Secrets of using PVC edges at the edge banding stage. Edging PVC edges with hot melt glue using a hair dryer: an affordable option for the home craftsman Edge with glue how to glue

The edge is used to protect the end edges of chipboard or MDF from impacts and abrasions, and from moisture. This treatment gives the edges of the furniture strength and protects others from the effects of formaldehyde, which impregnates the chipboard sheet inside. So let's figure out how to choose glue for PVC or chipboard edges.


  • Made from melamine - represents a tape made from paper based with glue. It is usually used for finishing the interior parts of furniture. A budget-friendly, but not high-quality type of edge. It wears out quickly, is afraid of a damp environment and after some time can come off on its own. The only advantage of this finish is that the sticker does not require much time and can be done at home using a regular iron;

  • The flexible T-shaped profile is a flexible T-shaped strip that is easily inserted into a pre-prepared cut in the side of chipboard or MDF. To install a mortise T profile at the end of the slab, it is necessary to mill a groove. If the profile becomes damaged over time, it can be easily replaced without disassembling the furniture. Of course, the use this method limited only by the presence of a milling machine;
  • PVC edging - it gives furniture parts durability, increased wear resistance and protects the edges of furniture from damage. But in order to stick it on, you need a machine for processing the edges, because of this, its use is limited;
  • Made from ABS plastic - a more environmentally friendly analogue of the previous type. Made from plastic that does not contain chlorine. It is successfully used in the furniture industry due to its qualities such as impact resistance and heat resistance.

Pasting process

If you want to save money, then use a melamine edge with glue, which is applied to the end of the product and simply ironed with a hot iron, after which the protruding parts are cut off with a knife. This method can also extend the life of old furniture.

Let's take a closer look at the simplest method. A hair dryer is suitable for this. But if you don’t have one, an iron will do. You will also need: a knife, a piece of cloth, fine sandpaper. So:

  • It is necessary to cut off a piece of the edge, not forgetting about a margin of a couple of centimeters;
  • Then place the melamine tape with the adhesive side on the piece;
  • Apply a hot iron and wait until everything is thoroughly warmed up and the glue applied to the edge melts. For warming up, it is better to choose areas up to about half a meter;
  • Using a rag, immediately after warming up, press the edge tape tightly. You can do this as soon as you remove the iron, as the glue quickly cools and hardens.

Trimming excess

After gluing, it is necessary to trim off the excess to give the product a finished look. First of all, you need to trim the ends. When trimming off the excess, be careful not to accidentally damage the corners of the piece. Point the knife inside the part. For a high-quality result, you need to take a new knife with a sharp blade.

To end the process final processing, go over the corners with sandpaper. They should turn out smooth, with a uniform chamfer, and when you hold them with your hand you should not feel any roughness.

You can also use an iron to remove the old edge tape. Heat the edge and remove it with a knife or sharp spatula.

Hot melt adhesive

In professional furniture production Hot melt adhesives have long taken a strong place. Therefore, if you are going to put production on stream, it is better to switch to this type of adhesives and the corresponding equipment, which provides a fairly high speed of execution and more stable quality.

According to their own physical properties Hot melt adhesives are classified as thermoplastics. This means that when they are heated, they become highly elastic and quickly turn to a solid state when cooled. High fluidity and strength when hardening are given to this type of adhesive by the presence of ethylene vinyl acetate polymer (EVA) in their composition. They also have excellent compatibility with different types materials.

Know the properties and technological features the use of these adhesives is necessary for specialists who manufacture furniture on professional level. The main disadvantage of their use is that you need to have the appropriate equipment for the job. The application and heating of hot melt adhesives to parts that need to be glued is done using hand guns or special machines.

Let's sum it up

Those who like to craft in their spare time and those who want to cut and assemble furniture themselves do not have a lot of choice. At home, you can only glue the melanin edge and the U-shaped PVC edging.

Anyone who has ever encountered laminated chipboard knows that a board made of this material has smooth surfaces with a textured pattern, while its end parts are a jumble wood shavings with glue. To give parts sawn from such a board a marketable appearance, a process such as chipboard edging was invented. It consists of gluing a decorative strip - an "edge" - to the ends of the parts, which can be in color with chipboard decor, and be different from it.

Today, two main types of edges are used:

  • PVC edge
  • melamine edge

PVC edge used in the factory production of furniture, it is more reliable, strong, durable, but the edging procedure when using it is quite labor-intensive. IN furniture workshops special edging machines are used. The thickness of the PVC edge is 2 mm and 0.4 mm. The width also varies depending on the thickness of the chipboard sheets.

Melamine edge less durable, but requires a minimum of tools to apply and is widely used among home furniture makers. But due to its low mechanical resistance, its use is limited. Personally, I glue melamine edges mainly on drawers. Hot melt adhesive is always applied to the back of the melamine edge, and it itself is sufficiently resistant to elevated temperatures, so a simple iron is enough to stick it on. It can only be thin (0.4 mm) and I have never seen it wider than 20 mm.

Since our site is largely dedicated to working from home, let’s first look at how.

So, for work we will need the edge itself, an ordinary iron, a metal ruler, a clamp or a vice (optional), a fine sandpaper on a block.

The technique for gluing the edges is as simple as a nail:

Now let's figure out how to glue correctly PVC edge with your own hands, i.e. without use edging machine. Such an edge will last much longer than a melamine edge, and besides, it is 2 mm and looks “richer”. It is worth mentioning that the PVC edge can be as already with adhesive layer(hot melt adhesive), and without it. In the first case, edging occurs using construction hair dryer, and in the second case, you need to purchase glue. Let's consider the second method in more detail, because... it is more economically profitable.

Let's start with gluing 0.4 mm PVC edges. To fix it, it is best to use contact types of glue, for example 3M™ Scotch-Grip, Moment Crystal, Titanium or “88”. It is worth noting that it is more convenient to work with liquid glue (3M), it is easier to level and its consumption is much less. We work with glue according to the instructions indicated on the package.

Contact adhesive can be replaced with hot melt adhesive. For this you will need glue gun with a set of rods and an industrial hair dryer.

To work, we will need a roller for pressing the edge (successfully replaced with a rag or a piece of felt boots)), the glue itself, a spatula for leveling the glue or a simple brush, as you like, a wide chisel or a knife from a plane to remove excess edge, a sanding block with fine sandpaper .

Hello dear friends!

As a rule, the melamine (paper) edge is self-adhesive and 0.5 mm thick.

Although, I believe that everything that can be cheaply ordered on the side should be ordered, freeing yourself from unnecessary routine work.

But there are still times when you have to do this procedure yourself.

In general, I do not recommend using melamine edges to process the ends of parts, since the savings are meager, and the quality of such a product will be low.

But sometimes you can glue PVC (but not thick one, so if its thickness is 2 mm, then special equipment will be needed for such an operation).

So, what do you need for gluing?

Firstly, you need special stops into which the part is inserted.

They are usually made from waste chipboards yourself (they can be clearly seen in the photographs).

At a minimum, there should be two of them, in case the part is large.

Secondly, you need an iron.

It should be heavy and on a spiral (old versions). In this case, it will maintain a high temperature for a long time (it is measured visually with a finger on which there is saliva).

Such irons can be bought at flea markets.

Warm it up and try it.

It should not burn the edge, but it should also melt the glue that is applied to it well. reverse side.

The measure of all this, of course, is experience. You just need to try it a couple of times and everything will become clear.

Next, you need to have either a sharp knife, or a scalpel, or a razor, etc. They trim off the excess edge hanging from the edges of the part.

And the last thing you need is a block with small “knife” stuffed on it. The processed ends are smoothed with it.

This is done so that the glued edge cannot be accidentally torn off.

Yes, I forgot. You also need a piece of felt to press against the newly glued edge.

And the process itself is quite simple

The part is installed on the stop.

According to its size, a piece of the edge is broken off (cut off) (with a small margin) and placed on the desired edge.

After this, a heated iron is passed over it “under pressure”, while at the same time rubbing the glued part of the part with felt with force.

When the edge has “set”, it is cut with a knife.

This operation must be done correctly.

The blade of the knife should go along the plane of the part, thus evenly cutting off the protruding part of the edge.

If it goes at an angle to the plane of the part, it will constantly “cut” into the corner edge, and this will leave chips.

After the remains are cut off from the part, all edges along the edges of the part are rubbed down with a sandpaper.

If the part is , or with curves, then the situation is more complicated.

First, you need to process such a part with a router so that it has the correct edges, and only after that proceed to gluing.

But in this case, the whole procedure, of course, will be more complicated.

Therefore, I repeat: order these things “outside”.

That's all.

For furniture made from laminated chipboard, untreated edges do not look very aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the formaldehyde resin that holds the chips together in the slab can become a source of harmful fumes. To avoid these problems, use a special furniture profile or edge. Special equipment is usually used to glue the edges, but you can handle this task yourself at home. So, edge for a tabletop with glue - how to glue? Let's talk about this.

Types of furniture edges

Laminated chipboard is one of the most common materials in furniture production. The furniture edge is designed to mask the cuts that occur after cutting the required parts. Various edges are used to make decorative strips. They are made from different materials. Their properties and prices are also different. Before gluing the edge to the tabletop, let's look at the main types of materials.

Paper with melamine

Melamine impregnated paper edge is the most cheap option. To make it, thick paper is used, impregnated with melamine and coated with varnish. For ease of edging, an adhesive coating is applied to the back of the film. Working with the material is extremely simple: you need to heat it up and press it well against the furniture end.

Important! Paper edging is not only the cheapest, but also the most short-lived type of finish.

Most common thickness paper tape- 0.2 and 0.4 mm. There is no point in using a thicker edge, and the price will increase significantly.

Important! Paper ribbons bend well and do not break, but they mechanical strength extremely low. For this reason, paper edge is used with back side shelves or countertops - where there is no heavy load.


Durable and practical polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has also found application in furniture production. A ribbon is formed from a polymer mass painted in one color or another. The front surface can be smooth or textured (imitation of wood fibers). There are so many color options that you can choose the right one without much difficulty. Wherein, PVC price more than affordable.

It is very easy to glue PVC, which is why home craftsmen often use it. You can achieve good results using simple devices. The advantages of PVC tape include:

  • High strength.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Chemical neutrality to household chemicals.

Thickness furniture edge is 0.4-4.0 mm, with a width of 19-54 mm. There are tapes with or without glue applied.

Important! Polyvinyl chloride also has a significant disadvantage: it does not have a very wide range of operating temperatures (-5 - +45 degrees). Therefore in winter time furniture should not be left outside for a long time (for example, when moving). Care must also be taken when heating the material before gluing so that it does not melt.

ABS (ABC) plastic

This is an environmentally friendly material that does not contain any harmful impurities. It is durable and practical, resistant to significant differences temperatures It has one drawback - its relatively high cost.

Important! ABC tape can be matte, semi-matte or glossy. Eat furniture tape, which simulates various varieties tree.


This is the thinnest piece of wood, processed and shaped like a ribbon. It is used for finishing the edges of veneer products. The material is not cheap and quite difficult to use. The sticker of this material requires certain skills, so it is advisable to turn to the experts.


The back strip of the tape has a pattern on it, and a transparent acrylic layer creates a three-dimensional effect. Therefore, it is also known as 3D. Such option will do for furniture with an original design.


In addition to edges, a special T-shaped or U-shaped profile is used for finishing furniture. For T-shaped profiles, a groove is formed in the edge. The profile itself is hammered into the groove using a mallet. There are 14 and 16 mm profiles made of plastic or aluminum. Installation of a profile with a U-shaped cross-section is carried out using special glue.

Important! The disadvantage of this type of finish is that they are of little use for curved surfaces.

How to glue an edge to a tabletop with your own hands?

There are 2 methods of gluing:

  • The first one refers to materials with an applied adhesive composition.
  • The second concerns gluing tapes without an adhesive layer.

Important! In the latter case, purchase a universal glue that glues edging, wood and plastic equally well.

Now about what thickness of material to choose. According to GOST canons, edges that are not visible do not need to be processed. But it’s better not to be lazy and edge all the cuts. This is necessary to avoid the absorption of moisture from the chipboard and the evaporation of formaldehyde:

  • Tape is used to treat inconspicuous areas PVC thick in 0.4 mm.
  • On the “front” edges, 2 mm thick polyvinyl chloride tape is used.
  • For shelves - 1 mm.

Self-attaching tape with adhesive composition

Start working with thin edges. First, let's look at the installation of melamine or PVC tape. Let's look at how to glue an edge on chipboard with an iron. To do this you will need scissors and regular iron with fluoroplastic nozzle. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Cut a piece of tape with a margin of 1.5-2.0 cm.
  2. Place the iron on the “deuce” setting.
  3. Place the edge on the surface to be treated, level it so that small pieces hang over the edges.
  4. Iron the ribbon through the iron attachment. If there is no nozzle, you can use soft textiles.
  5. Once dry, trim the edges. To make them look as smooth as possible, process them with a hand router.

Important! Trimming the edges must be done with the utmost care. The material is thin, all defects are very noticeable.

Edging with PVC tape without adhesive

To stick PVC tape without a special layer, you will need universal glue for PVC edges on furniture (for example, “Moment”) and a piece of soft textile:

  1. Don't forget to read the glue instructions first.
  2. Now apply glue to the tape, wait the time specified in the instructions, then connect the surfaces to be glued.
  3. To press surfaces more firmly, use wooden block or soft cloth.
  4. Press the tape with stroking movements to ensure better adhesion.
  5. After the glue has completely hardened, you can align the edges.

Chipboard is the most suitable material for the production of reliable and high-quality inexpensive furniture. In order to hide the not very aesthetically pleasing internal structure of the product, edging is performed on the end side - the installation of special decorative panels from melamine, PVC or others available types synthetic plastics.

Why else do they edge furniture?

In addition to the most obvious goal - to provide an elegant appearance, edging furniture performs several more equally important tasks:

Where should edging be done?

Furniture manufacturers often edge only the visible parts of the end surfaces. From the point of view of economy, this seems quite understandable, but taking into account the above facts, this approach can lead to certain problems - the protective edge must be present in all places where there is an open internal structure of the chipboard.

If you purchased furniture with unprotected edges, you can easily do their edging yourself at home. To do this, you do not need to have any special equipment - the edge can be glued with a regular iron.

Don’t be lazy to spend a few minutes on this operation - you will reliably protect yourself and your furniture and significantly extend its service life. Next, we will look in detail at how to properly glue the edge tape with your own hands.

Edge materials

Edging open furniture surfaces can be done using different decorative elements, differing in the quality of the material, appearance and, accordingly, cost.

How to glue an edge with an iron

In production, edging is done using tape with a clean base. The adhesive composition is applied to it during installation when high temperature ensuring the formation of a thin, even layer. In order to glue the edge, several rollers are used, pressing it tightly to the base of the chipboard. Then special cutters cut the tape to the size of the part, remove any remaining glue and base material, and sand the joint until a smooth and beautiful surface is obtained.

You can also glue the edge at home. To do this, you need to use a tape with already applied adhesive composition. Further, the process largely repeats industrial edging, since it is performed in a similar way:

You can learn more about the process of gluing edges on chipboard in the video below:

Glue the U-shaped profile onto chipboard end somewhat simpler. We have already discussed this method earlier. This edge is much stronger than melamine, bends quite easily and reliably protects against damage.

The presence of microgaps between the U-profile edge and the front surface of the chipboard does not allow gluing it in the kitchen or bathroom, so edging with this material is mainly used for office furniture.

Edging chipboard, of course, is best done in the factory. At the factory, you can order tape from any materials, including plastic, PVC and other modern composite materials. Edging on a machine will ensure perfect evenness and precision of application. decorative cladding, but requires certain costs. If the main task is to meet a predetermined small budget, applying melamine tape with your own hands will allow you to combine acceptable quality and the minimum price.