Network retail trade. Retail chain organizations

In the 20th century A chain of stores is two or more retail establishments under common ownership and control, selling goods of a similar range, having a common purchasing and sales service, and possibly similar architectural design.

Both global and Russian experience confirm that consolidating stores into a single network is the most effective way of development retail.

Advantages of network trade are as follows:

  • taking into account the territorial segments of the target market, it is possible to place goods with changes in space;
  • in accordance with consumer preferences, it is possible to change the range of goods and create an attractive assortment at competitive prices;
  • The size of the networks allows them to purchase large quantities of goods. while receiving maximum discounts and saving on transportation costs;
  • centralization and high level of management of all commercial activities through the involvement of qualified specialists allow you to avoid many of the disadvantages characteristic of a separate store;
  • diversification of activities is possible taking into account increased efficiency;
  • reducing costs per unit of goods by saving on sales promotion costs, purchasing advertising that is beneficial for their stores, and allocating costs to a large number of goods;
  • the ability to combine the functions of wholesale and retail trade;
  • chains give their stores some freedom so that they can successfully compete, taking into account local consumer preferences.

In developed countries, retail chains have captured the entire market space. All other retail outlets (small shops, shops) occupy no more than 4% of the market.

In Europe, network trade controls 70-75% of retail turnover, and in Russia - at the level of 20-30%.

In general, there is a tendency for the development of retail trade according to the European scheme, i.e. By consolidation of retail trade networks.

In world trade practice, retail chains with more than 10 stores are called trading chains.

According to experts, a retail network can be effective when it includes 20 stores. Today, the well-known Pyaterochka chain includes 69 economy-class supermarkets, the Perekrestok chain of stores includes 46 retail outlets, Kopeyka - more than 20 stores, Knacker, Seventh Continent - more than 15, Ramstore “—more than 12. Other chains are also actively developing: “Dixie”, “Avoska”, “Azbuka Vkusa”.

Market network trade in Russia for the period 2002-2009. increased almost 2 times. The most developed network trade is in Moscow, where the penetration rate of network trade is now 45%, in Russia as a whole - 20%. However, in comparison with other countries, the level of concentration of network trade in Russia is quite low.

Main terms of creation retail chains are:

  • concentration of the network management apparatus in a single center;
  • centralization by ;
  • reducing commercial functions in stores and transferring them to center managers;
  • introduction of quantitative and cost accounting in the retail network; equipping stores included in the chain with modern cash registers and machines;
  • use of barcoding methods;
  • implementation of an information system corresponding to the tasks of the selected management model.

Chain trade is characterized by modern store formats, determined by assortment, size of retail space, forms and methods of service. New store formats, modern and huge malls are being developed. Retail trade enterprises are equipped with advanced business technologies and have modern premises. All this cannot but affect the competition, which is beginning to intensify and is taking place not only in the price range.

Retail trade networks, its types, classification

To carry out retail trade, an appropriate material base is required. The basis of the material and technical base of retail trade is the trading network.

In GOST R 51303-99 “Trade. Terms and Definitions”, which came into force on January 1, 2000, provides a definition of the concept of a retail network.

Retail trade network - is a collection of retail establishments and other trading units located in a specific area for the purpose of selling goods and serving customers or under common management.

This is the main organizational and technical link through which goods are brought to consumers and their needs for a variety of consumer goods are satisfied.

The retail trade network provides the opportunity to quickly, conveniently, with minimal effort and time, purchase the necessary goods and services in conditions of free choice in a convenient quantity, close to the place of work and home.

Retail network structure characterize the following indicators:

  • the ratio of enterprises trading food and non-food products;
  • share of fixed network in total number trading enterprises;
  • the share of specialized stores in the total number of retail enterprises;
  • the forms of sale and methods of service used;
  • the ratio of retail space used for the sale of individual groups of goods;
  • the ratio of retail and non-trade areas of the store;
  • duration of use of the retail space during the day (working hours);
  • the ratio of the total area of ​​a retail enterprise located in free-standing, built-in and attached buildings;
  • the share of stores equipped with refrigeration equipment, including enterprises selling perishable goods;
  • average size of retail space per store.

The study of retail trade using basic classification characteristics allows us to obtain information about its quality, relative size and importance, impact external factors, as well as the organization of sales at a separate enterprise.

A retail trade network can be classified according to various criteria.

Depending on the conditions under which the sale is carried out, it can be stationary and non-stationary.

Fixed network located in specially equipped buildings and structures intended for purchase and sale.

Rice. 14.1. Types of retail network depending on sales conditions

The stationary retail network is represented by retail (shops) and small retail networks (pavilions, kiosks, stalls, vending machines).

Retail network represents a set of trading enterprises interacting on the basis of unified coordination determined by the external environment. This network includes specially equipped buildings (shops) that purchase and sell goods and provide services to customers for their personal, family and home use.

Small retail chain includes pavilions, tents, stalls, kiosks. A small retail trading network has great flexibility, the ability to quickly deploy and get as close to customers as possible; its construction and operation does not require large expenses.

The development of a small retail trading network does not require large investments and allows the use of cheap materials for its construction. Many points are open 24 hours a day.

The small retail chain sells food and non-food products of a simple range and everyday demand. It complements the chain of stores during seasonal trade in vegetables, fruits, flowers, drinks, and is also used as an independent store for trade in tobacco, confectionery, books and magazines, newspapers, and ice cream.

The disadvantages of a small retail trading network are the narrow range of products, the lack of convenience for customers when choosing goods, the difficulty in creating appropriate conditions for storing goods and monitoring compliance with trade rules.

Pavilion - This is a closed, equipped building of light construction, with a sales floor and a room for storing inventory, designed for one or more workplaces.

Unlike stores, it offers a narrower range of products and fewer conveniences in serving customers.

Kiosk - This is a closed building equipped with commercial equipment, which does not have a sales area or premises for storing goods, and is designed for one workplace, on the area of ​​which inventory is stored.

Tent - This is an easily erected prefabricated structure that does not have a sales area or storage areas for goods, and is designed for one or more workplaces. Commodity stock, designed for one day of trading, is placed on the area of ​​​​one or more seller's workplaces. The work of the tents is most often seasonal (selling vegetables, fruits, stationery at the beginning of the school year).

Stall - a building equipped with commercial equipment, without a sales floor and storage space for goods, designed for one seller’s workplace.

A type of small retail chain is vending machines(“vending” - automatic trading) - are used for selling goods through automatic devices. They can be used for selling piece goods, packaged goods, and drinks.

Vending machines are installed in stores, in areas adjacent to them, as well as in crowded places (at train stations, in parks, in cafes, on the streets, etc.). Through them they sell not only small individual packaged goods, but also drinks - coffee, freshly squeezed juices, hot sandwiches, cigarettes, and confectionery. In recent years, the sale of services has become widespread - payment for cellular communications, charging mobile phones and etc.

Vending through vending machines is especially active in the USA, Japan and China. The number of vending machines per 1000 inhabitants in these countries ranges from 2 to 14 units and exceeds 5 million units. This is one of the most impersonal forms of selling goods. Such widespread use of vending machines abroad is associated with the possibility of using modern forms of payment for goods (credit cards), the development of specialized production of goods for sale through vending machines (special packaging, disposable tableware, etc.).

The advantage of trading through vending machines is a significant acceleration of the process of selling goods, a reduction in the cost of maintaining staff, and unlimited operating time.

Despite the undeniable advantages, trading through vending machines in the CIS countries is developing extremely slowly (including due to the withdrawal of metal coins from monetary circulation).

Small retail trade is regulated by the Model Rules for the Operation of Retail Trade Enterprises.

Non-stationary trading network - This is a mobile trading network. It is used primarily to serve small and remote settlements where there is no stationary retail network. This form of trade organization is characterized by great mobility and the ability to bring goods as close as possible to consumers. It is most often carried out by individual entrepreneurs or any organizations in easily disassembled tents, mobile shops, and tank trucks.

According to the GOST R 51303-99 standard “Trade. Terms and definitions" non-stationary trade operates in the form of delivery and pedestal mobile trade.

Delivery trade carried out with the help of car shops, trailers, shop cars, shop ships, i.e. using specialized or specially equipped vehicles.

The most widespread are auto shops, which are used for trade services in rural areas; in places of agricultural work (sowing, harvesting), procurement, public events (fairs, bazaars, exhibitions and sales) and recreation of the population; on farms and distant pastures.

Trade through car dealerships and in large cities is becoming increasingly widespread. It is carried out by enterprises producing dairy, meat and some other food and non-food products. Such trade is organized in the busiest and most suitable places.

Abroad, delivery trade is very common - signs are made in the same style, delivery trucks and sales trailers are painted the same way, and each manufacturer strives to deliver its goods directly to the consumer.

Distribution trade is carried out through direct contact between the seller and the buyer at home, in institutions, organizations, enterprises, transport or on the street. It is used for serving in recreational areas, on railway platforms, stadiums, on trains, on airplanes: confectionery, ice cream, flowers, newspapers, books and some other goods are often sold this way.

Abroad, this form of trade has developed into a developed industry of personal sales carried out by independent agents.

Thus, in the USA, peddling trade (at home, at the workplace, through specially organized presentations at the home of one of the potential buyers) is widely used for the sale of cosmetics, jewelry, household appliances, jewelry, dietary and gourmet food products, encyclopedias, educational literature.

In France, the largest share of home sales comes from cars, books, textiles and cosmetics, and fine wines.

This form of trade organization ensures that the product is as close as possible to the consumer and direct contact between the seller and the consumer, which allows for effective personal sales.

By size of the trading enterprise, their number in the network is distinguished:

  • large (more than 150 m 3);
  • medium (up to 150 m 3);
  • small (up to 50 m3).

By forms of integration:

  • horizontal:
    • corporate,
    • voluntary;
  • vertical:
    • retail enterprises with the manufacturer,
    • retail and wholesale enterprises,
    • mixed integration.

Horizontal networks unite enterprises located at the same economic level. This is a union of two or more water-owned trading enterprises that are homogeneous in terms of functional significance and product profile. The largest horizontal retail chains are Magnit (operated by JSC Tander), Pyaterochka, Karusel, Dixy, Seventh Continent, Perekrestok, and Kopeyka.

Horizontal networks are a form of equal cooperation of enterprises implementing individual functions and work. They can be corporate (have one owner, a single regulatory body, centrally purchase goods and offer a similar range) or voluntary (a group of independent retailers who have organized a trade association). Voluntary associations include the retail chains “Old Man Hottabych”, “M.Video”, “Sportmassr”, “Seventh Continent”.

Horizontal networks can be single-format, i.e. consist of enterprises of one type (for example, the Krasnodar chain "Magnit" operates in the discounter format) or multi-format, which includes several formats (for example, CJSC Trading House "Perekrestok" includes a supermarket, a hypermarket, a store "U Doma").

Vertical retail networks are built on the principles of subordination and management. They unite functionally dependent producers, intermediaries, sellers and consumers of a given product. Such networks are formed on the basis of the subordination of adjacent links of product distribution to one of the channel participants who has the greatest potential and dominates it. Such networks are also called intersectoral. They can be formed by:

  • associations of retail enterprises with manufacturers (branded trade);
  • mergers of retail and wholesale enterprises (large distribution companies create their own retail outlets);
  • diversification (formation of financial and industrial groups and large inter-industry complexes - the Babaevsky concern).

Retail trade networks are formed on the basis of franchising, buyouts and construction of new stores.

There are transnational (international) and national networks.

Transnational (international) networks develop by opening retail enterprises in different countries (for example, German chains Aldi, Metro, Obi, Dutch Spar, French chains Auchan, Carrefouer, American WalMart, Russian Ramstore, Swedish Ikea).

Nationwide networks can be:

  • federal - they are developing stores in several cities of Russia (for example, the Krasnodar chain "Magnit", the St. Petersburg "O" Key, the Moscow "Seventh Continent", "Perekrestok", "Karusel", "Line", the Kaliningrad "Victoria", "Kvartal" );
  • local - they work on the scale of one city (for example, “Molniya” in Chelyabinsk, “Bakhetla” in Kazan, “Monetka” in Magnitogorsk, “Kupets” in Yekaterinburg, “In 2 Steps” in Rostov-on-Don).

When organizing retail trade in a network, various management models can be used.

So, "investment" The management model is based on the creation of an investing and integrating financial center with independent business entities. With this model, management tasks in the center are simplified, and enterprises included in the network can be more proactive in their commercial activities. However, the disadvantage of such management is the lack of consistency in procurement activities and dependence on the quality of work of commercial services.

This drawback is deprived "holding" a model in which the center determines the purchasing policy, but trade objects are independent in operational management. This model allows for more flexible store management. But with such management, costs are high due to the excessive growth of the management apparatus.

The most effective model of a network retail organization is "centralized" model. It is based on the fact that a single control center delegates to stores the functions that are minimally necessary to participate in operations related to ordering, inventory and revaluation of goods. The use of such a model makes it possible to reduce costs and more efficiently use the management apparatus when it is concentrated in a single center, but at the same time reliable communication with stores included in the network must be ensured.

The greatest savings in technical and labor resources is ensured by using a “tray” management model, based on the complete concentration of management in the center and the almost complete absence of management functions in stores. The information system is located in the central office, and the entire management apparatus is concentrated here. With such a system, direct deliveries of goods to stores are practically eliminated.

In practice, a “hybrid” model can also be used, in which some of the stores are managed centrally, while the other part can operate on a “tray” or “holding” principle.

Chain trade is characterized by modern store formats, determined by assortment, size of retail space, forms and methods of service. New store formats are being developed, modern shopping centers and huge malls. Retail trade enterprises are equipped with advanced business technologies and have modern premises. All this cannot but affect the competition, which is beginning to intensify and is taking place not only in the price range.

Types of retail chains by type of assortment

The assortment of goods is an important feature of the classification of a retail chain. The number of product items presented to the buyer is determined by the store format. One of the areas for improving the retail trading network is its specialization, which helps to facilitate labor and increase productivity and has a positive impact on the quality of customer service.

Based on product assortment they distinguish: universal retail chains, specialized chains, chains with a mixed range of goods, chains with a combined range.

Universal retail chains sell a universal range (all groups) of food or non-food products. Examples of such chains are supermarkets (Perekrestok, Magnit, Tabris), hypermarkets (Pyaterochka), department stores (Kalinka Stockmann, Moskva, Stilny Gorod), and Detsky Mir department stores.

Specialized retail chains(including highly specialized ones) sell one group of goods or part of a product group. This allows us to provide customers with a deeper and richer assortment, have closer connections with suppliers, and reduce paperwork. Specialized enterprises have Better conditions to study customer demand, more opportunities to offer customers services. Representatives of specialized retail chains are M.Video, Eldorado, Major League, Sportmaster, Bibabo, Positronika, Mir, Econika, Tekhnosila.

Specialization is influenced by scientific and technological progress, people's needs, and the growth of monetary incomes of the population. In this regard, highly specialized retail chains selling perfumes (L'Etoile, Ile de Beaute, Arbat Prestige), fine wines (Aromatic World, Delicate World. Gallery of Wines and Cigars), fashion clothes, cell phones (Euroset).

Chains with a mixed assortment of goods sell certain types of food and non-food products. This group includes enterprises in which specialization is not observed and, along with the main assortment, other products are sold (Auchan, O'Ksy).

Networks with a combined assortment sell several groups of goods related by common demand or satisfying any customer needs (“Repair goods”, “City of Craftsmen”, “Diet”).

Today in Russia there is a universalization of retail enterprises, and the number of mixed stores is growing. For food trade, the development trend is universalization, for non-food trade - an increase in specialized and highly specialized stores.

Characteristics of the retail trading network by retail price level

Price performs an extremely important function, which is to generate income (profit) from the sale of goods. The achieved commercial results depend on prices. Price serves as a means of establishing certain relationships between the enterprise and customers; it affects the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The retail trading network unites enterprises according to pricing policy:

  • below the subsistence level - discounter, “stock stores”, warehouse store, food markets, mini-market, “second-hand”, thrift stores;
  • corresponding to the subsistence level - markets, everyday goods; Cash and Carry stores;
  • superior living wage(elite):
    • food stores - supermarkets, specialty stores, hypermarkets;
    • non-food stores - boutiques, showrooms, discount stores, specialty or highly specialized stores.

The market requires an individual approach to the needs of customers. Increasing competition in the retail market means that price remains the most important factor for the majority (60%) of Russians. Great differentiation in the level of consumer income forces trading enterprises to focus their activities on individual market segments.

There are no more than 30 large retail chains in Russia (with not three or four stores, but several dozen, or several stores in more than five regions of Russia).

The easiest way to classify retail chains is by consumer segment; they differ not only in prices, but also in the choice of goods, design of retail space and service.

Luxury/Premium chains - classic grocery stores focused on “premium” products and consumers with “above average and high” incomes (“Fashion Grand Lascala”).

For wealthy buyers. offering high quality products, with a high level of service at appropriate prices. Boutiques, showrooms, discount stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, department stores, specialized and highly specialized chains are opening. These include the chain stores “Globus Gourmet”, “Stockmann”, “Azbuka Vkusa” and “Seventh Continent - Five Stars”.

Economy class stores - the most common and in demand. The main promotions in stores in this segment are discounts. Therefore, for thrifty buyers of the food chain, discount stores, Cash and Carry stores, mini-markets, warehouse stores, manufacturer's brand stores, food markets are intended; in the non-food chain - second-hand stores, consignment stores, or "stock stores" ", manufacturers' retail outlets, television store, everyday goods.

The largest economy class chains include Pyaterochka, Kopeika, Dixie, Kaliningrad's Victoria, Kvartal, Deshevo, Krasnodar's Magnit chain, and Kazan's Edelweiss.

Discounters - These are networks with a universal assortment, operating using the self-service method and selling everyday goods at low prices, which are ensured by minimizing maintenance costs, low quality equipment, and cheap store decoration. As a rule, they are located not in the city center, but in “dormitory” areas and are aimed at all residents of nearby neighborhoods.

Research shows that there is an increase in the share of consumers who, when choosing a store, give preference to product quality and a wide range. Therefore, to increase the number of potential consumers, retail chains are actively developing multi-format: chains are characterized by simultaneous development in several formats - “convenience store”, supermarket and hypermarket. The Auchan company is developing a network of Auchan hypermarkets and Atak discounters. The Dixie chain initially focused on discounters, but has now decided to open stores in other formats—hypermarkets and “convenience stores.” “The Seventh Continent” is developing three formats at once: “convenience store”, supermarket (“Five Stars”, “Universam”) and hypermarket (“Our Hypermarket”). The Magnit chain of stores opened Thunder supermarkets and began to develop the hypermarket format. Lenta opens a chain of convenience stores called Norma. The X5 holding, created through the merger of Pyaterochka and Perekrestok, is developing the Pyaterochka chain of economical supermarkets, as well as Perekrestok supermarkets and hypermarkets.

Trade is an industry National economy, which performs the functions of circulation of goods, ensuring the movement of the latter from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption.

Trade, as a form of exchange, is an intermediate link between production and the distribution determined by it, on the one hand, and consumption, on the other, and at the same time it represents a special phase of the reproduction process. This is the established idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrade, which to an ever lesser extent reflects the role and place of this type of activity in economic processes, especially in its most modern forms.

It is enough to pay attention to the fact that both in terms of value added and in the number of employees, trade in the most developed countries is many times greater than agriculture, forestry and fishing, construction is several times greater and comparable to industry.

Fundamental changes have also occurred in relationships with producers and consumers of products. Such forms of relationships with manufacturers as one-time contracts, acceptance for commission or sales, are replaced by long-term cooperation, providing quality guarantees, reliability of supplies and orientation not only to the current, but also to the future. financial support Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation under project No. 06-02-00199a. 355 promising demand.

In relation to the consumer, the study and formation of his preferences, as well as encouraging cooperation on an ongoing basis (various types of discount cards and gift systems for regular customers) come to the fore. As a result, there is a fundamental difference between the product that the manufacturer promotes to the market and the product that ends up in the modern retail chain.

The latter is measured, weighed, packaged, legitimate and declared fit for sale; accordingly, it has a different consumer value. In general, trade in its most developed form becomes not only an intermediary sphere between producers and consumers, but also a producing sphere, which, by analogy, could be called the sphere of final processing. Naturally, all traditional and historically established forms of trade are preserved, including illegal street trading.

At the same time, it is high-tech and information-rich forms of trade (trade networks and Internet trade) that determine not only the level of development of the trade industry, but also the country’s economy as a whole.

Trade as an industry is a set of enterprises, among which two main segments can be distinguished - wholesale and retail trade. Wholesalers are essentially intermediaries between manufacturers and the retail sector.

In almost all cases, counterparties for wholesale companies are legal entities - retail or wholesale companies, or private entrepreneurs.

Retail is essentially a consumer market. The buyers of retail goods are the final consumers - individuals. In the classical definition, wholesale and retail trade are characterized by different volumes of sales to customers. Respectively, wholesale represents the supply of large quantities of goods, retail - the sale of smaller lots or units of goods.

In addition to this property, which does not always indicate that an enterprise belongs to one or another sector of trade, one can distinguish such a feature of retail trade as sales to the end consumer through specialized retail outlets (point of sale). Such retail outlets can be shops and supermarkets, as well as markets, tents, and stalls.

Wholesale trade enterprises, on the contrary, usually do not have their own retail outlets and sell goods directly from their own or rented storage facilities. 356 A number of existing retail formats can be organized within a retail chain. Thus, a retail network can include kiosks, specialized stores, stores operating under the manufacturer’s trademark, small wholesale stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, car dealers, and gas stations.

A number of shopping centers, such as MEGA, use a single brand and have a single management system and can also be organized as a network. This does not exclude the existence of individual shops, markets, as well as private entrepreneurs-hawkers. Currently, retail chains occupy a significant market share in the structure of trade turnover in Russia. Thus, it can be summarized that network trading is an integral integral part modern consumer market and the entire Russian economy. Retail trade networks (RTS) in the classical definition are a form of retail trade in which the main distinctive feature is the presence of trade organization several points of sale. Each of them has its own retail space, inventory and personnel, but is a division of a retail chain.

In addition to brands and uniform formats, network trade is also characterized by a unified system of management, financing and investment decision-making. Many RTS have unified purchasing and sales services, logistics services and distribution centers that serve all stores in the network, unified information systems, as well as quality control systems and unified training centers. The development of the RTS format has a greater impact on the retail business and the economy as a whole than a simple increase in the number of stores or sales growth. One of the most significant features of the development of chain retail is the emphasis on low selling prices. As a result of the action competitive advantage In the form of lower prices, not only customers of retail chains benefit, but also customers of other forms of retail trade.

Thus, competitors are also forced to lower prices and improve operating efficiency, or provide other non-price advantages to their customers. The market must respond to lower prices or improved customer service, and although the average price does not fall to the marginal level, the spread between the minimum and maximum retail price nevertheless decreases as a result.

To illustrate this effect, we can note the fact that in 2003 the average growth rate of prices for goods in Metro Cash & Carry stores was about 357 7%, while the consumer price index increased by 10.2% for food and 9 .2% for non-food products. Independent stores are inextricably linked to the wholesale trade system, which is an intermediate link between manufacturers and retailers. The emergence of retail chains brings retail trade one step closer to the ideal system of distribution of goods, which reduces the gap between producers and buyers of goods, increasing efficiency and reducing transaction costs to the lowest possible level. Factors in the development of retail trade networks.

Almost all the advantages of retail chains are based on the savings that arise from centralized management of more than one division and the increase in sales volume associated with the number of retail outlets. As sales volumes and the number of retail outlets increase, companies can to some extent reduce the proportion of semi-fixed costs such as advertising and administrative expenses, directly benefiting from economies of scale. At the same time, the main disadvantages inherent in retail chains are caused by problems of separate management of various retail outlets.

As turnover increases, the average costs of RTS decrease. These savings are inextricably linked to revenue growth through an increase in the number of points of sale. The inability to significantly increase sales without increasing the number of stores is one of the main reasons for the emergence of retail chains. Although large independent department stores, grocery stores, discounters and supermarkets can generate large revenues, maximum revenues can only be achieved through a networked distribution network.

Among the restrictions on the sale of high turnover by one store are the possibilities of expanding retail space, because... the number and size of land plots in close proximity to residential areas is limited; in addition, the reach of the store’s customers is limited to the nearest residential areas; there are other infrastructural frameworks.

There are factors that enable retail chains to reduce selling prices. Some of them are inherent in network trade and cannot arise in any other form of trade organization. Most of the factors that emerged as a result of the activities of retail chains can exist in other formats.

Retail chains are taking advantage of large formats more effectively. One of the reasons for this is that the format of online trading itself is associated with an increase in internal transaction costs, namely, control and management costs. The retail chain incurs additional costs for creating and monitoring the implementation of internal standards and procedures, training staff and introducing technology at all retail outlets of the chain. Such costs, which constitute a small percentage of sales for large retail chains, can be prohibitively high for individual independent stores. In addition, RTS can reduce the costs of training staff and implementing procedures in new stores. As sales volumes increase, companies gain an additional advantage in negotiations with suppliers. Many retail chains organize centralized purchases from suppliers (or from large wholesale companies), which gives them the opportunity to receive significant discounts on purchased goods.

By selling products in large volumes, manufacturers gain economies of scale that they can share with retailers who supply large orders.

The retail chain system practically eliminates wholesale intermediaries from the goods distribution chain. Independent retail stores are forced to work through wholesale companies, since working directly with suppliers is often impossible for them due to high transaction costs. One retail outlet actually does not have the opportunity to conclude contracts with all suppliers, of which there may be several thousand with the assortment of an average modern supermarket, and will incur high costs for transporting goods from each supplier. Large suppliers also avoid working with small buyers due to the low volume of purchases and higher risk, which negatively affects the supplier's transaction costs.

In addition, middlemen and manufacturers may force small independent retailers to stock up on unsold merchandise because suppliers' capacity exceeds the purchasing power of independent retailers.

Almost all large retail chains have their own warehouses and distribution centers, which allows them to reduce internal costs of distributing goods to various points of sale.

Thus, in addition to saving on price, RTS receive significant savings on transportation and storage, as well as an additional degree of freedom in managing the assortment of goods in various stores of the network. For the end consumer, this means lower prices for similar products compared to regular stores. The overall economic effect of increasing the share of 359 retail chains in the structure of the economy is expressed in a more stable and sustainable structure of demand for manufacturers' products, better information about the structure of consumer demand and lower prices, as well as lower transaction costs. Thus, manufacturers are forced to work with a lower margin, but receive benefits in the form of higher sales volumes, more stable demand and a transparent structure of the product range. Price policy retail chains is a more complex function compared to the pricing policy of individual stores and private entrepreneurs.

In essence, the trading network is a more flexible system compared to these types of trade. The pricing strategy of individual stores and private entrepreneurs is limited by the volume of demand from buyers and the volume of supply from suppliers. Retail chains can overcome these limitations and manage both sales and purchasing volumes, making pricing a much more complex process that also offers benefits over individual store and entrepreneur strategies. Another factor underlying the rapid development of RTS is advertising. Independent stores rarely use advertising media. Retail chains, on the contrary, actively use advertising. This can be advertising in the press, on television, radio, on the Internet, billboard advertising, sponsorship and other types of advertising. Modern large retail chains use advertising to compete in the market for market share with other chains and retail stores, as well as to attract customers, which contributes to sales growth. This helps retail chains create their own recognizable brand and partially overcome information asymmetry for customers.

Standardization of stores also significantly reduces information asymmetry, which for the economy as a whole means more stable dynamics of commodity turnover and minimization of gaps between supply and demand, and also reduces the costs of buyers searching for goods. If the buyer knows that the chain maintains a single standard for all its stores, knowing the assortment of one of the stores, he will be confident that any other store in this chain will have a similar assortment.

The assortment of large RTS in terms of the number of items of goods presented can be tens of times greater than the assortment of ordinary stores due to the fact that retail chains have greater purchasing power, and, therefore, greater opportunities for purchasing goods from suppliers compared to ordinary retail stores.

Wholesale companies that purchase large quantities of goods from suppliers avoid buying those goods that are not in mass demand, since they cannot be sure that they will be able to sell these goods to retail companies, which, in turn, do not show demand for these goods, since We are not sure about the possibility of selling them to end consumers.

Retail chains that work directly with manufacturers can bridge this gap, improve assortment and optimize supplies. Modern RTS are able to monitor product sales in real time at all of their retail outlets and increase the supply of those goods that are in peak demand, while simultaneously reducing the supply of goods that are not in demand.

In addition, retail chains are subject to much stricter control by regulatory authorities, which, along with the chains' desire to increase customer loyalty, forces them to pay great attention to product quality control. Thus, in most large chains there are departments for quality control and product certification, services internal control over the implementation of operational procedures and the planned disposal of low-quality goods or products with an expired shelf life. Almost all RTS have logistics specialists, buyers and modern equipment for inventory management.

This allows chains to both increase inventory turnover, increase the share of new goods and fresh products, and reduce transport and customs costs, as well as improve the supply of stores in order to ensure the supply of those goods for which consumers have maximum demand. Many retail chains have their own analytical and control services that help determine the current demand for various types of goods, current balances, losses and shortages, and ensure timely ordering, delivery and placement of goods on the trading floor.

Wholesale firms are not able to quickly and adequately respond to changes in demand, since they do not have data on the sale of goods by retail operators and do not have control over retail sales.

Consequently, the wholesale trade system generates economic losses, firstly, through the inability to provide the required assortment, and secondly, through the timely supply of goods for which there is effective demand. Thirdly, wholesale trade, being an additional intermediary between the manufacturer and the final consumer, increases transaction costs. The law of diminishing returns from factors of production, which limits the positive effects as the size of an organization grows, also affects retail networks, but it is quite difficult to determine the limit at which network growth becomes ineffective.

The advantages of large RTS are not limited solely to price factor, in addition, they benefit from attracting more qualified work force, introduction of new management methods, installation of new equipment. In network trading, there is a more effective division of labor, since with large turnover the company can hire qualified employees to perform individual operations, while in small ones retail stores such operations are performed by one employee or even the owner.

Accounting, control, warehouse operations, logistics, sales, construction, supply and other types of operational activities are performed by specialists, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing risks. Network retail trade generates not only positive, but also negative effects. In addition to the diminishing returns to factors of production, it can be noted that all retail chain stores are managed by employees, unlike independent stores, which are often managed directly by the owner. The so-called owner-agent problem arises.

On the one hand, the owner is interested in increasing the value of the retail network, on the other hand, employees may exhibit opportunistic behavior, since their interests may not coincide with the interests of the owner. The percentage of losses of retail chains as a result of theft, damage to goods, and employee negligence can reach several percent of revenue. However, in general, retail chains are a more efficient type of building retail enterprises compared to individual stores and private entrepreneurs. History of the development of retail chains abroad and in Russia. Although retail chains now exist all over the world, the United States is considered the birthplace of modern retail chains. IN Western Europe RTS in the format we are familiar with today began to develop only in the 50s. twentieth century, although the first networks appeared in France in the second half of the 19th century. In the history of the development of retail chains, several main stages can be distinguished.

  • - 1859-1900 - the period of the birth of the first RTS and their initial development (the first retail chain is considered to be the American company A&P, an importer of Indian tea, which opened the first stores in New York, now the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company).
  • - 1900-1930 - a period of rapid growth. The idea of ​​retail chains has spread among retailers, and hundreds of new retail chains have emerged. American companies began to open branches abroad. In the field of network trade, processes of concentration, mergers and acquisitions begin.
  • - since the 1930s - a period of stable growth in the RTS sector, an increase in the market share of retail chains.
  • - started in the 50s active development network trade formats in Western Europe.
  • - Since the 60s, retail chains have begun to use new information technologies and actively introduce innovations.
  • - active sales began in the 70s.

Main advantages success in online business, firstly, is considered a good location. The second advantage is whether the network structure has foreign management or good foreign experience among the management team. This allows you to apply the experience already accumulated in network business technologies. The third key The moment of success can be called the price of the product. Network companies must make considerable efforts to conduct serious negotiations with suppliers of goods that are relatively profitable, both in price and in other delivery parameters. Besides, an important factor is to build a competent logistics system. It is not advisable to copy Western experience in Russian conditions, since Russia has always been distinguished by its special mentality and consumer behavior.

Of particular importance is coverage of the market segment, the possibility and necessity of working with a certain segment of consumers. It is important to calculate your capabilities and consumer needs, your ability to satisfy demand and provide supply to the selected segment of buyers. In addition, it is necessary to competently build an organizational structure and establish a system of interaction between the company’s business units.

The advantages of network companies are significant:

● adaptability to changing conditions, quick response to changing conditions;

● significant cost reduction, rational structure and increased income;

● attracting the best partners and competent performers to joint activities within the network.

Networks eliminate duplication of labor and capacity across different sites.

Weak spots network company and network management structure are as follows :

● when forming network companies, preference is given to specialization, while modern trends in the development of companies, on the contrary, indicate the need to focus on multifaceted general qualifications;

● there is a danger of over-complication arising, in particular, from the heterogeneity of the company's participants, ambiguity regarding its membership, openness of networks, uncertainty in planning for network members;

● the principles of network construction hinder the development of entrepreneurship;

● each network participant makes only a small contribution to the functioning of the entire network model, therefore the creation of organizational networks leads to increased interdependence;

● in network structures there is an excessive dependence on personnel, and the risks associated with staff turnover increase.

  1. Trade in the economic model “Russia - 2020”.

The strategy affects the wholesale and retail trade segments of consumer goods included in section G of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. From the spectrum of wholesale trade analysis wholesale trade in non-agricultural intermediate products, waste and scrap (fuels, metals, etc.) is excluded, and wholesale trade in machinery and equipment . Trade in motor fuel is excluded from the analysis of retail trade.

The developed provisions of the Strategy are based on the analysis of existing statistical data, interviews with representatives of the trade industry, the expert and business community, government officials, as well as other interested parties. The strategy also takes into account the provisions of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development Russian Federation until 2020 and approved development strategies for Russian industrial sectors and draft strategies prepared by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The strategy is aimed, first of all, to create an effective commodity distribution system that meets the requirements of the innovative scenario for the development of the Russian economy. The main goal of the Strategy- maximum full satisfaction of the population’s needs for trade services (physical accessibility, affordability of goods, high quality of goods and services) by creating an effective commodity distribution infrastructure (wide geographical coverage, high throughput, low unit costs) that meets the requirements of the innovative scenario for economic development of the Russian Federation .

To create such a commodity distribution system, it is necessary to significantly increase the number of retail spaces of modern formats in the Russian Federation, the share of modern formats in the industry turnover, the level of consolidation in the industry, and the share of distance trading. Based on the analysis of foreign experience, it was concluded that it is necessary to provide conditions for the development of competition, support for small businesses, without limiting the development of retail chains.

Trade is the most important sector of the country's economy, the state and efficiency of which directly affects both the standard of living of the population and the development of the production of consumer goods. In terms of tax revenues to the federal budget, trade ranks second among the main sectors of the economy.

Significant changes in the economic and political life of the country that have occurred in recent years have entailed significant changes in the nature and operating conditions of all sectors of the national economy, including retail trade. Currently, retail trade in the Russian Federation is undergoing dramatic changes. These changes are associated, first of all, with a sharp reduction in unorganized trade, the rapid and large-scale development of Russian retail chains, and the emergence of intense competition between large domestic and global international retail chains.

The development of retail networks is a necessity for Russia. We are still far behind many civilized states in this regard. For example, in cities such as Paris, London, Warsaw, more than 60 percent of goods are sold through trading networks. These are, as a rule, mobile, organized, modern sales technologies by trade enterprises. Our sales level is only 12 percent. As a result, spontaneous markets are formed; there are no conditions for trading quality goods. “The more supermarkets, hypermarkets, medium-sized stores we have, the better for the buyer. There will be healthy competition, therefore there will be a reduction in the price of the product"

Trade is currently, of course, one of the largest and most economically successful sectors of the Russian economy. Although not the most dynamic. Wholesale trade enterprises are developing at the fastest pace - with an annual increase of 34-36%. Retail shows from 23 to 29%.

The gross added value created by Russian trading enterprises amounts to more than 20% of GDP. At the end of 2005, the turnover of retail trade enterprises exceeded the mark of 2.5 trillion. rub., wholesale trade - the mark of 11 trillion. rub. In the restaurant business, which is often also considered as part of retail and has similar development factors, turnover reached 140 billion rubles. Here we mean the turnover of trading organizations (and not the turnover of trade in general), excluding for wholesale trade the turnover of foreign trade organizations and organizations providing intermediary services in the purchase and sale of consumer goods, and for retail trade - the turnover of sales in clothing, mixed and food markets.

In reality, there are limited groups and sectors in the trading industry that demonstrate dynamics that significantly exceed the industry average, or, conversely, develop less dynamically. Thus, growth is occurring at a particularly high rate in the segment of large enterprises. For example, in the wholesale trade of consumer goods, the growth rate of turnover remains steadily at the level of 40-45%, and in industrial and technical products - 22%. The turnover of large retail enterprises is growing by an average of 40%, in the restaurant business - by 30%

On the contrary, in the small business sector the rates are significantly lower - in retail - about 16% (i.e. almost purely inflationary growth), slightly higher in restaurants - 21%. The only area of ​​small business that is not inferior in dynamics to large ones is wholesale trade, here the pace remains at the level of 30-35% - primarily in the trade of consumer goods. Higher, compared to industry average characteristics, dynamics of development of large businesses also means good prospects for Information Technologies, since it is large enterprises are the main customers of high-budget IT projects. At the same time, in the largest enterprises - Western and Moscow retail chains - the pace is even more impressive. In the first half of 2006, according to INFOLine, they ranged from 40% (Magnit) to 52% (Kopeyka) for different networks.

Thus, the development of the trading industry in Russia is characterized by unevenness for different groups of enterprises. The sector of large enterprises, and above all, its core - the largest retail chains that control significant financial and market resources, stand out sharply from the general development trend.

The pressure from foreign companies requires domestic retailers to use new trading methods and effective technologies. For foreign companies Russian market in highest degree attractive in terms of its scale and possible income. These companies have advantages not only in the latest forms, methods, technologies, but also in large investments. Well-known transnational corporations Wal Mart, Aldi, Carrifour control 60-90% of retail turnover in some countries of the world.

Therefore, the network of domestic retailers is forced to actively use elements of marketing in order to flexibly adapt to foreign competitors and market changes. The work of the Wimm Bill Dann company in the field of organizing merchandising in the retail chains of the Seventh Continent store provides positive experience. In 2003 alone, the company managed to increase its turnover 6 times.

Both global and Russian experience confirm that consolidating stores into a single network is the most effective way to develop retail trade. In Europe, network trade controls 70-75% of retail turnover, and in Russia - at the level of 20-30%.

According to experts, a retail network can be effective when it includes 20 stores.

Today, the well-known Pyaterochka chain includes 69 economy-class supermarkets, the Perekrestok chain of stores includes 46 retail outlets, Kopeyka - more than 20 stores, Knacker, Seventh Continent - more than 15, Ramstore " - more than 12.

In Russia, chains of stores are actively developing and with a smaller area - up to 400 sq.m. - these are "Knacker", "Dixie", "Pyaterochka", "Avoska".

The advantages of network trading are obvious: it is known that large suppliers always strive to work with large clients. Therefore, purchasing prices and delivery conditions for the central office of a network trade are always more attractive than for any isolated retail outlet.

Centralization of commercial activities in chain trade allows one to avoid many of the disadvantages that are typical for a separate store. It’s not “affordable” for an isolated store to create an attractive assortment at competitive prices.

The approximate structure of the central office of network trade is shown in Fig. 7.3.

Rice. 7.3.

The retail network is characterized by modern forms of service, the main feature of which is the store format - a set of store characteristics that determine the assortment, the size of the retail space, forms and methods of customer service.

Conventionally, formats can be divided by sales area:

  • - for mini markets (bantams) - 90-400 sq. m;
  • - department stores, supermarkets, discounters - 400-3000 sq. m;
  • - hypermarkets - over 300 sq. m.

Supermarket is a department store with a sales area of ​​more than 400 sq. m. m, selling a wide range of more than 5,000 items, with high customer service.

Classic supermarkets include the stores of the trading houses "Perekrestok", "Seventh Continent", "BIN", "Azbuka Vkusa". They are characterized by a large assortment (5000-12,000 items), good quality services, prices higher than in regular stores, with a high trade margin of around 30%.

As a rule, supermarkets are aimed at buyers with average incomes.

The format of an “economical” supermarket is more consistent with the super- and hypermarkets “Ramstore” and “Paterson”, whose prices are slightly lower than in the “classic” ones.

“Soft” supermarkets include the stores of the Mini-Perekrestok, Kopeika, and Avoska chains. The main mission of such a store is to provide customers with quality goods at affordable prices, goods of a somewhat limited assortment (1500-2000 items). At the same time, there is a minimum of staff, simplified display, and limited service.

The world has accumulated a wealth of experience in operating chains of retail stores through discounter format stores.

A discounter is a retail food store that represents a shortened version of a supermarket both in terms of facility location and in relation to assortment, trading technologies, prices, and service.

The main idea of ​​the unter disk is the lowest possible prices with guaranteed quality of goods and ease of maintenance. This becomes possible in the mode of comprehensive support from the distribution center, which provides several retail outlets at once at low purchase prices, guaranteed by the assortment. As a result, there is a significant reduction in the cost of maintaining management personnel.

The capital's government, after transforming many wholesale markets into shopping centers, relied specifically on the untera disk format.

There are two types of unter disk.

The first type is the traditional untera disc, which provides customers with a minimum sufficient assortment in the in-line technology mode. This type includes discounters Pyaterochka and Mini-Perekrestok.

The second type is distinguished by more modern equipment of the sales area, its design, and marketing solutions for promoting products. This type includes discounters of the Kopeika and Spar chains. This format actively uses marketing communications for organizing tastings, advertising campaigns and other promotions from supplier merchandisers finished products, but at the same time maintaining affordable prices.

For example, the operation of the Kopeyka networks' unters' disk is based on adaptation to the operating conditions of the trading technology of the ALDI network company. All refrigeration and cash register equipment is purchased second-hand, which saves more than 40% of the cost of the equipment set. This allows the store to set fairly low prices.

Practice has shown that characteristic features The work of discounters are:

  • o centralization of procurement management and delivery of goods to points of sale;
  • o limiting the range of product groups to everyday goods;
  • o lack of warehouses in stores, operations for accepting delivered products from the central warehouse;
  • o simplicity of the trading process and self-service;
  • o complete interchangeability of sales personnel when minimum quantity discount store employees.

A hypermarket is a department store with a sales area of ​​more than 5,000 sq. m. m, which sells a wide range of goods (food and non-food) mainly through self-service.

An example of a hypermarket is the chain of stores of the Turkish company Ramenka, which built the first hypermarket in Moscow in 2000. Today the number of such hypermarkets is much higher; they operate as large self-service shopping complexes with a moderate trade margin of around 15%. Various food products and industrial goods more than 30,000 titles. In addition, Ramenka hypermarkets have their own bakeries, so customers are always pleased with fresh baked goods.

In the Ramenke hypermarket of 20,000 sq. m of retail space, 7,000 sq. m are allocated for the main food hall. m, and the rest is occupied by numerous retail outlets of other European companies, cafes, and bars. Daily through cash registers over 10,000 people pass through, and on holidays there are more than 25,000.

Hypermarkets are characterized by regular seasonal sales with 30-50% discounts, advertising and entertainment shows with drawings of checks, free prizes, competitions.

Since 2000, the government of the Moscow region has also become involved in the construction of hypermarkets, allocating 20 large land plots for the construction of shopping complexes within the framework of the target program "Governor's Ring".

It should be noted that network trade is based on a franchising system.

Franchising (literal translation - “preferential entrepreneurship”) is a form of long-term commercial cooperation between several companies, in which the franchising company transfers the rights to sell its goods and services to another franchisee company, which simultaneously receives the rights to use trademark, marketing technologies, service standards, corporate design and business reputation of the franchisor.

The franchising system in network trade is shown in Fig. 7.4.

Rice. 7.4.

As can be seen from Fig. 7.4, the sales network is headed by the franchisor company, which, through a concluded franchise contract, receives the rights to organize trade through the created network of stores.

The franchisee is an independent business entity who, under the franchise agreement, is obliged to comply with product quality standards, production technology and service operations. At the same time, the franchisor reserves the right to control over the obligations assumed within the franchise.

The franchising system is beneficial for all parties to the agreement. The franchisor is highly interested in increasing sales volumes without requiring large capital investments. For franchisees, working under the brand of a well-known retail chain is a guarantee of the “survival” of the business and motivation for its development. According to statistics, it is known that among independent trading companies only 15% survive in the market, while among franchised small businesses every 7 out of 8 companies develop successfully.

For the franchisor, when developing network trade, there is a risk of possible competition from new franchisees who have been trained and initiated into the secrets of corporate know-how.

In Russia, the franchising system has all the prerequisites for rapid development. Any company that is going to act as a franchisor must remember that when creating a distribution network, it is important to take into account the following criteria.

Initially, the franchisor company needs to have a popular brand. But in our market, not all companies have a really well-promoted trademark, while a brand is an intangible asset, the rental of which brings income to its owner in the form of “brand equity.”

The franchisor also needs practice-tested trading technologies and high-quality management methods. The amount of revenue must be sufficient to return the invested capital and strengthen corporate influence in the sales segments.

In the field of trade, two types of franchise networks are used: product franchising and business format franchising.

In the context of product franchising, the franchisee becomes an independent seller of goods in a designated territory and an exclusive representative of the franchisor’s trademark. The main condition of this transaction is that the franchisee undertakes to purchase goods only from the franchisor and completely refuses to sell similar goods from other manufacturing companies that may compete. This franchising system is actively used by manufacturing companies and wholesalers. In the Russian market, within the framework of trade franchising, the chains of the company "Monarch" and "Econika" - shoe trade - are successfully operating.

A more expensive franchising system is business format franchising. The McDonald's, Seventh Continent, and Kopeyka chains are developing according to this type. In this case, the franchisee is required to have high skill and strict adherence to established quality standards, trading technologies, distribution and promotion systems, as well as service standards. Regulations of all operations must be observed, starting from finding a place for a store and ending with job descriptions for each performer.

Business format franchising is understood as a single organizational structure, which is typical for any retail chain store, including branded clothing, corporate culture and social responsibility to customers.

This division of the franchising system is highly arbitrary, since in practice there is a mixture of the main elements of these systems.

When creating a franchising system, the franchisor performs the following functions:

  • o market research and selection of the location of a future retail outlet in different regions countries, taking into account the prospects for the development of network trade for the next 5 years;
  • o development and planning of retail premises taking into account the basic standards of the franchisor company using corporate technologies, working drawings for the repair and redevelopment of retail space with flexible application leasing elements;
  • o providing franchisee companies with business advice in the field of business planning, development of sections of a standard franchise contract;
  • o development of instructions on the algorithm of actions and execution of operations, as well as trading standards for the franchisee company. Reporting forms, directions for the policy of “hiring” performers, and their motivation are proposed;
  • o creation comprehensive program training and retraining of managers, as well as training of franchisee company performers in order to successfully replicate technologies and know-how of corporate business. In many cases, training centers are created to train salespeople. Training for a sales consultant with secondary specialized education lasts 5-7 days. Under such programs, senior managers of trading floors, accountants, cashiers, merchandisers, and promoters are trained in internship mode in order to successfully organize advertising campaigns. The manager is provided with an internship at an existing chain store.

For successful work In the franchise network, each franchisee is assigned a manager from the parent company, who advises, controls and provides operational assistance. At the same time, marketing plans for trade development and recommendations for advertising, display of samples in the sales area and effective promotions for trade promotion are proposed.

It is important for each franchisor that the main participants in the distribution network regularly undergo retraining on a paid basis over a period of 3-5 years.

Network trade in Russia has confirmed its viability. This was achieved as a result of the centralization of management of procurement and sales systems; equal partnership of all network participants; using market penetration strategies; marketing forms and methods of organizing trade and stimulating sales.

In general, a favorable situation has developed for the development of franchising in the country, in which civilized forms of trade are confidently winning, as well as a clear focus on customer needs.

The main task today is preparation qualified personnel in the field of network trade, capable of raising the national economy to a higher level.