We sew cool pillows: step-by-step master classes. Comfort and beauty in the home with your own hands: a master class on sewing sofa pillows Cloud pillow template

Cloud pillows look very cute and fit especially into little ones' rooms. Parents often decorate cribs with such pillows. Typically, the material used is soft pastel-colored fabric to emphasize that this is a children's room.

Watching the clouds, we often experience feelings of tenderness, lightness and softness.

Cloud shaped pillows will be great decorative element children's room.

It is better to fill such pillows with synthetic down or holofiber; these materials are hypoallergenic, hold their shape, withstand washing well and dry quickly.

Finding a similar product in a store is problematic. But it is very easy to create such a craft at home. It’s quite easy to sew, because the pattern is no different from the pattern of a regular pillow, it just has curly edges, reminiscent of a cloud.

The main thing here is to think through the design well, so that it is interesting, to choose quality materials.

To make the interior cheerful, combine different pillows with each other.

Materials are selected based on needs, but are usually taken soft cloth. Filler is also purchased according to needs. The most popular are padding polyester or batting. In this article we will take a closer look at the nuances of tailoring the product.

In the process of selecting fabrics, it is better to focus on the pattern and color of the wallpaper and other textile items in the children's room.

When thinking about the decor and style of the future product, be sure to take into account the style of the interior.

To sew such a craft, you don’t need expensive or rare materials; the parts can be found in any department or craft store.

It is better to sew children's pillows from thick ones natural materials.

  • Fabric of the desired color.
  • Threads to match.
  • The filling is padding polyester or batting; they create a smooth surface of the pillow.
  • Needle, sharp scissors.
  • Pencil, marker, pen and chalk - for transferring the pattern onto the fabric.
  • Thick paper of the size on which the desired size pattern will fit. You can use whatman paper or cardboard.
  • Optional ruffles, embroidery threads, beads, appliques, buttons and other accessories.

It is quite possible to sew the product by hand, but you will have to spend much more time than when sewing on a sewing machine.

Before starting work, fabrics must be washed and ironed with a hot iron in order to sew taking into account possible shrinkage.

If you intend to make a pillow not only to decorate the room, but also for sleeping, then it is advisable to sew a bedspread with a pillowcase for it.

Pattern and fabric for sewing a pillow

The pattern is created very simply - download a picture with a cloud outline that you like. Print it out, if you don’t have a printer, attach it White list paper to the screen and draw an outline with a pencil. Cut out the cloud along the outline.

At this stage, you can improvise as much as possible; you can make the cloud whatever you want.

Now all that remains is to transfer the drawing from paper to the selected material for the pattern, for example, cardboard or whatman paper. Place the cut out cloud on the cardboard and begin drawing, but not along the contour, but retreating from it to the selected length. After all, a printed cloud is small size, so you will have to deviate from it by 20-30 centimeters or even more, depending on the selected size of the finished product.

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the pillow.

After transferring the design to the pattern, cut it out with scissors. Ready! Later, the pattern is applied to the fabric and outlined with chalk, taking into account the indentations - about two centimeters. There are no special criteria for choosing fabric, but it is not advisable to choose stretchy fabric. Fleece is ideal because it is pleasant to the touch.

We fold the fabric in half so that we get 2 identical parts.

If you want to create a cloud with legs, then follow the steps described above to transfer the design from a picture from the Internet to paper. Just choose a cloud with legs.

Their popularity is well deserved - such products are easy to sew and look incredibly cute.

They are ideal for decorating children's rooms.

Sewing a pillow

There is nothing complicated when sewing a pillow, the main thing is to do everything carefully. If you plan to decorate the product with ribbon or lace along the edge, then immediately after cutting out two parts of the pillow from the canvas, a ribbon is sewn to one of them from the wrong side. It is better to sew the ribbon, bending it a little to get a beautiful curly line.

Cut with allowances of approximately 1-1.5 cm.

Cut out two parts of the future pillow from fabric, taking into account two centimeter indentations. If you plan to embroider a design or attach an applique to one side of the craft, do so before you start sewing the pillow.

We sew along the contour on a machine using a regular seam, leaving a hole of about 30 cm at the bottom, smaller if possible.

Place the two pieces right sides together. By hand or on a machine, stitch along the edge (taking into account the indentations) two parts, leaving about ten centimeters to turn the product inside out. Now fill the craft with sealant. Sew the hole very carefully by hand.

We will stuff our volume pad through the hole.

For the filler base, you can use regular padding polyester.

We baste the stuffed pillow along the unstitched edge.

We connect the two edges by folding the edges of the fabric inward and machine stitching along the edge.

The cloud pillow is ready. If you want to make a whole composition of pillows, then save this pattern. You can make several different products and decorate your room with them.

The result is such a cute pillow that will fit perfectly into the interior of any children's room.

For the base, it is better to choose plain fabrics or more thick fabrics top so that the pattern is not visible.

VIDEO: Master class on sewing a cloud pillow.

50 photos of original cloud-shaped pillows:

A soft and cozy cloud is one of the most pleasant and popular toys for adults and children. It is very easy to sew, and today we will tell you how to do it. We offer you a pattern, several useful tips and ideas for inspiration.

Such a cloud can be an excellent gift for parents of a newborn baby. Sew it pink or blue depending on the gender of the child. You can embroider a name on a cloud, and then the gift will become best sign attention. However, adults will also like this homemade cloud. It’s so nice to hug him, and looking at such an accessory is a pleasure. Replace the usual decorative pillows in the living room with a cozy flock of clouds - great idea even for a house where there are no children. Well, if you already have them, it’s definitely worth taking up sewing them.

What do we need?

  • a piece of thick fabric (preferably natural: linen or cotton)
  • pattern
  • stuffing material (if you are making a toy for a child, do not use feather stuffing - it can cause allergies)

How to sew a cloud?

Let's start with the pattern first. We offer you several options to choose from.

You can print any pattern, although this is not at all necessary, because drawing a cloud is very simple. Size doesn't matter here - choose for yourself. In our case it is 35*27 (up to extreme points).

Cut out two identical pieces from fabric. It is very convenient to make several pieces at once. We machine sew it from the wrong side, leaving an opening for turning inside out.

If you don't have a machine, you can easily do this by hand.

Please note that the edge can be further processed with outside or even trim it with piping.

All we have to do is decorate our clouds. Eyes can be drawn with a permanent marker. You can glue the applique.

Then we simply stuff the craft with soft and fluffy fillings (sintepon, for example) and sew up the hole. You can add small pompoms, loops so the clouds can be hung, or legs to sit the toy down.

It's probably hard to find a person who doesn't like such a cute toy. Place the clouds in your home and admire them. Sew a few if you have children - they will definitely enjoy playing with them.

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Do you want to update your baby's room and make his crib more comfortable? Then try decorating it with a few unusual decorative pillows. If you also have creative skills, then sew these products yourself to make everything simple, quick and economical. The main thing here is to think through the design well, so that it is interesting, and choose high-quality materials. In this article we will tell you how to create a cloud pillow with your own hands step by step.

To truly create interesting thing, the baby was pleased to sleep on it, lie as if on a real cloud, be sure to use the recommendations of already experienced craftswomen in the process of creating it.

These include the following points:

  • To make the interior cheerful, combine different pillows with each other. You can combine the composition using color, shape or print.

Important! In the process of selecting fabrics, it is better to focus on the pattern and color of the wallpaper and other textile items in the children's room. For example, pillows can be in harmony with the upholstery of the sofa, curtains and blanket.

  • When thinking about the decor and style of the future product, be sure to take into account the style of the interior. Yes, for modern interior bright pillows in the form of toys are suitable for classic rooms- products of traditional styles and calm shades in the form of pillows with ruffles and bolsters.
  • It is better to sew children's pillows from dense natural materials. For example, cotton or linen, which wash well, look much more beautiful than synthetic fabrics.
  • Before starting work, fabrics must be washed and ironed with a hot iron in order to sew taking into account possible shrinkage.
  • It is better to use holofiber or synthetic fluff as a filler. These are hypoallergenic materials that retain their shape well after washing.
  • If you intend to make a pillow not only to decorate the room, but also for sleeping, then it is advisable to sew a bedspread with a pillowcase for it. Such pillowcases are easier to wash, and due to this, the interior can be updated again at any time.

Pattern and fabric for sewing a pillow

Before sewing a cloud pillow with your own hands, choose the right fabric. Moreover, it is not necessary to go to a specialized store for it. Perhaps you have some kind of baby blanket left that you no longer use for its intended purpose. In principle, you can create a designer product even from an ordinary sheet white. If you have a piece of pink fur fabric made of velor or flannel at home, then you are even luckier - the pillow will be pleasant to the touch and soft.

To make patterns, take a piece of whatman paper or cardboard measuring 30 by 50 cm, draw a cloud with a pencil, and decorate a wavy edge with a glass or cup. Just turn it upside down kitchen utensils: to get bulging waves, use a cup; to get concave waves, use a glass.

Important! At this stage, you can improvise as much as possible; you can make the cloud whatever you want. If you want to get a drawing with correct forms, then fold the cardboard in half lengthwise, draw a wavy line on the side and top, then cut along the marked line. Unfold the leaf and you will get a symmetrical cloud.

Making a cloud pillow with your own hands

IN modern world interiors have their own trends, and today the cloud pillow is at the peak of popularity. The master class offered below will help you make it yourself.

Important! Their popularity is well deserved - such products are easy to sew, look incredibly cute, and are ideal for decorating children's rooms.

As the main material, you can use an old sweater, T-shirt or cotton sweatshirt. Also prepare synthetic down, sewing supplies, patterns and a sewing machine.

Sew a pillow in the shape of a cloud according to these instructions:

  1. You already have the pattern, now attach it to the fabric folded in half with a pin, grabbing the bottom layer of material. Trace the outline of the cloud, start cutting out the blanks, stepping back from the edge by about 0.7 mm for allowances.
  2. Sew two parts of the pillow along the already drawn outline, not forgetting to leave about 10 cm unsewn so that you can then fill the product through this hole.
  3. Make small cuts in the corners and places where the cloud is rounded so that the shape of the pillow is correct and neat.
  4. Turn the pillow inside out and stuff it tightly with synthetic down, helping yourself with any available tool.
  5. Sew the remaining hole closed with a blind stitch.

Video material

This master class not only shows how to sew a cloud pillow yourself, but will also be useful to you in the future for making others. similar elements decor. You can change shapes, colors, and add new elements if you wish. For example, a cloud can be decorated with arms and legs, rosy felt cheeks or beady eyes. It can turn into a moon, a star, a heart, a raindrop or candy. Experiment, taking into account your child’s aspirations and interests and his age.

Darling decorative pillow“Cloud” is another highlight of your interior. Also, the pillow can serve as an effective accessory for a photo shoot, a decorative element for romantic evening, bachelorette party, children's party. This pillow can be used as a gift to a loved one or a child - the fact that it is made with your own hands will add value to it and make it even more beautiful.

To sew a pillow you need very little:
  • - Pattern in the form of a cloud of the required size;
  • - A piece of fabric of any type and color;
  • - Filler (cotton wool, padding polyester, holofiber, spunbond);
  • - Threads of a suitable color;
  • - Needle;
  • - A set of safety pins for fixing the material;
  • - Fabric chalk or marker;
  • - Scissors.

The small size of the pad makes it possible to sew it without using sewing machine fast and simple.
As a filler, you can use any of the materials listed above that are most accessible to you. Even many small shreds will do. I have it lying around big piece spunbond, I used it, cutting it into strips. As for patterns, it is better to print a picture of a cloud on two sheets, cropping it in text editor in half (each half of the picture on a separate sheet).
So, let's start sewing the Cloud pillow.
1. Cut out all parts of the pattern, lay them out on the wrong side of the fabric and trace them. Attention! The fabric should be folded in such a way that the lower border of the cloud coincides with the fold line of the fabric: this will require much less stitching.

2. Secure the top and bottom layers of fabric with safety pins so that they do not come off and you can cut out two layers at the same time. Cut out a cloud shape.

3. Sew both layers from the wrong side, retreating slightly from the outline, leaving a little unstitched space on the edge for filling.

4. Remove the pins and turn the figure inside out.

5. Fill the pillow tightly with filler. Sew the opening for filling with a blind stitch.

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To update the interior of a children's room and make your baby's crib more comfortable, just decorate it with a couple of decorative pillows. We offer creative mothers to sew them with their own hands, because it is done quickly, simply and on a budget. The main thing here is to come up with interesting design and choose the right materials.

In this article, we have collected 30 inspiring photo examples of children's pillows for beginners and experienced craftswomen, and also prepared 3 step-by-step master classes on DIY sewing:

  1. Toy pillows in the shape of a cloud.
  2. Letter pillows.
  3. Patchwork style pillows.
  • Combine different pillows with each other to make the interior more fun. The composition can be united by the shape, color or print of the products. When selecting fabrics, it is easiest to focus on the colors and patterns of the wallpaper, as well as the rest of the textiles in the children's room. For example, pillows can match curtains, sofa upholstery and, of course, a blanket.
  • When coming up with the style and decor of the future product, take into account the style of the interior. If, say, you can sew bright toy pillows for a modern interior, then products of calm colors and traditional styles in the form of bolsters and pillows with ruffles or tassels, as in the photo below, are more suitable.

  • To sew children's pillows, it is advisable to use natural and dense fabrics (linen, cotton), which are much easier to wash, say, felt, and look much more beautiful than synthetics like fleece.
  • Before sewing, you should wash and iron the fabric, then you will sew taking into account the shrinkage of the material.
  • It is clear that children's pillows should be washed often, but how to wash decorative pillows that do not have pillowcases and must always retain their shape? We recommend using the following as a filler for children's scops owl toys and soft bumpers:
  1. Sintepukh (not to be confused with padding polyester);
  2. Holofiber.

These materials are hypoallergenic, hold their shape well after washing, and can be washed in washing machine at low temperatures even with spinning. Unfortunately, synthetic winterizer, natural down, buckwheat, batting, foam rubber and other fillers do not have such properties.

  • If you want to make a decorative and sleeping pillow at the same time, for example, a bolster or bumper for a crib, then it is recommended to sew not just a pillow, but a bedspread with a pillowcase. After all, removable pillowcases are much easier to wash; besides, by sewing one pillowcase and a pair of matching pillowcases, you can update the interior according to your mood.

Master class No. 1: Sweater cloud pillow

As you know, the world of children's interiors has its own trends, and cloud-shaped pillows are at the peak of popularity. They are good because they are easy to sew, look cute and are suitable for decorating the room of both a boy and a girl. In this master class we will tell you how to sew a soft cloud with your own hands from any sweater in a pleasant color.


  1. Sweater (preferably made of polyester, not acrylic. By the way, instead of a sweater, you can take an old cotton sweatshirt, T-shirt, etc.);
  2. Synthetic fluff;
  3. Sewing supplies;
  4. Sewing machine (if you have one);
  5. Paper for making patterns.

Step 1. Draw a pattern on paper in the form of a cloud or any other shape that you like.

Step 2. Turn the sweater inside out (!) and attach the resulting template to it (including the back layer of fabric) using pins as shown in the photo. Then we outline the outline of the cloud and begin to cut out the blanks with an indentation of approximately 0.7 mm (for allowances).

Step. 3. Now we begin to sew the two parts of the pillow along the previously drawn outline, but be sure to leave about 10 cm unsewn.

Step 4. We make cuts in the places where the cloud is rounded and in the corners - this will make the shape of the pillow neater and more correct.

Step 5. Turn the pillow inside out and stuff it tightly with filling, helping yourself, for example, with a Chinese chopstick. Finally, close the opening with a blind stitch.

Woo-ala! The baby pillow is ready!

Based on this master class, you will be able to sew pillows of the most different forms and colors. For example, a cloud can have arms and legs, beady eyes and rosy cheeks made of felt.

Instead of a cloud, you can sew a star, a raindrop, a moon, a heart or a candy. See the following selection of photos for examples of such pillows.

Master class No. 2: Letter pillow

And now we propose to sew another simple but original letter pillow, which will help to personalize a nursery or a bed, if, for example, there are more children.


  1. Textile;
  2. Synthetic fluff;
  3. Sewing supplies;
  4. Sewing machine.

By combining 3 types of fabric, you can use leftovers and make your pillow design more fun.

Step 1. Select a letter, draw it (or print it in A4 format) and cut it out along the contour.

Step 2. Now we need to cut out two parts of the pillow - the front and the back.

  • To cut out the front part of the pillow you need to: place our template face up on the fabric lying face up, trace it and then cut out the blank.
  • To cut out the back side of the letter you need to do everything the same way, but first turn the template “wrong side” up, that is, according to the principle of mirror reflection.

Step 3. Now you should prepare the side of the pillow.

  • Its length should be equal to the perimeter of the letter + 2 cm for allowances. You determine the width of the sidewall yourself, for example, it can be 4 cm, then taking into account the 2 cm seam allowance, the width of the workpiece will be 6 cm.

But since you most likely won't be able to cut a single strip of fabric, you will need to cut several strips of the same width and stitch them together so that you end up with one strip of the desired length.

Step 4. Sew the side panel to the first letter. To do this, we fold them facing each other and begin to grind along the entire perimeter of the workpiece.

  • For convenience, the side strip can be attached with pins.

We repeat the same procedure with the second half of the pillow, but leave a small section unfinished.