Homemade metal stove for a bath. Which drawing to choose for a metal sauna stove with your own hands

A stove in a bathhouse is a mandatory attribute, since it is responsible for heating and subsequent maintenance of temperature. At the same time, there is a whole range of factory-made brick products or structures that best meet necessary requirements. However, drawings of homemade metal sauna stoves are especially popular, which make it possible to make a small device that is ideal for specific conditions.

Manufacturing process

To begin with, it is necessary to say that there are a number of similar products that differ in their design and operating principle. Therefore, the drawings of stoves for metal baths are different. However, they all have approximately the same principle of operation ().


  • First of all, you need to make a firebox. Everyone determines its dimensions himself, but professionals advise making it the same height for a width of 0.5 meters.
  • Many drawings of a homemade metal sauna stove involve the use of some ready-made elements. These include grilles and doors. At the same time, craftsmen advise choosing these parts made specifically from metal, since cast iron products will have to be fixed in a special way.

  • A typical drawing of a stove for a metal bath assumes that the firebox will consist of two sections. In the first of them, fuel is burned, and the second is needed to collect ash. Taking this into account, they are separated by a grill and made into separate doors.
  • It is worth noting that the window of the ash collection sections is often used to create draft, which is necessary for combustion.
  • If the drawing sauna stove made of metal requires the placement of a heater, then top part fireboxes are also made from lattice

Advice! To make a stove, you should use thick metal. This way the structure will not behave when heated, and it will be able to generate more heat.

Heater and water tank

  • Above the firebox it is necessary to make a separate chamber with a door, which will be separated by a grille.
  • Special stones will be placed in it to maintain the temperature for a long time.
  • At the same time, the drawings of a metal sauna stove recommend making a closing window that can be used to supply water and create steam.
  • It should be noted that ordinary stones are not suitable for such furnaces. This especially applies to material containing silicon or other inclusions.
  • The top of this compartment is made with a hole for the pipe. It will remove smoke and at the same time heat the water.

  • The liquid container is installed on top. At the same time, drawings of metal bath stoves advise that chimney passed through its middle. So the water will heat up both from the chimney and from the upper surface.
  • Professional craftsmen It is recommended to install a tap on the bottom of such a tank. In this case you need to purchase special devices, the price of which may be high, but they will be able to work for a long time under conditions of constant temperature changes.

Special attention is paid to the lid of the container. It can be made of wood, but then you need to protect the area of ​​contact with the chimney. At the same time, the installation instructions advise making small slits in it to allow free steam escape..

Advice! Such a structure is usually made of thick-walled pipe. This helps solve the issue of cheap materials, since such products can be found at recycling centers at similar prices.


When creating a drawing of a stove for a metal bath, special attention is paid to the chimney, namely to the places where it will pass through the roof. The fact is that the pipes during the furnace have quite high temperature and to avoid fire they must be additionally insulated. They must also be located at a certain height in order to create constant traction.

When creating ovens with their own hands, many craftsmen advise purchasing finished goods, which are made specifically for these purposes. At the same time, they are quite often produced in the form of an integral complex with outer pipe and fungus.

You also need to think about protective screen, whose task is to prevent the effects of high temperatures on wood walls. They are best created with a reflective surface in order to remove infrared radiation. These products are often sold ready-made and have a relatively low cost.


In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic. Also, based on the text presented above, we can conclude that the principle of making metal stoves is quite simple. At the same time, there are a lot various designs, which have their own specific features and characteristics ().

Special attention should be paid to some factory products, which are presented in the form of doors, chimneys and grilles. They will significantly simplify the manufacturing process, which means it is worth developing drawings on their basis.

The most important thing in a sauna is, of course, the stove. There are many ready-made solutions stoves that can be bought in the store, but in this article we will look at drawings for self-made metal stoves.

DIY metal sauna stove

Manufacturing stages

There are quite a lot of drawings of a sauna stove and each of them has its own functionality. Let's start with the firebox for the stove.

  • The firebox is the first thing to do. You determine the size of the firebox yourself, based on the size of your steam room.
    The main thing to remember is that the width and height of the firebox must be the same.
  • On some drawings of metal stoves you can see ready-made solutions that you can buy in a store rather than cutting and cooking yourself. For example, doors, grilles, handles, and so on. You will save a lot of time if you buy them at the store.
  • In almost all drawings, the firebox consists of 2 parts. In one part, firewood is burned, and the other is designed to collect ash and also serves as an ash pit.
  • If stones will be placed on the top of the firebox, then it should be made of a grate. You can make a decorative lattice for beauty.

Important! If you decide to weld a sauna stove yourself, pay special attention to the thickness of the metal. The metal must be at least 5 mm thick so that it does not move when heated.

Detailed drawing metal sauna stoves

Water tank and place for stones

Drawing of a metal stove with a heater and a water tank

The pipe must also be made from a pipe with a large thickness of metal. This way it won’t burn out right away and will serve you for a long time.

Sauna stove with a pipe passing through the heater and water tank


Also on the drawing of the sauna stove it is necessary to indicate the place where the chimney will pass through the roof. This place must be carefully insulated, since the air passing through the pipe is very hot.

Chimney for a bath

To isolate the chimney from the roof, it is better to purchase ready-made solutions that are sold in specialized bathhouse stores.

Thus, making a sauna stove according to the drawings yourself is not so difficult. In addition, stores sell many ready-made solutions (grates, doors, tanks, pipes, chimneys, chimney insulation), using which it will be even easier to build a stove.

How to make a sauna stove with your own hands from metal video:

Today, many people in their dachas suburban areas there is a bathhouse. The bathhouse has been the main attribute of Russian life since ancient times and does not lose its popularity and relevance today. A bathhouse is a place where you can relax, unwind, wash and even spiritually cleanse yourself. The main thing in a bathhouse, of course, is the stove. A lot depends on the stove, so most often you want to make it yourself. The designs of brick or metal sauna stoves can be very different, but their main function is heating and maintaining heat and even heat in the room.

Classification of sauna stoves

A metal stove has a number of advantages

IN Lately two methods are practiced self-built ovens:

  • brick;
  • metal.

When comparing big advantage A metal stove has it, since it is simpler to build and cheaper in terms of material costs.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • a brick stove takes longer to burn than a metal stove, which means more fuel (wood) is consumed;
  • laying a brick stove without an experienced stove maker is somewhat difficult for an amateur;
  • a metal stove in a bathhouse heats up faster, which is unsafe in terms of fire, while a brick stove is practically not dangerous;
  • metal stove more suitable option for small baths, while a brick bath has the advantage of spacious rooms due to the large space it occupies.

Construction of a sauna stove: main points

It doesn’t matter how the bathhouse itself is designed, the design of the stove is not much different. In all options, except for the outdated black bath, the firebox is located in the dressing room, and the rest of the part should be in the steam room itself to ensure maximum heating of the room. This is due to the fact that the stoker does not have to constantly open and close the doors in order to add fuel, and the heat accumulates inside the bathhouse.

Furnace design

As a rule, all sauna stoves can be divided into two types. The first are continuous furnaces. Such a stove will need to add fuel all the time to maintain the desired temperature. Typically such ovens are made of metal. The main advantage of such a stove is that it warms up within half an hour, and then can provide heat directly to heat the bathhouse.

If your bath small size, then installation metal furnace will the right decision. In addition, you can buy ready-made option such a stove, so you do not need to carry out complex work on its manufacture. Such stoves can use not only wood as fuel. There are options that work quite well using natural gas or electricity. Of course, with such fuel, the unique aroma that we are used to feeling in the bathhouse is lost, but there is a minimum of hassle with such a stove. You just need to turn it on.

Brick oven requires skill

A brick oven is much more complex and troublesome to build. This type of oven is usually designed for temporary use. Due to its size, as well as the ability of bricks to hold high temperature, it is quite possible to heat the stove once so that the heat remains throughout the evening.

The main disadvantage of such a stove is that to heat it you need long time. If you plan to steam in the evening, then you need to heat the stove during the day, because usually the heating process takes about five hours, depending on the size of the sauna and the stove itself. It should also be noted that the complexity is caused by the large weight of the brick structure. For such a stove you will need a high-quality massive foundation, which makes it impossible to build a bathhouse on poles, as many people like to do.

Options for metal sauna stoves

The old “potbelly stoves”, due to high fuel consumption and low heat transfer, have long become a thing of the past. Modern stoves for a metal bath can be divided into three main groups.

  • Closed stoves, the peculiarity of which is a small heater in the middle (on the grate) and brickwork, which is performed not only from the outside, but often from the inside of the furnace and is attached to metal ponds.
  • Open stoves have an open heater, but a smaller water tank, and to increase heat transfer, the heater in such a unit is covered with a sheet of galvanized iron.
  • Combined stoves, which have a blower, a firebox with a valve and a grate.

As for the type of oven, you can choose between a conventional wood stove with a real fire, a stove with an electric heating element, a stove using gas as fuel, as well as stoves that use alternative fuel, for example, pellets (pressed sawdust). It depends on the owner's preferences. As for “new” technologies, not everyone is ready to entrust their bathhouse to them and still prefer real live fire and fuel-wood, even if such a unit will have to wait longer to warm up.

Furnace construction work

Building a metal furnace will not be difficult, the main thing is to have drawings, a welding machine, a tool for cutting metal and certain skills.

It is worth noting that according to the plan, the structure will be closed, so if you want to turn up the heat, you will have to open the door. When building a stove, all safety criteria must also be observed. If you do not have experience and knowledge in this matter, it is better to play it safe and carry out all work under the supervision of a professional or knowledgeable person.

We are building the foundation

Unlike brick oven on wood, installing a metal stove does not require much preparation. However, due to the significant weight of the entire structure, a reliable foundation will need to be prepared for it.
The base for the stove - let's call it the foundation - will extend slightly beyond the space of the stove itself; an “allowance” of 5-10 cm on each side will be enough. The foundation is prepared according to standard scheme, which includes:

  • digging a pit with a depth of at least 50-60 cm;
  • creating a cushion of sand, gravel, construction waste: 20-30 cm. Let us remind you that the use of wood waste to avoid rotting;
  • organization of waterproofing (a layer of roofing material is suitable);
  • filling cement screed– 20 cm. Drying of concrete should take at least 10 days;
  • laying out the foundation pit with bricks to the level of the entire floor of the bathhouse, leveling.

A metal stove on such a base will be securely fixed, the soil underneath will not shrink, and the unit will perform its functions properly.

Safety requirements for installing metal stoves

Since the bathhouse is mainly built from logs or timber, its design involves a high fire hazard. When building the bathhouse itself, as a rule, the standard distances from the bathhouse to other buildings in this and neighboring yards are taken into account.

The same goes for the oven.

The stove must be installed at a distance of at least 20 cm from wooden walls or other wooden structures available in the room.

The wall near the stove should be treated with a fire protective agent or laid with a special metallized coating (isover) to protect against fire.

You can protect the space around the oven with a special screen. Also, to protect against heat and fire, metal stoves are often lined with bricks or stones. In addition to practical interest, it also plays the role of a decorative coating.

Structure of a metal furnace

Probably everyone can imagine what a metal sauna stove looks like. This is a rectangular box with cameras arranged in a special way. It is divided vertically into a ash pan, a firebox and a heater, with a pipe running above it. A tank for hot water, since the design of a homemade metal stove for a bath is usually such that heating the sheets from the fuel simultaneously causes heating of the water in the washing room or steam room.

The heater is filled with stones, but their choice must also be approached carefully, because not all rocks retain and release heat as required for bathing procedures.

Preparing and assembling the oven

To make a metal stove with your own hands, take iron sheets at least 5 mm thick, since thinner ones will cool quickly and not fully perform their functions.

Mark the metal according to the drawing. Cut out all the parts with special tools.

Doors to the firebox

It is better to buy the doors to the firebox and vent separately.

Please note that the firebox door can be made of heat-resistant glass so that you can watch the fire while sitting in the dressing room (fireplace effect). This will promote relaxation and rest.

The experience of stove makers and bathhouse construction specialists shows that, although the stove can be installed in the most different forms(oval, round, combined), but the traditional rectangular oven holds the palm, as it is the most successful, time-tested design. Thanks to this shape, the corners of the oven do not get as hot as the main structure, and this prevents the oven from changing shape over time.

You can make a stove from ready-made metal barrel- horizontal, or from a pipe - vertical.

But such ovens do not “hold their shape” well enough and are not always easy to use. For small bathhouse, which will be used by one family, the best option is a rectangular stove standard sizes, with a heater located behind a small door and a water tank.

Tools you will need to make a homemade metal stove:

  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • pipe 600 mm long with a diameter and a wall thickness of 9-10 mm;
  • steel sheets from 5 to 8 mm thick;
  • grate;
  • rod 10 mm thick;
  • door (if you buy a ready-made one, the latch is included);
  • latches;
  • tap;
  • heaters and blowers;
  • a chimney pipe at least 2 meters long (we will cut it into pieces).

To get started, you will need a piece of pipe.

  • We cut out a blower from a pipe measuring approximately 250 x 50 mm.
  • The grate will require fasteners, which should be welded above the hole itself from the inside.
  • Next, a hole for the firebox is cut, the size of which is approximately 250 x 350 mm.
  • On top should be attached a stable fastener for the heater rods, with a diameter of at least one cm;
  • We make a hole on the opposite side of the heater in order to be able to fill in water.
  • The heater can be filled with different stones, for example, diabase is suitable. You cannot fill the heater with simple granite, as constant temperature changes cause this stone to crumble.
  • All that remains is to weld the lid to the heater, initially providing a hole for the chimney there.
  • We install the pipe.

Installing a water tank

Iron stove

To complete the installation of the entire structure, you need to install a water tank. We weld the remaining piece of pipe to the heater. The main thing is not to forget in advance to weld the tap on the bottom of the tank. Next, all that remains is to make a lid at your discretion, in the shape of an oval or square, tightly fitting to the tank.

The final touch in making a stove with your own hands will be creating a brick house for it. Air circulating between the metal and the brick will promote more even and faster a short time, in addition, touching a hot stone is much less traumatic than contact with hot metal.

So, if you put in some effort, you will get a homemade metal sauna stove made according to your custom sizes and preferences. One can be proud of such an achievement, as thrifty owner“with his hands”, who does not care about any difficulties.

A bathhouse is not just a structure made of wood or brick. Such a structure has long been valued by our people, it has special meaning. Almost every owner dreams of building a bathhouse on his property. Naturally, it must be equipped accordingly. For example, you will need to choose stoves for a sauna. You can also make them from metal with your own hands. This is the question you will consider.

Basic requirements for the product

So, before you move on to actually making the product, you should understand what it should be like.

The main design requirements include the following:

- Sustainability. This parameter must be respected in any case. It is important to install your furnace correctly to ensure it operates as efficiently as possible.

- Safety. There are a number of additional measures that will help you use the unit effectively without fear of causing a fire. For example, insulate the chimney and walls in the bathhouse.

- Operating principle. Homemade stoves made of metal must work constantly so that the required temperature is maintained in the room and steam is provided. However, brick cladding helps improve the performance of the device.

-Heating rate. Naturally, the presented device heats up very quickly. However, it does not cool down slowly either. It is imperative that you take some action to prevent the oven from cooling down quickly.

- Heating area. This design should not be installed in large rooms. Please note that the unit does not have to be very large. Otherwise, it will consume too much fuel with low efficiency.

Device structure

Before you start making a sauna stove with your own hands from metal, you need to find out what parts it consists of:

1. Fuel compartment, where wood combustion occurs. Naturally, it must have a door through which logs will be supplied, as well as a vent through which air will flow to the fire.

2. A bunker with stones that must be heated. It is located above the firebox. Naturally, it should be arranged so that the water that will be poured on the stones does not spill on the fire.

3. Water tank. It is usually connected to the chimney. In order for the water to drain, a valve must be provided at the bottom of the tank.

4. Chimney. It will ensure the removal of combustion products.

Types of stoves

Naturally, before starting work you will need to decide what and how you will build the structure from.

Metal sauna stoves can be:

- Made from sheet steel. Its peculiarity is that the structure must be protected and strengthened with brick walls.

- Made from sheet iron. However, please note that the material should be about 5 mm thick. In this case, you will also need a brick.

- From the firebox and body. They are separated from each other using a grate.

- With a firebox inside the body.

- From a pipe or a used gas cylinder.

There are also open and closed ovens. Often the design is combined type. Each type of design has a right to exist. The choice of variety depends on the size of the bath and your requirements for the device.

Design advantages

Before you start making a sauna stove with your own hands from metal, you should first understand whether you need to use this material.

Such units have certain advantages:

Fast heating. Metal is an excellent conductor of heat.

Possibility to make a stove with my own hands from scrap materials.

Different types of structures.

Low cost. Considering that almost every person can get an empty gas cylinder, then such a design can be generally free.

There is no possibility of a person being harmed by carbon monoxide.

If you use insufficiently dried wood for kindling, then there is no smoke in the room.

These advantages make metal sauna stoves popular.


Naturally, nothing in this world is perfect. The presented design also has certain disadvantages:

1. If manufactured incorrectly, the efficiency of the stove can be very low. In this case, fuel consumption will be quite high.

2. Possibility of getting burned, as the metal gets very hot. Although this shortcoming is easy to eliminate.

3. Fast cooling.

In principle, such flaws must be eliminated, so that the popularity of such designs does not fall.

Necessary tool

To make a sauna stove with your own hands from metal, you need to assemble all the technical devices, without which the execution of actions is impossible. So, you will need:


Tin snips or jigsaw with appropriate blade.

Roulette and building level.

Welding machine.

Naturally, before you make a stove for a bath, you need to draw a drawing of it. You can also find a ready-made drawing in which all the calculations are visible.

What materials will be needed?

Since making a sauna stove with your own hands is quite simple, before starting work you will need to decide on the materials that will be useful in the process of manufacturing the device. For construction standard design you need:

1. A pipe whose wall thickness is 1 cm and length is 160 cm.

2. Sheet of steel. Its thickness should also not be less than 1 cm.

If you already have drawings of sauna stoves, you can start making:

1. First, you should cut the pipe into two parts, one of which will be larger than the other. From these you can make the main body element and the water tank. It is better if the height of the parts corresponds to 0.7 and 0.9 m.

2. Now let's start building the firebox. Please note that there must be a blower underneath it, which serves to provide draft and remove ash. Its height is approximately 10 cm. The hole for the blower has the following dimensions: 20*5 cm. Try to cut out a firebox above it.

3. Now you can use welding machine attach ears and loops to the edges of the holes. The doors will subsequently be fixed to them.

4. Drawings of sauna stoves provide for the installation of a grate. To do this, you should cut a circle from a steel sheet, to which the presented element will be welded. It is installed inside the pipe just above the blower. That is, a hole is made in the circle to the size of the grate and welded to the pipe. Next, the grille is fixed on it.

5. Now you need to build a special platform on which the stones will be laid. For this you will need metal rods. At 90° from the firebox door you need to make a hole for pouring stones.

6. The top of the stove is covered with a steel circle in which the chimney is installed. Please note that this element must be fixed very firmly. Next, the chimney is led to the ceiling. Its height should not be too high.

7. Next, you should build a water tank. To do this, weld the remaining part of the pipe to the top of the structure. Please note that the chimney will pass through the tank. At the bottom of it you need to fix the tap for draining the water. Please note here Special attention on welding seams so that liquid does not enter the firebox. The tank should be covered unevenly. Most of The circle must be fixed by welding, and the other (smaller) must be attached to hinges. It is this that will open, and water will pour through it.

Cast iron sauna stoves are made according to the same principle. However, working with such material is more difficult. Although cast iron stoves for baths are considered more durable and durable.

Installation Features

After the device has already been made, it should be correctly installed in its rightful place.

Regardless of whether the sauna stove has a tank or not, the installation rules are the same. For example:

First, decide whether you will cover your device with brick. If yes, then you will have to build a foundation. Please note that the brick must be fireproof. Its height should not be too high. During construction, use a building level.

The device must be installed at a distance of 1 m from the walls. In addition, if the inside of the bathhouse is lined with wood, then it should be additionally protected with foil, which has a layer of insulation.

Please note that the chimney must be insulated.

Be sure to place the oven at a level so that it does not tilt, especially if it has a water tank.

Both the walls and the floor in the place where the stove will be installed must be made fireproof.

When using such a device, try to do it carefully so as not to get injured or burn your sauna.

During manufacturing, perform all actions very carefully. For example, the pieces of metal that you cut out can be used as doors for the firebox and vent. While welding, check that the seams are well made.

While working, do all the steps in order. You should not rush, because one missed centimeter is already a defect. In order for the stove to retain heat well, it is advisable to line it with brick.

When working, use protective equipment and follow safety rules. Homemade stoves can work long time, since the quality is in no way inferior to purchased copies. These are all the features of arranging a metal stove-heater.

A good bathhouse in your home has long been a proven means of maintaining health, relieving tension and accumulated fatigue. At home, it is profitable and convenient to use a sauna stove with electric heating. In a house in nature or in the country the best option A metal sauna stove operating on solid fuel is recognized. Today it is easy to buy metal, order it in a locksmith workshop for almost any taste, any fuel and heating power. But with ingenuity, tools and suitable material It’s easier and cheaper to make a sauna stove from metal with your own hands.

The advantages of such a metal sauna stove are undeniable:

  • It is possible to “fit” the stove into the bathhouse according to your own ideas about convenience;
  • Light weight and robust design sauna stoves make it easy to transport even in your own car;
  • The design of the furnace makes it quite easy to make changes and improvements with minimal costs labor and materials.

When starting to manufacture a sauna stove, it is worth determining its location in the steam room, the main geometric parameters, based on heating needs. Drawings of the most successful metal sauna stoves can be downloaded on the Internet, and you can make your own adjustments if necessary. A stove is chosen, first of all, based on the ease of use of the stove; the heating power is taken to be 1 kg of firewood per 1 m 3 of steam room room.

One of the most successful stove options

For the manufacture of a sauna stove, no special grades of metal are required; available grades are used sheet metal and pipes. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of the design, the given version of a metal sauna stove can be assembled with your own hands by studying the drawings. Made to the dimensions shown in the drawing, the metal stove easily heats a steam room of 15 cubic meters.

The sauna stove is divided into several sections located in one body - a piece of pipe with a diameter of 500 mm and a length of 1300-1350 mm:

  • The combustion chamber, with a loading volume of up to 10 kg of firewood, is located in the lower part of the body.
  • A heater with a separate hole for laying steam stone and spraying water.
  • Tank with heated water. Heating occurs through the wall of the chimney pipe. The removable top lid makes it easy to clean and maintain the container. Water can be taken either through the top or using an additional fitting or tap built into the wall of the tank.

In addition to the main sections, the design of the stove uses a separation chamber between the heater and the water tank. Soot will accumulate intensively in this cavity, so it should be removed periodically through a special window covered with an overlay.

For your information! This design is the safest and most practical to use, it requires minimum quantity cutting and welding works.

Before starting construction of the furnace, make sure that the pipe blank is strong and that there are no cracks or local deformation of the metal.

Before cutting the pipe for the sauna stove, we first remove the layer of rust and oxides present on the metal surface using a manual sandblaster or a metal cleaning brush. Use chemical compositions phosphoric acid based is not recommended.

To make a sauna stove we will need:

  1. Welding equipment and materials,
  2. Sheet of metal 5mm thick and dimensions 60x350cm,
  3. Accessories for making door canopies, fittings or outlets for hot water,
  4. Metal pipes for removing gases from the firebox with a diameter of 108 mm - a 100 cm section, heating pipes for the heater with a diameter of 60 mm - four sections.

Considering the fact that the greatest danger to humans is the threat of carbon monoxide poisoning, the developers of this sauna stove design took measures to reduce the number of welds in the combustion part

Sequence of making a sauna stove

We mark the pipe according to size on the drawing. From sheet metal using gas welding or corner welding grinding machine cut out 6 circles with a diameter of 500mm.

From the cut round blanks, we select two that fit inside the pipe with minimal gaps between the edges of the flat pancakes and the inner wall of the pipe. These two will go to the top and bottom of the firebox.

We mark the position of the top cover of the combustion chamber at a distance of 450 mm from the pipe cut, and use chalk to make marks on the inner surface of the pipe blank. We mark the location of the combustion chamber door, blower and heater. Carefully cut out the windows using a grinder - corner grinder. We use the cut out rectangular fragments to make doors. To do this, use electric welding to weld the hinges of the canopies in the places where the doors are attached.

In the round blank of the upper wall of the combustion chamber we cut out four round holes with a diameter of 60 mm and using electric welding we weld in sections of flame tubes used to heat the heater. We install the blank for the upper wall of the heater on the free ends of the welded pipes and weld them. As a result, we get two flat pancakes connected to each other by four pipes.

We install the body of the sauna stove in a vertical position and place the resulting assembly of four flame tubes and two round bottoms inside the pipe blank. Using electric welding, we weld the round upper wall of the combustion chamber into place, according to the drawing.

1, 2, 19, 20, 28,29 - doors and elements of the firebox, blower; 3 - valve; 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13 - sections of the firebox and heater - the walls of the blower; 14, 16, 18 - bottom; 15 - grate; 17 - hole for replenishing water; 21, 24 - hatch for loading the heater; 23 - heater heating pipes; 25, 26 - main pipe for exhaust gases; 27 - hot water tap;

Attention ! Welding of the upper bottom of the furnace should be done in several passes with maximum quality.

We turn the body of the sauna stove over, install it vertically, and weld the upper bottom of the intermediate chamber in a similar way. Next, you need to install and weld a round pancake of homemade grate bars, the bottom of the stove and the bottom of the water tank into the body. To make grates, you can choose from two ways:

  • You can use one of the blank pancakes, having previously drilled the mesh in the central part through holes with a diameter of 10 mm, spaced at a distance of 15-20 mm from each other. To do this, it is better to choose the workpiece that is “weakest” in size - the one with the largest gaps between the inner surface of the sauna stove body and the outer diameter of the “pancake”.
  • More preferred option It is considered to be the use of ready-made cast iron grates that are suitable in size. To install them in the “pancake”, a grinder is used to cut out a window to the size of the grate, which is secured with four bolts and a pair of metal strips.

After installing the grates, the bottom of the stove is welded - its lower wall. In the stove body, a metal blank is installed with a distance of 10-15 mm from the edge.

An equally important step is installing the bottom of the water tank into the upper part of the sauna stove. The design of the metal sauna stove provides that through central part A pipe for removing combustion products passes through the tank, and it is not located coaxially with the cylindrical body of the furnace.

Important ! It is necessary to weld the chimney to the lower base of the tank with additional geometry control relative position pipes and bottoms.

The welding seam is welded at least twice, only after that the lower wall with the chimney is installed in the body of the sauna stove and welded along the contour.

The top cover of the water tank is easily removable; to attach it to the stove body, you can use a pair of ordinary clamps or simply press it down with a heavy object on top. You can put a ring on the chimney to seal the gap between the hole in the cover and the pipe.

At the final stage, the doors of the combustion chamber, blower and heater are hung. It is better to secure the window for cleaning the intermediate chamber between the heater and the water tank with bolts and a sealing gasket.

Decorative finishing

Modern paints and varnishes allow you to protect even very hot metal parts of the stove. High humidity and hot air will inevitably lead to intense rusting of the metal surface, even covered with thermal insulation or lined with brick.

Most the best option for treating the metal surface there will be silicone paints that can withstand heating up to 250 o C. For the walls of the combustion section it is better to use special powder paints from thermoreactive compounds or based on powdered aluminum. Test endurance protective coating better on separate scraps of metal. The metal surface of the sauna stove is degreased and coated in several layers with intermediate heating of the structure.

Installation of a metal sauna stove

The most preferable option is to install a metal furnace, with the firebox loading window and vent opening into the dressing room. For this purpose, special loading boxes can be added to the housing.

Some complexity of the design is more than compensated by the advantages:

  • It is more convenient to heat the stove and warm up the bathhouse from the dressing room;
  • The dressing room will be sufficiently warmed up, which also adds comfort and ease of use of the bathhouse;
  • If the stove is not working properly or there are problems with the chimney carbon monoxide will not get into the steam room.

To install a metal sauna stove, it is necessary to line the walls with fireproof materials near the body; it is permissible to use an easily removable casing - a heat insulator covering the walls of the furnace section of the stove. Such a device will protect against burns and help regulate the temperature in the steam room without interfering with the operation of the stove. The same should be done with the chimney pipe.

A metal sauna stove should be installed on a foundation, preferably with heat-resistant insulation and a metal base.