With the help of which you can determine the effect of watering on plant life. Watering plants in an orchard in the south of our country

Greetings, dear blog friends. In many areas of the south of our country, with the exception of a few locations with high soil and air humidity, the main importance in the life of fruit crops is watering the plants or so-called irrigation.

Certainly, fruit crops It can be grown without irrigation, but it is precisely this that accelerates the increase in yield.

  • Abundance of solar heat and light during the growing season,
  • strong heating of air and soil during the daytime in summer,
  • dry winds,
  • frequent dry periods with a sharp deficit of moisture in the soil,
  • relatively low air humidity

all this creates conditions under which regular and timely irrigation is of great and often decisive importance for the normal growth and fruiting of fruit plants. Its effect replenishes, improving its properties and increasing its fertility.

Watering garden crops, as well as feeding with fertilizers is the key to favorable growth, development and fruiting, because soil moisture is the only natural source of water for plants. The amount of water in different types of soil is not the same, so it is necessary to maintain a certain humidity regime, taking into account the ratio of water and air in the soil.

The more water there is in the soil, the less air (oxygen and carbon dioxide) it contains, but they are equally necessary for any plant.

In addition, all fruit plants during the growing season dry out the soil quite strongly, sometimes to the point of wilting, so a lack of moisture in the soil leads to:

  • to inhibit plant growth,
  • reducing their productivity and frost resistance,
  • to the inability to apply higher rates of fertilizers, especially mineral ones,

without which it is difficult to increase the productivity of gardens and achieve annual fruiting of late-ripening varieties of pome crops. Therefore, the timing and norms of irrigation should be strictly observed.

Timing and norms of watering plants

The drying out of the soil and the amount of moisture in it is affected by the density of plantings of fruit trees in the rows of the garden, maintaining a rational consumption of moisture in it, therefore the timing and norms of watering in the south are given Special attention.

Since the main goal of irrigating fruit plants is to create favorable moisture conditions and prevent a critical decrease in humidity, therefore the most important indicator of the irrigation period is the condition of the garden soil, or rather its water regime.

That is, it is necessary to water the garden after soil moisture has been controlled.

It is impossible to plan the timing of watering in advance, so they are determined purely practically - visually and approximately, giving an estimate of the amount of moisture contained in the soil.

To do this, take a little soil in your hand and squeeze it into a lump; when falling to the ground from a small height, it should not crumble into lumps. If the lump crumbles, then this soil needs watering.
Before you start watering fruit crops, you should analyze such indicators as:

  1. tree planting density,
  2. their age, productivity and appearance,
  3. soil conditions - type and content,
  4. weather or meteorological conditions,
  5. and many other indicators.

In this case, the most important thing is not the amount of watering, but the creation of the most favorable soil moisture regime. Garden irrigation is carried out taking into account the composition and structure of the soil, its water-chemical properties and mechanical composition.

Wilting of plants indicates that they need watering, as they are experiencing an acute lack of moisture, which indicates that the next watering period has been missed.
Watering is carried out at the beginning of the growing season of the plant and at the end of its dormant period, which is why they are called vegetative and moisture-storing.

Watering plants has a beneficial effect on the quality and size of the fruit. Two to three weeks before harvesting, irrigation must be stopped, otherwise the quality of the crop will decrease.

Soil moisture affects not only the duration of leaf photosynthesis, but also the active growth and maintenance of the root system in active state, increasing the frost resistance of fruit crops.

So, the first watering should be carried out during the period when shoot growth ends: late June - early July. However, if you collect and stack snow near tree trunks, you can skip early spring watering.

The second watering may be shifted due to the moisture reserves in the soil obtained from rainfall, but it should be carried out 3-4 weeks from the first, this is the beginning of August, when the best conditions are created for filling juicy fruits and harvesting. favorable conditions.

The third irrigation is carried out already in September; it is necessary for filling winter crops. fruit varieties and autumn preparation of trees for winter. Sometimes this watering is not required at all, since at this time the plants’ need for water decreases.

Pre-winter irrigation, or also called moisture-recharging irrigation, is carried out already in October in dry autumn, when the soil is very dry. This watering:

  • improves water content of fruit plant tissues,
  • increases the flow of heat to them,
  • increases the heat capacity of the soil,
  • improves conditions for overwintering plants.

Watering of southern fruit crops is carried out in tree trunk circles using irrigation equipment, which receives water from nearby and artificially created small sources - these are, as a rule, small ponds and lakes.
The watering norm is the amount required water for soil moisture per unit area of ​​the site, which depends on factors such as:

  • physical soil moisture,
  • climatic conditions,
  • tree species and varieties,
  • age and yield of crops,
  • power of the root system.

Irrigation of gardens is carried out with a certain regularity, and not from time to time, alternating abundant watering with drying, which has a detrimental effect on the plants.

Many garden plants are better off without any irrigation at all, rather than having irregular watering. With sudden changes in humidity in plants, physical and biochemical processes are disrupted, so in these cases irrigation does not bring sufficient effect.

Under conditions of constant lack of moisture in the soil, plants adapt to these conditions and reduce the consumption of moisture through evaporation.
Without a properly organized watering regime, a garden can, of course, grow, but intensive gardening requires regular irrigation, as it produces high and stable yields every year.

The role of water and methods of watering garden plants

The plant body cannot function normally without a certain amount and composition of water in it, where it is contained evenly in all its parts:

  1. roots and fruits,
  2. branches and leaves,
  3. bark and wood.

The amount of this life-giving moisture in the tissues and organs of the plant varies from year to year and varies depending on the variety of fruit crop and meteorological conditions.

If the year is cold and wet, then there will be more water in the plant, and vice versa, if the year is hot and dry, then there will be less water in the plant.

If there is too little water in the cells of a plant, its root and above-ground parts, then irreversible processes occur in them in which no watering, even increased watering, can save it from death.

Lack of moisture manifests itself both in the root system of the plant and in its above-ground parts. High biological adaptability and survival of plant roots is very important in mountain climates - sharp and frequent changes in soil moisture that regulate the water regime.

At the same time, trees cannot produce a high yield. The growth of roots and shoots stops, leaves wither and fall off, and fruit growth slows down.

Excess moisture in the soil brings more more harm fruit crops, since waterlogging creates unfavorable air conditions for fruit plants, which leads to the death of trees.
Signs of waterlogging that appears fairly quickly are:

  • premature yellowing and falling of leaves,
  • reduction in fruit size and quality.

The main methods of irrigating garden crops include:

  1. surface or sprinkler, where water penetrates the soil by pouring from top to bottom,
  2. underground or subsoil, where soil moisture comes from bottom to top.

Watering by pouring tree-trunk bowls, although often used by amateur gardeners, is not entirely perfect, since it is done manually with a lack of water supply.

This method of watering, although convenient because it saves life-giving moisture into the very roots of plants, is only suitable for young plants with a small root system.

Among other things, this method of irrigation greatly compacts and erodes the soil, where it is difficult for air to penetrate, and this significantly reduces the vital activity of the soil microflora, and with it mineral nutrition trees.
Irrigation by flooding along the furrows is considered the best and correct, since the water here flows slowly, not allowing rapid movement, and at the end the adjacent furrows are connected, evenly distributing the resulting amount of moisture.

Mechanism of moisture absorption by plants

The large branching of the roots of garden crops and good soil contact with it contributes to the greatest absorption of moisture by the absorbing root hairs of plants, which are several times greater than the total surface of the leaf apparatus.

Each root of the plant works as a continuous pump, pumping out droplets of moisture from the soil, which move along the trunk in a volume of 10-15 liters of liquid daily to the above-ground part of the plant.

Not only the main force of the roots of the plant extracts moisture from the soil, but also the evaporating force of the leaves draws it through the small vessels of the wood from the roots, where the annual rings of the wood have the best water supply.

The drawing out of soil moisture and the growth of the plant's absorbent roots eventually dry out the soil, and if it is not sufficiently moistened, then a time comes when the plant is no longer able to absorb moisture.

The growth of roots stops, and the evaporation of water by the leaves weakens; due to a lack of moisture, the growth of shoots also fades, the intensity of photosynthesis decreases, and the productivity of the plant decreases. The fruits become smaller, not reaching their standard size, and those that are available crumble, losing taste qualities and longevity of storage.

Gardens of the southern zone of Russia

The most productive gardens in Russia are located in the valleys of the Don and Volga, Kuban and Terek, Koisu and Samur in Dagestan, and many rivers in the Crimea, where light alluvial soils and an abundance of water for irrigation with high insolation (illumination) create optimal conditions for growth, fruiting and longevity of trees.
Even on the fertile black soils of the Kuban and the southwest of the Rostov region, without irrigation it is impossible to obtain the same results as with irrigation, which has been proven by the experience of the Krasny Sad and Sad-Giant state farms.

It is characteristic that a large annual amount of precipitation, for example, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, does not guarantee against moisture deficiency in the soil in summer and autumn.

All this indicates that in the southern zone it is necessary to give preference land plots, which can be provided immediately or in the future fresh water for irrigation.

Sources of water for watering gardens can be nearby:

  • Rivers and lakes,
  • ponds and wells,
  • boreholes and treated wastewater from populated areas

provided they are completely harmless in terms of salt composition.
However, one should not think that fruit growing in the south is impossible without irrigation. In dry conditions, gardens grow and bear fruit without watering, but irregularly and produce yields significantly lower than those that are irrigated. In addition, in rain-fed conditions, that is, without irrigation, they are less durable.

There are many known methods for accumulating and saving moisture in the soil; they are successfully used in well-organized farms.

But in addition to them, artificial irrigation is certainly useful, especially in combination with mineral fertilizer, which is most effective only with sufficient soil moisture. That is why, when selecting plots for a garden, special attention should be paid to the issue of organizing irrigation.

And that's all for today. I hope you liked my article about the importance of irrigating horticultural crops in the south of our country. Maybe you have had to do some watering too. garden plants, write about it in your comment, I will be interested to read about it. Now let me say goodbye to you and see you again.

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The effect of water on the plant

Water - component organism of fruit and berry plants and most important factor their life activity, growth and development.
Without water, plant life is impossible. It is included in all fabrics. At
under optimal conditions, leaves and shoots contain up to 75, roots - up to 85,
and fruits contain up to 90% water, so fruit trees, especially in fruit-bearing
age, require a significant amount of water. Water dissolves minerals
nutrients and carries them to all parts of the plant, participates in the synthesis of organic substances in the leaves, regulates the thermal regime of plants, participates in the construction and functioning of tissues, maintains the necessary turgor (pressure) in cells, regulates the exchange of nutrients between aboveground
and underground parts of plants. Fruit plants of various types and varieties
have different rates of moisture evaporation and water requirements. More
Plum, apple, pear, and cherry trees are demanding of water; less demanding -
cherry, apricot, peach, almond. Mature trees use up water through their leaves.
more than young people. For its own sake it grows and I consume fruit crops
a certain amount of moisture. In the USA it has been established that irrigation of gardens can be
do not produce if more than 600 mm of precipitation falls per year. Useful action
precipitation, especially in summer, affects fruit plants only if
if they fall out frequently and in significant quantities in moisture-intensive soils,
capable long time retain moisture" When a small amount of rain falls, the moisture quickly evaporates, bringing very little benefit
plants, Therefore, frequent surface watering with a small amount of water does not give positive results. Dense water evaporates more strongly
clayey soils, less sandy ones, but they do not retain it well. To conserve moisture, it is necessary to destroy and keep the soil in a loose state.
For normal development fruit and berry plants there must be in the soil
a certain amount of moisture 40-70%. The lighter the soil, the more you need
saturate it with moisture ( sandy soils), the heavier the soil, the less, since
with excess moisture on heavy clay soils access may be terminated
air to the roots.
In order to retain moisture in the soil after watering or heavy rainfall.
sediments are loosened" Double loosening is equal in its force of action,
to one-time watering,
In addition to loosening, it is useful to shade (mulch) the soil
humus, mown grass, roofing felt. By creating the best conditions for moisture conservation in the soil, it is possible to do without irrigation in the mountainous zone of the Alma-Ata region
in the garden.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary School No. 91"


The effect of watering on seed germination and plant growth

Performed by: Alisa Lobozova, Sofia Konoplina,

Solopova Daria

Head: Demeneva G.V., biology teacher

Novokuznetsk, 2017



Watercress – description……………………………………………………...3

Watering plants…………………………………………………………….3

Water in the soil………………………………………………………………..4

Irrigation water……………………………………………………………...4

How and when to water………………………………………………………5

Experimental part……………………………………………………6

Results of the study……………………………………………………………… ……..6





Every spring, our parents and I plant seedlings. It grows differently for everyone, but many don’t even know that watering plays a big role in seed germination and plant growth.

Just imagine, you water the seeds with ordinary water, when for faster growth you need to water, say, water with fertilizers. We decided to research which liquids are best for watering seeds and seedlings.

Purpose of the work: to find out how different liquids affect seed germination and growth


1. Find out information about watercress and watering plants.

2. Determine what is the best liquid to water seeds and plants.

3. Observe the germination of seeds.

Research methods: search, analysis and systematization of information on the effect of irrigation on seed germination using the example of watercress

Subject of research: watercress and irrigation liquids: tap water, mineral water, sparkling water and water with mineral fertilizers

Watercress - description

Watercress - a representative of the genus Klopovnik, an annual vegetable plant that is widely used in cooking and medicine. Watercress has a thin stem with many green leaves. Lettuce flowers come in white or pale purple shades. Young leaves of watercress are eaten; the stem of the plant should be white.

The height of watercress reaches from 30 to 60 cm. Its root is simple, the stems and leaves are bare, bluish-green. The fruit is a pod. Watercress blooms in June or July. It can be grown not only in open ground, but also in the apartment. Homemade watercress is not a capricious plant. This is the most convenient and unpretentious green crop for an indoor garden.

Watering plants

The most common mistake isThiswater the seeds after planting. It is necessary to water the soil in which the seeds are planted and sprinkle with dry soil. If there is a need for additional moisture, you can use a spray bottle. If you water from above, then the water draws the seeds into the soil, and they take a long time to germinate or do not germinate at all.It's better to underfill than overfill.

Excess water will cause the roots to rot and the plant will die. After the roots have grown stronger and entwined the container, you can pour it a little, as the roots will absorb the water more strongly.It is better to water when the soil is dry, but not parched.

Any plant consists mainly of water. The plant also needs water for the absorption of other nutrients, as well as for transportation. organic compounds, formed in the plant itself.
You can’t do without an ordinary watering can in the garden. The shape of the sprinkler and the size of the holes are important for quality watering.

Since it is often natural sources If there is not enough water, and precipitation is distributed unevenly throughout the year, we try to help the soil retain as much moisture as possible. This is achieved by digging up the site in autumn, retaining snow and even removing snow in winter, loosening the soil during the growing season of cultivated plants, increasing the humus content in the soil with the help of organic fertilizers, terracing of garden areas lying on too steep slopes.

Water in the soil

One of the most important functions of soil is its ability to provide the root system of plants with sufficient water available to it.
Various devices should facilitate watering, provide plants with sufficient moisture and improve the microclimate.

Soil permeability is of great importance for plants. If it is small, then precipitation penetrates only into the very upper layer, saturate and swamp it. The water then quickly evaporates, causing the surface to harden and crack. And too much water permeability of the soil leads to the fact that moisture quickly goes deeper, where the roots of the plants can no longer reach. Therefore, the gardener’s task is to achieve average water permeability through suitable reclamation, which ensures uniform moistening of the entire root zone.

Irrigation water

Water for irrigation should be clean, free of turbidity and odor, low in salts, neutral or slightly acidic. The quality of irrigation water is largely determined by its source. Depending on this, we can divide such water into four groups: rain, tap, well and spring, river and lake.

Rainwater has always been considered the best for watering plants and in most cases remains so to this day. It is usually soft and has a slightly acidic reaction. Its advantage is its high content of dissolved oxygen (about ten times more than in well water). So collecting rainwater should not be considered a relic, but a very reasonable crop-growing measure.

A stream of finely sprayed water has time to warm up in the air, so that when it hits the plants, it is already at the ideal temperature

Tap water undergoes special treatment, it is cleared of debris, harmful substances and made drinkable. It is also suitable for watering if it does not contain too many minerals. A temporary hindrance to its use may be the higher content of chlorine in it, but it evaporates relatively quickly.

Well water, like spring water, is usually characterized by a high content of minerals. It is formed mainly from rain and snow water, which, penetrating into the subsoil layers, dissolves chemical compounds contained in soil and rocks. If the content of minerals in well water, which is mostly raw potassium salts, exceeds the limit of one gram per liter, then such water is already considered mineral. It may be harmless to humans, but unsuitable for watering plants.

Water from rivers and reservoirs, along with ordinary mineral salts, may also contain various impurities dangerous to plants. These are mainly mineral oils, modern cleaning and detergents, garbage and waste from various industrial and agricultural enterprises.

How and when to water

Proper watering of plants is a kind of art. Proper hydration benefits plants, but improper hydration can cause harm, not to mention the fact that in the latter case water is wasted.

When watering, the rule should apply: the soil must be moistened so that water reaches the roots of the plants, i.e., so that the watering is sufficient. Just wet the surface of the earth does not make any sense. Of course, the watering rate depends on the type of plant and the depth at which their roots are located.

The main mass of the roots of fruit trees is located at a depth of 30-60 cm. Therefore, it is better to water them less often, but abundantly. At least five watering cans of water should be given to one tree at the age of full fruiting. Most of all, a fruit tree needs water during bud break, then after flowering - when new shoots grow, and when flower buds differentiate. Abundant watering later, in August, may already have an adverse effect on the continuation of the growing season, and thereby on the ripening of wood, although watering immediately before harvesting can also be beneficial.

Simple and economical way moistening strawberry plantings, the so-called drip irrigation, which makes it possible to provide comparatively large areas with very little water consumption.

Vegetables should be handled differently. On sunny days, cabbage, rutabaga, and kohlrabi should be watered daily, best by spraying. Heat-loving vegetables - cucumbers and tomatoes - also need to be watered every day, but never resort to spraying, but direct the stream of water only to the root. It’s even better to make a hole or groove next to these plants and pour water there. Bulbous crops are watered only during periods of prolonged drought, and the rest of the time they do without additional moisture, just like root vegetables - carrots and parsley. However, celery loves moisture very much; it can almost be watered all the time. All young plants require regular watering after transplanting them into the ground. All crops also need it.

experimental part


    Boxes for soil

    Cress lettuce seeds

    Tap water

    Sparkling water

    Mineral water

    Water with fertilizers

Experiment time - 7 days.

First, we took 10 watercress seeds and planted them in each container.

Research results



Water with fertilizers

Sparkling water












Conclusion: On April 10, 2017, we began observations and planted 10 seeds in four boxes with soil. The project lasted 7 days. On April 17, 2017, we finished observing watercress. We watered the plant seeds once a day. On the 4th day of observing watercress, we discovered that 7 out of 10 sprouts sprouted in the soil that we watered with water and fertilizer. On the 5th day of observation, 1 out of 10 sprouts sprouted in the ground that we watered with mineral water, 3 out of 10 sprouts sprouted in the ground that we watered with regular water, and nothing sprouted in the ground that we watered with Mojito sparkling water. On the 6th day, we discovered that in the ground that we watered with water with fertilizer, 9 out of 10 sprouts sprouted, in the ground that was watered with mineral water, 7 out of 10 sprouts sprouted, in the ground that was watered with ordinary water, 5 out of 10 sprouts sprouted, and in the ground that was watered nothing came up with Mojito sparkling water. On the last day of the experiment, 10 out of 10 sprouts sprouted in the ground that we watered with water with fertilizer, 8 out of 10 sprouts sprouted in the ground that was watered with mineral water, 5 out of 10 sprouts sprouted in the ground that was watered with regular water, and in the ground that we watered with sparkling water "Mojito" didn't come up.

After observing the watercress, we came to the conclusion that it is better to water the seeds and plants with water with fertilizer; you can also water with mineral and ordinary water. But it is best to water with water and fertilizer.


Based on the information collected and our research, we came to the conclusion that it is best to water the seeds and plants:

1. water with fertilizer;

2. mineral water;

3. plain water.

Because these liquids promote plant growth better.

While doing this work, we gained a lot of experience and an unusually lot of emotions! We thought it was easy to work in a group, but it's not that easy. Of course, there were a lot of disputes; in this project it was necessary to listen to other people’s opinions, and more often than not, I had to agree with them. And of course, the topic we chose was much more difficult than in 4th grade. Despite all the obstacles, we made, in our opinion, a very good project.V.V.Beekeeper. Moscow, "Drofa" ,2015.


Photo 1. seeds

Photo 2. Boxes with soil

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

1. Introduction.

Why do you need to water indoor plants at all? Why does a plant need water? Weird question. Any living organism needs water, it is a universal solvent, it is with water that all substances move, and various reactions occur related to the production and use of energy, both in animals and plants.

Water is necessary for the life of any plant. It makes up 70-95% of the plant's wet body weight. In plants, all life processes occur using water. Metabolism in plant organism occurs only with sufficient water. With water, mineral salts from the soil enter the plant. It ensures a continuous flow of nutrients through the conductive system. Without water, seeds cannot germinate and there will be no photosynthesis in green leaves. Water in the form of solutions that fill the cells and tissues of the plant provides it with elasticity and preservation of a certain shape. Absorption of water from external environment- a prerequisite for the existence of a plant organism.

Goal of the work:

To experimentally test the effect of water from various sources on plant germination.


1. Analyze the literature on this study.

2. Find out how water affects plants.

3. To find out experimentally whether all water is beneficial to plants.

2.Which water is better for plants

It's no secret that the successful growth of our flowers is largely due to the composition of the water used for irrigation.

First, we studied the literature, which gave recommendations for caring for plants (in particular, watering).

Most plants would prefer rainwater. They are used to it; all plants in nature are watered with it. But if we live in a city, using rainwater or water from melted snow is very problematic. It may contain elements that our green friends will not like at all.

For every gardener, one of the most important issues in plant care is the quality of water used for irrigation. Naturally, the very first rule that every plant lover knows is that water for irrigation must be settled. , at least within 24 hours. This is necessary so that all the chlorine, which is generously supplied with tap water for disinfection, evaporates from it, and other substances settle.

However, another problem with water in our water supply systems is hardness. . If you constantly water your plants with hard water, a white crust may form on the surface of the soil. It does not pose any harm in itself, but there are many plants that require extremely soft water.

Hardness is an increased content of calcium and magnesium salts in water. They accumulate in water when it passes through rocks: limestone, chalk, dolomite, gypsum. At the same time, as you know from a school chemistry course, hardness can be temporary or permanent. Temporary hardness is associated with calcium and magnesium carbonate salts. It is temporary because when boiled these same carbonates very easily decompose into carbon dioxide, which goes into the air, and calcium and magnesium itself, which settle on the walls of teapots in the form of scale. But constant hardness is more difficult to deal with; it is caused by sulfates and other salts of calcium and magnesium, and getting rid of it is not so easy.

I would like to immediately note that it is better not to use distilled water for irrigation, because... it does not contain any macro- and microelements at all, which is also very harmful for plants.

However, an excess of salts will not benefit home flowers. Some gardeners like to water their flowers with mineral water. However, let's think about whether excess salts are really useful for plants.

In fact, the constant introduction of increased concentrations of salts into the soil, both with water and with fertilizers, significantly worsens the condition of flowers. It is for all the above reasons that watering plants with soft water is so important, not only for those flowers that prefer “acidic” soils, but also for other plants. One way or another, the basis normal condition The plant is still served by high-quality settled soft water, which is best absorbed by the plant and ensures its optimal growth.

3. Practical part.

3.1.Experimental conditions

To see in practice how water affects living organisms - in particular plants, we decided to conduct an experiment and find out whether it is true that water taken from different sources will have different effects on plant life. For the experiment we took 9 different types of water:

1. Mineral water, 2. Spring water, 3. Snow water, 4. Boiled water,

5. Tap water, 6. Evil water (water that was spoken with evil words), 7. Good water (water that was spoken with kind words)

8.Water with potassium permanganate, 9.Settled tap water


See Appendix 1.

In 24 days, once planted marigold seeds gave different result. The marigolds grew the largest and strongest, under No. 1 (mineral water). Marigolds under No. 2 - (spring water) are inferior in size. Smaller in size No. 5- (tap water), but the leaves of these marigolds do not have natural shape they are curled and wrinkled. Marigolds No. 8 - (water with potassium permanganate) look healthy, but small size and not all of them have real leaves. Marigolds No. 7 - (good water), similar to marigolds No. 8, also strong, but small in size. Marigolds No. 6 (evil water) are small in size and real leaves are just beginning to appear. Marigolds number 3 (snow water), the same as marigolds number 6 (evil water). Marigolds No. 9 - (settled water), oddly enough, but the plant is weak, there are no real leaves, many of them have died. The smallest marigolds are number 4- (boiled water): they have only cotyledon leaves.

3.3. Changed the conditions

No. 4, No. 9 began to be watered with mineral water.

See Appendix 2

4.Some properties of the water used

During the experiment, they became interested in the water that was used to water the plants. We found out the composition and some properties of the water used. Here's what we found out:

1) Permanganate(lat. Kaliipermanganas) - potassium permanganate, potassium salt of permanganic acid. Chemical formula — .

It is produced in powder (small crystals) with an unlimited shelf life. A fresh solution of potassium permanganate has strong oxidizing activity. Permanganate consists of potassium and manganese.

The effect of potassium on plants. Potassium is very important for plants, as it has the important ability to increase the turgor of plant cells and thereby act as a regulator of the plant’s water balance. During dry periods, plants well supplied with potassium can more effectively limit transpiration and make better use of available soil water. In addition, potassium as a plant nutrient activates numerous enzymes and is essential for the formation of aromatic substances and carbohydrates. The high potassium content in cell vacuoles increases their frost resistance.

The effect of manganese on the plant. Manganese accelerates growth, improves flowering and fruiting of plants. If there is a shortage of it, the yield drops sharply. With its acute deficiency, cases of complete absence of fruiting are observed.

2) « Karachi water» - medicinal table mineral water. Mined in Chanovsky district Novosibirsk region. Type - sodium chloride-bicarbonate.

Chemical composition: Total mineralization 2.0 - 3.0 g/dm³.

    • Hydrocarbonates HCO 3 − — 800–1100

      Sulfates SO 4 2− - 150-250

      Chlorides Cl − — 300–600

      Magnesium Mg 2+ - less than 50

      Calcium Ca 2+ - less than 25

      Sodium + potassium (Na + + K +) - 500-800

3)Spring water

Spring water is groundwater and underground water that has access to the surface. Making its way to the surface, spring water passes through layers of gravel and sand, which provides it with natural filtration. With such purification, water does not lose its healing properties and does not change its structure and hydrochemical composition.

4) Drinking water- this is water suitable for internal consumption, meeting established standards quality. If the water does not meet the standards, it is purified and disinfected. Water purification and disinfection is carried out by various means, filters made of porous substances (coal, baked clay) are used; chlorine, etc. Since chlorine is used for disinfection in Tashtagol, we decided to look at its effect on plants in the literature.

5) Chlorine exists as a gas or dissolved in water, such as in disinfectants, and is not used in fertilizers. Although chlorine is classified as a trace element, plants can only take in chlorine as secondary elements such as sulfur, but chlorine plays a large role in plant growth and is essential for many processes.

5. Conclusion.

After an experiment carried out on marigolds, we found out:

    How different kinds water affects plant growth.

    Thanks to the data found, we learned the real composition of water

The plants number 1 (mineral water) turned out to be the best; they grew very long and strong. The difference with other flowers is about 17 cm.

Most likely this happened because “Karachinskaya” contains many inorganic substances necessary for the full development of the plant.

Plants number 4 (boiled water) developed the worst. This is due to the fact that boiled water does not contain any useful elements, since under the influence high temperature useful material collapsed.

After the work, we decided to find out how the plants would behave under the same conditions. After planting the plants on regular soil, their size did not change and the marigolds, which were not large, bloomed much later than the others. Thus, we came to the conclusion that the influence of water that is watered on plants from the moment of germination has a significant impact on the further life of the plants.


    Alekseev S.V. Ecology: Tutorial for students in grades 10-11. St. Petersburg: SMIO Press, 1999.

    Alekseev S.V., Gruzdeva N.V., Muravyova A.G., Gushchina E.V. Workshop on ecology: Textbook / ed. S.V. Alekseeva. - M.: JSC MDS, 1996.

    Kudryavtsev D.B., Petrenko N.A. K88 How to pick flowers: Book. For students.-M.: Education, 1993.-176 pp.: ill.-ISBN 5-09-003983-6

4. Losev K.S. Water .- L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1989, 272 p.

6. Application.





























































cotyledon leaves

for everyone

for everyone















cotyledon leaves















cotyledon leaves















cotyledon leaves



cotyledon leaves






2-3.5 cm

2.3-4.8 cm.







cotyledon leaves



cotyledon leaves


6-12.2 cm









cotyledon leaves



cotyledon leaves







cotyledon leaves





cotyledon leaves



cotyledon leaves






cotyledon leaves



cotyledon leaves












cotyledon leaves












Plants were sown.

Marigold seeds

First shoots

Observing Plant Differences

Planted in open ground

Size difference

We offer you test tasks with one answer option out of four possible. Select the correct answers and enter their indexes into the answer matrix.

1. Biology is the science that studies

a) the structure of objects of living and inanimate nature

b) interaction of objects of living and inanimate nature

c) life in all its manifestations (true)

d) rational ways of using natural resources

2. The area of ​​distribution of life on our planet is the shell of the Earth, which is called

a) the atmosphere

b) hydrosphere

c) lithosphere

d) biosphere (true)

3. The smallest structural and functional unit of living things, outside of which it is impossible to realize the basic life properties, is

b) molecule

c) cage (true)

d) biosphere

d) kingdom (faithful)

5. Of the listed kingdoms of living organisms, humans are usually classified as

a) bacteria

b) mushrooms

c) plants

d) animals (true)

6. Of the listed life properties, found in inanimate nature

a) food

b) breathing

c) height (true)

d) reproduction (self-reproduction)

7. Main sign allowing to distinguish living from non-living

a) metabolism and energy conversion (correct)

b) shape and color of the object

c) destruction of an object under the influence of the environment

d) change in body size and weight

8. For living objects of nature, in contrast to bodies of inanimate nature, it is characteristic

a) breathing (true)

b) weight loss

c) movement in space

d) dissolution of substances in water

9. To study and identify seasonal changes in nature, use the following method

a) observation (true)

b) experiment

c) measurement

d) comparison

10. The effect of watering on plant life can be determined using

a) measurements

b) experiment (correct)

c) artificial selection

d) microscope

11. Human living environment

a) water

b) ground-air (correct)

c) soil

d) the internal environment of another organism

Personal result

Biology is the science that studies
2. The area of ​​distribution of life on our planet is the shell of the Earth, which is called
3. The smallest structural and functional unit of living things, outside of which it is impossible to realize the basic life properties, is
4. The largest systematic category (unit) of the organic world
5. Of the listed kingdoms of living organisms, humans are usually classified as
6. Of the listed life properties, found in inanimate nature
7. The main feature that allows you to distinguish living from non-living
8. For living objects of nature, in contrast to bodies of inanimate nature, it is characteristic
9. To study and identify seasonal changes in nature, use the following method
10. The effect of watering on plant life can be determined using
11. Human living environment

Experiments on the surrounding world with plants. Let's prove that... Let's find out which environment is the most favorable and much more... I advise you to create an observation diary in which you will write down or sketch your observations...

Target: highlight the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat).

Equipment: two identical plants (balsam), water.

Progress of the experiment: Let's find out why plants cannot live without water (the plant will wither, the leaves will dry out, there is water in the leaves); what will happen if one plant is watered and the other is not (without watering the plant will dry out, turn yellow, the leaves and stem will lose their elasticity, etc.)?

You will sketch the results of monitoring the condition of the plants depending on watering within one week. Let's do conclusion….. Yes, plants cannot live without water.

In the light and in the dark

Target: identify environmental factors necessary for plant growth and development.

Equipment: onion, strong cardboard box, two containers with soil.

Progress of the experiment: Let's find out, by growing onions, whether light is needed for plant life. We cover part of the onion with a cap made of thick dark cardboard. We sketch the result of the experiment after 7-10 days (the onion under the hood became light). We remove the cap. After 7-10 days, we sketch the result again (the onion turns green in the light, which means photosynthesis (nutrition) occurs in it).

In the warm and in the cold

Target: highlight favorable conditions for plant growth and development.

Equipment: winter or spring tree branches, coltsfoot rhizome along with part of the soil, flowers from a flower bed with part of the soil (autumn); model of plant dependence on heat.

Progress of the experiment: Why are there no leaves on the branches outside? (it’s cold outside, the trees are “sleeping”). I suggest bringing branches into the room. We observe changes in the buds (buds increase in size, burst), the appearance of leaves, their growth, compare them with branches on the street (branches without leaves), sketch them.

Conclusion: Plants need warmth to live and grow.

How can you see the first spring flowers as soon as possible? (bring them indoors to make them warm). Dig up the rhizome of the coltsfoot with part of the soil, move it indoors, observe the time of appearance of flowers indoors and outdoors (flowers appear indoors after 4-5 days, outdoors after one to two weeks). Conclusion: cold - plants grow slowly, warm - plants grow quickly.

How to extend summer for flowers? (enter flowering plants from the flowerbed to the room, digging up the roots of plants from big lump ground so as not to damage them). Observe the change in flowers indoors and in the flowerbed (in the flowerbed the flowers have withered, frozen, died; indoors they continue to bloom).

Who is better?


Equipment: two identical cuttings, a container of water, a pot of soil, plant care items.

Progress of the experiment: Determine whether plants can live long without soil? (can not); Where do they grow better - in water or in soil?

Place the geranium cuttings in different containers - with water, soil. Watch them until the first new leaf appears;

Conclusion: the first leaf of a plant in the soil appears faster, the plant gains strength better; The plant is weaker in water.

How faster?

Target: highlight favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, justify the dependence of plants on the soil.

Equipment: birch or poplar branches (in spring), water with and without mineral fertilizers.

Progress of the experiment: Determine whether the plants need fertilizer and choose different care for the plants: one - water with regular water, the other - water with fertilizers.

For convenience, mark the containers with different symbols. Observe until the first leaves appear, monitor growth (in fertilized soil the plant is stronger and grows faster).

Conclusion: in rich, fertilized soil the plant is stronger and grows better.

Where is the best place to grow?

Target: establish the need for soil for plant life, the influence of soil quality on the growth and development of plants, identify soils that differ in composition.

Equipment: tradescantia cuttings, black soil, clay with sand

Progress of the experiment: Select soil for planting (chernozem, a mixture of sand and clay). Plant two identical Tradescantia cuttings in different soil. Observe the growth of the cuttings with the same care for 2-3 weeks (the plant does not grow in clay, the plant does well in black soil). Transplant the cuttings from the sand-clay mixture into black soil. After two weeks, note the result of the experiment (the plants show good growth).

Why do flowers wither in autumn?

Target: establish the dependence of plant growth on temperature and amount of moisture.

Equipment: pot with an adult plant; a curved glass tube inserted into a 3 cm long rubber tube corresponding to the diameter of the plant stem; transparent container.

Progress of the experiment: Before watering, measure the water temperature (the water is warm), water the stump remaining from the stem, onto which a rubber tube with a glass tube inserted and secured is first placed. Watch the water flow out of the glass tube. Cool the water with snow, measure the temperature (it has become colder), pour it - water does not flow into the tube.

Conclusion: In autumn, the flowers wither, although there is a lot of water, since the roots do not absorb cold water.

What then?

Target: systematize knowledge about the development cycles of all plants.

Equipment: seeds of herbs, vegetables, flowers, plant care items.

Progress of the experiment: What do the seeds turn into? Grow the plants throughout the summer, noting any changes as they develop. After collecting the fruits, compare your sketches and make general scheme for all plants using symbols, reflecting the main stages of plant development: seed - sprout - mature plant- flower - fruit.

What's in the soil?

Target: establish the dependence of factors of inanimate nature on living nature (soil fertility on plant rotting).

Equipment: a lump of earth, a metal (thin plate) plate, an alcohol lamp, the remains of dry leaves, a magnifying glass, tweezers.

Progress of the experiment: Consider forest soil and site soil. Using a magnifying glass, determine where the soil is (there is a lot of humus in the forest). Find out in what soil plants grow best and why? (there are more plants in the forest, there is more food for them in the soil).

Together with an adult (!) Burn the forest soil in a metal plate, pay attention to the smell when burning. Try burning a dry leaf. Define what makes soil rich? (there is a lot of rotted leaves in the forest soil). Discuss the composition of the city's soil. How do you know if she is rich? Examine it with a magnifying glass and burn it on a plate.

What's under our feet?

Target: bring children to understand that soil has different composition.

Equipment: soil, magnifying glass, alcohol lamp, metal plate, glass, transparent container (glass), spoon or stirring stick.

Progress of the experiment: Examine the soil, find plant remains in it. Have an adult heat the soil in a metal plate over an alcohol lamp, holding the glass over the soil. Find out why the glass fogged up? (there is water in the soil). Continue heating the soil, try to determine by the smell of smoke what is in the soil? (nutrients: leaves, insect parts). Then heat the soil until the smoke disappears. Find out what color it is? (light), what disappeared from it? (moisture, organic matter). Pour the soil into a glass of water and stir. After soil particles settle in the water, examine the sediment (sand, clay). Why doesn't anything grow in the forest where the fires are? (all nutrients burn out, the soil becomes poor).

Where is it longer?

Target: find out the reason for the retention of moisture in the soil.

Equipment: pots with plants.

Progress of the experiment: Water the soil in two equal-sized pots equal amount water, place one pot in the sun, the other in the shade. Explain why the soil in one pot is dry and the soil in the other is wet (water evaporated in the sun, but not in the shade). Solve the problem: it rained over the meadow and forest; Where will the soil stay wet longer and why? (in the forest the ground will remain wet longer than in the meadow, since there is more shade and less sun).

Is there enough light?

Target: identify the reason why there are few plants in the water.

Equipment: flashlight, transparent container with water.

Progress of the experiment: Pay attention to indoor plants located near the window. Where do plants grow better - near the window or away from it, why? (those plants that are closer to the window receive more light). Examine the plants in the aquarium (pond), determine whether the plants will grow at great depths of water bodies? (no, light doesn’t pass through water well). To prove it, illuminate the water with a flashlight and find out where the plants are best? (closer to the surface of the water).

Where will plants get water faster?

Target: identify ability different soils let water through.

Equipment: funnels, glass rods, a transparent container, water, cotton wool, soil from the forest and from the path.

Progress of the experiment: Consider the soils: determine where is forest and where is urban. Place cotton wool at the bottom of the funnel, then the soil to be tested, and place the funnel on the container. Measure out the same amount of water for both soils. Slowly pour water into the center of the funnel using a glass rod until water appears in the container. Compare the amount of liquid. Water passes through forest soil faster and is better absorbed.

Conclusion: plants will get drunk faster in the forest than in the city.

Is water good or bad?

Target: select algae from the variety of plants.

Equipment: aquarium, elodea, duckweed, houseplant leaf.

Progress of the experiment: Consider the algae, highlight their features and varieties (they grow entirely in water, on the surface of the water, in the water column and on land). Try changing the plant’s habitat: lower the begonia leaf into the water, lift the elodea to the surface, lower the duckweed into the water. Watch what happens? (elodea dries, begonia rots, duckweed curls its leaf).

Thrifty Plants

Target: Find plants that can grow in the desert, savanna.

Equipment: Plants: ficus, sansevieria, violet, dieffenbachia, magnifying glass, plastic bags.

Progress of the experiment: Prove that there are plants that can live in the desert or savanna. Independently select plants that, in your opinion, should evaporate little water, have long roots, and accumulate moisture. Perform the experiment: put a plastic bag on a leaf, observe the appearance of moisture inside it, compare the behavior of the plants. Conclusion: the leaves of these plants evaporate little moisture.

Why less?

Target: Establish the dependence of the amount of evaporated moisture on the size of the leaves.


Progress of the experiment: Find out which plants can live in the jungle, forest area, savannah.

You may think that plants with large leaves that take up a lot of water can live in the jungle; in the forest - ordinary plants; in the savanna - plants that accumulate moisture. Ok, let's prove it.

Pour the same amount of water into the flasks, place the plants there, mark the water level; After one or two days, note the change in water level. Conclusion: plants with large leaves absorb more water and evaporate more moisture - they can grow in the jungle, where there is a lot of water in the soil, high humidity and hot.

What are the roots of tundra plants?

Target: understand the relationship between the structure of roots and the characteristics of the soil in the tundra.

Equipment: sprouted beans, damp cloth, thermometer, cotton wool in a tall transparent container.

Progress of the experiment: Name the features of the soil in the tundra... Yes, permafrost. Find out what kind of roots must be so that plants can live in frozen conditions. Place the sprouted beans on a thick layer of damp cotton wool, cover with a damp cloth, place on a cold windowsill, and observe the growth of the roots and their direction for a week. Conclusion: in the tundra, roots grow to the sides, parallel to the surface of the earth.

Can a plant breathe?

Target: identify the plant’s need for air, breathing; understand how the respiration process occurs in plants.

Equipment: indoor plant, cocktail straws, Vaseline, magnifying glass.

Progress of the experiment: Do plants breathe, how can you prove that they do? You know that when breathing, air must move in and out of the plant, the breathing process is the same as in humans. So we will conduct the beginning of the experiment on ourselves. Try breathing through a tube yourself first. Then cover the hole in the tube with Vaseline. Now try breathing through this tube. Yes, Vaseline does not allow air to pass through.

Let us hypothesize that plants have very small holes in their leaves through which they breathe. To test this, coat one or both sides of the leaf with Vaseline and observe the leaves daily for a week. Do it in a week conclusion: the leaves “breathe” on their underside, because those leaves that were smeared with Vaseline on the underside died.

How do plants breathe?

Target: determine that all parts of the plant are involved in respiration.

Equipment: a transparent container with water, a leaf on a long petiole or stem, a cocktail tube, a magnifying glass

Progress of the experiment: Find out whether air passes through the leaves into the plant. How do we detect air? examine the cut of the stem through a magnifying glass (there are holes), immerse the stem in water (observe the release of bubbles from the stem). And let’s carry out another “Through a Leaf” experiment in the following sequence:

  1. pour water into the bottle, leaving it 2-3 cm empty;
  2. insert the leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water; tightly cover the hole of the bottle with plasticine, like a cork;
  3. Here, make a hole for the straw and insert it so that the tip does not reach the water, secure the straw with plasticine;
  4. expel the air from the bottle - draw air through the straw.

Air bubbles will begin to emerge from the end of the stem immersed in water. Conclusion: air passes through the leaf into the stem, as air bubbles can be seen releasing into the water.

What gas does a plant produce when exposed to light?

Target: establish that a plant releases oxygen during photosynthesis.

Equipment: a large glass container with an airtight lid, a cutting of a plant in water or a small pot with a plant, a splinter, matches.

Progress of the experiment: Why is it so easy to breathe in the forest?…. Yes, of course, plants produce oxygen necessary for human respiration. We will prove the assumption by experiment: place a pot with a plant (or cutting) inside a tall transparent container with an airtight lid. Place in a warm place bright place. After 1-2 days, answer the question: how do you know if oxygen has accumulated in the jar? (oxygen burns, so you can put a burning match there). Observe the bright flash of flame from a splinter brought into the container immediately after removing the lid. Conclusion: animals and humans need plants for breathing.

Does photosynthesis occur in all leaves?

Target: prove that photosynthesis occurs in all leaves.

Equipment: boiling water, begonia leaf ( back side painted burgundy), white container.

Progress of the experiment: Let's find out whether photosynthesis occurs in leaves that are not colored green (in begonia, the reverse side of the leaf is colored burgundy). Place the sheet in boiling water, examine it after 5-7 minutes, and sketch the result. (The leaf turns green and the water changes color.) Conclusion: Photosynthesis occurs in the leaf.


Target: establish the presence of phototropism in plants.

Phototropism(from Greek light and turn) - a change in the direction of growth of plant organs, depending on the direction of the incident light.

Equipment: a cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth: in one corner there is a potato tuber, in the opposite there is a hole.

Progress of the experiment: Place the tuber in the box, close it, placing it in a warm, but not hot place, with the hole facing the light source. Open the box after potato sprouts emerge from the hole. Consider their direction, color (the sprouts are pale, white, twisted in search of light in one direction). Leave the box open and continue to observe the color and direction of the sprouts for a week (the sprouts are now stretching in different sides, they turned green).

Chasing the light

Target: determine how the plant moves in the direction of the light source.

Equipment: two identical plants (impatiens, coleus).

Progress of the experiment: Notice that the leaves of the plants are facing the same direction. Place the plant near the window. Pay attention to the direction of the leaf surface (in all directions). After three days, notice that all the leaves are reaching towards the light. Turn the plant 180 degrees. Mark the direction of the leaves. Observe for another three days, note the change in the direction of the leaves (they again turned towards the light). Draw the results.

Does photosynthesis occur in the dark?

Target: prove that photosynthesis in plants occurs only in light.

Equipment: indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, sansevieria), adhesive plaster.

Progress of the experiment: Riddle: what will happen if light does not fall on part of the sheet (part of the sheet will be lighter). Let’s test it with experience: cover part of the leaf with a plaster, place the plant near a light source for a week. After a week, remove the patch. Conclusion: Without light, photosynthesis does not occur in plants.

Factory supply Target: determine that the plant can provide its own nutrition.

Equipment: a pot with a plant inside a glass jar with a wide neck, an airtight lid.

Progress of the experiment: Inside a large transparent container, place a cutting of a plant in water or a small pot with a plant. Water the soil. Seal the container with a lid and place in a warm, bright place. Monitor the plant for a month. Find out why it did not die (the plant continues to grow: drops of water periodically appear on the walls of the jar, then disappear). Conclusion: The plant feeds itself.

Evaporation of moisture from plant leaves

Target: Check where the water disappears from the leaves.

Equipment: plant, plastic bag, thread.

Progress of the experiment: Consider the plant, how does water move from the soil to the leaves? (from roots to stems, then to leaves); where does it disappear then, why does the plant need to be watered? (water evaporates from the leaves). Let's check the assumption by putting a plastic bag on the piece of paper and securing it. Place the plant in a warm, bright place. Please note that the inside of the bag is “fogged up”. After a few hours, remove the bag in which you find water. Where did she come from? (evaporated from the surface of the leaf), why is water not visible on the remaining leaves? (the water evaporated into the surrounding air).

Why less?

Target: establish the dependence of the amount of evaporated water on the size of the leaves.

Equipment: glass flasks, cuttings of Dieffenbachia and Coleus.

Progress of the experiment: Cut the cuttings for further planting, place them in flasks. Pour the same amount of water. After one or two days, check the water level in each flask. Why is it not the same? (a plant with larger leaves absorbs and evaporates more water).

Thrifty Plants

Target: establish the relationship between the structure of the leaf surface (density, pubescence) and their need for water.

Equipment: ficus, sansevieria, dieffenbachia, violet, balsam, plastic bags, magnifying glass.

Progress of the experiment: Why don’t ficus, violet and some other plants require a lot of water? Let's do an experiment: put it on the leaves different plants plastic bags, secure tightly, observe the appearance of moisture in them, compare the amount of moisture evaporating from the leaves of different plants (Dieffenbachia and ficus, violet and balsam).

Conclusion: The violet does not need to be watered often: the pubescent leaves do not give up and retain moisture; dense ficus leaves also evaporate less moisture than leaves of the same size, but loose ones.

What do you feel?

Target: find out what happens to the plant when water evaporates from the leaves.

Equipment: sponge dampened with water.

Progress of the experiment: Jump a little... How do you feel when you jump? (hot); when it's hot, what happens? (sweat appears, then it disappears, evaporates). Imagine that your hand is a leaf from which water evaporates; dampen the sponge in water and rub it along the inner surface of the forearm. What does it feel like? (felt cool). What happens to leaves when water evaporates from them? (they are cooling).

What changed?

Target: prove that when water evaporates from leaves, they cool.

Equipment: thermometers, two pieces of cloth, water.

Progress of the experiment: Examine the thermometer, note the readings. Wrap the thermometer in wet cloth and put it in a warm place. After 5-10 minutes, check why the temperature has dropped? (when water evaporates from the fabric, cooling occurs).

Much - little

Target: identify the dependence of the amount of evaporated liquid on the size of the leaves.

Equipment: three plants: one - with large leaves, the second - with ordinary leaves, the third - a cactus; cellophane bags, threads.

Progress of the experiment: Why do plants with large leaves need to be watered more often than those with small leaves? Choose three plants with different sized leaves. Let's conduct an experiment. Place the bags on the leaves, secure, observe changes throughout the day; compare the amount of liquid evaporated. Draw a conclusion (the larger the leaves, the more moisture they evaporate and the more often they need to be watered).

Do roots need air?

Target: identify the reason for the plant’s need for loosening; prove that the plant breathes with all its organs.

Equipment: a container with water, compacted and loose soil, two transparent containers with bean sprouts, a spray bottle, vegetable oil, two identical plants in pots.

Progress of the experiment: Why does one plant grow better than another? Examine and determine that in one pot the soil is dense, in the other it is loose. Why is dense soil worse? Let's prove it. Immerse identical lumps in water (water flows worse, there is little air, since less air bubbles are released from the dense earth). Find out whether the roots need air: to do this, place three identical bean sprouts in transparent containers with water. Use a spray bottle to pump air into one container, leave the second one unchanged, and pour water onto the surface of the third thin layer vegetable oil, which prevents the passage of air to the roots. Observe the change in the seedlings (it grows well in the first container, worse in the second, in the third - the plant dies), do conclusions about the need for air for the roots, sketch the result. Plants need loose soil to grow so that the roots have access to air.

In what direction does the root grow?

Target: find out where the root growth is directed during seed germination.

Equipment: glass, filter paper, pea seeds.

Progress of the experiment: Take a glass, a strip of filter paper and roll it into a cylinder. Insert the cylinder into the glass so that it touches the walls of the glass. Using a needle, place several swollen peas between the side of the glass and the paper cylinder at the same height. Then pour some water into the bottom of the glass and place it in a warm place. After some time, observe the appearance of roots. Where do the root tips go? Why is this happening?

Burying root

Target: prove that roots always grow downwards.

Equipment: flower pot, sand or sawdust, sunflower seeds.

Progress of the experiment: Place several sunflower seeds soaked for 24 hours in a flower pot on damp sand or sawdust. Cover them with a piece of gauze or filter paper. Observe the appearance of roots and their growth. Draw conclusions.

Why does the root change its direction?

Target: show that the root can change the direction of growth.

Equipment: tin can, gauze, pea seeds

Progress of the experiment: In a small sieve or low tin can, the bottom of which has been removed and covered with gauze, place a dozen swollen peas, cover them with a 2-3 cm layer of wet sawdust or soil and place them over a bowl of water. As soon as the roots penetrate through the holes in the gauze, place the sieve at an angle to the wall. After a few hours, you will see that the tips of the roots have curved towards the gauze. On day 2-3, all the roots will grow, pressing against the gauze. How do you explain this? (The root tip is very sensitive to moisture, therefore, once in dry air, it bends towards the gauze, where the wet sawdust is located).

What are roots for?

Target: prove that the roots of the plant absorb water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.

Equipment: a cutting of geranium or balsam with roots, a container with water, closed with a lid with a slot for the cutting.

Progress of the experiment: Consider the cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots, find out why the plant needs the roots (the roots anchor the plant in the ground), and whether they absorb water. Let's carry out the experiment: place the plant in a transparent container, mark the water level, tightly close the container with a lid with a slot for the cutting. Determine what happened to the water after a few days? (water became scarce). Yes, after 7-8 days the water became less. Conclusion: the roots are absorbing water.

How to see the movement of water through the roots?

Target: prove that plant roots absorb water, clarify the function of plant roots, establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.

Equipment: balsam cuttings with roots, water with food coloring.

Progress of the experiment: Consider cuttings of geranium or balsam with roots, clarify the functions of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). What else can roots take from the ground? Consider dry food coloring - “food”, add it to the water, stir. What should happen if the roots can take up more than just water? (the roots should turn a different color). After a few days, write down the results of the experiment in your observation diary. What will happen to the plant if there are substances harmful to it in the ground? (the plant will die, taking away harmful substances along with the water).

Living piece

Target: establish that root vegetables contain a supply of nutrients for the plant.

Equipment: flat container, root vegetables: carrots, radishes, beets, activity algorithm

Progress of the experiment: Do root vegetables have a supply of nutrients? Take a root vegetable and determine its name. Then place the root vegetable in a warm, bright place, watch the greenery appear, sketch (the root vegetable provides food for the leaves that appear). Cut the root crop to half its height, place it in a flat container with water, and place it in a warm, bright place. Observe the growth of greenery, sketch the result of your observation. Continue observing until the greens begin to wilt. Now look at the root vegetable (it has become soft, limp, tasteless, and has little liquid).

Where do the roots go?

Target: establish a connection between modifications of plant parts and the functions they perform and environmental factors.

Equipment: two plants in pots with tray

Progress of the experiment: Water two plants differently: cyperus - in the tray, geranium - under the root. After a while, notice that cyperus roots have appeared in the pan. Then look at the geranium and find out why the roots of the geranium do not appear in the tray? (roots did not appear because they are attracted by water; geraniums have moisture in the pot, not in the tray).

Unusual roots

Target: identify relationships high humidity air with the appearance of aerial roots in plants.

Equipment: Scindapsus, a transparent container with a tight lid with water at the bottom, a wire rack.

Progress of the experiment: Why are there plants with aerial roots in the jungle? Examine the scindapsus plant, find the buds - future aerial roots, place the cutting on a wire rack in a container with water, close the lid tightly. Observe for a month for the appearance of “fog” and then drops on the lid inside the container (like in the jungle). Examine the aerial roots that have appeared and compare them with other plants.

In what direction does the stem grow?

Target: find out the characteristics of stem growth.

Equipment: bar, needles, glass jar, pea seeds

Progress of the experiment: Attach 2-3 pea sprouts with a stem and the first two leaves to a wooden block. After a few hours, you will see that the stem has bent upward. Conclusion: the stem, like the root, has directional growth.

Movement of growing plant organs

Target: find out the dependence of plant growth on light.

Equipment: 2 flower pots, grains of oats, rye, wheat, 2 cardboard boxes.

Progress of the experiment: Sow two dozen grains each in two small flower pots filled with damp sawdust. Cover one pot with a cardboard box, cover the other pot with the same box with round hole on one of the walls. Next lesson, remove the boxes from the pots. You will notice that the oat seedlings that were covered with the cardboard box with the hole will be tilted towards the hole; in another pot the seedlings will not bend.

Is it possible to grow a plant with two stems from one seed?

Target: introduce students to the artificial production of a two-stem plant.

Equipment: flower pot, pea seeds.

Progress of the experiment: Take a few peas and sow them in a box of soil or a small flower pot. When the seedlings appear, use a sharp razor or scissors to cut off their stems at the very surface of the soil. After a few days, two new stems will appear, from which two pea stems will develop.

New shoots appear from the axils of the cotyledons. This can be checked by carefully removing the seedlings from the soil. Artificial production of double-stemmed plants has also practical significance. For example, you can get double-headed cabbage, which will give a greater yield than single-headed cabbage.

How does the stem grow?

Target: observing the growth of the stem.

Equipment: brush, ink, pea or bean sprout

Progress of the experiment: Stem growth can be observed using marks. Using a brush or needle, apply marks on the stem of the sprouted pea or bean at equal distances from each other. Keep track of how long it will take and on what part of the stem the marks will move apart.

Through which part of the stem does water move from the roots to the leaves?

Target: prove that water in the stem moves through the wood.

Equipment: stem section, red ink.

Progress of the experiment: Place a sprig of a fuchsia or tradescantia indoor plant in a jar of water, lightly tint the water with red ink or ordinary blue, or food coloring (paint for easter eggs). After a few days you will see that the veins of the leaves have turned pink or blue. Then cut a piece of the twig lengthwise and see which part of it is colored. What conclusion will you draw from this experience?

Like on the stems

Target: show the process of water passing through the stems.

Equipment: cocktail tubes, mineral (or boiled) water, water container.

Progress of the experiment: Examine the tube. The straw can conduct water because it has holes, like stems. Having immersed one end of the tube in water, try to easily draw air from the other end of the tube; watch the upward movement of water.

Thrifty stems

Target: identify how stems (trunks) can accumulate moisture and retain it for a long time.

Equipment: sponges, unpainted wooden blocks, magnifying glass, low containers with water, deep container with water

Progress of the experiment: Consider the bars different breeds trees through a magnifying glass, talk about their different degrees of absorption (in some plants, the stem can absorb water just like a sponge). Pour the same amount of water into different containers. Place the bars in the first, sponges in the second, leave for five minutes. Where will more water be absorbed? (into a sponge - it has more space for water). Observe the release of bubbles. We check the bars and sponges in the container. Why is there no water in the second container (it was all absorbed into the sponge). Lift the sponge; water drips from it. Explain where water will last longer? (in a sponge, since it contains more water). Check your assumptions before the block dries (1-2 hours).

Do seeds absorb a lot of water?

Target: find out how much moisture the germinating seeds absorb.

Equipment: Measuring cylinder or beaker, pea seeds, gauze

Progress of the experiment: Pour 200 ml of water into a 250 ml measuring cylinder, then place the pea seeds in a gauze bag, tie with a thread so that the end remains 15-20 cm long, and carefully lower the bag into the cylinder with water. To prevent water from evaporating from the cylinder, it is necessary to tie it on top with oiled paper. The next day, you need to remove the paper and use the end of the thread to remove the bag of swollen peas from the cylinder. Let the water drain from the bag into the cylinder. How much water is left in the cylinder? How much water did the seeds absorb?

Is the pressure of the swelling seeds high?


Equipment: cloth bag, flask, pea seeds.

Progress of the experiment: Place pea seeds in a small bag, tie it tightly and place it in a glass or jar of water. The next day you will discover that the bag could not withstand the pressure of the seeds - it burst. Why did this happen? …. This suggests that the power of swelling seeds is great.

How heavy can swelling seeds lift?

Target: find out the power of swelling seeds.

Equipment: tin can, weight, peas.

Progress of the experiment: Place one-third of the pea seeds in a tall canning jar with holes in the bottom; place it in a saucepan with water so that the seeds are in the water. Place a tin circle on the seeds and place a weight or any other weight on top. Observe how heavy the swelling pea seeds can be. Record the results in your observation diary.

Do germinating seeds breathe?

Target: prove that germinating seeds emit carbon dioxide.

Equipment: glass jar or bottle, pea seeds, splinter, matches.

Progress of the experiment: Pour the pea seeds into a tall, narrow-necked bottle and cap tightly. Before the next lesson, guess what kind of gas the seeds could release and how to prove it? Open the bottle and prove the presence of carbon dioxide in it using a burning splinter (the splinter will go out because carbon dioxide suppresses combustion).

Does the respiration of seeds produce heat?

Target: prove that seeds produce heat when they respire.

Equipment: half-liter bottle with stopper, pea seeds, thermometer.

Progress of the experiment: Take a half-liter bottle, fill it with slightly “bent” rye, wheat or pea seeds and plug it with a stopper, insert a chemical thermometer through the hole of the stopper to measure the water temperature. Then wrap the bottle tightly with newsprint and place it in a small box to avoid heat loss. After some time, you will observe an increase in the temperature inside the bottle by several degrees. Explain the reason for the increase in seed temperature….

Root tops

Target: find out which organ emerges from the seed first.

Equipment: beans (peas, beans), damp cloth (paper napkins), transparent containers, sketch using plant structure symbols, activity algorithm.

Progress of the experiment: Select any of the proposed seeds, create conditions for germination (warm place). Place a damp paper towel tightly against the sides of a transparent container. Place soaked beans (peas, beans) between the napkin and the walls; Keep the napkin constantly moist. Observe the changes occurring every day for 10-12 days: first the root will appear from the bean, then the stems; the roots will grow, the upper shoot will increase.

Such different flowers

Target: establish the characteristics of plant pollination with the help of wind, detect pollen on flowers.

Equipment: catkins of flowering birch, aspen, coltsfoot flowers, dandelion; magnifying glass, cotton ball.

Progress of the experiment: Look at the flowers, describe them. Find out where the flower might have pollen and use a cotton ball to find it. Examine the flowering birch catkins (these are also flowers) through a magnifying glass, try to detect similarities with meadow flowers (there is pollen). Why do bees fly to flowers, do plants need it? (bees fly for nectar and pollinate the plant).

How do bees transport pollen?

Target: identify how the pollination process occurs in plants.

Equipment: cotton balls, dye powder of two colors, flower models, insect collection, magnifying glass

Progress of the experiment: Examine the structure of the limbs and bodies of insects through a magnifying glass (shaggy, covered with hairs). Think of cotton balls as insects. Imitating the movement of insects, touch the balls to the flowers. After touching, “pollen” remains on them. So how can insects help plants pollinate? (pollen sticks to the limbs and bodies of insects).

Pollination by wind

Target: establish the features of the process of plant pollination with the help of wind.

Equipment: two linen bags with flour, a paper fan or fan, birch catkins.

Progress of the experiment: What kind of flowers do birch and willow have, why don’t insects fly to them? (they are very small, not attractive to insects; when they bloom, there are few insects). Perform the experiment: shake bags filled with flour - “pollen”. Find out what it takes for pollen to get from one plant to another (the plants must grow close or someone must transfer the pollen to them). Use a fan or fan for “pollination”.

Why do fruits have wings?


Equipment: winged fruits, berries; fan or fan.

Progress of the experiment: Consider fruits, berries and lionfish. What helps winged seeds disperse? Watch the “flight” of lionfish. Now try to remove their “wings”. Repeat the experiment using a fan or fan. Why do maple seeds grow far from their native tree (the wind helps the “wings” transport the seeds over long distances).

Why does a dandelion need parachutes?

Target: identify the relationship between the structure of fruits and the method of their distribution.

Equipment: dandelion seeds, magnifying glass, fan or fan.

Progress of the experiment: Why do dandelions have so many seeds? Examine a plant with ripe seeds, compare dandelion seeds with others by weight, watch the flight, the fall of seeds without “parachutes”, draw a conclusion (the seeds are very small, the wind helps the “parachutes” fly far).

Why does burdock need hooks?

Target: identify the relationship between the structure of fruits and the method of their distribution.

Equipment: burdock fruits, pieces of fur, fabric, magnifying glass, fruit plates.

Progress of the experiment: Who will help the burdock scatter its seeds? Break the fruits, find the seeds, examine them through a magnifying glass. Find out if the wind can help them? (the fruits are heavy, there are no wings or “parachutes”, so the wind will not carry them away). Determine whether animals will want to eat them? (fruits are hard, prickly, tasteless, the capsule is hard). Use pieces of fur and fabric to demonstrate how seeds spread (the fruits cling to the fur and fabric with their spines).