The most interesting last call numbers. Last call scripts

The school porch should be decorated according to the theme. Balloons, flowers, ribbons, interesting bright posters.

A graduate and a first-grader are sitting on the steps.

Why are you sitting there so sad?

First grader (sighing deeply):
My childhood is over, so I’m sad.

What are you doing? You still have everything ahead! Look how small you are!

First grader:
I was little, and now I am already an adult, independent.

You know, you are somewhat similar to me. I had a shirt like this in first grade too, and a belt like this...

First grader:
Not surprising. After all, I am you in childhood.

How so?

First grader:
I just came to say goodbye. Perhaps we will meet again in photographs and memories, but I cannot repeat myself again. Promise me something.


First grader:
Never lose hope!

I promise!

(The first grader gets up, shakes hands and leaves. The graduate also gets up and enters the school. The presenters appear)

Childhood is the most wonderful, most fun and interesting stage in the life of every person. It can be completely unpredictable, intriguing, exciting, but childhood is always filled with happiness and joy.

I never wanted to grow up. As a child, there were cartoons, games in the yard, naps at lunchtime, and delicious buns in the school cafeteria.

Do you remember the halabudas made from blankets on chairs? Do you remember how your mother taught you to first grade?

Certainly! You know, I overheard a little here. The graduates have a ship, and they are going to sail through the expanses of childhood, and then go to a new life. So I thought, maybe we are with them?

It will be interesting! Just where are our graduates? And who will be the captain?

And there will be several captains. I am pleased to invite graduates of class 11-A under the leadership of (Name of class teacher) take your place on the ship!

(Graduates exit to musical accompaniment. Depending on the number of classes, the phrase is repeated)

And so, dear graduates, are you ready to set sail?

(graduates answer in unison)

I heard that ships have their own oaths that bind the crew members! I suggest we get one too.

Graduate 1:
I vow to always help my classmates and like their posts on social networks!

Graduate 2:
I swear to always communicate with my school friends not only on the Internet, but also on the street!

Graduate 1:
I vow to regularly meet with my classmates and discuss the latest events!

Graduate 2:
I vow to always be beautiful to glorify our graduation!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the smartest person in the university so that I can help my school friends if necessary!

Graduate 3:
I swear to be the most dexterous and fastest athlete in order to glorify my beloved school!

Graduate 4:
I swear that I will never forget my school days and will write memoirs about them!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always respect my classmates and adore my classmates!

Graduate 4:
I swear to always visit my teachers!

Graduate 5:
I swear to always come to visit dear (full name of the class teacher) for tea!

Graduate 6:
I swear to always congratulate my classmates on all holidays and birthdays!

Graduate 7:
I swear to always support my schoolmates in difficult times!

(All graduates in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

So, we decided on the oath. What's next?

(Graduates sing Tatyana Ovsienko’s song “The Sea is Worried Once”)

Graduate 1:
I remember when I was a child, my mother read fairy tales to me,
My mother and I sang songs together,
How quickly time has flown by,
Graduation is coming soon.
I remember how we laughed loudly,
On the swing in the yard,
We sewed diapers for the doll,
Childhood, I want to come to you!

Graduate 1:
I would like to plunge into childhood again,
Play football with dad
Before I had time to look back,
Everything in the past is now mine!

Graduate 2:
I miss toys
I want to go back to my childhood
Where are the cartoons, cheesecakes,
Where sometimes I sleep during the day!

Graduate 3:
I wave my hand to childhood,
I will always miss you
There was a golden time
Will never return!

Graduate 2:
You need to say goodbye to childhood,
We raised the sails
Wave your hand at him
Remember at least sometimes!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is ready
What awaits us ahead?
There's a lot to know
Childhood, come visit!
Come with memories
About happy bright days,
Childhood, I already miss it
We grew up so quickly!

The kids have come aboard! They have some very important business. Shall we listen to them before sending?

(First-graders lined up near the porch)

First grader 1:
We came to congratulate you,
Wish you success, happiness,
Please accept congratulations
We wish you to smile!

First grader 2:
You're leaving today
We want to promise you
That we will look after the school,
We will replace you!

First grader 1:
We will do all our homework,
We will always obey
You set an example for us
Come by sometimes!

First grader 3:
Go sailing today
It will probably not be easy for you,
But don't worry about school,
Everything will be fine here!

First grader 2:
We want to give you a souvenir,
We are the bell and the magic ball,
So that you don't go astray,
To smile more often!

(First-graders present small bells and balloons to graduates)

Graduate 1:
We want to thank you kids,
For your warm and kind words,
We would like to ask you too
May you always try!

Graduate 2:
We have prepared a charter for you,
We ask him to comply,
Love, take care of your class,
Never forget about friendship!

(Graduates present each class of first-graders with a charter, which they prepared in advance. It is better to make it on a large Whatman paper in the form of a bright poster. Roll it into a tube and tie it with a ribbon. You can “age” the paper to make it look more interesting. It’s a matter of imagination)

Guys, do you remember how you came to your first class? Do you remember who helped you overcome your fears, who introduced you to the Primer? Of course, these are your first teachers, and they could not let you set sail without their guidance.

(The first teachers read)

Graduate 1:
Thank you for your tenderness and warmth,
Bow to the floor to you, we will not forget you,
We had a good time in first grade
And we want to come back again now!

(Graduates sing a song to the tune of “Goodbye Moscow!”

Song .
1 verse.
The corridors are getting quieter
The school fairy tale of miracles is melting away,
Goodbye to our first teacher,
We leave the warmth of our hearts!

Let's part now
We'll part for a while,
We'll run to you,
Kiss, hug.

Verse 2
You'll forgive our first teacher,
That we sometimes offended you,
Sorry, we ask, forgive us,
But, you remember the combat class.

Friends break up
They part for a long time,
We will remember you
Just don't forget your class!

I remember very often as a child I dreamed of distant countries and travel. I spent hours reading books and imagining a world full of adventures and events. So what’s the point, I propose to raise the anchors and set off on our first voyage!

Raise the anchors! Full front! Look, what an interesting island, oh, I see mermaids! Mermaids on the starboard side! Mermaids!

(A dance group appears in front of the porch (students of grades 4-5))

Student 1:
We won't let you through so easily,
We won't let you go without a gift,
You are talented, beautiful,
You are our graduates!

Student 2:
Don't judge the dance too harshly
After all, our tails are in the way,
Come to school more often
We will be waiting for you!

(Girls dance dance)

On the course of the parent island! We have more passengers on board!

Graduate 1:
I remember my mother taught me to first grade,
I held her hand tightly,
She carried a briefcase in her other hand,
And I was dragging my doll!

Graduate 2:
My mother tied me up with a bank then,
So huge and beautiful
There was fear in my eyes
But I didn’t tell my mother that I was afraid.

Graduate 1:
I remember dad gave instructions,
He asked me not to run and not to fight,
On the first day I gave a bruise,
I had to give up the console.

Graduate 2:
I remember how I did my homework
How my mother checked all the mistakes afterward,
I drew the map upside down
She scolded me a little.

Graduate 3:
We owe everything to our parents,
Bow for work, for understanding, education,
We always rush to you for advice,
And we share joys and sorrows with you!

(Several parents are invited to the porch and read)

It's always so touching, so beautiful. With what tenderness every word, every wish was spoken. And now we are sailing to Director's Island and Teachers' Island!

(Graduates, etc. The director, head teacher, several teachers say solemn speeches)

Have you noticed how fast our ship is sailing? Over the horizon you can see the island of Valsa!

(Graduates dance their last school waltz)

Look how unnoticed we landed on the island of the “Class Teachers.” I think we will drop anchor here, but only for a while, because a distant country called “Life” awaits us!

Graduate 1:
You protected our class from all adversity,
You saved us, always helped us,
A new horizon is calling us,
We will never forget you!

Graduate 2:
The last bell is ringing
Today he is calling us into the distance,
We won't go to class
And let's say goodbye to the school!

Graduate 3:
You are in our hearts forever,
We will always remember you,
You are our dear person,
We all shout “Hurray” to you!

(Graduates shout three times “Hurray” to their class teachers)

(Class teachers sing a song to the tune of “The earth is empty without you”)

Song .

The corridor and classroom will be empty,
The grass will also turn green,
Only I will be alone, without all of you,
And you, conquer life,
The sea of ​​your hopes and desires.
It was also empty here then,
When the last class went on its way,
I also cried for them,
My soul is torn apart by sadness!
How can I live without your eyes now?
How can we live without your smiles?
My best class has grown up,
A new life awaits you now!
The school yard will be empty without you,
If you can, then come in...

Graduate 1:
How much does our school mean?
How sad it is to leave,
We will return to it one day,
To teach your children!

Graduate 1:
Let's go back to childhood, we're at our desks,
Let's enter our beloved school yard,
Holding back my tears, we won’t cry,
Let's put things aside for later!

Graduate 2:
In time I will bring my son here,
Or maybe a daughter, it’s not up to me to decide,
I’ll show my child everything at school,
I will remember all the moments.

Graduate 2:
Maybe I'll come back here,
I can teach geography
I’ll instantly plunge into the world of childhood,
I will give homework lessons.

Graduate 3:
Or maybe I, or maybe we,
Let's keep warm
Those carefree days
It was so good when I was a child!

Graduate 4:
Our ship is already on its way,
Great things await us
And we are all ships,
It's time for us all to raise our sails!

Graduate 4:
We need to let go of childhood
Save the rest in memory,
The last bell will ring,
Farewell and see you again!

(According to tradition, the graduate places the first-grader on his shoulder, who rings the bell)

Graduate 5:
So the farewell bell rang,
You and I have grown up quickly,
I propose, in parting,
Give flowers to all teachers!

(All students hand over flowers and stand near the porch)

Graduate 5:
Are you ready to say goodbye to childhood?
Let him go for a while
Raise your balloons to the sky,
And release the thread into the sky!

(Graduates release balloons into the sky)

The end of 9th grade is a significant event for all schoolchildren. Some people leave school after this, some continue their studies, but all the kids feel that they have become a little more mature. This is why the last call is so important.

Scenes of the last bell in 9th grade must be funny so that this gala evening brings pleasure to all its participants. Thanks to humor, it is precisely such productions that will allow students to express their gratitude to their native teachers, and teachers, in turn, will be able to see themselves through the eyes of their children.

Last bell skits 9th grade (funny)

During the entire training, the children had a mentor - a class teacher. It is this teacher who knows them best. When preparing a presentation, you cannot ignore it.

An interesting option would be sketches for the last bell (9th grade) about class teachers. One of them is presented below.

Class decorations on stage. There is a poster “Welcome, graduates…. of the year!" An elderly teacher, the class teacher, sits at the teacher's table, and adult men and women sit at their desks. They can be played by both today's graduates in disguise and their parents.

Former students begin to remember their school days.

- Marya Ivanovna, remember how in the 6th grade we put a button on your chair once and poured glue another time?

The teacher smiles, the graduates laugh cheerfully.

- Marya Ivanovna, do you remember how we hid our magazine? You were looking for it for more than 2 weeks? Even then you were almost deprived of your bonus.

Everyone starts laughing again, and the teacher continues to smile sadly.

- Marya Ivanovna, remember how in the 10th grade we ran away from class and a dead mouse was thrown on your table?

Again the friendly laughter of the graduates and the smile of the teacher.

She then stands up, adjusts her glasses and states:

- Do you, my beloved students, remember how in the 6th grade I gave everyone a bad mark on a test, which is why you stayed after school for a whole week? What about our hike when we supposedly got lost? This happened just after the story with the magazine. Have you forgotten how I forced you to learn entire chapters of “War and Peace” by heart? It really was fun.

Now the teacher begins to laugh, looking at the confused faces of her former students.

Such miniatures will be great entertainment for both the guests of the evening and the graduates themselves. So, we decided that a mandatory attribute of this celebration should be scenes for the last bell (9th grade). Subject teachers are especially interested in what their graduates have prepared for the last bell.

Skits for teachers of Russian language and literature

The first teacher any student remembers is the teacher of Russian language and literature.

Most of the classes, endless dictations, expositions, essays - all this is about lessons in the main school subject. That is why funny skits for the last bell (9th grade) about teachers begin with the Russian language.

Thumbnail 1.

- Popov, name the gender of the words “closet”, “forest”, “house”, “stocking”.

- Wardrobe, forest, house - masculine, stocking - feminine.

- I wonder where you got that from?

- Because only women wear stockings.

Thumbnail 2.

- Krasnova, come up with a sentence with homogeneous members.

- There was no grass, no trees, no bushes in the forest.

Thumbnail 3.

The teacher explains:

- Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. For example, long - short, fast - slow, easy - difficult. Vasiliev, come up with an example.

Vasiliev answers:

- Cat dog.

- How why? They are opposites and fight constantly.

Skits for teachers of mathematics and computer science

When students begin to come up with scenes for the last bell (9th grade) for their subject teachers, mathematics occupies a special place in them.

Thumbnail 1.

- Petushkov, you finally learned to count to ten with difficulty. I can't even imagine what you will become after school.

- Boxing judge, Natalya Sergeevna.

Thumbnail 2.

- Petrov, imagine that you have 10 rubles in your pocket, and you asked your dad for another 10. How many rubles will you have?

- 10, Irina Sergeevna.

- Petrov! No knowledge of mathematics!

- I'm afraid that you have no knowledge about my dad.

Thumbnail 3.

- Pugovkin, multiply five by eight.

- Elena Andreevna, I agree to give answers to your questions exclusively in the presence of my lawyer.

Also, we must not forget about computer science teachers.

Thumbnail 1.

A computer science teacher walks into the library department and sees that the librarian is not there. He asks the students where he is. They answer him:

- It's in the archives.

The teacher persistently:

- Unzip it, please.

Thumbnail 2.

- Pavel Sergeevich, my computer caught a virus.

- And what did you do?

- Got vaccinated.

- Where?

- Under the mouse.

Skits for a biology teacher

Students must dedicate the last bell in 9th grade to the biology teacher.

Thumbnail 1.

The teacher asks in class:

- Who can tell me what the difference is between a river and an ocean?

One of the students answers:

- The river has two banks, but the ocean has only one.

Thumbnail 2.

- Lepeshkin, why do people need a nervous system?

- To be nervous, Lydia Andreevna.

Thumbnail 3.

- Myagkov, where do you think the bird with the straw in its beak is going?

- To the cocktail bar, Irina Sergeevna.

Sketch for an English teacher

Funny skits about the English language for the last bell (9th grade) will lift the spirits of everyone present. An example of such a miniature is presented below.

There is an English language exam. The teacher mutters to himself:

- They know absolutely nothing.. What would be such an easy thing to ask?. Okay...What is the capital of Great Britain?

The student is silent. The teacher starts to get nervous:

- What is the name of the capital of Great Britain?

- Bucharest.

Teacher annoyed:

- No! London! Two! Let the next one come in!

A student leaves, and another student asks him in the corridor:

- Well, what are they asking?

He explains to him that they are asking for the capital of Great Britain and he must answer that the capital is London. Offers to a classmate:

- Let me glue a cheat sheet to your sole, just in case - “Lan-dan.”

On the way to class, the cheat sheet comes off.

The teacher says to the newcomer:

- Come in, come in! My question is: "What is the capital of Great Britain?"

The student quickly glances at the sole and confidently answers:

- Adidas.

In addition, skits for the last bell (9th grade) for teachers can consist of short funny dialogues.

Thumbnail 1.

Conversation between mother and daughter.My daughter asks:

- Mom, say “fun.”

Mom is puzzled:

- For what? What is this anyway?

- Well, what's the difference? Just repeat and that’s it, it’s not difficult.

- Why should I repeat something unclear? I won't!

- Here! Why then are you forcing me to learn English?

Thumbnail 2.

- How's England? Did you have problems with the language?

- I don’t have one, but the British had...

Sketch for a geography teacher

Schoolchildren, when coming up with funny skits for the last bell (9th grade), do not bypass geography teachers.

Thumbnail 1.

- Petrov, what do you know about the Panama Canal?

- It’s okay, Lidia Andreevna, our antenna doesn’t pick it up.

Thumbnail 2.

The teacher explains the topic and talks about New Guinea.

The student clarifies:

- So it’s permanent summer there?

The teacher answers:

Student, sighing:

- Lucky. Eternal vacation.

Thumbnail 3.

- Peshkov, can you tell me the capital of Argentina?

- I’m very sorry, Yulia Vladimirovna, but I don’t know either.

Skits for history and social studies teachers

When composing sketches for the last bell (9th grade) in subjects, students do not forget about their history and social studies teachers. Here is a small skit that can be staged at a gala evening.

The teacher begins to check the homework.

- So, in the last lesson we talked about Napoleon. Please, Sinichkin, tell me what you remember.

The student stands up with a solemn look and says:

- Lydia Yuryevna, why listen to me? Let Napoleon tell about himself.

Teacher, surprised:

- But how do you imagine this?

Sinichkin proudly answers:

- And now we’ll arrange to call Napoleon and ask about everything.

The teacher agrees, everyone sits around the table. Sinichkin begins to call on Napoleon, who a few seconds later appears in the corner of the class in the famous cocked hat and says in a sepulchral voice:

- In the name of the Emperor, I order that Sergei Sinichkin be given a “5” in the year in history.

Teacher scared:

- Your Imperial Highness.. But how.. He doesn’t know anything about the subject.. Your voice somehow seems familiar to me... But why are you wearing sneakers?

He quickly approaches Napoleon, takes off his cocked hat and recognizes Lisichkin.

The teacher says with satisfaction:

- So Lisichkin. I almost didn’t believe it... Well, okay, let’s continue our session.

Everyone sits around the table again and the teacher says:

- I’m calling the parents of Sinichkin and Lisichkin.

The confused faces of those responsible for the incident and the laughter of classmates complete the scene.

You can also play out several short dialogues on history and social studies.

Thumbnail 1.

The teacher asks:

- Vovochka, what did the noble knights do with their defeated opponents?

Vovochka answers:

- They sold it for scrap metal, Irina Sergeevna.

Thumbnail 2.

- So, as I warned you in the last lesson, today we have a test.

- Can I use a calculator, Marya Ivanovna?

- You can, Vovochka, you can.

- What about a protractor?

- Please, Vovochka, to your health. So, let’s write down the topic “The Spiritual World of Man.”

Skits for physics and chemistry teachers

When composing scenes for the last bell (9th grade), the script for which begins to be invented long before the holiday, not a single teacher can be left without the attention. Below are miniature options for physics and chemistry teachers.

Physics lesson.

The teacher begins the survey:

- So, let me listen to you. Remind me of Archimedes' law.

The excellent student answers:

- A body that is immersed in a liquid will push out a volume equivalent to the mass of the given body.

The student resolutely objects:

- Absolutely wrong law! I checked it myself yesterday!

The teacher is interested:

- Well, let's be more specific, Vasya, what did you do there?

The student says:

- Well, how's that? I immersed my own body in a bath of liquid, sat for 4 hours and came out, frozen.

- What is the scientist’s fault?

- How is this in what? If he comes across it to me, I’ll arrange it for him!

The excellent student lost patience:

- What did he do?

The student responded:

- Well, I poured water into the bath, climbed into it...

Choir class:

The student says:

“The neighbors came running, shouting that a whole lake was leaking from their ceiling!”

Teacher joyfully:

- Exactly! And what follows from this?

The loser says irritably:

- Let Archimedes himself do the repairs now!

Excellent student sticking out her tongue:

- Yes, Teplov, you don’t know anything about physics!

Teacher, addressing another student:

- Zaitsev, do you remember anything? Are you going to take the Unified State Exam?

The second student answers in a calm tone:

“I remember everything, Elena Andreevna, but I don’t know anything!”

Teacher with a sigh:

- No, it’s impossible to talk to you! You both get a deuce. Tomorrow I'm waiting for everyone for the trial Unified State Exam!

Chemistry lesson.

The teacher will say:

- Did everyone write down their homework? I'm doing the laundry.

The student responded:

- Wait! I haven't completely copied this picture yet!

The teacher is puzzled:

- This is not a picture, Kruglov, but a structural form of halogen.

Loser, making an exhausted face:

- What is the formula? This is just “Black Square” by the artist Repin!

The teacher is surprised:

- So it’s so brilliant?

The student with a sigh:

- That is, it is so unclear.

- Well, as always, you mastered the topic with flying colors.

- What if I want “excellent”?

The teacher responded:

- Well, if you want an A, write us the formula for ethyl alcohol.

- I need a friend's help. Hello, grandma, quickly tell me the formula of ethyl alcohol, here the issue of my top five is resolved.

Grandma says:

- Well, I don’t know chemistry at all, granddaughter. That's two..

The poor student sadly repeats:

- That's two.

Teacher waiting to continue:

- So, then what?

- Grandma, you almost guessed right, try to remember!

Grandmother answers:

- What’s there to remember, I’ve already remembered five times!

The student asks again:

- As many as five?

The teacher says in an affirmative tone:

- Right! ts-2, ash-5.


Teacher, nodding his head:

- Well, almost like that! ts-2, ash-5, o - ash. Okay, you get an A minus.

Sketch for a physical education teacher

Of course, no scenes of the last bell (9th grade) will be complete without your favorite physical education.

The school bell rings. On the stage, in sports uniform, stands the student Pugovkin in splendid isolation. A physical education teacher walks into the gym, his face buried in a magazine, and says without raising his eyes:

- Hello! Class, line up! Pay off for one or two!

Pugovkin, looking around, says:

- One.

Pause. The teacher looks up, sees that no one else is there and asks menacingly:

-Soooo, where are the others? They're skipping class, right?

Pugovkin is scared:

- No, no, Valery Semenovich, they have good reasons.

Teacher, no less menacingly:

- Respectful, you say? Come on, quickly get them all here!

Pugovkin runs out of the gym and returns a minute later with the whole class.

The teacher praises Pugovkin:

- Well done, Pugovkin. Now we'll figure it out. You go first, Legkov. Where is the form?

Legkov responded:

- Imagine, in the evening I washed my uniform and hung it on the fence to dry. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an angry dog ​​appeared and tore everything up.

The teacher is puzzled:

- Of course, I understand everything, but where does the fence come from, since you live on the 7th floor? Okay, everything is clear with you. What do you say, Petrova?

Petrova answers:

- Oh, I hurt my ankle yesterday. The right one.. That is, the left one.. Well, in general, both..

- Clear. What about you, Simonova? Did you hurt your ankle too?

Simonova says feignedly:

- No, I have a sore throat.

Teacher in a suspicious tone:

- Sore throat, that means... That's why the bandage is on the leg, right?

Simonova quickly responded:

- Well, she... slipped...

The teacher nods his head and says:

- Oh well. Shishkov, how are you going to explain yourself?

Shishkov in a dreamy tone:

- Imagine, Valery Semenovich, yesterday the boys from 11 “A” told me that you wouldn’t be at school at all today. That they left for a gymnastics competition!

The teacher answers very surprised:

- Well, it’s necessary... Gymnastics... They came up with it... Well, okay, what about Vorobyov?

Vorobyov absentmindedly:

- I got the days mixed up today. I thought it was Wednesday, but it turned out to be Thursday. I even brought textbooks for Wednesday so I can show them.

Teacher in an affirmative tone:

- So, I give the whole class a “two” for lack of uniform. Now we sit down, take out notebooks and write down the topic “Daily Routine”.

Pugovkin is confused:

- Valery Semenovich, what about me?

The teacher is confused:

- Oh, yes, Pugovkin. And you, according to plan, are running a 2-kilometer cross-country race.

Skits for art and technology teachers

Funny scenes for the last bell (9th grade) will not be complete without mentioning art lessons.

Children sit at their desks and diligently draw. The teacher walks between the rows and checks the work. He stops near Kukushkin’s desk and asks:

- What did you draw?

Kukushkin responded:

- Like what? Vase. You asked it yourself.

- I remember what I asked. I don't understand what you drew.

- Well, Olga Mikhailovna, it’s a vase! That's just how I see it. You are an artist, you must understand me.

Teacher says:

- Okay, give me the diary.

He calmly takes the diary and gives a bad mark. Kukushkin is indignant:

- Deuce? For what?

The teacher answers him:

- What are you talking about, Petya, this is not a deuce, this is a five. That's just how I see it.

Last bell skits for 9th grade (funny) will be appropriate for all subjects. Technology is no exception.

The technology teacher scolds the class:

- Who broke the plywood? I'm asking you, answer!

The students stand with their heads down. Finally one says:

- Why plywood? Maybe it's glass?

The teacher is indignant:

- I broke the glass myself this morning. I installed plywood. For the last time I ask the question, who broke the plywood?

Thus, you can create a wide variety of scenes for the last bell (grade 9). The scenario is cheerful, the mood is excellent, the students, teachers and parents are beautiful, smart, happy. This is exactly what a gala evening dedicated to the end of 9th grade should look like.

→ Last call>" url="">

05.04.2018 | Looked at the script 10516 Human

Leading. Attention attention!
Presenter. What are the birds singing to us about today?
What did the breeze whisper about in the morning?
Leading. What event will happen at school?
What is our holiday?
Together. Last call!

Leading. Who is the main character at our holiday?
Presenter. Whom...

Examples of cool congratulations from parents on graduation for graduates of 2018

05.04.2018 | Looked at the script 2599 Human

Today on this day
You have become completely grown up,
No lessons, no changes,
No school problems

This is the day that sadly
You will often remember
And a transparent tear,
There will be jumping on your cheeks,

I really want a parting word for you...

Last Bell script for grades 9, 11

05.04.2018 | Looked at the script 8048 Human

LEADING. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state called “Secondary School”, one very important event happened! We have been waiting for this event for a long time - no more, no less, as much as eleven years! And finally, we waited!

They take the stage...

"Scenario of the ceremonial line"

05.04.2018 | Looked at the script 6137 Human

1st chapter:
Today is an extraordinary day:
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the lesson for the last, farewell
The graduation class is leaving.

2nd lead:
May day plays on the line,
The breeze whispers gently in the leaves,
Seeing off our graduates on their way...

Last call script "Anniversary cruise "Aerobatics""

27.05.2015 | Looked at the script 12002 person

The hall is filled with guests, music and songs about aviation are heard: “Moscow - Odessa” (Spanish: V. Vysotsky), “Small Plane” (Spanish: Valeria), “The Sky Chose Us” (Spanish: A. Domogarov and I. Rudakov) .

The presenters come out dressed in flight attendant uniforms. It's quiet in the hall...

"Celebration of Youth"

26.05.2015 | Looked at the script 15351 Human

Solemn music sounds and the presenters come out.

1st presenter: The poplar leaves are trembling,
The birch tree rustles gently.
Today is a holiday at our school:
The last bell will ring.

2nd presenter: Graduation classes are making noise, worrying,
They ring with a farewell echo...

Scenario for the last bell line for 11th grade "The whole world is a theater..."

14.05.2014 | Looked at the script 18722 person

The presenters come out: a young man and a girl, dressed in tunics and with classical Greek masks in their hands - smiling and crying, comedy and tragedy. When the guys speak, the masks need to be brought to their faces. Tunics can be made from ordinary...

Scenario. Line dedicated to “Last Call”

14.05.2014 | Looked at the script 21070 Human

1st reader. Attention! Attention! Listen up everyone!
2nd reader. Remember this day!
3rd reader. Remember this hour!
4th reader. Today is a special holiday.
5th reader. The hour of parting has come! Brothers and sisters leave our family on long journeys in life.


Scenario for the last bell celebration in 9th grade “Farewell, merry time!”

14.05.2014 | Looked at the script 11788 Human

Two presenters appear on stage

1st presenter: Remember this day!
2nd presenter: Remember this hour!

1st presenter: Today our ninth-graders say goodbye to their class and boldly declare: “We have graduated from basic school and are ready to enter the threshold...

Scenario for the last bell celebration “The best is yet to come”

14.05.2014 | Looked at the script 19463 person

Radio announcement:

Attention! The fast train on the School - Adult Life route will depart from school platform No. 18 at 10:00 am. Those accompanying and departing are kindly requested to proceed to the boarding area.

Excited cool people come out from different sides of the stage...

Tomorrow the last bell will ring in schools. This day can deservedly be called a holiday of passing childhood, farewell to a certain stage of life and a meeting with an unknown future. In order to make the last bell one of the most colorful and vibrant moments of your entire school life, take advantage of our ideas.

So, website tells how to make the holiday unforgettable.

1. Girls can wear a line from the times of the Soviet Union: a short dark dress with a white collar and a white apron, and also tie white bows on their heads. Young men of all times wear formal suits on this day.

2. Be sure to remember to say “thank you” to the teacher. You must sincerely thank your teachers for the knowledge they invested in you and, of course, a piece of their soul. They will be incredibly pleased with this, especially since they certainly deserve kind words.

3. Give parting words to first-graders. After all, it was their current graduates who were solemnly introduced into the school as their future shift, and now the time has come to wish the kids success in their further studies.

4. Prepare a festive concert. Sing the last bell song, dance the school waltz. Let this be a rehearsal for prom.

5. Swimming in the fountain has already become traditional. Therefore, do not change this tradition and take a swim in the nearest city fountain. After all, even law enforcement agencies turn a blind eye to this on such a day.

6. Write your wish on the graduation ribbon. As a rule, all graduates wear a special ribbon on their last call. But so that the ribbon becomes not only a decoration and some kind of identifier, but also a memorable souvenir, it can be used as a material on which we recommend writing wishes to your classmates.

7. If you have sympathy among your classmates, the last call is exactly the time when you can talk about your feelings. What if they are mutual?

8. In the evening, you can launch sky lanterns after writing your wishes and dreams on them. It will look incredibly beautiful, and it will also bring your class together even more.

9. Another idea to make the day unforgettable is to create a “time capsule”. To do this, take a bottle, a jar, a box in which everyone should put some of their own things (small). You can also add a disc with a video of your school days and wishes to your things. Then close the container and bury it. In about 20 years, get together and dig up a “valuable artifact.” You'll see, this will be a lot of fun.

10. And finally, the absolute thing you need to do is watch the sunrise on the embankment. This is also a last call tradition.

Step confidently into your future, where you will start a new life filled with interesting events! Have a fun and unforgettable Last Call!

Scenario of the last bell in 11th grade “The last bell rings for us”

The scenario is intended for the last bell of 11th grade students. This scenario can be used for one graduating class immediately after the ceremonial assembly for all eleventh graders. It is necessary to decorate the classroom with balloons in advance and prepare a sweet table for parents, teachers and graduates.

Scenario “Last Call – a guide to adulthood!”

The script is designed for 11th grade students. In the life of every schoolchild, the last bell plays a huge role. It is he who becomes the guide to a meaningful adult life - life without school. Therefore, it is important to conduct the “Last Call” in such a way that the memory of it will last a lifetime. Not only students, but also their parents and teachers are invited to the holiday.

Last bell script for graduating class students “Goodbye, school!”

Scenario for the last bell line for eleventh grade graduation. The celebration is held in the school yard. The holiday is held by the teacher-organizer. Graduates are dressed in elegant school uniforms.

Scenario for the last bell holiday for 1st and 11th grades

An exciting, unforgettable moment in the life of each of us is graduation. The end of a carefree childhood, ahead lies an independent, adult life with its joys, worries, anxieties.

Scenario for children “Last Call”

The scenario is intended for holding a ceremonial assembly at school. It is very important that the last call is memorable for graduates. The event should be interesting and at the same time not drawn out.

Last call script "Time Machine"

School slides from different years are shown. Next, the presenters announce that the school has invented a time machine, and show it in action. The stage shows fragments of a school lesson from different times: primitive people, the Middle Ages and the school of the future. At the end, graduates sing a song and give flowers to teachers.

Scenario “The Last Essay...”

The script is designed for the last call. As their last words, the children turn to their teachers and read out their latest essays in the form of farewell letters. It is advisable to format each appeal accordingly (decorate with drawings of a bell, school notebooks, write the text in calligraphic handwriting) and present it to your teachers.

Scenario "Goodbye school!"

Scenario for the ceremonial assembly. Each school has its own traditions, you can succinctly include them in a new scenario, thereby introducing innovations and maintaining the usual action.

Last bell script for 9th grade “Oscar Presentation”

A humorous script based on the annual Oscar award in the film industry. Everything should resemble this significant event. Students play the role of film actors who are awarded an Oscar, and their speech of gratitude should be addressed to the teachers who helped them achieve certain heights in their studies.

An unusual modern scenario for the last bell in 11th grade “Farewell to childhood. Raise the sails!

A very touching, interesting modern scenario of the last bell for 11th grade graduates. The last bell is not an easy school holiday, it is a new chapter in life, a new exciting stage from which everything is just beginning. The script will give positive emotions to everyone present and will allow you to plunge into the world of nostalgia about childhood and school days.

Scenario of the last lesson for grade 11 “What we were, what we will become”

After the last bell, each graduating class has the opportunity to say goodbye to their beloved class, to their class teacher at the last class hour. This is more than a lesson, it is a kind of journey that allows you to remember all the wonderful things that happened in school life. We present to your attention a variant of the script for the last class hour.

The last call is a joyful and sad holiday, the holding of which requires a special scenario that would emphasize the full significance of this important day. Here you will find many interesting scenario options that can leave the warmest memories of school in the hearts of schoolchildren. School years are wonderful - the best years in the world!