7. Cork and bamboo are excellent decor for eco-style. Natural surfaces are not cheap, but this is a special “live” atmosphere, and small hallway It's worth allowing yourself such a luxury. Bamboo repels water and dirt, cork will hide wall defects.
  8. Metallized (foil) wallpaper shimmers beautifully and protects against harmful radiation, but the walls do not “breathe.” If the hallway is cold, there will be condensation; they are used only on walls with good thermal insulation.
    Hallway with mirrored wardrobe
    Spacious hallway in light colors
  9. Wooden (veneered wallpaper) – roll covering with a cut of wood or imitation. Excellent decoration for the hallway if you choose light shades. For visual expansion, tree lines should be horizontal, with low ceilings– vertically.
  10. Photo wallpapers and optical illusions – The best way“push” the walls. Decor with a 3D effect can “remove the wall” and open an exit to open space, lead to the forest wilds or neighborhoods of the metropolis. There are excellent classical landscapes and three-dimensional paintings by contemporary authors. This technique is used in a minimalist setting in contrast to simple decoration.
  11. Decorative panels are made from different materials, but for the hallway it is better to choose practical ones. Laminated plastic is easy to clean and can be used with any decor. It is better to avoid volumetric finishing or cover only 1 wall.
  12. Ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, tiles are traditional finishes for renovating a small hallway in an apartment; photo examples can be found on the Internet.
  13. Laminate and other finishing materials with wood decor are classics for small hallways. fashion trend– the use of finishing with the texture of natural wood not only for the floor, but also for the walls, and the lower surface is made darker.
  14. Painting walls is a budget option; acrylic enamel is considered universal, but there are different degrees of light reflection:
  • matte;
  • semi-matte;
  • semi-gloss;
  • glossy.

Hallway room design
Classic hallway room

A shiny wall “blinds”, so not focused light is used, but diffused. The glossy surface should be either on the walls or only on the stretch ceiling.

Mirror panels are a common technique for visually expanding a narrow hallway. If it is a solid wall, then the room seems twice as wide. It is not recommended to tile the end wall of a narrow corridor mirror tiles– it seems twice as long.

Hallway room in dark colors
Light design hallway room

Popular floor coverings

  • Parquet and parquet boards (natural wood or decor).
  • Laminate (wood chip slats with decor under a protective layer of matte or glossy varnish).
  • Floor tiles (a practical option, it is better to choose abrasion-resistant porcelain tiles with “expensive” decor inspired by natural materials, the main thing is to choose non-slip ones).
  • Natural or artificial stone (excellent facing material).
  • Self-leveling floors (excellent decor for hallways, but when choosing a pattern, you need to match the overall design concept).

It is better to choose a ceiling for a small room with the effect of visual expansion. For example, glossy stretch fabric. The dark color seems to “hang”; it is for high ceilings. Light shades visually enlarge the room.

Hallway with striped wallpaper
Hallway interior with wall decoration

Advice from designers on furniture for small hallways of different layouts

The hallways of city apartments, deprived of square footage by architects, are different shapes– narrow, square, corner. Sometimes there is no hallway as such at all, only 2 narrow corridors diverging at right angles from the door. But even in such options, experts have found excellent solutions.

The design of a small corridor that serves as a hallway does not involve the placement of classic cabinet furniture and bulky items. All that can fit here is an open wall hanger with a shelf for hats and a small shoe rack.

A mirrored wall or a long panel behind the door will be appropriate if there is nowhere else to place a familiar accessory. You can put a small banquette with a table or pouf. Seasonal clothes and shoes will have to be stored on mezzanines, in closets in other rooms or in utility rooms.

Dark hallway room
Bright hallway room

A small hallway in a studio apartment, judging by the photo of the design, it is only 1.5-2 sq.m. separated by zoning. Due to the absence of a partition, it is possible to place a full-fledged furniture “hallway”, but they still prefer compact multifunctional options.

The square area of ​​the room makes it possible to place corner furniture that is more spacious than a regular cabinet. Despite the small size. But it happens that in such a hallway, each wall has a large doorway or window, and not a large corner for furniture. Great option– built-in cabinet furniture that “extends” the wall with the doorway. Then the door is located, as it were, in a niche, on the sides and on top there are cabinets and mezzanines.

For a small corner hallway from 2 narrow corridors, select a small cabinet, preferably built-in, with folding planes. An ottoman on wheels, inside there is a shoe box.

Corridor in light colors
An example of the interior of a hallway room
Bright hallway room

In the compact hallway there is only what is necessary. Multifunctional closed-type furniture is spacious; shelves and drawers can accommodate a lot of things. But if there is another place for seasonal clothes and shoes, it is better to vacate the room and choose an open set without solid surfaces.

It is important to think about lighting - general and local, without volumetric shades. Compact wall sconces on the sides of the mirror, spot lighting in the cabinet, LED strip around the mirror or luminous blocks on the floor. Choose the most economical and effective method, appropriate to the design style.

Video: Renovating the hallway room

50 photos of design ideas for a small hallway room:

With the traditional approach, the entrance hall and corridor, due to their auxiliary purpose, play a secondary role in the interior of the apartment, masquerading as the overall design concept living rooms. Meanwhile, ignoring this part of the house sometimes leads to uncomfortable and uncomfortable functional solutions. IN best case scenario these parts of the room are facelessly lost and hidden, at worst they introduce dissonance and spoil the overall impression.

The unique role of the hallway and the corridors leading from it is that, on the one hand, these are the most public parts of the house, on the other, they serve as a kind of boudoir for residents, who change shoes and clothes when entering and leaving.

These small platforms are a kind of bridges not only between various rooms, but also styles, so their decoration, lighting and decor must be selected with special care.

Design Features

When choosing materials and colors for floors, walls and ceilings, you can take two approaches. In the first case, the design of the hallway and corridor completely coincides with the interior of the room to which they lead; in the second, they are designed separately, in a harmonious combination. It is clear that transitional options are also possible, in which the differences may consist of one or two independent elements.

The choice of material for flooring is one of the important tasks. Linoleum, tiles or heated wood, the use of carpets and rugs are determined by the layout and functions of the corridor.

Most often, this is the most trampled part of the apartment, and it is more advisable to focus on durable and washable materials for cladding.

When combined with the floors of other rooms in color and texture, you can use:

  • different shades of the same color,
  • the same color with a transition in two or more color combinations,
  • sharp color contrast.

The use of carpet runners and rugs for hallways can add a pleasant twist, creating coziness and geometrically expanding the space.

The photos of various apartment segments show the design of the corridor floors in all of the listed options.

Another feature of the design solution is the construction of various types of rectangular and rounded arched structures.

The design of ceilings is most often done in a single concept for the entire room, but even here you can take advantage of special opportunities for experimenting with mirror or reflective ceiling surfaces. Such extravagant decor will not get on your nerves, since people do not stay in these rooms for a long time.

Lighting can be built into the ceiling and walls, or you can choose lamps and fixtures. Ceiling chandeliers are used very rarely.

Visual Expansion Techniques

The problem of cramped hallways and narrow corridors is relevant in our time not only for owners of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings. When planning any apartment or house, small utility spaces may arise, which, if properly designed, will ensure overall comfort and increased functionality.

Small corridors and hallways are an excellent platform for applying visual expansion effects. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of mirrors. It is justified, but you need to be careful with ceiling mirrors: they can narrow the space.

In other cases, mirror or reflective surfaces will become a stylish and useful addition to small spaces.

In narrow corridors and hallways, regardless of general design apartments, you should avoid dark colors and patterns in the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, bulky furniture and lamps. In this case, you need to take care of the light, using built-in options or flat shades.

Spaces can be optically expanded through the clever use of directional light in combination with mirrors. In small and square segments, evenly diffused light can be used through several spotlights.

Light blue, olive and beige tones will be a universal solution for painting walls. IN low rooms the ceilings should be a tone lighter; in the corridor you can use wallpaper with vertical stripes.

To expand the space, one of the walls can be covered with photo wallpaper. Wallpaper with imitation stone, brick and other textures will create the effect of a mysterious labyrinth.

The floor should be at least a shade darker. You can also use sharp contrasts using dark-colored tiles. Diagonal laying or contrasting floor segmentation can also create the desired expansion effect.

Hallway zoning - another one design technique, in which wallpaper with textured imitations can be used. When applying this method, a separate entrance space near the door is formed, which is contrasting, sometimes in all respects (floor, ceiling, walls), different from the passage part. The latter, as a rule, merges with the design of the room with which the corridor is connected.

The inside of the entrance door and the design of other doors opening onto the corridor become especially important when there is a shortage of space. They should either be disguised as walls, which would be ideally embodied in a minimalist style, or be a contrasting spot.

Fans of abstract design can choose eye-catching geometric patterns or photographs for doors that change the configuration of the space.

Furnishings and decor

Properly selected furniture and decorative details will complement the decoration of the room. They can also do it without overhaul The apartment has changed the corridor and hallway beyond recognition.

If there is enough space, they can be decorated, like any living space, taking into account the tastes and needs of the residents, equipped with wardrobes for shoes and clothes, upholstered furniture and coffee tables, decorative items, plants, an aquarium, etc.

Vintage or other mirrors with bulky frames will also require a certain area.

The presence of furniture in small rooms should be limited to open shelves and corner or built-in cabinets. Cabinets with open shelves require a certain amount of space; in small rooms they look overly cluttered, creating the impression of cramped space and clutter.

An alternative could be narrow wardrobes various sizes. Single and narrow open shelves along the entire wall are also a good solution, as long as they do not interfere with movement.

The use of oval mirrors without frames, mirror doors on cabinets, as well as decorating walls and open shelves solid mirrors will visually expand the space. Decorative shelves and vases will add coziness by softening unused corners and narrow niches.

Photo of the corridor in the apartment

The corridor is the first thing guests see when entering the apartment. Its appearance completely determines the impression of the home. But the hallway in high-rise buildings rarely has much space. The owners have to balance on the line between style and functionality, which is why the design of a narrow corridor turns into a real art, which is not accessible to everyone.

Style for a narrow corridor

Owners of small spaces live at the right time. There were years when fashion required cluttering even relatively small rooms with an abundance of details and elements. It's good that this is already a thing of the past. Modern technologies renovations together with laconic fashion can create a perfect space from a narrow corridor, in no way inferior to a wide room in terms of functionality.

Design of a corridor in a three-room apartment

The first stage of designing a corridor will be choosing its style. The following options exist:

  • Minimalism. The simplest solution for a small space. Preferred use light colors and lighting as close to natural as possible. The installation of one single accent is typical.
  • Classic. Thanks to classic style design, the effect of aristocracy and high cost is achieved. Natural materials are used in the interior: light wood, marble. The laconic decor only emphasizes the overall restraint.
  • Provence. French style It is distinguished by its romance and soft, pastel colors. The effect is achieved through floral motifs, artificial aging surfaces, ruffles and graceful shapes.
  • Country. Thanks to simple natural materials, rustic decor and an abundance of warm colors create the maximum cozy atmosphere, conducive to home rest.
  • . Expensive, but the style is ideal for a narrow corridor. Due to curly legs The furniture creates an effect of lightness and airiness, which is so lacking in a small space.

Surface finishing

Properly selected finishing is half of a successful design. The specifics of the room do not require moisture- or heat-resistant materials; owners are able to make a choice based only on their own preferences.

Under no circumstances should you line the walls in such a corridor with plasterboard. The frame method used for this will steal hidden inches of width, thus doing a disservice.

For corridor walls use:

  • liquid wallpaper;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • textured wallpaper;
  • Venetian plaster;
  • vinyl wallpapers.

As for the pattern, it is strictly forbidden to use either straight lines or a large symmetrical pattern in a narrow elongated corridor. Both options will only stretch and compress the room even more. But chaotic abstraction is what this place needs.

It is best to either simply paint the ceiling white or use a modern one tension option. The design of a multi-level ceiling is completely inappropriate here.

Traditionally, ceramic tiles are laid on the floor of the corridor: they require minimal maintenance, are not afraid of erasing and will not be a “death sentence” for dishes like in the kitchen.

Color solution

With the help of color games you can decorate absolutely any room. A narrow corridor is not an exception, but one of the main confirmations of this rule. The best choice when the design is created long corridor, there will be light cool colors.

Can and should be combined different colors: wide walls are finished with a warm shade, and narrow walls are finished with a cold light shade - this approach will “shorten” the room.

Without words, it is clear that an excess of dark tones will make the corridor gloomy and will negatively affect the perception of space. However, the look of a hospital room by using too light colors in the interior of a narrow corridor is also not practical: the walls and furniture will often become dirty and require additional care. In this case, the feeling of comfort will suffer significantly.

Psychologists say that one of the best color solutions for the corridor will be green. Whether or not to believe their opinion is up to the owners of the living space.

Basic elements of the corridor

In conditions of limited space, it is important to determine the main elements needed for the corridor. Every detail must be functional. The following are installed in the corridor:

  • closet;
  • whatnot;
  • cabinets;
  • hanger;
  • ottomans or other seating areas;
  • dresser
  • entrance and interior doors.

Tiles on the floor of the corridor of a two-room apartment

There is no point in cluttering up most of the corridor. It is ideal to use hidden elements built into one of the walls. If its facade is covered, then the space almost doubles.

Mezzanine – a good option for seasonal storage of things or shoes. The best headset for a narrow corridor they are made to order.

A shoe rack will help keep the hallway tidy, especially in apartments where more than one person lives. Diversity available materials allows you to fit this detail into any interior.

A hanger is an essential attribute of a hallway. And although in a small corridor it is often combined with a closet, there are many successful options for its use, for example, its corner design.

Parquet floor

Undeservedly little attention is paid to doors when decorating a hallway. But in small room they can occupy up to 30% of the wall space. The basic rule is that doors should always be installed if they are used. As with other surfaces, it is preferable not to use dark colors. Will expand the space well. If possible, interior doors can be removed, leaving arches in their place.

Furniture design

The most popular piece of furniture for a hallway in Khrushchev is a wardrobe. This is due to the irregular shape of the room. Instead of cluttering the space with many interior details, a single wardrobe with modular system. This furniture element is made to order, which allows you to get the maximum efficient place for storing things, and create an object that perfectly matches the design of the room.

The front of the cabinet can be decorated with mirror panels, small photos, prints, or even completely covered with wallpaper in the style of the opposite wall, which allows you to hide the presence of furniture as such.

Exist following rules to successfully fit a wardrobe into the interior of a long corridor in an apartment:

  • the depth of the furniture wall should not exceed 50 centimeters;
  • storage systems are located along a wide wall, the narrower one is left empty. Thanks to this, it is possible to slightly correct the shape of the room to a square one;
  • furniture should not start immediately near the door. By cutting off space on one side, owners inexperienced in planning not only create obstacles for the normal operation of the cabinet, but also visually narrow the already small hallway.


The approach of installing only one central light source in a room has long been outdated. Lighting will help highlight decorative elements, visually correct the irregular shape of the room and expand its area.

If the interior uses mirrors or mirrored surfaces, highlighting them with light is an excellent solution. Near them, opposite or under them, they are often used. The reflection of light can have a stunning effect and will make the hallway brighter.

Since there is no natural light here, one of the most good decisions There will be the use of halogen lamps, the color rendition of which will make the lighting as close as possible to daylight. Recommended by professionals Spotlights, which can be mounted directly into pieces of furniture.

Corridor decor

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, a narrow corridor, precisely because of its shape, can become a real art object in skillful hands. Decor can be done even on a small budget.

Corridor in a panel house

Options decorative design the hallway can become:

  • Paintings are the most common option. Doesn't the long, narrow space resemble a gallery in a museum? You can place along the wall both the art of famous artists and the extraordinary works of modern creators - it all depends only on the style of the room and the preferences of the owners. Instead of purchased paintings, photos from family archive. Can be used additional lighting under each frame.
  • The self-leveling floor can become not only a good option decoration, but also successfully fulfill the role of decor. This type of flooring can be made in a variety of colors.
  • Using stone to decorate individual areas of the room will help further refine the interior of a narrow corridor in an apartment.
  • with spot lighting - a classic option for a hallway. Such an object is able to emphasize the individuality of the owners: some will place art objects here, some books, and some their own awards.

Techniques and ideas for increasing space

If all the above tips have been used, and there is still not enough visual space, the following will help create an additional effect:

  • 1 Features of the hallway
  • 2 Color range
  • 3 Rational design of the hallway: finishing of walls, ceiling and floor
    • 3.1 Wall decoration
  • 4 Ceiling finishing
  • 5 Floor decoration
  • 6 Selecting and arranging furniture correctly
  • 7 We provide adequate lighting
    • 7.1 Decorating the hallway
  • 8 How to maximize space: several tricks

A two-room apartment is undoubtedly larger than a one-room apartment, but its hallway is small. But the design of the hallway, thought out to the smallest detail, two-room apartment will not only visually enlarge the space, but also make it as cozy and stylish as possible.

Features of the hallway

What are the features of the hallway in a two-room apartment? Firstly, it is probably small, especially if the house is not new. Secondly, you can probably get from it to almost all rooms, that is, it is a kind of denouement. And this means that these rooms are clearly visible. That is, if the hallway is very different from them in design and style, this will create a clear feeling of disharmony and fragmentation, which is unacceptable. Thirdly, in a two-room apartment, most likely, there is no storage room, which means that outerwear and all accessories will have to be placed in the hallway, and this will require additional space.

What do all these features mean? The design should be such that the room in question seems as spacious as possible and fulfills all its functions. That is, the main tasks when arranging the interior are a visual and, probably, real increase in the area of ​​space, ensuring maximum functionality, comfort and practicality, as well as the desire to ensure that the hallway fits into the interior of the home and does not stand out from the general background. And this can be achieved if you follow some rules.

Color spectrum

What colors are most suitable for decorating a hallway in a two-room apartment? Those that will mask flaws. First, you need to increase the space. And light shades will help with this, since dark shades, on the contrary, “steal” precious square centimeters or even meters. Secondly, daylight probably does not get into the hallway, which is clearly visible in the photo. Again, light colors, preferably those in a warm range, will help correct this. And thirdly, as noted above, the hallway should not stand out from the general background. This can be achieved with the help of neutral and natural shades that combine with most other tones.

The most suitable colors are peach, pale yellow, linen, beige, sand, wheat, neutral gray and some others. You can choose blue or pistachio. Although they are considered cold, they are still natural, quite soft and noble. You shouldn’t make the hallway white, otherwise it will look like an absurd light spot.

Rational design of the hallway: finishing of walls, ceiling and floor

In the photo you can see that correct and well-thought-out interior design sometimes works wonders and not only sets the general direction and emphasizes style and design, but also eliminates some defects, and sometimes changes the room beyond recognition.

Wall decoration

In the photo you can see that different materials can be used to decorate the walls. Here are some of them:

  • The most affordable and simplest option is wallpaper. But you should choose either the simplest paper ones, or vinyl ones with a tint, but with a simple surface and without patterns or embossing. Non-woven fabrics with voluminous prints will not work. The design of the wallpaper should be as laconic as possible, so it is better to stick to a single-color coating. If you want to refresh the walls, then the patterns should be discreet, neutral, not colorful or too large.
  • Another design method is coating with plaster. But it is advisable to use medium-grained or fine-grained; such compositions will level the walls and create a surface without flaws. Coarse-grained and decorative plaster, although they look interesting, are only suitable for decorating spacious rooms, as they visually reduce the area due to the volumetric texture.
  • You can cover the walls with paint. Glossy will reflect and scatter light, which will slightly expand the space. But if you choose a cold shade, the room may seem uncomfortable. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to matte paint. By the way, before coating it is extremely important to fully level the walls, since any defects will be very noticeable.

: Interior of a corridor in a private house - design techniques

Ceiling finishing


  • The most popular finishing method is whitewashing. Even the photo shows that this option is universal and suitable for hallways of all shapes and sizes.
  • Use paint. Moreover, it is desirable to have a glossy surface so that the surface reflects and scatters light.
  • If the height of the room is sufficient, then you can choose hanging or suspended ceiling. This option is more interesting and modern, and also allows you to immediately think through and equip the lighting and hide all the wires.

By the way, patterns on the ceiling are not welcome.

Floor decoration

A light floor looks noble, beautiful and stylish, but any dirt is very noticeable on it, so it is better to refuse this option. Choose a muted shade such as wood, gray, sand or something similar.

For finishing, you can use linoleum of the same color or with neutral patterns (for example, geometric), as well as parquet or laminate. If the hallway is elongated, then it is advisable to place the slats across it. Tiles are also suitable for decoration, but preferably of medium size, since too large ones can disrupt the integrity of the space, and small ones will greatly reduce it.

Selecting and arranging furniture correctly

Furniture in large hallway in a two-room apartment should be compact and functional. In addition, you will have to limit its quantity and purchase only the most necessary items.

The ideal option would be a convenient built-in wardrobe. It will not only save space, but will also allow you to place all accessories and things and hide them (if they are open, then coupled with a small area this can create a cluttering effect). If the room area is medium, then you can choose a hallway with several shelves, compartments and hangers. Also, for convenience, you can place a small pouf here, on which residents and guests will sit down while putting on their shoes. Furniture design should be extremely simple; unnecessary details and decorative elements are unnecessary.

What is the best way to arrange furniture? So that there is free space necessary for comfortable movement. When arranging, you should take into account the shape of the room. So, if the hallway is narrow, then it is best to place all the items against one wall, since the placement will only leave a narrow passage. With this method, you can hang a large mirror on the free side, which will provide maximum comfort while dressing, and will also create a visual effect of expanding the space. If the room is square, then you can use two walls (on the sides of the door).

We provide complete lighting

The best option is spot diffused lighting. If there is a suspended or suspended ceiling in the hallway of a two-room apartment, then you can place several small halogen lamps directly in it: in the corners or above each of the zones (that is, above the mirror, above the closet, and also above the front door).

: Features of choosing design and furniture for the corridor in a private house

The lamps can also be placed on the walls. Hang sconces near the closet, above or next to the door, and also near the mirror (you can light it from above or even from both sides). But in any case, the devices should not be too bulky or stand out.

Decorating the hallway

The photo shows that decor is acceptable and even encouraged, but it should still be elegant and laconic. For example, in one of the free corners you can place a tall, but not too large figurine or a pot of tall plant. Hang a small framed picture or photo on the wall. The design of all things should be simple and restrained, but not pretentious or pretentious.

How to maximize space: a few tricks

Techniques that will allow you to expand the hallway space in a two-room apartment and make it as comfortable as possible:

  1. No arches. They will definitely be superfluous, since they will divide the space into several parts and visually reduce it, and this is clearly visible in the photo.
  2. Although the hallway can be divided into separate zones (a place for dressing and undressing, an area for putting on shoes, a mirror, a storage area, and so on), such a division should be purely conditional. You shouldn’t do it with the help of partitions, they will definitely be superfluous. It is not recommended to use various materials, because the space is small, so the desired effect will not be achieved.
  3. Limit the number of accessories; the photo shows that they can overload and even clutter a small hallway. Of course, you shouldn’t completely abandon decorative elements, but there should be no more than two or three of them.
  4. If there are thresholds at the entrances to rooms in a two-room apartment, then it is advisable to remove them, since they literally break up the space and thereby noticeably reduce it.
  5. If you want to maximize the area, then you can try to do this at the expense of the floor, since it is almost always in the field of view. One of the techniques is to match the shade with the color of the coating in the rooms into which the hallway leads. This is not always possible, but in any case sharp contrasts should be avoided. If the floors in the rest of the rooms are different, then try to choose a neutral tone that will match each of the colors. And if the hallway turns into a corridor between rooms, then cover the floor with one material, not different ones.
  6. Contrasts should be avoided, so it is advisable to decorate the walls, ceiling and floor in the same or at least compatible and not too different colors.
  7. If you plan to design your hallway in a certain style and strictly adhere to it, then it is best to choose such trends as classics and minimalism. They are characterized by simple furniture and a minimal amount of it, uncomplicated decoration, lack of prints, smooth surfaces, clear lines, neutral or natural shades, as well as a few laconic accessories (or even their complete absence).

Let your hallway in a two-room apartment become cozy, stylish and functional. And a properly and carefully thought-out interior design will help with this.

The standard design of a hallway in an apartment in a panel house has its limitations. Most hallways in panel houses are designed according to the same type, so it is quite difficult to do something unusual there. But even based on the standard layout, you can play with interior styles, as well as make small changes to the shape of the walls, floor and ceiling.

Interior renovation

Corridor in traditional concrete house has a rectangular or square shape. You can make changes to the design of this room by adding arches to the hallway.

Interior doors should be designed in the form of arches. Then small hallway it will look more aesthetically pleasing and softer. IN square corridor the arch can completely expand the space if instead of the entrance to the hall there is only an arched span.

An arched ceiling will help bring the hallway closer to the interior concept of palace classicism or neo-Gothic. And the front door is in the shape of a pointed arch with door leaf will be just a hit on that landing where it will be used.

The design of the corridor, decorated with stained glass windows, attracts a lot of attention. Illuminated stained glass windows on the walls will help to realize the interior design. Or stained glass drawings on interior doors.
The construction of partitions at the entrance to a panel house, as a design technique, is used when it is necessary to separate any zone. For example, the space for outerwear can be covered with a beautiful screen, and the seat and table can be separated by a plasterboard partition.

Destruction of the blank walls of a house is possible if these walls are not load-bearing structures. Then you can completely remove one wall in the hallway so that it becomes a single space with the room adjacent to it.

The columns in the corridor look quite organic. They decorate the front door, or replace doorways leading to rooms. In addition, a small hallway can be made larger if you use light colors for decoration. The game of contrasts is also good here. Dark and white does not narrow the space, but adds to it the level of compression that is necessary.

The so-called “Brezhnevkas” have an undeniable advantage over the modern “Khrushchevkas”. Their entrance spaces are quite extensive. Therefore, you can create any interior ideas there.

Finishing materials

What to use to decorate the entrance area? The answer depends on the direction in the interior that was chosen as the main one. The loft style allows you to use natural stone, brick and painting. A modern style will require ideally smooth walls, matte surfaces and plastic skirting boards on the floor.

The floor at the front door can be decorated tiles. It will turn out like this bathroom option, in which it will not be difficult to maintain cleanliness.

Imitation stone is ideal for arches and openings. It’s better to make the ceiling of the hallway a single light canvas, so the space in it will become airier and wider.

To save space in the corridor, you can build a wardrobe. Then there will be even more space in it. And mirror surfaces are used in tiny corridors to solve problems with lighting and decoration there.

Plaster, wallpaper, laminate and plastic panels - in the hallway everything that can actually be used to decorate other rooms in the apartment is acceptable. Although there is one limitation that applies to most corridors. There it is better not to use floral wallpaper. They are incredibly forgiving of small to medium sized areas.


What could be the floor at the entrance? It is worth choosing the most practical and wear-resistant materials, because they will have to be washed quite often. For floor finishing, you can consider the following options:

  • Laminate;
  • Linoleum;
  • Tile;
  • Parquet;
  • Carpet.

All of the above coatings have their own characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail:

The choice of coating depends on the financial capabilities of the chooser, as well as on operating conditions. For big family, where everyone leaves and comes from home several times a day, linoleum, tile and laminate are suitable. For lower operational loads, carpet and parquet can be used.


The decoration of the walls in the corridor is of great importance. Like the bathtub, the corridor is subject to active use, so the walls there must be easy to clean and also withstand regular drafts.

Standard set finishing materials for the hallway looks like this:

  • Dye;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Washable wallpaper;
  • Cork;
  • Stone and its imitation;
  • Bamboo panels;
  • PVC panels;
  • Wooden panels;
  • Mosaic or fresco.

Any type of the listed materials is easy to care for, lasts quite a long time, and looks presentable.

The corridor should be finished only with moisture-resistant and environmentally friendly materials. Otherwise, the repairs there will have to be redone in a year.

Combining materials for wall cladding is very popular. Wooden panels with wallpaper, stone and decorative plaster are the most common combinations in the interior of the hallway.

So 4 or 6 square meters will look much more interesting if you make niches on the walls and lay out mosaics. And the cork finishing method will be the most environmentally friendly, among others, if this notorious cork is placed correctly on the walls.


At the end of the 1970s, a standard series of houses p-44 was designed, with a ceiling height of 2.64 meters. This height is considered average, and with some interior ideas, it should be raised at least visually.

To make the ceiling in the corridor look higher, you need to choose tones for it light shade. The layout in p44t is a little different from the houses of the 70s. Ventilation box there, as planned by the builders, it is located in the hallway. Things are a little better here with the height of the ceilings, standard height is 2.7 m. The design of a hallway with this height implies the possibility of playing with contrasts.

To decorate the ceiling, it is possible to use dark and light colors, stretch fabrics, plaster and stucco. Since the height of p44t allows this to be done.

But whatever the series of the house, plasterboard on the ceiling looks appropriate for ceilings of any height. Although simple painting also looks great.

Severe surface unevenness on the ceiling can be hidden only with hanging and overhead materials; when the ceiling is sufficiently smooth, painting and plaster are used to finish it.

In a large corridor, you can use a ceiling area to create a ceiling with transitions and projections. A small corridor always has straight lines and a minimum of details.


Lighting at the entrance is subject to certain rules. To create a harmonious lighting system in the corridor, use the following tips:

  • Combine main lighting with additional lighting;
  • Highlight the most successful design solutions with light;
  • Combine warm light with light interior colors;
  • Place mirrors so that they indirectly diffuse the light, making it softer.

At suspended ceilings It is best to use spotlights and LED strips. When on the ceiling ordinary plaster, you can diffuse the light using compact lamps arranged in a checkerboard pattern.


The most difficult part of the hallway design work is furnishing. Small areas should be furnished in the spirit of minimalism, using built-in furniture. On a large square, a sofa would be appropriate. A standard set Shoe storage boxes can be anything, the main thing is that it matches the room in color and shape.

Every hallway can be significantly improved with the right furniture. You can’t put a lot of it in the corridor, but there is always a way out. Therefore for small corridors and came up with wardrobes up to the ceiling, where everything you need fits behind mirrored doors.

Narrow hallway design

A narrow corridor is not a death sentence for an apartment in a panel house, but a completely acceptable option for various types of decor. The narrow space must be divided into two zones: the entrance and the vestibule.

Zoning is done by laying the floor with different materials, as well as by painting and decorating the walls in different colors. The doors here can be replaced with an arch, it is also possible to make them sliding.

TO light colors in a narrow corridor you just need to add bright colors. And you should choose furniture that can be placed along the walls without significant loss of space.
Everything that can be mounted on the walls in a long corridor must be installed on shelves and various kinds of hanging compartments. With this approach, space savings are significant.

Minimalism, East style, Provence and classic - this is what is perfectly implemented in narrow hallways. A large mirror on one wall and furniture near the other will visually expand the space and make the ceilings higher. In all other respects, the narrow corridor has no restrictions.

Small hallway design

A small space at the entrance should be furnished with a minimal amount of decor. Another solution to the problem could be to combine this room with a common room by demolishing the partitions.

If the hallway is very small, it is possible to place a wall-mounted clothes hanger, a cabinet for small items and a mirror there. Everything else should be moved to a larger room.

Tiny corridors must be illuminated with bright lamps. Wall sconces alone will not be enough here. Another decor option - mirror ceiling. But not every owner is able to get used to this finishing method.

Design of a large hallway

Not all storey houses equipped with large corridors. But where the squares of the hallway allow, you can use the provided meters to maximum benefit.

For example, houses for animals are made in the corridor so as not to place them in the main hall. Or they install a small seating area with a sofa and armchairs to welcome guests.

Some manage to organize it in a large hallway sleeping area, retractable during the day into a wall or closet. An extraordinary approach helps large families solve the problem of lack of square footage for each person.

Design of a hallway with a storage room converted into a dressing room

In some corridors, storage rooms are located in the old fashioned way. Modern people no longer store car tires and jars of pickles there. They prefer to equip them as separate dressing rooms.

This solution allows you not to install it in the hallway independent wardrobe. And since the depth of such a pantry can be impressive, out-of-season items, boxes of shoes and any other accessories are placed in it.

A mirror in the doors of a former storage room will help transform it into a wardrobe. In addition, its doors can be disguised as the overall interior of the walls. And then every centimeter of the hallway will remain free for other interior solutions.

You can also install lighting in the former pantry to make choosing clothes as easy and pleasant as possible. Her interior decoration It’s worth making it look like the exterior decor of the hallway. This way the corridor will acquire the most stylish and fashionable look.

The design of the hallway in a typical house is as complex as the design of the house area. It seems that a small space at the front door is quite easy to organize. But this statement is false, because the hallway is what guests see when entering the house, so it should be simply magnificent.