The smartest signs of the zodiac. Which zodiac signs are the smartest?

“Subtlety is as necessary for the mind as grace is for the body,” someone ancient said. All people, in general, are equipped with intelligence in one way or another, the only question is to what extent they are able to develop and demonstrate it. ELLE - about the intelligence of zodiac signs.

Cancer. 7 out of 10

Cancers can hardly be called intellectuals, and they, like Taurus, prefer not to brag. But if they are asked for advice, they will tell you what they know, and they know a lot. But the expression “flexible mind” does not apply to Cancers: in order to make a decision or draw any conclusions, they need to carefully weigh everything. Haste is fraught with serious mistakes.

Fish. 7 out of 10

Capricorn. 8 out of 10

He develops his intellect through intense efforts - nothing is given to him for nothing. Others may consider Capricorn a nerd, but he doesn't care. The main thing is to work on yourself and constantly fight against internal laziness, doubts and uncertainty. The problem with Capricorns who have reached heights in the intellectual sphere is their excessive dependence on authorities. More independence in thinking, and everything will be better than ever.

Scales. 8 out of 10

It just so happens that Libra's intellect - very powerful, as a rule - does not find proper use. They could move mountains with such a mind, but life develops in such a way that this mind is used in best case scenario at half strength. But outside of work, Libra realizes themselves in all their glory, completely devoting themselves to their favorite hobbies or. And this is where their intellect shines and shines.

Virgo. 8 out of 10

Virgo is a hard worker, especially after 25. In their early youth, Virgos read a lot, but information and wisdom do not stay with them, but they develop emotionally. They don’t want to study either, but, having passed the 25-year mark, they discover a passion for work and. And if this requires knowledge, they get it, if they need to work on their intellect, they do that too. Insights are not about Virgos.

Aries. 8 out of 10

The external is more important than the internal, and the form is better than the content. This is a principle that Aries often profess. This also applies to the intellectual sphere - in the sense of what Aries do, and not for efficiency. At the same time, the tendency to pose does not negate the fact that Aries is a natural clever person who thinks accurately and deeply. He would need less narcissism and verbiage, and everything would be just fine.

A lion. 8 out of 10

Leo is basically similar to Aries - the same posturing and desire to present oneself as cooler than in reality. Lviv produces excellent PR specialists and tribunes - they have brilliant oratory skills, produce good impression and can bewitch. If you dig deeper, everything is a little more complicated. Leo knows a lot, experiences everything subtly and knows how to learn lessons from what happens to him. But he prefers to hide his real mind behind the glitter of external effects.

Aquarius. 9 out of 10

Aquarius knows what will happen financial markets tomorrow, he can write a song in half an hour and design " smart House“I’m on my knees, but I’m not able to figure out how to pay the bills. In other words, the mind of Aquarius is not applied; it cannot be exchanged for current, everyday nonsense. This means that Aquarius cannot do without the help of someone nearby.

Sagittarius. 9 out of 10

Sagittarians are born intellectuals. They do not necessarily have to be scientists or bookworms, their intellect and intelligence touches all areas of life. It's just very smart people who look at life correctly and know how to act. The only thing is that they sometimes lack flexibility and doubt; doubt is also sometimes necessary.

Scorpion. 9 out of 10

This is a practical sign; non-specific knowledge seems meaningless to him. And really, why bother with something that won’t be useful in the real world? Everyday life? At the same time, Scorpio is capable of getting carried away by something completely exotic and putting everything into it. And then those around them marvel at how a man who stands firmly on his feet, has a strong worldly mind and never has his head in the clouds, turns out to be an expert in African poetry, and even in the original languages.

Twins. 9 out of 10

Order is not about Gemini. This also applies to what’s in the head. Gemini's worldly and other knowledge is chaotic and scattered. But, depending on the situation, Gemini uses those skills that are most needed in this moment. In any case, Gemini will pass the erudition test brilliantly. The main thing is to give them specific tasks. And the first advantage of representatives of this sign is the ability to quickly absorb information and make the right decisions.

Calf. 9 out of 10

Taurus is not one to try to impress with intelligence. At the first meeting, representatives of this sign run the risk of seeming not too smart, but this is an illusion. One of the advantages of Taurus is that he does not try to be better than he is, and, therefore, does not chase external effects. So you will be pleasantly surprised to discover that the seemingly naive Taurus is actually the smartest person.

The smartest zodiac signs- a question that does not imply accuracy, because regardless of the influence of the planets, each person is individual, has a different attitude towards self-development and has a unique gene. Nevertheless, based on statistics and the secrets of the date of birth, certain conclusions can be drawn regarding the intelligence of representatives of different constellations. Last time we talked about, based on the data proposed by the FBI. It's time to talk about IQ. We present to your attention the rating of the smartest zodiac signs.

Attention! Remember, each constellation has certain talents and karmic tasks. Everyone is gifted with something, but you should not treat this article as a written truth. The statistics are an average, nothing more.

Aries (21.03 - 20.04) - lowest IQ level

Aries are leaders, creators and good bosses. Not at all, according to statistical data, the majority have low level IQ. Indeed, most kings and kings always had servants and advisers in the guise of twins and archers. How so? In fact, leadership qualities do not always depend on the mind; in some cases, intuition, a sixth sense, which is difficult to develop with logic and knowledge alone, is more important. Leaders often trust their intuition rather than knowledge, which, having reached its origins, is too much transformed and distorted.

Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) - do not like to think

Pisces are the personification of family comfort and warmth, but not thinkers. However, it is generally difficult to make Pisces think, because they must be very interested in either the interlocutor or the topic. They must always be motivated.

However, in matters of love and friendship they have no equal. They always gather crowds of acquaintances who may even hate each other. At the same time, in the society of Pisces there is always harmony and a pleasant atmosphere. These are the talents the stars have provided for the air sign. However, they don’t need to be smart at all, because then they wouldn’t be able to create such a warm and genuine atmosphere around themselves. In general, Pisces cannot be considered one of the smartest signs of the zodiac!

Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) - do not like to listen

Taurus is another zodiac sign that is not known for its sharp humor, and the jokes of most representatives of this constellation are proof of this. You rarely meet a Taurus who is able to listen to his interlocutor to the end. As a rule, their “sparkling humor” takes over. Despite this fact, they are constantly surrounded by wise twins and attentive maidens. However, the whole point is not only in the behavior, but also in the thoughts of Taurus. They are more interested in the themes of the apocalypse, tomfoolery and naturalness. It is for this reason that they are always perceived favorably by people.

Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) - training, training and more training

Cancer is a representative of the constellation, to whom everything is given through intense exercise and perseverance. For this reason, this sign stops at nothing to achieve goals, even before dangerous Scorpios, if they stand on the way to a dream. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not able to grasp knowledge on the fly, like Gemini and Sagittarius, but they reach no less heights if they go towards their cherished dream. Cancers don't like to waste time on nonsense. If they doubt the relevance of a particular book, they will discard it somewhere far away. Useful knowledge is often abandoned...

Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) - the most hot-tempered sign

Scorpion- representative of the most dangerous constellation! Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said that genius and villainy are incompatible things, and men and women according to the zodiac sign Scorpio are proof of this. However, there are often smart people among them, but they rarely use intelligence for reasonable purposes. However, they have a rich inner and emotional world. If Scorpios are loved and love, they are able to change the world around them, and not only that. But here unrequited love, betrayal or resentment can lead to the opposite effect.

Libra (24.09 - 23.10) - the personification of crazy love

Libra is a sign that radiates love. In this science they have no equal, like Cancer in creating a cozy hearth and family. As for brain activity, apparently, there was a malfunction in the Heavenly Office and girls, especially Libra women, received a small share of mental activity. Naturally, we are talking about choosing a partner. Who knows, Libra girls know how to give their souls to completely the wrong people, because they are not able to make choices, decide and take responsibility for their actions. Well, we sincerely wish that along the way you meet smart guys who see the full potential of Libra girls, and not typical goats (there is no such zodiac sign, girls), as usual.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - donkey of the highest category

Capricorn is the owner of a certificate of honor and a donkey diploma highest category. Not all, of course, and not always. However, if for a typical Capricorn, emotions prevail - talking about grandparents signing over their apartments to charlatans and scammers. It is important that Capricorns do not become slaves to their emotions, otherwise things will go poorly. As for talents, there is a ton of them, ranging from discipline to ideology. If you don’t know what’s new to offer potential clients We advise you to enlist the support of an employee with the zodiac sign Capricorn. Their intelligence is enough not only to expand the range of the target audience, but also to change the vector of your organization’s activities.

Leo (23.07 - 22.08) - I am a brother to everyone who is glad to see me

Leo is not a person who knows how to choose. For this reason, most representatives of this zodiac sign act very “reasonably”, adhering to the principle, I am a brother to everyone who is glad to see me. Indeed, these people very rarely can understand who treats them sincerely and who brazenly exploits them, smiling in their faces. Dear Leos, in order to see the light, I recommend that you stop being fooled by praise. You don't like to show off too much - just kidding! You just don't admit that you love doing it. Therefore, flattery is taken for granted for you, but in vain! These are the kind of people to be wary of, especially with your mentality.

Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) - geniuses only in difficult situations

Aquarius is a unique sign that can get lost in the simplest life situations due to the abundance of solutions floating in the mind. However, if you need to make a quick decision, they have no equal here. Aquarians quickly think, analyze and get away with it in any situation. Watermark is capable of coming up with a smart strategy and delivering a unique presentation if time is short. When nothing is pressing, cretinism manifests itself, to the point of not wanting to listen. In general, one of the talents is acceptance. quick solutions, which are often lacking even for the heads of large corporations.

Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) - sages from birth

Gemini is the third sign of the constellation, characterized by extraordinary insight. Gemini men and women can be considered among the smartest signs of the zodiac. If they are noble people, they are able to lead and change worldviews. Their advice is always valuable, even if Geminis are not aware of their thoughts and are afraid of them. It is worth noting that even little twin children look like grumblers. They seem to know something more than others, as if they have lived for more than one century. An important goal in their creation is to bring clarity to the lives of other people. However, not all Geminis cope with such a difficult karmic task. Sometimes their words force others to draw only one conclusion - schizophrenia!

Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) - those who see the root

Virgo is a wise zodiac sign, regardless of gender. Both men and women are always insightful and have good intuition, which is closely supported by the logic and intelligence of Virgos. Such people are easy to find mutual language, always give the impression of individuals who know what they need. In fact, many representatives of the constellation do not understand at all what they are doing and why, but they know how to demonstratively appear in society. It is always a pleasure to communicate with them in company. But unlike Gemini, in private Virgos do not know what to suggest. This is the dilemma, perhaps we should be a little more reasonable with them. Tactlessness is perceived as a provocation!

Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21) - the smartest inventor and discoverer

The smartest sign of the zodiac- Sagittarius! We are talking about a constellation that is responsible for many discoveries on planet Earth. In any science there must be at least one smart Sagittarius who has made a significant contribution to the development of the industry. In any institute there is an excellent Sagittarius student, practically. However, they are also invaluable in enterprises, because they work a lot and offer development.

As for leadership skills, here they are inferior to Aries, who are often their bosses, and also occupy the first place among the stupidest signs of the zodiac.

Thus, we looked at the ranking of the smartest and not so smart zodiac signs. Conclusion: Everyone has their own strengths and not too much. It is important to develop in the appropriate niches, because everyone is given one thing to understand. Good specialist knows his stuff, and not a little of everything, friends!

According to astrologers, the smartest signs of the zodiac have a whole set of qualities, including very well-developed intuition, as well as a tendency to develop and innate high level intelligence.

The smartest zodiac signs - top 3

Not only a person’s character, but also his intellectual capabilities, as well as fate, directly depend on many factors. Important this has a zodiac sign that often predetermines milestones in people's lives.

The most intelligent sign of the zodiac

Children of Mercury from a very early age are able to amaze others with their intelligence, talent and ingenuity. Representatives of this sign, passionate about science, achieve high results in almost any field, but it can be very difficult for such intellectuals to find a worthy friend or companion for life, so the constant desire to study can do Gemini a disservice.

Inventive and creative Aquarius easily find a solution to any problem.

Uranus, which rules all people born under this sign, gives them ingenuity, the ability to search non-standard ways solutions to any problems and tasks. Aquarians are accustomed to approaching the issue of education in a very non-trivial way, and interest in many areas of life makes it easy to achieve excellent results. Nevertheless air sign most often lucky only in difficult situations, and the most simple tasks can quickly knock him out of his working rut.

Many famous scientists were born under the sign of Sagittarius

It is people born under this sign who are the real engines of progress and the authors of the most significant discoveries on a global scale. From early childhood, Sagittarius is determined to develop and work hard. Thoughtful and very calm by nature, Sagittarius has an analytical mind, capable of managing an enterprise or state, but they often overestimate their strength and suffer from overwork.

Rating of other zodiac signs

No less interesting results were shown by the opinions of astrologers and IQ studies in which other signs of the zodiac constellations took part.

Virgo combines developed logic and innate intuition

Virgo men and women are real workaholics who prefer to learn and develop throughout their entire life. conscious life. Good intuition and a lively mind are supported by innate logic, but, despite such a positive attitude, a very wise zodiac sign that sees the root of the problem quite often gets lost in the abyss of ordinary everyday troubles.

Libras have high intellectual potential, but cannot always realize it

The moderately modest sign knows all its capabilities very well and develops well the high potential given from birth. Among the representatives of the Libra sign there are a lot of creative and comprehensively developed, intelligent and intelligent individuals. But it is precisely innate modesty and some uncertainty that quite often prevent Libra from being fully realized.

Scorpio always tests the acquired knowledge in practice

A sign that prefers to test acquired knowledge and skills in practice is not devoid of innate intelligence and natural logic. Quick wits and developed intuition allow Scorpios to quickly accumulate an impressive amount of knowledge, which is used strictly for its intended purpose. Only a bad environment can prevent this rule from being implemented.

Taurus are able not only to obtain knowledge, but also to use it effectively

Those born under this zodiac sign are distinguished not only by perseverance in learning, but also by the ability to correctly use all the accumulated knowledge. However, perceived favorably by others, Taurus can very quickly lose initiative and lose all the advantages of logic given by nature.

Susceptibility to flattery can prevent Leos from being reasonable

All representatives of the Leo zodiac sign act, as a rule, very “reasonably” from their point of view and often attract flatterers who praise their natural talents. Leos are, of course, accustomed to using their mind and logic to the fullest, but they are sure to look for benefit and maximum practical benefit in this process, which they do not always succeed one hundred percent.

A tendency towards laziness can prevent Capricorns from realizing their full potential.

Typical Capricorns are distinguished by a noticeable predominance of emotions over reason. Representatives of this zodiac sign have fairly well-developed logic, and also have a noticeable desire to learn everything new and unusual. However, the innate inquisitiveness of the mind and extraordinary perseverance are often offset by the simplest laziness.

Pisces constantly needs strong motivation to develop.

Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign need motivation and constant pushing in the right direction. From birth they do not grab stars from the sky, but they can easily rely on acceptance difficult decisions on your well-developed intuition and very rich imagination. Simplicity, as well as incredible carelessness, are the main enemies of Pisces.

Cancers have wisdom and experience, but are often reluctant to learn

Erudite and intellectual from birth, Cancers are capable of surprising their interlocutor and can give full useful advice based on life experience and wisdom. Nevertheless, representatives of this zodiac sign consider studying to be a waste of time, so they prefer to use in life only a small part of the knowledge gained and accumulated experience.

Aries has great intellectual potential by nature, but can be lazy to realize it

Naturally dexterous and quick-witted, Aries is quite capable of making a favorable impression on others. All the problems of this sign are explained by ordinary laziness, as well as an absolute reluctance to take on any obligations for self-realization.

It is safe to say that, regardless of the influence of the planets, all people are individual, have a unique set of genes, therefore absolutely stupid signs Zodiacs simply do not exist in nature.

But they predict the likely degree of development of intelligence. Some zodiac signs are highly intelligent, while others are more stupid.

The title of “the dumbest sign of the zodiac” does not mean that a person is necessarily stupid, just that in different situations he may show a slow reaction, think too long, or his thoughts are more primitive than those of other representatives of the zodiac.

Which one is the dumbest and most stupid?

Astrologers believe that intellectual activity is most difficult for Capricorns and Taurus, as well as Pisces and.

But this must also be considered from the point of view of belonging to the male or female half of humanity.



    The Capricorn man prefers to solve issues not with his mind, but with force. Instead of influencing a person with words, he gets into a fight because he is better at it. At the same time, Capricorn is not averse to thinking, but his thoughts are primitive and relate more to simple everyday problems than to spiritual matters.


    According to astrologers, slow-witted people solve the tasks assigned to them very slowly and do not always do it successfully. A Taurus man will be more successful in the role of a performer, a worker, than a scientist or businessman. It is especially difficult when they have to solve something new.



    Among the female stupid signs, Pisces especially stands out. They are immensely confident that they are right, but their mind does not go beyond solving everyday and primitive problems. They don't strive for spiritual development, do not like intellectual conversations, simply because it is difficult for them to understand what is being said. But they don’t mind talking about how to cook soup or attract a man.

    Cancers have a peculiar mind. They have a lot of luggage theoretical knowledge, but it is difficult to apply in practice.


    Capricorn women too often show stupidity due to their stubbornness and a tendency to sort things out.

The wisest and most intelligent

Among the signs, of course, there are also the smartest ones. They usually belong to the elements of Air and. Air is associated with spirituality, development, intellectual ability and creativity. Fire is the power of energy, creativity, development.

Wisdom is associated with life experience and the ability to overcome difficult situations with honor and minimal losses.



    He is undoubtedly is a smart and intellectually developed sign among men. Few people know so much, combining knowledge with practical experience how Aquarius does it. His mind is agile and innovative. Aquarius is an explorer, he is looking for new paths. However, not all signs can understand him, because Aquarius is always ahead of progress and he may seem strange to other people, because it is quite difficult to keep up with his intelligence.

    The ability to know everything determines that Aquarius simply becomes bored, because he can answer almost all the questions of the universe. Nevertheless, he cannot be called completely wise, because his emotionality and breadth of interests do not insure him from mistakes. This sign openly says what he thinks about people, and this sometimes brings him certain problems.


    Gemini is considered a smart sign. But their mind is closer to cunning, although they have plenty of life wisdom. They have inquisitiveness and curiosity; in childhood they love experiments, sometimes very dangerous ones.


    Virgo is ruled by Mercury. A man under this sign often chooses intellectual professions, for example, a teacher. He has well-developed analytics and attention to detail, which makes him a careful and reliable worker. Research work is suitable for them. They also find themselves in medicine.

Among men, the smartest sign is Aquarius, but at the same time the most contradictory and incomprehensible to other people.



    They are also among the top smartest and most practical. They have excellent situational control and are good at social contacts. Sagittarians can be harsh and capable of telling the truth to their face, but at the same time they justify their thoughts well. Their mind is agile, curious and aimed at gaining new knowledge and practical experience.


    Women have high intelligence. These are creative and developed people who love to learn. They have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but Libras cannot always apply it in practice. This sign makes good writers, musicians, lawyers and teachers.

    However Libras need to restrain their emotionality, which can sometimes interfere with the use of their minds. The sign itself is very patient, showing wisdom from childhood. The Libra woman critically assesses the situation, sees the pitfalls and consequences of actions. She has the ability to evaluate other people, so they make good psychologists. But the picture can be spoiled by the indecisiveness of this sign regarding their actions and application of knowledge.


    The Gemini woman also has intelligence. Her natural curiosity and ability to remember allow her to act effectively and solve current problems.


    Aquarius women are smart unless they are overwhelmed by an overly valuable idea or addiction, otherwise they simply stop developing.

Among women, Libra and Sagittarius lead.

Of course, it is impossible to say definitively that only these signs are the stupidest or the smartest. Everything depends not only on the stars, but also on genetics, social factors and the desire of the person himself to develop.

According to astrologers, these 3 zodiac signs are the smartest representatives of humanity! Let's see if you are included in the ranking?

12th place - Aries

The honorable 12th place goes to Aries not at all for stupidity: firstly, the author still wants to live, and secondly, this is still not true. Aries are by no means stupid. Aries are simply guided by the principle “You need to think less! And think more!” At least that's what they say. From the outside it seems to us that Aries, in principle, do not think before acting, but, oddly enough, this does not affect the positive result of their actions. Well, what if suddenly the sky will fall to the ground and Aries's rash actions will lead to wrong consequences - Aries will simply pretend that it was intended that way. And in this, by the way, he has no equal.

11th place - Pisces

Pisces has a mind, but they don’t need it. Because thinking a lot is harmful: from this, intuition begins to malfunction, the Sahasrara becomes clogged, and it will be faster to send mental messages to the Heavenly Office by Russian Post. At the same time, Pisces manage to be considered almost geniuses, which, however, is not far from the truth: have you tried to use intuition instead of your mind? That's the same thing. The only issue in which Pisces for some reason do not trust their outstanding intuition is the issue of finances. Apparently, it was when looking at Rybka trying to increase her capital that the immortal “We have funds” was born. We are not smart enough" ©

10th place - Taurus

Well, as they say, we should all be as smart right away as Taurus is later. Because Taurus is reinforced concrete precisely in hindsight: Taurus knew in advance that this is exactly how it would all end - not like you fools. Fools at this moment make repentant faces and regret that they did not listen to the wise Taurus. Who, in fact, didn’t say anything, but sat silently and carefully built complex cabbage soup. This is what he says now, and he has everything ready-made solution and wise advice, as well as plan A, plan B and plan for all the other letters of the alphabet. But! If Taurus is given a proper drink, or, say, a good scare, he will begin to think worse than Capricorn and Virgo combined, and freely shower everyone with the gifts of his outstanding worldly wisdom. Why Taurus doesn’t always want to do this before the local apocalypse, and not after - we don’t know for sure. Most likely, Taurus believes that teaching fools only spoils them.

9th place - Cancer

Cancer is a born conservative: the mind is supposed to be trained throughout life, so what? So, we will train. But nothing was said about the fact that training methods can be changed. Therefore, what they taught at school and college is enough. With this, in fact, you can finish your pension until retirement. And there is no need to waste the abyss of mind given by the dear Universe on all sorts of nonsense - you never know, it will run out. The mind is needed so that sometimes smart person it was possible to talk. With myself, that is.

8th place - Scorpio

Genius and villainy are two incompatible things, said Alexander Sergeevich Our Everything, but we think that some Scorpio Jesuitically whispered this to him. Because they’re still so joint! You may ask, why is Scorpio not in first place, and why is there still anyone other than Scorpios in the horoscope? With such cleverness, you can take over the universe and, by the highest intergalactic decree, simply take and cancel all other signs, right? No. It is forbidden. Because Scorpio was not only generously showered with intelligence, but also endowed with a rich emotional world. So Scorpio, without really having time to understand and think through any incomprehensible situation, is already riding a goat around the hippodrome, tearing apart the button accordion as he goes. But, as a rule, he eliminates the consequences of his emotional outbursts wisely, this is true.

7th place - Libra

The seventh place goes to Libra, along with a beautiful medal and a diploma “Buridan’s donkey of the highest category”: when the distribution of intelligence began in the Heavenly Office, Libra received its considerable share in the order of the general queue, but forgot to take the instructions for use (lost, torn, washed with jeans, accidentally spilled red wine, etc). And now it is completely unclear to them where the button is for rational thinking, and how to stop this damn pendulum between “Or maybe it’s not necessary?” and “We need Fedya, we need it.” On the other hand, when the scarce sense of harmony of the surrounding world and internal space was finally thrown onto the heavenly shelves, Libra screamed “You weren’t standing here!”, pushed the crowd with their elbows and took everything into one raking paw. That is, in fact, how they are saved.

6th place - Capricorn

The honorable central place goes to Capricorns, who are so smart that it is just right to organize a charity event in the central square of the city and drive fools there on a voluntary-compulsory basis. No, honestly: if Capricorns had shared a small fraction of their intelligence with suffering humanity, it would have already built communism in the neighboring galaxy. Simply because Capricorn knows everything. That is, everything. Including how to build communism in a neighboring galaxy. The only thing Capricorn doesn’t know is how to live, Uncle Mitya? Because the function of “worldly wisdom” has atrophied in Capricorns. Like an atavism.

5th place - Leo

Fifth place is occupied by Leos - a gift to envious astrologers who are so upset by the lion's star map that they can’t even eat: everything about Lviv is better than about others! Where, one wonders, is justice? We answer: justice is that Leos are, of course, very, very smart. They grasp everything on the fly, are able to pump up their intellect to level 80 in between, without straining at all, and retain mental alertness until old age (yes, they also live a long time). But Leos spend all the treasures of their powerful minds not on helping grateful humanity, not on great discoveries, and not even on enriching themselves, their loved ones. They are simply making Napoleonic plans. Always. Right in the morning, having placed their beautiful ass on the sanitary ware throne of thoughts, they begin to build. And bringing all this to life, of course, is not a royal matter.

4th place - Aquarius

The clever Aquarius fell just short of the top three, and now, of course, they were very offended: they were probably counting on 12th place, or even better, on a category outside the overall standings. “La-la-la, I’m my mother’s fool,” Aquarius seems to be telling us and actively demonstrates the degree of truly outstanding cretinism in the simplest life situations. You can't say anything - smart. But you can’t fool us, and we know: Aquarius is just pretending and hiding his sharp mind so that he won’t be forced to solve all sorts of boring problems that aren’t worth a damn. Stop hammering nails with microscopes, really!

3rd place - Gemini

The sleep of reason, as is known, gives birth to monsters, and every intelligent and educated person agrees with the truth of this saying. Until he takes at least one glance at WHAT and WHO the waking mind of Gemini is capable of generating. The whole secret here is not only a sharp mind and outstanding analytical skills, but also in the completely uncontrollable fantasy of Gemini. For this we give them a gold medal and then insidiously take it back. Because you need to cheat less, yes. And to spite your grandmother, you don’t need to freeze your ears either.

2nd place - Virgo

The silver medal rightfully goes to Virgos - people who have a computer in their heads, and before, before the era of computers, there was full meeting volumes of the national library, and even earlier it was “Burn the witch!”, and before that - “Oh, great shaman, tell me, when will the gods give us rain?” In general, Virgos have always had an order of magnitude more intelligence than the average population, so Virgos often make great scientists and geniuses of deduction. True, when they, with their sharp and sterile, like a scalpel, logic try to delve into the incomprehensible depths of human souls, some kind of hat comes out. I mean, grief comes out. From the mind.

1st place - Sagittarius

Ta-damm! And here he is - the most important smart guy in the horoscope! Sagittarius has this problem complete harmony: developed intelligence, worldly wisdom, the ability and, most importantly, the desire to study and learn new things throughout their lives, wit, eloquence, abilities for all sciences at once - in general, Sagittarius has a simply fantastic mind!